Guest Episode
August 27, 2024
Episode 4:
Osteopathic Medicine, ETA Scan & Mental Health
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Cameron Moffatt is a graduate of the Canadian Academy of Osteopathy and a member of the Osteopathy BC Association. We discuss Osteopathic Medicine and Mental Health, as well as the incredible innovative computer system ETA.
ETA Scan technology analyzes the effects of pollutants and toxins in your body and its biological systems, simply fascinating!
this scan can identify all of the vibrational frequencies that are meant
to be in the body given the gender and the age of the person so if I'm looking into say this the liver um the liver
should be expressing a certain vibrational frequency but it also picks up all the things that should not be
there hello there good morning good afternoon good evening wherever you are listening from around the world welcome
to the official true hope Canada podcast my name is Simon I will be your host true hope Canada is a mind and body
based supplement company that is dedicated first and foremost to promoting brain and body Health through
non-invasive nutritional means and our current series of episodes on this podcast is discussing how different
therapies practices and practitioners apply their profession to the huge topic
of mental health for more information about true hope you can visit us at trueu hopec and you can find
us on Facebook and Instagram and all the usual places we've got another amazing guest with us today Cameron Moffett
Cameron is an osteopathic practitioner working and living in Victoria British Columbia I personally had the pleasure
of learning from Cameron during my holistic nutrition training and for me having him on the podcast was essential
so first of all thank you for joining us today Cameron how are you I'm very well thank you and thank you for having me on
the show that's awesome I wonder if we could just kick off and you just tell us a little about a little bit about yourself and your journey into becoming
a osteopathic practitioner andher yeah thank you Simon I've always
been really curious uh between the the connection between your your mental
health and your brain and your physical well-being I started off as a as a um marathon runner uh back in my 20s and I
noticed that um what I ate seemed to have a big impact on my performance and
that led me then into uh going into massage therapy uh recognizing that that was somewhat Limited in what I could
achieve I then went on to get a uh diploma in um osteopathic manual
medicine um from there I realized after about four or five years that I was again still only dealing with the
physical and so I started looking into the whole world of vibrational medicine and that led me into eventually um being
treated by and then purchasing something called an etaan which is uh there's a numerous different um units on the
market now but aeta scan works in the original teachings of R uh so rif
machine essentially what you're looking at is vibrational medicine uh how you interact into the cells on a sub
atomical Quantum field um level and change the vibration of that cell's
expression wow so through this through this scan through this machine that you would do with somebody you can you know
you can tell a heck of a lot about what their you know what their cells are doing and what their body is ultimately
what kind of physical state they're in energetically yes this scan can identify
all of the vibrational frequencies that are meant to be in the body given the gender and the age of the person so if
I'm looking in say this the liver um the liver should be expressing a certain vibrational frequency but it also picks
up all the things that should not be there and it doesn't just pick up a vague vibration it actually identifies right down to the name of the the actual
virus so it will actually show me that there's a Kaki B24 virus present in the liver or there is heavy metals Mercury
uh it'll also pick up uh streptococus and on and on and on it also picks up the emotions so if the person is dealing
with a heavy degree of anger uh emotions have expressions of of vibration as well
and so it'll pick up uh an excess amount of the uh vibration of anger or fear or
whatever and then what's really interesting is the scan can then use using the law of resonance which states
if you have a sine wave of a particular anything um if you invert that sine wave
and put it back into the original sine wave it cancels each other out it's how the um uh sound cancelling headphones
work okay all right same principle or if you ever watched a movie and they talk
about jamming the police radar that's exactly what that is you catch the the radar signal reverse it send it back out
and it cancels it so I can use the edisan to I'll identify the particular
pathogen or the toxin that's causing the problem in that area identify that sine wave reverse it send it back into the
body and it cancels that wave out in other words if it's a living thing like a virus it kills it wow that's awesome
um I'm I'm a little bit familiar in regards to like the the the energetic um frequency piece that you're talking
about when it comes to you know the liver is going to have its own frequency as well as other organs and cells and tissues can you explain a little bit
maybe a bit of like a fundamental in regards to all of that um the energetic
piece that's working within the body because I think maybe using the words of like energy and frequency maybe a lot of people are not like understanding or
connecting with that well it it gets into a a bit of a rabbit hole of quantum mechanics so when
we when we talk about a remedy or a piece of wood or anything any material substance in the world what are we
talking about well we're talking about what we can actually tangibly feel but then we're talking about molecules and
underneath the molecules we're talking about atoms and then underneath the atoms below the
atoms science has identified it's all Pure Energy so when we look out at the world and we see the world yes we
identify uh all these solid things that we that we see or touch or feel whatever
happens to be but underneath all that is vibration the classic example of that is
is you know we get onto a cell phone nowadays we can speak to somebody in New Zealand almost instantaneously well
how's that working well it's working essentially in vibration it's pure vibration being transmitted and
converted back into a form that our brains can we call language cells in the
atomic field are expressing vibration all the time in the body and when they're inbalance you have health when
they're out of balance you have disease yeah that's I think that's truly
fascinating and I think that um with a little bit of understanding and reading any anybody can kind of get bit little
bit more of an understanding of kind of how that works and um yeah I think that's truly fascinating is that when it
comes to mental health and your practice is using this machine so it's ETA ETA
ETA is a short form for the word ealon which in the French language means transfer of information so etalon was
adopted by the microwave uh industry to denote
moving data our voices through the air in a in a microwave cellular uh field
great yeah and just because you know we can't see feel taste or touch something obviously doesn't mean that it's not
there right and there's energies and frequencies working right now in the you know the technological industry yeah
obviously constantly so when it comes to only it only makes sense that that that technology meeting biology and using
these using these means to help people um will help people diagnose and help
people understand a little bit better through obviously the whole process that you most like likely have mhh um can you
tell us a little bit more about the information that you would gain from doing this test and how that a client of
yours can actually see it and maybe recognize what they're visually seeing through this test with what they're
internally feeling so one of the things I've been taught and I really hold very strongly
in my mind when I am meeting somebody in assessing every dysfunction has a reason
whether it's emotional or whether it's physical there's always a reason now when you get into the emotional mental
health uh somebody could be subjected to has been subjected to a large amount of
trauma in their past or 6 months ago their house may have burned down they got divorced and their dog died just way
too much trauma and so what'll happen then at that point is the brain will start to change its chemistry this has
been researched and proven over and over again that trauma uh will induce a brain
chemistry changeed well the minute that happens now you're starting to CH the information that's going into all the cells in the entire body if you get into
um a state where your hypothalamus which is the master gland of the endocrine system becomes dysfunctional in other
words the person is no longer sleeping properly uh they're not reacting to stress in a quote normal way there's a
very good indicator that that the endocrine system is right out of balance and the the typical um um phrase that's
used is uh adrenal fatigue now I don't believe in adrenal fatigue anymore the the adrenals are one part of a very
integrated system and the hypothalamus is essentially the master gland um the adrenals are kind of like foot soldiers
they can't make any decisions really what to do they're just told what to do so when a person gets into uh a state
where they're no longer sleeping properly that's indicating that the brain's not functioning properly so from
a mental health point of view then when I'm doing the scan I look at all that endocrine system I look at the adrenals
I look at the hypothalamus I look at the pituitary are they functioning together properly and if they're not there's going to be a reason why now if
somebody's is forthcoming with me and says you know Cameron I've I've been under a lot of stress uh the last you
know couple years or as a child my home life was not very nurturing um or I've
had people say to me you know when I became a teenager high school was brutal on me I did not have a good time in high
school it was very rough for me and when I became in my 20s and started to become an adult I noticed I was always struggling a little bit with stress
those are all indicators that even though it started off as a mental thing
it's now become a physiological thing as well and that's exactly where I can help him I'm not a counselor so I don't get
into the counseling I have a very good network of uh other practitioners that I
would refer that person to for help if they're not are receiving it but on the a treatment s point of view that I can
do is then I go into those physiological areas and try to get them back into balance to help them on their journey of
finding more peace with whatever it was uh that started the original problem
yeah that's fantastic and just uh just having a thought I think a lot of people um will recognize and understand that
you know traumas and stresses um we we you know we suppress them and we take them internally is there a way you can
kind of translate that for me in regards to the energy and the frequencies and the and the have the frequencies change
within let's say damaged or um incoherent systems
that might be a little bit longer than this podcast but sure I can in a nutshell for example let's say um
somebody is struggling with some either historical or present stress and they
they recognize that they're not functioning as well as they'd like they're having trouble at work they're having trouble in their relationships
they're they're having trouble with their children Etc um that person I can
almost guarantee you Simon will not have a balanced digestive system that person will not have a digestive system that is
taking in the nutrients absorbing them and eliminating the toxins properly so
again I can go into with the scan or with my manual work I can go onto the person's um digestive organs manually
and palpate whether or not the stomach the small intestine the liver large
intestine and the pancreas are functioning properly and you can feel that you can feel it either manually in that work or in the scan I can go in and
actually test those organs and if those organs are not functioning properly the
scan will pick up right away very low frequency of energy it'll say it's running at 20% Then what I can do is go
and look in the list of the it gives me quite a large list of pathogens my job my skill set is to pick out which ones I
think might be the problem because they're obviously going to be different bacterias and viruses present naturally
anyway when people see what's inside us it's mindboggling some people get quite disturbed by it I was at a conference uh
5 years ago and they present Ed uh study done by the Americans and the European Union this was the World Health
Organization released this study they wanted to look at the average number of toxins a person was coming in contact
with on an average day looking at Food Water and Air you want to guess the number a day in one day um I will grow
go with 1100 56572 okay of which only 2,000 had been
studied in a lab for their effects on human beings wow now as any chemist will
tell you and as the presenter pointed out in this conference when you take a chemical that's been studied in a lab one
chemical and another chemical and you say those are not harmful to human beings but then you throw them out into the environment and they swish
everything together you've got a brand new chemical so the presenter was very clear in this that we are in a wild west
right now of health care because of the toxic load on our planet absolutely yeah that's a crazy
number it's a crazy number that's every day so every day your liver in your kidneys have to process those chemicals
and get them out of your body now the problem is our immune system which is the second layer of your digestive track
doesn't recognize things like Mercury um di as Benz beines uh it
doesn't recognize um anything that is not organic so it
does recognize the viruses bacteria um some molds although often molds are a problem as well and um many of the
parasites that can deal with but it doesn't recognize everything else and so it stores it in the body and then when
it starts to store it in the body it if those chemicals end up in your brain
guess what's happening to your function of your mental health yeah it's going to be all over the map it's going to be all over the map yeah exactly and the scan
can go into the cerebellum it can go into the cerebrum it can go into the brain stem I had a young um I had a
mother called me up recently who I'd worked with using the Edis scan and they
she asked me if I would look at her daughter uh who had been at the age of nine just recently uh diagnosed with
dyspraxia which is essentially the inability to stand up and move without falling over there's a real imbalance
issue going on and when I further asked the mother for some details uh she mentioned that uh this child had been
born basically angry was always angry had not been uh functioning well at school uh didn't get along with the
other siblings very well and was a real concern for the family so you could label that as a mental health issue sure it it would be in conventional m in
Mains on the scan uh right away I identified within so there's some things
that you can tolerate fairly well in our bodies and there's some things we can't tolerate very well and one of them is the herpes virus the herpes virus is
nasty it really can cause a lot of problems and people think you have to have an outbreak of shingles chickenpox
or coal source and that's actually not the case I'd say half the cases of herpes that I see are internal people
don't even they just know they're not feeling well or they've got a rash or they've got a burn sensation in their gut anyways this um this child uh was
full of herpes in the brain the brain stem the eyes the ears um and the entire
spinal cord wow so this child so when I went into the chromosone so this edisan
goes into the chromosone a level and what we're looking at that there at that level is the information that your
parents gave you at the moment of conception so Mom comes in with her DNA dad comes in with his DNA and then you
come in with whatever you want to call it Soul Spirit God energy or just Essence whatever those three things then
form a human being but when the DNA comes in remember those
56572 chemicals they get passed on from generation to generation right when you're birth you collect what Mom and
Dad gave you that'll be the DNA code but also the junk well this child picked up the herpes virus at the moment of
conception and in utro um the mother had had that problem that's why I was originally working with her and this
this poor kid was born basically with a headache wow and not functioning well so can you
label that a mental health problem at that point yes it is but it's also um not only a physiological problem but it
is um an inherited ancestral problem at that point and the scan allows me to
work in the ancestral field as well so as a treatment plan for something like
that like is that that's obviously not something that's going to be fixed in in one session something that's been
yeah no it won't be fixed in one session um the scan is very efficient at knocking back the virus so again
remember the law of resonance the scan picks up the frequency of the herpes inverts it sends it in and starts to
kill it off I also have the ability with the scan to in the scan unit there's about 380,000 remedies theyve all been
digitized everything on that these shelves that you see of my remedies they're all in that machine so then I can actually type in the remedies I know
that are antiviral so in this case I used a plant based remedy as well as a homeopathic based remedy that are
antiviral and use them on the child as well and it just kept knocking it back yeah it kept knocking it back so then
afterwards in conference with the mother I put the child onto these two remedies
uh to go home with and they'll be on those they were on those for about 6 weeks and then the idea is to reassess
at that point and see where the the virus is going The Telltale sign would be of course how the child is behaving
sure and within 3 days she called me back and said oh oh my goodness I actually have a happy daughter she's
she's starting to smile a little bit and I said well of course she she doesn't have a headache anymore that's crazy yeah yeah and must be so many cases out
there that obviously a lot of people are completely unaware of this type of treatment MH
and yeah as you say in regards to people getting like the classic examples of like mental health that we have where
you know a child comes into a doctor's office and they'll go through the kind of like a checklist and then maybe
leaves with a diagnosis and a prescription and that's the the really
limit the limiting belief that we that we hold when it comes to the conventional treatment of mental health
yes but this is looking at a completely different aspect first of all it's going back to the beginning of that person
taking into consideration so much more and then using the technology to be able to look at the amounts of abundance of
certain viruses or bacteria and I think yet again a lot of people don't understand that you know we have this
microbiome in our gut this absolute arsenal of of of good bad bugs whatever
that really means but then we also have you know the virome where we have know clusters of viruses that are engaging
and interacting with each other and with our bacteria and our own human cells and we are so far from a sterile internal
environment no not at all so far from it and then a lot of the things that we do to think that we're staying clean
actually really damage something that has been we've evolved way forever right
yeah that takes us into um something we were speaking of before we started this whole um isolation that we're uh we're
being asked to do and The Mask wearing we're being asked to do I have seen more
cases of big viral infections of herpes Epstein bar and cytomegalo virus I've
seen more of those in the last two months than I've seen in my entire career and the problem is right now is
we are weakening our immune system by this isolation our immune system functions on being challenged every day
it's like a fire department you have a fire department that doesn't get a call for 5 years and these guys sit around and they they play cards all day and all
of a sudden they get a a fire call five years later they're going to run around and bang into each other um but you keep
the fire department up by training every day we we are not training our immune systems right now we're letting it get a bit weakened and when that happens many
of these pathogens whether they're viruses or bacteria are opportunistic they notice there's nobody at the gates
right now of the immune system or not as many helper cells tea cells Etc and so
these viruses are now trying to take advantage of it the other thing I'm noticing too as well the act of us
washing our hands with all of this alcohol we have strepto cacus and stto cacus on our skins it's supposed to be
there it's part of the protective barrier when you cut yourself and a bit
of that bacteria gets into your skin the immune system handles it no problem kills it off and makes sure it doesn't go internally when a child is born born
through C-sections what they've now researched and proven if that child is brought out of this of the womb through a C-section
and placed on the mother's skin right away that child then starts to adapt the indigenous skin bacteria which is
streptococus and staff and that is not a good thing not no so what they do now is they swab the child with vaginal
excretions before being placed on the mother and then that becomes the indigenous bacteria which is what it's
supposed to be so going back to washing our hands with all of this alcohol strep and staff like anything else in
the planet want to survive and the minute they start sensing all this alcohol on the skin they go internally
it'll push itself into the skin and I've been noticing now people coming in with strep and staff infections that I've never seen before
it's very interesting yeah and obviously not just the fact that we are isolating more Ming meaning we're moving our
bodies less we're not doing the sports that we used to do we are inside more so our our um like vitamin D and sunlight
level are going to be decreasing all of these things play into it I just like to ask you about the like the mask idea
because of um obviously we you know wearing this mask and we we breathe out not just to get rid of um carbon dioxide
but also to get rid of to get rid of toxins and it's a one of our primary methods of you know getting them out of
our body right and if we are have we have this um this mask this filter this block that
allows these things to you know some of them obviously going to pass through this filter but a lot of them are going
to you know congeal and and stay in this area in an area that is just you know really sensitive one for humans like
this you know our mouth our nose these mucosal areas how um how dangerous it is
for those those different microorganisms to kind of cluster in that area when they are clearly supposed to be exiting
far from the body well you're getting into a uh two-folded question there's a political
there's a itical answer to that and there's also the um the physiological science-based um answer to
that and of course you're right we are trying to constantly excrete out breathe out toxins
um I understand in society right now why people want to wear a mask me too they
feel safer with it um the science doesn't show that though uh the top three vists of the World Health
Organization were quoted in an article not more than a month ago and I actually read the article stating that they felt
very very strongly we had to stop with the mass that they were causing more damage to the population than what it
was worth so when I read that I think well I'm not a biologist you know I'm
not a I'm not that level of of a scientist um but I do trust you have to
trust somebody so I'm going to trust the people who are using signs um and they're all saying and
doctors are coming out all over the world right now saying we got to stop this this is actually causing more damage I know on the scan um I've had
the opportunity to work with several nurses who all of a sudden previous to covid they were being told the um the
surgical mask they were wearing they were supposed to use it one patient and throw it away one patient throw it away
uh when Co hit they were told to wear the mask all day now many of them refused uh I was told they were breaking
they were throwing them away at lunch hour so they using two but still it's two per day instead of one for each patient and uh in a number of these um
these nurses I started finding uh uh various um um petroleum based nylon chemicals in
their lungs and a couple of them I've been working with for maybe three or four years using the scan and so I had
an idea of what they typically had and all of a sudden they were coming and saying I'm not feeling very good in my lungs I looked in the lungs and I
started and a couple of the chemicals I didn't even know what they were I had to go look them up and I realized these are chemicals made by the um fabric industry
to make nylon rayon polyester Etc which is in our Mass so uh I think if I'm if I'm asked at the
office what to do about that if you're in a group of people wear a mask but if you're out running or you're sitting in
your car by yourself uh or you're out walking around the science says that's not at all how you're going to catch
covid so take it off and and make sure you're breathing you know like during the day try to get out somewhere where
you're by yourself or around people that you're in your bubble and breathe really deeply yeah I think that's a really good
information and I've um I've personally experienced a lot of people have actually taken this last year or n nine
10 months to actually go internally a little bit because their you know external world has been decreased a
little bit you know they're not going out and doing the same thing seeing the same people um where they've actually
had to you know reassess themselves a little bit and it's actually given them actually a really um a really great place to come from when it comes to
making like active healthy changes yes yes but um I got a question for you I wonder how interesting it would be as
say you've seen these particular viruses pop up that you've not seen before um in
um in your patients over the past few months I wonder how many of your you know colleagues would have seen the same
same types of things the same types of pathogens creeping up in these scans and the same types of patients coming in
with similar things that you've not not seen before yeah a good question about uh two
months ago I was beginning to think that I was either creating all of this or
some subconsciously looking for it so I reached out to a few people that I know um and they concurred um it is in my
field whether it's in energy medicine or manual medicine uh people are getting sicker now there's there's two groups
that I've been sort of seeing and I asked the other practitioners that I I spoke with and they they sort of said
the same thing like you mentioned Simon there is that group of people that are embracing this this time and going you
know what I can't do what I normally do so let's go in where let's let's do some work on myself let's figure out my
relationships figure out who I am let's learn to play the guitar sure but I also notice there's another group are having
a very hard time with this and they are typically drinking a bit more they are staying up later they're not doing their
exercises their relationships are suffering a little bit um and that's the group I'm finding where the immune
system is not as robust and as a consequence then these viruses are showing up more in that
group the other group has been interesting to work with as well because as these people dig into their own their
own mental health their own psyche their own um patterns that they use throughout
the day um even though it's a a very positive exploration there's some bumps
along the way and so one of the things I offer in that group is I use a lot of um
homeopathic based remedies and I use a type of remedy called an un UND da and
they're somewhat unique in the world they're not really homeopathic and they're not really plant-based where unas are different is they have the
ability to go right inside the cell and right into What's called the mitochondria and in the mitochondria is
your maternal DNA and that DNA's responsibility is to make sure that that cell replicates into the same kind of
cell if you go if that cell goes into something goofy we typically call that cancer now what's interesting for me is
cancer is not a thing cancer is an event and it's the the end of the event
there's I've been to there's five levels of penetrations of toxins into the body the fifth one is right into the mitochondria where the cells then
disregulated and for lack of better word we call that cancer so when somebody starts to dig into their own personality
and and challenge some of the patterns they use uh with enough persistence you can get down into the epigenetic field
you're starting to question and challenge the belief systems you have on
how I feel well when you do that you're getting into an area where for a little
while you will be in an unknown I have this old pattern I don't want to use it anymore but I haven't quite created the
new pattern and in that period there's it is stress it's stressful for the person it's like standing on quicksand
for a little bit of time so when I work with people like that then I use these different remedies to access that level
and help them work out if they're forthcoming with me enough they can they can tell me what
their emotional feelings are and then I can in in my training and my own intuitive s figure out what that might
be like physiologically what what systems in the body are being challenged by this belief system that they're trying to get rid of and then access
into that system whether it's cardiovascular endocrine often it is the endocrine system um central nervous
system and then use these remedies to access there and help them clear it out that's great and I think yeah that that
unknown that you just you're talking about is in a very delicate place for change do you see a lot of people step
into that quick sand and then then jump back out because it is you know the unfamiliar and the unknown is quite a
scary place um has one of the one of the things I believe is my job that I I
really believe very deeply in is to help them not jump out of it but also make sure that they're still functional
there's a fine line there I've had I had one lady call me up one day that I was doing just this work with and she said I
want to kill him and I knew who she was talking about and I said well should I be calling the police and she said no
but I still want to kill him I said okay and we talked it through you know was like a 5-minute conversation 10-minute
conversation by the end of it she was laughing she had accepted her anger she recognized it was very appropriate she
had a right to be angry and out of that anger because of the impetus with anger its movement she then later on told me
sat down with him had a long conversation and started this whole change in their relationship and that
was um that was 8 months ago and they're now doing far better that's amazing and yeah obviously using
something like anger is a really good example because I think everyone's very familiar with the sensation of that and
there's a big difference between becoming angry and then just
suppressing it right and having creating a coping mechanism whether that's like I don't know running or eating or whatever
that might be and then actually experiencing the anger recognizing it
and digesting it through a process of usually communication right there's a big big difference between those two
things and you know from what I've understand and learned this morning is that is going to fre within the
frequency and the energy of what anger means and that's going to change you a know energetic subatomic level it will
absolutely will and very good point too Simon how you deal with that anger really dictates then you know the next
moment how you change your patterns um you know I'm not a Buddhist but I have studied a lot of Buddhism and you know
the Buddha was able to prove in his way and now in the quantum field they've proven in a science way that we are
creating our reality Moment by Moment by moment um I forget the exact number of
microc seconds it happens but it's the analogy is often like given as a a fluorescent light bulb how it flickers
back and forth back and forth well we're doing the same thing we're we're recreating our our future Moment by
moment and so how the person deals with that that anger in that moment dictates the next moment and if you can help
somebody either through talk therapy or remedies or just just a nice
conversation and helping get out of that um of creating more anger in the next
moment then the um that to me is real real medicine absolutely yeah creating
that type of change where somebody is going to start thinking feeling and behaving in a different way and usually
in a way that's unfamiliar to them but because they've experienced that familiar anger we'll call it they don't
want to be like that anymore they want to change they want to recognize but there are absolutely tools and ways that we can do that and you know every single
moment is an opportunity to to think feel and behave in a different way that's right and um yeah I love the
connection with the the with the energy with the frequency that we have within
our bodies um I'd just like to step back into the osteopathic side of things for
a second and I just wanted to um discuss like what does an initial session look like for you okay someone comes in to
see you yeah my initial sessions are an hour and 20 minutes long so when they come in uh there's an intake form which
I send them in advance and I always appreciate if they can fill it out beforehand uh I'll come in in the morning before I start and I'll review
any new um uh cases coming in get a sense of what's maybe going on get some ideas and then when they come in we
start talking and I really sort of follow initially for the first 15 20
minutes of where that person needs to speak sometimes it's purely physical uh
sometimes um it is they recognize that there's an emotional state that's
causing some of the physiology I'm always very interested in that and then after about 15 20 minutes uh I start to
get a sense of possibly what I'm what I'm dealing with where we need to go um I have the person stand up and I do a
technique that's called listening where I put my hand on their head and I basically put a little tiny bit more
stress or gravity into their into their structure and I wait to see what the body tells me um often the body will
start to then move Shake twist hiccup something will happen and depending on
where in the body it is it'll help me then focus a bit okay so we are dealing maybe with a liver issue here or there
is something in the mid thorax area H maybe that's the plura maybe or if I put
my hand on someone's head and they start twitching right away that's going to be uh something to do with the cranium from
a structural point of view or the actual brain tissue itself so it just gives me an idea of where to start and then I get
them on the table and and at that point it's a very fluid organic process um I
used to teach um these techniques at a college and I used to tell the students and I try to remember this every day
have no diagnosis in your mind when you first start off let it be wide open Let the Body speak to you and listen and if
you've come up with a diagnosis in their first five minutes you're probably wrong because we're so multi-layered um and
then so we treat for that remaining hour uh and then at that point we have a
discussion how they'd like to proceed I tell them what I found what I think might be going on um and then go and
then follow their lead so an hour and 20 minutes and looks like there's many
different levels to that connection that you're having having and be giving the
the patient the space to communicate with you and you're obviously getting a sense of how they're feeling and what
their energy is like um that sounds very very different to a seven minute
doctor's appointment that that somebody might have yeah and you know and that's true in all fairness you know one thing
I when people mention this to me and in when we're working together what I mentioned to them is you know if I'm
having a heart attack don't come and see me you go to the emergency Ward right away you know I want the I want the the
adrenaline um I you know there's there's a place for all medicines yes um where I
think where our system in North America excels is in the acute what we have in
North America here is we don't have healthc care we have Health crisis management which is wonderful if you're
having a heart attack if you're broken a leg in the middle of the street it's wonderful but for chronic things that
model starts to fall apart a little bit and that's where other people can step in like myself and there's you know I'm
a big believer in traditional Chinese medicine there's the whole there's raiki there's there's Alexander Techniques
there's ralphing there's so many other things that can go in and look at the chronic problems and then help balance
that out that um that 7 Minute intake can be very useful
or it can be a complete waste of time absolutely and there are obviously so many different practitioners out there
that can offer many many different things to people and I like to think
that so many people can connect with nutrition or Chiropractic or herbalism
MH but the yeah the thing for me was as you say The Chronic The Chronic health issues that you know mo most of most
Western countries have um people are are stepping right into know a doctor's office immediately and kind of expecting
you know a Magic Bullet or a a quick diagnosis to recognize what I am feeling
is something and this is what I can take to help with that right and then there's the conversation of you know whether a
pharmaceutical drug is actually healing or treating or curing somebody rather
than you know the word we've used today quite frequently is suppression right there's a big difference between those
things there is there is and again if I'm having a heart attack I want the drugs but there is again I mentioned
earlier in the in the show the five levels of penetrations of toxins going into the body
um the level level three is where the toxic load on the body has now started to wrap around the cell wall uh that's
level three and those cells at that point all cells have portals stuff has to go in stuff has to go out of the cell
and that becomes impeded so that cell now starts to Grumble that person won't have anything that's that's diagnosable
with a western term but they'll have things like a headache uh maybe a little bit of a back ache bit of a headache
they'll have low libido they're waking up in the morning not feeling very rested those are all subtle signs that
something's going wrong in a cellular problem and if they go to their doctor or they go to the pharmacy and they get something to suppress that you're
basically putting in more toxic load and then so level three then progresses to level four and that's where the toxins
have now gone inside the cell now the cell is really screaming and now you've got probably something diagnosable
you've got Ms you've got Crohn's colitis IBS you've got dys menaria you've got something and again if the person then
uses more toxins more chemicals more more Pharmaceuticals uh you may get a um an
easing off of those symptoms for a while because the chemicals are going to force the cells to do something different but
you're again you're putting more of a toxic load in there and my job is partly to recognize what level they're at and really hope they
don't get to level five as I mentioned earlier in the show level five is now where the mitochondria essentially the computer of your cell is getting really
confused and when that happens all heck Breaks Loose this it must be a trickier
place to come back from level five yes yeah when I and I do work with people with cancer and one of the first things
I have to figure out is uh are they willing to make the changes necessary
are they willing to make the changes to the things that brought them there to get them out of there um and I you know
just recently month ago had a conversation with somebody with stage 4 cancer and uh they were very resistant
to start spending the money on organic foods and I I had to ask them I said do
you know how many chemicals are inside an apple in North America that's not organic and they went a couple I said 48
to 52 inside the Apple you can't wash that off and these are chemicals that are known to be carcinogens
so you are now I said to this person I said you're at the at the number five there's nowhere else to go you don't
have the luxury now of looking at food as being neutral your food is going to be either helpful or destructive and you
got to make the choice yeah that's um when somebody's in that position that's yeah looking at just the tiniest things
of just like even an apple is that going to be a medicine or is that going to you know put me in the ground earlier yeah
yeah exactly um okay I think that was wonderful that's a great place to to finish up excuse me um how can people
get hold of you well I have a website um if they were to Google Cameron Moffet osteopathic practitioner it comes up uh
the name of the clinic is Coastal Integrated Health and the um phone number is
25059 8556 one thing I should mention before uh just to further go down the rabbit
hole of the quantum field is that that Edis scan um works just as effectively
if the person's in the office or if I am working remotely I work on people all
over uh well I have worked on people all over the world with it and if you're going to ask me how it works on a global
way I don't know I cannot I'm not a scientist but the scan can also um be
done quite effectively remotely that's awesome yeah that's obviously a very important point you don't have to be living in Victoria to no reap the
benefits of this no not at all awesome well thank you so much I will leave um contact details in our show notes so
people can get a hold of you Cameron you thank you very much you're very welcome thanks for having me on the show that was a lot of fun absolute pleasure thank
you you're welcome bye now