Guest Episode
September 11, 2024
Episode 26:
Holistic Nutrition, Healing & Pacific Rim College
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ordelia McFadyen, is a Board Certified Nutritionist and Dean for the School of Holistic Nutrition at Pacific Rim College.
Here we will dive deeper into what Holistic Nutrition is, how you can use it to help heal yourself, and of course we will discuss Pacific Rim College.
welcome to the show Cordelia thank you so much for being with us how are you doing thanks so much for having me Simon
I'm feeling really well today good time of the year days are getting longer more sun I'm happy yeah we were just having a
little bit of a chat um about how excited we are the spring is coming and
how it's such a trans transformative time for everybody and yeah once we can
start seeing those flowers blooming and more birds in the sky it just brings a
brings an air of happiness around for everybody I think I love it I love it absolutely cool well let's just jump
straight in why don't you tell us about yourself your story into becoming a um Health practitioner and a
teacher yeah absolutely so I kind of I feel like I'm a bit of a standard story
in the sense of what pulled me to holistic health was my own personal needs initially I am someone who
suffered from debilitating gut issues my entire life uh was my my elementary
years Junior High and Senior High were punct ated with ongoing stomach issues digestive issues and in hindsight I
would have out of control nose bleeds I would have you know strep throat three four five six times a year all of these
markers indicative of completely overwhelmed immune system particularly
with food sensitivities and issues however you know the mainstream medical system was always looking for something
bigger something really dysfunctional thankfully they never found it but it wasn't actually until I moved to the UK
uh when I was 20 where I had a bit of a flare up and was not feeling good and for the very first time in my entire
life a doctor said what are you eating and he specifically called out wheat and I remember in my head and I won't say
the exact words but I was just thinking this guy's office rocker like I have been going to doctors at that point I
was 20 so you know 12 15 years I'd been in and out of doctor's offices and all
the rest of it but I felt so terrible I was so desperate to feel better I was
like okay wheat uh I guess that means I'm not going to be eating any bread or pasta for a while so I cut that out I
said okay I'll cut it out for a month and about two weeks in I couldn't
believe it was like this veil was being lifted off of my head and I actually had Clarity to think I could control my
emotions I didn't have to have an afternoon nap I could sleep so many things that I had just accepted as
normal because they were normal for me just started to disappear and and some things it it it took a
little bit longer because I find we're very critical of things if they're not going the way that we want but when we
start to put the right inputs in and we start to change and feel better we're not always so cognizant of the
improvements unless we have maybe a journal or somebody you know points things out to us so I was aware of a lot
of things but there was a lot of things that it took family and friends when I moved back to Canada to say wow what
yeah that's that's crazy so what type of doctor is this in the UK because that's really I feel I've not lived there in a
long time but I feel that's a really unusual place for a doctor's mind to go when talking about those types of issues
so like tell tell us about this doctor I just went to a regular doctor my my mom's from Britain so I have dual
citizenship and so I just went I was like I need to go to a doctor I just went to a doctor so I just went to the
local doctor that was close to me I was in Maidstone Kent living there and this was not a a functional medicine doctor
this is not a naturopathic doctor this was just a doctor that I happened to end
up in his office and have this experience with so nothing special about it other than
the words that he said that's that's just amazing you found that doctor because I think if you if you had got
stuck with somebody else then maybe you would have just got a prescription or well and that was my experience in
Canada right so again I'm like I don't know how I got this guy but he he pushed
me onto a tra trajectory that I wasn't even aware of at that time that's that's
wonderful so you you cut out weight for a couple of weeks you start to feel a heck of a lot better and then you know
what what happens from there well to be honest I mean I didn't really take it seriously I was
20 and I was 21 and I was living in the UK and I was like this is great
Freedom um did not make the connection to at all it would be years later that I would make the connection to sort of
like wheat and gluten and all the areas that it's in and you know my gut issues and actually determining an by an
Elimination Diet and food sensitivity testings what the foods were um but so
it was like the UK absolutely was that initial first step and then it wasn't until about three or four years later
when I came back to Canada where I was like okay there's more there's things still happening I'd improved a lot and I
got very comfortable where I was but I had clearly not taken it you know
Upstream so to speak to really sort of address the root issues and that's where
I started to work with the natural path and have these other conversations because I didn't even know what holistic health was I mean I'm like a lot of
Canadians you are raised to you know just trust the medical system trust your doctor tell your doctor what's wrong and
the doctor is going to know everything and that was my experience so I had no reason to question it until I moved to
the UK and was like wait a minute maybe there's other professionals out there who can understand what I'm experiencing
and can help me yeah that's wonderful and I think that yeah so many so many people I think around the world trust
the you know Al apathic side of medicine that you are so fortunate to to find
that practitioner who just thought about you know just asking you this simple question about you know what do you eat
and just sparking the idea of like maybe different things that you're consuming are affecting your gut and hopefully
that in in in um medical training now they're talking a lot more about like the gut brain axis and how like you know
our gut can affect our brain and our brain affects our gut and they're always communicating and the symptoms that might seem distant to the origin of of
them you know it's all kind of related and talking about referred referred issues so that's awesome that you found
that and yeah it's quite quite remarkable because you know there's not a whole lot of practitioners out there u
in the conventional system that are you know going towards something like that so that's that's great that that put you on that path yeah so what's the link now
from like from where you're at in this story to becoming you know holistic nutritionist and a teacher yeah so when
I got back to Canada I uh I got back into I was an event manager so I was working for not for-profit organizations
creating events and having so much fun doing that I was still focusing on my health and working with my health Team
and I had to because I was reminded when I got back to Canada the limitations of some of the doctors we have because at
that time the doctor that I had didn't believe in food sensitivities or food allergies so so again it was just that
reminder to be like okay you're very helpful for some aspects but I need to have another professional and it was at
that time where you know this is where that Community piece kind of ties in you know friends and family were noticing
how I was changing physically and then just in terms of character I had more energy and I was just you know doing
more and I was acutely aware that what worked for me may work for them but it
may not and so all of a sudden I had this urge to be educated in a way that
was more General that would allow me to speak to people and their unique experience because that was sort of the
Dawn when I lived in the UK was that we are all so different you know again there's going to be these these
fundamental these foundational pieces that everybody can benefit from but
again with that much the same there's G to be that much different so that kind of prompted me to be like okay what what
what what is it what do I even want to be and then people were like oh a dietitian and started to learn about that and I was like hey that's really
cool that's really cool didn't resonate with me didn't have that pull for that and then all of a sudden I just was
looking through a magazine on Calgary it said oh natural nutrition program I was like what what and that was it I
basically saw that article applied took school and then kind of made the and at this point you know I was just turning
30 so I thought I was wild to change careers at that point I just turned 40 so now I'm like oh how funny you are
when you're in your 20s and 30s thinking it's like the end of the world to change so went back to school um did that and
then really kind of just really wanted to focus on supporting women in particular with gut issues and that's
sort of grown more now into hormonal issues as well but I just wanted to help people and I just wanted to share my
story because I thought my situation is not unique in the sense of what I've experienced but what is unique to me is
the sense of I I I I'm not on the medications and I think that if I had
not recruited my own health Team my life trajectory could have taken a very uh
different path and it would not have been healthy and I would it would not it
just I wouldn't be here I wouldn't be vital I wouldn't be feeling great I wouldn't know how to feel empowered about my health so it was that sort of
education and that start that I just thought we need to talk about this and that's where I you know that's what gets
so many people into holistic Healthcare where it's nutrition or whatever it may be it's it's a lot of this as a as a a
personal need for Health that they cannot find anywhere else so that was my
yeah that's that's really cool I think that's I just want to ask you a question in regards to when you were you know you
you looked at dietitians and then you saw this article for um becoming a natural practitioner why why were you
kind of like not really connected with the dietician side of things because you you naturally think that like you know
if you want to get into uh diet and health and helping people you know with
with what they eat to make them feel better you know you think automatically a lot of people would just think know a dietician would be kind of like the the
best role for that so why would you why did you go to something that's a little bit you know a a little bit out there
yeah that's a great question um well I know that obviously food is important and I know that movement is important
and I've always known that but for me some of the early practitioners that I worked with some of the uh exercises
that they gave me were all about visualization and so from the get-go I
had this practice where when I was in pain or when I was experiencing anything I would put a lot of time into imagining
my organs you know obviously my stomach my digestive system healing and being well and that really got me through some
really difficult periods and I couldn't find anything in speaking to dietitians or looking at various programs that
really spoke to the psychospiritual aspect and that's a very important part of my life so I thought that yep yes
it's movement yes it's nutrition but for me holistic nut ntion like is a trifecta and it does incorporate those
psychospiritual aspects and that can look different for everybody but to not include that uh didn't feel appropriate
now we see dietitians incorporating that in their own personal practice more today but I really wanted a school that
focused on that as well and wasn't just so okay we're science-based yes as holistic nutritionists we absolutely are
science-based however there's a part of healing and health that can't always be Quantified and to ignore that I think is
to IGN the potential for health and so that doesn't align with my beliefs and values at all yeah that's a really
important point I think the a big draw for me as well with holistic nutrition was the fact that you know you you're
not just looking at somebody's symptoms and you're you're not just trying to assess those immediately you're asking
very big qu big questions about you know somebody's sleep their stress levels their work how they would born how long
they breastfed for you know like how often do you get sick like these are incredibly important question questions
that paint much more of an overall picture than I have stomach pain and I have diarrhea you know like that's not
there's not enough value in that in regards to actually helping somebody really understand what it is that
they're experiencing and what they can do to start you know making changes to to start healing and become better so
yeah I'm I'm totally with you on that and you're right in regards to that there are dietitians that are adopting and changing um to more of a holistic
approach and that's that's most likely due to the fact that all the new schools and new universities are
covering health and and wellness in a much more broader scope and wonderful
practitioners like yourself yeah it's like that's that's it's pushing the um let's call it the um conventional side
of nutrition to be better yeah and to look at the whole person rather than you
know you have a protocol for diarrhea and stomach pain and that's the same thing for everybody we know
that doesn't work we know that that's kind of a useless system so that's wonderful that um yeah that both um both
areas have got a good part to play in now I love that yeah and I didn't want to be a part of this reductionist Healthcare where you know tell me about
one thing you're feeling like that that to me like I I've that has not at all helped me and I know
that that does not help so this is where it's we have these conversations to be like I want to learn about the whole you
and not just the you today but tell me a little bit about you tell me a little bit about your past and for people that
are new to holistic nutrition or a holistic practitioner that's wild that conversation they're like what we're
going to talk about me for an hour maybe two hours that whole experience is crazy to them but you're talking to someone in
their 30s 40s and 50s who's never talked about their health for that long to their Healthcare
practitioner that is what is wrong to me and that's where I'm just like absolutely not pick one symptom like
what no absolutely not when you're able to have an hour or two hour session with with somebody you
know it turns into very much a bit of a therapy session and that therapy is a massive part of the process because you're actually connecting and aligning
and forming this like therapeutic relationship with a practitioner and that's going to go such a long way to to
making the changes that you need need to help I'm not going to generalize dietitians here but like I met a few of
them in the UK but they all seem to be really unhealthy y kind of unhappy people yeah and that's obviously doesn't
not suggesting that's that's everybody but I know a lot of holistic nutritionists and naturopaths and you
know people in the kind of the holistic realm and they're all like super energized and super happy and I I
honestly think that a big part of that comes from their journey to get to where they are they went through personal
issues and they educated themselves to help themselves and then now they've got this wonderful ability to connect with
people who are going through something something very very similar so you've already already got that like
understanding and that that um that care that you can have for somebody and that's a really great way to to connect
really early on in the in the in the sessions so yeah that's a really important aspect as well well yeah we're
creating relationships right I mean if you want to assist somebody in in in terms of healing or guiding their body
back to homeostasis I mean you need to understand them and know them or else how is that person going to be engaged I
mean and I don't blame them I mean I for a large part wasn't engaged in my health because I a I didn't know I had to be
and B there was no conversation it was it was One Direction dialogue and so
with holistic nutritionists like we encourage discussion we want feedback because if we need to make any changes
how are we going to get that if we don't have that open line of communication and to get that communication we need to build that Bedrock of trust which cannot
be rushed yeah and we absolutely have to create and establish that relationship ship early with a practitioner that
level of trust and I think in a 2hour session you know or a 90-minute intake you can you can obtain that because you
know you might be seeing this person for 90 minutes every couple of weeks but there's so much time in between those
sessions and they need to be they need to be invested they need to be in it and they need to kind of like want to work
with you as a practitioner to make sure that when they're not with you uh
they're doing those things that they know that they need to do to to create those changes and yeah you it's very
difficult to obtain a Therapeutic Alliance like that if you're not working
with a like a holistic mindset and really like getting to know that individual to create that relationship
absolutely I completely agree yeah super let's move on to Pacific Rim College why
don't you tell us a little bit about it is it just a is it just a nutrition school no Pacific real college okay so
it's beautiful it's got a great campus in Market Square and beautiful British Columbia and it's it's like the
alternative College really we've got holistic nutrition there's phytotherapies that's herbal medicine
we've got the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine program acupuncture program we've now got the permaculture
program there's the holistic Doula so there's sort of you know anything
holistic chances are um you know you can come to Pacific room College whether it's be a certificate or diploma there's
weekend Workshop there's a lot of different ways to sort of dip your toes into the holistic Healthcare that you
know you don't you don't have to be a practitioner necessarily like of course we have we make and we have so many
great practitioners but even if you're just looking for a little bit more knowledge for yourself I mean this is where the certificates and the weekend
workshops are a lot more accessible and they've never been more accessible now because we're online so anybody can
access this that's really cool yeah I mean I I moved from when I so a little
bit in my backstory so I went to Pacific room College I did the three-year H nutrition diploma as you know Cordelia
and I was living in Sweden at the time and I just kind of got into health and
nutrition I did a couple of online courses and I and I got you know I I I applied my knowledge to myself I got
ridiculously healthy I felt amazing best I was think I was 27 and it was the best i' ever felt in
my whole life so I'm like addicted to this learning now like how can I like learn more and how can I help people
feel this good because this is a like Birthright everyone should feel awesome yes yeah so I was fishing for a school
and I found something in I found a couple of schools in America and I narrowed it down to one but it was so difficult to get a Visa there that it
just kind of like didn't work and the the the the admissions person I was speaking to at the school in Colorado
sent me this like sent me this random website and it had a bunch of schools like on it and then bang in the middle
was the PRC like logo and I just clicked on that and I went to the um nutrition
diploma and looked through like you know what you do during the six semesters and it's so absurdly comprehensive and it's
just so yeah you just cover so much in well six semesters it's a long period of
time and you have the option to kind of fast track it through the summer and the fact that you have to do why don't you
tell us a little about the clinic as well we'll get more into like the the playment of hit nutrition but tell us a little about the clinic at the school
because anybody if if you're lucky enough to live in Victoria or visit there you can go there and experience it
yes the clinic to be honest is I mean there's so many aspects of the program that I love but the clinic for sure is
it's right up there because there is no other program that allow you know nutrition students to engage with
individuals to apply what they're learning in the classroom and to have the opportunity to learn something in a
textbook and then see that and talk to somebody and have them come back and see improvements
that's incredible like it is it's so invaluable for the soon to be practitioner it is a massive Boon for
the community because again you know holistic health care services can be prohibitive for many many demographics
and the other important thing to me Simon is honestly I don't really love
the idea that if you go to holistic nutrition School wherever that is that you have to see people one-on-one and so
I think that we've lost a lot of great practitioners because they weren't aware of the variety of ways to support people
and so love Clinic love the experience and I love also the opportunity that provides students after the three-year
completion of the program to go loved it learned it know how to do it don't want to do
that because fair enough yeah it's there's just there's just so many ways to support the industry to support
individuals and groups and I don't want it to always be a I'm I'm an extrovert or that's great or what about I'm an
introvert I don't really like to talk to people but is this the only way way that I can make a living I have to see people oneon-one and it's like no no no no no
like there's so many ways to work and make a positive change where you don't ever have to talk to anybody so yeah I
had a really wonderful experience with Clinic because there's obviously three levels to it there's the um what's the
first level observation observation yes so you're in you're with your classmates
with the with the instructor with the teacher and then you know somebody comes in and they're looking to get some help
with their with health and then the next level will be supervised so the the
student will be taking the session with kind of everybody involved again it's like this holistic everyone's kind of in the room
and learning together it's actually a really it can be quite intimidating at first but it's actually a really um
wholesome educational experience absolutely and then you have independent where you've got people you know you've
got the students taking their own clients and hopefully like getting them back in to you know work with them progressively throughout throughout the
semester really amazing setup and what I think that I learned from myself and
watching other people around me grow through the three years through those different types of clinics was the fact
that the experience and the confidence to be able to sit one onone and first of
all know that you know a lot of information and you've got a lot of good information to share but being able to
communicate that in a understanding and empathetic way is a skill and like the
biggest thing I learned from Clinic was like learning how to listen to be to quiet my mind quiet my body sit there be
be present and listen yeah that is without question the biggest superow
that I think any good natural health practitioner can have and um that
clinical that clinical setting most likely gives that skill and that superpower and that quality to
everyone who passes right absolutely absolutely because you're so right Simon I mean even when you're in school
particularly but even when you're done you can find yourself in these moments of I can't help people I got to take this course I got to take another course
I gotta learn this and learn that and it's like no no no no no like you know like you have so much knowledge when
you're in school to help people and and having that opportunity to do that and see positive improvements and like you
said sometimes when you're new and you're nervous you just you want to fill space you don't want there can't be a
quiet moment you just have to talk talk talk and so really just kind of sitting back and just allowing because you have
to you have to put yourself in the position of the person across from you who's coming to seek help you might be
talking to them in a way and about things that nobody has ever said to them before so allow them to actually absorb
that and digest that and just hold that space and then continue the conversation
and there's it it just like school is the place that you can do that and
everybody is learning and and the expectations just lower them your instructor there always to support you
but just like it's okay if you maybe ask the questions out of order or maybe you are really chatty like the this is the
moment those are the opportunities where you can find that out about yourself and go okay you're right I do get nervous
and then I have oh I just want to Ramble On okay I need to learn to count to 10 in my head
sure the clinic is wonderful and obviously there's a clinic for nutrition there's a clinic for phytotherapy and
there Clinic acupuncture as well which is right really wonderful thing so yeah if you are in the area you should go check it out um I'd love to talk
specifically about the nutrition program so what makes the diploma of holistic nutrition kind of stand
out we we got the longest program by a long shot in Canada we've got a three-year program like you said we've
got the six semesters we cover everything from we've got a little bit of influence from Air vedc we've got a
bit of an influence from the Western herbal medicine the Oriental medicine we've got a big uh biomedical section
which you know focuses on the anatomy and physiology uh the biology those sorts of aspects we've got big core
nutrition component which talks about you know nutrient diet Therapeutics toxicity of foods we've got the clinic
uh we've got the professional development area as well which a lot of a lot of holistic courses I I feel like
at the end of the program you get thrown in a little bit of business information but there's not really any sort of
structure or flow to it so we've really taken consideration into making sure we've got professional development
courses that um our students can utilize and actually turn into a thriving career
afterwards whether that's working for themselves or working for somebody else you're going to have tools to you know communicate yourself because if you got
all this great education but you don't know how to you know land a position somewhere I mean it's it's going to be
you know it's going to be wasted right so there's just so many different ways and then we've got the weekend
workshops and then students have to take electives and now we've got this beautiful component as well where we can
draw on which is Pacific from College online so now we've got weekend workshops where students because when
you went to school Simon if you wanted electives you have to take a weekend Workshop in person that was the only
option so now we've got nutrition electives like in the program itself that are you know typically 15 hours and
then we've got the weekend workshops we're changing those up a bit now with zoom so instead of you know two-day
workshops we're seeing if the content matter can be divided into one day and then scattering another day somewhere
else throughout the semester because again people are spending a lot of time online so how can we kind of change
things up a little bit and then the prco we've got another area as well where people continue to take their you know
elective credits and then have lifetime access to that so it's it's the it's the
length of the program it's the hours of the program and it's also all of the different blocks that I just mentioned
of education so yes obviously nutrition is the core piece but there's so many other influences that sort of really
make it just a complete program you also have some pretty special teachers there as well right we have amazing
instructors are you kidding me I mean no we have got some of the best professionals I mean just some of the
best people teaching you know in clinic in our classes who have so much life
experience so much personal experience so much educational experience and they come willing to share and answer
questions and just be themselves and it's just it's wonderful like our
instructors I mean I yeah I learn from our instructors I learn from our students it's just this boom boom boom
just learning learning learning sharing sharing sharing it's a very very cool you know culture to be a part of what do
you think is the benefit for now we're talking about how comprehensive the program is and it dives into um Chinese
medicine iic medicine Western medicine what do you think the benefit of learning those different modalities is
well I think the first benefit is it's really interesting to see how students sort of gravitate towards different
things which can allow them to take additional courses after the program if they want to sort of Niche down so to speak um and then really the other thing
is as well is that you know the clients that they're going to be seeing you know at the college when they're in their
academic career and then likewise when they're in their own career these individuals are going to have their own experiences with health so if you can be
well-versed in oh okay this person's talking about doas okay I know AA not a a practitioner necessarily but I
understand some of the pH philosophies and prior learnings that you've been exposed to so I can incorporate some of that language into our conversations so
I can demonstrate to you that I see what you've done I see where you're coming from and we can expand on that together
so whether that be aeda or the herbal medicine because as you know herbal medicine and nutrition they're just they
besties and again the Oriental medicine so for me it's those influences again
particularly with the well all of them really they're ancient I mean they've been around for you know thousands of
years and so not only is it excellent for the student to sort of have an awareness of why we see things today or
where they come from but also understanding that the people that they're going to work with also have these influences and it's not about you
know just exclusively utilizing one and disregarding everything else you know when it comes to health for each of us
you know we really can cherry pick I like a little bit of this component of Aira you know I I like Western herbs I
I'm going to use some herbal medicine oh I love nutrition I'm really going to use a lot of this right so I think it just
really opens up the menu of health and the options that are available as opposed to just saying this is one path
this is the path that's all that's available it's like whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa actually there's so much available
so it's about having a practitioner that has that awareness of what's out there can really sort of support that client
and saying okay this is where we're going to go and if this is what you're interested in I'm going to make sure that you have resources to continue to
learn about that so yeah I really think the length of the course and how comprehensive it is and how um
diverse and how it know it dives into herbs nutrition Chinese medicine I I
think that really serves the student so so well because they're going to go into
school day one with a kind of idea in their mind of like what they're going to do and it's going to change 50 times by
the time they're done oh yeah and by being exposed to all these wonderful
different um professors and practitioners as well as different
theories and and different ways of looking at kind of the same thing it really opens up opportunity for people
to look look within themselves and see what really resonates but and then they're able to create kind of a
practice or a product or a service that is very much needed in our society but
it's also be ends up being beautifully unique to that individual and if if somebody finds that they've got they've
got a fire within them for life yeah and I think that is one of the biggest
things that um people will obtain from even just attending like the certificate
program nutrition you know so why don't why don't you t a little bit about that because that's that's the CER
certificate program in in holistic nutrition is different from the diploma so why don't you tell us about that
that's right yeah so as we said like the the diploma program is three years six semesters the holistic nutrition
certificate program so hncp for short that's one semester essentially so it's a four-month program and it's it's not a
course designed to you know you know make practitioners it's really for general interest for individuals who are
looking to sort of how can I bring more holistic nutrition into my life for my family and it also serves a very
important function as if if someone's potentially looking to take the diploma program this is a really great
opportunity to take the certificate and see how you feel about the college see how you feel about some of the
instructors see how you feel about some of the content before you to a three-year program and that's why we've
got a lot of the core well we've got you know some core courses that are embedded into the certificate program so that
once you complete that if you choose to matriculate into the diploma program you're not starting from square one
you're already going to have some credits you're already going to have some courses under your belt and then you can kind of ease into the program so
I'm a huge fan of the certificate program because again it just it it's it's digestible it gets information that
people need right away and then if you're looking at that course for the it just gives you a little bit of a
taster before you commit because if you're like you Simon coming from another country and we do have a lot of
international students it can be a little bit much you know to commit to a a three-year program and B coming to
Victoria there's there's a lot of considerations for people so I love to have you know the lad approach you know
for lack of better words where you know dip your toe and see how you feel ask questions and then you can kind of
continue on from there if you feel so c yeah it's a really great stepping stone I know multiple people people that
started with the certificate program and then they end up doing the htic nutrition and then they double that up with acupuncture and then then they
Chuck in uh therapy and they've been in school for seven years before yeah it's a slippery slob it can
happen fast yeah but it's um it's that it's it's that type of energy and it's
an addicting place to be around because it is such a wonderful wonderful environment and yeah I know more than
more than three people that have done literally like every program at that school yeah yeah it's addictive which is
which is which is just a that's just awesome um we spoke briefly about the
kind of application of like Pacific Rim College online now so is that is that that was that kind of in response to the
last 12 months like how how does that look now can I could I start school next semester and and begin online yeah you
could uh actually so Pacific real college online was it's sort of it's a separate entity um from the college and
it was created you know before you know Co and all that sort of stuff and it was
just really a way to sort of just harness this digital classroom and to reach more people it obviously has
certainly become so much more beneficial now given the fact that we are you know in virtual classrooms but with the
college right now the only program that's able to be on site uh is
acupuncture so our herbal programs as well as holistic nutrition they're 100%
virtual at the moment and you know we're we're getting our sort of guidance from our provincial regulatory bodies but
right now for sure we know our summer semester is absolutely approved for international students it's online so
anybody who's looking at potentially taking the course like the last year essentially has offered a bonus for
people from around the world to sort of get involved because it's not realistic for everybody who wants to learn this to
move to Victoria so it's been really interesting to witness the diversity of students in program because of this
opportunity right now and those online programs that you can jump into now is
it live classroom yeah okay cool because there's distinction yeah yeah so so if
you're signing up for Pacific room
College structor there and you're going through the content the prco those are
pre-recorded so those are sort of Lifetime access go back to them again and again again but anything with
pacific room college right now it's online and it's live nothing pre-recorded nothing recorded Wonderful
that's great what's your um what do you love most about the college oh you know I saw that was one
of your questions and I was like just one thing um yeah one thing yeah I think
for me it's it's the ease of conversations that I can engage in that
doesn't happen anywhere else you know I can start talking about EP genetics and intergenerational Trauma and how this
discharges the nervous system and how this affects the gut and people are like yeah I can't I can't talk about that if
I brought that up to the dinner table they'd be like epie what you're talking about gut stuff again I know that
Cordelia but what exactly are you talking about this time so it's just those conversations where you can just I read this I oh my gosh did you see this
and all of a sudden you're just like you just have this hive mind being exposed to things that otherwise you wouldn't
you know you stay focused and then you have people that are have different interest and you're like that's really cool that's really cool so the
conversations and and that's what I'm missing right now you know I love the fact that we can be online but I miss
the energy and I miss the conversations and the hubub that happens in the classrooms and the hallways um yeah
that's it's the conversations absolutely students instructors faculty everybody
yeah finding your tribe is the best yeah yeah for sure
abely can you tell us a couple of um success stories of like students who
have completed the the threeyear diploma yeah honestly again I was pondering this
question and you know this this sounds like a Dean thing to say but I think
that every student who successfully completes the program is a success story because regardless of whether they choose to continue that on with a
profession or not I know that they have profoundly impacted not only their health but they will impact the health
of those in their family and those immediately around them by the knowledge that they've been exposed to um to take
a a little bit further Simon I think that what you're doing and the the way that you're out there and the what
you're vocalizing I think that gives all holistic nutritionists including myself something to look up to and I'm also
very interested in students who come to us from International communities where holistic nutrition for lack of better
words doesn't really exist in the traditional sense you know there is no professional organizations there is no
schools so you know when we have students come from Mexico and you know other countries in South America and
they learning this wisdom and they're taking that back and sort of incorporating that into a more traditional lens for their communities I
think that's incredibly exciting because again it's just I just visualize these little drops of holistic nutritionists
around the world just getting into these communities where this knowledge is so needed um but is not
accessible absolutely yeah it's um yeah it's big congratulations to anyone that completes that program because it's not
easy no because no it's it's you learn this but you don't I don't necessarily
think every student understands how much of a a personal reflection like how much
inner work you do simultaneously while you're in class like there is a lot of
deep work that goes on for a lot of students in the program so it's it's transformative on many levels yeah
transformative is is the right word that's for sure um just to finish up you've got your own nutrition practice
you got a beautiful little sign behind you there wired living nutrition why don't you tell us a little bit about
what you offer people yeah thank you Simon so I'm all about supporting women
uh with gut and hormonal health so I do sort of one-on-one programs minimum
length of time I like to work with women is three months because again Simon you and I are really big on this sort of
Habitual transformation there's a lot of information out there for nutrition it's not just about you know Googling thing
what what foods do I eat it it's I really you know approach nutrition in the sense of what programming do you
have what habits do you have do they serve the goals that you have in your life and how you want to feel and if not
let's kind of you know take some of those out so we can actually create space for change instead of thinking
this is how I am and now I've got to add all this on you know let's discharge and remove what's not working to create
space to build up and again this is where it's collaborative so yeah hormonal gut Health Women's Health
that's really that's really what I'm all about and uh you know over the last year
my business has taken a little bit of a turn just in the sense of I'm incorporating a lot more discussions with my clients about uh boundaries
because I'm a bit of a boundary Jedi I'm really good at that and also just this personal health advocacy because I'm I'm
understanding and seeing more and more um how my health journey is is it's well
it's mine and I'm getting the support that I need but I'm also seeing that women are
not getting the support that they need because they're necessarily not as vocal as me and again I don't want oh you've got to be an extrovert you've got to be
vocal you know to get the health that you need oh if you're an introvert or don't ask questions like oh forget it
like that to me is silly so it's really trying to call in these women who need a little bit of support with their health
but also just you know ensuring that they know the language and what personal advocacy is and you know tapping into
emotions I'm now tapping into sort of like anger emotions with my clients because there's a lot of anger around
the and the lack of support that they feel they should have got so it's really again it's more conversational but there
you know people are feeling a lot they're feeling stressed out so it's like let's discharge that let's process that and then let's sort of focus on
what we can do together but if you don't address all the stress that's here they're not going to be present enough to you know do the protocol that you
give them so really just expanding to be just whatever someone needs and not
so this is the way it's going to be and this is how it is it's like okay we're going to change things for every person
so it's pretty exciting yeah and I'm glad that you're out there doing that because I know with your your enthusiasm
and your energy and your experience you're going to help a lot of people so that's great um how can people connect
with you you know what honestly just go to my website inspired living nutrition.com you can pop on and get on
my on my Instagram and stuff like that but sort of like that's the that's the Hub that's the main place where you can find me beautiful well thank you so much
for taking the time to um chat with us today cord I really appreciate it Simon I love talking to you I think
what you're doing is awesome I'm a big fan and I'm always going to watch what you're doing because you're just making really positive impact in the industry
so thank you thank you that's awesome um for more information on anything we've
spoken about in this episode you can see the show notes we'll make sure you get you can get connected with Cordelia don't forget to subscribe if you haven't
thank you so much for listening everybody this is true Hope cast the official podcast with true hope Canada we'll see you next week