Guest Episode
June 03, 2024
Episode 149:
The Truehope Family Files Part 5 - Media Witch-hunt, Solitary Confinement & House Arrest
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The legacy media attempts to cancel Truehope and David Stephan.
Media Witchhunt, Solitary Confinement & House Arrest
hello everybody and welcome to this special episode of True Hope cast the official podcast of true hope Canada
this is episode five in a series of eight of the true Hope Family files this episode is titled media Witch Hunt
solitary confinement and house arrest enjoy the
show they're very disappointed I don't think the world is going to see a better family than DAV and clut Stefan were
I've been interacted with them and their children many times and I don't know any other people that are that treat their
kids better it's it's very disappointing we're very very disheartened at this event what's been the hardest part of this the hardest part of it is to see
two beautiful people not only lose their son but then be convicted of what they
were convicted of this charge failing to provide the necessaries of Life ensures
that people who cannot care for themselves receive the minimal standard of
care expected by Society while this particular case with this particular
victim an 18-month-old child is incredibly sad the unfortunate death
that resulted has nothing to do with this charge they definitely definitely
love their son um but as stated in our closing arguments and even in our opening arguments unfortunately
sometimes love just isn't enough parents still have to follow the standard of care that is set by the criminal law
hello everybody and welcome back to the true Hope Family files this is an eight-part special series here on true
Hope cast the official podcast of true hope Canada last week was part four the the nefarious vaccine agenda and today
we jump into part five of the series media Witch Hunt solitary confinement
and house arrest David Stefan is back with me how are you David you know I'm I'm doing fairly well
but seeing that video brings up a lot of feelings again and you know if I wasn't a more mellow
guy uh I would say my blood would be boiling right now um but I a little bit agitated just kind of reliving that and
seeing what the crown prosecution was doing with this whole thing and how they were literally pulling the wool over the
eyes of the general public and if general public was aware of what had just taken place at that point in time
there would have been a major major uproar as everybody said recognized that their rights as parents had just been
demolished um in favor of a pharmaceutical agenda and that that's exactly you know they're shrouding in
you know what Society um societal standards are but they were setting the societal standards Society wasn't in
that in that moment and we'll get into that in a moment as to what took place um but I guess we ended off last last uh
episode with kind of a Cliffhanger of six out of 12 jurors came into to the courtroom crying right or it was evident
that they had just been crying but a number were still crying and that's how things left off
and we were left in a state of wondering where is this about to go absolutely and
just before we jump back into that I just wanted to make a comment about that about that video yeah I
mean obviously the trial and the proceedings and everything that goes into it you know we've spoken about this
is episode 5 now of you know some of the episodes have been two hours long these are indepth
complicated very timely trials and not everyone obviously is present
there to witness every minute every second of like what's going on and taking it all in and what the majority
of Canadians and people around the world are going to experience from that is just what they're shown on their TV by
the news and the media and obviously especially during part four the last episode we saw that
CBC was was only present at court hearings when there was like some damning evidence coming from the crown
you know clearly I mean you don't have to be a a Super Genius to recognize that
there was collusion between the crown even the courts and the media to make
sure that you know when the crown was coming in with something that they would actually presumed to be damning even though there was missing evidence and
missing reports and you know the whole thing was bit a little bit of a fast the the media just shows the
narrative in which they want to be represented doing something that's that's complex and complicated and you
know we just saw a I don't know what was a 60c 90c clip there and if you were to
if you were to just watch that as your conclusion of of the proceedings then you might you know you you might go to
one side or the others but it's just uh it's just so much more complicated than that and I think that's another great reason about why we're going into a
little bit more detail getting more in depth in regards to like what what actually happened what was available in
regards to evidence and what wasn't but yeah we finished off part four where you
assumed you thought that the you know the evidence that you gave to the jury and to the judge was going to be know
slam dunk in your guys's favor but yeah the jury comes back half half of them are crying so why don't you just take us
back there to that moment yeah so you know when when you take a look at it over the previous um two months uh total
of a month and a half of trial time during that time and then about a week and a half or two off over Easter break
um really what the jury was subjected to was an incredible narrative to start off with uh of just one doctor after the
next after the next and then medical examiner just talking about this very Bleak situation that Ezekiel was in and
they stacked like it was it was there was a lot of witnesses and then we go to get up on stand and there's us and then
we end up getting Annie Savage Jo and then we got a local um EMS guy who
wasn't called out when he should have been called out because what we didn't talk about is yes Ezekiel ended up in an
ambulance that was ill equipped for eight and a half minutes to 12 minutes with no oxygen but there was an
ambulance that was far closer to us that about 3 minutes through into our drive when we were on 911 we passed within 100
yards of where that ambulance was so three minutes versus um another eight minutes before we would meet up with the
other ambulance on the highway so you know a a great amount of time could have been averted and they don't know for
sure whether or not that ambulance was properly stocked but it would have been a much better chance than ending up in
an ambulance that we know for a fact wasn't stocked with the proper equipment so Ezekiel went without an airway for
the entirety of his his drive to the hospital so um we only had a handful of
witnesses take the stand but uh the crown had all of these Witnesses but during that time the jury is subjected
to this incred narrative that makes us look like demons and then it gets
systematically dismantled within a very short period of time especially with Annie Savage Jo
taking the stand saying there's no bacterial menitis so he couldn't have had the symptoms of bacterial menitis so step
could have been ignoring those those symptoms right if he didn't have it um and then she had a different Theory and
then ultimately at the end of the day was he would have survived had that ambulance been properly stocked and so
here you've got you know Alberta h Services is on the hook they're the ones that are guilty for his death but we're
not being charged for his death and so obviously the the the court proceedings continue on and that's why you'll see in
that video that uh Lisa vik the crown prosecutor says that the death of Ezekiel had nothing to do with the
church because they had to make that so clear so delineated because they knew that the death was a result of Albert
Health Services not us it was just did we endanger his life and if so was it a time that we would have seen foreseen
danger and and um would have we acted in the in the way that a re reasonably
prudent parent would have done so within those circumstances and that's ultimately what we were debating was what we were seeing what we weren't
seeing um and that we weren't alarmed as parents and it's not because we were willfully blind or or putting the blinders on um we wanted to ensure that
our son had the best of care available if we saw that even needed care um that was you know emergent and there was
nothing leading up to his stopping breathing it happened so quickly and
earlier on that day he was you know becoming playful and and we just thought literally the next day that he was going to be up and running around so the jury
gets his whole picture but then and we're thinking slam dunk right because
we've just exposed some serious crimes we just showed that the medical examiner office is a complete farce and you have
the chief medical examiner of Alberta really highlighting that um I guess the
former Chief medical examiner of Alberta highlighting that on stand in front of the jury so
we think it's a slam dunk but then the judge the judge does something
extraordinary um unprecedented outside of case law and he conflates the law
he's supposed to give the jury a very clear and and uh concise charge and instead he muddles it up putting them
into a situation that you know I'm going to kind of guess fast forward here a little bit but that another judge a
higher judge than him would say the jury had no choice but to find this couple guilty based on that in- law right like
that's how bad it was so the jury put into this this predicament and after 24
hours of deliberation after receiving the charge they come out and they you
know six of them had clearly been crying or were still crying there was a few that looked kind of angry which is what
you'd anticipate if they actually felt that we were guilty and there was a few that I I truly believe probably felt we
were guilty now there's other circumstances uh kind of surrounding that there was a few times that the
judge admonished the jury to ensure that they were not viewing social media there
was two of them two two of the younger jurors that were in their uh their earlier 20s that both went red-faced
when he brought that up all right um and our lawyer Shan Buckley even made note of that at that at that point in time
there was another juror who uh was dealing with some personal circumstances
that he shouldn't have been called to the jury and and we felt that way um Sean had made mention of it saying he
shouldn't be put on the jury like not with what he's dealing with in his personal circumstances within life can't be doing that to to this guy so he was
already resentful coming into it well I would gain evidence and it would
actually become um a potential point of appeal had we not already had so many points of appeal it would have found its
way into our appeal that would be made later on uh in relation to the fact that he was having inappropriate
conversations with co-workers um and being instructed by his co-workers to
just find them guilty just find them the guilty and now his co-workers are getting that that opinion from the fact
that they're watching the mainstream media and that basically you know a lot of Canadians are saying at this point in time just hanging by The Gallows right
like these these monsters and so he's not supposed to be having this conversations and that would come up
shortly after um uh well maybe I don't want to jump the gun yet but anyways that evidence would emerge um from
somebody who was close to me that I ended up actually working with him and brought it up brought it to my attention
about the fact that they had evidence that these conversations were taking place wow so there was a few those three
were definitely angry there was a few that looked neutral and but then there were six that definitely did not want to
make that decision and they did they they felt that they had to based on what the judge had done so we're shocked
we're absolutely shocked by this but then so this is what we hear we hear
guilty so the verdict comes out the jury leaves the judge leaves
you've got a bunch of people in the gallery shaking their heads people that were interested people that didn't even
really know us and they're just saying are you kidding me like you'd have to find us guilty for the time that you know this happened with our kid or
whatever like that's that's the the Ambiance within the gallery from people that do and don't know us realizing this
is a they just opened a can of worms here that literally based on this precedent you can just start like
handing these charges out like Pez County and the Alberta Government did the Alberta solicitor generals or the
began to hand out these charges like crazy after after that conviction just took place cuz it opened a major can of
worms on the general public and so um we're sitting there we're and
we're just we're just shaking our heads saying are you kidding me like what does this mean like up to five years in jail right sentencing is going to happen
later on what what does this look like and then there's this older couple in
the gallery that start to tell a story saying um we were driving into
lathbridge and we heard over the radio that you were found
guilty and so we came here to support you only to find that we walked into a
courtroom a few moments before the guilty verdict even was heard so then I'm I'm shaking my head
saying what the heck is going on here how is it possible that about 30 minutes
before the jury came came out and released this guilty verdict that it's
being published over the radio that we were found guilty how how does that happen that's wild like it it
doesn't happen it shouldn't happen unless there's a lot of interesting behind the door you know behind the
scenes type you know situations happening where people are talking and things are being leaked which was really
the flavor of the whole the whole court case like it was it was incredibly
corrupt from beginning to finish absolutely corrupt um Paradigm shaking
really for a lot of people within the the Law Society uh recognizing that you know the Integrity of the judicial
system has been completely compromised through this particular show trial that they're ramming through and for what purpose well to monopolize you know um
the pharmaceutical industry through fear of criminality right parents now are going to feel compelled to to consume
the the products of the pharmaceutical industry or face potential criminal
charges like that's really what's being thrown in the balances here so it's really absolutely
crazy yeah big threats being thrown out for sure and yeah I me for a lot of parents that might choose not
to not to vaccinate or not to immunize or to even do do other things at home before they
might go to the hospital you know things are you know they're only a few thousand years old some of these remedies and
proven proven to work and yeah it's scary it's scary as parents I've got a couple of young kids and it's
um just to know the details of this case and yeah in my opinion you a a show
trial where trying to make a significant example of you guys to yeah Ram home
legislation and to inevitably just end up creating more profits of pharmaceutical companies it's actually
quite well it's not actually it's just absolutely foul to be honest absolutely
like it's it's it's so incredibly low you take a family that has just lost
their son um you want to talk about pain like it doesn't get worse than that as a
parent and then you're going to try to exploit that death through falsifying an autopsy
report um to try to push this phenomenal agenda at the same time that you're
telling the public it's one thing when in reality it's completely other thing so the public are literally cheering as
their rights are being removed like anybody who who was in the courtroom saw a completely different picture than what
was being made available over CBC and then CTV and Global and everybody else completely different picture and that's
why actually like when we take a look at that that one article that you had had up before that Lit literally the the
courtroom was shocked right yeah that um everybody that was there was just like
are you kidding me like it was just exposed that the autopsy report was
flawed he didn't have bacterial menitis he didn't have a right plural empa he could have possibly died from that and
bacterial menitis when there wasn't scientific evidence to back up the men bacterial menitis and there was an x-ray
showing clear lungs upon arrival this is what the people in the courtroom were seeing and then you have the judge go
and pull a move like that which I'm gonna I'm gonna put it out there I'm not going to say it emphatically because I
don't know 100% for sure either he was just completely um this judge uh judge
uh um I think Rodney jerky um judge jerky anyways was either completely anapt and
shouldn't be playing the role of a judge or completely corrupt in taking um taking his marching orders to
ensure that this was a guilty verdict whatever he was either so either way he
should not be sitting as a judge either he should be sitting behind bars uh for for in intentionally if he did
intentionally uh skew that case he should be sitting behind bars for what he did or the other one is that he's just that
ignorant and he should not be playing the role of a judge he just doesn't have the the intellect to do so because it
was argued that what he was doing was against case law and yet he still pushed
forward with it and it achieved a guilty verdict a wrongful um conviction is what it
achieved so that was really kind of the beginning you know now the dominoes are
starting to really fall in relation to our lives everything being disrupted like before this point in time I'm
publicly presenting for three years no hiccups I'm being invited to these Health shows I don't have to apply to
them anymore I'm being invited I I'm being given preferential treatment they're giving me the good stages they're giving me the good times um on
the stages um it's just like you know I'm I'm welcomed where I'm going and and
um it's making a significant impact in thousands and thousands of Canadians
where we're getting this information out there right about our products and what
they're doing and what was once a really small element of the business being our retail division um olon becomes a real
viable entity in a very short period of time because of the information that I'm able to get out there and to convey and
I'm keeping very busy traveling around uh for months out of the Year during the high season times you know um October
November and then January February March um spending a significant amount of time on the road away from my family building
this business business up um to get the information out there to to be a blessing to people that hey you don't
need to be on uh psychiatric medications um I was GNA say to feel well but very rarely would you ever feel
any sense of Wellness while on one of those medications in fact numbness is typically what you'd experience uh with
a host of side effects typically but that there's there's another option A better option a more natural option an
option that gets right to the root of of what people are dealing with right the fact that they don't have the proper
nutrition to convert uh cholesterol and um amino acids into the various hormones
needed to help with mood but also the production of neurotransmitters coming from amino acids that now we supplying
the coenzyme factors being the vitamins and minerals to facilitate that production so now people are getting
their brain chemistry normalized their hormones are getting better and they're just feeling better they're feeling more
vibrant a greater sense of Vitality in their life and that was really what was being conveyed and the proof was in the pudding so now it's to spread like word
of by word of mouth because people get well and they start to speak they start to to share what what they've found to
work in their lives so now we get to 2016 uninterrupted business doing very
well with it people you know they're aware that I've been charged um they know what's going on in
fact I'm incorporating that into my presentations to make sure that um there isn't an element of people feeling like
they're being duped that I'm hiding something I'm being just forthcoming and saying this is what's going on this is
where we're going there and then obviously post 2014 there's an agenda to this they're looking to push the
vaccines uh you know through a criminal liability element here and now we get to 2016 and we are wrongfully
convicted that's right and so shortly after that period of time you start seeing presentations events starting to
be cancelled I think your sister Celeste filled into you filled in for you on on some of those but there was just uh
clearly an clearly an issue post that verdict and then quite shortly you had
the the sentencing hearing right yeah you know what actually let's back up just for one second here to to give
context as to what took place here so remember you know we we had discussed
I'll I'll mention a couple names that there's a few people that have really um put themselves out there to try to
destroy true hope and and Terry pvo is um a dermatologist out of waterl Ontario
um is one of them and um sorry a skin
doctor skin doctor yeah yeah as if he's an expert in in um Psychiatry and and
can and can say whether or not our products working now he he runs a site called quackwatch and he attacks Chiropractic
he he was attacking H the Clark uh until he finally got his his um backside suit
off of him and lost and um for all of his liberalist claims but he just
continues to go why because there's there's something in it for him there's something that's motivating because he
make enough money as a dermatologist to even keep things flowing and that was exposed at one point in time too showing
that um really he's just a Pharma shell and so you got Marvin Ross as well working with them and they actually
wrote like a 200 and some odat page book called Pig pills Inc back in the early 2000s to try to defame True hope um so
they're putting that kind of effort and I think they made a few sales on that book um not not enough to actually you
know I've never heard of either of them and I never heard of that book so no they they're they're behind the Shadows
type guys but um but they would reemerge in relation to our case now they're looking for any reason they can get in
order to prevent true Hope from getting out there there's a significant
pharmaceutical push to prevent this from happening the reason being is that we're not just providing an option for people to get well we're at the same time
providing programs that um help people come off of the medication safely and effectively
and we're not just helping people and individuals we're also training doctors from around North America actually
around the world but mainly in North America on how to utilize these protocols and many of them are switching
over to more of a holistic approach because they're seeing their patients get way better than they'd ever seen them get before on any of the com
combination of medications they've given them so there's a huge push to prevent
me from being able to go and speak right because at this point in time in Canada I'm the face of true hope right under
under um instruction from my father to do so so I'm taking on all these these presentations and doing a lot of them
and so the first presentation that would then get cancelled and I'm not exactly sure why because I don't think that
there was any pressure from um uh Terry puloy Marvin Ross or
any anybody that's affiliated with them which we we discovered there's a lot of people affiliated with them including one particular journalist uh that was
working for I think he probably still is working for the glob and mail and so basically they had the media in their hands and constantly just pushing these
articles out um just doing the the the pharmaceutical industry's bidding using the media where now people that are
reading it are thinking it's you know Fair unbiased and objective reporting it's not completely not so may of 2016
rolls around so April we are convicted May we're still out and about
June is when the sentencing hearing is going to happen we're going to find out do we go to jail do we not go to jail what does this look like but may is when
ch was that year in Vancouver chfa West so we discussed this I think two episodes
ago uh about our long-standing relationship with chfa exposing that there was corruption there that they
were receiving backd door money from eggar Food Canada um and ultimately that they were helping to guide and Corral
the whole Natural Health industry into compliance with the government when in reality they were supposed to be the
party that stood between us in the government and protected the Natural Health industry from the government and
so they were doing you know in a very roundabout way um the bidding of the government versus um standing for their
members who are paying their memberships being the Natural Health industry as a whole so we had at this point in time a
little bit of a relationship with chfa in 2015 I had gone and I presented there
at the chfa um event and great turnout and a lot of the retailers a lot of the
um the stores health food stores they go to these presentations to get education and all that and they loved it I mean we
had a full room completely full room and there was a lot of them wondering are we going to come back again and present
again um because you know they're all affiliated with each other these different retailers are connected and so they were going to direct you know from
the year before saying hey go go and see this guy speak so there was already some interest like generating over the fact
that I was going to be there and C reaches out out of the blue
without even discussing anything with me they just reach out with a decision and said uh we're canceling your
presentation okay heard back a little bit later on that supposedly and this is
just one of the excuses that that they were concerned that there's a potential that I might speak about the court case
in there as if and here's what's interesting now CBC at this point in time is absolutely exploiting the court
case um to attack the Natural Health industry so we're found guilty it's not done and over with now they're running
cross country radio shows and stuff like that putting into question
should natural paaths be licensed in Canada so they're actually attacking the
whole naturopathic um realm within Canada and they're they're springboarding off of our case because why we went and bought
a tin shirt from the natural path when we were in Lethbridge the day that we brought Ezekiel in when went to go sign lawyers papers and he was doing well and
by the time that noon rolled around he had no visible symptoms and then woke me up from a nap playing with my lip you
know that type of thing so at that point in time we bought a tincture just to make sure that hey hey we're we're doing
more than what we were doing before just to ensure that you know we kick this thing whatever it is whatever whatever
we're working with here that it's completely gone because we're getting tired of the low-lying residual symptoms
um that once again did not manifest as infection and that nurse had been by the the night before he went to the crisis
checked his blood pressure uh heart rate um lungs listened to all all the vitals everything came back normal there was
nothing of concern at that point so now
CBC is exploiting some of the facts and they're twisting the facts from the court case and saying basically should
we have you know delic all the natural paths across Canada and we want to hear what you have to say about it so they're
they're inciting this conversation across Canada on this uh I think they actually call it cross country Canada is
what the radio show was called so they're doing this so This has a major impact on the whole Natural Health
industry where they're they're trying to exploit my my son's death to now attack the Natural Health industry because they
had to Forfeit the vaccine element because they would have lost so terribly in the courts it would have probably set
a reverse precedent saying um vaccines are unavoidably
unsafe and uneffective right something to that effect like that's what we were going to establish in the in the court
proceedings so the court ran or the crown ran from it so now they're attacking the Natural Health industry
but but chfa is saying we don't want you speaking at our event because you might
bring up the court case the court case that's incredibly relevant to the whole Natural Health industry really like so once again whose
bidding are they doing they were actually operating they were actually helping to to suppress very crucial
information that the whole industry needed to be aware of right that we had
just suffered a tremendous loss through this wrongful conviction that as a whole
Canadians had just suffered a tremendous loss in relation to Medical choice and rental
freedoms yeah well the crown if they're going to and the media if they're going to their primary agenda is to get people
on as many Pharmaceuticals as possible taking the Natural Health industry out or doing its large damage by attacking
naturopaths attacking Homeopathy even Chiropractic I guess like alternative medicine that would be a really great
way of know pushing more and more people to being more skeptical about those types of practices and leading more
towards conventional medicine and drugs yeah yeah and going back to um the
conviction so as soon as we were convicted and discussions were happening now with the crown this new um this new
statement kept on emerging and what it was was um well based on the criminally
or criminal code approved standard of care now we' never heard that before in the court case but as soon as we were
convicted there was this criminal code approved standard of care now I've got a
criminal code just on my shelf over here okay I mean it's a little little bit of an older one I think it's a 2010 but the
fact of the matter is is that you know I'd gone through it and prised it and whatnot in years past I've never seen anything about a criminal code approved
standard of care there's nothing written in there in relation to what that is but
what had just been achieved is that now directly attached to the charges of
failing to provide the necessaries of life there's now an attachment to it that
if you if you fail to subject yourself or your child or or anybody under your
care to allopathic medicine if you choose first and foremost you know let's say homeo Homeopathy or maybe it's
arotic medicine or chin traditional Chinese medicine or naturopathic medicine if you chose that first even
though your child wasn't in dire circumstances things seem kind of fine but then something went
to you've now stepped outside of the criminal code approved standard of care because you did not subject yourself to
allopathy so they just monopolized allopathic or Western medicine or let's call it for what it is petroleum based
Rockefeller medicine because that's actually where the roots of um allopathic medicine comes from is John D
rockafeller right um many people don't understand that and you know we've been so so incredibly brainwashed as Western
society that we actually put Western medicine up on this pedestal where it
doesn't belong because when we take a look at when we look at the the rise of disease if Western medicine was working
we would see a diminishment in disease not a rise in disease a diminishment but yet what we've seen since the Inception
of this medicine is that the general populace is becoming more and more and
more unhealthy decade after decade after decade and you can see it statistically speaking you can see it in the rise of
mental illness you can see it in the rise of of thyroid issues endocrine system issues you can see it in the rise of cancers it's there that all all all
major chronic disease is rising um at astronomical levels and yet
we have all this Western medicine but clearly it's not working and so they
just monopolize that medicine saying you can wake up and you can see that that medicine's corrupt and you're going to
try to pull out of it and that's going to be a bad thing for the bottom line of the pharmaceutical industry so we're going to force you back in we're going
to force you back in and stop doing your own research rely on the doctors because they've been subjected to seven plus
years of indoctrination in the schools and they think that they know what they're talking about because they've invested well over $100,000 into that uh
that education or indoctrination and so surely they want to hold on to that and think that it is superior above and
beyond all other forms of information um or medicine out there yeah another way
looking at it is that for a long period of time people have become so um disconnected from let's just say their
grandparents or the great-grandparents ways of treat treating illness treating disease which would have been
traditional use medicine and it's been obviously very very demonized and the
only other option would be conventional for for a lot of people and that's all you see I mean we're lucky in Canada
Lucky in Canada but we don't have what the USA and what New Zealand has in regards to T tv ads of pharmaceutical
drugs every single on every single Channel every single day we're lucky not to have that but still we do have yeah
we do have the indoctrination of of doctors but also the general public in general like
you have something even remotely wrong with you people have no idea so they just go to a doctor and listen to what
that doctor says rather than perhaps you know fif maybe even just like 20 years ago 50 years ago 100 years ago that they
actually that a family member or someone within that smaller Community would have some actual knowledge of of herbs and a
knowledge of homeopathy a knowledge of natural medicine that would actually be very very beneficial to those
individuals but that knowledge is gone now we don't we don't have that trust in ourselves we don't have that knowledge base so something goes wrong we have to
go find we we have to go somewhere we have to go to somebody in a white jacket from a from a place of authority and we
don't really know about like what they're learning well we do but most people don't know what they're learning about we don't know where their um
education is really funded from where the universities get the majority of their money to push curriculum in
certain in certain directions yeah people certainly aren't aware of those things y exactly and at the end of the
day all all doctors have really become unless they step out of the uh the traditional role that they've kind of
you know fit into is theyve just become glorified salesmen for the pharmaceutical industry that's really
what they they've been cred into and it's unfortunate because a lot of people are going in and trying to become
doctors to help people right some people are doing it because well you can get a good comfy paycheck right every month
after month after month and you can you know have your Lexus or whatever it is that you you so choose but there are
some people that are authentically going in to try to change the world and make it a better place and unfortunately that
education is designed to Corral them into basically just becoming um parrots
for the pharmaceutical industry just taking what the the pharmaceutical reps have to say about a particular drug and
just parting that and just pushing onto clients so it's it's an unfortunate situation yeah so that's really what
what we just observed in relation to the conviction was that they had just solidified criminally now a criminal
code approved standard of care and that it is exclusive
exclusive allopathic medicine and it doesn't matter how much uh scientific papers that you have to back up you know
well you didn't give them antibiotics okay well what if I chose to give him all of leaf extract well that's not
found within Al apathy okay but there's all these studies that show that it's incredibly antibacterial right but once
again we see that type of stuff being purged as well um online yeah right like there was anyways that that's a
different rabbit hole but you'll see the emergence of these studies pop up and you'll wish that you would have print them off because you go back to find
them even when you bookmark them and you just don't find them because they're they're going right up against the
bottomline profits of the pharmaceutical industry so so yeah so I got cancelled
um at chfa that was the first cancellation I'd had in relation to presentation so I still showed up um
still talk to the president or whatever she seemed a little bit sheepish kind of just off but whatever okay
um and then it was shortly after that that that we had to go in for the
sentencing hearing um but there are some details I don't
want to go too deep into them but we were living in BC at this point in time we had moved to Nelson and we were there
for the better part of a year up on the side of a mountain on an offgrid property it was just it was phenomenal it was absolutely phenomenal it was you
know the best place to be as we're preparing for court it was just Paradise um and we were just you know we
had this opportunity to rise that we can go and do that and do so at minimal cost you know kind of just taking care of
this property and uh anyways but we had all the majority of our stuff there
anyways and um we didn't know if we would be you know admitted to jail
because if so you can't go and pack up and and and it's not our property right we are
taking care of the property for somebody else so we're wondering do we need to move do
we not need to move like what what does this look like so then we found ourselves you know from the latter weeks
of May to um the second week of June packing everything up not knowing if we
get to stay there or not right so and we would have loved to have stayed there so we're packing everything up into a
semi-trailer and just wonder what do we do with this so we end up going and parking the semi-trailer down the road
at a secure location in case maybe we could go back right but we just didn't know but we couldn't leave that burden
on somebody else to go and pack up our stuff you know if both myself and Colette are behind bars and so Shan
Buckley actually did put in a request with with the courts to find out can we have an understanding where this is
going so that they you know my clients know whether or not they need to be packing up or not right because this is like this is a pretty big deal for them
and they wouldn't they wouldn't budge on anything they didn't you know they wouldn't throw us a bone so we pack
everything up we end up in Alberta we're now staying at my parents place
and um during this time um there's What's called the vax
tour Dell bigtree he was a producer for the doctors um TV show which by the way
they they wanted me on there um uh but I I got a real bad feeling about it my
father had actually gone as a you know preempt he'd gone and spoken on the doctor's show um during court while we
were in court but then they wanted us to show up after court and go and speak but we knew exactly where they're going based on the fact that they they were
using it to say you know basically parents get get your childhood or get your children their childhood vaccines
so I knew that it was going to be an uphill battle and I wasn't in a place at that point in time that I was feeling overly confident to fly down to believe
it was Los Angeles and and go in into this you know den of lines and see if I can't skate And so anyways um Dell big
tree was a producer for the doctor show and he he had left it and after he
discovered that there were some serious issues with vaccines so he started
digging in and he produced a documentary with um with Andy Wakefield called
Bax and so he was on what was the vax tour where they're doing this cross
North America Tour actually is what it was well interestingly like two days before our s sentencing hearing he was
in Calgary and he had become aware of us through numerous people saying hey you got to be aware of this story what's
going on with them so we went and met with him um he ended up doing some some
videoing of us that for a follow-up documentary but it never did happen I guess but they have a bunch of footage
of us it's like pretty fresh and raw right before um you know know we'd go back to court again and find out do we
go to jail or not but anyway so we were there we were we uh show up at the theater he um he at the end of the the
show announced us um while he was up on stage had to stand up everybody cheered or whatever and he introduced us as as
Heroes I'm like well I don't know if I'm a hero um I'm just a man of conviction
and and and I you know stand for my values so you know when they offer me the plea bargain saying plea guilty and
we'll give you 18 months probation right it's going to save you a lot of trouble and Colette gets off scott free plus we
pay for her grief counseling I couldn't do it because it went against my values I couldn't lied to take the easy way out
plus that a press for other parents so I don't that doesn't make me a hero that just makes me a man of conviction that I
want to be able to sleep at night I want to know that I've done the right thing so I can sleep at night that's worth it for me so I've received the reward right
yeah I've gone through hell but I received the reward knowing that I haven't compromised my conscience right
but anyway so he introduces us his Heroes and whatever whatever right we're just you know and I'm just standing up
to defend my the rest of my family to make sure that my children have parents available as well
so um right after he does a live stream now I've never done a live stream I
don't know how they operated at the point in time I was pretty ignorant so he did a live stream of it um I think
did we do we have that available yeah I'll get this on all right absolutely I think it's important for the audience to
to see you know it was I I wasn't the best composed um through it and it would come
back to kick me in the backside yeah I'll play it now let me know if you can hear it it's quite an issue it's rights
issue it's becoming quite an issue it's becom quite a parental rights issue um
for medical choice for for how we deem to uh to treat our children um and
ultimately uh uh it comes down to whether we have the right to vaccinate
or not vaccinate without um being held CRI liable or whether or not we have to
rush our children to the doctor every time they even get just the sniffles um in fear that something may just randomly
happen and then we're held fly liable this is this is about everybody this this isn't the way that the media
has played it out to be they tried to distance us from from the average person by by trying to say that he was too
stiff stiff as board to get in his car seat he had to be fed somehow through an eye dropper
um he was being treated for menitis maple syrup and fruit and berries that's not the case at all um we were treating
our child with with different homeopathic remedies different Herbal Remedies like like tens thousands of
people do uh nothing out of the ordinary and he wasn't severely ill and then
everything just came to to a crash on an evening and he end up in an ambulance that didn't have the right equipment and
subsequently ended up raining dead what do you think about what are you going to say to those kids if you have to go to
is it what is the
thought it's it's a hard thing to to try to communicate that to a a three-year-old and a one-year-old as to
to why Mommy and Daddy won't be won't be around anymore um our eight-year-old is
is already somewhat understanding of the issue and is already uh taking it quite
badly yeah wow it's uh that's some deep stuff right there I what a question by
Dell at the end there but it's it's something that could that my all parents can can connect with especially if they
actually know the facts of the case crazy so that video one dell would go
come under major fire for having that video now he he was already part of the VX tour he was going around the US and
Canada doing the vax tour and of course there was um a lot of adversity to that
but in relation to that particular video it was notable to him um because we've had follow-up conversations since then
um kind of kind of a bit of a laugh because I ran into him out of the blue didn't realize you know wasn't expecting
to run into him in May of 2018 had a laugh about because I I said you know
you know that video helped get me into jail and he said well that's okay because I also came under major fire for
having that video so we both suffered from that video wow
because well because the truth was not supposed to come out on our case it just wasn't um they they were doing
everything they could uh within their power to ensure that they were establishing the narrative through the
media and that there was no diminishment from that narrative and so then what we
find is two days later we're now at the sentencing hearing and there's a big screen TV pulled up on on on one of
those roller carts up to the front of the courtroom and sure enough what's playing that video is playing and what what the
crown and the judge are now discussing because the judge is livid right he's got emotional investment into this
particular trial clearly um for some reason he didn't like the truth coming out and not become a theme over the next
number of years after trial for trial and appeal and all that type stuff that these judges most of them just had a
real issue with the truth a real issue and I'm talking not not the subjective truth according to David stepan I'm
talking the truth on black and white like yeah they just had a real issue with the truth coming out including that
ambulance issue right like shoot that under the rug that's got nothing to do with anything right doesn't matter that Alberta Health Services had just engaged
in criminal negligence and removed life-saving equipment not not ran out but removed proactively removed the
equipment from the ambulances in the self Zone and that my son needed that equipment and that they basically
finished him off like that was like it was one of the it was basically the straw that broke the camel's back well
aside from the the the dose of Rock aronium bromide that was contraindicated for electrolyte imbalance that they gave him later and put him into full Cardiac
Arrest even though he was starting to reanimate and uh breathe on his own his heart was start to beat on its own at that point and then they gave him that
medication but so it's just one issue after the next with Alberta Health Services or their contractors or staff
so um we find that video being played and the judge and Crown are having this
conversation about No Remorse now this is four years out you
know I AB as a parent like unless you're just fully disconnected you will beat
yourself up to no end over the what have could have should have what could have you done better you're a parent it's
wired into you to be protective of your children and when you fail when something happens even when you don't understand it you don't understand what
took place you will beat yourself up that's just the nature of of of parents
like that's or any connected parent unless unless you've got an issue like you know you're a social path or a psychopath or something like that um
maybe you could be numb to it I'd already through that process 2012 2013 2014 you know I still live with it I'm
not going to share it with the courts that are trying to suppress the truth that are that are railroading us with everything I'm not going to share what
my innermost feelings are that you know I feel like dirt as a parent when I reflect on it and say what could have I
done better to prevent my son from going into that situation so now they're saying No Remorse why because I'm
exposing the fact that they're ramming this corrupt agenda down all of our throats that they're misrepresenting it
in the media that the the the crown is complicit the courts have become complicit in it and now we have a
wrongful conviction and they demanding remorse I don't think so like where
where are the Alberta Health services staff that removed that equipment from the ambulance how come they're not up on
charges for criminal negligence resulting in death which is a far greater charge that's up to 25 years in
jail not up to five and yet there is a clear-cut case of that like it is so
clear-cut the crown had had their case made for them they if they were really caring about human life and they wanted to
deter these types of issues from happening they would have had some Elber to health services staff up on stand um
and they would have had them convicted and they would be in jail probably still to this day so here we are now they're
demanding remorse so because of that because I tick the judge off he
sentences me to um 4 months in jail I believe it's
going to be just over two months on good behavior he sentences Colette to 3
months house arrest which was a blessing that actually caused an
eruption in the courtroom a good eruption because we were all concerned with how this whole thing went down that
they were gonna I mean the crown was pushing for at this point in time at first they were pushing for 12 months in jail right after the conviction then
that video surfaces now they're pushing for like 36 to 48 months in jail right
they're they're pushing for four years and and and they they just keep on
stretching it every time that I keep on standing up and speaking they're just stretching it out right and so
anyways um there was an eruption based on the fact that my wife was going to be able to be at home on House of rest but
with the kids and that was a major concern for everybody so it was a beautiful thing um to hear that it
should have never happened in the first place um in fact you know had this been proper
and upright we would have received an apology letter from Alberta Health Services from the get-go they would have
said we're going to wave your $500 fee for the ambulance that didn't have the right equipment anyways and resulted in the death of your son so we're not going
to go and try to charge you that $500 but they did um and uh you know and
here's some compensation for wrongful death rather than trying to take us to court for it because it's so clear-cut
so rather than engaging in in doing the upright thing they engag in a massive cover up and then tried to exploit my
son's death to push an agenda so you know I'm ticked over the whole of it so now here's what the media
is doing basically I'm being labeled as an unremorseful baby
killer no that's quite a it's quite a thing to go into jail with
right there the irony is is that there is a justice system in jail amongst the
inmates and that unremorseful baby killers don't
farewell so you may have been sentenced to jail but we're going to make sure that you know you don't make it out
alive right or that there's some other you you or if you do make it out alive that you're going to be largely
unrecognizable so now it's a Friday we're sentenced on a Friday the sentence
hearing took place over the Thursday and Friday and so I'm taking into cuffs down
into the basement of the courtroom my wife is taken into cuffs down to the basement of the courtroom as well until they process her and then they're going
to release her so we're in separate cells don't even know where we're at one of the most beautiful things I'm just
sitting there down there just like just pondering what is all this about what is what like what the heck
right and then I hear my beautiful wife singing down the hallway Right singing a
beautiful Melody it was like hearing the voice of an Angel at that point in time right after going through all of that to
hear her in that state um to be giving some form of Praise right amongst the
the middle of the storm and so she gets processed she passes by door when they
get you know so we get a quick say bye type of thing through the little glass slot in the door and then um and then
I'm taken out and I get to go to jail yay and takes a long time so get
there I've you know had breakfast at Friday morning missed the Supper meal and so now I'm waiting for for Saturday
meal right so now I'm in jail and I go to get processed into jail and there's
an intake form and there's a check box on there that I can check general public and I'm thinking of course I'm GNA go to
General Public like I want to interact with people I want to you know if I'm gonna be here I want to be a blessing like I want to you know I want to
interact with people I want to share you know beautiful message with people I just like right like that's that's
what's GNA make me Thrive the intake Officer says if you
check that box I'm not putting you there said well why not he says because of this type of high-profile case for your
protection you're not going to be anywhere around any other inmates and I sat there and thought
about it for a minute in my naivity I'm thinking I can handle myself yeah no may not maybe not with a
surprise attack of five six seven whatever inmates who who want to do in unremorseful baby killer so I get sent
to some back area of the jail where now I'm in solitary confinement and I'm just
sitting there I'm sitting in my cell for for 22 to 23 hours a day just in this
corner cell no sunlight and they'll let me out
um on a good day for two hours for one hour I get to spend on the phone right or close to um and the other hour
they'll let me go have a shower um or go grab some cleaning equipment and and clean my room which I clean that I clean
my room top to bottom all the graffiti everything all the all the volatile vulgar stuff on the on the walls got
removed they were probably happy and they they moved me from one cell to the next a few times probably because they
were just like hey let's see if this guy can clean up right the whole Gil here and bring everything back to its normal
order because I just couldn't stand being in the presence of of all the vulgar stuff the only thing I ever left on one of the the walls was a a
beautiful scripture verse right that I left on that was quite encouraging so a Bible verse I left that on but everything else around it was completely
sterilized and clean so um they' let me then go out into what they
called the yard which wasn't the yard it was a cement thing that was roofed in and there was a grade at the end so I could see some blue sky but never once I
see the Sun so that was 21 days solitary confinement and then I finally got out
on appeal and so we we had appealed the case now it got concerning because what
happened was um we were going to appeal but then while I was in jail
before we had a chance to appeal and there was there was some some talk about do we appeal do we not do we
just let it run its course I mean it's four months right and on good behavior it's only two-thirds of the time so really it's going to be two and a half
months type of thing right like yeah I'll lose that summer I'll never get that summer back but whatever right but
what happened was um I got served while in jail and it was the crown serving me and what it was
was an appeal from their end where they wanted to appeal the sentence and they were now demanding up to five years in
jail and I'm thinking well on good behavior you know 2third like that's that's a
handful of years right like at least about three years type of
thing that's not good and I don't trust the courts I'm not supposed to be here
but they don't like and I'm still and I'm writing from jail as well like I'm I'm I'm writing documents and stuff like
that that are are quite scathing um I I just have a a problem I guess when you get me into a situation that's unjust I
don't shut up I just don't right um and so so I'm writing documents and stuff
letters from jail that I'm about to release all this type of stuff and and they know it they they know what's going on and um and and they're monitoring my
mail everything going in and out right like everything's monitored my phone calls everything out there everything all my communication is monitored so
they know what I'm up to and so anyways um we get this appeal from the crown and
we're like oh we have to appeal there's no no no choice about it right so if there's any questions about whether we
should just you know go along with it no because our appeal comes before the
Crown's appeal and so we appealed to have the whole thing
overturned and um yeah this
is um we finally got out it took took longer than anticipate about 3 weeks 3
weeks of solitary confinement and I finally got out and at that point in
time you know it's a it's a lengthy process to get out like I thought I would be out you know I don't know if
it's a Friday or whatever it was I think it was probably a Friday um and I'm
thinking if I if I don't get out on Friday that I'm stuck in there the weekend before they can then process me on the Monday and it just seems like
they're taking their sweet time because I I was supposed to all the paperwork was supposed to be done and everything I'm supposed to be out Friday morning and I'm waiting I'm waiting it's
afternoon you know it's now getting almost into the early evening and um so
then they move me into you know the general processing area again and I'm waiting there and then I I get called to
the DD's office the deputy director of operations okay so basically top guy of the jail
and he pulls me in there and he sits me down and I'm not sure if he does this with every um inmate right on their way
out but he he took the time with me and what he said to me was probably quite different than than every other inite in
M and and that was just eviden by his speech he says you know we've got rapists and we got killers in here we
got people that belong in here he says when we heard that you were going to be in here we just thought that was the worst thing like you don't belong
here and he says in my 22 years of doing this of being you know operator here he
says I've never seen anything like this he says half of my staff want to bake a
cake for you and bring it into you he says in the other half and he's trying to find his words right he's just
sitting there thinking and I just respond back want to bake me in a cake and he just bust out laughing yeah
exactly right he'd never seen that he right because a lot of these these
guards you can just see them they become quite cynical because they're dealing with people that that they see as low lives like that they judged as that
right day and day out and that are unruly and uncooperative and whatever right and it they just become quite
cynical and so for half of his staff approximately based on what he said I mean he didn't specify you know 53 47 or
whatever like he just he said half my staff for half of them to be sympathetic to me and and and realize that there was
Injustice that had taken place as to what got us in there is quite phenomenal because they were being subjected to the
same media garbage that everybody else was and that's what they had to judge this whole situation off of that even
with all the media distortions and fabrications they were able to read between the lines and see the truth of it and we we we experienced that a lot
with with a lot of people throughout the process so anyways we had that meeting and then then you just said you know I
just hope to never ever see you here again um because it's just raw like you should have never been here so I'm
released my beautiful wife is is standing outside she couldn't come into the jail she's not allowed to because
she has a criminal record so she's standing outside waiting for me in a vehicle and um and we go on our merry
way now we're appealing media reaches out to me about the appeal of course I open my mouth and
I'm talking about stuff they publish an article a little bit distorted wasn't
quite reminiscent of the entire conversation we had and what it does is it causes the Alberta appeals courts to
say oh we're gonna FastTrack this one now this is unprecedented
because those that are in jail that are appealing that have not gotten out on appeal they come first because they're
still doing time and they're appealing they always come first people like me in my situation I'm out on appeal you get
put on the back burner why because I'm not doing time I'm on probation right I'm under conditions but I'm not doing
time well they decide to FASTT track it because typically it's about 18 months before you you have an appeal hearing
now they're FASTT tracking to like seven months oh interesting well there's 3,500 pages of transcripts from the first
trial that the appeal lawyer has to go through and then draft up an argument um
a factum a 30 page factum and submit that she doesn't have time to do that
within that short period of time because it's not a full seven months that she has to do that she has to have her stuff done a few months previous so then the
crown then takes a look at it and then they put out their 30-page factum to rebut it and then it gets submitted to
the courts and then they have a chance to look at it before look at both of them well in advance and then we get to
go before them and have a hearing where now gets to be argued after the panel of three judges has reviewed everything so
s months time seven eight months something like that but yet um we've got months months 3500 Pages basically the
Bible right 3500 pages of transcripts to go through to identify all the
appealable points so we end up having to employ a second lawyer and they split the
transcripts and so now one's representing Colette one's representing me they split it they they get together
and we're we're collaborating with them on a regular basis and they're just saying like we're just reading all this and we're saying did this actually
happen in court like it's just constant like the drama and everything like EV the the stuff that the crown was allowed
to get away with in that trial was phenomenal and just criminal it was just
so outside of the bounds of Court it was a circus literally and and it was well known that that court case was a circus
unfortunately most people in their myopic Viewpoint thought it was a circus because we turned it into a circus when
in reality all parties involved were in Circus I was calling stuff out you know behind the scenes and all that outside
of Court which is very abnormal for somebody who has been charged with criminal charges to ever speak publicly
and I'm just blob and and speaking the truth and then you got the crown within the courtroom um just playing all sorts
of tactics and and Antics and all all sorts of stuff and it's it's evident in
the transcripts so we end up in the appeals court um
2017 okay so we appeal in July of 20 16 and by I believe it was about March of
2017 we're in the appeals courts and we're thinking easy
why our appeal lawyer she's a specialist in in appeals says normally I have to actually
like kind of look for appealable points and stretch them out right to stack the deck she says in this particular
situation I'm actually having to Omit we have too many appealable points Within this trial like too many so I'm only
focusing in on the strongest ones so it was no no no problem for her to find the appealable points throughout
the transcripts so we're thinking slam dunk like it you know we thought slam dunk
before but we had a corrupt judge but this time around you know done deal so
March 2017 we get in there and we sit before this panel of three judges and there's a central one now the
judges are highly political I mean they're they're political appointees right they're they are appointed by
whatever government is in at that time and they're put in for a particular reason why because it doesn't matter
many Canadians don't understand this it doesn't matter whether you have a liberal or a conservative government the
laws are ultimately being dictated by liberal or conservative judges that are still in place and so uh many people
will come become aware of this like with the Supreme Court U appointing that took place right before before Trump um was
no longer President right so coming up into I believe is in in October of um
2020 was when the Supreme Court appoin he was was put into position and there was a big hoo-haw about it in the media
right because he he they were saying no you should leave it until you know after the election and whatever right in case
Biden gets in or whatever however that worked out um so that then it could be a liberal appointee versus or a Democratic
appointment appointee versus is a Republican appointee and the reason being is because they guide the law and
so in Alberta we have even though it's um a conservative Province we have a lot
of liberal judges that have been appointed when the liberal government was in place because the federal
appointees so literally our laws are being governed and and guided within the court systems and and case law being
established um with a liberal flavor based on if they have liberal judges or conservative and so we get in there and
we're we're apprised of the fact that um the one judge who was leading the charge was um was a he was a conservative potee
but um he was put in uh for a particular reason and not necessarily because of
his merits of being a judge either and so our lawyers were taking concern with
that particular judge being on the panel of three judges and him being the head judge leading the the whole of it so
he's sitting more in the front in the middle whatever than the other two kind of beside him and so uh he starts paring
all this Media stuff as if he didn't take the evidence from factum but rather
from CBC News and that's when it's becoming concerning and I'm realizing oh
we're dealing with an individual here who's already got an apprehension of bias against us he he should have to recuse himself from being a judge he's
not going to be impartial whatsoever on this and he's just spewing this garbage right and I'm just sitting there having
to listen to this like that's not right no that's not right no I know CBC said that but that's not right that's not
what happened right and obviously I don't have a voice I'm not able to speak we're just sitting there observing and
that's a hard thing to contain yourself as you just hear people lying about you right so there was another judge he seemed
impartial and um but didn't say much one way or the other and then there was another judge who got a little
emotional and and said uh he he made the statement at one point in time and he went off on a tangent on this and and um
he just said uh you know but by the grace of God go by um the jury had no
choice but to find this couple guilty based on the error in law and then he went into the case law on it and he he
expounded on it and he made the case very clear that this is a wrongful conviction based on
this the other judge not the central judge but the other judge who seemed impartial looks he's looking at it and
agrees says yeah that's right actually that is in line with the case law blah BL blah so we're thinking yes got it two
we need two out of the three judges to to be for us and we're off right so
we're thinking we got it so typically um they will render a decision
on that day or within a month and a half with so basically when you go in for an
appeal you can expect to hear a decision that day or within a month and a half after right that's the precedent that's
what's normal right now we'd already experienced abnormal in relation to the fact that you know the previous trial
was an absolute Gong Show and actually there was something unprecedented there as well um that I didn't mention that uh
to try to hold to the narrative that was so false the judge ordered that we have
to put up on all of our social media Pages his written decision even social media pages that we didn't own ourselves
personally but that were close at hand like my brother had one and he was operating it he was ordered to put it
onto his social media page the judge's decision to try to to to show that oh we were wrong right and the judge you know
obviously elaborated on all this you know one-sided garbage from the crown um
because ultimately he guided it to so we were found guilty so he wanted to establish that that was the case now that that's unheard of um that's that's
akin to back in like the 1800s if you were convicted of something you'd have to wear like this little Sandwich Board
type of thing on your um chest that said what you were convicted of as you're walking around the public right yeah
they got rid of that a long time ago but that so anyway this judge came under criticism from a lot of people within
the Law Society for what he had done there because he just opened another can of worms of saying like judge can say
that you have to post this type of stuff on your social media how can they do that right but that was the first of his kind in Canada so we'd already seen a
lot of unprecedented Stuff Plus the fact that rather than 18 months to hear appeal we're hearing it in like seven
eight months right so we're in the courts we don't hear a decision that day
from the appeal courts we think that we got two against one because the one was clearly biased he's not siding with anything in fact he just goes quiet when
the truth starts coming out in relation to case law and all that so we're thinking okay fine within a month and a
half we'll hear we don't hear anything all right you know summer rolls around don't hear
anything fall don't hear anything we finally get to November
15th um of 2017 and at this point in time uh call
it's pregnant again right and it's actually her due date okay so now we're
about to have her fifth child and it's her due date on that day and that was no secret right because we're going in to
see parole officers and stuff like that like every there there's nothing secret
going on in our life at this point in time right right nothing private I guess not secret but private even like we have
no privacy because we're constantly into the parole officer and having to update him and anytime that I want to go to BC
for work or whatever we've got got an issue there right where I have to get a a a permission slip so
um anyways we're now doing that or now we're sorry we're now it's it's now
November 15th and we get a phone call from our lawyers saying that they have a decision in and that we'll have it
um um or or it's supplied to us so we get it and we realize it's two to one
against us and so now I'm supposed to go back to jail I'm literally supposed to drive
myself right back to jail and um yeah um sorry I think we've kind of
I've jumped over some stuff we have some other stuff that we're g get to so I'm G to end off right there we're going to revisit some stuff and I'm going to
revisit back to um going back to
jail wow so yeah not only you have to wait eight months for that weight and then you hear back at the two to one
against and I guess um was the the house arrest back on for for
for kette as well like everything's supposed to be reinstated everything as as it was as soon as we hear that that
you know the appeal has been turned down two to one um I know during this time as
well like before getting there that there was a bunch of stuff as well that was starting to happen with true hope right so may 2016 I'm cancelled and then
in January of 2017 there was another attempt to have me cancelled um it didn't really work so
we're still like we're we're growing the business like throughout this whole time and I'm constantly getting permission
slips from the the probation officer or yeah probation officer um to to go out
to Province because I'm traveling and I'm still doing public presentations and I'm doing a lot of public presentations
and there's no issues I just had that one canceled um at chfa well there was
another one that happened this is this is interesting and this just started to show where the media was going with all
of this is that I went to go do a Public Presentation in Prince George
BC I had done two public presentations before that time there um one was in
hosted in the college and then another one was hosted at a different venue um actually within the store and so what
was interesting though is that this particular health food store that was hosting it a Maria um they were their
clientele were saying hey like is David Stefan coming back again like it was becoming kind of a tradition that it was early January that I would go there um
for the previous two years and so they had invited me out again so I said yeah absolutely I'll go
so um I fly in and I get my rental car
and I jump in I start it up and the radio's on I go to shut off the radio
and before I a chance to do so I I was sure I heard my name on the radio I thought why am I hearing my name and I'm
listening now fortunately I didn't shut you know like it was perfect timing right because had have been like 20 seconds later I might not have known
what was going on or 20 seconds earlier I would have just hit the power button right because I don't listen to the radio right but when you hear your name
on it you're you're thinking oh maybe I should listen so I did and it I start
hearing about this like major controversy and I'd heard nothing about this and this potential protest that's
going to happen in Prince George in front of this hell food store I'm I'm thinking what what has taken place here
like how did this just blow up heard nothing about it I mean I've been in communication with the health food store owner there's no
Rumblings Well turns out that uh you know some the media jumped on board including
CBC and they started to tell that there was going to be a protest to try to create a protest now what we were seeing
here is that the news wasn't reporting events they were trying to create
events and so they're talking about this big Uprising all this type of stuff
so you know I go and I meet with the the health food store owner the next day we spend the whole day together and we're
getting stuff set up or whatever and we're talking about you know potential issues right and how to deal with
it we get there um for the presentation
and you know there's a lot of people there nobody looks angry no issues no protest in front of
the store nothing nothing's going on okay well 5 minutes into the
presentation this older gentleman walks in and he's being trailed by the
media okay he sits in the back media is in the back media is now recording this
within the hell food store so then I get to the end of the presentation and now of course because
there's been a lot of news on me I talked about our court case to a degree and uh
and this gentleman at the end uh during question and answer period says you know what you know I heard your presentation
thank you for sharing Bel whatever um but you're talking about your court case and you know that just doesn't line up
with the transcripts I said oh really um now remember this is this is
what we're appealing we had just purchased a 3500 transcripts or 3500 pages of transcripts for approximately
$35,000 is what it cost just for that not not lawyers fees nothing just so now the system is really making a lot of
money off of us yeah um just having to to defend ourselves right so um so I
said to him oh the transcripts I said you have the transcripts he says yep I said you have all the transcripts yep I
said how did you get your hands on 3500 pages of transcripts that cost us
$35,000 are you kidding me and I said and what what what doesn't line up go ahead right and couldn't answer it right
no it just doesn't line up and you're making dub dubious claims about this and that whatever right and I'm like oh interesting okay now his language has
just shifted and it matches the exact same language that we see on websites like quackwatch attacking true hope like
interesting okay we got somebody here who is doing somebody else's bidding
right like he's he's it's it sounds like he's part of a network he's using the same verbiage and everything that we
that we've come against o over the years with this this particular group that's
trying to shut us down the group that wrote Pig pels Inc and everything right and
so he ends up uh leaving actually it was interesting because I had to try to shut down the the the the rest of the
audience they were enraged and they were going to take this guy and Lynch him now the media is recording this they're
recording the whole of it and now this is becoming newsworthy that the whole audience is turning on this guy and I'm
the one that's miked I've got I've got the the largest voice there right yeah and so I'm trying to suppress and just
say hey no no don't worry about it just like I'm I'm calming the audience down now and then I'm saying hey you know I went back there shook his head and said
hand and just said hey you know we can have a discussion later he leaves goes and does an interview with the media
media gets what they want and then they leave and they've got their story and it's a distorted story didn't show the
fact that everybody that was there was for me not against me and they're still trying
to spin this thing right and they're they're trying to set the stage for what would come down the road which I guess we'll talk about in a in a future
episode um but basically where um there was a real interesting concert concerted
effort to try to prevent me from having a voice and speaking about our gamechanging or life-changing
supplements so that was the first one where there was an issue now what's of interest is it was only a few days later
that I had a presentation just north of Prince George up in Dawson Creek BC and there wasn't any issues
none because the media wasn't aware of it and so the media wasn't aware of it
it's being advertised not obviously in the media but it's being advertised over social media and stuff I go to this
presentation and nothing not a concern crickets just
like the previous presentations that I've been doing from Summer of 2016 up until January of 2017 still no issues
I'm going to health shows right like Vancouver Health show November of 2016
I'm presenting there right I'm presenting at all these different places and there's still no issues but then all of a sudden Prince George CBC rears
their ugly head and uh and and including the local media there too and they they
make an attack and try to say that there's gonna be a protest why because they were hoping for a protest nobody showed up for the protest though right
like just just anyways so now we start to see the agenda here that the media has
that it's not necessarily about me it's about natural health and it's about attack in true
hope at that point and that they're merely exploiting my story and my son's story my son's death and putting a spin
on it so that they can try to incite vital from the general public against us
and have me basically muzzled and not allowing the the truth to come from you to speak
to people who you know if you if you speak to yourself you speak to another person for an hour on a topic such as
this that's got so much with it so much drama so much volatility you can't lie
about those types of things you know like the the authenticity the the the
fact that you'd be so genuine about it and if you're able to have an audience of you know 10 20 30 50 100 individuals
listening to that story then they they understand what actually really happened in that court and they understand which
narrative is true and which is not and they can't allow the the truth of the
situation to um take over the majority of opinion we're GNA we're going to see
in the I believe it's the next episode if not the one after but I think it's next episode we're going to see what you just discussed there uh really come to
to pass in relation to the Great Lengths uh or the great efforts that the
crown would go through to try to prevent me from being able to speak um when they yeah it's it makes
for really interesting story I mean it only gets better from here on out in in relation to the incredible amount of
drama and stuff like that um as well as the exposure of corruption and so we're going to see that emerge over the next
few episodes so I'm looking forward to to sharing that but uh so as to not uh create a spoiler um I won't mention
what's extremely relevant to what you just said there about them just trying to to completely eradicate my ability to
speak because when I speak I mean I'm speaking from the heart and I've got nothing to hide right like come and ask
the questions I've got I've i' I learned years ago many years ago that life is
just so much easier when you just speak the truth yeah and and live and that you conduct yourself in a way that you can
feel comfortable speaking the truth that you don't feel that you have something to hide that's incredibly liberating and
that I mean we are our greatest oppressors in relation to the fact that we we begin to hide stuff in our life
right and that we don't feel that we can just be open so we're always hiding something and it's it's a phenomenal source of Oppression within our own
minds that we live with day in and day out when we conduct ourselves that way and I've learned just scrap that like
don't live in such a way that you ever feel that you have anything to hide obviously yeah exercise prudence and you don't need to go sharing everything with
everybody and cing Pearls Before Swine but the fact of the matter is is that when I speak I think people pick up on
the fact that I'm just being authentic and that they can trust me and and the crown did not want me having a voice in
in this whole matter CBC was supposed to have the last word on what took place in the death of my son and that somehow he
was fed through an eye dropper and that we were trying to cure bacterial menitis with fruit and juice and smoothies laced
with horseradish and hot pepper and onion and all sorts stuff as if a child would drink a smoothie that had those
ingredients it just the whole thing is just so incredibly
tabloid and the fact that some people believed it I'm just shocked I'm just shocked like it just it just highlights
a lack of deductive reasoning you can't feed somebody through an eye dropper and you you're not going to feed a one and a halfy old a smoothie with hot peppers
garlic onion horseradish like it just doesn't work yeah sensationalized nonsense news and I think I mean this
would happened like 2016 2017 and we're seeing now that the
Legacy Media is dead it's dying it's like it's not it's not journalist it's not truth it's pure agenda and people it
might take them 10 years but they'll figure it out eventually that they're
being gaslighted and it's not truth and what we're seeing more and more now we're actually seeing the the the uh the
individuals who actually have integrity and courage and have that actual inkling
to be a journalist they are stepping out of the Legacy Media they're stepping into doing their own podcasts doing
their own shows um doing their own actual journalism rather than this yeah agender
based garbage which is just you know it's just poisoning the world and we're
seeing more and more you can't even call the Legacy Media mainstream anymore because there'll be there'll be individual people with YouTube channels
or you Rumble channels that do daily shows that get significant more views
than CBC CTV all these all these different Outlets so I think more and
more people are you know waking up to the fact that you know what they might see on the news I can't remember the last time I watched the news but yeah
it's it's just like the same repetitive fear-based propagandist nonsense and you
know who you why why would you even believe what's being said there and as to say more and more people within even
that industry are recognizing what a ridiculous fast what a ridiculous just
game it is and um yeah we're seeing more and more people creep out of that it you
know what's really been encouraging over the years here is to meet people that
have no idea who I am like no idea which is shocking like
with the amount of time that we've been in the media we thought everybody knew who we were but we've actually met people that
have no clue who we are no clue what's taking place and the only thing you can
conclude is you don't watch media you don't because if you did you would clearly know who I was you would have
had some emotional triggers take place for or against me and you would you would know the story and and and because
it's been an ongoing story for N9 years but really heated for five years right
in the media like it was pretty prevalent off and on like you know for a few months like just solid just right
and then you wouldn't hear about us for a couple months and then you'd hear an odd story here and then all of a sudden you know for another week it would be a
story like where constantly media is reporting but there's people out there that had no clue what we were who we
were or what our story was and that's just really refreshing to recognize that there's people out there just like us
that don't consume that I'm going to put it this way because it's more
fitting not so much pure agenda or agenda driven because it is but the the
proper term is the propaganda and the reason why it's propaganda is when you take a look at
who who's funding them largely I mean CBC is a crown owned organization and and they're they're getting funded by
taxpayers but they're getting funded by the taxpayers to deceive the taxpayers is really interesting right um I mean
the taxpayers are actually paying for their own demise right um as they're LED down the the Garden Path or LED like
lamps to the slaughter if you will and that's what CBC is doing but even the other media Outlets are receiving the
government bailouts the government they're all um indebted to the government they're all
enslaved to the government the government is their master and so if you want more bailouts you going to speak what you
want us to speak or you going to speak against us right so really we what we have in play here is all of the
media is beholden to the government and they need to speak what's government approved otherwise they may not get the
next bailout that's what we're dealing with right now and so that's why we see in this age now the last handful of
years where these media Outlets have gone from trying to report you know Fair
stuff somewhat I mean obviously they have to serve whoever their Master is which is the greatest advertisers or funders behind the scenes to now they
are full propaganda machines all of them and the problem is that most people are incapable of discerning that they're
propaganda machine because they're all speaking it so you know if CBC was an outlier and they were speaking one thing
whereas all the other outlets are speaking something else then you know you'd have you say wait wait a minute why is CBC so far off here like that's
that's incredible like they're they're covering it from a completely different angle that like they the government must be having their say through the fact
that they're a government corporation right a crown owned Corporation but when all of them are speaking the
same thing most people won't question it right they'll say oh it must be the truth they're all speaking it right
they're all speaking it but we even saw that with our court case where you could take all these different headlines all
these different video headlines and overlap them and it was the same word
for word narrative you know all of the us-based media Canadian based media we've got all this stuff and you just
like one after the next it's just these parrots just talking talking talking talking exact same script yeah they're
not independent there is no there is no journalism within within this these propaganda machines anymore it's just
scripts just scripts and and they're all given the same script and very rarely do they ever deviate from it even by a few
words it's it's phenomenal yeah all saying the same thing and I just think about the those compilations of news
stories in America where it's like no should you take the vaccine for covid-19
we'll come back here and after the break we'll tell you all about it sponsored by fizer sponsored by fizer yeah it's just
it's just incredible yeah if you're not aware to that then I don't know what you're doing on this on this planet but
we are going to finish up there thank you very much David that concluded part
five right so hold on so where did we finish we just okay so just so that we know what we're ending off on or
starting off on the next one yeah we just went through the appeal court right right and and we need a two: one
decision um on the 15th right or or no on the 15th of November this two to one
decision comes out but it's actually not for us it's against us that's right CBC does an article
right we do actually have we do have one article to share here yeah that's right they did an article and and okay yeah
sorry sorry there was a loose end there I was trying to think I parked it before we jumped into the end because I know I got ahead of myself myself there um
before we get into the next episode but yeah so we get a two to1 decision against us on the 15th on colet's due date and I'm
supposed to drive myself into jail and so I just said no you know what I'm not driving myself into jail I'm not going to jail today right I'm thinking they're
gonna have to come get me right and so rather than driving myself into jail I
went and wrote an article a scathing article and posted online
to ensure that people knew what my stance was and the fact that it's so convenient that on Colette's due date
that they bring this decision forward and I'm supposed to go back to jail so that I can't witness the birth of what would end up being my first daughter and
so I'm like I'm not going to jail you want me in jail you come and get me right in essence like that's that's the
way it's going to go and so
um yeah anyways CBC covered it and they actually they were dumb enough to actually link directly to my Facebook
page and my following skyrocketed so the amount of people that that had the ability to see the truth after that
point in time was phenomenal CBC would never make that mistake again um and and
I just said you know I talked I I it was scathing against the Judiciary I just said there is no room for truth no room
for love any of this within or no room for justice within the courts and it was
bang on and and and sadly a lot of people resonated with that because they recognize the same corruption within the
Judiciary so now I'm supposed to go back to jail I write that post and I guess
that's where we end off because we're going to find out uh whether they came and got me or what in in the next
episode right that's right perfect yeah that's a great place to segue into part
six which will be be with you guys next week but uh thank you so much David for
uh coming in and sharing that wild again wild story with a lot of emotional
context in there as well thank you for that thank you salmon looking forward to
the next episode yeah absolutely yes that's part five finished up of the true he family files you guys have got
episode six seven and eight to come uh thanks again David we're gonna be back with part six next week which is titled
media gangstalking and Rook the crook and be sure to leave us a review on
iTunes you can give us a star review on Spotify as well and be sure to share this episode with friends and family but
that is it from us we'll see you next