Guest Episode
November 2, 2022
Episode 92:
Personal Development, Motivation & Commitment
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Dr. Jessica Houston was named one of the Top 50 Speakers Globally by “Real Leaders.”
As a transformational speaker and award-winning author, her messaging and platform are heavily influenced by her experience in leadership development, mental health, and higher education.
She currently serves as a professor at Purdue University and owns and operates a successful personal and professional development training company.
Today, Jessica and I will discuss Personal Development, Motivation & Commitment.
Okay. Good morning, Dr. Jessica. Welcome to True Hope cast
I really appreciate your time today. How are you? What is
going well?
Hello, I am well.
I hear and what is going well is that I am breathing like
I'm just so happy to be
here and I think that it takes getting to a
place of maturity and understanding that
whatever is going on is going on, but
the fact that you are here in present that is
a gift so I'm doing well.
Beautifully said well, I appreciate that it for
that instance then I'm also doing really well. That's great.
And just as an intro, why don't you let us know who you are
and what it is that you do, please so yes, so I I
wear many hats first and foremost. I
am a wife and a mom. I'm also
a professor of social work and then
I do personal development and professional development
training and so I've been
training for a little
over 10 years now. I'm a personal and executive
coach and so I just love to help
make the world a better place and also
continually improve myself. And so
when I got about five years into this journey, I
begin to also help others who
are interested in coaching speaking and
writing books. I started helping them
to do the same thing that I am doing. And so
that's the other component of my business. So
one one piece is personal and professional
development for
Companies colleges nonprofit organizations and
then the other component is working with those coaches
authors and speakers who desire to
also do what I'm doing which is to pretty much
get their message out there to the world. Wonderful. Well,
I'd love could you introduce the idea of personal
and professional development, you know, is it
for everyone is there like, you know, do you
go to do you go to school to study that
is it like an evolving, you know kind of an evolving
science. I suppose like and can we
all benefit from it? So absolutely and I actually went
to school for social work. So I have a bachelor's
degree and a master's degree in social work
and it's called the helping profession. And basically
we help children. We help families you
could work with the elderly population. It's always about helping
people to really get
to a place where they are no longer
in need of support.
From the government maybe helping them to pay their bills. Sometimes they're
struggling with depression or suicidal thoughts
and that type of thing. So that was basically my profession.
But what I
realized was that even though you might go
to school for something you also tend to
have gifts and skills that you're not aware of
or if you are you don't realize that they're transferable
and so for me personal and
professional development really stemmed from
my interest in learning and teaching and so
I just started reading a lot of personal development books reading
professional development books going the conferences.
And so that self-education is
really what catapulted me
into speaking training coaching
writing my book and after writing
my book it turned into a business. Wonderful. Yeah,
I think the idea of personal development when you just think about that
word and you think
About what who we are as humans and you know, we're born
with children and then we go to young adults and then
we turn into adults like we're obviously know developing on
a personal level, you know, as we like learn new skills and
we learn languages learn language and we
learn how to kind of be in our like social
groups, you know solves obviously all part of the person development and
even when we come to you know adults were,
you know, a lot of people or you know,
we believe that maybe we have completed our development as
a person but obviously there's so much beyond that like
in regards to like what you can do, you know
within your profession or even completely changing your profession in
regards to like how you want to develop as an individual and you
can certainly do that, you know physically if you
wanted to like improve your body or you know, make changes and then
psychologically, you know, as you as we get adult heard
and we will have to deal with things like anxieties and depressions
and mental health issues and just some of the like the normalities
that come with just like being alive.
So it seems so vital to
literally everybody that the
idea of developing as a person
as a as a partner as an employee as a
you know, whatever we will least hats that we wear. It's very
important that we take some like self-responsibility in regards
to develop ourselves to improve what we
can contribute as one
of those types of individuals. What do you think about that? Yeah, absolutely
and I truly do believe that
when you continue to
develop yourself. You become more
marketable like as even if you
you think about relationships, right like you want
to be in relationship with someone who is into
becoming a better version of their themselves. They're
not just always me me me
me, you know, they are thinking about us and they're thinking about
helping others and they're thinking about serving and
so when you're working on yourself,
You really do look like somebody that
people want to connect with they want to work with
they want to hire you if you are out there looking to
change careers and if they see that hey this
person is is going above
and beyond and that's I believe one of the differences
between those who continually improve
and develop themselves. And those who just do
the bare minimum. I there's a noticeable difference in
your output.
In your performance and your productivity and so I
believe that it shouldn't be
like, oh I got to go to another conference. Oh, I
got a higher coach. It should be like I get to go to a conference
I get to hire a coach. I want to be better.
Do you think that's about perspective or is that
about you know, not maybe seeing the benefits
of those types of things to help yourself.
I know I think there's certainly a lot of
that obviously everyone experiences.
Ego it's there. It's all the time, you know
and a lot of people like subconsciously have that kind of going on for them
where they feel that they don't need to.
Get support don't need to get help don't need
to develop. So where do you think people get
in the in their own way when it comes
to, you know asking for help to push themselves forward.
I believe in especially in in my my
culture and my upbringing it's almost
as though you're not strong. You're
not a strong person if you
have to ask for help or if you
just say I don't know or can someone help me
with it's with this but what I've discovered is
that it's actually a sign of strength when
you're able to say you know, what
this is too much for me. I know so many
people who struggle I was one. I I suffered
in silence for many years
struggling with depression. I was
around my family and my friends and my coworkers. No
one knew what I was dealing with, but I
would cry in the car. I would cry on my way to work on my way
home from work whenever I got a chance to be
alone. I was just sad and
I didn't want anyone to know because first of all they thought
I had it all together.
And second of all I didn't want them to
know that I was struggling but it really wasn't until
I spoke up that I was able to get
the support that I needed that
I deserved.
Do you think that if you're not?
taking steps to develop yourself, and obviously that
can look so different for so many different people in so many
different areas of your life, but
Do you think if we're not?
Engaged in that process that we're we're stagnant
or even like, you know regressing and
declining and kind of like the dissenting into
you know, I don't know a non-developed person
and we're actually losing the skills. We may have
attained If you experience that
for me
it's poverty. So I grew up in lack. We did not have enough
and so I vowed that
I will not allow that to happen. And so
for me, it was always I gotta make good grades. I
gotta go to college. I gotta get these degrees. I've got
a work a couple of jobs. Like I was always just
trying to go above and beyond so
that I could get to a place where I would cruise but let
me tell you something. I'm still not cruising.
No one's cruising.
Yeah, and we were talking about.
It I said I cannot stay here. I said I know that
I'm blessed. I recognize that I have
a beautiful life a wonderful life, but I still
do not want to stay here. I want to continue to
grow I want to continue to get better. And so
I believe that it does motivate you
when you have that desire. You've got to have
that desire to want more because then like what what
are you here for? If you're you're just gonna want want
just said, oh, what
was me like everyone has
Problems challenges opposition, but
it's it's what you do with it. And so
for me I say make me stronger give me
the capability help me to solve the problem. That's
my point of view. Yeah, I think the web
motivation in there is huge like you you describing that you
you grew up with, you know, you grow up in poverty. So you had
that lack of but that that was clearly like a strong motivation
for you without question your own personality
and your own characteristics saw that
as like an opportunity to you know, to to thrive and
develop and I was very fortunate to
not not live in poverty, but I had very
strong like Role Models within my family that would like,
you know, push us and especially when I elder
brother, for example, like he really wanted to go out there and like make it do
his own business. So I had him as a role model like every day
and that was type of like my motivation but like
so many people like have like these potential motivators
in and around them but like it can be so difficult.
we see them when we are, you know,
when we when we you know you can have
Not much going on for you. When
you're young and you your impoverished and you don't have a lot going
on. You can also have kind of everything as well and that can actually like
completely saturate your ability to be self-sufficient and
take responsibility in your life. So like there's obviously and
also benefits but like you can see there's very
affluent individuals that have no motivation in life and but
there are impoverished individuals also as well.
So it's like it's really seems to be like really delicate about the
circumstances of somebody and their own personal and like
characteristics and their own personality which
is obviously involved from you know, there's a genetic
standpoint to that but also like the people around you so
I want to ask you about about that like how important you
think it is to have kind of the right people around you
to motivate you so I think about some of the friend groups I
had in school which certainly didn't motivate me or push me
forward or challenge me. They actually kept me stuck in
the particular. I want to say like lazy personality and
when I kind of like broke through those
friend groups and found other people that
Did want to like challenge themselves personally. I
was able to just like take to a Next Level and recognize what
I could actually do. Yeah, I I love that
and I also want to say too. It's wonderful
that you still had a motivator you're
saying. Hey, I did not grow up in poverty. But the truth is
some people if they don't have that motivator,
they're just like, okay. I'm content with what
I have but you still took that and
said, I'm still gonna be better. I'm still gonna improve. I'm still
gonna pursue more. So that is wonderful. And
as it relates to the company,
you keep the environment the people you
hang out with it's so important. I I
can remember and in the way that
I grew up again. There were individuals
who were in the same situation and
they didn't make anything of themselves. And then
there were people whose parents gave them everything and
they didn't make anything of themselves. Like they're still
being taken care of by their parents to this day. And so
I do believe that there has
to be this in it desire.
To be better, but you also have to choose
who you allow in your ear. So sometimes you're
maybe you're in a household with negative people. You
can't say, okay, I'm gonna move out if that's
just not a possibility for you, but you
could also decide that you're not going to allow them
to impress their beliefs upon
you you're not going to allow them
to impress their behaviors and negative attitudes
upon you and so I do
believe that it's important that you surround yourself with like-minded
people. That's why I'm a masterminds I go
to conferences. I I connect with people who also want
Get further in life who also have huge goals
just like I do but I also understand that I
have family members who are still stagnant and
I can't just drop them. Like I can't
just say I'm sorry, you're not good enough. So I still engage
with them I interact with
them, but I understand that.
I can't force them to change like they
have to be ready to change and there
was a time when I would feel really bad about
me making it to a
certain place in life and they hadn't
made it and they had no intentions of making it and
I felt like well, what can
I do? And I realize I was just draining myself.
So you also have to be careful too about
putting your health at
harm at risk because you're trying to pull
someone up who's just not ready to be be pulled
up. They're not ready to change. Do you thinking that
example setting an example for yourself is kind
of the best way to go because you know, you can't you can't
change somebody that wants to be changed right? Yes, Absol.
Absolutely, absolutely.
yeah, I I think about the
you're talking about like you personally had these no.
These motivators to change and get and
you have people you know who had the same circumstances that that
kind of didn't and I just wondered like
how vital it is that the even from such a young
age that the the people around you, you know, primarily your parents
and your siblings and then maybe at school as well.
So many people are in unfortunate. So
have unfortunate groups of people around
them that are influencing them in a way where
they're unable to see potential unable to see opportunity unable
to grasp motivation from
like very simple things. And yeah. Yeah.
I have a lot of empathy for that because if you
if you're
physical reality that you experience shows no
potential opportunity anywhere you can't
Fathom the idea or create the idea in your mind if
you're current reality is at a certain certain point.
so I kind of understand for a
lot of people who may be in different who may be in like similar situations, but
even just having like that that one friend or that
one family member or that like one speech or
something that you might
listen to that like changes the way you think a little bit to
make you stop thinking about the idea of like something different
something maybe you know better and I
think about that for a lot of adults that like go through maybe like
they're 20s and even a lot of their thirties like the same person
as they are like when they're like 17 18 19 and
don't really do a lot of development. I was certainly probably
one of those like, I didn't really I don't think I really grew up
into an adult until I was 30 and but it
took listening and reading to different
things that made it started to make me think and
feel in very very different ways. And it's
it's unfortunate. So many people don't have
access to that type of different thought different
feeling and different Behavior.
Yeah, and I think too.
It goes back to you've got
to get to a point where you are uncomfortable like you
are uncomfortable.
Living in the same environment the
same situation having the same thoughts of
doubting myself. I'm not good enough. I'm not
pretty enough. I don't have enough opportunities. It's all about
really changing your mindset and
how you view yourself how you see yourself.
One of the things one of my pastor
said to me years ago, and he said nobody
has everything but everybody
has something
And that has stuck with
me because sometimes we look at other people
and we say, oh, he's got it. She's got it but
I don't have it. And the truth is you do you just
have to find it? You have to allow yourself
to unleash it and maybe that is
watching YouTube videos. Maybe that is reading books.
Maybe that is trying to figure out why was
I placed here on this Earth? What is my purpose? What
do I love? What do I enjoy and then
begin to refine those skills and tap into
that and that's really where you'll
begin to see that
okay. I don't have to stay here.
Yeah, I think right now in regards
to the internet and all these courses and individuals like
yourself and podcasts, you know got so many so
many amazing people.
On the air on the video providing information
to people, you know, we're in such
a remarkable time for that and I don't think
that's by accident. I think that specially young people are absolutely
craving advice. They're
craving responsibility. They're craving Duty that
they don't.
Subconsciously want or need the kind of
like social media like non-existence that is kind
of being forced Upon Us in a very weird.
Cultural Evolution type of situation like I don't
think that that's something that thrives the thrives humans.
And yeah, the reason we've got all these amazing people available. Now
we've got these different platforms to do is because people are absolutely like
craving this type of information and
30 second two minute videos are like gone people are happy
to sit and listen to you know, Joe Rogan
talk for three hours of some cool scientists about stuff, you
know, like I would never have thought any million years that I
would sit and listen to two people talk for
three hours on anything let alone like some of these like wild
topics but people are craving conversation. They
are craving connection and ultimately I think young people
want to be told that
they have potential they want
to be listened to and they want responsibility. They want to
have something for themselves and recognize
that and you know, if they're they're told
that they're that you know, there are things in the world that are going
to stop them from having their potential. So they're kind of like done
from the get-go and they should just, you know live their life.
I think that there's a lot of
Lot of meaning behind giving those kids responsibility
and they're just craving it. They are.
what in regards to like school and education obviously,
you've been in education system right like with your own personal studies,
but like
The young this let's talk about like younger kids and like that development piece.
Do you think they're like some things really missing
within education during school
when it comes to development because obviously you're
there to learn you're there to like improve your knowledge of
things and your interactions and becoming social
and those like School circles, but like you think there's some
key things maybe like missing that we could be offering
our children. Oh guys, so
I I it's so interesting that
you ask this question because I'm having this
conversation all the time. I'm also
a certified School social worker.
So have a worked in the field of Education
as a school social worker and then
I have a daughter who is a 10 and
And some of the things that she's working on and I'm like,
you're not gonna need this at work.
I wish they would teach you all something in addition to this
like I'm like
you need to know how to count money and pay your bills and
you know that kind of thing, but I do believe that we've
got a
really start teaching our kids about
emotional intelligence about
self-awareness and
just learning how to manage themselves.
That's one of the
things that I teach on is self-management and I believe
that a lot of times we are looking outside
of ourselves. We're looking at what someone
is doing or what they are not doing or maybe they're
not doing enough and
the truth is
We have to manage ourselves like we
can give advice you can give tips. But but how
do you handle offense and I
know here in the United States we have
kids who are you know fighting in school, they're
getting in trouble. They're getting kicked out and it's
like what if
As soon as they enter school, we started to
teach them personal development. What if we
started teaching them the skills social skills. How
do you communicate with your peers? How
do you handle a conflict without being
violent? I believe like if we were able to
teach those types of things we would definitely
have a better culture when
it comes to to our schools.
yeah, just as you say that it just makes me think that the way
this is the way Educational Systems and I've got some empathy for
it because it's very underfunded across the planet in
regards to like, I don't know how you could even
possibly think about trying to
Cultivate an education plan to to
50 individuals in a classroom like
it's just not even possible. Right and I've got I've got a one and
a three year old and I'm actually kind of petrified the idea of sending them
to like school school.
Because yeah, as you say like this, I feel like
that they're still teaching in the same things. They taught them a hundred years ago. And
it's just like, I don't know. I'm not sure about that and it's just like
it sounds just like
More structured daycare. But anyway, I
won't get up. I won't kind of hot. I won't really get into that yet.
It's just such an interesting piece that
I think that what is what is taught and
the environment you're talking about? Like, you know, there's some so much so
much violence and like lack of social understanding and
community and that emotional intelligence piece. It just
makes me feel like they're just
breeding and cultivating stressed brains
where they're unable to regulate their
emotions in the inevitable situation when
they're adults that they're going to come with come into conflict
with family members with good friends with strangers
with colleagues, you know become so many interactions
during their lives, but if they're nervous system is
programmed to jump straight into a fight
or flight shout fight run away,
whatever that's just how you know,
they're going to deal with most situations within their lives rather
than being able to
Have the nervous system literal like structure within their
brain to be able to like take that second to
respond rather than to react to
situations. Like I mean, that's how you know a brain
obviously with neurons and neuro circuitry.
Like we have these Pathways in which we
we subconsciously utilize and if we're just teaching these
kids to just let immediately go to reaction reaction
reaction just do so much of a disservice in
regards to like how they're going to interact.
In like the real world when they're
young adults and their adults and yeah, we I mean the
evidence is out there. It's wild in regards to like how poorly
16 17 18 year olds communicate with
other human beings, you know, they we have to do it through devices now
because we so relaxing so much in regards to that
So like where I mean, this is a big question below. Where
would you begin to?
And change change the education system
or change.
Classes or teachers like no, there's so many things we
could probably just scrap totally from the seat from the
curriculum. But what do you add in there and like
how do you do it? Because it comes to like the the curriculum needs
to be right getting the teachers on Board needs to be right and like
it's such a big thing it is and it
For me, I believe we've got to start by integrating
parents and teachers
into the planning process. So what I've
seen is that the people making the decisions
are not in the classroom and many
times their children are adults. So it's like you
are making decisions like well, will
you allow
parents and teachers to really
decide have more they don't
really have a lot of authority over what they teach and I
talk to teachers all the time and they're like, I would love to teach this
but my school district has told me like I
have to teach this this day and this so I
don't have any room.
To teach them social skills and we
have testing and if they don't pass the test,
then it's a reflection of me. And so I think if we
could really allow more insight
and input from the community from the
people who are actually doing the work. Well definitely
begin to see a better educational system.
I mean, there's so much distance between the people who actually create these curriculums and
then the the teachers that teacher and
the students that receive it.
So yeah it I mean and if you're
a teacher and you've got the structure you've you've already got what
you have to teach them. How are you supposed to
adapt and become fluid within a classroom setting that's
so unbelievably dynamic.
to change or maybe style in your approach to
the individuals in your classroom. I mean, it's impossible job
to begin with but when you have that that those types of
Shackles regards to teachers, you
know like ice. No I went to school in the
In the 90s and I had like some I would
call like boring teachers that just like
went straight to it. But then we had like these just like crazy wacky individuals
that would
Do the most absurd things in you know, the classroom, I'll
take us out of the classroom and like, you know, you know sitting down
for eight hours a day is not super fun. Anyway, so like they've got
to be able to use creativity and Imagination. And
if you if the teachers can't
use that those types of skills how a students
ever supposed to like mirror
that and start using that as well. Yeah, and it's
so weird that you said that because my daughter
she talks to me about what's going on in school
and she's like, we have a silent launch and I'm
like a silent lunch. That's the only time you're allowed to
talk and you can't talk during lunch. She's like no.
I don't get it
like these are kids. So yes, I mean, there's
definitely much work to be
done as far as giving our kids an outlet and
not just feeling like they're being imprisoned all
day long, but actually let them enjoy learning. Yeah,
so she's so many changes that we could make in regards
to support just just supporting kids are giving
them some skills to you know, using their own.
Wonderful ways because kids, you know obviously do so do amazing
things and you give them the space in the room and the
creativity to do to do it. So yeah, it's it's
certainly I think it's a it's a massive Global issue like, you know
it, you know, I've a lot of experience of the UK and within Canada
and it just doesn't seem like schools is particularly.
Helpful anymore, but oh, well, that's
a different topic. I suppose to crack on with but
Tell me a little bit about the the adults that
you have worked with in regards to personal like
development be that for business or
within their like personalized is there like a
trend of individual that comes and works with you? Is it like usually business
people that want to take their game kind
of to the next level or is it like you were talking about people who
are struggling with like mental health or they are
heavily dependent on like the government and they
don't want to do that anymore like so what are the type of people that
come and see you and work with you? So yes, I I
actually seem to work with a
lot of educators.
Who are just kind of burned out Educators nurses
actually hair stylists
a lot of just who are just
there. They've been doing something for 15 years 20 years
and they're like, I'm just tired like I
know I should probably do this another 10
or 20 years, but I don't want to and so
it's kind of like, can you just help me to
figure out how I can utilize the
skills that I have to create a
business and a life that I love and
so that's what we do.
That's really cool. Where do you think we can pull inspiration from
You know, you're just talking there about like a hairstylist who's been doing it for
10 15 years without questions gonna have a remarkable skill set
separate from just cutting hair.
So like where do you think we can grab the
inspiration on the motivation to make a
big change like that, you know like we were talking earlier about
becoming unfamiliar and doing uncomfortable things,
you know, you can't create any real change if
you're everything is predictable and familiar and you're
just doing the same old thing again, you know, like you can't make any real
Just when you real like big changes in
your life, if you're not taking that type of pathway so that how
do we find?
That inspiration and motivation when sticking with
that old job seems like they're more can most comfortable thing. So so
first I always say what is it that
people often come to you for so, I
mean people may be coming to you for a haircut. But when
they sit down are they talking to you about their
problems, usually they are or you're having
some type of conversation, so I always
What my clients to think if they're
just not sure I want them to think about what people come to them
for advice on what is it that they're really good
at if they were to go and pick up a magazine or a
book. What would the topic be about? What can you just talk about
for at least an hour? Non-stop? What's
exciting to you? So go in that direction and then
when it comes to making a transition what's really
scary is thinking about totally stopping
what you are currently doing and then
jumping into something new which I
do not recommend. And so that will take
away some of the anxiety what you want to do is really
create a plan.
And you just start by building?
Your business alongside your career
or what you're already doing. And so
whenever you have free time, if you want to get up an hour earlier, if
when you get off from work, you want to start working
on what you're passionate about. So that's when
you are creating the plan and then you're transitioning
into it. You're not just jumping into
it. A lot of people say, oh just quit your job. No, no,
no because you have deals so don't
do that, but you can definitely build along
the way and when it gets to
a place where you're comfortable and you've got savings and
you're you're ready, then you can make that transition.
Yeah, I think the I think a lot
of people have inspirational ideas and what
they could do or what they want to do during the time where
they're like, you know comfortable with their their job and everything's kind
of, you know familiar. A lot of people will have
those types of dreams, right what they could do but like taking that dream
and creating the right circumstances and then having
the confidence
To actually take that next step. Like how do you help people transition
from that because like having the dream is great and wonderful,
but taking that next step and being
confident enough and actually committing to that like it's
it's completely different than just having the the visualization of
the dream. Yes, and that's why you have to be willing
to take small steps. Even when you're nervous,
even when you are doubting a lot of people say, oh
don't doubt yourself, but the truth is whenever you're
trying something new you're uncertain if you're
uncertain and that just means basically your doubting you're
not sure if you're
gonna be as good as you've envisioned maybe you've envisioned yourself,
you know performing on stages singing dancing
speaking training, whatever that might be
but you gotta at least trust yourself enough
Take that first step.
Take that first step for speakers. I
often say hey, what is there an event in
your community that you can just volunteer to speak even if
it's five minutes or can you just get on video and
teach for about five minutes? So it doesn't
have to be big but just take a
step towards it and the more you do it. That's the
thing about confidence the more you do
it the better you get at it the more confident. You
become but you can't become confident if
you never try.
what type of coach would
you recommend to somebody who is
Done a job for 15 years. I've got skills from
it, but they want to do something else. That's like more connected to like their dream.
Could be anything I suppose but I what type
of coach would be beneficial to help you transition that
and obviously like get clear on the vision get
clear on how you're gonna like financially like take care
of that and to you know, because obviously the reality of
like trying to trying to create your dream job. It's complex.
It's complicated. It's certainly not impossible but
like having the right support around you is gonna
be absolutely vital in regards to that transition, right and
it really depends on what area you'd like
to go in. So if you're looking to just change careers,
so maybe going from a teacher
to being someone who works for a
huge corporation and you want to really look
at a career coach or someone who can
update your your resume and make it
really fit like they can pull those
skills that you already have and make you
more appealing to a corporation and so
it's there's not a one-size it's
That's why it's so important to do your research and don't
just hop in and hire someone just
because they've got a beautiful website you want
to do your research and make sure hey is this person
truly an expert are they doing what I desire to
do. So if you want to be a marketing
then you would probably want to hire a coach
who's really good at marketing and they can tell you how they
transitioned and how they built that particular business and
they can help you to plan they can help you to
strategize. So my recommendation is to always try
to find someone who specializes in
what it is that you desire to do beautiful
just to finish up we've spoken
a lot about like transitioning business wise. I
want to just ask your advice for people who
want to transition from that. So they've had 15 years
of having an anxious personality well being
at the Press person and that's your even having a diagnosis
that is like now
Their personality they are that person with celiac disease.
They are that person with rheumatoid arthritis,
whatever it might be, you know, and a lot of people wrap their
whole personality around that disorder and
it and it and it shackles people to a past
personality with no potential for anything
different when we all know and probably no people
who have done remarkable things with their like physical emotional
health and they are just completely different people. So how
would you recommend like maybe somebody who who's ready
to make that type of change because they're kind of fed up with the
old personality that is just like not allowing them
to thrive. How would you recommend people go
about making that transition on like a personal physical
emotional level?
Yes, I would say you have to start by identifying
writing down. Who is
it that you desire to become?
Let's let's start there and then
you can figure out what steps
you need to take to become that person.
What what habits do you need to develop?
What how do you need to think? How
do you need to feel about yourself? How do you need to feel in
your body? So for me, and I know you
you realize this too when I feel better, I
perform better. So so I mean, we
got a we've got to take so many other things into account
then just I want to change but look at
what needs to change.
When needs to change in your life, where are you?
Misleading yourself and in
your beliefs and your thoughts. What are you saying
to yourself when it's just you in the mirror? What it what what types of
voices are you hearing because
it depends on which one that you
you pay attention to. That's going
to be your God and I always
Say that.
You've got to be careful about what thoughts
you're allowing to be
implanted. I mean, it's just like a phone call and you
get to choose whether or not you're gonna pick it up. So
the thoughts they come I get the same thoughts and
people think oh because I'm a social worker. I'm a speaker and
I have books and but I still get those same thoughts. But
I choose that I am not going to allow those
thoughts to lead me. I'm not going to allow those thoughts
to stop me and I will not agree with
those thoughts which I also believe is
Yeah, it sounds like you you've got structure and you've got a processes
in place to digest those
types of thoughts that come up for everybody. I always think
like they don't always like believe what you think because the majority
of what we think is just like random neurons firing,
right? So
You've obviously created and developed those processes
for you know, being able to let step back listening
to those thoughts and then you know digesting them
and like putting them out of the way for a lot of people who are completely some
who just living kind of unconsciously for a lot of their life have those
thoughts and they just manifest a man and they
go from a thought into a belief system and it becomes
so much bigger than they are and it's very difficult
to dig away out that but far from impossible and I
love what you said before there. I think being super
clear with your vision and writing
that down even to the point of like how will
you feel when you have these things and then,
you know using tools like meditation and visualization to start
literally creating those Visions
in your brain, and you know, I think
that's just awesome. But thank you so much for chatting
with me today, and how can people connect
with you?
They can go to my website expecting
victory.com or they
I'm on Facebook. I'm on LinkedIn at
Dr. Jessica Houston. So if you
just Google Dr. Jessica Houston, you will
find me.
Beautiful. I'll put links in the show notes. So people can connect with
you. But thank you so much for coming on today and teaching us
and talking to us. Thank you for having me. I really enjoyed
myself. Wonderful. Well that is it
for this episode of True Hope cast the official podcast with true
hope Canada check out the show notes to connect with Dr. Jessica.
Leave us a review on iTunes, but that is
it for this week. We will see you next week.