Guest Episode
August 27, 2024
Episode 40:
Baby Brain & EMPower Plus
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Antonina also teaches Preventive Healthcare at the Institute of Holistic Nutrition’s Vancouver Campus, and travels across North and South America, teaching Nutrition and Water Science to both public and medical professionals.
all right hi Brooklyn welcome to the show how you doing good sorry I was
daydreaming it's fine now looking at this beautiful window into the park it's it's a daydreamy type of environment it
is you're well I'm very well welcome to the show we're happy to have you here thank you for having me of course why
don't you tell us a little bit about your journey into the wonderful world of Natural Health cuz everyone's everyone's
got a story it's personal it's different but it all leads us to the same kind of
holistic goal I suppose so why don't you tell us about that all right so for me I
feel like it started or the root of why I got into holistic health was I think it's a very
common story of people's by having my own health issues so having a lot of
digestive issues wondering why they were happening and a naturopath told me when
I was like 16 I think that I should try cutting out gluten you went to a naturopath when you were six I worked at
a clinic that had a naturopath and the naturopath that worked there was like oh well you should try cutting out gluten
see what it does for you or wait hold on I wasn't 16 I was probably 18 okay yeah you were a young lady After High School
it was not in high school was after high school and so I was like okay that sounds weird
at that time that really wasn't something people often did believe it or not so that's I'm aging myself there but
that's 12 years ago okay and so I did I cut it out and I had such a great
experience I felt so much better I did quickly or was it pretty quickly yeah okay
um yeah and just the the fact that a simple dietary
change made such a big difference just fascinated me and anyone who knows me
knows that if I'm not interested in something or fascinated by it I pretty much don't give a at all okay and I
did not know what I would go to school for I didn't know if I would go to school because of that reason because nothing really interest me and in that
moment I did go traveling a bit after that but in that moment I was like okay so food what food does in the body how
it affects us is at this point the most fascinating thing in the world to me so
I think I'm going to go to school for that that's really cool yeah good question what what did the naturopath
here you say you're obviously having a conversation with with with the naturopath at the clinich MH in passing
I suppose like what what was going on for you that that gluten had such an impact so quickly honestly it was a lot
of just digestive issues like gas bloating pain when I ate and irregular bowel movements like I
call them that now but at the time I probably wasn't speaking of that but I just we worked together at the clinic and in the staff room and a couple times
he would I just mentioned like oh I'm getting really bloated after I eat I get a lot of painful gas so not just like
passing gas but stuck gas and how long had you experienced those symptoms
because a lot of people put up with those symptoms for years yeah I and think it's normal and then don't talk
about it because we're talking about gas and poo and stuff right people don't really want to talk about that totally
so a lot of people experienced those things for a long time before they even decide to even do anything about it
and usually they go to a medic doctor first of all but you're so lucky and fortunate that you happen to be working in a naturopathic Clinic definitely yeah
I I don't I probably been experiencing it for a long time mind you I was young
my life was crazy there was a lot of other factors I partied like a fair amount
okay I was traveling I was like yeah so there was probably a lot of other things but that was the I was being 18 that was
the first time I was told that something to do with my diet could potentially play a part in What I was
experiencing and then you got into studying nutrition no so then I traveled
for a bit and it was actually my friend Carly who is my best friend one of my
best friends and she started looking up Pacific Rim and was like oh I think I'm going to go to school for this herbal
program this phytotherapy program and I was like at the time I had already had that
experience where I figured out that food was so fascinating to me and that I wanted to do something in that realm and so when I looked at Pacific Rim I saw
they had the nutrition program and was instantly like oh my God this is amazing I looked into the program I had actually
already done a course in ayurveda and had loved it like had fallen so in love
was like hooked on it it just furthered furthered my like desire to learn more
in that realm of knowledge and so when I looked up and saw the nutrition program I in like applied right away and was
like this is what I want to do cuz I truly mean it like I at that point I was lucky that I had parents that encouraged
me to go traveling and do that kind of thing but I was like I don't know if it's not going to be food or nutrition
or something to do with that I just don't know if I'll end up back in school fair enough MH yeah and I have a similar
experience in regards to looking at the curriculum of the nutrition program at PLC on their website just on their
website not talking to somebody about it yeah just how comprehensive and extensive it was and how it it it dived
and dipped into so many different aspects and I know I was looking at that on a website from Sweden and that bought
me over so you know you were down the road so that's awesome oh totally it was I I was absolutely I'd already done the
six-month course in Iva so I was like when I looked it up it was like in my mind I was either going to further my
education in ayurveda but the fact that prc's curriculum had such an extensive portion of ayurveda and Chinese medicine
and biomedical sciences and nutrient therapy itics I just was like this is perfect and I wanted to do something I
always laughed cuz I kind of felt like in a in a field where it's so diverse the
level of knowledge that people can have I knew that about nutrition and I kind of felt like oh if I'm going to learn
about nutrition I want to learn the most and I want to know the most of all the options around me so the onee courses
that were out there weren't appealing my maybe that's like so many of those as well right so many and it was the competitive side of me that's like no if
I'm going to do it I'm going to do the best program out there I'm going to do the longest one I want to be the most knowledgeable and I actually at the time
of kind of was really interested in naturopathic medicine too but what veered me towards PRC instead was that
it was like instead of four years learning a bunch of different modalities I got to spend three and a half three
years purely focused on nutrition yeah that's really cool now I I can't we
we've spoken about PRC on this show so many different times and had different practitioners from that school and
yeah without question my life really didn't start until I really started to study nutrition and and I really wanted
to go to a a campus in school be able to communicate with the with the faculty
day in and day out and ask questions learning online or from distance just really wasn't for me I'm sure it works
for a lot of people really convenient but just didn't really appeal to me because as you say there's so many of
these courses you could do online and after 6 months 12 months you could be like a a a Nutritional Health coach or
something yeah it just wasn't enough no for me and those individuals who do do those courses do wonderful things
there's no doubt about it because even just learning a little bit more than what most people do when it comes to nutrition passing that advice on and
giving them like plans and things and keeping them active on them can do absolute wonders for people's nutrition
as you say like you you took gluten out one simple thing yeah and it it changed
the course of your life just that that one yeah pretty much that one little protein changed you planted a seed
planted a seed I like it um how was your experience at PLC 3
years yeah I feel like it's 3 3 and a half when you look at like you're doing that final summer kind of thing you
start in September and it was amazing I people always like I have a lot of friends that are in school or are just
getting through school and they're always like ah you know like I'm still in school I loved going to PRC like I
loved it every single day I feel like I was so involved and so engaged because it was something I was passionate about
that I truly enjoyed it absolutely it was hard I was pregnant my entire third
year I want to talk about that same yeah and so it was difficult but I the fact that I enjoyed every detail of what I
was learning like my favorite courses were biochem and the ones that everyone hated and I found them just so
fascinating so I really enjoyed it I loved it I miss it all the time actually I'm always like still I did special spot
oh yeah and I did half the I did a year of the phytotherapy diploma and nowadays I'm always like
I just miss it so much that I contemplate going back but it's it's a wonderful School tell us about cuz one
of my like primary memories of the three years I was there or two
and a half years I was there was that last semester your last semester primarily CU you were like so
unbelievably pregnant at the time and the I remember a conversation between
you and uh krie Watkins Dr Kerry Watkins naturopathic doctor um and teacher at
the school and how she was so wonderful in regards to keep talking to you about
how don't worry about it Brooklyn we're going to get through this it's going to be totally fine you can do it and how
supportive she was I remember that conversation you guys had really really really well yeah and because you were in
a bit of a a place I can only imagine it like you know you're seven eight and nine months pregnant trying to finish
like a threeyear in-depth program like that's that's I actually use that as motivation in my
head that I can do a lot of things because Brooklyn did that that's just like it's it's Champion style stuff it
was crazy I remember like Carrie was literally one of the first people I told
because I found out panicked I just spent what what's PC by the end like 40
Grand at least yeah it's like five six grand everything else plus like whatever
so you accumulate about this like the whole of the school is 40 Grand at least and so I knew I was going into my third
year I knew that that's the expense I had put put forward all the effort I had put forward and when I found out I was
pregnant I really knew that I was like that's what I wanted to do I wanted to have a baby but I was so freaked out
that it was going to make my entire schooling a waste so Carrie was one of the first people I went to and I was
like is this like is this the stupidest thing that I could ever do in my life how pregnant were you when you told her
knew okay like I had just found out and I was like I'm pregnant what the am
I going to do is this going to be like am I throw thr away all of my dreams because I knew I know people veryy vary
from either side but I've always known I really want to be a mom but I really want to be a very successful person in business and I want to be a business
person so I was like in that moment fighting whether I'd be throwing away my business dreams to become a parent and
she was like oh my God no like this if anything this is going to just clarify
your path and business like having a kid is going to just it's basically going to hone you in on specific niches versus
just like wipe away all your all your and she at PRC we work very closely with those teachers for like the whole time
so she knew me she was like you're going to do so great this is not over basically exactly that she's like you
can do both basically the assurance that I could do both and then the second conversation was what you're probably
one of the ones you're talking about when it was like we were coming up to finals and I was like I can't remember
where my socks are like how the hell am I going to do these finals like the baby brain was so real like a week prior I
had decided to make these like superfood chocolate chip cookies and I had like pulled out everything from the
cupboards basically made them put them in a pan put them in the oven and then
at some point that that evening I turned off the oven just thinking oh the oven's on I'm just going to turn it off and 3
days later I opened the oven to cook something and found the cookies in it I hadn't even registered that I had baked
cookies made cookies I hadn't even realized I had forgotten about the cookies so I was panicking about finals
and she was like yeah being involved in two pregnancies I it's a it's a seriously
real thing oh my God it's crazy so I was very scared because I knew I knew what I was talking about and I really knew I
knew my stuff like I said I was so engaged in class that I knew it because I loved it all so much but I was so
scared that I would forget the words in the finals and at PRC a lot of the questions are like you have to write big
paragraphs like they're not asking you like a or b you're like using your critical thinking explanations for sure
explanations and so I was scared that I wouldn't know the words to things and Carrie was like Brooklyn if at any point you feel
like you don't know the word just move off to the side of the paper or bring a piece of paper with you and describe
what you're trying to get across dra picture yeah draw a picture describe what you're trying to get across and I
will know whether you know the answer or not don't worry it's going to be okay we're going to get through this exactly
what you said and it was like okay I can do this and all the teachers were on board I feel like all the teachers were rooting for me yeah there was only one
other person that was really pregnant when it was um when I was and I feel like the teachers were very very yeah
when you've got that kind of smaller environment and maybe classroom classes of maybe like 10 to 20 people like the
teachers have got the ability to take that extra special care they were so like I know that it would never have
been that way in another school like and that school is going to attract a certain type of
educator and that's exactly who you need in that type of situation I was very
lucky to have everyone tell us about your experience of true hope then when did you first hear about him actually I
I feel like through Moren potentially or through yeah Morin Fon she did a lot of work with true hope in the past it was a
supplement that came up in class and so or yeah somehow I honestly can't
remember the exact method of how it came up but I de deed to try it and I had struggled on and off through all of my
time at pierc with depression and anxiety and mental health issues they kind of arose in 2013 so it would have
been like right as I start to go start started to go to Pacific Rim and I think that anyone can say when you are diving
into the Natural Health world you have to heal you end up healing yourself whether you want to or not so all of
your garbage just comes to the surface and a lot of my garbage was a lot of mental health issues so
EMP came up as like a supplement that can address those things but also just
like a great quality supplement and it was
recommended to me so I was like sure I love supplements I stand behind them the good ones really really really really
well and with EMP it was so funny I always tell PE my clients now like if you don't notice anything in 3 months
like it's probably not working for you and you know give it a solid 3 months be consistent and then check in with
yourself like have you noticed any difference um and with EMP it was like very quick it was like a month and the
light bulb moment for me was sitting in class and the teacher asked a question
it's so funny that I remember it so specifically But the teacher asked a question and I could recall exactly the conversation we had the the week
before and that ability to like recall past information wow in class when
normally that's not something that I can do so well I take a ton of notes for that specific reason but I wasn't even taking notes I was
just listening and all of a sudden when they asked a question I could recall those past conversations I I knew exactly what I was talking about it was
very clear very precise and I was like holy this is an amazing supplement
and then I decided to like study the ingredients and I remember drawing out a like a brain map of EMP and like of the
brain the co-actors minerals vitamins basically this like brain web of what the brain needs right and sitting there
and like comparing it to the label on EMP and being like holy like this supplement is literally just a super
multi for the brain specifically like it has all of it I was just so impressed and I was like no
wonder I feel amazing yeah it has everything and in very very specific forms as well because you can you can
look at the bottle if you are unfamiliar with like supplements and and what the brain actually needs and just think okay
it's just a just a broad spectrum multivitamin like all the other ones on the Shelf but the fact that the way it's
processed and the way it's super bio available to just upake right away is why people like I would say like a
feeling it after a month I wouldn't call that quick cuz some people like in days yeah significantly recognize their brain
function just changed massively yeah it was amazing I felt it first and then I
feel like a lot of times the process to get to know a supplement is like you research it first you look at what it
has you get semi- convinced based on the label and then you try it and that's the final test with MP it was like I tried
it was like holy something just happened that normally doesn't now I'm going to look into it
and then I I fully understood by looking at the label and the amounts and the forms that things came in why that it
why it was having such an insane effect that's that's just that's just a testament to how good the product is
because usually like as you said I would do the same thing because I would need to have the knowledge that okay this
product is well manufactured yeah it is it's actually the what's in the capsule
or whatever whatever's in there is actually in there and it's well researched I need that to actually
convince my brain to take it and that kind of like Placebo understanding is an important part of like the effect I'm
I'm looking for so to not have that going into this product yeah that's
really that's really something because you're going there with a with with a blank page and you're not sure like what's going on yeah and that sort of
was my first experience like that with supplements honestly like cuz obviously in PRC I was getting
into the world of supplements before that I never I didn't take any consistently enough for them to have any effect yeah and that was my first
experience with a supplement that was so positive and then it kind of formed my Baseline moving forward it it's part of
the reason why I tell people like feel something and if you don't feel anything and it's been 3 months unless it's one
of those supplements that is doing its job physiologically that you're not meant to feel any like you know there's tons of supplements that do that where
you're not meant to feel something but with something like that I think you should expect to feel something and so
it was like yeah it just created this foundation for me moving forward with my clients with myself which is which is great so have
you recommended this to clients anyone any any like specific type of individuals I recommended it a lot
actually in PRC for sure and since just with anybody the clinic yeah in the
clinic and then since in my clinic as well just with anybody having any of those symptoms like basically people
having any like lack of memory any mental health things just as a support system in general um brain fog I
remember talking about it for pregnant like I remember digging in and asking if it was safe for pregnancy and because
it's like a lot of those symptoms that people have in pregnancy are like just the the feelings of like where has my
brain gone feel like it's just not there the brain fog that we spoke about and it makes so sense it makes a lot of sense
that that brain fog would happen during pregnancy considering that every single possible resource that you have inside
of your body is going towards creating this totally so you would need to
supplement you need to supplement exactly that's where the word comes from right it's like in especially in a time
of pregnancy like what how can you top yourself up cuz most times the baby's going to be fine because it's going to
leech everything from you it's not a question of are your supplements for your baby it's like your supplements are
actually for the leftover human that's at the end when you built this other one
but I have recommended it many times and for people from mental health issues to people just wanting better brain
function like I said it really when it comes down to it it's it's just an it's a good multivitamin in my mind
specifically for brain health before you started studying at PRC or even during it was there a time where you just
thought that you could just get everything from food because I had that I when I went into studying I thought I
don't need s you need supplements if you're unhealthy or if you have a deficiency or something right and I assume that you could just get
everything from having a really good diet did you have a similar thought absolutely did that change I think there's still PE a lot of professionals
that I respect that have that opinion today even I it absolutely changed I don't agree with that tell us about it I
just think that sure if you want to live you can get everything you want from food if you want to be alive if you want
to be generally healthy if you're not dealing with any disease or any areas of
deficiency you can it's a crow oh my God it's scared me it's not a pterodactyl
you're okay freaked me out um so if you're not
dealing with any deficiencies or you're not you know dealing with disease and
you just want to exist and feel okay then you can and you and then in turn you eat all organic amazing food then
potentially like you can get everything you need from food but I think the biggest lesson I learned
in Pacific Rim and through studying nutrition now for years and through seeing hundreds of people in clinical is
that there's the optimal human and then there's the average person and the
average is who you should be talking about who you should be assessing who you should be treating so when you look
at like the prime example for you to get everything from food the majority of people aren't doing that so then in turn
the majority of people would would need to supplement so is it possible potentially if you're doing everything
right if you're like living on a farm and you're getting your own meats and you're growing your own food and you
know what the soil composition looks like yeah but I'd say that most people aren't doing that yeah I think a lot of
people don't recognize how damaging to the body and depleting it is just living MH and our
world's different than it was exactly our world is completely unprecedented in regards to the external stresses whether
that's work or family or electricity or you know there's so many different
factors that can contribute to your body becoming depleted in certain minerals antioxidants vitamins
you know whatever whatever that is and just being able to just very easily supplement that area on a daily basis to
keep you it's just a really easy wonderful way especially if you're choosing the right products and the right brand right well yeah and
alongside that a couple things to note is that yeah number one our world has changed so it's harder to get those
things and then we're also dealing with a bunch of external factors that we can't control so supplements and diet in a in a sense are what I call our
controlled factors so we have the uncontrolled factors and then are controlled factors and so a lot of
people don't realize how much they can't control that's coming in through the food that they eat through the air that
they breathe through the products in their home everything so supplements and diet are are that small percentage that
you can control and then to take it even further it's like so many people are
living their day-to-day life with symptoms that they consider just normal that aren't so when I say do you have a
deficiency are you dealing with disease I think people's mind goes to like oh do I have a diagnosis or am I bleeding or
am I like can't get up but it's like no actually there's a lot of symptoms and disease that show up in ways that most
people are experiencing right now where first I would then find supplements necessary yeah and we see people all
over the place who are just like they're just chronically like dehydrated or they are significantly low in like iodine for
example which is really difficult to get in the diet and you've got recommended guidelines which are really really low
anyway and then our medical doctors aren't up to speed when it comes to what
we really need to be consuming and and how that can you know if we're low in those things how that can manifest as
disease for example yeah we're not quite educated enough in regards to that and
it can be difficult it can be really difficult for I think just looking at our soil and and and the fact that we
this for me this is a big one is that we love to like habitually eat kind of the
same foods like well go to the shop I do this I go to the go to the market and buy the same stuff all the time so we're
limiting ourselves to maybe I don't know 50 different types of food a year and traditionally we would have had hundreds
to maybe arguably thousands of different foods which feeds different bacteria and gives us this beautiful blend of
different molecules that we really need to to thrive but we kind of like because
we can just have everything like 24/7 literally we we narrow down and just
grab the things that that we like and it's usually convience it's really like yeah it's usually a convenience small
list of things that that we go for and it's difficult to get everything from from that type of a minimal list
absolutely it we've lost so much D food diversity um and yeah it's like people
are making those habitual decisions based on like the number one number two barriers which is time and effort energy
so many people don't have the energy or the time to do better or to make better decisions because it
takes education it takes learning more it takes effort that a lot which a lot
of people aren't really willing to do and like that was my biggest issue with that's why I literally don't do clinical
anymore unfortunately I saw hundreds of people and so many people I wasn't even getting
to talk about D to zed of like what I wanted to do with somebody because A and C like
hydration food consistency and like movement would were never even never
even done so you can might as well not go over to G if you don't have those foundations and
that's what I noticed is like I don't know if you noticed this but in clinical I was never ever ever like very rarely
getting to those specific things I was like always like okay can we just get
these foundations down because the majority of the population isn't even doing the basic foundations for Optimal
Health yeah I in my nutritional experience I probably had a handful of clients where I've been able to get to
that Z place and it's usually because they were experiencing something so bad
that they're coming to see like an alternative natural practitioner was because they've they've got no more
trust in the conventional model has got no more answers for them right so they try and look somewhere else and with
that motivation they have to try something different otherwise you know they're going to get really really sick
that's what helps people get through that a to DT and then once they really commit to hydration maybe not drinking
five coffees a day not drinking four beers a day and then they recognize like very very quickly
just it's not even adding things it's more just taking some taking the things out is usually what makes people like
you know lose the weight a little bit and feel a little bit better reduce know the fatigue goes away and then people
really um are super invested in you because they've really like done that really hard work for a couple of months
and then then you then you can get to like the really like specific stuff yeah it's really cool super rare
unfortunately because yeah people are just like so comfortable with their own habitual things and but it's amazing I
honestly one of my last clients that I saw uh this spring was one of those clients and it was it was so incredible
it like reminded me why I do love clinical in those circumstances so much
because you totally she always like every time I see her she's like I could just mouth kiss you I love you so much
and I'm like it wasn't me it was you like it was but in a sense like all it
takes to have that type of experience is the same dedication from both the practitioner and the person yeah and
it's super rare to find that practitioner I think I mean there's some amazing people
out there for sure but having that that like Synergy and that like therapeutic
relationship is really really important and that has to be established like really quickly though that trust yeah I
think there should be like I know that I was having like an interview process where I was literally screening people
before taking them on yeah and I think it should go both ways I think people should screen the heck out of their
practitioner before investing money because like you know we're not natur we're not covered across the board we we
have some coverage but not across the board and so it is an investment and I jacked my prices up to be like the right
people who are invested will pay more and then that's another part of the screening process and then I know by the
time I'm getting to that point of like one-on-one visits hopefully I've gotten enough of
the screening process done that it's going to be two invested people and Magic happens with those a b and c and
then you get to take it to the end yeah you've got to have that like preliminary like free call or whatever it is to just
make sure that you guys are all right fit because it doesn't matter what you recommend it doesn't matter like how
committed they are in the beginning if they're not into you it's just not going to it's not going to work out well no
unfortunately crows back um how important is it to use the right type of
supplements because the industry isn't as regulated yet like
Pharmaceuticals and there are some great great Brands out there that do good stuff but in my experience there are
more worse Brands out there MH what's your experience like when if you if you were going to look for a product for
yourself what do you what's your what's your you know what do you do you go to Costco where do you go um so it's a
couple different things like when you bring up this question it brings me to a couple different place places which is
supplements can be amazing but the digestive system has to be functioning properly first and
so if somebody comes to me and they're having diarrhea every day severe gas and
bloating it's rare that I'm going to bring in a supplement right away like I want to see their digestive system
improve to the point where I know they're going to if it's capsule form break it down you know what I mean and
it like so I always want to check digestion and and then you go to the
side of supplements and absolutely there are more I do believe there's more ones out there than good ones and when
it's when it comes down to me like researching a supplement and finding out whether I feel like I'm going to use it
like third party testing is always huge so like does the company get third party testing so that it's not just them
saying this works this is amazing here's all our trials or whatever like but they've got gotten a third party company
to come in and say like yes this ingredient list checks out because believe it or not so many supplements
have something on the label and that's not what's in it or it's got like minute amounts of what's in
it um and then a bunch of fillers so like a lot of people don't even look at the non-medicinal ingredients as well
which is something I'm always looking at and if the non-medicinal ingredients is like more than a couple of things I'm
super skeptical yeah because look at how tiny a little thing is like if if it's got 11 non-medicinal ingredients how is
it going to have any medicinal ingredients in it and if it does have them how small of the amounts are they going
to be um the other thing is ingredient list
in general so medicinal ingredient list as well like I think that when it comes to supplements of so often companies
cram so many things into one supplement and then it's not a therapeutic amount of anything it's just trying to just Jam
Everything In It's a tiny amount of everything and so one thing I get asked about all the time funnily enough is greens powders like still to this day
people are always like can you check out this greens powder what do you think and I'm like does it have more than eight Greens in it like well yeah it has like
70 and some berries and some flowers and some herbs and I'm like then don't take
it it's not a therap in my mind like I want potent therapeutic amounts of
certain things and if you need to take a couple things to get therapeutic amounts of those things we know we know why
compounds are healthy right cuz they've been studied and researched so if you're going to Chuck like 70 things in there
yeah there's no way they've done the research to look at all those things and how they work together and then you know what they do for the body it's just like
not possible but if you're working with like one to five different like greens
you know we know a little bit more about that well you also know you're getting the so if you look up one of those greens chorella and what its therapeutic
actions are and like what it does if you take it consistently and then you make chorella
1% of a supplement do you think you're ever getting the amount that you'd need to have a therapeutic action from it in
my mind no it's like less is more and consistency is key so when supplements
have 100 ingredients I'm very weary of whether they're going to do anything it's like wow actually those supplements
those that list of things is great but they're all going to be in such tiny amounts and you know you're consuming
that capsule or that that tablet and then that all those ingredients have to
like break down and disperse like what what is your digestive system focus on you want it to be focusing on the those
primary those primary healing herbs or antioxidants or vitamins but it has to
deal with so much that it's really questionable in regards to what you're actually going to absorb and what you're
just going to just pass through totally and so that's like yeah the amount of
medicinal and non-medicinal ingredients are both things I look at immediately um the Synergy of the supplement so like
what you said like some things are great on their own like I just said and some things need other things in order to
work and be optimized so like when it comes to B vitamins like looking at a
good B complex that has enough amounts of all of them because we know that they work together way better than they do
alone and the amount of times I have people come to me and say like oh I'm just taking this B vitamin not realizing
like that works way better in a complex so the Synergy of supplements and with EMP that was a big one it was like it
had the co-actors the vitamins the minerals the things that were necessary to work together and so that in my mind
takes a certain level of Education obviously to be able to know whether a supplement is best in Synergy or on its
own but yeah well the story behind that how the formulation came around is like you know it was it was built out of like
kind of desperation as kind of looking for a a cure as it were for um certain
individuals and being able to dabble and try those different
supplements together and find out what works what didn't work and then you know really like try and find that that one
formula and that's been something that we've been doing for over 20 years so it's it's um really important that those
companies out there are doing doing the right research and what's what's Wild is that you know we have 36 peer- review
journals on on EMP Power Plus M but we're not allowed to like tell our
consumers about that in like the health food stores like because you know you can't say that you can't say a
supplement can support or heal or treat or do symptoms
of a of bipolar for example you know that's practicing medicine without a license yeah but we have this research
to show that to to to if you want to go on to a website and check out the science section you you can go and see that but you you know if you get went
into a health food store you're not going to be able to see all of that like evidence right and not many companies
actually have because it's quite expensive to do cuz you'd have to pay for it or you know you've got a very
interesting product and then other research from universities want to research it and see how it affects
different conditions and that's that's how that's what what happened with true hope and the then Power Plus so you can
you know for me it's like I'll go straight to because I get the same thing as you a lot of people send me products
like what do you think of this and I'll just go straight to the website and if I can't find anything about the research or anything that they've done then it's
like okay like how do you even know that this is even working yeah totally and
that's what leads me to like the final couple stages are I still firmly believe even if I look at a label even if I look
at the science I think it's amazing if somebody tries it and it's something that should provide a felt difference
and they don't I don't think it's working for them potentially in that time yeah maybe it's their digestion or
it's just not working in their body and I I like that's my final stage with people is
like okay now we've like gone through the ingredient lists we've gone through the science now let's try it out and if
you're supposed to feel something and 3 months passes and you don't then let's switch it up because there might be a
better one for you out there certainly or let's backtrack work on your digestion and then you might be
utilizing it better do you think there'd be a relevance for a product like Empower Plus in today's
world yes yeah okay definitely why do you say yes I feel like mental health is
just more rampant than ever right now and like giving the brain
some comfort some coziness some extra nutrients this like beautiful symbiotic
multivitamin that supports it like how could that not be relevant with the way that people's mental health and just
even the way that people's brain is right now I um I check out the statistics on people who look at our
site and over the last year it just it just Rises every month like ridiculously
it doesn't surprise me at all people are just looking for an answer to arguably
what's the most stressful anxiety ridden depressed time of our
lives right absolutely and like I said even if it's just even if it's just the
smallest thing where it's just giving the brain some of those like foundational support mechanisms through
the vitamins the minerals the co-actors that are specific to the brain like even if it's just that yeah that's just
support right it's just cozying up an area of the body that needs help right now like everyone's suffer or not
everyone but many people are suff right now mentally yeah and we touched on how external factors massively stress stress
us out and reduce our resources and our ability to feel good yeah and you know like something like like watching the
news if you're watching the news every day for the last two two years if you're not anxious or depressed I don't know
what's going on you checked out yeah so yeah I think turning off the news and consuming EMP Power Plus to make sure
that your body's got the fundamental basis of nutrition is a very important factor right now now yeah just to finish
up you've got an interesting new project nourished to go why don't you tell us
about that yeah so like I said I kind of veered away from Clinical due to like
over time through my clinical practice I realized that there was this like huge gap and sometimes or most of the time it
didn't matter if I was empowering people if I was giving them all the resources all the tools they still wouldn't do
what I was recommending and it wasn't due to lack of desire it was due to lack
of time and lack of like yeah basically lack of time is
what it comes down to and so people would come to me with all this desire to feel better resolve
issues um become their optimal self and I would give them so much of my time and
effort and they would be on the other side of that receiving it and yet somehow like at the end time at the end
point we we would never have them where they were and it was always sort of time getting in the way and a few other
things but I figured there just like had to be a better way than sitting in clinic doing my best and not having the
results that I wanted for myself or for them it's quite demoralizing right it's so yeah it's not a good feeling and it's
like you can only care so much about the people that you're seeing and to see them I don't want to say fail but to see
them fall short and know that it it was like this one bear always know that like If Only They had more time I feel like
they'd be crushing it yeah that was constantly put in front of me is like when I when I sat with myself and
reflected after a clinical it was like time just seems to be the number one thing and I don't think that that's going to change anytime soon okay in
fact I want people to have more time because I think we've had this conversation but I want people to have enough time to do what they're meant to
be here to do to put their passion their energy into what that is maybe it's family maybe it's their career maybe
it's their Hobbies but like imagine a world where everyone's doing and spending their time doing what they want
and even spending more time with their family so I realized I just had to do it
for them okay I was like okay so I have all this clinical knowledge and like I
said in almost 80% of my clients I'm going over the same things blood sugar balance lowering inflammation increasing
digestion the microbiome it's always the same like one to five things so I was
like there just has to be a better way to get what I want which is help more people so I was like I have to just cook
for them how can I cook for a large amount of people so I started with inhome meal prep where it was like okay
you don't have the time I totally get it you still want help nutritionally I totally get it so I'm going to come to
your house and cook for you uh you pay me this amount of money we actually go over your dietary needs and I'll come in
and provide your food for you for the week and but then right away within like two weeks I was like oh this isn't
scalable I can once again I can only help two three people a week like that's not what I want I want to help hundreds
of people and so I was like how can I do this on a bigger scale so in September
of last year I started nourish to go which is
a holistic nutrition gluten and dairy free refined sugar free health food meal
prep service that's on a subscription basis so when I say that sentence since
you hear that sentence but behind it is so many other things it's ticking off
the checkboxes that I was trying to get to with 90% of my clients so that's time
creation right there yeah and it it's amazing like it basically all of the meals are designed
and systematically put together by me with my clinical education so I know that blood sugar balance is addressed I
know that quality is addressed I know that food diversity is addressed because it's different menu every single week so
people are eating different foods different veggies different ingredients every single week and I know that
consistency is addressed which those to me are the top things that do not get addressed with clients those are the
things that cause them to not just Excel definitely so I started nourish to go
and it's a subscription based which at first I was hesitant to do but then I realized like I know consistency is what
makes the biggest difference with people like if you're consistent with things like that's the key it's not how hard
you tried or all the fancy stuff it's like can you eat well can you have those
main Health factors looked after through your diet on a consistent basis so with the subscription people sign up and then
all they have to do is they get the new menu every Wednesday they select their meals and then on Tuesday they pick them
up and they're ready to eat so there's so many other offerings out there like hellofresh and good food boxes which are
amazing but a lot of people don't have time to cook so they're addressing one area of need
with those boxes where it's like with nourish to go everything's fully ready it's like a lunch or a dinner that's in
a container ready to just heat and enjoy so that you can run out the door so that you can be with your family so that you
can focus on your passion so you can have a podcast so you can do all the things if I Liv in Victoria i' be all
over it yeah certainly it's not just healthy food it's like medicine in food
form I've put all of my clinical background into every single menu that I make that's amazing where is what's the
website how can people get get some more information about that yeah it is nourished to
go.csn too um you can find a lot about nourish to go on my Instagram which is
nourished by B that's nourish with an ed at the end B YB and yeah we we blew up
like it's we just had our Oney year anniversary congratulations and it's been massively successful and I like I'm
not surprised because finally I feel like I've everyone looking for it that's so good I'm glad that You' were able to
find that because yeah giving people time and nourishment and that's just so
so powerful and it you know everyone's busy right everyone's like shopping cooking eating cleaning up is just it's
hours a day exactly and that's this doesn't involve like this is why I love it so much is it's not you don't have to
do the cooking you don't have to do the cleanup you don't have to do the prep like and yeah most of the time people still want to eat dinner together with
their family but it's the lunches it's like the fact that I have these busy entrepreneurs who were just going the
whole day without eating these new moms who were just not eating till dinner because of how busy they were I have
them eating lunch every day like that alone the benefit of that and what people will feel from that alone is so
huge love it m thank you so much for uh joining me today Brook going to wrap it up there thank you for having me of
course it was lots of fun yeah of course always is yeah we could always talk for hours together um I'll make sure that
all the links to your website and to your social media are connected so
people can check that out awesome but thank you again thank you thank you so much for listening everybody this has
been true Hope cast the official podcast of true hope Canada we'll see you next week