Guest Episode
April 22, 2022
Episode 63:
Spirituality and Personal Responsibility with Krysta Francoeur
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Krysta Francoeur spent a large part of her life battling chronic illness, inflammation, and self-sabotaging behaviors. She incorporated the conscious use of mindfulness, intuition, and introspection to help uncover the answers that were always within herself.
Krysta worked as a designer and brand-builder for 14 years. In 2014, she moved to Malaysia to work for Mindvalley, and has since supported people such as T. Harv Eker, Deepak Chopra, and The Shift Network, all while building her own health food company, Wild Remedies.
Today Krysta and I will discuss taking responsibility for your own health and using spirituality to improve your life. Enjoy the show.
Hi Krista,
welcome to the show.
Thank you so much for coming on True Hope Cast.
How are you,
and what's going on?
I am wonderful and I am so happy to be here
I'm just kind of getting my my day started to be
It's 10 a.m.,
and I've been taking my time this morning with my
my wellness routine.
Beautiful; I'm sure we're going to talk a lot
about that as that's a very important part of
everybody's life these days,
and we should be taking that into serious
So just to so we can get acquainted with each
other and for the audience as well,
why don't you tell us a little bit about who you
are and what is it that you do?
my name is Krista.
I live in Kelowna,
British Columbia,
The beautiful Napa-ish wine area of Canada.
And I make magic potions,
you can say.
I've just launched a line of functional beverages
that kind of blend supplements with flavorful drinks
and I that's not really what my trade is.
I started out as a designer.
I've been a designer for 14 years.
I still have a creative agency.
And over the years,
I have worked for some of the largest personal
development companies on the planet.
And my experience is designing everything from
brands to you know websites,
physical products,
absolutely everything.
And one day,
I just kind of decided,
you know what,
I want to make my own thing.
I make stuff for people all the time.
And I would like to make my own thing.
And so I did.
It's been a labor of love and quite a journey
over the past six years.
And so I'm very happy to be at this point,
to kind of,
you know,
have birthed this inspiration that I've had for a
long time.
And to have it in physical form now,
and having people,
you know,
really enjoy the things that I've created,
has been very,
very rewarding.
Thanks for sharing.
So we're going to talk about taking responsibility
for your own health and using spirituality to
improve your life today.
So why don't you tell us a little bit about your
life before you found mindfulness and healing?
Because you know it's not really something where I
wish we were,
I wish you were something we were hammered down in
school about being mindful and healing,
like I wish we had both of those classes in
school rather than you know algebra and history,
you know?
Even though we here in our great home here with
we should they have they obviously have their
merits everything and trigonometry,
yeah sure,
use that a lot,
but yeah,
tell us about before you found mindfulness and
healing and bring us into that uh into that
journey for us,
so I mean,
I think like many people,
I always felt like I was a victim of my
circumstances right?
So I feel like before you have that like an 'aha'
awakening it's just like,
oh well this is just how life is,
things are hard there's really nothing that you can
do to change the circumstances that you're you can
work really hard,
but that's kind of it.
And in my case,
in particular,
my circumstances revolved around a lot of health
I think ever since,
since I was a baby,
I have suffered with a lot of health challenges.
you know,
it started out as a lot of throat infections.
So I had constant tonsillitis as a kid,
like 10 times a year,
I'd say,
like tonsillitis,
strep throat,
stomach infections,
it was just it was always something.
And it was severe enough that I would always have
to take antibiotics.
So I took a lot of antibiotics growing up.
And it's not,
you know,
it's just recently that we've discovered how
antibiotics wreak havoc on our health.
you know,
I think I was in my early 20s,
by the time I had my tonsils removed,
and that cleared up a few things.
But my system kind of shifted.
And so instead of getting these chronic throat
now it started manifesting.
you know,
severe depression,
in a lot of weight gain.
And throughout my 20s,
it was really a matter of trying to manage the
symptoms through really unhealthy means I really
knew nothing about health and wellness.
At that point in my life.
I had got to the point where I was very,
very sick to get out of bed.
And I was like,
I'm going to die.
I'm going to die.
I'm going to die.
I'm going to die in the morning was a huge
I remember waking up every day and just absolutely
hating my body.
I was absolutely exhausted.
I was sick of being sick.
You know,
every single day,
it took so much of me just to get out of bed to
The severe inflammation that I was experiencing,
I was just in constant pain.
I would nap like four or five hours,
every day in the afternoon,
it was unbelievable.
And I just thought,
I guess this is just it.
I'm just,
you know,
I'm going to be sick for the rest of my life,
my body's broken.
That's what the doctors told me,
They're like,
here's some antidepressants.
your body hurts.
it just means your depression is really,
really bad.
So you need more antidepressants.
Here's the net,
I think I was on eight prescriptions.
How old were you at this point?
For all of this?
like 23.
23 going through all of this?
so I was on like the highest dose,
I was on a couple of different antidepressants at
one point,
highest dose of Wellbutrin.
I was on stuff for heartburn.
I was on stuff for pain.
I was like taking tramadol every single day for
All of these like mystery diseases that we talk
about now.
I was on pills and stuff.
And the media was filling me up.
And I think it was this terrible,
and it got to the point where I hit rock bottom,
and I was partying a lot,
I was just whatever I could do to numb it out.
So that was obviously adding more fuel to the
And I had a bit of a paradigm shift.
I talk about how like,
my story includes Netflix changing my life.
I think I was hung over.
At one point,
I was like on the couch watching documentaries on
And I saw I think it was like hungry for change
or forks over knives,
one of those like food documentaries.
And that was a major paradigm shift for me because
I was like,
so like,
food companies put stuff in food in order to make
you addicted to them.
And then it makes you sick.
And I just I had never been exposed to that kind
of information before.
And I was like,
holy shit,
this is like,
this is a really big deal.
And I have the type of personality where I'm kind
of like zero to 100.
So I get some new information.
I'm like,
so this is my new life.
I'm now vegan.
And I launched like straight into like this,
this big vegan cleanse.
and I felt amazing.
I mean,
I'd never really eaten that much whole food at the
now what I'm really coming to understand is a lot
of my health challenges really stem from emotional
you know,
this is really kind of the case for for most
a lot of people don't understand that,
but that really is what manifests these things.
But at,
at the time,
I was just like,
let's just try all of the things,
I'm just gonna,
you know,
be as healthy as possible and stop doing things
like eating fast food.
you know,
I used to put a lot of junk in my body,
as you know,
a lot of people still do.
A lot of people are not aware that what you put
into your body affects how you feel.
So after doing this cleanse,
and stuff,
you know,
I was feeling really good,
ended up being vegetarian for about four years
after that,
and felt,
a lot better,
my body definitely changed.
I was more resilient.
I also,
you know,
discovered spirituality.
I think also Netflix introduced me to what was
that documentary called The Secret,
And that was also a really big paradigm shift for
me as well.
And that kind of taught me that we aren't a
victim of our circumstances,
and that what we think can,
you know,
help create the circumstances that we actually want.
And so I was really fortunate in that that,
and in our life.
And then I just ended up selling,
you know,
all of these experiences kind of gave me the
enough health,
and enough inspiration to essentially pack up my
So I sold everything that I owned.
I got a job at this company called Mindvalley in
Malaysia overseas.
I didn't even know where Malaysia was at the time,
but I was like,
I'm gonna go do that.
I need to to do something different.
So packed up all my stuff,
moved overseas,
and went to go work from Mindvalley.
So that that was quite cool,
because there was just,
you know,
you're just immersed in personal growth,
and spirituality stuff all of the time.
And so there was a lot of growth that happened
there as well.
And I feel like this journey,
it's still a journey for me,
because I,
even though I've done all of these things,
and has made a really big difference in how my
body feels,
and how I'm able to move in the world,
and has led me in the direction of health and
I kind of feel that like people who struggle with
chronic health conditions have another aspect that's
involved that a lot of us don't understand.
And that is that we can have these other pieces
that are more karmically influenced,
and also spiritually influenced or emotionally
that unless these elements are addressed,
you can do your darndest by doing all of the
things with food,
and meditation,
and detoxification,
and all of that.
But until those really,
really deep root causes are addressed,
then these issues will just continue to crop up.
And so that's kind of where my journey has led me
to this point.
And that's what I'm focusing on right now.
And it's,
it's incredibly interesting.
It's mind bending.
But I am definitely getting results.
And I feel like this really is the But I am
definitely getting results.
And I feel like this really is the future of what
wellness is going to look like it's not going to
be so much,
you know,
the keto diet or like the vegan diet,
you know,
picking apart all of these things in a very
cognitive type of way.
And I think it's going to move more into a
and emotional and spiritual,
or like even light,
like light therapy,
there's all of these new,
not new,
it's a lot of things have been around for a
really long time but it's starting to become more
more accepted and it's interesting to to to see
how people are adapting to that and and getting
results so i don't know i feel like i just want
to like on a random tangent there no that was
great it it sounds like to me the birth of your
transformation really came from a situation where
you had been experiencing chronic pain sounds kind
of like from birth really like being having
infection after infection for a couple of decades
and then that um leading to more you know kind of
serious stuff and then as you say there's just
this time where you're just on the sofa and you
flip on the documentary And it's so amazing how
just um one 90-minute documentary with just slightly
different information that we've been used to,
just maybe,
just twisted in regards to the way it's presented,
and obviously the imagery and everything,
forks overnight was one of the documentaries that
completely changed my life as well,
in a very,
very similar way.
It's amazing how powerful the,
the imagery and the the statistics and the
communication of something that's just you know,
it's not it's just 90 minutes long,
it's the length of a football match,
but it can actually absolutely change the course of
your life and I think that's amazing.
In regards to what what information can do,
but you have to be in a position consciously or
unconsciously to receive that new frequency to
completely start firing and wiring different thought
processes that may have actually been stirring
around in your subconscious somewhere.
You know,
like connecting these dots about um,
you know our food is yeah littered with all sorts
of chemicals,
man-made chemicals that keep us consuming them and
then we have to go to the doctor and then we're
stuck into that system as well.
It's you know it's very very when you step back
and have a little bit of time to think about it,
it's very very.
Important to have a look at these things,
it's very very obvious that these things happen and
it's a business model,
and it's like it's so it's so unbelievably clear.
But as you say,
so many people do consume McDonald's on a daily
and they do consume all these foods not trying to
bash them or anything.
But people are stuck in these pathways.
But all it takes is a very subtle action,
a very subtle piece of information that completely
changed the course of somebody's life.
And as you say,
like we've got these light therapies,
we've got acupuncture,
we've got all these things that are going on and
we've got like so many unbelievable Ancient
therapies available to us,
and I genuinely think in my opinion,
people are just so um,
and becoming so aware that conventional model is
just not working for them,
especially when it comes to chronic disease.
And they could spend decades in that type of
environment where they're getting passed from doctor
to doctor,
they've been passed from drug to drug,
passed from therapy to therapy.
And with the best interest that the doctors have,
it's just not working for them.
It's just not working for them.
It's just not working for them.
So many people switch over to alternative,
complementary sources of medicine that have been
around for a long time,
which actually involve them in a much deeper way
rather than going into a doctor's office and
getting a prescription and just taking a drug when
you go and do light therapy or when you go and
do acupuncture or you do chiropractic work,
you speak to a holistic nutritionist,
there's such a different engagement with that
And then boom!
Like in session one,
and I'm just envisioning that they're...
you know,
in medicine they can go get out of it and do
I think that that the Cara counselor perspective
should really come through comfortably for health
and safety.
and í•´ì‚°,
and hopefully that would help this understanding and
also basically things you wanted to be able with
like a במיד in people have like I don't know,
I've had that experience where like I was just
like chronic conditions and you know,
and it's just this revelation you know,
you see it in people,
I'm actually like really pumped up and jacked up
just even talking about this other thing as you
can probably tell so yeah,
it's a really,
really amazing thing so thank you for sharing that
um how in your experience with the with the
mindfulness and healing bringing that into your life
to transform it and you mentioned when you went
Over to Malaysia when you were at the company that
was very spiritually minded,
how because you were obviously quite a novice to
all these things when you first went over there,
and I think that's just so brave and courageous
that you went and did that.
How did they begin to kind of like inspire you to
help yourself?
as I said before,
a conventional model is,
is you're not really engaged in that process; sure
you're taking the pills every day,
but you're relying on an external factor to try
and change your internal state rather than you know
using your internal chemistry and your internal
your internal frequencies.
And energies to do it for you,
so how did they begin to kind of inspire you to
help yourself?
Because as I said before,
a conventional model is they start to um introduce
this idea that you can heal yourself.
so I think really what it comes down to is I
learned how to listen to my my intuition right.
So everything that I'm doing now has been brought
to this point by listening to the little nudges
that I've been given.
Sometimes they're not so little,
sometimes they're like a sledge hammer,
but there's always been little things that have
just kind of nudged me and and guided me,
and in the beginning,
I didn't really understand that right.
but for me what i believe is that inspiration is
is that is that intuition or is like your higher
self kind of coming through and being like hey you
you should do this hey this is like a path that
you should go down um for example when i went to
a restaurant and i was like i want to do this i
want to do this i want to do that i want you
I had an ad agency when I was living in Kamloops
at the time.
And this was before just before I went to to live
And I was just starting to feel,
you know,
I guess,
And I was led to Mindvalley because it was just
through like,
a few little bursts of inspiration and thought
So for example,
I was like,
you know what,
maybe what I want to do is,
you know,
work for a company that designs apps or something.
that would be really cool.
Maybe I'll look at some of these startups in San
And that could be really interesting.
And then it led me to another thought.
And I was like,
let's just look at the apps that I use on a
daily basis.
what are the ones that I really,
really like?
And one stood out for me,
which was Omvana,
which was Mindvalley's app.
And I was doing a meditation program on there by
the Silva Life System,
which is a really,
really powerful experience.
If anybody has not heard of it,
I highly recommend looking it up.
It's it's quite cool.
It's like very OG.
I think it was developed,
I don't know,
back in like the 80s or something,
but it's like,
it's cool.
And that's what led me to to Mindvalley.
And I look at this website,
and then you just get like this whole body,
this is,
this is really cool.
This is something that that I need to look into.
And I didn't understand that concept at that point.
But I was still just motivated enough to go along
with that.
at this point,
I know to look for those signs.
So when I get like a full-body excitement about
or some sort of inspiration,
or if I'm feeling really motivated to go in a
certain direction,
I know that that's something that that that I need
to look in into.
And then,
you know,
working at Mindvalley was a cool experience,
because I was just,
I got to have a wide variety of experiences and
different healing modalities.
And I got to try different things and see what
and what didn't.
And in the end,
what I really discovered was that everything really
does live within yourself.
So there's all there's a lot of different teachers
and things out there who promote,
you know,
it promotes certain types of,
you know,
let's say,
it's like,
like it's a meditation,
or a breath work,
or a certain style of looking at things in a
different way.
Everything really does just come down to like the
same basic thread is that everything does lie
within you.
And you do have the ability to tap into all of
these things within yourself.
And I think that is really the most important
And that's really where things tie in.
into this concept of self-responsibility,
So understanding that we do have everything within
us required to heal or move forward in that
healing journey.
And unfortunately,
it generally takes an experience of struggling or
chronic health or being juggled from doctor to
doctor and like getting frustrated and then finally
oh my God,
so like the Western way of doing medicine is never
gonna help me.
And then it's like this whole thing,
And those of us who have experienced that,
we understand what that struggle is like.
And I think,
especially with all of the events and stuff that
have been happening over the past couple of years,
many of us are feeling even more called to speak
out just to let people know that there are other
ways of doing things where it's not a band-aid
solution and where not only are you going to be
able to heal,
but you're also going to be able to develop more
as a person and become,
you know,
or have more experiences that help you to create a
you know,
a better life.
It's not just,
this is just how it is.
And it's always going to be that way.
And I need to have somebody fix this for me.
we can do those things for ourselves.
We do need guidance,
And so it is important to,
you know,
seek that out.
But there are steps that you can take in order to
get to a place where not only are you feeling a
lot better,
but you are; you have more purpose in life.
I think that's very,
very important.
How would you go about describing spirituality to
somebody who doesn't really understand it or is a
bit skeptical of the word because they've yet to
obviously find that part of their life?
You know,
we know a lot of people like that for sure.
But yeah,
how would you go about describing something like
that to somebody new?
my experience with it,
I mean,
I would have called myself an atheist at one point
or just somebody that,
you know,
I don't know,
maybe there's something out there,
but I don't know,
like I've never experienced it before.
And I just,
it's hokey,
What gave me that paradigm shift was,
you know,
this documentary,
The Secret.
And I thought,
you know,
this is an interesting concept,
but they talked a lot about the science of it,
And that's what kind of initially got me hooked.
I ended up,
you know,
reading a lot of books on quantum physics and I
there's like science here.
Like this is legitimate,
there's science.
And that's kind of what got me down the rabbit
And it convinced me just to open up a little bit
and try some new things.
So that piqued my curiosity.
And then,
you know,
I got like my Reiki certification.
I tried meditation,
I played a little bit,
got a little bit more creative with it and then
started to have experiences that in my mind were
just pure truth.
Like there is something to this here.
And an example on a story that I like to tell is
that when you decide or when you start playing
with this concept of spirit,
in my experience,
I think that the universe will give you like a
very clear sign in the beginning.
So for example,
when I was playing around with this whole concept
of law of attraction,
I thought,
let's just play with it,
let's just try; I have nothing else to lose.
And at this point,
I had this client that I really wanted to get.
It was like a really big project.
And like the biggest project that I would have
ever worked on.
And I pitched this client and I thought I was
gonna get them and I didn't,
and I was super bummed.
And I was like,
let's; I don't know.
Let's try this law of attraction thing and see if
we can reverse the outcome or something,
So in my mind,
I just put it out to the universe and I said,
this client is going to call me back.
They're gonna tell me it didn't work out with the
other agency.
That they hired and that they wanna hire me.
And it was kind of silly,
And I don't even know if that,
like thinking about it now,
that's not really the correct way that you would
do it.
But I just,
I said this in my mind every day.
And I kid you not in two weeks,
I literally got a phone call and verbatim,
they were like,
it didn't work out with the other client.
We wanna hire you.'
can you come?
Can you show up?
Can you talk to me tomorrow and get started on
this project?
And I was like,
'What just happened?' Like,
I literally remember like screaming and I told my
I was living at home in the town.
I was like,
this thing just happened.
She was like,
that's actually pretty weird.
Because like my family is not really into this
but she was like,
that's actually pretty weird.
And so that was like a very,
very clear indicator to me that there was something
to this.
you know,
I'd say just try it,
just play with it,
you know,
learn a little bit about it.
If you need to look at it from like a science
there's tons of literature out there.
One book and author in particular,
I think it's called 'The Physics of the Soul' by
Amit Goswami.
incredibly interesting.
And I think that's like a really good place to
there's so much amazing literature out there.
I have a couple of similar stories in regards to
making things appear that you want or that you
need and wrapping the whole,
wrapping that thing around joy,
love and gratitude and happiness,
rather than like anger and envy and jealousy and
these completely different emotions that exhibit a
completely different frequency.
And without question,
it's massively scientifically backed up and you just
need to have that,
you have to have that skepticism and you have to
have that open mind.
And you know,
it's not something we're really,
really bred to have,
especially like conventional doctors,
you know,
like it's just not how they are trained to think.
and that kind of bleeds out into the rest of our
but we do have so many incredible authors.
Joda Spence is a favorite of mine,
but there are so many amazing people out there who
are sharing incredible science,
sharing incredible testimonials and stories and
showing people how to do it.
And it's just absolutely amazing.
Know you don't,
it's not just knowing,
knowing how it works,
but just knowing how to do it,
you know what's the formula,
how do you do these things,
how do you practice them,
how do you stay with it when it gets difficult
and you know like anyone who's never meditated
before to try and sit still for 10 minutes,
it's it's important,
it's very very difficult,
like your mind is going to tell you and make you
itch and it's going to do everything it possibly
can to take control over your body because it is
not used to your body sitting still so it's a
very very difficult experience but yeah,
like stepping into that realm of spirit,
spirituality and and that self-work,
it's profound and it's incredibly powerful um have
you used any of those practices to overcome like
any like personal like mental health Struggles or
anything like as they come up,
yeah absolutely,
I mean,
like i I find that when I'm going through
difficult periods in my life,
that's when I most rely on those tools.
but to be honest,
I have struggled on my own in,
in some sense,
you know,
like the Joe Dispenza stuff is absolutely so
And like,
I believe that there's all these healing
with that.
But for me personally,
I've found that having a guide has been the most
for example,
I'm actually working with a couple of intuitive,
women right now,
some mentors that have been absolutely fabulous and
they're extremely talented at what they do.
And they helped me,
they helped me guide through these processes of
tapping into my higher self and to,
help identify certain things,
energy systems that are stuck,
but give me the work to,
do the internal,
I guess,
exercises that are required in order to clear some
of those things.
So it's a little bit more custom,
So some of the programs and stuff that you're
going to get are really good for like,
you know,
raising your Kundalini energy and to framing things
in a certain way.
But I feel like in-person experiences,
like when you do a breath work experience in a
group compared to when you try to do it at home,
because it can be quite taxing.
I find with breath work,
like it's challenging,
And so when you do it in a group setting,
it's just all that more powerful.
And for me,
having a guide has really,
made a huge difference.
And it also helps with the consistency as well.
And the type of intel I'm getting now too,
because I mean,
if this is coming directly from like my spirit
guides and all what you know,
all of these things that they're saying are here,
like helping all of us through,
through these journeys that,
that we're going through.
it's almost like very specific types of medicine.
Like for example,
in one of my sessions the other day,
so weird.
so my guides,
my spirit guides.
So this,
this one woman that I speak to,
she's like,
the way that this works is,
my guides speak to your guides.
And then I like interpret things and I'm like,
this is,
you know,
this is a lot,
but I had a very undeniable experience because she
was like,
so your,
your guides are saying that,
your morning routine can be better,
Like there's,
there's things that you can be doing that,
that could be better for your morning routine.
And this is something that I've kind of always
struggled with because,
you know,
there's so many different things that we can be
and you know,
you read all the books and it's like,
so like journeying,
journaling's really good.
you know,
meditation's really good.
you know,
maybe like late there,
all of these different things.
And so I'm always trying to like cram in all of
this stuff.
And maybe some of the things that I'm doing aren't
like actually serving me.
And so she tells me that my guides are saying
that the best thing for me to be doing in the
morning is,
is breath work.
And I wasn't doing it very much.
And I thought,
this is great,
because I've been thinking about doing it more.
you know,
I'm going like,
do I need to find a group?
what is the best way to do this?
And I'm kind of,
she's asking me,
she's like,
what sort of support,
you know,
are there any apps or whatever that you can be
And in my mind,
I'm thinking of one in particular,
I hadn't said it yet.
But I have a friend who has a company called
And they facilitate breathwork experiences.
And they have some of their recordings on the
Insight Timer app,
which I've used a couple of times.
And so without even saying this,
she she looks at me and she said,
they're saying Soma.
And I was like,
that's that's.
very specific.
And now I feel like,
this is like the most personalized medicine I've
ever received,
it doesn't get much more personal than that.
It's like,
this is the exact thing that you should be doing
in order to move through any challenges and to,
you know,
optimize your your morning routine.
And it's been great.
I've been,
you know,
really enjoying it.
It just totally frames my day perfectly.
and I feel like I'm moving a lot of energy.
And stuff because it is very Kundalini focused.
And it's not too long.
It's 20 minutes.
It's perfect.
It fits into my day.
and I can feel confident that this is this is the
thing that that I should be doing.
that's very cool.
I think it's great that there are so many options
for people.
I think,
you know,
I love the 1,000 people in a room meditating
together like that; Jack,
that just completely gets me going like that.
And that inspires me.
And that gives me the strength to then go and do
the work on my own.
I think for a lot of people who are stepping into
the arena for the first time,
and trying to do it by themselves to find that
it can be really,
really tricky.
But once they're like,
in a group setting,
or maybe in like an online community or something,
then they're,
you know,
they're connecting with other people who are going
through similar things.
And you know that there are other beginners,
there are advanced people,
working together and doing these things that can,
you know,
obviously build a lot of confidence for a lot of
And then,
as you say,
like when you want to advance it even more,
there are amazing individuals out there who can
personalize it and customize it,
and really get into the specifics of you because
we all obviously carry this very unique energy so
yeah it's just amazing we've got all these
incredible options available to us it's just yeah
we just require people to become a little bit more
open-minded and you know try just try new things
and you know thinking different ways I think that's
really really the the key to the opening the door
to a lot of these things.
Why don't you tell us about Wild Remedies?
I would love to.
Wild Remedies is my my baby; it is everything that
I love.
Create all in in one um collection or product line
so in September we launched our new collection that
we call Magic Lattes,
and I include the word Magic in there just because
I had so many magical serendipitous moments that
led to creating this line and I just wanted to
create something that was unique that was beautiful
that really tasted good and that was helpful for
As we know,
there are a lot of products on the market that
don't help us and instead uh you know create
challenges and I wanted something that was was yeah
what was just going to be really beneficial and I
had the inspiration to create this.
Was one of those things you know,
where it just was like you know,
got extremely inspired?
I was driving somewhere,
and I was like,
'Oh my god,
It would be so cool to make something like this.'
And I just saw beautiful colors and unique flavors,
and my background being very creative.
It was just something that was very exciting for
and so we started with three products in this
We have one that's more beauty-focused,
we have one that is focused on your immune system,
and another that is focused on sleep and
The beauty one has a special ingredient that I
sourced from France,
which is clinically proven to Plump your skin,
it has high-dose vitamin C.
the flavors are really quite unique too,
so we have like strawberry rose,
spiced chocolate,
our almond lavender dream has like amaretto notes
and vanilla; it's really nice,
and they all just have different um botanicals and
mushrooms and and nutraceuticals to to help elevate
um certain aspects of of your health.
I'm looking at the website now and looking at the
i mean the first of all the branding is beautiful
by the way and the colors are great; you've got
the beauty,
replenish all of these magic lattes are remedies,
yeah it's very,
very cool and Obviously,
make sure there's a link in the show notes for
people to check it out and yeah,
it's um difficult to put something like that
I can assume you know,
like you know,
especially when we're talking about you know putting
like supplements or vitamins or nutrients into a
product and getting out there you know,
it's not it's not an easy task.
So well done,
thank you.
it has been um quite the journey,
especially launching health products in Canada.
We have a lot more restrictions and things here um
than than some other countries,
but it also you know ensures that we are providing
quality products.
I guess that that's a good thing in the end,
You certainly don't need to tell that to Uh True
Hope Canada,
we've been taking true kind of uh health Canada's
taking us to court on more than one occasion and
always lost so yeah it's it's a very very
interesting oh you're kidding market yeah that's a
that's definitely uh that's definitely something I'll
share the I'll share the um episode with you where
we talk into great depth about that because it's a
spicy episode,
I would love to listen to that journey wow,
It's a fiery story,
that's for sure.
How um Krista how can people connect with you?
Well people can connect
With me through Instagram,
our handle is wild underscore remedies.
You can learn more about our products and things
on our website at,
I've got my email and and stuff on there if
anybody has any questions or would would like to
I'll make sure those are in the show notes but
that's kind of our time today.
I really appreciate you opening up and sharing that
journey and how spirituality and just becoming a
more open individual and allowing these things to
come into our lives too,
and you know being being open to that type of
how powerful that can be.
So I really appreciate you sharing.
That's with me today,
us thank you so much,
of course,
thank you well,
thank you again and yeah as I say,
for more information about anything we've spoken
about in this episode,
you can check out the show notes.
Don't forget to subscribe if you are listening on
leave a review very helpful.
thank you so much for listening to True Hope Cast,
the official podcast of True Hope Canada,
we'll see you next week.