Guest Episode
December 19, 2024
Episode 171:
The Power of Forgiveness
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Katharine is a three-time award-winning best-selling author, speaker, and one of the original founders of the independent concierge industry. Katharine has authored over twelve books, including her latest release, 'The Ultimate Path to Forgiveness: Unlocking Your Power.'
Katharine's journey, from battling stage 3 breast cancer to navigating a challenging childhood, has given her profound insights about resilience and forgiveness.
hello all and welcome to the true Hope cast podcast where we take a deep dive into mental Health's many physiological and psychological aspects this is the
show for you if you're looking for motivation inspiration knowledge and solutions that's what we are all about here at true hope Canada true hope
Canada is a mind and body based supplement company dedicated first and foremost to promoting brain and body Health through non-invasive nutritional
means for more information about us you can visit today I welcome Katherine Giovani to the podcast now
Katherine is a three-time award-winning best-selling author she's a speaker and also one of the original founders of the
independent con urge industry Katherine has authored over 12 books including her latest release the ultimate path to
forgiveness unlocking your power Katherine's Journey from battling stage three breast cancer and having a
challenge in childhood has given her a profound insight into resilience and forgiveness and today on the show we are
going to be talking all about forgiveness enjoy the show okay Katherine welcome to True Hope cast
thank you so much for being with me today how are you what is going well thank you for having me I'm doing very
well today wonderful glad to hear that well we're going to be talking about forgiveness today and um before we jump
into that very interesting topic that I think everybody's got an opinion on and
experience on but I think nailing down and getting to have a conversation with an expert about very interesting topic
that we will share um I can't wait to do that so before we do that can you just give us a little bit of an introduction
about who you are and what it is that you do please sure everybody is taught to forgive your
teachers your parents everybody tells you you need to forgive nobody teaches
you how and what if you don't want to then what do you do I teach the how on a 10
scale with t being uh an unforgivable dumpster fire and number one being the
easiest person on the planet everybody listening to this broadcast
is thinking of their number 10 that's fair that's why everybody freaks out about the word forgiveness but in my
world there's some I have created a brand new system that's going to take you step by step on how to forgive all
of these people on that t scale now I've been doing forgiveness for very long time it probably started
in 19 never mind what year it was I don't think we need to go there but I let's just say I was in the eth grade
and my parents were very pickled people they were alcoholics needless to say so it was a little
dysfunctional and I was getting bullied in school because I was different so I tried to commit suicide and I spent the
next 15 years as one of those kids you know the kids I'm talking about draped
in black and they're kind of depressed and then when about 10 15 years later when my mother fell down a flight of
stairs broke her hip and ended up in the hospital even my mother couldn't get a gin and tonic in the hospital so she
dried out and we became very very close and she died three years later and I
realized very quickly if I didn't change my life I would die too so I quit
drinking I've been sober 34 years and that's kind of like the that's kind of like the flash when my life completely
changed and I got onto this path of forgiveness to figure out exactly how to forgive people and I did a bunch of
business stuff too yeah they've written 12 books so yeah lot of water under the bridge yeah that's a lot of books as
well I've just been going through your website but why um so how do you get into the the world of forgiveness
professionally I am one of the original founders of the independent concierge
industry and when you teach people how to be a concierge quite frankly you you
need to teach them how to stop being angry on a dime because they probably
have somebody in front of them that's probably angry at something they've done and the coners probably can't leave
their desk and back in those days we're going back to the early 2000s I am that
old and back in those days you didn't bring a soft topic like forgiveness to
business workshops you just didn't do it and I was teaching these two-day workshops but I legitimately can't teach
you how to provide over-the-top customer service I mean I can teach you the words
I can teach you the look but if you're angry your anger is going to bleed
through your body language whether you want it to or not so I had to come up with a way to had let these people lose
their anger so they could be real and authentic in front of people and that's when I stumbled upon
forgiveness beautiful so I love that you're talking about we all know that we
should forgive and we're kind of taught that from a very young age we need to say sorry but um we're not really taught
good mechanisms or different mechanisms of how to forgive because they're are very very different situations that may
require forgiveness so um let's just break this down and start simply so what
is forgiveness what's your definition first of all it just because I forgive
you doesn't mean I want a relationship with you I probably don't and that's
fine just because I forgive you doesn't mean you're all of a sudden getting a
pass and you're all of a sudden correct you're not you're still wrong and you're still a dumpster fire forgiven for me
means that I want you out of my head the person you're mad at is probably not thinking about you at all which makes
people even more irritated because it's completely messing up your life but I want you out of my head so I can pay
attention to stuff let me give you an image if anybody is listening to this broadcast you might want to go watch the
visual I'm about to hold a coffee cup up in front of my face the this coffee cup
actually tea we want to be really specific is represents anger it
represents bitterness so notice my body language when I'm first angry I can hold it off the side I can manage my anger
it's really easy the longer I hold on to my anger and my bitterness the more it's
going to affect my life now look at my body language I'm using two hands to hold the cup I still can hold it off to
the side but it's starting to get into my conversations isn't it so if I keep holding on to it now I'm holding the cup
in front of my face my life is stopped every part of my being is focused on the
anger I am missing opportunities job opportunities I missed my dream
significant other I am missing everything because I'm completely focused on the anger well Katherine I'm
spinning the stories funny I I really have forgiven them no you haven't because you're still telling them you're
still wearing them like a badge of honor so by putting the by forgiving all of
that it's allowing you to start paying attention to your life and now you can become the person you were always meant
to become from the beginning but you can't start with the unforgivable people My Method and my
system is going to make you start with the easy ones the person who cuts you off on I 95
on the road the person who cut you off in the grocery store the K the the
person who stole your sandwich from the office fridge you can forgive these people they're easy
and as you forgive the easy ones it's going to start to open up your life that's part of it we're often told yeah
we should be forgiving other people but like in regards to like how to do it because that's just something that we
don't really think about we don't really think about that implementation of teaching especially like young kids we
just say say sorry and we kind of like push that until we do it like there's no other there's no other real narrative
there and I don't see that to be a very helpful practice even though I do that sometimes in my weak moments of parenting you know
um so what are some of the Strate strategies especially for parents um that we can do to help children and and
adults learn how to forgive and actually have a practice around that rather than
just empty words well before we talk about the how let's talk about the why
everybody says you need to forgive and forget okay yeah hold on I'm not
forgetting your girl's not going to forget there might be a unicorn magical person on the planet somewhere who can
do that but I'm not your girl what I can promise you is that this system is going to allow it's going to remove the
emotional part of it so when you look back at that person or memory you're not going to have any emotion it's gonna
it's going to be neutral that's what I'm looking for then people will look at you and say well anger is toxic you need to
forgive okay how well there was a study done by a Japanese researcher you can
Google it right online and I'm getting his first name right but I can't remember his last name but it's masimoto
something and it's a Japanese water study you can Google it and I'm going to simplify it he took several containers
of water one container of water he spoke loving beautiful words to the other
container of water he spewed hate at it he talked to it badly then he froze the
water and then he put it under a microscope the water he said really horrible things to had these black and
brown formations really ugly and the water he spoke love to had these
beautiful formations that were gorgeous why am I telling you this because if your B if your selft talk is bad and
you're angry and you're bitter and you're holding on to all of this stuff what do you think it's doing to the
water molecules in your body it's literally making you sick now Einstein
did say energy is neither created nor destroyed so it just transformed into
one thing to another and he also said everything on our planet including this microphone has energy around it so the
whole Special Sauce to the entire method is nobody remembers or nobody even thinks to forgive the energy around
people so my method is very simple I'm a simple Soul you don't have to dance you don't have to hold a crystal unless you
really want to you don't have to burn any insense unless that's your thing go for it it's a very simple poem and I'm
going to have you forgive the person the energy around the person yourself the energy around you and the energy around
the whole thing now how do you forgive the dumpster fire number 10 person
because that's what everybody is thinking about right now while I'm talking how do I forgive that unforgivable
person I did say that you don't have to forgive your unforgivable people there are things on the planet that are
unforgivable 100% And we all we all know that you don't have to forgive them why
why because there's a dozens of other things you can forgive in other words you can forgive all the people that you
labeled one to nine now if you really want to forgive your number tens and I have forgiven my number tens don't
forgive the actual person there's a reason why I call it a dumpster fire because in that memory there's other
things in the dumpster let's say you were bullied in school I use this I use this uh example
a lot um and let's say you were bullied in school and you don't want to forgive the bully okay how about forgiving the
building where you went to school and the energy around the building how about forgiving the table the desk the chair
the lamp pull out other things in the memory that you can forgive and then keep coming back until
maybe you can forgive the actual person if you can't forgive the person forgive the energy around them and just keep
going forgive what you can and keep going and move on with your life very interesting strategy and I
think a lot of people listening will be totally aware and understand exactly especially the water study you're talking about about the the the
energetic effect of particular types of emotion and that can absolutely be um
recorded and registered and studied as it as it absolutely has has been done and you can feel the energy of certain
individuals whether like you know them or not whether they're like in a seriously angry place or a seriously
happy place like we have we have developed evolutionary to be able to sense that and um so when you're talking
about like somebody who's living with a lot of angry emotions or somebody who's living with a lot of forgiveness in
their lives and a lot of Grace and love like without question those people were living very very different lives um
externally as well as more significantly internally it's amazing when you forgive
the energy a lot of people will look at me and say out a rough childhood I don't want to go back there you know then
other people say well it's ridiculous I'm in my 50s and I'm I'm getting upset about something that happened when I was
a kid well it's tripping you up the fact that you're talking about it and you're still thinking about it is tripping you
up Mo a lot of people's number 10 is their family mother father sibling um
business partner some people's number 10 are themselves now I have forgiven my number 10 um I've managed to forgive my
parents um and it took a little bit of Simone biles level mental gymnastics to
do it um there is a I'm not I'm not religious at all but there is a there is
a passage in the Bible that says forgive them Father they know not what they do and what he means by that is if you're
in the fifth grade and you don't know trigonometry I can't be mad at you because you haven't learned it yet so my
parents did the best they could with the tools they had at the time was it good enough of course not but they did their
best and that's kind of how I forgave myself I compartmentalized myself I
looked at teenage Catherine as a separate entity and I looked at her life
and I forgave the energy around all of her and I I can forgive that kid because
she was a kid she didn't have the tools I forgave 1974 and the energy around the year why
did I forgive 1974 you ask well because that's the year I tried to commit suicide so I picked apart the memory I
forgave all the players in that year the energy around all these people and it
was still in my head I still was kind of there was still something there so I finally forgave the actual year and the
energy around the year and now I can look back at my childhood and instead of pulling out the hate and the horrible
things which I can still remember and dredge up if you want me to but I remember the pockets of love that were
there and the pockets of people that were trying to give me love that's what I remember now it's almost like I've
changed my past because now I've moved Beyond it why is it so um
it's seemingly more obvious and apparent that people hold on to these emotions of
anger and rage like it seems like a lot of people have got I don't want to say skeletons in the closet but a lot of
people struggle significantly with things that happen to them in their past and that causes them um depressive
symptoms and even anxieties into the future but why is it that those are the
particular are a particular set of emotions that we cling on to that hold us back because as children were told to
forgive but nobody teaches us how we are not given the tools to forgive and they
give us some platitudes and they they quote quotes at us thinking that's going to help and when you don't want to
forgive because you're mad you stuff it inside your brain and your brain is an
amazing tool it protects you yeah so you may think you've forgotten about it but
that's your brain's way of having your back it put it in a back closet in your brain and it's going to stay there until
you're mentally ready to let it come out but it's like a movie playing in the back of your mind that you don't even
know is there and it just plays and it affects your life it affects your relationships it affects marriages and
it's something from your past and you don't know it's there until you start this process I had a I had a a friend of
mine we I lead people through this you know in private sessions too if they don't want to do it on their own so she
labeled somebody which she thought was a level four person because I'm going to have you sit down and I'm going to have
you write down all the people you think you need to forgive and all the memories and then I want you to rate them from
one to 10 now you can have seven number fives I don't care you know it's your
the world is your oyster but she rated somebody like a level four and we forget and I let her through my Mantra and she
got matter and she realized it was actually a level eight so what happened
she started to it forgiveness is like an onion she peeled back the first layer
and she forgave it and her brain went oh you're ready now and it opened up the
closet because she was ready that's what forgiveness does but as kids we're not
taught this we're not taught how to forgive we're just simply told to forgive and if we don't want to it
causes anger and that's completely fair so we've got a lot of upset angry
depressed anxious youth in the world and adults for sure like see it um more
predominant now than probably ever in my adult life that I was that I've been consciously aware of the world's pretty
negative right now I was in upset angry youth so yeah I can for sure it can be a
very be a scary place and you don't have perhaps the um the power that you may
want to have or control it can you know it can be very easy easily um it could be easy to slip
into into remorse and anger for sure but I just thinking about um I'm thinking
about faith and religion Christianity right that we have a big lack of that um
in our in our world as well and I think that maybe do you see a connection because I I looked up before like I was
just looking over your website I was looking over some of the questions we were going to go over and I wondered how frequently forgiveness comes up in the
Bible and I'm going to read this to you now so like forgiveness appears 15 times uh forgive shows up 121 times and
forgiven appears 55 times so it's quite predominant through um Through the Bible
and I just wonder how what do you what do you think about the connection with maybe there's been a lack of faith in
the religion and um an increase in anger and rage and a lack of ability to
forgive do you see a correlation there I think there is a correlation I mean Jesus did say how many times should we
forgive we should forgive 70 time 7 which means do it a lot and then there's
another passage in there that says ye through I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I fear no evil we had to
memorize Bible verses back in grammar school the only reason I can quote this stuff at you but notice he said walk
through the valley of the shadow of death he did not say have lunch there he did not say stay a while and find some
friends he said walk through it so as as we walk through our life and as we go
through this stuff the the way through the way to forgiveness is not to stuff
anger and forget about it as a negative emotion and toss it aside because that's
just going to triip you up later the way through is to face it so you can forgive
it and you can neutralize it forgiving and forgetting is not is
not something a human being can do I mean as I said there probably some people that can do it but I sure as hell
can't but what I can promise you is once you use this method of forgiveness you
can go on Facebook for example and look at somebody that you that maybe was like
a number seven person and you won't care and you're going to sit there and say wait that happened to me a couple months
back I looked at a person and I didn't care and I thought well that's novel I don't care I used to care a lot now I
don't I don't care see when you forgive people it's not going to do anything for the person you're forgiving because it's
not forgiveness is selfish you do it for you you can forgive dead people because
where they are or not doesn't matter a lick you want them out of your head so
if then your if they're in your head you can forgive it and you can forgive other things too you can forgive politicians
if they if something makes you mad you can forgive it you can forgive politicians you can forgive the crisis
in the Middle East it's not going to help the Middle East but it's G to help you a lot it's going to make you feel
better yeah when I started to um dabble in meditation as a form of trying to
improve my life not I was going to get specific there but I can't but I was trying to
improve my life um I took the opinion once I was starting to practicing and I
was becoming a lot more self-aware and internalizing a lot of things that none of my anger none of my judgment none of
my resentfulness was serving me and once I had that very obvious simple
realization um I didn't want to give any of my energy away anymore and then after after I would catch myself being oh
you're being judgmental that assignment or you're being judgmental I'd just say change to myself and then eventually in
a very short period of time actually like my mind wouldn't even go to do the Judgment anymore because I'd like you
know wired a different pathway and it was all from the idea that like nobody is benefiting from you know
my my judgmentalism or my anger and having that
forgiveness is a very empowering it's very power ful thing to do and and it and it honestly like creates capacity to
do other things that are significantly more helpful to you as an individual what do you think about that it it the
Forgiveness energy is going to help you 100% it's going to do nothing for the
person you're forgiving you don't have to reach out and talk to this person you don't have to call them unless unless
you want to you do it in the privacy of your own home and nobody has to know you've done it but it's going to help
your body you're literally changing the cells within your body let me give you an example I and this might stretch your
brains a little bit I promise I will be gentle it will not hurt too much I decided to forgive somebody I
went to school with level one kind of person easy peasy couldn't even remember what we were mad at we used to be really
close so I sat down and I thought I can forgive this person so I imagine the
person was in front of me as I remembered her from the 19 never mind ear it was and not the adult the kid and
if you want to get out your feelings and talk that's fine say whatever you want you're in a room all alone you can do
whatever you want right and if you can't imagine the person in front of you get a chair put their picture of their name on
the chair talk to the chair I'm actually not kidding and then once you've gotten it out I said I said my Mana I forgave
her and the energy and then I imagined that she left the room I hadn't talked
to this person in over 35 years this is true she was 700 miles away from me at
the time two hours later she called me up on the phone now I was shocked out of
my mind but my coner training did kick in thank God and we said all the right
things and made all the right noises and we reminisced and you know all that kind of stuff and I just am a curious little
bear and I said I have to know after all these years
why did you choose to call me today she saidou know it's the damnedest thing two hours ago which is exactly when I was
saying my mtra a figurine you gave me in school flew off my shelf and landed in
the middle of the floor and I thought I should forgive you and that's exactly when I was saying
it so forgiveness is like the law of gravity it's going to work whether you believe it it or not you can call the
law of gravity the law of keeping Simon on the planet it's going to work it doesn't care you
can say I don't believe in the law of gravity doesn't care it's still going to work this is the same and it's a very
powerful force that has the power to move something a figurine 700 miles away
or change the cells in your body from black brown yuck to something that's
actually healthy this is really powerful stuff but please with every fiber of my
being start with the easy ones don't start with the tens they're a bear it's G to take a minute but this is a
marathon it's not a Sprint it's also called Shadow work in many circles that's right because you're working with
the Shadows of the past yeah I wanted to ask you about um you may or may not know the answer to this
but within therapy I wonder how much they discuss the idea of forgiveness and
practice I I recently read um bad therapy by Abigail shrier I've been I've
been a fan of some of her books for a while I read this book and it's interesting the fact that she you're talking about like maybe everyone being
in therapy all of the time and reliving all the negative Parts like week in week out probably isn't serving those
individuals and I'm not a therapist I've never been to I've never been to to school for it so and I don't know too
many of them but I don't know but it would be very interesting to see if forgiveness was a strong part of that
that practice to actually you know help people um process and go through those
things that yeah that could have happened to them 30 years ago that you know that person could be long gone could be dead could be the other side of
the country we don't know but what are your thoughts on that do you feel that's an that's a practice that we that
happens within therapies if they could Implement my system within therapy I
think it would have a massive success because I'm taking you back into a
particular memory and I want you to pick it apart and I want you to forgive that the pieces of that memory and then
eventually you might be able to give forgive the person let me explain let's
say you go to your you go to your parents house for Christmas every year
the only reason I'm calling this person Martha is because I don't have an Aunt Martha so it was a very safe name let's
say your parents put you next to Aunt Martha my mother always used to say
every family's the same only the names are different so every family has an Aunt Martha she drinks entirely too much
and she's nasty but she loves to push people's buttons and make them mad she really gets off on it we all have
somebody like that in our family and for some strange reason your parents and your family always sits you next to Aunt
mortha and you leave completely discombobulated you're always upset it takes you days to get over it because
she's really good at pushing those buttons so what do you do I want you to
forgive Aunt Martha Before Christmas you might even start now it's November no
it's not it's October 31st any whatever date it is you know you've got a few weeks before Christmas let's just say so
if you can't forgive Aunt Martha which is totally fair because you've got decades sitting next to the lady pick
out a Thanksgiving that was particularly horrible or Christmas that was particularly horrible and forgive other
things in the memory and I'm actually serious forgive the table and the energy around the table forgive the turkey the
energy around the turkey just humor me and do it anyways I know you think it's ridiculous forgive the chairs forgive
the building the energy around the building forgive the other people at the
table and then check in with yourself is it Martha still an eight nine or 10 or
did it go down a little bit if it went down a little bit great let's keep going wait 24s 24 hours and do it again so
what's this gonna H what's going to happen on Christmas that year she's not going to be able to push your buttons as
hard you're not going to care she's not it's not going to work and it's probably
going to irritate her because because you're not going to you're not going to react the way you usually do and you're going to go home thinking wow that was
actually a better Christmas and it usually is why because she's not going to be able to push your buttons and make
you mad interesting I love that yeah that's a very cool practice and something
that's very applicable for the holiday seasons where yeah I'm sure a lot of people's
um challenging people in their life is going to be family members and close family members and yeah Christmas time s
do that with don't get me wrong I have been known to leave functions get into the
car and say I forgive them I forgive them I forgive them I forgive them like a hundred hundred billion times not
meaning any of it but it puts me back into the Forgiveness mindset and then I
I want you to do this practice every night before you go to sleep because your body heals itself be while you're
sleeping so I'll go home that night and I'll do it for real so I'm not saying
your family is never going to piss you off they are they're your family they know where the buttons are but it's just
not going to bother you as much and if it does bother you okay well this is a marathon not a Sprint we probably have
to dive into that memory and go back and add them to your list it happens you know your forgiveness practice is never
over because humans irritate other humans don't they something's always going to make you mad but you're going
to feel better you're going to look PE better people are going to notice they're going to say Simon did you get a
haircut or you're doing something's different you look so good today well yeah because you're not as angry and
people are going to know this they're gonna feel it they're going to feel your energy it's not going to be as nasty
yeah it's it's funny you mention that because I think of English culture and especially around Christmas time like
it's a active participat participatory role to push people's buttons like
everyone does it in a comical setting so it's kind of evens out um so it actually turns into a very like amusing place to
be I wonder if it's probably a little bit different maybe in North America I'm not sure no humans are humans you know I
mean if you're sitting next to Aunt Martha you're not going to be irritated by what she does but she's going to push the same buttons so I'm in sober 34
years that I'm telling you to do this you could turn it into a mild drinking game because you know she's gonna do it
so you might as well laugh about it without hurting her feelings too much because that'll make things worse won't it but yeah you know it's it's a
question of it's not GNA help Aunt Martha change into this beautiful human being it's gonna do nothing for her but
it's GNA do everything for you and that's who I care about I care about you
for sure um is there a particular type of person that massively struggles with
forgiveness I think we all I think we all for we all struggle with it even the
people who say and I run into these people all the time I don't have anybody to forgive their brain have locked a
bunch of stuff in the back closets and they probably have forgiven most of the people but they didn't forgive the
energy around the people which means it's probably going to still hang around their energy field so everybody I
haven't run into one person that doesn't have somebody they can forgive maybe even somebody who cut them off on the
highway just 24 hours ago there's always somebody you can forgive and if you don't think there's anybody to forgive
then just start with this I forgive myself for not being able to forgive and the energy around this thought just say
that for a week and that's going to start the engine that's going to start the ride I mean it's going to start
everything and you might remember things and when you're meditating if you have a memory and it irritates you write it
down and then that night forgive it if you can if you can't well forgive it and then see is it still number nine or is
it a number eight now see this is why this is this is kind of a it it's kind of a slug isn't it it's it's going to
take some time I didn't you're not going to get a number in person down to a one it took me months to get my parents down
to a one it took a long time but I was persistent and eventually I forgave them
yeah I think age and time must come into it I can think of people when I lived in
in Europe know 15 years ago that were absolute nines and tens but now when I
think about them because the time time's gone they're not in my life anymore like then it doesn't you know it actually
like I think I feel bad about myself about how I actually acted in those situations and how ridiculous it was in
the first place um so time and yeah I think time and age must come into those things because especially over a 30-year
period and how people significantly change over short periods of time like I'm a completely different person to I
was when I was 30 to I was 20 to I was 10 Etc so um that's always an
interesting thing for me to think about that the person who I had a massive problem with when I was 30 was like we
were 30 were ridiculous and I'm sure there's no way that person's the same person now be very very unlikely anyway
and I feel like once you have a little bit more life experience you actually
like don't tend to create those nines and tens anymore because you've got a
good filter for who is a I don't want to say bad person for you but that's that's
kind of just like the way it is I can I see people in my life now in like kind of parent groups that um I know that I'm
not going to be friends with these individuals like this is not going to be I've seen a hundred of these people they are not for me they might be for other
people but they are not for me and you know they're just they're just somebody I who I'm aware of they're not you know
and I don't put them in my close Circle so they don't even have the ability to um make me angry that's why I want you
to forgive memories because the person you were and I was at 30 it's not the person I am now in my you know at 63 I
was a completely different person person right there with a completely different skill set and I hadn't learned a lot of
stuff yet I could forgive that person and the memories of the people I was angry at in the in my 30s I can forgive
that too so compartmentalizing your life when you're creating your lists you might have a bunch of people you want to
just toss immediately from from from the now but you're going to have memories from the past and you just go through
them piece by piece and if you run into a memory that just causes you to get really angry okay well pick it apart
that's it's a dumpster so let's pick out the pieces in the dumpster until you can get to the center and eventually forgive
the person that person might be you it's it's this is a journey yeah I I've I'm
40 now so I when I look back at those um examples in my life especially around
myself I I wrap it with forgiveness I wrap it with Grace led me to the person
who I am today and hopefully I believe now it's put me in a good place to you know teach teach my children you know
better habits you know I can't imagine being a parent when I was 20 or if I was 30 like I wouldn't be I don't think I'd
have the psychological capability to teach them the things I would prefer to teach them that where I'm now I'm 40
years old so it's yeah it's it's super interesting when you can um kind of pull it apart like that um and just thinking
about the conscious effort needed to step into a place of forgiveness and
Grace and how challenging that is for people and I just wonder if you're not in a conscious state of forgiveness or
or putting yourself in that state multiple times during the day or especially when you know you're beginning to feel those other emotions
come up for you you know if you're not forgive if you're not in a place of forgiveness are you in the place of the
opposite which would be like vindictive and vengeful and angry like are we are we if we're not in forgiveness are we
there or are they just like simmering on the surface sometimes I think they're just simmering sometimes you do get
people that are vindictive I think everybody is all over the map you know on a t scale I think people are one to
10 at various points in their life but if you find yourself getting really really angry during the day at a
particular person or something's happened to you write it down and add it
to your list and if it's a if it's a higher number just add it to the list I
use I I use this practice every night and I think about what I'm grateful for and sometimes it's if it's been a hard
day maybe I'm only grateful for a hot cup of tea and that's fine and then I
think about who I want to forgive and I always start with the easy ones and I I never forgive more than 10 people at a
time every night why well I'm an overachiever well documented
overachiever I've written a bunch of books done a bunch of stuff cancer survivor blah blah blah so I got my list
together and I did believe it or not I forgave cancer I forgave chemo I forgave
radiation I forgave the energy around all of these things I forgave them as if they were real and it really helped but
I got my list together and I must have had 50 or 60 names on this list and I thought I'm Gonna Be Like a Phoenix
Rising From the Ashes I'm G to wake up tomorrow morning and everything's going to be forgiven it's gonna be
brilliant didn't work out that way remember the Japanese water study about changing your cells from let's say dark
to light okay well they have to go someplace so I overwhelmed my system and
I spent the next three days in bed with what everybody thought was the stomach flu it was not the stomach flu it was
just my body trying to clear all those years of anger out of my system and it took it a while to catch up so I only
want you to do as I say not as I did I'd really prefer it if you just did like 10 to 12 people a night so when you know
you've forgiven somebody um my son says his shoulders feel lighter and that's weird and he says it's weird
and he doesn't understand it he said it legit felt like his shoulders were were lighter some people feel energy move in
their solar plexus which is right above your belly button right in the center of your belly some people most people get
really tired but just get really tired and so that's how you know something is
moved you know the dial has tipped just a little bit and then if you can look at
the person's name and you don't feel anything well then you know you're done because you don't care that's what I'm
looking for I'm looking for neutrality you're going to remember but you won't care and you might even pick out the
pockets of love from the memory but it's gonna take you a minute oh for sure for sure and I think it's a really great
practice to do it in the evening before bed as you know quite quickly you're going to be engaged in you know Alpha
Theta Delta brain waves where you'll be able to kind of process those things a lot more and there's so much research
and Science in regards to right practicing those things at that particular time because of the way your brain's going to be able to absorb that
information rather than the middle of the day when know you're in high beta and you're you know you're focusing on
all these other things so yeah that's a whole other podcast for sure but um just thinking about what we've kind of like
speaking today and how it and how it um connects with nutrition and kind of what
we do here at true hope and to forgive yourself really is to feel deserving of
forgiveness I'm sure that's a first for a lot of people to the point where people are
deserving of you know a strong body a strong mind good food um good nutrition happiness and so much more and a lot of
people don't feel like they actually deserve these things and what we find
here at true hope is a lot of people come to us as their last hope you know so many people have tried all the
doctors they tried all the drugs and they've not been able to serve them or help them and they find us as this like
last standing hope that they actually have and forgive giving the person that
they maybe used to be who tried all these like conventional means and then finding a more nutritional based way to
kind of heal their body and mind it's it's a really great first step forwards to creating the change to become the
person they want to be and you can't make any significant change with without that forgiveness piece I think that's
hugely hugely important and um I've got the honor and pleasure here of speaking to so many people on a daily basis who
have struggled with their mental health for sometimes decades have been through every drug Under the Sun and then they
they finally find our product and I have conversations with these people and they've gone through a very interesting
psychological shift when it comes to that self forgiveness within themselves
letting letting a lot of anger and resentment and hatred go and actually
how our products especially our our um our Flagship product here which is a b Spectrum micronutrient formula which is
basically providing the brain specifically and the body with huge amounts of nutrition in very absorbable
forms that they can actually start to feel better and think better and behave
differently in a very quick period of time and if you couple that with
forgiveness and Grace people's minds change so so
dramatically and it becomes it could becomes something you could like be kind of like addicted to like that amazing
great feeling feeling that comes from something that's a free practice to take so a free practice to do and a minor
investment in regards to like the nutritional supplementation yeah I just wanted to pull those two pieces together
because in in our world here when it comes to like providing amazing well research nutrition to people it's very
interesting what state in what kind of state in their life they're at when they
when they find these these formulas and it's yeah it's inspiring you will find
as you you first of all everybody is worthy you are worthy enough to live a
life of joy you are worthy enough to live a life of happiness and as you get
happier and you start to lose your anger you're probably not going to be reaching for the chips and the bad health food
because you just won't because all of a sudden you're going to start to feel better so you might reach for I'm a
clean eater so you might reach for you might reach for clean food that has has no garbage in it that's pretty much what
clean eating is and why are you going to do this because you feel better and because you feel better you're worthy
you're worthy enough to lead a life of Joy why haven't you led that life up to
now or remember when I was holding my glass of anger in front of my face well you don't have the glass of anger in
front of you now so now you can be the person that you were always meant to be
you can be your authentic self because you're not focused on the anger and you've tossed all of the other people
see when you do this process Jim ran has a very famous quote and it's you are the sum of The Five People You spend the
most time with right so who you spending time with and as you start this process
even with the easy ones people will leave your life why because you're not
angry anymore and they want you angry for whatever reason they want you angry maybe they they like it maybe it makes
them feel better but they're going to start to leave your life don't be scared they need to leave your life and new
people that are match your vibration if you will like energy attracts like
energy will float into your into your purview people who are healthy and
actually want to see see the best things for you absolutely and that's a scary
thing especially if you live with these people yeah but it's if if you live with these people and you can't move well
then just start spending time on podcasts like this and start spending time with healthier people that's really
it read good literature that kind of thing and trust that little bird in your shoulder it knows the way yeah if you
start to transmit these energies of happiness love joy gratitude forgiveness
you will be attracted to better nutrition better food being connected
with nature you are not going to want to um fuel your body with garbage and spend
all day and all evening watching TV like it just doesn't work like that so if you can start putting some things into your
life right now with that self workor you can absolutely do quite amazing things and then yeah as I say for me like when
I found that 10 years ago it was an addicting feeling and it's it's motivating me to continue to do that for
the rest of my life so yeah that's a wonderful way to uh wrap that up thank you can you um tell us a little bit
about your book The Ultimate part of forgiveness unlocking your power why did you write that and who's it for
we live in an Angry World and once my friends and I came up
with this method there were three of us and once we came up with this method of forgiveness we immediately wanted to
share it because our world is angry and nobody teaches you how to forgive so we
want to teach people how so we can see if we can move our world from from
something that's really kind of toxic right now to something that's more joyful and loving at the end of the day
that's why I wrote beautiful beautiful and um where is the best place for people to check out that
book and connect with you you can go to my website and my first name thanks to my mother is spelled a little strangely
thanks Mom and it's k a t h a r you can also find the book on
Amazon I have the audio book because I know some people don't like to read I have the audio book ebook and paperback
available for people beautiful well I'll make sure those links are in the show notes people can easily navigate and
access those but uh Catherine thank you so much for coming on today um I really appreciate it I think I've learned a lot
of things and I think the people listening will have done as well so thank you so much for coming on oh it
it's my pleasure thanks for having me I appreciate it beautiful well that is it for this episode of True Hope cast the
official podcast with true hope Canada we'll be back with you next week with another amazing show you can connect um
with us on all of our social media channels you can leave us a review on iTunes if you feel like you want to do that again all the information and links
to connect with Katherine um to connect with her or to find out her books I'll put in the links in the description but
that is it for now we'll see you soon [Music]