Guest Episode
June 01, 2023
Episode 75:
Iodine and Thyroid Health
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Evan Dougherty is a kinesiologist and was on the show last year when we discussed The Right Nutrition at the right time.
Today we will discuss Evan’s clinical experience with Truehope Canada’s Inositol and thyroid health.
all right hi good morning Evan welcome back to True Hope cast really appreciate you taking the time to talk to me today
we've got a couple of very interesting topics that we're going to go over um but how are you what's going well
thanks for having me again uh I'm very well I've just been busy with uh work which is great but it seems like kind of
the way the world's going more and more people are lean towards the more natural uh Health uh approach which is really
important so that's good to see that so we've just been working and very busy so good I'm good happy to be back
that's interesting so as like the last couple of years has unfolded if you've seen kind of like more people lean
towards a more natural way of either dealing with an issue or
using natural means to stop getting sick oh 100 there's been a huge increase in
that uh which is good it's a blessing and uh it's nice a lot of the people that I've noticed who have been hesitant
on um um taking minerals and stuff because they'll start to say well it didn't come from a doctor so no no no have been just
starting to lean more towards well wait a second um we should maybe give this a try so it's really good we've been seeing a
huge increase in that and um and it's needed more than ever right now so it's good wonderful but before we
get into a couple of topics today we're going to talk about the thyroid and inositol one of our products here which
I hope Canada and we're also going to talk about Empower plus our Flagship micronutrient um supplement and thymus health so we're
going to get into the the thymus glands so we're going to get into that a little bit but just as an introduction why
don't you just let us know I mean you've been on the show before but please just reintroduce yourself who are you what is
it what is it that you do yeah totally uh so my name is Evan Doherty and I'm a herbalist here in uh
Selco Manitoba just outside of Winnipeg um and I do and we study and we train in
an art called Chote which is basically utilizing a bunch of different modalities to assess your system to
figure out where the imbalance and why you feel the way you feel where it's really coming from because there's a there's a big dividend in the source
versus the symptom and we go down a rabbit hole very quickly to Google our symptoms and go it must be
this disease or must be this that I'm having and one of the best diagnosis tools ever is your body as a god-given gift that we
can just utilize so we look at your eyes and your tongue and teeth and read the structure of things just to kind of
they're all road maps to what's going on so we utilize that and then we do a form of Applied Kinesiology which is
basically muscle testing which basically accesses the the Meridian system in the frequencies that every organ and gland
resides with and when there's an imbalance in the disturbance of the frequency of an organ or gland it'll let
us know for sure where the issue lies in your body and why you feel the way you
do so it's called Chote and um it's been around for about 40 plus years and it's been going stronger and stronger because
the modalities that we use have been around and proven for thousands and thousands of years we've just kind of
basically modernized a little bit more and made it more effective and easier to teach people as well
wonderful thank you for that introduction that's very cool um so let's let's get straight into this
so we're gonna we're gonna kick off first of the North atol and the thyroid and what we'll do is just as an
introduction can you maybe tell us a little bit about um what the thyroid is and why we need
to be taking care of it and being a lot more aware of you know where we are at with our current thyroid health
100 so but by the way it's very interesting because a lot of the times the first thing that a client will come
or talk about when they come into my office is I'm pretty sure I have a thyroid problem but my doctor told me everything's fine so then they'll start
listing symptoms and they go I explained yes well the thyroid is a very complex gland it's a it's located right at the
base of your throat here and its main purpose is to produce the electrical impulse to every organic gland so it
emits the frequency of everything so if you have a brand new cell phone you should be able to download some cool
apps and you can do some amazing things with it but if the battery charge is very minimal it'll start to malfunction and glitch even though it's a brand new
phone and the hardware is fine that's the goal of the thyroid the thyroid is
um your organs and glands can be perfectly healthy nothing wrong but if it's not giving the right message or the electrical impulse to the organs and
glands you'll have all these symptoms of crazy rapid heart rate or blood pressure or upset stomach or hormonal thyroid
imbalances because it feeds every organ and gland but the thing about the thyroid they get so complex is there's so many parts to
it so if the doctors do a blood test which is usually on T3 T4 maybe T5 uh
they'll say nope those numbers are good so your thyroid's in good health but that's kind of like walking around your car and saying no you know uh the three
tires are full but one one's just flat so it's fine you can't drive the car so
um there's so many different importances of the thyroid gland but the main thing is for the energy so that's why when
there's a big thyroid imbalance the first thing is lethargic you can have wake up good to go half hour of your day
just be dragging no energy uh heart palpitations is another main symptom and then weight fluctuations you can do
everything you want to gain weight properly and you can do that in the next week put four or five pounds on for no
explanation and then it also triggers a lot of anxiety symptoms as well too but the thyroid is the most important gland to make sure
that your electrical and your immune system like that is functioning in that sense yeah a hugely important part of our
whole body obviously most of our organs do multiple different things and we can't get to drawn into one of them and
yeah there's obviously a Cascade of things that happen with a lot of the a lot of these glands and all of these a
lot of these um organs that if there's an issue even if it's small
or minor and it's just one of those little functions in the the kind of backdrop to that ends up being you know
issues along the way and especially if those issues go unchecked for a long period of time then we're talking about
like serious serious biological malfunction which you know we were probably call with disease
so exactly bringing inositol into this which for a lot of people who who might not know and hospitals just it's a B
vitamin it's um it's it's a naturally sweet nutrient found in many fruits and
vegetables that you probably consume on a daily basis but not a lot of people really talk about a North star too much
I suppose and the body uses it for structure for secondary messenger molecules and many different things to
help the body communicate um I'm sure a lot of people have heard of you know different hormones or
neurotransmitters like insulin and and estrogen and testosterone melatonin you know inositize you use is used in those
um in those biological functions to help the body communicate in all those like really beautiful wonderful ways so how
have you seen inausaton I've got I've got a bottle here because I always have it very close by
um especially in the busy work week but how have you seen a nositol support thyroid Health within your practice
yeah great question so um most people when they hear that are going to be talking about how they've
done the research they looked this up and the vitamin uh inositol doesn't there's no direct link to anywhere on
the internet to fibroids but it it helps the thyroid kind of by beating around
the bush of the thyroid in a sense because the thyroid's job like I said before is to make sure that the electrical impulses to everyone gland is
is firing properly so if the kidney doesn't have the right impulse from the thyroid you're going to have those
kidney symptoms of swelling in the feet or claim your hands of field or frequent urination things like that so the reason
the thyroid usually goes down is due to stress and the stress is the
number one thing that causes and I stand by this wholeheartedly every single disease in the body it starts from a an
over balance of the stress no matter what so we have different genetic uh pre-pre-um disposed cells that for sure
like your father or your father before you you will kind of follow the same suit of that but a stress trigger will
get you there quicker and then also um if you don't have the stress sometimes those genetic genes don't kick at all
when those disease don't form so what I have found with inositol is all my clients that have been coming in I've
been taking multiple thyroid supports from a doctor um iodine and other minerals that are
directly linked to thyroid health support it it's still been kind of going on this up and down roller coaster of
having good energy and Clarity and focus and feeling better but it just keeps coming back and that's again to do with
the stress is something that you cannot you can't get rid of unfortunately we
are alive in this this world and it surrounds us every single day all day but what we can do is support and stop
the negative stress of that affecting our body in a negative way and that's where the United stall came in so once I
was testing the system and how excellent that I do it kept coming back to anositol and I'm thinking okay well
usually there's no link to that in thyroid let's give it let's give it a whirl so they would start taking the anositol and within two weeks
um this everything to do with supporting stress first so sleeping better which will help make the thyroid relax
um the anxiety and panic attacks were next to not and they noticed that their hormone their cycles and stuff uh how
they would feel before a cycle would start to get better so all the stress was relieved from the body and in turn
the thyroid was fully supported and able to do its job because it wasn't fighting through all the stress I was trying to
basically dug in around so then they would be coming back with their blood work and stuff after months on the inositol and their thyroid level is good
and they're actually lowering the medicine from the vitamin A thyroid gland just from adding and also on
wow that's fantastic and you know what a wonderful way of describing how that kind of like indirectly supports
systematic stress which as you say like is kind of unavoidable at this point in our culture and um
being able to support that very important gland of all the multiple functions that it does that's awesome so
how a lot of people probably never heard of inositol especially not as a B vitamin
even I spoke to nutritionists who've never who couldn't really tell me what anositol was but can you maybe um how do
you introduce that to clients because I'm sure people who come in and see you they you know they've taken a step into
taking their own health into their own hands really by going to see you know um a complimentary practitioner how do
you introduce the actual product and you know without being too techy and too
geeky on it yeah how do you do that because if you go into uh the details of yeah all this terminology
um a disease name from a medical system is this long and hard to pronounce and it means
you start talking big words people understand it so I always go through um with brain support first so I talk
about inositol and I say it's it's a it's a B vitamin but what it's actually used is it helps balance out as well
other neurotransmitters in your brain so when they come in with um more anxiety or if it's even with the
thyroid imbalance and I want to introduce an ostol I will talk about how it's all to do with the electricity of the body the body runs off electricity
and impulses and it doesn't matter if the brain or the heart is perfectly healthy that communication through your
central nervous system needs to be there in order to tell the organic glands what to do and how to do it and I found none
other better than inositol so I I will talk about how basically what you're going to be doing is taking this B
vitamin and the powder mixing it you could drink it once twice a day like this but what it's going to do is bring
up your neurotransmitter like the connection between the organs and glands and then they're going to be able to do
their job better and then it takes the stress off the system so the thyroid gland or the heart or the kid in your liver can function properly so I always
go about it more on this product here is going to help minimize the stress that your body's
feeling so you can actually live and your body can do what it needs to do and Repair on its own naturally so I don't get into too much of the concepts of
well look at this and from the kidney and liver it produces a little bit of this like it's just no here's what it's going to do and as soon as we start to
mimic or lower the stress levels that they feel better they can understand even more and then we can talk about it more but I always go about
stress and basically like uh you know we're plugging the wire back
into the wall so you can actually charge that's what an Austell is doing fabulous yeah I think that's a really
great explanation and probably very understandable for a lot of people to recognize that sure everyone experiences
stress I have stress in different departments but if I've got the ability to take something that's going to help my body deal with that stress then it's
able to allocate its resources to different areas of the body especially areas where we might have some inflammation or some other issues and
that that our body's gonna be able to start healing healing those areas because it's got some kind of extra time extra space it's got the ability to
communicate a bit a lot more effectively when taking this product on a consistent basis
100 that's exactly what it is because instead of targeting every ailment that you're feeling with even an attrition
because I I'm a horrible the thing is take your amino acids take your vitamins of course but just because they're all
good doesn't mean you have to take them all all the time you're wasting your money and your time that way so instead of saying oh my you know I have a rash
here my head hurts uh I have bowel issues all the time instead of taking something specifically for that it
always always comes down to too much stress in some area of your life and some reason it's coming in so if we go
after the source not the symptom and you take the inositol and take the rest of the body those other symptoms that
you're dealing with which aren't diseases their symptoms will disappear because every seven years right we're
different a whole different body from different cells and everything so the body is constantly healing and wants to
heal but if it's in a constant state of stress and fight or flight in those responses not going to heal so that's where the
nostril came in to help the fire go hey finally the pressure's off the pressure's off yeah I like that
that's good before we move over to empower plus and the thymus and the
thymus gland have you got anything else to kind of like add on into that inositol piece I think you've explained
that really really well and yeah it's a very simple product that can do such
amazing things for a wide variety of issues yeah so the reason I brought it into my clinic
um off the get-go was I started with the Empower which we'll talk about but then me and Austin really caught my mind uh
due to um just my my knowledge and learning and practice about how the brain works in
the neurotransmitters but what I have found so much with inositol is if anybody comes in
women first of all with really unexplainable um cycle imbalances so
there's been an influx that is outrageous of women who have a period almost constantly like I'll have a
couple days out of the month with a break of not having a cycle or they have a cycle and then out again for seven
months and and then they go through all the tests no one can explain it so the inositol again because everything does
trigger back to stresses but it also is a B vitamin which is great for hormones and stuff too and it regulates that that
nervous system I've had huge success with bringing women's Cycles back into a normal us
um balance so if it was too heavy it would become normal again if it was they were dying of cramps the cramps were gone and it was more an actual monthly
schedule period that it should be that is a huge one aside from people that just are literally on the brink of a
nervous breakdown like just shaking and everything in their body's saying yeah this is not going to be good
for you it takes them right out of it like so really people that just have no other option they don't feel like there's
anything any support in anything for Stress and Anxiety it's my go-to but for women's with anything to do with
hormones it's like it's been incredible for that so you've seen a wild influx of of women
coming in with a massively irregular Cycles it's it's become almost my number one
thing that I deal with with women now and over the last I would say about four months for sure it is just
um and yeah it's it's why you've got any theories behind that like what's going
on there I yeah I don't know I know um again we can it goes back to obviously
when they go on the analysis all that regulates your nervous system and the stress and it's been helping that so I think it's got more to do with just how
people are literally so anxious and just driven by fear right
now with certain things that their whole system is just basically saying no we're
off because you gotta remember that's all driven by hormones which is vitamins and minerals so when you stress you
deplete them and then this happens but never before have I seen it and such um
powerful like such strength ways of just like missing seven months of nothing
yeah I've certainly heard pieces that kind of trickle through certain practitioners and doctors kind of online
talking about this significant rise in in menstrual issues and obviously within
women with with their hormonal system their endocrine system is massively more complicated than a man's is so you know
we obviously all take stress on in different ways but without question last couple of years has been you know we've
never experienced things like it in a world like this right now so it would
would make sense unfortunately that there'd be a lot of irregularities coming in within you know compact a
complex system like the body yeah cool cool well let's let's talk
about Empower plus and the thymus gland so why don't you introduce the thymus glands to people
um and um talk about how you've been using Empower plus specifically with this organ because I'm sure you use you
you bring M Power Plus into your clients lives for many other reasons other than just the thymus gland but you know we
we're kind of talking by email before we um got on uh got on the call here and
you've obviously seen something and you practice you know just like you've seen these this uh Rising menstrual issues you've obviously seeing patterns there
so I'd be interested to know like what you've what you've observed and and how you've seen that work within the clinic
space absolutely so this is really exciting to me because this is a a missing part a
huge missing part of how people can remain healthy and stay healthy and combat any type of virus or
um let's just say ing that the world throws at them let's just say that um
and it's so important because just like you mentioned before some doctors can't even explain what inositol is
um there's very few doctors out there and I know because I've asked I don't
even know what the thymus gland is so let me give you a quick rundown here so the thymus Glam is a is a gland that
shakes it's basically sits right on top of the heart okay so when you're born the
thymus gland is very very big almost like the size of a grapefruit okay and the thymus's job is to basically
um well it's it's the only glandular system that actually is your immune system so it produces your white blood
cells your killer cells um the lymphocytes everything that goes after into the bloodstream to see if
there's a bacteria a fungus an infection or any type of Invader and then that it sends the appropriate uh cells response
and antibodies to trigger and kill that virus or that that host pretty much so to speak so even common colds that's why
so when you're a child it's wide open okay and that's why a lot of children you know they can fall down and like oh
that would have put me in bed for two weeks and get back up with never an issue or they can recover a lot stronger
on things quickly because their immune systems up to par but it was swollen like that and doctors didn't know till
not too long ago that it was that was the thymus gland swollen so they were actually a long time ago you can look us
up they were just taking the thymuscle and other people when they would do x-rays on children because they go look at the swollen gland this is horrible
and it's actually so it starts off very um big for a child because they have
more immune system like that as we age this is what the thymus gland does once you hit above the age of 50 it shrivels
down to about the size of a pee sitting on top of your heart there so this little tiny nodule almost gland
but it is still responsible for those exact same functions of your white blood cells your lymphocytes anything to clean
and kill uh bacteria or like I said Invader hosts and stuff in your system
so we only have a certain amount of those cells and the white blood cells are really formulated in your bone marrow and
that's why when you're older you'll hear oh there's no immune system so we have to go get a bone marrow transplant and they inject it back into your blood to
help fight things off so one of the key things about this is um to keep your immune system
functioning because remember the thyroid works on your electrical so the power without the power the organism works
it's very important but when it comes to immune system function so um keeping viruses at Bay and making
sure that your body can function properly in that sense um it's nothing but the thymus gland the
thymus gland is also part of the aging process the smaller it goes then the faster and rapidly you age as well too
so it's part of that because it's putting the right cells into the body so the reason there's very few things
that actually can stimulate and bring the life back to a thymus Clan however
a few of those minerals at the right component amounts seem to be in Power Plus
so there was a product a while back that was used for this and I started looking at the ingredients and going
wait a second this is the Empower plus so we started doing an experiment on all the people that would come in with horrible immune
systems I'm talking uh they could come into a building if somebody had a sniffle they would go home with a sniffle like that's a horrible immune
system so um and then when you get older and the more elderly you become obviously your immune system becomes compromised so you
want to take care of that so I would start to give people the Empower plus and suggest they take two in the morning
and two in the afternoon and the response of what happened with their thymus gland was absolutely
incredible so they would stop getting the sniffles the infections they could actually find that their energy came up
and they could even run and you know play with grandchildren do more things like that so um and all these things are not just
spoken with me testing it was actually like blood samples done by the doctors when they can see the blood cells and
the red blood cells everything come up to a balance by taking the Empower plus the key components of that is the Boron
that's in that's in power plus that's a wonderful you need a small amount but all the other minerals that are in there
with it just complement it perfectly but the thymus gland is 100 there's
nothing else that is exactly directly related to your immune system and it's very hard to find something
that actually stops the aging process of the thymus gland but the power plus product has proven itself to do that wow
yeah I mean it's so important that we have minerals coming in in the right chelated forms and as you say like in
the right combinations because you know we can now we could talk about like osteoporosis and calcium calcium calcium
but if you don't have the other if you don't have the other minerals present in the right forms especially in a good
quality supplement like Npower plus which you know goes through a four day process but before it's even in the
capsule to really make sure that those those minerals are going to be buyer available for for the body to just
uptake right away they're going to be familiar to the body so there's not going to be any reactions going on there
but they're working together like synergistically because a lot some people might comment on our ingredients
list that we might not be using the best form of this vitamin or the best form of this mineral but with the product isn't
about the individual ingredient it's about how they work together synergistically in the body because
that's how your body is going to uptake them and utilize them especially in very
very important glands that require very specific minerals in specific forms so yeah you've explained that really well I
I love the fact that you've you've seen that um you saw that as an opportunity you've
utilized it in your practice and then you've seen you've seen the results so I wonder like what what age groups have
you seen this work with you know you say mention people who have got like poor immune systems people get sick quite
consistently so how have you what type of people have you seen that work with in in the clinic
so obviously what you just said the elderly is the biggest one that would be um the
things that they could gauge off how quickly it was working with um how they would feel and so
um constant you know almost like diarrhea like symptoms because they were having chronic yeast infections all the
time basically because the thymus gland wasn't producing the right to kill herself to get rid of uh candida and
infections like that I'm suffering with that all the time rashes as well because the uh the lymph is too congested and
doesn't have the right lymphocytes to clean that so those things in the elderly so constant
constant immune system compromises things that you would go to the walk-in clinic for all the time he disappeared right away that was the biggest thing in
the elderly however without going into great detail I've had a couple not a lot a couple
um young children with very rare uh genetic um conditions kinetic conditions that
really affect the bones and the growth of the bones uh where they start to eat themselves from the inside out to the
bones or they just grow too fast and again there's nothing that'll work on
something like that aside for the right mineral component which what I suggest of them is Empower plus and uh the
things they will notice right away is um the aches and pains because there's technically
no such thing as Growing Pains Growing Pains is an excuse that we tell ourselves when the body's missing
calcium magnesium it hurts when the bones and tissues grow so if you have Growing Pains you have a child that's
constantly all the time hurting you give them calcium magnesium it'll stop within 5-10 minutes
so um that's just any pain in the body's our body's way of tell us so that something's off but it comes from
minerals so elderly for those constant you know uh bronchitis constantly
coughing infections like that um the empowered plus was helping that but for children with more rare
autoimmune diseases um already the quality of life has improved by not being so much pain whether or not
um those genetic conditions can actually be reversed and stuff like that I'm a big believer of you give the right stuff
the body can heal that we haven't seen that confirmed yet but how they feel is already improved
so that's huge how long have you been using Empower plus and other products because you
obviously when you you've noticed a pattern like menstrual cramps and sort of the menstrual issues and inositol and
you've seen this immune immune issues and you've used Empower plus you must have quite a lot
of experience with the products to First recognize the pattern of condition and then go and then kind of have a go-to
product that you that you that you trust and you know that's going to work so like yeah how long have you been using
our products for and what's your experience with them you know yeah I think I've so I've been aware of um
the company and and power plus for quite a few years but in my own clinic
and practice I would say only about that's been on my shelf maybe only about two years
but the thing with this is how I assess somebody's system is why I've been able
to Skyrocket the success of what's happened here because instead of talking to them and going you know what this
might work or let's try this the type of muscle testing that we use with somebody's system with the frequencies
to see uh the biggest thing that it can give you is what will work for them so we narrowed down exactly what it is so
if they come in with a condition I could basically test their system through the Kinesiology and say um and find out that it's coming from a
mineral deficiency and I think okay well how well will this product work for them how well would this product work for them and then when I have those products
like the only Power Plus I can test on their system by a strength basically a
strengthening test and it shows strong all the time for that product so then I would use the Empower plus and then they
would just come in uh usually I assess people every three months but if there's a big serious condition like that
they'll come in once a month for her to see how progress is going and that's how they'll be able to track it monthly to
see um how their symptoms and conditions have improved with that but
yeah I I I I don't even just minimize myself to things like a couple people's
products we have a whole bunch of things but Empower plus has stood out among all those
yeah we certainly find with Empower plus that there are a lot of deficiencies in a lot of different people right so but
you know it can be very difficult even if you do supplement it really well to obviously keep it keep a check on the
many many nutrients that we need on a kind of consistent basis but with
Empower plus we kind of tackle those more um more prevalent
deficiencies you know we've a lot of people are deficient in in fatty acids and amino acids but you know you know
being able to take care of the minerals and the vitamins is very obviously very very important is it common for herbalists to use supplements
I I think so I hope so yeah like I mean um a lot of um naturopaths and things
like that um will use more like homeopathic tinctures or basically
um because realistically every medicine I don't know a lot of people know this um it's really driven from a like a
fungus or a natural substance it has to come with something natural for the body to actually latch onto it right like uh
Advil White Willow and things like that um a lot of naturopaths use more
they are natural but they also come from a more of a um somewhat chemical component too they
work very similar with like the doctors like that which is great sometimes they work wonderful as a herbalist a
herbalist is more yeah because we um with the plants ground up as supplements like that but in those supplements
supplements or vitamins and stuff like uh like Empower plus is key because you don't have to waste your time by taking
a whole bunch of things for a while to get that amount like like beta-carotene can I just eat carrots
sure you can we'd have to eat bundles and bundles and bundles of carrots to get what it would take just to pop uh
the beta-carotene supplement what would you say to um because I don't know many I don't know many herbalists
that that use a lot of supplements obviously herbs that's what they'll have less are trained in but as you as you're
explaining there obviously there are constituents within herbs you know that
that you're using that you're activating for specific things and there's not really much of a difference between that and you know you know creating a
supplement which again is like in the weather it's one nutrient or it's a combination of different things for a
different ailment but do you you know what would you say to a herbalist like who only uses herbs and like doesn't go
towards um using supplements as a complementary Factor because of I don't know because of whatever reason
uh I would go back to the basics of how the body heals which is basically
um herbs like let's let's talk about like dandelion milk thistle about Clover all these things are really used to um
um push heavy in organs and glands so like clean organs and uh spleens like kidneys so it works more on
the actual glands very well but the supplements like mineral components supplements is what the body needs on a
cellular level like the DNA of that so um if I have a kidney infection I can
take over or see which is a herb at high amounts and it'll get rid of the infection but if I have
um like if I'm missing you know or my cells are mutating too fast or if
there's some sort of component on the other level and how the cells communicate with the immune system not a Herb's not going to reach that nearly as
much or as fast as a supplement will so supplements come in when the body needs
to really heal and repair the body so you can't neglect those at all because the DNA strands like are proteins that
make us up as a human the DNA is made up of minerals and amino acids and stuff like that so uh herbs
have a huge part in really helping the function of an organ and gland when it comes to the cellular level and the
immune system to kick in stronger you've got to use supplements as well like that you have to go to minerals for sure
apart from the thymus gland in your in your couple of years of um using Empower
Plus in your practice what are the kind of the other more common conditions that like you know you're sitting in your
you're sitting with one-on-one session and you're kind of obviously you're you're asking questions you're being
present you're listening what's going on but obviously there's like you know lots of things going on in that burner right
in your mind they're like connecting all these dots and you know kind of ddxing here so like what what
um what are the other more common conditions would you um would you go to
empower plus to support with so clearly the obvious one would be for um
mental depression anxiety and things like that is always the go-to but the other thing with that is when it comes
back to thyroid um the mineral components see the same here's a great example of what I was
saying before the thyroid gland that regulates all the organs and glands with the electricity like the channel the
conductors and neurons basically that go through your nervous system that runs off of iodine and there's
herbs for that like dolls and kelp and things like that that stimulate the thyroid gland however
the piece right in the center of your thyroid is called the parathyroid a lot
of people will talk the medical system will basically say it's not part of your thyroid it's different but it's called
parathyroid it's right in the middle of the thyroid it is part of it but its job is to
specifically balance vitamins and minerals which is hormones in the body and as dolphin kelp the herb would work
on the thyroid gland things like Boron and selenium those
types of minerals only work on the parathyroid so and power plus comes into
play a lot of times when people have um hormonal issues or the parathyroid is very low so they have
um that can lead to things like arthritic symptoms because a lot of um arthritic pains and Joint inflammation
comes from a lack of certain types of minerals so you can be taking them take your calcium take your vitamin D take everything but if the parathyroid is not
Distributing that electrical properly they're not going to absorb you're going to be wasting your time as well so the Empower plus not only delivers the
proper nutrients for that it also helps stimulate the electrical impulse from the parathyroid which then makes
everything absorb and um certain types of like testosterone and things that get trapped into uh organs and glands and don't get
delivered the selenium and the Boron the other minerals in that combination help them kind of disperse again so it also
helps a man's prostate as well would be another one so the parathyroid the prostate gland is another huge one but
again depression as well you've obviously got a lot of Science Background in regards to your education
and you know probably continued education as well going forward once you've you know once you're in your
clinical practice and keeping up and obviously the latest research and that obviously strongly validates the use of
using Npower plus because you know what's in it you know how it works and you know the condition and how that's
going to support somebody but you know most people who come into your office won't have that background won't have
that research background either so they're having to take the product trust you and
experience what it's doing for them in their current condition does that make sense like how does how how do people
give you kind of feedback on how how it's working because they don't have that logical understanding of like what
is in this product and how it's actually functioning all they can go on is like how by how they feel and the changes
that it's going to make right so how what type of feedback do you get on that yeah and here's here's a that's a great
answer to your previous question too is um so basically when I'm talking to them in
my office about I don't try to I actually try to go out of my way to talk to to people like I would talk to
my six-year-old son you know what I mean when it comes to health like as basic as a cancer they go great um I understand that but really with how
I test the body I will show to them on their system with the arm that this product will work for them so right away
that gives them a bit of a confidence okay okay well my body responded in some sense this product and obviously with
what he's saying I'm going to give this a shot but where that comes from is herbs take I have to see people every
three months because they take that three months that three to six sometimes a year to really get into the system to
make this dramatic change in their health but minerals especially ones that work on the thyroid gland that is every
day um support for your system and to focus on the the mental health is
a quick change so usually I tell people you will notice something within two weeks by being honest product there
there's no no like there's nobody you won't right so right away they'll come in within their months or whatever
follow-up if it's something that's a bit of more of a chronic issue and they can tell right away because once you feel
better mentally the physical body responds to that so basically it's it's how they feel with um oh I just feel
like I have a little bit more clarity in the day or what just happened before I got here would have really angered me and I would have been to a fist fight
and I thought not a big deal like so it's more to do with um how they're feeling on a day-to-day
basis but also what their partner would say I have lots of people take like a power plus for like say a month
um it's more
ounce as well but minerals yeah that's why game Power Plus the inositol uh we're not looking at three to six to a
year time frame to make a difference it's weeks you know it's a difference amazing well thank you so much like that
that's exactly what I wanted to get out of this interview talking about inositol and its application
um with the thyroid and talking about Empire plus and the thymus gland and then we're obviously touching on some other aspects of Empower plus as well so
I really appreciate you um going through that and it's amazing that you're actually um observing these things in your clinic
space and you know you obviously as a practitioner you get very excited about showing that information with other people so I really appreciate you coming
on to to talk about that how can people connect with you if they want to email you or ask you questions yeah so we have
a website uh which explains not only the art of Highway test uh but also talks about
um there's also a lot of written things that make it more understandable for people too and that is show Dash tay.ca
so that's my website and then on there you will be able to find two I also have an email so if you have questions or you
want to actually reach out to me with certain things uh the the email for that is my name so it's Evan at healthtrek
dot info that's my the email from the company for to reach me directly and that's the website those are the best
ways to get a hold of us beautiful well thank you again Evan I really appreciate it my pleasure anytime
awesome well that is it for this episode of True Hope cast really appreciate your time listening today
um for any information about getting hold of Evan and I'll put a few things in the show notes there so you can connect if you're listening on iTunes
please leave us a review it's very very helpful but that is it for this week on true Hope cast we'll see you next week
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