Guest Episode
September 10, 2024
Episode 22:
Sports Concussion Recovery
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Terry experienced serious concussions from years of high level hockey, and EMPower Plus gave him the ability to heal the symptoms associated with that injury.
Terry’s is Truehope's lead rep in Alberta, and has been working for Truehope Canada for 5 years.
Today we discuss how his brain trauma led him to find EMPower Plus and turn his life around.
and I could snap on a dime that was one thing especially you know you try to negotiate with your manager and and and
he's not willing to move and you'd snap and that was the first thing that I noticed I I walked out of Kirk's office
one day and I went hey wait a minute what happened I didn't I wasn't like I was before hey what's going on so I you
know and things just started getting better from there and then I then I went
what is this stuff anyways right and so I I somehow got a hold of David uh from
True hope which is in almost an impossibility um for the most time and
he he he uh shared some things and then he sent me um some information about it
it was h a magazine and and it had a picture of a light uh with a brain
turned on and I went yeah that's exactly what I'm talking about my brain turned
on [Music]
greetings hello good day wherever you are in this wonderful world thank you for joining true Hope cast the official
podcast of trueu Hope Canada my name is Simon I have the pleasure of being your host trueu hope Canada is a mind and
body based supplement company that is dedicated first and foremost to promoting brain and body Health through
non-invasive nutritional means for more information about us you can visit trueu hope calendar.com today we've got the
pleasure of talking with true hope representative Terry pasre Terry experienced serious concussions from
years of high level hockey and Empower plus gave him the ability to heal the symptoms associated with that injury
Terry is our main rep in Alberta and has been working with true hope Canada for 5 years today we're going to discuss how
his brain trauma led him to find Empower plus and how it was able to turn his life around if you are a Calgary based
practitioner store owner or just looking for more information Terry is a wealth of knowledge all right Terry it's a
pleasure to have you on the show how are you doing I'm doing awesome Simon thank
you for asking awesome well I would love to hear a little bit about your journey to becoming a representative for true he
Canada and look on how that story unfolded well I would love to share that
with you um the whole story would be a book because the book would be the Journey of
my life and um I was a hockey player I loved to play hockey and that's how the
journey started and um that's where I want to go back to is from the beginning
and um how I got to True hope um it was quite a process um but it was really due
to the fact of my concussion problems which I had no idea about and back in our day we didn't know but before that
um I grew up in Southern Ontario and uh I played hockey uh when I was 11 I was
the uh the best peeee hockey player in Southern Ontario and then the following year um they brought this kid up to play
center for me and his name was Wayne Gretzky and um so he played with me and
the next year his dad coached me and then the year after my father moved this out here to to uh the beautiful place of
Calgary and Lov to be in the mountains and actually the very first time I saw the mountains um that was so cool like
they were so huge and then I jumped into the river and didn't realize how cold the water was in the mountains right so
but uh that's kind of where the everything began and and uh but I led to play hockey uh it was my passion to to
be in the NHL um actually growing up I was a Toronto Maple East fan and my
favorite player was uh David ke on and he wore number 14 and that's the number
that I always Drew to was wearing number 14 and uh U but anyways with with the
hockey I played very rough very passionate I always believed that that was my Puck so don't touch my puck or
you're going to get it and so um um I always LED with my head and you know not
being a very big guy the big guy's elbows were always in your head and and you get hit and hit and hit and but it
like when I went and played Junior Hockey in Saskatoon that's when the uh
now I look back that's when the concussion problems really started because uh hockey back then was more
like a rocky bboa how how old were you when you started to really feel the the
the the concussions and the the symptoms that that that came with them well now that I look you know I mean when I look
back on it now uh I would say that probably by the time I was 16 years old
okay so so pretty young and you probably been playing hockey for quite a long time yeah that I played uh since I was
10 actually when I go back the very first concussion that I can recall was
when I was 10 years old and we had a Father's son game and I and I went and ran my coach see my nickname when I was
10 was moose and Steamroller I just would go through you right and and uh so
I I went and I ran my coach just hammered him and of course I went on the
ice and then I got all dizzy and all that you know now I understand what that
that is back then you just shook it off and uh but that would have been my very first concussion and so by the time I
hit 16 years of age I couldn't tell you how many concussions I had right and and
even when I played Junior Hockey one time I remember going I remember waking
up and uh it was in the back of the arena and I W and I open my eyes and I'm
looking at the at the wall of the arena and it's snowing and I couldn't figure out how I
got there I had no idea and the next day the the guys told
me I played the game and everything and I had no memory the only memory I had was I opened my eyes and there was the
back of the arena and it was snowing in Saskatoon so um now that I you know and
and when I first watched the movie concussion um I just I just about cry
well I did cry I just went look look that was me there there's my life right and even the guy that um killed himself
in that green truck I had the I had the same green truck um as he did and and
and my life was uh you know kind of kind of messed up back then even wow so yeah I mean we actually had
a chat with Morris LTZ who's another another serious hockey player and um the
conversation about head injuries and concussions never really kind of happen back in your guys's day as it you know
it's definitely becoming a little bit more of a talking point today and I know they change some rules when it comes to
um younger youth youth hockey which is a really good thing but um tell me a
little bit about so you know you you're playing high level hockey and you know you are getting you know you getting
getting concussed multiple times a season what do what's the treatment for
that when you're when you when you're playing like you know you get get concussed you get a head injury I know you get back in the game but like
afterwards after the game is done and you're like kind of sat there with your body what was the what were the
recommendations by trainers coaches physios you know there was nothing there was nothing nothing there were nothing
okay so they were just like didn't want to talk about it or they just weren't aware that maybe head injuries might be
serious they weren't aware nobody was aware head injuries were were serious
and if somebody was they sure didn't tell anybody and you just shook it off
and where you went it was yeah you'd have to think as a like as a physician
or somebody who is aware of the the body and its Delicacies that if you're you know if you're a physio for a sports
team and you're watching you know these young men getting hit in the head I feel like you have to know that that is not
going to be okay for them but I understand you know hockey is very very
serious big thing in in in Canada and it wouldn't be um yeah you want to get you
want to get players back on the ice as soon as possible so yeah it's it's it's
an interesting thing but now they're talking a lot more about um how head injuries you know affect people later on
in life and the concussion movie is one example of that we did a vid a podcast with Morris Luka as well and he talks
about how his postc career like depression and Darkness was a you know a really big thing and obviously his his
concussions I believe he was quite a smaller player as well so you know you'd have to put yourself a battle bit to get get the respect on the ice so um yeah
that's that that's really interesting that wasn't really a talking point back then so let's talk about how you
transition from you know being a representative of true Hope from there
is it the concussions that bring you to the product and the company or is it another maybe chance situation
well um for me it was I always I always knew that like after hockey I I got
married and had kids and uh G to get on with life but life didn't get on very well and uh no matter what I did but one
thing I've always believed in and is vitamins and I've been taking vitamins
since like 1979 I always believed in vitamins and
um but you know and it spend so much money on vitamins and but it didn't feel
no results right and so um six years ago
I got another I had a car accident and I had another concussion well then I then
I mean then I the concussion that I got it's like oh wow like I mean I remember
driving to work one day and I I was in a panic mode because I couldn't remember where I was or where I was going and I
actually had to pull p over I thought I was on Deerfoot Trail and I was on Glenmore Trail and um and it was like
this panic attack that comes through and and then I even went and seen um a
doctor and because of the the car accident of course now they're going to try to help me right and uh so I had
seen this doctor who put these electrodes on my head and it was good it but it would only last for maybe two
weeks and then I'd go back and uh and but I kept going trying to get the vitamins and I used to buy my vitamins
um down in maral Loop and uh at nature Zone he was the cheapest in Calgary so when you spent so much money you got to
find the cheapest way right and one day I went in there and they said Terry Terry we we we got something that'll
help you and and I yeah I went yeah right don't tell me that you know I've been taking vitamins for 25 years you
know I mean after my you know after my hockey career and um nothing seemed to
work so she I got this vitamin it's called true hope and I I look at it and
it said take two twice a day and I'm Ukrainian right so ukrainians sometimes
are a little tight with their money so I my so at first I thought oh I'm G to
take One A Day and and I'm gonna get four times stretch it out stretch it out
right and uh but not so nothing was really happening and from my car accident my knee had gone my body had
gone out of whack and nobody had figured it out and and my knee was way out of way out of alignment and and I was um
seeing a natural paath to try to get it back in with some Prolotherapy and one day I took it to him and I said Dr Chris
what do you think of this product and he says oh Terry this is a really good product right and he saids how much you
taking and I said well one a day and uh and he laughs at me and he says well
that's not going to do anything you you don't know what this is so when I started taking a properly it uh all of a
sudden uh things felt better and uh but then I had my knee surgery I had my knee
replaced and that was a very long and uh painful um process and uh I used to sell
cars at East site Kia and um actually when was the top salesman and uh so
which was really cool um and and my best day selling cars believe it or not was
uh four four cars in one day and uh this was after the accident and my concussion I only took two days off
and and I sold four cars and I had no idea what I was doing so you know that
tells me anybody can sell cars wow that's uh that's interesting so the the
the um physician that you got um Prolo therapy from was he aware of when you
showed him the product was he aware of the product already yes he was he knew he knew what it was yeah he he knew what
it was and when you you know you told him that you were only taking one a day and he told you that you know you need
to bump that up if you're going to see some effects when you did increase that dose did you quickly start to feel
different results yes I did then then what happened is um once I had my knee
replaced uh things really went downhill because my knee replacement was uh the
most painful operation I've ever had in my life and all my joints have been operated on or damaged except my left
knee so um I like to keep that one together um but um so it was after um it
was about June uh 2015 um is when because I took three
months off from work uh June 2015 is when I went back to work and uh and then
I was religiously taking my EMP um and and I bet you within three
weeks I seen a difference because my my memory was so bad I couldn't even remember how to get to a friend's house
without a GPS and in the car sales when you go to the manager's office and
you're negotiating he gives you a stock number and then you go to the lock box and put the codes in and put the number
in and get the key well by the time I would leave his office and go to the lock box I couldn't remember so I'd be
my hand would always have pen marks on it because I would just write it on my hand your shortterm memory was was quite
poor it was terrible yeah okay yeah like I mean I couldn't remember a thing and I
could snap on a dime that was one thing especially you know you trying to negotiate with your manager and and and
he's not willing to move and you'd snap and that was the first thing that I noticed I I walked out of Kirk's office
one day and I went hey wait a minute what happened I didn't I wasn't like I was before hey what's going on so I you
know and things just started getting better from there and then I then I went
what is this stuff anyways right and so I I somehow got a hold of David uh from
True hope which is almost an impossibility um for the most time and
he he he uh shared some things and then he sent me um some information about it
it was uh a magazine and it had a picture of a light uh with a brain
turned on and I went yeah that's exactly what I'm talking about my brain turned on right and and
uh and I and then I started talking I said well how come I've never seen this anywhere then right and he says well
we're we're starting the retail Division I mean did you want to come and join us
and I just went well yeah I want to do this so at 55 years of age at the end of
August of 2015 I I walked in the manager's office and I quit being top car sales man and
people said what are you crazy I said well I think I was crazy before now I'm
not crazy you know and and uh and then I set out on this adventure
but you know the the beauty about this here too is that it changed me so much
um from that June then I met my wife well she came in to buy a car and I said
well that would be me I'll help you and uh now I now I got the car and and the
wife had I known we were going to get married I would have made sure she bought the turbo version but that's
hindsite that's awesome so that that conversation you have with David he must have um he must have shared some pretty
amazing things with you for you to literally turn your life around and and jump on a new on a new
career I mean you were experiencing obviously you know you you were being coming aware that the product was help
you and that's obviously a really big really big thing when it comes to trying something new when you can when you're
aware that it's actually really helping you and you you know when your memory is either improving or you're not being as
like snippy or or or whatever that might be that's a really big like personal
like test testimony so like was it that that really made you kind of step into working with true hope or was it
anything that David like really said to you that was like okay yeah I need to be working for this company cuz you talk
about the symbolism of the the brain and the lighthouse and the turning on and I know that you you love your you love
your numbers and you love your symbolism so like you know and that's kind of like maybe maybe like a calling or something
what do you think well um the one thing uh David said you know
was like and I mean you know I believe that our father in Heaven everything is designed for a purpose and uh there is
no coincidence that happened with him and and uh he said well we we looking
for somebody like you for the Calgary area well that's where I live and what
what what drove me to you know that's a good question that you asked me uh what was the motivating factor of leaving
selling cars and making money uh one I think for me is the fact is is that my
brain for the first time and I couldn't tell you how long I
felt normal again like I felt in me in in myself in in in more of a
centered piece and it's like I want to go share this with people and it wasn't
about the money right if it was about the money I would have stayed and
because I had planned to retire at Eastside Kia because the guy who owned it was an old friend of mine too uh
Kelly Tempo so if you want a car at Eastside Kia God just put that plug in there but uh it was about going and
helping people and and uh and I was tired of this like we were talking this
morning about the concrete jungle and all that and uh to go out there an adventure and and meet people and help
people and share with people and you know when people uh come to you and give
you a hug oops I can't do a hug no more but give you a hug and cry and say thank
you so much because my my child is back I had a lady one time say to me thank
you so much I got my husband back and that was really a cool thing yeah that's really special and we hear so many of
those stories of people who have you know tried our products and and in many cases a lot of people find our products
because they are in such desperate situations that they're willing to try anything and EMP Power Plus can support
so many different people with so many different things many stories on this podcast you know attests to that so yeah
it's just wonderful that um I just you know listening to that story it makes me think that you're obviously at this
transition point where you're starting to recover and you're starting to you know kind of get your brain back and get
your memory back and get this Clarity and it's very very difficult to go back
into the life you used to have when you when something like that happens to you so maybe the association of of that job
and that past Terry is something that you kind of wanted to leave behind and step forward
into a into a new into a new person
yeah absolutely right it's just um it's a whole different feeling when
you I've never been so calm in my life even with you know when they talk about
ADHD and all that stuff with with kids and I look back on my life and I go boy
that was me I had a lot of energy it's a good thing we lived out in the country out in the farm and uh and and hockey
was my outlet but the the so the fact seeing these young kids now um it breaks
my heart with the the lack of quality of food and all these vaccines and all what
what's happening as a matter of fact my my wife um grandson was on um was on meds and we
had him out here for 40 days and boy those meds he would just flip out like crazy and and we got him on the EMP and
started you know work with uh the micronutrient support and got him he was
uh down to like a quarter and you can see the difference but when he went back to Quebec we didn't couldn't control the
environment right yeah it's a big conversation in regards to so many children now being very like flippantly
diagnosed with attention disorders and yeah I think we have a responsibility of of creating a
wholesome environment for those types of children who do have a lot more energy and um you know I I think about the the
school environment where you know from a very early age we're kind of taught to sit down for eight hours and listen to
an authority in question in quotation marks authority figure for an extended
period of time where we're supposed to just sit down and listen you mean I don't think anybody is designed designed
to do that and especially an individual with a lot of energy and rather than kind of like working with that
individual we kind of like put them into this box and you know jumping to medication is such a it's just just done
so so quickly um with in my opinion not a whole lot of thought and it's really
yeah it's obviously really dangerous a lot of these pharmaceutical drugs are are seriously dangerous have lots of harsh side effects when you know there
are there are options whether that's environmental changes or getting
micronutrients into these individuals you know diet obviously plays a huge important role into all of that and I'm
really glad that you actually know you lived out in the country so you could literally run run around and do your thing and you had hockey as an outlet as
well because yeah that's quite clearly was a really but imagine if you didn't have hockey imagine if you didn't have hockey
as a kid what would you have done with your with your energy you know that's a that's a that's a good question right
because I don't know man I mean I would have probably gone crazy I mean I was
never in the home like the only time I would come into the house was for to eat
and go to bed other than that I was out there we had a creek you know take the gun actually even used to shoot fish so
um and that was just the life and then we when we moved from that to Calgary
and all these street lights and all that I think that that's when things really started to change for me because all of
a sudden I didn't have that uh Freedom anymore of being able to go wherever I
wanted to go I see um so working with true hope for six years 5 years uh five
and a half well it's going to be six years probably this year sixth year okay so working for TR for six years have you
noticed um you know people's Liv lives change with these true hope products and
can you maybe share share a story or two a couple that maybe stick out for
you yeah um everywhere I go I've seen so
many people uh that people's lives have changed and the one one thing that I
always loved doing was uh demos and uh doing shows we did a lot of shows with
David and really missed doing that because of the energy um with it but when people like I said when people come
up to you and give you this big hug um and thank you it just there's no words
that can describe it and uh one person uh we did a podcast she
did a podcast with Michelle yesterday and uh we met met her I met her uh when
we were at the show in Saskatoon and she came to the booth and uh her and I got
talking and connected right away and she was talking about her son and stuff so
and and she's a holistic nutritionalist and so she had you know some product for her son and then herself and now I tell
you the amount of product that she's moving out of their their their uh Clinic is is phenomenal and when she
came here yesterday um it just was such a heartwarming and
listening to her her speak that's gives me so much satisfaction yeah Michelle is
is wonderful and what's really beautiful about her story is that she used the
products for herself and her son saw the Remar saw and felt the remarkable
effects of them and then with her holistic nutrition training and her clinic setting was able to you know was
able to get these products to more people who do need needs some assistance and the fact that she's got this
wonderful nutrition background she's able to um explain kind of how they're working and why people might need them
and uh yeah it's just wonderful that we've got a lot of stores practitioners and individuals who you know really
really love our products because they've had a wonderful experience and then they are just you know when you've when you've had that deep of an energetic
shift usually going from a place of trauma and sadness and frustration to a
place of just absolute joy and love and encouragement and you know all those all those really
positive energetic places you're you know you you have to share it's you've got this like internal responsibility to
share your story and share how this product has changed my life and it's changed if it's changed my life from such a drastic thing then it can really
support everybody so yeah it's wonderful that we get to speak to those people you
know sometimes on a daily basis you know um what do you what do you really love about your job working with true hype
and working with people well if I can pause on that one for a second because I want to share one more testimony of
course and uh and that was uh Morris lucit and um who did he had a wonderful
podcast yesterday um but when this true whole product was start was was working
for me um because Morris and I have been friends for a long time and uh I had
phoned him one day and I said Morris I don't know what's going on but this product something's happening in me
right and uh I'd had no oh here's something that's interesting is that I had no idea that Morris was on meds see
that's one of the things every everybody's always kept everything Hush Hush right and you never talk about
mental illness or things like that so I had no idea that Morris was ever on meds
well now he speaks about it freely and and him and I have gone out to different
towns and have have done uh talks and with people about our concussions and
our life with concussions and and so there's something wonderful that I love about my job uh and it's not a job you
know um a job is downtown this is this is an adventure it's going out and and
sharing with people and and uh just giving love and saying here's something
that can help you right and uh we all want to
be just want to help people right and it comes from the heart and uh so I love
everything about that part of the if you call it a job the other part that I really love is U the team of true hope
um everybody is just it's phenomenal and uh and I love our our meetings and and
how we get together and and the likeness one Oneness of us all and it's just
phenomenal and uh getting to know David on a very more intimate level because my
wife Natalie and I we've been to Winnipeg with David uh we've been all over the place with David and and uh
he's just such a phenomenal um individual with so much love and and what they're trying to do to him and
call that is just really uh breaks your heart because the people don't know who
he is then yeah I mean I've been working with true hope for about nearly four
years now I think and yeah that's something unique about true hope like it's you know it's a it's a family
there's no doubt about that and the individual that work within it uh truly as you say they I I don't think they
proberly consider themselves in a job for True hope it's more of a I don't
know more of a calling more of a an honor and a privilege to be a part of this this this this company this
Association and that we've got the ability and the tools to be able to share six different products that are so
wonderfully manufactured and prod reduced and just have these these incredible effects on people in very
very quick time in some cases so yeah it's a really truly wonderful place to be uh working oh absolutely you know and
when you talk about the products um thanks for bringing that up because uh
the one product that I mean the EMP is the foundational product absolutely but the one product that just uh really
blows my mind of how great it is is the free aminos um back in the day I used to
own some gyms and you know we had all the aminos on the market we used to call it free basing where we just to take the
powder and punch it back into you and um but when Arginine when it gets stuck oh
it's tough on you um but one day Health Canada came and wiped off all the aminos off the market and uh and I you know
what and that's another part that's when I go back my life really started going
even further downhill without those Amino and uh and I've watched The Evolution
but that's when protein powders exploded on the market and I've watched The Evolution but nobody's ever come out
with a a complete uh product and when true Hope come out with this free aminos you know
23 uh aminal this is like a full meal deal formulated in the same formulation
as mother's breast mouth and and because it's so bioavailable it's phenomenal even moris lucit when I said here try
some because that guy works out he's in better shape now than he was when he played and uh but he said I can't I he
said wow was that's amazing the recovery and everything so uh the quality of the
products I mean that's the thing I love about it you're you're sharing with
people the best that you that there's out there and uh what a great joy
awesome why don't you tell us a little bit about your territory and you know some of the stores that people might be able to access our products from
wow they got that can go a long way here there's a lot of stores yet probably right maybe
just talk about the uh the territory that you you work in and also you know how people can connect with you if
they're looking to start the products of themselves maybe there a practitioner who wants to talk to you in the Calgary
area yeah um so my area uh basically
goes uh from from Calgary down south lathbridge Medicine Hat all over over uh
Southern Alberta and uh and it goes up to past uh Red Deer um one store uh
drton Valley um Wellness Solutions a beautiful beautiful store uh I've
actually gone up there uh three three times uh to do demos and it's a long
drive but it's so beautiful and it was just so sad to see uh drton Valley from
the oil industry it got hammered with but um just a wonderful place and um um
okes The Nutters in okes the girls down there have been phenomenal um Rose at
Lotus herbal um you know I mean I could go on and on and on and on because
everywhere I go uh you get people that are all like-minded and it's really cool
yeah and if you were interested to find out like where your local store is you can go to our website true hope canada.com and look go to the where to
buy section and um you can very simply put in your location and you'll find out where your local stores are and if you
want to get in touch with Terry himself you can send him an email oh there's one
other story I'd really like to mention though V first uh they're going to be coming in here and uh Andrew and audo
are just phenomenal people um yeah and I mean I I said I can go on and on and on
about this here and you don't want to leave anybody out because it's so and then I have these beautiful shirts a
friend of mine made of these true hope and uh yeah so I'll let you finish that
awesome yeah well we're going to finish up there thank you so much Terry we'll make sure we've got your email in the
show notes so people can get hold of you but I really appreciate you taking the time to chat with us today um it can be
difficult to share your your story especially when it's in a you know quite
an emotionally driven narrative so I really appreciate you taking the time to share that with
me today buddy well thank you and I appreciate and uh I love all the all
what you do you're amazing Simon oh thanks appreciate that um well that is
it for this show thank you so much for tuning in don't forget to subscribe if you haven't yet thank you so much for
listening we will see you next week