Guest Episode
March 24, 2023
Episode 95:
Gut Health, Biohacking & the Root Cause
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Joel Evan is a health coach and integrative health practitioner that helps his clients get to the root cause of their issues, whether it's weight loss, gut health, or even something more serious like auto-immune conditions so that they can start living the best version of themselves.
Joel is also the host of "The Hacked Life" podcast, and his motto: "Live Healthy, Live Happy."
Today, Joel and I will discuss the root causes of disease, gut health and biohacking. Enjoy the show.
all right Joel welcome to True Hope cast thanks for being with me today how are you what is going well Simon great to be
here it's an honor and a pleasure I'm super excited so thanks for having me on beautiful well tell us who you are and
what it is that you do please yeah man so you know I uh you know believe it or not I was a first responder for almost
15 years and we were just talking uh before offline I was I was in San
Francisco uh as a police officer you know believe that and uh I saw it all you know for sure but something happened
to me on my journey there well one is well I I actually lost my job in the pandemic just a year ago and so that was
one thing that just really uprooted me but uh on before that even happened I'll just take you back I mean probably even
six years ago I had kind of just realized I want to do something different in my life and I want to do something more and I felt like I wasn't
really aligned with some of the things that I was doing at work I was becoming disenfranchised with the job and was
looking for a new just new things that I I was gonna really align me with what I felt my higher calling was right and so
I was always into Natural Health and health in general and you know seeing my mom go through have she was you know she
suffered with breast cancer and my mother-in-law had hypothyroidism I have a young boy who's eight-year-old I have
an eight-year-old and a five-year-old and he even had some issues in his early you know childhood my eight-year-old he
even had some issues you know even when he was three and I wanted to figure out like how do we get people better how do
we get to the root cause of some of these diseases without giving people pills that we know don't work it might
sure it might you know blunt the symptoms but people aren't getting better from these diseases how do we get
people better and I really wanted to know why and so that led me down a path of going and connecting with multiple
naturopaths and getting multiple Health coaching holistic health coaching certifications and life coaching certifications and it just kept me going
on this never ending path I was able to launch my own podcast just three years ago and that has been beautiful it's
called the hack Life podcast where I've got to connect with just a lot of great health experts like Dave asprey Dr Mindy
Peltz uh when you look at the mindset and entrepreneurs like David Meltzer just all these amazing people and I just
feel truly blessed I feel so aligned with what I'm doing and um yeah and now here I am talking to you
here you are talking to me yeah well that sounds like quite the journey and yeah it's just amazing you're able to recognize that what you were doing
didn't quite you know it's probably serving you in many different ways and obviously paying the bills and that's that's a that take that's a big factor
in these things right but something quite wasn't um aligning with maybe your true authenticity and you
were able to you know use that experience and lifestyle you have with natural health and you know dabbling
here and there and you know just experimenting and finding different things and re-educating US ourselves
that's just awesome you've come onto that Journey so good for you like so what what's your primary focus at the
moment in regards to um coaching and helping people with this I mean we're going to get into root
cause of disease for sure so you know like what's the kind of the primary things you work with at the moment yeah
so I don't know if you know this but we have a we have a crisis on our hands at least in America and I think worldwide
uh I think the statistic last time I checked is 88 of Americans are metabolically unhealthy that means only
12 of you guys out there are actually healthy and doing well and that is sad
um and I want to definitely put a dent in that and start to change people's lives because we can just look at over
the last two years when we look at the pandemic the people that were most affected the people that had cyto kind
storms that were in the hospital these people all had some kind of underlying root cause you want to call it a disease
or just root cause illness and most of those were metabolic diseases and I'm talking about diabetes heart disease
atherosclerosis blood pressure issues all of these are related to metabolic health and those people suffered the
most and so if you're just looking at that little microcosm of of health and saying hey why did all these people end
up in the hospital and other people didn't well there you go that's going to be a huge factor and so to think that
people are not healthy and that weight diabetes blood sugar issues is a huge problem I am hell-bent on making a
difference in that Arena I'm also actually really good with gut health and believe it or not a lot of people that
have weight loss issues or metabolic health issues a lot of times gut health comes into that I'm sure we'll get into
that and how that affects everyone knows kind of now there's no secret that gut health and Immunity there's a huge
correlation so those are my two primary focuses right now cool so yeah you mentioned 88 of Americans are
metabolically unhealthy I don't I don't think that stats as high anywhere else but everywhere else is just going up and
it it always fascinates me in regards to how much time and power energy money people give
towards conventional medicine and then we just look at like how we're just getting sicker and sicker and sicker and
that's just burdening the system even more and it's just an absolute Whirlwind of Destruction
um so I mean this you could you could talk to me for five hours about this particular question but why especially
in America like why why 88 of people metabolically unhealthy what's the what
some of the root causes within the societal structure I think you nailed it on the head with one of the things you mentioned is that the modern medical
system is not going to get people better now one of the things that I focus a lot with my clients is mindset beliefs
limiting beliefs the subconscious and how our ideas and concepts of reality or
our life you don't have to say reality but just the concepts that we believe how that leads to overall health and
impact and on a just a simple level of when think about this and listen I was I
was born and raised in the western model you know my parents had insurance if I was ever sick I went to the doctors I
got my regular checkups they gave me penicillin they gave me all the drugs and all that kind of stuff and that was
normal for me and so guess what as a young kid my belief is hey if you're sick you go to the hospital you see a
western doctor now over time I don't know what it was that transformed me I know I know I can just
tell you when I was 18 years old I remember I got into bodybuilding and I got in that was probably my my entry
into Natural Health now bodybuilding is the most natural health kind of thing but it got me into exercise and that
created this habit of exercise Nutrition Fitness and guess what I wanted to learn
more like how do I get bigger how do I get stronger how do I increase my performance and so I kept I had a
subscription to muscle and fitness magazine for at least three years and just geeking out on on like how to
change and enhance my body and so you start then so what happened exercise then led to how to eat properly to
maximize my fitness and so that led to another thing and then over time I learned well some of these principles
are correct but you know I was also doing a lot of things that you shouldn't be doing I was drinking this drink
called No explode I don't know if you're familiar with that but it's just like you know too much caffeine in it it was
just ridiculous full of synthetic colors and stuff but hey I was told like this is going to get you pumped up and this
is going to get you big and it's got creatine in it and um you know I would eat all kinds of processed food and
chicken because I oh I didn't care I just want to put protein in my body just stuff myself with protein and eat these
disgusting protein shakes because I was told this is going to get you big and hey we know that protein is helpful in
getting muscles big but I'm just telling you there was probably some things I wasn't doing right but again that led me
on that journey to uh more of a natural health and moving away from the western
side of that Western doctor right and then I just was never in the hospital because I was always you know pretty fit
so um I don't even know what you asked me because I just went on a tangent talking
about um uh talking about that so yeah just remind me so I want to make sure I answer that question yeah basically it
was just like I mean it's a huge question regardless to like why so much of the American population you know just
so so wildly unhealthy when I personally believe we all want to feel good we all want to thrive but there has to be some
like psychological aspects and needs that were not being met that drive us
into this this continuous pattern of just you know literally eating and
feeding and sitting ourselves into disease yeah so I wanna I'm gonna break
that down and we'll talk about processed food and how that's leaving and that's leading into cravings and I interviewed a couple experts talking about that
dopamine and Cravings we'll get into some of the Neuroscience why I think these habits are is what's leading us to
overall continuing this cycle like you're saying of not being healthy but I want to go back to what I was saying
because that's why I lost my train of thought about the concepts the beliefs so again most people are raised with
this belief unless something changes for them that oh well this is being I'm being healthy by going to the Western
doctor and I'm just going to tell you the name uh I had a great podcast guest Dr Robert Rowan who's a functional
medicine doctor and he said Joe I'll bet you 100 right now and I've done this with thousands and thousands of practitioners in the world I will bet
you a hundred dollars right now if you can name a disease for me that a pharmaceutical has ever cured and the
answer is there is really none so you might be able to find some technicality but the reality is you're going to be
speechless and he hasn't lost that bet yet so here's a guy putting that putting
what we're talking about on the table and he's putting some money up and you can't answer that but yet we're all
under this gay uh this guy is that oh well the Western doctor or that that kind of medicine that kind of system is
how I get better or and I don't see that I was at a hospital recently because I had to get some blood work done and I
was amazed I was just sitting there kind of taking it all in I'm like wow this is a hospital right you think of
Wellness there's nobody in here that's well everybody here is sick this is a place where sick people go and they just
get sicker is what I is what I see over and over again and even you know you just look at the food pyramid and
there's so many just problems with that but basically what I'm getting at is we are getting our information from these
doctors or experts that we trust we're putting our faith in and I just got to say I I don't think again name the last
time they've ever cured a disease or gotten somebody better they haven't yeah I mean sure they can they can blunt your
system there's your symptoms like we've talked about in the beginning but they're not getting people better who's getting people better naturopaths
functional medicine docs chiropractors some of these people that I'm around so that's that's the way I look at it so I
think that's a big thing and people need to come out and really start getting some awareness of hey what are my
beliefs and what are my ideas of health because if you're under the belief that the Western doctor is how you get well
I'm not seeing it and I don't and I think if you take a step back you'll realize that's not true so I think a one
a huge huge component is is beliefs right yeah you spot on that because I'm
just thinking about like you know when kids play when kids play doctor and you know the way that we they're depicted in
in cartoons and in books you know like it's so you get sick you go to the doctor you get sick you go to the doctor
it's almost like we're pre-programming our children to recognize that that's the only option I don't think I've ever read or seen a cartoon where someone
gets sick and they go and get acupuncture that might be a little genre open there for that you know um you're right on you're spot on
brother yeah so you know just as we you know we see our our parents and other adults interacting
the world you know we obviously learn those behaviors and we learn that you know we get sick we go into the doctor we go to the hospital whatever that is
and we believe that they're going to cure us or treat us or do whatever and obviously they're you know we've got
surgeries and you know some quite remarkable emergency medicine that does quite wonderful things but yeah you know
at the end of the day um it's very very limited system and
especially if you're looking at chronic disease root disease there's nothing for you within that model and you might
spend 10 20 years um coming off different types of medications and trying different things
even surgical interventions at times um most people hopefully will find their
way to natural medicine but it sucks that they have to go through so many sometimes Decades of struggle and strife
and and they never find somebody who actually like you know sits there and listens to them and gives them
a little bit of um self-responsibility with it you know because we look at going to the doctor about getting a pill or was just getting a prescription
getting something that's going to fix our 20 years of eating badly you know it's just not doesn't really work like
that it's not really the reality that's actually out there so yeah it's great that people like you are out there that are able to you know
educate yourselves and learn more and then inevitably go out there and just try and help people not have to struggle
for so many years before they inevitably inevitably realize that conventional medicine is not really going to serve
them in the long run I'd love to just talk about root cause of disease can you tell us a
little bit about that like for people who don't really who may have heard of it don't really understand it because you know we have different pathologies
different diseases out there I've got names you know ticking blocks of symptoms and then that's what that is
um rather than looking at you know root causes and origin and how does um conventional medicine miss the really
important idea of like what a root cause is okay so amazing question here I'm going to
actually tell you a quick just a quick story this kind of highlight what you're talking about this is what what is the Western medicine what are they missing
right so I had a client I was working with and she had she had clearly she was
you know entering her you know 40s or 50s I can't remember exactly and she was having some hormonal issues and she goes
Hey listen I want to get my hormone panel ran and they go okay well yeah we can we can do uh we can do like the very
basic it's a very general panel they'll do there and she goes no no no no you don't understand I want my estrogen I
want my T4 I want reverse T I want like I want a whole like I want the estradiol
there's she's like did you know there's like multiple forms of estrogen I want to see each one of them and they're like whoa whoa whoa whoa we we don't we don't
do that she goes that's what I want I want to be able to see it and and the nurse is like going back and forth or
she's telling me the story on the phone the nurse is going back and forth on the fish goes listen we don't I'm sorry to tell you but we
don't we don't treat um we don't we don't treat you for that we just treat the symptoms that's it and
I thought that was so hilarious because I wasn't on the phone with her but I thought wow she was it was probably a
very organic conversation and it there was probably the nurse was probably being very honest like I'm not like we
just don't do that and so I just thought it was hilarious though that she had just admitted to her
on the phone like yeah we don't we don't get you better we just treat the symptoms until the symptoms just manifest to even worse that we can't
treat them or we have to keep changing or prescribing different uh drugs right because they don't they don't work as
they're not as effective and they'll do very limiting tests to actually not really give you a full picture of like
what's going on it's like obviously that type of thing is expensive but at the end of the day it's kind of like if you
really wanted to do it if you're going to do a blood test do it properly and you know get really specific with it so
it's a very interesting thing that we we don't really do like the full hormone panel if we're looking to do a hormone
panel like a lot of people don't recognize that there's so many more hormones out there that we could be testing actually getting a lot more
information from but there's a weird like they don't want to get you better unfortunately that's the truth of the
matter they I was you know I always think about this as a as an entrepreneur and a business owner myself and having a
coaching a virtual coaching practice I always think man I wish I what an
amazing business model like you get to actually come out and say like hey uh I
actually I don't have any results that I don't I actually won't get you better again I can't promise I will eventually
actually this medicine will probably make you worse but it can actually make you feel better temporarily
um and by the way I'm gonna I'm gonna put you on a subscription model for 30 years with me for like some diabetic
pill or whatever until you die you good with that and I just think like wow I wish I had invented that like you're
gonna be on a 30-year subscription membership model with Joel and uh he's just gonna collect your money every
month and I I actually won't get you better but you're gonna continue to pay me I'm like what an amazing model no
responsibility and infinite income right regular income well that model certainly exists and someone did invent it so yeah
that's good for them yeah so I think that just highlights kind of what you're talking about in terms of
the the root causal you know in in the western model or the funk that that model just not getting to these root
causes and now when you talk about root causes I mean there's so many but really you have to look at everybody and this
is the way I like to explain to people you need to look first of all I think this I don't even believe in disease
that's this can be very controversial I don't even believe in things like Ms multiple sclerosis or or par I have
Parkinson's disease I have um name another disease I have Addison's disease I I don't care what what these diseases
are these are all just names that were given by other doctors because they couldn't figure out what was going on in
your body that was wrong all a disease is guys is simply an
imbalance in the body that's it the body's just communicating with you and saying I am out of balance I am out of
equilibrium the body is very intelligent and it will come back to equilibrium
when you give it the right input that's what it needs and it can heal on its own if it's given the right input
but if it's not then it manifests into based on our genetics based on certain
toxic load and Pathways hey then it manifests into something sure we can call Ms we can call autism or whatever
the hardest part I have and with this whole thing is that when clients or
anybody is told you have MS you have this name of a disease they become that
disease they manifest they manifest it even more they they act out the disease
they start to tell their friends yep I got Ms that's just the way life is I have to deal with that for the rest of
my life from a psychological perspective I've seen many amazing healings and if you want to get on like a higher level
like a metaphysical level I've seen amazing healings and one of
the biggest parts of healing that people don't understand is the idea of the emotions and the mind
that play on healing and so a big part of what we talk about is mindset like do you have the mindset the belief that you
will get better well if I'm a Doctor Who holds a ton of authority and Power
just based on like you said the programming as a kid growing up right that these are the experts trust them
they know everything and they tell me an authority figure tells me you have MS well that's it I
just I just wrote my destiny unless I'm someone who has a different mindset and can say ah I don't believe that actually
something's going on in my body why is that going on I don't know let's figure it out now why is it going on because
you asked that root cause level here's why it's going on we are being bombarded by everything and so just imagine
yourself as a bucket okay and in the bucket it's empty but as life goes on we
start to fill our bucket with all kinds of things stress emotions mortgages kids
uh Financial stress relationship stress bad food lack of sleep bad nutrition all
these things start to pile into our threat bucket and then guess what something some type of incident
eventually our body is screaming out for help and says Joel I can't deal with this anymore and the bucket starts to
overflow and when our bucket starts to overflow that's what manifests into
whatever you want to call name the list of diseases and that's what we start to see with
with folks unfortunately yeah a very long term chronic imbalance and I was
having this conversation this morning about trying to explain the sympathetic nervous system and parasympathetic nervous system and how like you know
your body is just not designed to be in a stress state for so long and it can only deal with that in a very short
period of time and when we experience you're sympathetic nervous system being on constantly literally the whole time
we're conscious and awake your body at some point there's a there's a Breaking Point right you can't keep doing the
incredible magical things that it does like all of the time and inevitably there's going to be a system there's
going to be a tissue there's going to be a structure that is going to um that's going to break first and
that's you know what many of the times that we end up you know calling it some sort of pathology some sort of disease
that we look at this in this very reductionist model where it's like oh okay so it's your it's your thyroid it's
your it's your knee it's like you know and then we then we're going to see a specialist about that and we don't really look at the you know the other
underlying factors so that kind of leads us into like let's talk about how does gut health and root cause
um come together because yeah like a lot of people are going through their GP with a problem they might go and see a
specialist and we're just like they're just like narrowing down the body part um which you know doesn't serve because
that individual doctor you're going to go and see like sees patients about their knee just like a hundred times a
day right and that's all they know that's what they focus on if you're going to ask them about your shoulder they're like going to see a you know shoulder guy so it's like where are we
missing in regards to like uh the root cause of disease and then how does the gut come into it well I think you know a
lot of a lot a lot of your listeners and just a lot of people are now more and more than ever where about gut health
because it has become a little bit more mainstream now we have this term known as leaky gut which in the past would
have never been you know said that oh that doesn't exist I think people are coming around there's statistics that go
out there and say hey 80 of your immunity is based on your gut health and so if you have a vibrant and good Rich
gut Flora you most likely and that's true we see it that you have a vibrant
health and So speaking about the the nervous system right what about that gut brain access right we talk about that
well you have a vagal nerve that runs all through your body and it connects to the gut and so if your gut bacteria is
off that could be sending stuff up to the top of your brain and you might be having who knows more anxiety or
different issues you know depression depression right because you're not making the neurotransmitters in the gut
you know for I think 400 times the Melatonin is made in your gut so maybe
if you're having sleeping issues Wow Let's go check out your gut maybe that that maybe that's an issue and so you
know there's a lot of correlation one of the great things to do with the gut um you know I like to talk about that vagal nerve is
you know if you ever had butterflies or you know you're about to go on stage and talk everyone gets queasy they get nervous in their stomach well why are
they getting nervous in their stomach when it's an emotional thing well guess what your vagus nerve is communicating
with the stomach and it's communicating up to your brain and that's why you feel that gut brain connection so there's a
huge thing and we were talking about I mentioned autism too right um you know there's a great study out
there not widely talked about but there is a chemical out there guys known as glyphosate or Roundup the weed killer
the pesticide that we have been spraying on crops and we've been told all for so many so many years that this is totally
healthy it just all it does is destroy the weeds it doesn't Destroy Humans at all well guess what there was a recent
Court decision in the last three months where the Environmental Protection Agency in the United States which is the
EPA guys the EPA is supposed to go out and the key word peas protect they're supposed to protect us they're supposed
to be looking out for these harmful chemicals and doing rigor first testing and saying hey if there's something that
could possibly be harming us we don't want that in our food or water or anything right well
the court said you got a huge problem with this glyphosate because the
information I'm getting shows that there's a huge issue with people's health and the the amount of glyphosate
found in their bodies and I don't think you're telling the truth and so they pretty much the judge slapped the EPA
and said you need to go back and I want some new guidelines new recommendations based on what the safety is of
glyphosate we've been spraying this on our crops for years I don't know how many how many years but I had a great
expert Dr Stephanie senoff on my podcast and she even wrote she's from MIT she's a researcher she's done tons of work on
glyphosate alone and there's an interesting graph with glyphosate the
the Inception of glyphosate in our Agriculture and guess what autism now she's a senior MIT researcher and so
everyone would say well Stephanie you can't um you can't say causation correlation she told me listen Joel as
an expert am I this is an MIT researcher she said they will always tell you that
because they don't want you to continue to like look or search she goes but the
first place you always look is causation and correlation so let's not make a mistake about that now there's other
reasons that could be for autism but why would that why would that even make sense well guess what glyphosate
actually destroys the tight junctions in your gut and if those tight junctions get messed up and open now we start to
have leaky gut now we have proteins and lipopolysaccharides that are leaking into the bloodstream and those toxins
start to guess what create autoimmunity your body starts to see proteins in the blood that goes hey that shouldn't be
here starts to attack itself now you get things like who knows could be autism could be some kind of other autoimmune
disease that I that I don't even know of that we want to name um and so huge correlation there with
the gut glyphosate is also bad for your collagen Matrix and so your ability to actually have a strong bone structure
think about all the athletes out there right think about all the probably injuries we're going to be seeing um it destroys not only that but it also
takes away nutrients and detox Pathways such as glutathione which is your master antioxidant so there's just so many
things just wrong with that but that's a that's a great you know again kind of correlation of how gut how important our
gut health is and when it comes to just overall immunity yeah absolutely I mean
glyphosate it's got so many negative aspects on human health not separate
from the environment right but uh just the fact that you know we're talking about something that's prevalent kind of
in everybody's body and you can be as healthy as you want to be it's just it's just going to be there and it's method
method of action within the body and we've only really just started to understand about the microbiome and the
the trillions of clusters of microorganisms that live within us and how this you know glyphosate product is
is this antimicrobial totally and you know how important our diversity of microorganisms within it
within our case so so important for everything from synthesizing vitamins to
regulating our immune system our nervous system so so much so honestly when you take a step back and you look all of it
it's so unbelievably obvious that these horribly like wildly toxic things are just causing Devastation within within
our kids and within within the human body it makes it makes absolute total sense um Simon on that note I just want to
continue before we move on think about this right too and think about the Western approach you take an antibiotic
well I was loaded off those well I just interviewed an expert recently said Joel you know like one antibiotic like one
pill I think it's like one pill kills like two-thirds of your microbiome it's just like a Napalm bomb going on in your
microbiome now why do we feel better with that well yeah it does kill the good bacteria but it also kills I'm
sorry the bad bacteria but it also kills the good and what we see usually is the bad bacteria then grows back and
overpopulates and now you you've got a whole nother issue so you might feel good in the the the the you know the
interim but yeah long run you're not going to be doing too good and I've seen it happen with a ton of clients and just
think about I love words and I love the etymology of words but just think about anti-biotic anti-meaning against bio
meaning life you are killing and crushing life and these organisms the more and more I learn about the gut I'm
just fascinated because you know coming from the holistic health practitioner kind of lens even I would look at hey if
you have an imbalance in your gut you have candida yeast overgrowth you have parasites you have H pylori oh well
guess what I'm gonna do I'm gonna take my assassins I'm gonna take my herbals that I know like oregano and some of
these good synergies and I'm going to destroy that candida I'm going to destroy that H pylori well guess what
we all have E coli in our gut we all have candida already we all have H
pylori in our gut these are normal actually bacteria but what happens is
when a toxin is introduced in our body they start to pleomorph and they
basically they get out of control kind of just like the antibiotic they get out of control they overpopulate and now we
have too much Ace pylori in our body and now you start to feel sick you start to manifest these symptoms and so instead
of really going after and killing everything in our gut there is like this amazing relationship that you were just
talking about there is this kind of this harmony in equilibrium in our gut and we need to bring it back into balance
because they're all communicating it but if it gets out of whack then we think about yeah we got to kill it we got to get rid of it and so I don't know if the
approach even I'm starting to change the way I work with clients in gut health do I really want to kill everything no I
don't think I do um there's some stuff I do want to kill but um I I want to bring it back into balance is the bottom line
yeah yeah totally I mean you want to do whatever you can to help the body do its
normal thing right obviously we have this Baseline microbiome that we're kind of born with hopefully from like a normal vaginal birth and you know
breastfeeding all of those wonderful things um not everyone has the ability to to experience that but certainly like if
you're going to you know annihilate your microbiome with something like antibiotics or consuming foods that we
know are injected with antibiotics and we're you know we're getting clusters of them as well like you can probably have like the best water systems on the
planet but there's going to be like small chemicals that we you know we will pee out and it gets a little filter back in those chemicals are so small they are
not getting filled without through Water Systems so we're consuming these things on a daily basis and yeah if we're not
replenishing and using ferments and our diet and you know even exercise comes into the flourishing of
good quality bacteria they're all fighting for space and food in there so if there's a you know they're all
opportunistic right so if we you know annihilate all the good guys these you know these bad guys that are very much
like normally in there like you're talking about like E coli and um and these these other microorganisms even
viruses and fungi they're all supposed to be there and work kind of technically synergistically but they're all kind of
like fighting for space yeah and food so yeah it's like it just makes total sense that if we do not have this diverse
microbiomes all these microorganisms and we're going to have issues and then that just goes to show like
most people's diet is like you know like maybe 10 to 15 foods and how undiverse
that is and you know if you were to compare that with maybe a hundred years ago where we'd be eating probably 10 to
20 times more different foods because we'd be eaten seasonally and we would just be you know we kind of grab what we could get we're feeding different types
of bacteria and we're creating that diversity which is like so vital and so important what type of gut tests are available for
the you know that aren't unbelievably expensive um that can give us some decent information yeah okay great stuff I I'm
actually going to give your users a free test that one of my mentors gave me okay so this is gonna be really awesome
um so here's the thing do you guys want to know if you have parasites in your
body well I'm going to give you a simple test so go ahead and take your two fingers and I want you guys just to put
your two fingers up to kind of like your carotid artery in that area and just notice do you have a pulse and if the
answer is yes you probably have parasites so believe it or not um you know I've gone down this Rabbit Hole
recently just the last two years and I never really thought it was that big a deal parasites they are way more
prevalent than we think they are I think one of the hugest stealth infections that nobody's really talking about a lot
of the practitioners that I'm surrounded with these guys are getting people better from mold Lyme disease okay oh
there's another disease I just mentioned incurable you'll never get better from lying well they're getting people better how are they doing it well one of the
root causes that we're seeing is parasites guys believe it or not and so you don't need to go to another country
or and that's I think the belief in the United States is oh well that's you just get that when you go to Mexico or you
drink some bad water that's just something that happens in foreign countries well that's not true you can
actually get parasites very easily by walking barefoot on uh the soil or outside where you're walking I mean it
could be this that simple um just your water you're talking about water a lot yeah I'm a big believer in
drinking distilled water for that very reason because there's so many toxins and there's just so many things in our
environment radioactive chemicals and things like that you can't you can't protect for it and so I personally I
drink distilled but we can get into that later or you know by the way everyone should do whatever they feel they're comfortable but that's one of the
reasons I've chosen to move to distilled um so yeah parasites there's an easy test for you I just gave you that and
here's the thing 70 of parasites you can't even detect on a test so uh I have
had my four-year-old do a stool test a three-day stool test because I wanted to check out and see did he have parasites
and we didn't find anything and you know what honestly at the time maybe he maybe he didn't have anything but here's the
fact of the matter like I just said 70 of them are even undetectable you can't even see them so
you know it I don't know if a stool test will be great but by the way stool test that would be that's one that you can
use if you're looking for parasites E coli occult blood things like that um we personally in my practice we run a
three-day because that's the best results you a lot of the western approach and I have a lot of clients that have insurance and they will go and
they will get a one day because that's just what they do and that's fine sometimes you get some good data back on
that and if your insurance is covering it do it but what we found is doing a three day is the best and the most
comprehensive to get the best kind of results so yeah you could do a stool test um I am a huge fan I actually have
organic acids tests you get over 70 biomarkers it's going to take a look at your B vitamins your vitamin C the way
you methylate things in your body um it's going to take a look at some of the big ones that are up there candida yeast
overgrowth which then and it can even detect some levels of mold so if you're
really high in certain areas of yeast it probably suggests you have mold that's technically not a mold test but it will
it will show that and that's a great one guys because it's a simple urine test those aren't cheap though they're
probably 300 400 on the low end but you get that's my favorite because not only
do you get some good gut uh info back from your gut health you get just so much info like I said over 70 biomarkers
on what other processors are going on in your body and so I think that's a wonderful test
um there's another good company out there I'm sure a lot of people know about called biome um I took a test with them early on I
haven't done one recently but they're constantly innovating and they're really looking at kind of like you said the the
microbiome and seeing hey how are these microbiomes communicating with each other and so if we do a microbiome test
which is a stool test through biome if we do a test through them what can we uncover to see hey what probe biotic or
Prebiotic what what do you need more to bring you back into balance kind of like that what we were talking about is do I
necessarily want to kill everything I don't think so and so they're looking at ways and to bring the gut back into
harmony just simply by the certain foods you're going to eat or um and sub or some supplementation so
I'd say those are probably the top uh top three or four that I just gave you beautiful thank you for that I
appreciate it um can you introduce us to the idea of biohacking big word big Hot Topic word
um but not everyone has probably heard of it or can tell give us an example people can't give us an example of it so
like can you maybe introduce the idea of it and then yeah we can take it from that yeah and I'm I I think I'm a good
expert on this I was just at the biohacking conference well I called the bio it's actually called the upgrade conference now it was in LA just a
couple weeks ago Dave asprey he's known as The Godfather or the father of biohacking and he it's his eighth
conference that he's put on and that was a lot of fun um and I want to be very clear because what I've noticed from talking to people
is by racking you know again it's his eighth conference so it's been around for at least eight years but a lot of
people when I mentioned the word biohacking they think of transhumanism they think like I'm cloning people uh it
has nothing to do with that so uh and actually again if you're looking at words bio meaning well we talk about
life and your biology and then hacking Dave asper who's the coined this term
originally his background was as a computer hacker and so he was 300 pounds overweight he was in complete and just
utter terrible terrible terrible hell 300 pounds overweight and he was trying
to get himself better he suffered from mold and Lyme disease and other co-infections he was in the 88 let's see
he was in the 88 and guess what he was doing all the things that the modern doctor was recommending he was eating
exactly the way the diet of the food pyramid he's going to these doctors appointments and he's not getting better he's getting pissed off and he said I
want to get better and so he went on a journey a quest and he spent like over 100 thousand dollars over several years
just paying these functional medicine gurus doing doing things like ozone therapy and hyperbaric oxygen and red
light therapy and cryo all these fun things and he started to reverse he
started to reverse his health in a positive way and he got himself better and so he's like wow
um I want to share this information with people and so he looks at the body the way he was looking at was from like a
computer hacker oh well how can I hack the system how can I hack my biology to make it work better for me and so that
is how the term biohacking was created and so like I was at the conference it's a great time to connect with a lot
of Alternative Health practitioners but like there's this they have a tech Hall out there and you get to connect and you
get to do like I was at the tech Hall I was doing like vibration plate that was on vibration plates and doing exercises
there I have a device in my house it's called a newbie it's a new fit by the the company new fit n-e-u-fit an amazing
it's one of my favorite biohacking devices and it's an electric stem device and we've seen a lot of good actually
results with people in the MS Community people that suffer neurological issues had tbis people athletes like Trent
Dilfer came back from an ACL injury and was back in like four weeks they said oh it's gonna take you six months and he
was playing I think in two months so people are cutting down their their injuries by like over 50 percent and
he's not the only one there's tons of athletes using electric stem therapy this specific kind and so you get to do
stuff there's some cool things like that again we would think hey you can't get better it's gonna take you six months to
rehab the conventional way but what if we quote unquote biohack it using some of these these these systems like
electric stem Theory therapy cryotherapy h-bod hyperbaric oxygen and what if we
do some of these things to enhance and augment our body can we get better faster can we live a more fulfilled and
better life that's to me what biohacking is cool are there examples you can do without having to you know buy machinery
and equipment and things you know like if I wanted to experience biohacking today what could I go and do
okay listen I have a podcast called the hack to Life podcast I created that name
because I was so enthralled with biohacking and it really helped me change my life I also hate the term biohacking because
I think people think oh I'm just gonna hack my way to Fitness I'm just gonna hack my way to a uh like you said
feedback a quick fix and I can't stand that because you know I get disenfranchised with the term biohacking
for that reason because at the end of the day you need Mastery and without Mastery consistency habits discipline
you will never get to where you want to get you'll never I'm sorry you will never hack your way out of Lyme disease
you just won't you gotta have a system you gotta have protocols and you got to be led that way
um consistency so when I always come back nobody needs any expensive equipment to do biohacking I think the
most powerful biohack you can actually do is sit still and rest in your mind
like actually tune out and be present that is one of the things hardest things even for me as an entrepreneur CEO I
have two boys and being present and not thinking about oh what Tick Tock video am I going to upload and make the most
views this this week like at the end of the day none of that matters right and being present and and connecting like
we're connecting one-on-one I mean connecting with your kids like that's the ultimate biohack your mind is more
powerful than anything and you don't need a neurofeedback device or anything to do that you can sit quiet you can sit
still you can meditate you can do all kinds of you can do visualizations um you don't need any biohacks for that
so if you were to ask me that's the number one thing I would do uh be have control of your mind and your emotions
there's nothing more powerful than that yeah I mean examples of like that of you know by hacking that's those ones you're
just talking about I mean that that just you know that ancient methods that we've just kind of like forgotten right like meditating and staying present yoga for
example yeah these are all things that we can easily put our minds and bodies into we've just you know as a culture
we've just kind of like through stimulation and you know all these other things going on we've just kind of forgotten that we do have these how
about how about breath work you know I mean you can change your state dramatically just by breathing a certain
way you can calm yourself down just by slowing down your breath actually hey here's one free biohack for you guys too
take a cold shower like that all you need is cold water the neuronal growth
and dopamine hit you will get from a cold shower or a cold plunge it's astronomical it's like more uh more of a
dopamine hit than like you could do from cocaine and I mean you want to wake yourself up you want to charge your mitochondria charge your body that's a
that's another great free one yeah I've just got my wife into jumping into this uh like 100 gallon horse feeding thing
I've got out in the garden so before before in the summer here you know it gets ridiculous it gets into like the
high 30s so it's ridiculous so I'm like spending hundreds of dollars on ice but now like
the the weather's tipping and now I can get the get the pool just out of the tap into about two degrees but she never
wants to go in but like after she's had like a hot shower afterwards she's like feels absolutely phenomenal and yeah
that type of thing like that might sound like just like doing an ice bath or doing a nice shower like might sound like a simple easy thing to do no no no
it takes commitment it takes patience it takes breath work it takes becoming um you know overcoming your body because
your body's gonna do absolutely everything it possibly can do to get you out of that shower make you turn the the knob back up to hot yeah but you can
mask you can master your body with by using your mind and it's a really very powerful technique it's one of my
favorite things to do I don't get a whole lot of time to do those types of things but you will not be able to take a you know a nice bar three to four
times a week out of my schedule because it's just yeah something like super committed to changes my mood right away
gets me super started to the day and it's a big transitional period for me because going from like waking up to
family breakfast time and then I need to transition into like work mode and thinking about that like we don't
usually have a lot of those transitional experiences you know you can certainly like drive to work or
whatever but like no I want to like do something that's going to like get my get myself like prepped and like a clear transition from like home life into work
and then back again so yeah it's a it's an awesome one I recommend everyone try yeah brother and actually get with me
offline um I've got a great um cheap affordable solution
um that you don't need to have ice and I think it'll get you to the temperatures you want so get with me online and I'll share that with you that a good friend
shared with me and he rigged up his own thing probably for like less than 300 so that's awesome yeah because some of
those likes like Specialists like rigs for the ice bars they're like you know they're six thousand five thousand dollars they're absurd yeah I have a
friend who actually just came out with a great one I really like it it's called Edge Theory Labs it's probably it's a
great one and it's probably the cheapest I've seen and that's four thousand so I haven't seen anything cheaper than that
yeah gotcha um are there any of these by hacking things that are out there that are quite
popular and common people to try they're like are kind of like unsafe and unscientific and just kind of like nonsense there has to be
yeah I mean there's man there's always there's always
something out there um boy I don't I don't know of anything
[Music] I I probably just avoid those things right like yeah thank you in the time of day I think you know I don't rush into
things so um I let things kind of Hit the market for a little bit and see what other
people are doing so I think people you know there's some sniff tests that's that's a good point though like is there
something that that is complete trash that I would stay away from um just to keep people safe you know
because like biohacking in some instances like even like taking a nice bath I think if you were to just like start doing two degree or zero degree
ice baths then you you you you're not you can be causing yourself a panic and if you're not say the Bath's too big and
it's too full when you slip and freak out you know that's not a very safe thing to do so you know you need to make
sure that you're you're doing it the right way maybe kicking off with you know just flipping the cold shower on for like 30 seconds and building up to
something like that but yeah it's yeah you don't you don't want people jumping in too early yeah people get excited
right and we a lot of us we go fall into things and we always think more is better so you know you could do a cold I
think most of the specialist right now and there's no clear data yet but uh most of them will recommend like a 39
degree ice bath for three minutes and that's it now some of us would say well more is better I'm gonna go 10 minutes
well probably not so uh again I'm big on minimum effective dose and I'm like you I don't have a ton of time I got two
boys and a business and a family three minutes is perfect if that's all you're telling me I gotta take then I'm doing
that yeah that's awesome man um that's very cool can you let us know how people can connect with you and
learn more about like what you do please yeah uh thanks again for having me on so best there's a couple places you can
reach me check out my website Joel evancoaching if you want to connect with me there there's a lot of good resources
and then shoot me an email info at joel11coaching.com or you can connect with me on Instagram I'm pretty active
there at Joel 11 coaching made it really simple for you same same uh so yeah add your 11 coaching
um on Instagram or check out my podcast the Hacked Life podcast it's on all the major channels again I've had some
amazing uh guests on that show and um I'm just really excited for the some of
the guests I'm interviewing right now that are going to come out so it's going to be good wonderful well I'll make sure all those links are available available
to people is there is there an episode on your podcast that I could link that people that there's a good intro like a
really goody oh good question there's so many it's funny I I had just
two experts recently that I was I mentioned to you about dopamine and cravings and these people aren't popular
necessarily but I feel like these are like some of the most impactful episodes I will probably do even though they may
not have like the biggest names because the topics and what they're talking about and what we were talking about metabolic Health how people are
suffering from cravings and they're wondering why how do I break these habits and I think those episodes are going to be truly transformational so
it's like it's hard because I think about that and then from a mindset perspective I think I did a short interview with David Meltzer that was
just 20 minutes I mean that was just amazing I mean if if people listen to that and they want to talk about manifestation and reaching their goals I
mean or 20 minutes I mean you can learn so much but if you're going on popularity and you want to learn about
fasting and more about biohacking check out the episode I did with Dave asprey I can send you links for that I mean
that's always that's a good one yeah I think that'd be a great introduction I'd love to get you back on the show to speak more specifically about about
weight loss and how we even wrap all those things in into it uh gut health root cause biohacking and what people
can do in regard in regards to kind of like the biggest the biggest thing which is weight loss and yeah we talked about
it at the top of the show in regards to like the evidence was super clear during the like the the pandemic that it was
the you know the obese overweight unhealthy people that were dying um so I hope that people have like I
know that's probably not mainstream information at the moment but hopefully people are learning about that and then what they can do
um in the right ways to manage that because I don't think that you know Weight Watchers and the pair of food
pyramids and the my plate things is really going to get people there you know it's well it isn't because it's clearly not worked in 60 years right so
we have to be doing these different types of things and it's awesome that you're out there and we've got so many other amazing people out there and the
fact that we've even got this this unbelievable platform of podcasting where people can come on and share
information from all around the world and we're just like getting it done and we're serving and we're just holding space and opening the whole opening up
that whole Community because people are just absolutely desperate for this type of information so it's great that we're
out here doing it likewise brother I always say iron sharpens iron and so here you are you and I are here both you
know make trying to make people better and uh you're making me better I'm making you better hopefully so yeah awesome Jello thanks very much again and
that is it for this episode of True Hope cast the official podcast of true hope Canada we will see you next week