Guest Episode
February 9, 2022
Episode 35:
Is COVID changing our Blood? with Maureen Fontaine
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Today we welcome back Live and Dry Blood expert Maureen Fontaine.
Maureen was on one of our first episodes in January, and we discussed how beneficial blood analysis can be.
Today, however, we will discuss her use of EMPower Plus and Truehope's other products in her practice, as well as what curious things Maureen is seeing in her patients' blood in 2021.
good day,
wherever you are in this beautiful world.
Thank you so much for joining True Hope Cast,
the official podcast of True Hope Canada.
My name is Simon and I have got the pleasure of
being your host today.
I have the pleasure of welcoming back live and dry
blood expert Maureen Fontaine.
Maureen was on one of our earlier podcasts back in
January and we discussed how beneficial blood
analysis can be.
If you want to go back and learn specifics about
you can go back to episode three to get a little
bit more familiar with the process.
But today we're going to be discussing Maureen's
experience and use of Empower Plus True Hope's
flagship product and some other products throughout
her practice,
why she recommends them.
And we're also going to get into some interesting
things that Maureen has seen in people's blood in
In 2021,
big wild couple of years and the body doesn't lie.
So I'm interested to see what the blood is telling
us in the last couple of years.
So Maureen,
thank you so much for joining us.
Welcome back to the show.
How are you?
I am doing extremely well.
Thank you.
Amidst the storm,
amidst the nuances of the world.
Thank you.
I'm glad to hear that.
let's jump into a little bit of your history with
True Hope.
So maybe you can tell us a little bit about it.
Tell us a little bit about your experience with
True Hope Canada and maybe when you first heard
about them and why you continue to,
you know,
recommend their products.
I first heard about True Hope and was introduced
to David actually via a colleague who's a
chiropractor and a naturopath and who now actually
is on the team of True Hope.
And he introduced me to David.
And he introduced me to him to tell me more about
what the products were that he had to offer and
how that could help my practice.
That was a very,
very wonderful meeting.
It was beautiful to sit with the man who's at the
helm of True Hope,
to listen to their story and to have compassion
for their story,
which drove their passion to create something that
would help other people.
it's the most,
it's an amazing company.
The flagship product,
as you say,
the Empower Plus is kind of the mainstay of my
practice as well.
So what,
what year was it that you first kind of heard
about True Hope?
I can't remember.
It's been,
it's been a while.
It's been a while.
And for,
for some time,
I was the only place on the island.
That's right.
That's my understanding.
So that was pretty crazy.
And I,
Another reason for why I got super interested was
I used to be a school teacher and my specialty
was autistic children and ADD/ADHD.
I was using a similar type product,
nothing like True Hope,
but or Empower Plus,
but it was similar with respect to what it was
looking to accomplish.
And that product at that time,
which we're talking,
you know,
the late seventies,
early eighties,
was really showing promise.
So when I heard about this,
that's when my colleague was very excited to
introduce me to David.
So as a teacher and an educator with young,
with young children,
specifically with autism,
how did you come across the idea of using a
a multi-nutrient or a multivitamin to,
to assist with that?
Because that really,
even now,
like let alone the seventies and eighties,
it's not even a common correlation.
I think there's what I saw in the product was the
way that it merges amino acids with very.
Specific vitamins and minerals to me,
that is the,
the synergy that's necessary to open the brain.
I actually don't think of it as multivitamin and
minerals simply for that reason.
It does so much more because of the combination
because of the way they process and that
biosynthesis that they incorporate with the
processing just so many,
so many great things with respect to how it's,
it's curated for us.
It's a,
it's really quite a,
quite a thing makes it more effective and you can
see the results very rapidly.
Tell us a little bit about some of those results
that you found maybe in your,
in your educational days as a teacher.
All the way through,
like when I was a teacher right up until today,
people are getting amazing results.
So I always stick with things that are getting
What I like about the Empower Plus is that those
results are noticed within a day or two.
And some people it takes perhaps a little bit
Most people feel it sooner than later.
Making no promises or guarantees with respect to
how it will be for each individual however.
the feedback the anecdotal stories that I'm getting
back suggest that that's a pretty solid record of
what goes on for people.
And the when I share with people about,
you know,
the research and the the.
And the fact that this is one of the most studied
micro-micronutrient formulas in the world,
I think your website says it's,
you know,
there's a lot to be said for that.
The fact that the company alone is a company of
tremendous integrity and who's willing to stand up
for what should be is also something that keeps me
very invested.
when you have somebody that has your back and is
fighting for you and for your children and for
your friends and your parents,
why not?
I mean,
of course,
you would.
you're totally right.
True Hope Canada is much more than just a mind
and body-based supplement company,
especially when it comes to fighting for the rights
of individuals to be able to choose natural health
specifically even in the courtroom.
that's another topic for another day.
But you're absolutely right.
You know,
that integrity that you see within the company is
the reason that I absolutely love working with them
and I'm truly blessed to be a part of the
When your clients respond to you that they respond
to you within days that they're feeling better and
they're feeling something from Empower Plus,
how do you explain that quickness?
Because most people are not used to even noticing.
A response with with vitamins and minerals,
I think,
especially most people,
because most people aren't really taking them for a
specific reason and specific quantities,
you know,
people are just kind of taking a multivitamin just
to take a multivitamin.
But I wonder how you explain to people why they're
feeling better so quickly.
First of all,
they don't need that explaining.
They don't need me to explain anything because
they're just like,
'don't.' This is working.
Let's not touch it.
So that's kind of a fun,
fun piece to this.
What I see is that it's the synergy of the
So again,
if it was a regular multivitamin and mineral
we just don't see the results.
In fact,
most people take it as fire insurance and say,
I don't know if it's working,
but they say you should.' With Empower Plus,
it's like this makes a difference for me.
It brings in the cornerstones for,
you know,
Really solid brain function and brain signaling.
And that's what people feel when the brain isn't
properly balanced.
Then guess what?
Things aren't working properly.
You're depressed.
You're anxious.
You have all these things going on.
You can't think straight.
So if so,
that brain is hungry when we give it the right
It just,
it shows up.
you make a really great description of the brain
opening up.
And I've.
Experienced this myself in certain times in my life
and hear that exact story in different ways being
whether it's a fog lifting or you feel lighter,
but absolutely opening up the door with the proper
nutrition of the brain,
like it's just always seeking.
And there's many different reasons why we may not
be as nutrient high as we as we should be,
whether we're talking about our food supply or or
constant inflations.
But yeah,
Like feeling.
Feeling that immediate nutrition in the brain
happens super quickly because your body is always
looking for those types of resources to make your
brain function in a very,
very advanced way.
And you will feel that very,
very quickly.
So I'm really glad that you're hearing those really
positive experiences.
Why do you recommend Empower+ specifically as a
micronutrient or a broad spectrum micronutrient over
other brands,
you know,
if you were to go to the vitamin shop in Victoria
or Nature's Fare in Kamloops where I am,
the supplement section is is vast.
There are so many brands,
each brand's got 100 products.
you know,
I go into a supplement store and I'm looking for
a multivitamin,
but I don't I don't really know which one I want
and how,
apart from asking somebody for some assistance,
how would I go about navigating that really kind
of wild world?
That is.
The supplement section of a health food store.
Why empower plus as a micronutrient.
So when you go into a health food store,
which I like to frequent just to see what they're
doing and what they're featuring,
it's really exciting.
The in some stores I've seen that they they put
it in several places on the shelves.
On the shelves.
So it'll be in the place for multi,
multivitamins and kind of total overall health.
And then they'll also have it in the.
The mental health and stress area,
so it it depends on where you go.
word of mouth is huge if people are searching the
internet looking for things to help with like a
micronutrient to help with um anxiety or depression,
all those sorts of things they may happen upon it.
but word of mouth is great.
the education of the store people is is huge with
respect to directing you properly.
but again it's all about education so education all
around yeah we're super proud to have a true up
university where any retailer of ours and any of
their employees can go,
go online and engage in this university and learn
with really great detail in video form and quizzes
all about our products.
we really like to make sure that the staff that
are you know walking the floors in the supplement
store really know their stuff when it comes to
each and every single one.
Of our products and we're truly proud to be able
to have that as a service.
I find,
I find the fact that Health Canada kind of
suppresses the way that we use language in the in
the natural health world and you know we can call
it a multi-vitamin but even though it's got
research for very specific disorders,
we can't can't immediately say that um Empower+ or
OLE or an Austral can you know really work for
this type of disorder.
We have the symptoms so that I think that that
holds a lot of people back.
How do you feel about that type of thing in the
in the in the natural health industry in Canada
how our government entities kind?
Of dictating language,
a little bit does that hold a lot of consumers
I would say it holds the novice consumer back.
I think that the more experienced consumer can see
you know right between the lines; they know,
they know how it works and that's when they trust
the you know the staff in a in a store to guide
them accordingly.
the really experienced shopper is also going to do
their own homework and that's the beauty of a
website or Facebook page such as yours.
As a practitioner,
I can direct people there so they can feel
comfortable before they decide decide to embark on
on a particular journey or or merge with with a
product self-education is huge yeah spot on so
apart from empower plus you you you recommend in
your practice you use all of our products right i
do amazing um why don't you tell us because
inositol is one of my favorites in the whole
family my son loves um almond milk and warmed up
warmed up almond milk and inositol for bedtime it
gives him the best sleeps ever and it's a big
popular one in our family so why don't you tell
us about your experience in using an also tone and
why you may or why you might recommend it for
somebody so inositol or myonositol is um it's a
precursor to this to the signaling in the brain so
it's vitamin
B8 it's sometimes referred to as vitamin B8 which
nobody ever really talks about so inositol will
calm the brain it's very beautiful with respect to
that um so it brings down and brings down any
elevation in our being like right now everybody
should be on lots of inositol yeah um so anytime
you feel agitated or your nervous system is is
kind of over firing um it's a really good time to
to use that um it's also I use it with people
that have blood sugar issues because it's excellent
for that it actually helps to to protect the liver
from fatty deposits and that's in some of the
research and I love that so when people with blood
Sugar issues often,
that's one of the things that can happen for them.
is developing fatty liver,
and this will help to uh,
kind of mitigate that potential,
and the the last reason for that is fertility.
So we have a lot of fertility issues,
women who can't get pregnant,
sperm count is low,
and different things like that.
But it's really seen for um,
infertility application for infertility and also
these will be things that come through my door,
and um,
it's it's just a great thing amazing helpful
amazing yeah when you're able to uh,
I mean there's obviously so much communication that
happens within within.
The body,
that's you know,
a cellular level,
within every single system.
It's very important that that communication,
all those cells are able to talk to each other in
an efficient way,
so it makes perfect sense that you would take
It could definitely assist with your with your
brain communication,
but also,
you know,
all of our hormones and neurotransmitters,
you know they're all signaling the brain,
but they all they travel everywhere.
So you might feel effects in your brain for some
but someone else might,
you know,
feel positive effects within their reproductive
So it's just wonderful that
One product can cover so many common diseases,
and yeah,
it's wonderful that just one product can do all of
that really remarkable stuff.
You also use iodine quite frequently as well.
Can you tell us a little bit about that because
that's a really popular product?
the nascent iodine is one of my favorites.
I mean,
they're all one of my favorites if I'm talking
about them but um the nascent iodine and so,
so when I work with people I want to make sure
that I'm giving them the right thing for what's
presenting otherwise everybody should take everything,
so they're I'm going to give you some reasons
So once I get people to one
Of the things I get them to do is test their
body temperature first thing in the morning because
their feet hit the floor.
If that temperature is running low over 10 days
we know that there is a subclinical
under-functioning of the thyroid.
So it's very helpful,
in which case I would suggest that they use
The other reason for using iodine is that it's a
So when we have imbalance in the blood,
we get a lot more pleomorphic forms,
a lot more bacteria,
and pathogens existing,
and this helps to mitigate that territory.
So extremely helpful for that.
We know that we can put iodine into pond water
and then drink the pond water.
So it's great that way.
And the other reason for using it is that in
I get a lot of people that have cancer or have
had cancer.
And if you do the research on it,
you'll find that in breast cancer,
the iodine is missing in 100% of the cases.
That's quite amazing.
You mean iodine levels?
So there's a huge iodine deficiency consistently in
100% of the subjects tested that had breast cancer.
So this also goes for other cancers,
but it seems a lot of the research is directed at
breast cancer.
So it's just quite interesting.
we know that how important it is,
if nothing else,
what I love about doing the underarm temperature
test is that we can do,
I like to do 10 days when I first launch you
into this,
this journey with me.
And then we see,
do you need it?
Do you don't?
Do we not?
And then 10 days before you would come in and see
me again for a follow-up,
in which case we can evidence improvement in the
body temperature.
Quite lovely.
And people feel better.
what temperature are you looking at there?
Like what's the,
what's a,
like an average temperature that would cause you to
think that there would be a thyroid issue?
So 36.2 and lower is,
is the area.
So Celsius.
So that when it's running lower than that,
so 36.1 and lower,
you know,
we need to wake it up in there.
I mean,
Conditions and issues are serious and they are all
all over the place in most countries.
So just being able to do something like that,
to be able to test that and to be able to take
a product as well,
but obviously working with a health professional is
very important in that.
And iodine also inhibits our absorption of
particular chemicals.
So it's actually helping a lot in the thyroid.
The reason for mentioning that is that the thyroid
kind of harbors and,
and holds onto chemicals.
And when we clear chemicals up in people,
there is also an improvement.
So they go quite hand in hand.
that's really helping the immune system and,
and your hormonal system on a couple of different
fronts there,
because yeah,
toxic intake,
it's got to go somewhere.
We eliminate some of it obviously,
but there are certain organs and certain glands
that are going to uptake those toxins more than
And yeah,
we have to sometimes supplement to clear those to
allow the actual healing,
because those can be kind of like root issues for
a lot of people.
Tell us that we're on a roll here right now.
So we're crushing all the products.
This is great.
Why don't you tell us about your experience with
That's brilliant for the vegan and vegetarian
because it provides the building blocks that they
aren't perhaps getting from foods.
I'm not saying at all that you can't accomplish
this with foods,
but it's,
it's interesting that when we give your body the
legs to form connective tissue and to build and
you just do that much better.
You thrive rather than just survive.
So I quite like that.
We get a better cellular matrix.
And so the,
the cell wall of the,
of this,
of the blood cells is considerably improved.
And just their tissue is less crepey for the older
There's more strength and stamina.
And they're,
they've been used a long time in the bodybuilding
you know,
we have the branch chain amino acids,
or we,
or we have,
you know,
the whole composition of,
so it's,
they've been around a long time and,
you know,
Freminos is a beautiful,
beautiful and very digestible form of amino acids.
That's a beautiful summary that I've got nothing to
add to that.
That was perfect.
A product that I've been personally reading,
reading up on a lot the past month,
because we had like,
we had an antioxidant August.
So our theme was antioxidants and we have OLE
olive leaf extracts in our range of products and
incredible product.
That's not only an antioxidant that's four times
more capable than vitamin C,
but also acts as an antifungal,
really phenomenal product.
What's your experience with olive leaf extract?
beautiful product.
I love reading about the history of the use of
olive leaf,
which is just like almost like a romantic novel.
It's quite lovely.
I love using it for that,
that fungal bacterial situation as well.
And a lot of the research shows that it is also
effective with viruses.
So you can look up that research.
And as soon as we,
you know,
these things are extremely helpful as soon as the
seasons switch over,
because our immune system gets a little bit
challenged and either hyper-activated or it goes to
sleep on us and we need it to show up.
And there's just a lot more floating around.
So it's extremely good.
It's also extremely good for the gut.
So if you think of the gut,
it gets upset when we have too many microorganisms
floating around in there.
So our microbiome is off balance.
And so,
let's say you eat something and you're just like,
'Oh my gosh,
I just can't handle this.' Take I,
you know,
I tell people to take four,
and see how that feels.
If it's feeling a little bit better in half an
take four more,
and you should be fine.
And if it's not,
then you should just fine.
And you,
you know,
that shows itself over and over again.
So I tend to do kind of a loading dose when
we're in a crisis situation.
And then you just back it down,
back to what is recommended,
because it's recommended for a reason.
but you can play with it like that.
I really recommend people to go to PubMed or
GreenMedInfo and look at olive leaf extract or
which is the specific extract,
and look at how many different conditions and how
many different uses this product has,
because the research is extensive.
It probably goes back 60 years,
but it's a really powerful product and does so
many different things.
And just like all of our products,
you know,
it's not,
it's not,
it's not isolated to one different thing because
you know,
we're providing the body with more of a holistic
synergistic type of healing where,
you know,
it can affect where you really need it.
So it can be recommended for a bunch of different
To finish off on our products,
we've got BMD with K2.
Tell us a little bit about that.
So the BMD,
is a,
is really a great product for specific people.
If there is any concern about bone density,
bone repair,
things like that,
it's very,
very valuable.
The vitamin K drives calcium into the bone.
So you actually get,
you know,
you get the use of the calcium.
We never want calcium free-floating.
But we're getting around because now it's,
it's getting in the way of things.
So I recommend it for,
in my office,
more for the older individual who does have those
the menopausal women and,
and from there forward,
that's how I've used it.
And I know there are many other uses,
but that is in particular the focus for me.
Have you seen,
looking at live or dry blood,
kind of like a before and after,
then after the use of some of these products,
like have you seen changes in the blood,
like visually after after taking up any of the
Have you got an example of that?
For Empower Plus,
for example,
because it's very rich in B vitamins as well.
I can evidence that in blood,
if there's a deficiency in vitamin B or B12,
it will start to regulate itself.
Sometimes you may need to overlay with a little
but most times it's just fine.
It has rectified itself.
With OLE,
a good example is that fungus disappears and we
get a more balanced microbiome.
So I'm seeing fewer pathologies in the blood,
fewer bugs,
in the blood.
you know,
it's a wonderful thing.
And the nascent iodine also will contribute to.
Seeing fewer fellowships in the bloodstream,
et cetera.
So between the two of them,
it's quite brilliant that way.
that's great.
That's a that's a really amazing breakdown of why
you would recommend each one of our products for
different people.
And I and I have to emphasize again that it's
really important to work with a health professional
because it's very important to work with your
individual circumstance.
And to work with the dosaging on some of these
you know,
they can be they are very powerful,
they're incredibly,
incredibly bioavailable and effective.
So it's really important to make sure that you're
working with somebody who knows,
knows what they're doing.
And if you ever need any assistance with that,
you can reach out and we can support you with
But I'd love to switch topics a little bit in
regards to your work with looking at the blood,
you know,
the last couple of years have been quite insane.
regardless of your opinions or what side of the
fence you're on,
I suppose.
But I think what is interesting about the blood is
is how it responds very,
very quickly to the changes in our outside
whether that's with a diet change or even moving
countries or,
you know,
exercising in our blood is always kind of like
it's always it's just always changing.
It's this beautiful,
beautiful thing that we obviously couldn't live
without and it and it can it can paint a picture.
If you,
if you're,
you know,
if you know what you're looking for and if you
know how the analysis works.
So I'm just wondering if you've seen anything kind
of like new or unusual in the blood of your
patients in in the last couple of years,
you know,
being considering it's been a very,
very stressful time.
People haven't been outside as much,
people haven't been exercising as much,
you know,
our precious essential liquor stores and McDonald's
have all been open and other essential services
haven't been.
It's it's interesting because a lot a lot of
people's whole habitual lives have have really taken
a big change.
So I wonder if you've seen any changes in people's
I certainly have.
It's been a very sobering experience.
And not in the liquor store sense of of sobering.
This is there's a lot of reality that shows up in
the blood.
The first thing that I would notice in blood is
the degree of stress in people is very elevated.
And that goes without saying,
we have great days and then we have not so great
days so for everybody it's a little bit different,
but overall I would say everybody's pretty jacked
up for the most part,
and I'm seeing a tremendous amount of an immune
system dysregulation,
where the immune system is super elevated.
When I should see the ratio of red blood cells to
white blood cells is one red.
or excuse me,
800 red to one white,
800 to one,
that's in a normal functioning immune system where
your immune system is just like doing that it's
casual surveillance.
And so that's normal,
you might have more or less depending on what you
ate or that sort of thing,
but there's a dance with that and remember that
my work is very visual,
so this is not to compare it to a medical.
I love when people also bring in their medical
test because then I can compare,
and it makes so helpful,
yeah yeah,
it really is,
because I certainly can't do that for you.
But the biggest concern is the condition of the
white blood cells,
the types of white blood cells,
and the conditions of white blood cells.
We're seeing a lot of immature blood cells,
and we're seeing where I would just see one white
blood cell,
I'm seeing 30.
This is the first time,
this is the first time in my entire career,
I've seen it elevated to that degree.
And the particular types of white blood cells that
are coming forward are,
you know,
that's interesting as well,
so it's quite a thing.
More chemical toxicity.
This can be because they're not outside working or
exercising or doing what they would normally do.
you know,
there are some realities from different perspectives.
chemicals are getting in.
And I'm seeing a lot of,
and you,
there are a lot of unusual findings and that's how
I refer to them,
things that I've never seen in blood before.
not only is the behavior of red and white blood
cells shifting.
I'm seeing things that just are different,
very different,
and very uncommon to blood.
What what are the long-term repercussions of?
You know,
we talked about like that,
you said 800 red to one white blood cell but
you're seeing like a significant amount of white
blood cells.
and that's irregular,
like what's the long-term potential implications of
having that normal ratio of balance for a longer
period of time.
exhaustion is certainly one.
there's a lot of exhaustion in people; it's like
they can't recuperate.
That's the primary thing or they always feel like
they're getting sick.
And that's another repercussion of that just the
the whole system is is,
you know,
deregulated so it's under functioning,
even though it's over functioning,
if that makes sense.
the body can really only do that type of thing
for a certain amount of time before it gives up,
well not gives up but like just can't just can't
do it anymore and then that's when you know we
see the.
Security barrier within our immune system just kind
of folding and then everything just kind of comes
in unchecked and can cause,
you know,
serious problems.
So you see,
so you're seeing,
you're seeing visual evidence of high stress,
and like high volatile unusual long term immune
system function as well.
and I'm seeing things,
you know,
depending on what people have been up to recently,
I will see I'm seeing way more lymphocytes.
Which lymphocytes indicate injury somewhere in the
infection somewhere in the body,
mostly infectious processes,
but that's just out of,
it's out of range for what I normally see.
And I'm seeing dividing lymphocytes,
which means that the bone marrow and the spleen
are involved somewhere with how blood is made,
and so something is off for sure; stress alone can
do that.
But that was just to show you that there are a
lot of different things that can be done to help
with that.
There are other things that contribute to that
And I think,
I think it's a really important hot topic for sure
right now; little this year is the COVID-19
you know; we've got a variety of different ones
available to us,
brand new technology.
And I'm very interested in the reporting systems.
Around the world in regards to adverse,
adverse effects of these things,
and yeah,
if you don't know,
like for example,
just the audience out here,
like VAERS,
you may have heard of is a reporting system; it's
the CDC's vaccine adverse reaction,
adverse effects reporting system,
and those reports don't get filed unless they've
been actually followed up by the CDC,
so you can actually rely on those reports quite
heavily; it's actually also underreported by about
which is interesting.
But we're seeing with this um,
with these vaccinations,
we're seeing anaphylaxis,
Bell's palsy,
heart attacks,
physical disabilities,
allergic reactions,
thrombocytopenia; you know,
we're seeing a lot of things happening all over
the body.
So and so much of our internal health and wellness
is is dictated by by what the blood is doing.
So do you see anything from your like live and
dry blood analysis that would connect with these
adverse reactions or would indicate concern to you,
because obviously this is this is a new
introduction into our biology?
So I wonder if you,
you're seeing anything like,
you know,
with your eyes there; I absolutely do.
I'm seeing is you know um the conditions within
within the sample that make all of what you just
described possible so that's kind of the the the
the the the the the the the the the the the the
the the the the the the of in a nutshell.
I can also,
you know,
I can see specifically if it's more of a
cardiovascular situation,
or an immune situation,
or an inflammatory situation.
But it's this is real.
I've seen the blood cells suffocating amidst the
And in that case,
there's we need to get busy.
So I really want people to know that yes,
this is not about decisions.
This is about it's everybody's personal decision and
respect for your personal decision.
You if you are experiencing some of the things
like you mentioned,
we need to get busy,
I can show you the benefit of my work is that I
can see if you're just making it up and whining a
Or whether we this is actually a thing,
I had a patient this morning,
who it was actually a thing is very reassuring to
her to know that it wasn't just her,
you know,
not stepping up to the plate or that sort of
So this evidence is how you feel.
let's get busy.
And let's do everything we can to turn the tide.
There's obviously so many things that we can do to
introduce into our into our lifestyle,
with any type of injury.
So it's great that we've got those things.
So one thing that really,
really helps is working with the medical staff,
who are in charge of blood disposal and again,
working with a health professional looking at data,
looking at your blood under a microscope,
with somebody who knows what they're looking for
can really give you a strong indication about what
is happening in your body.
Like right now,
like it's pretty live,
live action.
We're on the stage.
And are you seeing anything that you've never seen
things in the blood that like you can't identify
um um white blood cells or red blood cells or
other microorganisms acting in ways you've never
seen before like is it like brand new things that
you're seeing?
I see that the red blood cells are struggling as
There's more stickiness I know in some reports out
there they talk about low and the stickiness of
blood um I see that from from my perspective,
I see that more as a as an imbalance of the pH
because we get this static or polar the magnetic
electromagnetic charge on the cells is reversed and
that's a simple simple pH therapy.
So you know everybody getting super excited about
that possibly.
But I'm not sure,
I don't have enough evidence in what I've read and
and looked at so in fairness to everyone um,
what I do see that is foreign to anything I've
seen before are chemicals of shapes size different
shapes sizes and colors um,
I see a lot of bright turquoise blue which is
often connected to seeing aluminum uh,
in people's blood I do not tell you which
chemicals are in your blood that's not my my work
but let's say it's unique to people who have
worked with aluminum for example I'm seeing uh pods
I'm calling them pods for lack of a better name
but they are like,
like circles that are quite a bit bigger than the
blood cells.
Themselves that are there and they look quite
so it's again unique.
do I know what it's from?
I don't,
but it's new to this person.
Would that be quite a large object then,
in regards to what's actually in your blood?
Like we've got my understanding is that white blood
most white blood cells are a lot smaller than our
you know,
our red blood cells,
but in regards to other things floating around in
our blood like these larger unidentified organisms,
are these like a lot larger than red blood cells?
Are there other things that are bigger so the red
blood cells are smaller than the white blood cells
oh okay yeah I think I think that was backwards,
but no,
that's okay.
But I'm going,
oh maybe I didn't see right,
but I know,
and the so the the objects or the pods that I'm
seeing would be two to three times larger than the
red blood cells,
so that's a lot larger than the red blood cells,
larger than a white blood cell,
okay if that makes sense,
so they're bigger,
they're quite a bit bigger and uh,
they're navigating through the body or making their
way through the body in whatever way,
but I do know it's unique and it looks very
and in some cases there's just a lot of chemical
that's spread around and you know this is where we
can use things.
like like ole can also pick up chemical and help
with that immunity um nascent iodine is actually
really composite part of any any um chemical
detoxing um so so there are lots of things that
the true hope canada products can do to help you
kind of traverse what's going on in the system
when you say these things you're seeing are
organized what what does that mean do you see them
having like sangria parties that's a great analogy
um basically they look hard rather than being soft
and organized by being organized around the around
the periphery i'll see that there are particles
that are populating the outer edge of the pod
in other words,
if you have a circle and you put a beaded you
put a beaded um border around the outside,
does that make sense?
I know you mean then within the within the pod
some are totally empty and others have more things
that like they have triangular pieces they have
like just unusual things in in different formats
there will be bright colors and I do dark field
microscopy so seeing colors is is um always
connected to chemicals um and it has to be really
bright in order for it to show itself under the
microscope so,
so what we would see with like in a red blood
cell is that there's a lot of things that are
white blood cells,
blood cells that are produced and manufactured
inside the body are they are they what you would
describe as kind of like soft like soft kind of
tissue-y like like very organic squishy organic and
squishy yeah and then you then you've got these
other organisms that look what like like hard and
basically kind of man-made and not not organic yes
absolutely so they're they're um hardened they look
like they're hard and they look like they're not
look to be hardened they look to be um like i
could grab it and hold it in my hand and it
would be solid and again i don't know this as a
fact at all but that's the appearance of it yeah
Can only go with what you're what what you're
seeing right,
and you know you're going by what you've seen
What the natural body makes,
and then these shapes and colors obviously indicate
different um materials and compounds that you know
light is reflecting from.
So obviously,
you can't say that's that or that's that.
But um,
it's very interesting that you're seeing like quite
new things in the in the blood of a lot of
different individuals.
It's been it's been fascinating,
it's been um,
it's upped my game with respect to really
understanding the blood more deeply,
and it's also very sobering because I'm sitting
with People as they are navigating um very
challenging symptoms,
are you concerned?
Or are you not one part of me is very concerned.
The other part is knowing that the body is that
we evolve as a species and we are on our own
And when we change how we think and view things,
the vibrational frequency that we hold within us
will elevate our ability to hold space for what's
going on.
That is part of why Empower+ is really important
because it's hard to do the work when you're super
stressed or not feeling well.
It's really hard for me too.
you're right there.
you obviously have a lot of um,
colleagues in The same in the same industry,
looking at,
looking at similar things,
do you,
do you have conversations with these people?
Are these people seeing similar things all over the
all over the world?
Like is there new conversations happening like
what's happening in the like the blood world?
It's very interesting that people in the blood
world tend to keep to themselves a lot,
but I am,
but I am following,
And I think also,
what we have to consider is that there's only so
much you can say,
so there's what you can say and what you can't
It's like what's on a supplement bottle and what
you can't say.
A what's not on the supplement bottle,
and uh,
what you can put on a website and what you can't,
so there's there's a whole other side to things.
I know in casual conversations,
my findings are are similar but unique to me,
but they will be similar across the board
I appreciate you sharing that with me,
thank you very much.
I've got a quick question before we kind of finish
What um,
what does a live blood sample tell you that a dry
one doesn't?
The live blood is the drama queen; she's very
has lots to say,
and um,
her behavior is very telling of how her world is
It's like when you have a child and how that
Child behaves,
tells you how their day was so the blood does
So the blood tells me what direction you're leaning
in and how that's going to affect your life and
how that's going to affect your actually feeling in
your body,
so it's easy for me to be with you not know
anything about you.
And that the live blood is going to tell me how
it's going for you and how that expresses
So it's actually kind of a fun,
fun thing to play with from time to time.
The dry blood tells us the impact of all of that
on your deep cellular tissue,
it's very beautiful,
and also gives us information on where congestion
is in the blood or.
In the body and what we need to do about it,
and to what degree we were experiencing oxidative
stress so it's more it's more exacting in that
in the live blood,
we see the behavior that perhaps is uh leaning you
towards more oxidative stress but we can also see
oxidative stress and inflammation in there as well,
so they each have their wonderful gifts to offer.
I would never want to do one way or the other,
but I would love to do one way or the other
without the other.
It's a deep exploration that's great,
that's really really cool,
I think that if um people want to learn a little
bit more about that they can certainly
Go to episode three of this podcast,
because we speak a lot about the actual process,
and the benefits,
and you know what you can look to get from that,
and some of the other wonderful things that Maureen
does as well.
how can people connect with you?
My website is the easiest way,
so it's maureenfontaine.com.
And Simon,
if you will so kindly post the Instagram and uh
Facebook connections that would be great.
I'll certainly do that.
I think that your Instagram is great because you
get to see the actual images of the blood and
you've got some explanations there and um it's just
an interesting um look into what seems
Like an alien world,
but it's within us all of the time,
and it can tell us some so many wonderful things.
And once we have a an incredible translator to let
us know,
I think that that's um an important important part
of the process.
But you're based in Victoria and you have a clinic
space there,
and you also do some work on the um mainland as
Where could people potentially see you and and um
and engage in in some blood analysis absolutely so
because I used to live there,
I have uh colleagues that um host me once a
and one is a store in Langley called Well Beans,
and the other one is in Chilliwack called Beyond
You can go on my website and you can find the
access to them because,
if you want to see me,
you would call them directly and make arrangements
to do so.
if somebody wants to visit you in Langley or
they would go through those stores to book with
that's all handled for me,
so great!
And if someone wants to see you in Victoria,
the best thing to do is go to your website,
and send me an email,
and I will get back to you as quickly as I can,
which lately has been a little bit slower process,
but I do my best.
if you need to nudge me again,
please do.
that's really great!
thank you very much,
I really appreciate
Your time today,
thank you so much for coming back on the show.
It's been an absolute pleasure.
thank you very much.
thanks very much,
If you want some more information um about Maureen
and some of the things we've spoken about today,
and you want to connect with her,
you can check the show notes.
Thank you so much for listening.
We will con...
we'll be back next week with another episode.
Have a beautiful week.