Guest Episode
April 18, 2024
Episode 147:
Truehope Family Files Part 3 - Tragedy Strikes Again
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After a dispute with Health Canada, another tragedy occurs in the Stephan family.
Tragedy Strikes Again
hello there and welcome to the special episode of True Hope cast the official podcast of true hope Canada this is the
third episode in a series of eight where Mr David Stefan VP of true hope Canada
and I take you on a step-by-step journey through this company's incredible
history I want you to please note that this episode is quite lengthy it's comprehensive it's detailed so you may
want to consider breaking it down into two three or even four sessions but please sit back relax enjoy the true
Hope Family files part three tragedy strikes again enjoy the show millions of
Canadians do it every day take some sort of Natural Health product in fact close to three4 of us take vitamins but some
fear their access to supplements and minerals could be restricted if the Harper government passes Bill c-51 AS
Global zel Sweeney explains many wonder if government regulations is really the right
remedy people who take their vitamins minerals and health food supplements and take them seriously are now taking
on the federal government telling the government to keep its hands off their health and we
want our health care products we want Natural Health Care hundreds rallied and
marched in Toronto in Edmonton and Vancouver to fight Federal legislation called bill c-51 that would put new
regulations on health supplements an example things like vitamin C and things like cod liver oil uh things that that
are that are readily available in stores at the moment will become unavailable and available by prescription only they
say the government's bill is not clear but fear that it would mean Canadians have to go to a doctor to get a
prescription for vitamins and buy them at a drugstore you know digestive
enzymes um sort of like parasite and yeast like liver detox Angela chali is a
naturopathic doctor who probably wouldn't be able to write those prescriptions she says the bill would
restrict Health supplements for a lot of people who rely on them for preventative measures for treatment measures they
often fill in the gaps where you know a pharmaceutical may not be helping and
opponents of the legislation suspect there's another agenda going on they say it could give drug companies control of
a booming vitamin and supplement Market worth around $2 billion a year federal
health Minister Tony Clement says his legislation is just trying to protect Canadians he says it will weed out what
he calls the bad guys in the industry and says other Natural Health products are going to thrive but the people who
rely on that industry say natural remedies have been working for hundreds and even thousands of years and don't
need the government control Al Sweeny Global News
Toronto okay hi everybody welcome back to the true Hope Family files an eight-part special series here on true
Hope cast the official podcast of of true hope Canada last week in part two
we titled it the heavy hand of Health Canada today we jump into part three tragedy strikes again if you've yet to
listen to part one and part two I highly suggest you do that so you can get up to speed and continue on this journey with
us but we've got Mr David Stefan back with us again and he's going to take us through the incredible details of this
true hope story good afternoon David how are you I'm doing well thank you Simon how are you doing I am wonderful yeah
I'm excited to get back into back into the story back into the true Hope Family files here and as we finished off part
two discussing bill c51 and the attempt of Health Canada to establish quite
Draconian Powers within the natural heal food industry and we just saw a c a two- minute clip there of um of protesters
not too happy with that decision do you think you can perhaps reintroduce this this this to us as we go from part two
into part three as a little bit of a segue absolutely so last week we ended off on talking about how there was
protests across the country in every major city really about this bill c51
that was really going to give Health Canada some significant Draconian powers to basically decimate the Natural Health
industry now many people are saying well they won't really do that but unfortunately we already had other
countries to model after to look at what had happened there including Australia New Zealand and the crisis that they
were in at that point in time with with their natural health industry I think things have kind of turned around um due
to pressure I haven't kept my thumb on the pulse there but I I do know there was a time when you would go into a
health food store in Australia and you would find Barron shelves because there just wasn't pro products available and
so the industry was really concerned about it going the same way and they were writing into legislation all the
powers that they would have needed to make that happen and you don't ask for the keys for a Ferrari unless you're want to drive it and so the government
was asking for all these powers or basically demanding them saying trying to push them through Parliament so they
could use them not so that they had them at access you know when something happened that they maybe perhaps wanted
them no they were planning to use that power to do something and really the
only Power that or the only thing that it would have allowed them to do was legitimately decimate the Natural Health
industry in relation to anything that was deemed therapeutic it would become licensable so uh this would have
actually even affected just you know everyday individuals who are growing
garlic in their garden and all of a sudden Garlic's deemed a therapeutic because why it's therapeutic and all of
a sudden it now becomes a licensable um product that the seeds would have to require license that you may have to
even end up with a license to grow it in your garden right or that it's just removed from the market because well
it's a therapeutic so now it's under a different classification there basically it was so ambiguous in relation to how
it was drafted up that it would have granted them the ability to do all sorts of incredibly Draconian things and they
would have had the authority to do it um including like raids on domiciles and all that type of stuff which we were
already understanding that they had done that a few times previous and now they were just looking to write it into law
so that they could do it more so so there were some concerns there unbelievable yeah and I I remember
reading Shan Buckley's discussion paper a couple of years back to discussing um
new bills coming in in 2024 and He was discussing the fact that 80% of
Canadians use Natural Health Products which is an incredibly large amount of individuals and I would I would argue
that that number is more towards 90% now considering we've seen you know medical
interventions push pushed on the public that have caused you know lots of lots of serious conditions and illnesses for
a lot of people pushing people more towards a um natural approach rather than having to
rely on pharmaceutical medication so it's very interesting just doing that video which was from when was that video
from that we just saw that would have been from 2008 when Bill c-51 was um
when the protests were at the at the height of at the height of the protest which was 2008 and it would have been
around that same time shortly after that video that we watched that news clip that um that they would have uh scrapped
the bill um we were fortunately Victorious but there were some things that that were concerning that led up to
us being Victorious it was no small battle by any means outside of the Natural Health Community as well as
within the Natural Health Community which is interesting because you think that you would have found a unified front in the Natural Health Community it
wasn't there it wasn't to be found yeah quite remarkable scenes um
that we've certainly seen over the last few years when it comes to choice and
Natural Health Products aside there's been many other conflicts that we've seen that that people have people have been put under a
lot of pressure when it comes to their their ability to make decisions for themselves for their families and I think during that two-minute
video the news reporter alluded to the fact that the Natural Health industry is worth two like two billion
dollars annually and this is this is many years ago so it's has to be more and more now and at the end of the death
I think if you think of it from a business standpoint from from Big farmer that's money that could be in their
pocket whether that's 10% of that two billion 50% of that two billion 100% of that two billion people are going to the
health natural health food stores rather than going to the doctor and get a prescription and that's you know has to be seen as competition and we absolutely
know about the pressures from these types of Industries to government to
therefore put in legislations and bills that forces the hands of a lot of of
these alternative natural health companies so it's really quite a um Insidious dark pressure that it comes
from a lot of people might just stop and think oh it's just the government who are doing these things sure they're enforcing it but like where are these
incentives coming from where are these pressures coming from you know what's the what's the real game that's a foot
well I I think we need to look at it from a broader perspective too I mean you talk about you know let's say let's say hypothetically that you know the
Natural Health industry in Canada is four or five billion now you know factoring in inflation and all that type
of stuff as well as the growth that has taken place as people have been seeing what's taking place within allopathic
medicine and naturally being turned away from it and wanting to take control of their health more Empower themselves by
you know you know grabbing the bulll by the horns if you will and saying hey this my body I'm going to take control of it I'm G to make sure you know like
I've got the the biggest vested interest in being healthy I'm going to get Natural Health Products rather than you
know trusting what my doctor had to say so let let's say that much larger now you're you you alluded to that
particular portion uh let's say it's 5 billion that you know the pharmaceutical
industry is maybe looking at that and saying we want a portion of that it goes beyond that the because when it stands
at competition when the Natural Health Community stands at competition with the pharmaceutical industry it isn't just
that the pharmaceutical industry is maybe losing five billion billion dollar profit to the Natural Health Community
the profits don't align at all not not one bit because let's say that somebody was consuming EMP Power Plus and as such
they're feeling wonderful they once were played let's say with bipolar disorder but now they're feeling really great and
they don't need medications and they're living life the way they want to and it's costing them about you know $60 to
$70 per month like that's that's pretty minimal what that actually equates to if
you were to remove M Power Plus from the market and people didn't feel that they had another alternative so instead they
go get on a bottle of paxel let's say well the cost of that is going to be
more like $300 per month so even though you H
because it's patented and because it's it's subsidized it's socialized medicine uh here in Canada and so it's not going
to cost the individual $300 per month right or 350 or whatever I don't know what it is now I I remember the original
breakdown years ago this is well over a decade ago that you know it was costing them Like Dimes to make this stuff and
yet legitimately it's being sold for over $300 per bottle right and so you've got this major you know profit margin
there and so extremely profitable and so now when you have somebody who is doing
something natural versus allopathic it's a significant profit
loss that that 5 billion let's say if that's what it was for the Natural Health Community if you were able to
shift everybody over from the Natural Health Community over to allopathic medicine that 5 billion would translate
to more like you know 25 billion 50 billion something like that something
significant because the astronomical cost difference in relation to the medicine that's coming through allopathy
versus the counterpart that you would find within nature that is not patentable is coming at a signif ific
reduced cost so it's not you know if it was two billion back then it's not two billion they're looking at they're
looking at it if we were to translate in that into the the profits if they were
taking pharmaceutical medications it skyrockets that profit margin like it it or profitability overall it's not two
billion it is like way more like you know five 10 times the amount yeah so
it's so they're they're seeing it through a little bit different a different lens that uh when they're
coveting the um the profits they're not coveting the profits per se they're covering coveting
the clients and those clients are going to end up on much more costly medicine
because it's patented and because they can get away with it because it's socialized and monopolized through the government absolutely and when you're
looking at a natural health product I think there are many examples where you can actually
prevent treat and heal a lot of disorders but when you're looking at a
pharmaceutical medications somebody who's on one for a long period of time we all know they come with side effects
which is likely going to lead to other medications which is just like more products on more products and I guess
being you know Executives and pharmaceutical industry they have to recognize that the majority of customers
people on drugs are going to end up being on two three four maybe even five
in some cases I I don't know what the average amount of pharmaceuticals let's say a 75y old person takes in can these
days but it has to be more than two or three to deal with the side effects of being on these drugs for probably a couple of decades so yeah it's yeah you
say bigger picture stuff it's a lot of money um there's a lot of interest there's a lot of pressures coming from
from all angles and that's why we see governments attempting to push through legislation that we really when
you look at the grand scheme of things like it's not it's not serving the people it's not serving their interests their freedoms their ability to make
choices for themselves you know before 2004 there weren't any natural health regulations and there weren't there
weren't bodies piled up in natural health food stores you know it was the Wild West out there and I know Sean Buckley talks a lot about that as well
in with his work with the nhpa but let's continue on this timeline here so we're
we're into 2008 now and what's going on with true hope and you can probably slip
that into what's going on with with um bill c-51 as well yeah absolutely so so
trop is thriving we had just come out of the court case two years before that you know we were kind of kind of
experiencing a sense of Peace except for the fact that we were proactively pursuing um a lawsuit against Health
Canada for what health Canada done to the Canadian public um in their dangerous uh Reckless acts if you will U
that ultimately caused suicides that we had covered back in episode two they literally killed people um and they knew
that they were going to cause harm and even death in what they were doing but they did it anyways uh to try to fulfill
their agenda so uh we're doing well at true hope but we are taking Health
Canada to task at this point in time we have Bill C c-51 emerg and I know last time we ended off on a bit of a
cliffhanger talking about that there was infiltrators within the Natural Health Community that were actually working
actively against us um in relation to raising the alarm around bill c-51 in
relation to helping to incite protests all across Canada um what you'll find common play or common theme throughout
the entirety of of the protest when you look at there's dozens of news Clips out there that show what was taking place
with those protests in different cities you're going to see the same common branding you're going to see the stop sign stop c-51 true Hope was responsible
for bringing that about when we discovered what was taking place uh my father called a late night meeting um
all the executive staff got together for True hope uh arrived at head office probably around 11 o'clockish by the
time 4:00 in the morning rolls around we're all dispersing after we had come up with a game plan as to how each of us
in our perspective roles would be able to to help uh contribute to this battle and um and so we took this seriously and
um I ended up uh doing video work and managing the social media to get it out
there as to what was taking place social media was a little bit of a newer entity back then um so I was getting my feet
wet with uh my first social media project at that point in time and um and
so that that's what we were doing we were taking it very serious but we had a lot of people opposing us and all of a sudden you know out of the most unlikely
places we would never have expected it to be within the the ranks of the Natural Health Community itself but all
of a sudden we see this concerted effort to sideline us to sideline what we were
doing and to shift the message that no we don't need to stop Bill c-51 no we don't need to get rid of it let's amend
it let's amend it really passive you know like let let's just cater to what
they're doing but let's just get them to shift some of the wording in it because you know we need this
and we're saying wait a minute no no no no no you you you give them an in so they're going to take a mile like you
just you just don't open that door don't do it we've already catered to their 2004 Natural Health product regulations
which was against all of the recommendations that were made within Parliament uh within the community that
was established in years previous to that um and so Health Canada was still operating outside of um what was being
recommended through the MPS which was ultimately coming from feedback from the Canadian public so Health Canada was out
of line already that they were not representing the needs and desires of the Canadian populace and so we weren't
going to let you know cave more to what they were wanting that now they're not asking for even more power because as if
they didn't get enough in 2004 which ultimately led to the the removal of of a lot of products which we we will get
to over time um but Canadians don't have access to nearly the amount of Natural Health Products that they once would
have had had available available to them on the food store shelves um it's been a slow fade it's taken place over the last
decade and a half but literally like a fraction of the amount and so what we found is that the Canadian
Health Food Association the chfa they run the two biggest trade shows in all
of Canada they run the two biggest trade shows for the Natural Health Community
where you'll have all of the vendors will come all the manufacturers and they'll they'll set up the booth you're
going to have all the health food stores come in and you're going to have other manufacturers involved in that as well
going around to you know the product manufacturers soliciting you know their their um what they do you know what
services they have to offer with with manufacturing vitamins minerals whatever whatever right and so you have this big
conglomeration thousands and thousands of people get together in the Vancouver Trade Center um uh not Trade Center the
um Convention Center as well as in Toronto as well the two largest shows that happen in Canada every year now
this organization is supposed to be protecting the Natural Health Community from Health Canada so they're
kind of like the middleman that represents they almost like an elected official if you will they're supposed to
be representing the Natural Health Community and going to health Canada and saying look no we're not going to stand
for this and so basically they're they're getting all this membership money to protect their members well what
we found is that they were the ones that came out with this whole plan and they actually stole our marketing all of the
stuff that we had done and and tried to hijack it and all of a you see stop signs that say rather than stop it says
amend like that doesn't make sense yeah sure it's somewhat close to the French word arett right like no it's not starts
with an A that's the only the only thing so it made no sense all a you have amend on a stop sign and it says amend c-51 so
they literally you know when you glance at it it had the same branding that we had established but yet it has a shift
message so they were literally trying to take all of the people that we had convinced that this is really bad get
rid of it and they were trying to take them and sideline them and basically make it look like oh oh it's not stop
it's amend and sideline them into a different message a different mode of action that was ultimately going to
allow Health candada to still have these Powers but just you know some of the verbage would be changed or removed well
there was an individual in organization and I would list his name except he wants to remain anonymous and I don't blame him that did some digging and he
dug into this and what he found is that Agri Food Canada another government
organization um closely related to health Canada had been funding the chfa
through the back door to the tune of um the numbers very now I mean we're we're 16 years out from this now but my
recollection is is that it was 34 of a million dollars the number I received the other day when I was following up
with this was about a million and a half um I'm going to go with the more conservative um number and based on my
memory my memory is typically pretty good that it was about three4 of a million dollars had been back doored to
the chfa through Agra Food Canada and so here they're receiving
money from government but yet they're supposed to be protecting the industry from government and so this information
is released um we go public on it and literally um within a very short
period of time after this uh this Scandal uh was was you know the lid was popped off the Scandal uh Penny morett
the president of the chfa uh stepped down resigned um over the whole catastrophe because they'd been caught
with their pants down they had been caught with the fact that they were in bed with the government that they were supposed to be protecting the whole
industry from and so here you have this organization that's displaying elements of corruption
that they're they're playing both sides of the fence and they can only serve one master and if they're getting a bunch of
money from the industry from the Natural Health Community but yet they're also getting money from the government and
it's maybe a little bit more promising a little easier to get that money from the government who are you going to serve so
what we see is this dumbed down message where they literally are trying to dissuade the whole
industry from following in in in step with true hope because we were the ones leading the charge and to turn their
backs on us they were we we had been listed as radicals we were way out there you know we're just you know don't don't
align with them align with us and they had all of the major players on board we see a live magazine publishing um
articles on it and and advertisements a men c51 we started seeing our marketing
material our branded marketing material but with aend um as backdrops um in in
the health food stores behind the desk and stuff like that they basically turned the whole industry on us there
was very few that were willing to take the Bold stand but fortunately um we had already we had to head start because we
were the first to alarm the industry of what was going on and as such we were able to have success but we got to see
that there were some dirty players some plants if you will or infiltrators in the Natural Health Community that were
there to basically Point people in the wrong direction and we still see the same thing today which Sean speaks about
I've spoken about in relation to chfa as well we W want to fast forward their yet because that's I think episode8 that
we're going to cover that maybe that's episode seven one of the two but um we I'm sure we'll be covering that but we
got to see back then that those that were supposed to be protecting us were
actually working against us and trying to dumb down everybody that would be
affected by this really terrible legislation and to get them to just readily accept it with some minor
changes yeah I think the chfa that it's a very interesting organization which I believe would have been um founded with
very very good intention but we see these like middle organizations between the government and the
people often captured in many many different Industries and you know obviously money talks and there's actual
evidence of this money coming from from the government to into this organization which would obviously highly conflicting
and chfa so much um impact within the industry so much trust has been built up
because there is a lot of amazing individuals within the Natural Health Community you know a lot of wonderful
trusting individuals and the actions are just incredibly suspicious from the chfa and yeah we'll get into it in future
episodes but we're seeing still today in 2024 and if that organization there
being that middleman between the government and the people is there to protect the individuals and give the individuals maximum opportunity to
choose natural options for their health but these regulations back even back
then which just would be absolutely disastrous for the whole industry you know even just even with minor tweaks or
amendments to what's being proposed it's such a um controversial weak stance to
take against the tyrannical regime so just just scre I'm so skeptical about
their intentions and um yeah it's quite wild that yeah even in 2024 we're still
we're still seeing them having this huge impact we've seen that they've received funding from you
know the primary agency that they're supposed to be let's just
say supposed to be combative with to protect protect the people yeah yeah and
and had this had this legislation gone through back in 2008 I promise you this
and this this is what every Canadian needs to be aware of is that we would be looking at an entirely different
landscape in relation to the Natural Health industry that's in Canada right now oh yeah and it would be very very
dismal so if you you know the audience watching this if you consume Natural
Health Products today um you need to be grateful for the fact that there was a lot of Warriors that were still willing
to take a stand and that there was organizers like we see Brett HW there and he's still a fantastic Warrior um he
was in that news clip there and his voice is just so distinct like I've done podcasts with them in the past um been
in meetings with them and stuff like that and and uh you know as soon as I hear his voice even though he's not visually represented in the video yet
you know it's him but you know people like him and and others across Canada that were willing to organize these
protests and to take this bold stand because had that not taken place had the
alarm not been sounded we would be in a much different situation today and you might not be enjoying the Natural Health
Products that you have access to today so it's really we need to put that in
context here that there has been a vested interest from the powers that be
to remove access to supplements that would Empower you they really what
they're looking to do is remove choice that you can Empower yourself but rather you're no longer empowered you have to
go to the doctor if you have some manifestation of disease that's your only option and that's been you know
part of the agenda since day one of Rockefeller medicine coming out um back in the earlier 1900s
and uh we saw that uh they decimated Homeopathy they decimated naturopathy back then and it wouldn't be till you
know like the '90s that that actually started to make a comeback but they literally decimated the only thing that actually Survived The Purge initially
was Chiropractic but it still came under Fire yeah it's still under Fire today if you go and do some searches online
you're gonna find all sorts of um uh quackery sites uh citing Chiropractic as
quackery well it's pretty tangible you go in maybe sometimes you're feeling garage you come out you feel pretty good
can't chalk that all up to Placebo there were some legitimate physical adjustments taken place there to to
incite that that you know um reinvigoration if you will so absolutely
so yeah we come do we come a little bit further forward in the story now like bc51 was was scrapped that was a a
victory back then was we're we're seeing uh the battle resuming today but that
will be for a future episode where are we in in regards to True hope in the
20089 10 era yeah so you know we're we're still fighting the battle um we we
consider that a victory the fact that they scra that bill they actually tried to resurrect it again under Bill C6 I
think in the next um because parlament was pred so the whole thing got you know disappeared they brought it back it got
scrapped um which was a good thing so there was actually a couple battlefronts there um a little bit of a tumultuous
time but then you know we get into a peaceful situation where it's
okay there's no battles to be fought other than we're going to continue to to fight you know or or to pursue this
lawsuit uh the initial lawsuit was lost um there was some real corruption
associated with that court case uh like significantly actually uh Sean Buckley
is representing um I'm sure he could comment on it to a much greater degree than than I'm able to U but let's just
say that I think it left him shooken if you will um in relation to what was taking place in the Judiciary and the
and the the grand level of corruption there uh to allow for health Canada to get away with uh these egregious actions
that legitimately caused or cost Canadians their lives they lit like
anybody else would have been charged criminally for criminal negligence resulting in death um for doing what
health Canada did and yet no criminal uh charges against any of the agents
um no successful lawsuits and so they were able to get away with it but it got it became more egregious we appealed it
and then the appeal was lost and then to boot to add insult to injury then we
were stuck with paying a portion of Health Canada's legal fees so we got
stuck with $150,000 bill on top of the fact that we had just spent all this time and money
and resources fighting on behalf of the Canadian public to ensure that Health Canada wasn't able to go and kill people
anymore um without being held accountable and so now we're stuck with the bill and so my my dad pushed that
back and paid it off as slowly as possible um I mean if if he could have gotten away with it he would have just
you know I'm sure you know lock a better well he would have stuck it to them and just said go away right like you guys
are criminals including the Judiciary those who were involved in allowing this
egregious action to take place because it was a very strong case very strong lawsuit um we had we had legal standing
and we had a a clear-cut case and yet we were sidelined and all to protect Health
Canada and to protect the agents so they can continue to feel protected in harming Canadians right when in reality
you think that Health Canada agents would be there to look out for the health of Canadians and so we're stuck
with the $150,000 bill and uh we're just we're just left
shaking our head saying wow this is so so incredibly dirty like so
dirty yeah just the fact that Health Canada knew 100% that stopping this
product from getting into the hands and bodies of of Canadians was going to end
some of their lives is just it's just unbelievable to think that the Judiciary
System would not take action against against that it's you know it's
obviously they're trying to take care of their own and not turn this into a huge big theme because obviously if the if
the the result of that case would have gone the other way and health Canada were like hugely liable for these actions then this would be this would be
Global News it would be absolutely huge and I I'm convinced that they had those
conversations that if this was to go that way this would happen and heal Canada and the large govern
there was quite a symbiotic relationship there if you will where they there was a balance brought and and whatnot so that
you know David Hardy would sometimes you know re my father in a little bit slow him down my father would have to you know drag him along sometimes say let's
get let's do this right and hence why you know I mentioned uh last episode about the phone calls that had been made
um to health Canada agents when we were when we found out that they were going to drop the charges my father made phone
calls saying hey we're really excited you guys are dropping the charges um because he didn't want to drop the
charges by the way he wanted to take this to court but he said hey we're excited to that you're dropping the charges because we're going to sue you
personally as soon as we're out of court as soon as all is done we're suing you personally and so he did that with all
the health can and the Agents that were involved with the this uh egregious actions against the Canadians and um
what it caused Health Canada to do was not drop the charges and they were going to continue to come out come out us because you know they're damned if they
do damned if they don't they might as well proceed forward and avoid the personal lawsuits cuz if they won then
there's no grounds for lawsuits because it shows that we were in the wrong in the first place how can you sue somebody
an agent for acting appropriately right but they didn't win so that's why then the lawsuit continued on so uh David
Hardy was not aware of those phone calls that were going to be made because he was really quite happy over the fact that the charges were going to be
dropped whereas my father said no we have to let this go to court this has we have to have our day in court and so but
there was balance aside from that but sometimes you know certain things that that had to take place to to guide the course and so by 2011 there was enough
of a a Chasm between them in relation to what the vision and mission of of the
whole company the the whole how how we operated um everything uh there was there was conflict as to who we should
be catering to um what what was our mission what what we should actually be doing who we should be helping that type
of thing and as such a split took place um where David Hardy and uh and his sons
and um whoever was involved with that aspect of business would go and attempt to um become more corporate if you will
where they would now cater to dealing with large corporations and helping us
you know kind of going into the HR program in getting supplements into very very large M multinational corporations
to uh you know increase the cognition uh and performance of their staff which
is really a sound it's a nice business model especially given the studies that we have sure that show that you take Empower plus and you generally become
smarter your brain starts to work better you're not clouded with all of these emotional issues with these mood you
know with mood disregulation and all that type of stuff all of a sudden you're operating at a higher level and
so it would make sense from a business standpoint I know if I was running a large organization I would be making
sure that that you know based on the knowledge I have that all my staff would be getting the Empower plus even though
we're paying for it as an organization they're the benefactors in their personal lives we're the benefactors in
their increased import uh performance and so that's actually you know as you're well aware you know working with
me that we actually do Supply our own staff with product uh free of charge why
so that they're healthier so they do better so they have their own personal stories to tell about it as they're they're working in their respective
roles within true hope but also so that they perform better so really us giving
that gift we're actually the benefactors as well as them we're joint benefactors
in the fact that we're supplying that so that's where they wanted to go my father wasn't really wanting to
divest from what we had been doing traditionally in relation to you know
specifically working with uh individuals broken individuals broken families like
what our family had gone through and that's really where my dad's heart was that that's where a lot of us as a
family that's where our hearts were because we went to it personally right our mother took her life right out of
all the siblings nine siblings here um or sorry eight of my siblings right um
so nine of us total we lost a mother and we lost her to Suicide we lost our grandfather we lost him to Suicide um we
ourselves were struggling with mental health conditions no longer were we struggling with that so that's really where our hearts were was to help the
end user that you know your your everyday individual right uh rather than
just specifying our actions towards helping people increase their cognition within a corporate setting right so
there was a there was a separation that took place um that eventually uh over the months would end up in a full
division of the business and so we kept the true hope brand we kept the original products and they went on to
reformulate so that point in time you end up with two entities you end up with true hope maintaining you know the
intellectual property on on on all the products that we already had and then they went on and reformulated um their
own products and all that type of stuff and um you know went went down the road that they're they're going down right
and so there's a split and as such there's major uh shifting taking place
in the business we had been establishing at that point in time the retail
division which is all the bottles that you see uh behind me here um the retail
division that was going to then start working through health food stores because at this point in time we weren't working through health food stores in
fact a lot of the battles that we had taken on in the previous decade um like
the the bill c51 wasn't going to negatively impact us as much as it would the standard manufacturer out there and
the standard health food store owner and we had no business with them like legitimately we had no business with
them we were selling direct a consumer out of the states and so as long as the product was allowed to flow across the border still there was no issue for us
but we just saw what was going to take place in relation to the removal of Rights and so we took a stand for it um
because we had already had our rights compromised in the past and we we we had no tolerance for it if you will but now
here we are uh you know 2010 2011 we're starting to to lay the groundwork for
the retail division to get it into health food stores by 2011 we're starting to rule it out so that's when I
started traveling um initially I was playing a couple roles uh because at that point in
time I had been um uh you know doing uh marketing um sales training and that
type of thing within head office I shifted roles I've been doing video work for many years at that point in time and
I thought you know what I need to get back into a sales role I need to to I need to you know talk with people I need
to work with people rather than work behind a computer or or find myself behind a camera right so I I started to
to play that role for a few years at that point in time and so I started to play a dual role where I had a
an office out of head office um for you know overseeing all the marketing which
at that point in time we hadn't really been doing any marketing there was no marketing department until I established it in I think 2009 or 2010 I established
a marketing department up until and we had no marketing department everything that all
of our business all the advertising was done over the fact that the news would cover us every time a new study would
come out they would cover it and so all of a our we're getting a bunch of an influx of people phoning us or the
Discovery Health documentary which came out in September of 2002 that was put into 50 different countries translated
into multiple languages that was really our marketing and it wasn't ours it was
merely the news and uh broadcasting companies sharing this incredible
Discovery but unfortunately a documentary only has a certain shelf life eventually it wears off and they
they stop playing it and unfortunately um things would begin to
shift with the news as well at around the year 2010 so at that point in time I'm
playing two roles I'm traveling as well as I'm in head office when I'm not traveling and um and so it was kind of
kind of a fun little you know one leg on each side of the fence working with corporate uh chop corporate as well as
the retail division as we you know we're seeing if it's even viable to get it out there and obviously as you can see today
um it is viable and we've got you know six products now six life-changing products that are available in retail
stores um and eventually we're going to continue to roll out more but not too many more only the ones that are the
most potent and uh life-changing but it was a real interesting time if you will
a lot of shifts um a lot of tumult um really a a Reformation if you will being
that we just lost you know half of our team players um to um Hardy nutritionals
being established yeah it's an interesting split that the company took and I totally understand
Anthony's perspective and what on going forward and where his mission and his his goals come from obviously from the
from the tragic beginnings of true hope and how David Hardy wanted to take in a different direction I think that there's
probably a very healthy split between the two of them and they had such a great relationship um and very
interesting that like before you true hope even had a marketing department all
the marketing was done by the media who was clearly interested in these wonderful wonderful um studies and
research and stories of people taking Empower plus and recovering from very
very serious conditions because that's unbelievably newsworthy and then yeah you say 2010 something shifted within
the media and the studies weren't being um publicized on the TV anymore
researchers weren't being interviewed very very interesting how how and why that that shift happened
and it's 2012 when a a really great um study comes out from the University of
Canterbury which I'll bring up now for you if you want to take us through this this is this is this is research done on
um PTSD and earthquake survivors which is very interesting I'm just going to
bring this up now for those who are watching you'll be able to see
this it's titled shaken but unred yeah David if you want to take us through this a little bit this research paper
which um yeah as I said was done by I think the lead researcher there is Julia
rage and um yeah don't take us through this yeah so this is an interesting one it's it's a first of a of its kind study
um and the reason being is that you can't so easily predict when an earthquake is going to happen and it
takes time typically for all the protocols to be established for a study getting all the resources available and
so this really happened kind of serendipitously if you will that Jia ruckledge out of uh the University of
Canterbury out of Christ Church New Zealand was getting ready to do a double blind control trial on the Empire
plus when the earthquake happened in February of 2011 if I recall appropriately and now this was a
devastating earthquake many people remember this especially if you lived in New Zealand you would have remembered this especially if you lived in Christ
Church um it devastated the place there was a lot of uh destroyed infrastructure
uh there was nobody that city that was left unaffected it impacted every
everybody in in so many aspects of life and now it wasn't just a single
earthquake though because the problem is is that it was almost every day thereafter for quite some time there was
aftershocks tremors so now imagine this imagine you just went through a traumatic event that literally like just
tore down buildings around you and stuff like that and you survive it but your life is just like broken in a sense and
everybody having to find themselves in a rebuilding state so you have the initial trauma but then imagine you have that
reminder every day and you're thinking my golly like is this going to be the next earthquake and and then there was
there was another one not not too terribly long after another about 7.0 and so now they're living in this
situation where it's just like continual reminder of Devastation and on edge of
thinking is there going to be a bigger one that's just going to just finish everything off right and so this is a
situation that a lot of people are living in right according to Julia ruckl she's talking about it she's living there she's living it herself so she has
a study ready to go so what she does is she has all the protocols everything in place ready to execute the study she
morphs it she shifts it over to be uh a post- earthquake study to study the
effects that nutrition has on people that have just gone through um a cataclysmic event right to see how they
do if on nutrition versus not on nutrition and what she found was really astounding right just to kind of sum it
up to break it down um those that were on the uh the the Empower plus uh found
that they had far less stress less anxiety less depression all these things that would naturally accompany this type
of situation they did much better than those that didn't have the empow plus um
and then I believe she did a comparative analysis in in this particular study where she used another product that was
coming from bear uh bear you know Pharmaceuticals well they had purchased this multivitamin uh supplement um
called baroka and the baroka uh was already proven to be quite beneficial
for stress so she had access to that so she was studying some people on that
particular supplement um and bear had actually come out with the statement
saying out of everything we have like this is our most effective treatment for stress and it's multivitamin mineral and
here bear has all of these Pharmaceuticals available and yet um their multivitamin is is the best and so
she did a comparison and what she found is that while people were in the study they were more than twice as likely to
report the positive findings on the Empower Plus versus the Bears baroka and then after the study and this is a huge
telling Factor right here that those that were on the empow plus were five times more likely to continue taking the
ow Plus versus those that were on the Bears baroka now that tells you something because now they're purchasing
out of pocket they're continuing on with it after the fact and so they clearly
observed the um significant life changes from taking the empow plus through um
the rebuilding stages after a traumatic event and so really quite a phenomenal
study if you will that should have generated the attention of a lot of people and it's a very incredible study
um and then it would be replicated a couple years later out of high river in relation to a flood that took place well
here's what's interesting the study comes out it's the biggest best study
that that has now been done on Empower plus we're excited about it and traditionally the media had always
covered this type of stuff like you know previous to that in the late 2000s they come out you see you know um you know
people you know suffering with autism now have you know New Hope type of thing like talking about the headlines like
this right talking about the research that was done on Empower plus well all we hear is
crickets nobody's willing to pick it up and this is where gets interesting nobody's willing to pick it up nobody
seems to want to pick it up either in the alternative news or the mainstream
media and we're just thinking why like this is like groundbreaking information that yeah
obviously it it count the pharmaceutical industry significantly so if they're per if they're purchasing advertising
through um the media or if there's other buyouts taking place if there's other payouts taking place then we might not
get any any traction into the mainstream media but for the alternative media to avoid it as well even though we had done
some reaching out is just really shocking because I mean this helps
establish the need for alternative medicine that your best modalities to get through life storms broken
relationships losses deaths that type of thing EMP Power Plus and yet no coverage
and so we were a little shocked by that um but fortunately we had already started our marketing department so we
were able to do to get some traction with it not nearly as much as as as we
should have been able to but we were able to get some traction with it and um get it out in front of um you know some
people that that uh that could really benefit from the evidence that came forward from that in relation to PTS
stress anxiety depression during cataclysmic events yeah I think if that if this paper had come out a few years
prior then that there would have been some really big news stories wrapped around it I'm sure I'm sure of that fact
and I just want to give people a bit of an understanding around what happens in a very stressful situation and obviously
trauma and stress is different for everybody like the the worst thing that's happened to you or the most stressful thing that's happened to you
is the most stressful thing that's happened to you as an individual that might be being in an earthquake and losing your house your partner passes
away or your cat passes away you know like that might be the most traumatic thing to you and your body your nervous
system primarily is going to switch from a you know let's just say a calm restful State into a stressful Alert state and
if you're in that state for a long period of time your body is just ripping apart for nutrients and minerals and
vitamins and antioxidants to function at a higher level because it perceives significant stress in your environment
and that may be the that may just be the case in some situations but without
replenishing those ingredients with a with with a product like EMP power plus your body is going to significantly
struggle and be playing catchup for a long period of time and you can you can consume the best foods in the world but
like if you're still in that stressful in if you're still in that stressful state within your nervous system you're
going to really really struggle to get back to like you know a homeostatic um environment you just you know you think
of these examples of a of a deer in nature and it hears a it hears a twig in
the in the background while it's Grazing In grazing in the field and it know it switch quickly switches into an alert
State once it scans and figures out there's no threat there it will just
switch its nervous system back on and graze and if there is like a let's just say Predator there and there's a Chase
and the deer gets away that deer will actually Shake itself physically to get
itself back into that into a normal nervous system environment so it
can actually continue to graze and it can continue to proliferate in life but
we as humans were a little bit more complicated than that and we take our stress we take our bad experiences and
we can relive them over and over again and even if it happened to you 10 years ago and you imagine the breakup or you
imagine the earthquake your body and brain don't really know the difference between it happening back then and it
happening in real life so your body will change into a stress into a completely stressed State again your body will just
rip for these nutrients and these vitamins and again it just makes total
sense that during this this incredible research what and what foresight from Julia rage who actually think about I
think about actually doing this in a practical way it makes total sense to me that the individuals that were supplementing and providing their body
with the necessary nutrients and vitamins and antioxidants to get through a stressful situation just goes to show
to me that empower plus is a is a staple and and a necessity for most people on a
daily basis because everyone deals with stress in very very different ways whether that's from a stressful boss in
your environment or just like lights and WiFi and all these external stresses
that we do have this the the this stress the body you may not be able to see the frequencies that that come in and and
you know disregulated the body but it happens every second of every day so it's more more important than ever now
to to supplement with with with the right product to give your body the
ability to shift correctly between these nervous systems because you should never
be in one or the other it's a really beautiful balance and the more equipped you are the more re resourceful full you
are then you're going to have the ability to have this beautiful dance rather than being in one stressful state
for long periods of time and we see so many people dealing with that on a day-to-day basis absolutely I love the
way that you you put that that when we end up in a stressful situation that in order for our bodies to deal with it there is a heightened level of
production of different uh hormones and neurotransmitters and literally we start ripping through nutrition and the
problem is that if we don't have the ability to get that nutrition like you were saying that we end up in that state for some time um but it can become quite
a vicious cycle because if we're still in that state and we're reliving it and we see this oftentimes especially
accompanying mental health conditions where literally you can't get out of the cycle of reliving it mentally so you're
actually reigniting that stressful situation every day and your body doesn't know the difference if it's being processed here your body doesn't
know the difference it responds as if it's in that moment even though you may be reliving a moment from 10 years ago
boom you've just enacted stress and so now you end up in a vicious cycle unless you can remedy that somehow by putting
in a a a substantial amount of nutrition like we do with the Empire plus initially typically loading dose boom
symptoms go away people start feeling better their perspective changes their thought processes change and all of a
sudden they can live less stressful because they're not sitting there ruminating on these issues over time and
and there's one thing that I love to talk about as well is when we're talking about trauma often times seen this
numerous times I I I don't just say trauma I generally will accompany that
with perceived trauma because here's what's interesting going back to it we can concoct something in our mind or we
can misperceive a particular situation and actually induce trauma within
ourselves and our body doesn't know any different and it's all based on a misconception and then as we sit there
and cycle over and over and bring that memory up over and over and over we will
actually begin to morph that memory to turn an otherwise maybe even normal or
just simple misunderstanding situation into a traumatic situation seen it way
too many times especially when we're stuck in a stressful mindset and we're not seeing through through eyes clearly
if you will or or a clear perspective there are a lot of people out there and and this is not to inval invalidate
people but there are a lot of people out there that are actually living um in a state of perceived trauma uh living with
PTSD from a perceived event that actually didn't take place the way they think it took place it's really really
quite interesting to see but once we are able to pull ourselves out of that situation once we're able to get our
minds clear we can re-evaluate and often times people realize whoa the way I
viewed the world that's not the way that the world is the way I viewed this particular individual I vilified them
but yet in essence they were acting like a saint to me they were actually you know one of the best blessings I had in my life and yet I vilified them through
my mind uh through my thought processes and sitting there right so that's one one aspect of this and we and nutrient
deficiency will help fuel that particular situation because now the
mind gets a little bit into that vicious cycle and there needs to be an injection if you will right um an external
injection of all of a sudden an abundance of nutrition and it pulls them out of it suddenly they're producing
adequate levels of dopamine and serotonin and you know the paranoia is gone or the depression's gone or the dark feelings which obviously will will
uh manifest you know everything you view is now through a dark lens because of that that particular situation you find
yourselves in so it's very important to to recognize that nutrition is what helps carry us through and helps keep
our minds clear while we navigate through the storms of life otherwise we may find ourselves in a situation that
we're reliving in our minds and it's not helping us and it's maybe not even entirely true to form absolutely and
just when you talk about Nutri nutrient deficiency there it makes me think think of the times where I will have a an an
anxious thought or a depressive thought and the times where that thought will
manifest into an emotion for me which will change my physiology that's times
when I am 100% nutrient deficient when I've either not taken my supplements or
I've overdone it in the day nine times out of 10 when I have like an anxious or depressive thought it will just it will
just it'll just stay there it'll stay it literally the way I imagine it it stays in my mind as a thought and I'm able to
process it because I literally have the ingredients within my brain to deal with it in that moment but when I'm nutrient
deficient that can manifest itself into a deep emotional state for me and you
know we I think we've all experienced the state when a thought turns into an emotion and it changes your physiology and it's it's really really powerful the
the power of thoughts and if you don't have the requisite nutrition within your brain and body to let's just say deal
with or digest or um handle the inevitable anxiousness or depressiveness
that comes up comes with just being a human being yeah if you don't have the resources available on a daily basis bis
sometimes a few times a day you might need to take something depending on on your on your circumstances um yeah two young kid so I
need to keep up with my Empower plus constantly yeah it can it can things can spiral out control very very quickly and
when we're talking about we're talking about trauma and the the amazing earthquake PTSD
study I feel for a lot of people when they have a a quite traumatic
event they struggle for a long period of time after that and that event will lead them into being in
a stressful state for a long periods of time and then they end up becoming just chronically nutrient deficient so
they're not just like nutrient deficient for a day a week or a month after that traumatic event but that spiral is out
of control because they're in the stressful State and anything they consume foodwise is being turned into
let's say stress hormones to deal with all of that and then you end up for people who have like year five year 10
years 20 years they they've been nutrient deficient for that period of time and then we obviously see see during that time symptomology come up
come up for people and then they go to the doctor and they list off their symptoms and they are then labeled with
a pathology and then there is obviously a drug to go with that pathology rather than being like let's hold things back
let's bring things back here a little back to the root of like what might what happened to you a long period of time ago and I'm I'm I'm convinced the more
the more I work with true hope Canada the more that I speak with individuals who who take our products and have their lives changed that the majority of
conditions out there especially psychological is just significant nutrient deficiency and you know it's interesting
you know sometimes it's what came first the chicken or the egg and we we have you know after working with literally uh
as a company we've worked with well over 100,00 people I think we're probably up around more around quarter a million
people now over the last um well we're coming on almost 30 years now um what's
really interesting about that is often times you know we've seen where nutrient deficiency will lead to a mental illness
but we've seen where stressful situations or traumatic situations will actually be the Catalyst for all of a
sudden it's like a door opens and somebody enters into what You' consider to be a clinically diagnosable mental
illness like their life all of a sudden is different right um we were working
with one particular individual earlier on back in the late 90s uh who was struggling schizophrenia for many many
years years and uh my father was personally working with this individual and he actually came to stay at our house for a time and this particular
individual normal life High achiever intelligent individual going to University and literally I mean now he's
in University he's studying he's stressed his diet is probably lousier than it was when he lived at home with
his parents right probably just you know as a single student but he's walking home one day you know under this new
form stress that he's living under and literally it's like he walked right through a
wall and he's now full-blown schizophrenic hallucinations all of it like as as
about as deep as you go into schizophrenia it was literally like a light switch flipped on but it was based
on the circumstances and we've seen this many many times to qualify it where people will end up in these stressful
situations or they'll end up in a traumatic situation and they just never come out of it the same they end up in
with a diagnosable mental health condition and so once again you know
that Catalyst being the fact that you're burning through nutrition under stressful situation if you do not get
that adequate amount of nutrition which you know even if somebody's eating organic today and this one of the things I cover in my presentations is
agriculture has changed so much so much over the last 150 years that we have to be even when we were
making healthy choices we'd have to be eating like six times the amount five to
basically eight times the amount but around six six and a half times the amount amount that our great grandparents would have had to eat to
get the same nutrient value out of the same food that they would have been consuming back then right so you can eat
the same food you maybe they had a spinach salad do you have a spinach salad today six and a half times the amount is what you would have to eat on
average to get the same nutrient value that they would have gotten from one single serving yeah and we just see now like
the the food on offer that people primarily go to is such such nutrient poor food and actually contains so many
inflammatory foods as well like we see these horrific seed oils and canola oil is in literally absolutely everything
and not only you consuming nutrient poor food but you're actually consuming inflammatory food which is going to put
your immune system in your digestive system pretty much your whole body into an inflammatory state right away even
when we think we're nourishing our bodies with with with nutrition so yeah
we're very very far removed from the nutritional circumstances in which the human body is supposed to Drive quite
remarkable but um we're going to shift gears a little bit here on this true hope timeline um things you know after
that University of Canterbury um research is shared in 2012 again the media doesn't cover this
because there's this clear shift in that 20110 2011 12 era um but things shift
within true hope and things shift very much for you specifically within your family so I think we're around February
2012 now within the within the timeline can you take kiss that yeah for sure so
by about this point in time it had been just over two months since I had
stepped out of my position as the director of marketing for True hope corporate and I went completely
satellite um moved about an hour away from head office and was solely working
with uh the retail Division and spending a lot of time on the road about three to four days a week um every week and just
building this business getting it getting it off the ground right and February rolls around uh we're settling
into you know the new house that we were in um whatnot um out in the boonies
we're out in in rural Alberta about half an hour from the closest town that has any
amenities and um something happens you know when I mean we're really
dovetailing off of this um tragedy trauma trauma aspect uh because I ended
up going through um the most traumatic event that I ever went through in my
life and and I and I had been accustomed to loss in my life and and and Trauma um
you know losing my mother at the age of 10 uh was significant significant but um
now the tables are turned and um it goes you know in a bit of a different
direction that as a parent you know basically the worst thing that could ever happen to you um takes place so
February February 27th it's a Monday uh of 2012 rolls around and at that point
in time I had still been going in for the odd meetings into true hope uh corporate so we're driving back an hour
to where we had once lived and I'm taking my wife and my two sons with me
and the reason being is I drop them off at the at the school and there's this really fantastic parent
preschool um uh resource available to them that they're that they're accessing
and and we're not we're not public schoolers we we homeschool but in in relation to this it was really fantastic and it was really empowering for the
mothers uh the person who was heading this up um was really well educated in
relation to understanding children on a very deep level and was empowering the
mothers to to be really better parents if you will and so we're taking I'm dropping my wife off at the school with
my two sons with e who at that point in time is four years old and with Ezekiel who is you know a year and a half old
and I'm going and I'm meeting at at true hope um with my father and with the executive team and then you know I'd go
after the meeting and pick up um my wife and children again my two sons and we would then go to Left Bridge and do some
shopping right because we live an hour out from that so it made for a perfect full day um event for us and so anyways
um that particular day before I got back to school to pick them up my wife had phoned me while I was still at the
office uh because they were my meeting went a little bit longer than than their parent preschool had gone and she phones
me and just says oh you know like Ezekiel is getting sick which is out of the norm right like our kids would get
the sniffle sometimes they put themselves to bed a little bit early wake up next day you know fine so she
she tells me that eel's coming down with something and and so I go and pick them up um no earlier than I normally would
have but you know my meeting concludes and I go pick him up and we go to go to Lethbridge and Ezekiel is you know like
uncomfortable right and he's actually crying um and he's starting to develop
this this barky cough and uh and so anyways it by all indications appears to
be cro and so um my wife does some quick we
we only go to one store that day while I stayed in in the vehicle with with Ezekiel and Ezra and she goes grabs some GR and we end up going
home well I continue on with my business traveling and all that um and Ezekiel
goes through the cou as you know and and by all indications you know like four days of it um solid um it appears to be
C and so he goes through it and he comes out of it uh by about the weekend and
you know things seem to be fine and so the next week same thing um I go to um
actually my wife no my wife and I were leaving the house at the same time but I was going to True hope to um the meeting
um and then heading out to Lloyd Minister from there up North for a business trip but so my wife was packing
up at the same time I helped her get everything ready and we both left but we left in separate vehicles because she's going to be going home and I'm going to
be heading um all the way to uh Lloyd Minister and so anyways they go to parent preschool again so it's a week
later and Ezekiel isn't 100% better as is you know pretty normal like you know
one of these sicknesses will last five six days but then you'll have a little bit of residual and so here we are we're now on day seven and he's not 100% but
he's back at parent preschool playing and he'd been to church the day before and that type of thing and so anyways I
go on this business trip and it takes me all the way into far well not far but
you know what what's considered Northern saskatchwan you can't go far Northern saskatchwan without hitting the Canadian Shield and there's nothing up there uh
even roads really um but we go into Northern Saskatchewan Northeastern Saskatchewan so we're we're quite a
distance from from my house and we're doing this business trip me my brother for a few days and and we're on our way
back and um the day uh before I'm heading back uh my wife phones me and
just says hey I think he's actually getting sick again okay like with what right she couldn't really identify it um
but it just seemed like he's just you know taking a bit of a downturn okay but he's not crying out in pain or anything
at that point in time like the first the worst day was actually the first day when he first started coming down with the cou that's when like as a parent
you're looking at and saying he's visibly uncomfortable he's crying whereas other than that he's just enduring it right so anyways I get home
on Thursday because we were on our way home anyways and I picked up some remedies and all this type of stuff just to help with the immune system and I get
home on the Thursday and I look at him about midday and and I said well looks like he's getting the flu like he when I
walked into the room he's sitting up upright on the bed and he's watching a cartoon and and I'm like but based on
the way he's posturing himself I'm like it looks like he's getting the flu he looks achy like physic physically just
looks uncomfortable like that achiness that you get when you get in the flu and so that's what I thought so Friday rolls
around and you know nothing remarkable for changes but he seems to be getting a little bit better Saturday rolls around
he seems to be getting even better Sunday rolls around and we're contemplating do we take him to church not to not to church what do we do right
here right anyways Sunday night rolls around and he starts to take a turn
again and he's visibly uncomfortable and my wife stays up with him and um at this
point in time she's four and a half months pregnant and this is relevant in just a moment but um so anyways I go to
this on the Monday morning I sleep in the spare bedroom because I'm going to be up earlier than everybody else I'm
preparing to go to a um a County council meeting in relation to a bylaw that my
brother and I were heading up this movement against this bylaw the Emer Mery management act which really um
removed in the state of an emergency all of your rights other than your right to life that was the only thing that was not draft into the bill but everything
else your right to your your own uh conduct because they can conscript you you know whether that be into a labor
camp or whatever to help with the emergency uh your property real or not prop or not real property right so your
vehicle's gone your house oh that's perfect we need it for the Emergency it becomes a staging ground whatever it may
be it was the martial law bill is what it was the only thing it didn't write in there is that they could um remove your
life if you if you opposed right but you can go to jail if you opposed so anyways we went and we fought this bill and to
get this thing off the books we're good people out here this whole County when an emergency Rises out of the goodness
of the of our hearts we unify and we work together get this piece of junk off of off of the books now we don't need
the government coming in and telling us what or how we should be doing and interfering with the process um get it
off the book now right like this is fully tyrannical so they did we won I
come home at about noon absolutely ex excited about the fact that we just actually won and that uh that there was
standing room only about 300 people showed up um actually in fact I think there was a there's a news clip that we
have on that is there not there certainly is let's play that right now sure for joining us Cheryl is off
tonight it was standing room only in Cardston County council chambers this morning as hundreds of Southern albertans voiced their opinion on a
controversial bylaw it comes following a Facebook and written campaign to raise awareness about the County's Emergency
Management plan one that some residents say violates their fundamental freedoms Shannon Greer now with more on the bylaw
and Council [Music]
reaction tempers flare as Southern albertans raise both their voices and concerns to Cardston County Council
about a controversial bylaw it infringes upon our very very based fundamental
rights and freedoms and Liberties as human beings Council making the decision to repeal bylaw 562 saying they're going
back to the drawing board to come up with a new plan before taking it to the public something residents say they
couldn't be happier about the meeting was uh wildly successful in the sense that uh the fight for Freedom uh
received a huge Victory councilors say they expect to bring the new bylaw forward within the next month or so
Shannon Greer Global News Cardston counselors say it was great to
see such a big turnout and our pleased residents are taking part in the Democratic
process so this end up making headlines like it end up you know Alberta wide
radio shows and stuff like that uh started discussing it I think it's a Dave Rutherford show was discussing it
and they were trying to bash on what we were doing um our next uh step I mean we
are taking taking it on in the municipalities around us we're going to go take all on and then we were going to go at the Province because it was being
coming coming down through the province so that was fully what we were anticipating on doing and the media was was not like that that that media
article did not actually depict how heated it was I don't know why they pulled the certain clips that they did
because they were lousy like it started off really lousy and dismal there were some really powerful moments uh uh that
would have highight the vital and the anger that the 300 people had they you
know they had way too many people show up they could not put it in the County Council County Council room so they actually put us into a mechanic shop and
that's why they the makeshift table set up and stuff for the county councilors um it was it was absolutely heated and
it sent a message um and it became discussed in the Alberta legislature and we were about to take it to the province
but unfortunately uh we wouldn't ever get there um even with with all of the
forward movement because Monday rolls around that's that's on a Monday Monday morning that
happens Monday about noon I come home with the good news for my wife and my wife is not happy now remember she's
four and a half months pregnant she's sleep deprived because she stayed up with Ezekiel the night before and so she
says to me because now I have to go to a meeting at true hope because we postponed the regular morning meeting that we'd have on the Monday for this
particular meeting now we're going to go to meet at trop and so um she says you
know he's she that's when she informs me that he had a bad night and she says do we need to take him to the doctor and I
said well like I went and looked him and I don't I don't see a need like I don't like he's not he's not vomiting um he's
not he doesn't have diarrhea he has no signs of infection like there's nothing going on outwardly he looks
uncomfortable like you take him to the doctor and what are he gon say well he's uncomfortable like how do you what do
you diagnose him with like that that that was my concern is that he's not severe he's not severe enough like yeah
I get it you're four and a half months pregnant yeah you're sleep deprived you're not happy um I wasn't around this
morning to help out when when typically I would have had you had a bad night and so she says you know I'm G to Call the
Midwife because we're seeing a midwife at that point in time but the Midwife at that point in time is a practicing nurse
nine years in the emergency room at that point and I'll see if she can come out early because she's supposed to come out this week I'll have her come out early
and take a look so she does and while I'm at the trop meeting and she comes
and takes a look and she brings her stethoscope she brings her blood pressure monitoring equipment and all
that checks out all of his vitals all of his vitals come back normal nothing wrong and and listens to his breathing
nothing nothing wrong so nothing like he had with with the cou and here's where
it gets unfortunate because um she states um
well let me back up here about two to three weeks previous to this to to her visiting there was a case of menitis had
come in that she had dealt with and so it's it's on her mind right now at that
point in time you you you say men to me I'm pretty educated in relation to Natural Health but men what like I I
don't know what that is right like okay I've heard the term but I actually don't know what it is so she makes mention to
my wife about well maybe you want to look into menitis not because of any particular set of symptoms but because it's fresh on her mind and she can't
identify by looking at him there's nothing that stands out right that that's going on so she makes mention of
it and this would set the stage for a disastrous
situation um she recommends that we get get them onto electrolytes we do we
start them on electrolytes that Monday evening and he has a good sleep that Monday night sleeps well wakes up in the
morning we had some lawyers papers that we had to go sign in relation to a real estate deal that we just sold our house
in the previous town that we lived in and we didn't know like if if we defaulted on that what would happen or
what not and so my wife and I are debating back and forth do we take him the L do we not he's already progressed this is good do we want to potentially
compromise that progress by taking in a vehicle and we did we opted let's take him in the vehicle let's make him comfy
in there whatever and so we did and we said while we're there we might as well go to the naturopathic doctor and just
get some immune boosting tincture just to continue on with the progress so that he gets better that he's up and running
in a day or two or what however that looks well by the time that we left Lethbridge um I had fallen asleep in the
back of the vehicle with him while my wife was uh she dropped by U the superstore real quick just to grab a
handful of groceries I fell asleep and he woke me up playing with my lip doing the little flip you know that type of
thing right and so now you know okay you're you're you're not just consumed with yourself he's becoming a little more playful whatever that's cool anyway
so we get home and he goes down for a really restful nap now at that point in time there was no display of discomfort
or anything like that but before he does so he drinks on his own accord about a cup of this electrolyte drink right okay
so great my wife at that point in time I I said he look like she was going to not go to this church event I said just go
he's fine like look he's like tomorrow he's probably gonna be up and running like everything's fine like he's fully
relaxed he's chilled out he just you know he's hydrated like all because he just drank all that that the electrolyte
drink he's doing great so she does she goes to this church event but then
something happens I know that that I want to show up too much time because I could literally go on you know for an hour on this just CO's note version he
wakes up from his nap and I'm the only one there with him um and my four-year-old son is off playing somewhere at that point in time and um
actually I think at the point time I just put him to bed my son wakes up uh Ezekiel and um and he's got this
breathing pattern and it's curious to me I can't I can't make heads and tails of it I can't tell whether it' be concerned
or not but he's got this breathing pattern and my wife phones it around the same time just a checkup she does that
regardless um just see how's the kids right is Dad actually taking taking care of him right and so she phones and um
says how's he doing I said well he's fine he woke up from his nap I gave him some more fluids said but he's got this like Curious breathing pattern right but
he seems fine like he's cognizant and everything like everything's fine like I don't know what it is it's nothing like
the cou um but it was just curious to me because it didn't come with any other concern surrounding it everything else
seemed normal with them and so um he goes back to sleep my wife comes home
from from uh her activity she decided to when I said that um not because I raised any alarm but it was basically the end
of her activity anyways this church activity so she came home and and and so we're observing them while he sleeping
soon like what do we do like what is there any do we need to be concerned what is this and before we had a chance
to really analyze over the next 15 20 minutes um to determine do we take him to the doctor like what like we just
don't know he rapidly um uh
digressed um and just went into like to
the point that he's struggling to breathe and at that point in time I phone my dad and say hey look uh we're
going to take him to the hospital just so you know um you know can you pray for us type of thing and
and anyways as I'm on the phone he stops breathing and I'm like Dad I gotta go I got a phone 91 my dad's panicking
whatever and I I got to go so I get on the phone with 911 and by the time I I
get get off the phone with them or by the time I get back from I have to run 75 yards down my driveway to get him an
address I run back I come in the house and he's breathing again and he my wife had patted on his back and gave him one
rescue breath and he coughed up some mucus and fluid and something and he did aspirate on some of the liquids I gave
him and maybe that was what the struggle was I'm like I just pH 911 for no reason right so now I'm feeling embarrassed because I've never pH 911 in my life I'm
thinking what is this right now now I'm in a traumatic situation and my brain isn't isn't operating 100% clearly I'm
thinking what do I do with this right embarrassment he's doing fine what's going on whatever anyway so we we
decided okay hold off on the ambulance we're going to drive him in because an ambulance is half an hour away or or so
we thought so we start to drive him into the hospital after about 20 minutes it took us to get our other son out of bed
and all that and and he's fine he's stabilized and he's breathing on his own we take him into the vehicle we get a mile down the road and he stops breathing
again he ends up in an ambulance um almost all the way to Cardston um we met
up with an ambulance on the highway a few minutes out and we'd find out later on that there was some major issues um
in relation to that ambulance and I won't go into too much detail um but what happens is
um he goes for an extented period of time without oxygen and we're not aware of this at
the time and he gets to the hospital we get to the hospital separate from him
because we weren't allowed into the ambulance and he's fully hooked up on life support he they airlift him to
Calgary and their intention was to get them there get him there as fast as possible and so we're not with him they
told us to go separately so we went home we packed we drove we drove all the way up to Calgary and we're waiting and
we're waiting he's not there we're thinking what the heck like they were supposed to get him there as fast as possible what happened well we don't
actually know what happened and I'll get into that a little bit later on um not today but a different episode
and so anyways what happens is we get there and we wait for probably over an hour before he arrives and we're told
that he's put into a medically induced coma and we're thinking okay they got it under control though they can fix
this well the nurse who um who was also the Midwife um worked out of that
hospital that we took him to she arrived there as well and she had some discussion with with the doctor as well
that she had been there the day before our house and had toess him and everything um and that's when the
menitis narrative became injected because they they didn't know they had no clue now somebody dies from menitis
it's pretty clearcut like the symptoms and everything that lead up to it he didn't have that he didn't have that like you don't just go like look symptom
free for a few hours you're fine whatever and then all of a sudden you have this breathing pattern and you stop
breathing that doesn't it doesn't work that way that's not the way menus works if you're to stop breathing it's because
of the in cranial pressure that takes place from the infection of the the menes to the point that you're
compressing the brain stem and when you compress the brain stem that's what controls all of your breathing and your
heart rate and everything like that that's when you'd end up with a shutdown so you'd end up with a child probably going into seizure that's generally the
case as well as incredibly um painful situation from the
in cranial pressure like the we're talking the worst headache that you will ever have from all that pressure to the
point that you're compressing your brain stem he didn't have it he had none of the manifestation of bacterial menitis
or menitis but that's when the narrative began so he's up at Children's Hospital
in Calgary and he's struggling um on well not struggling he's on life support
for five days so now here we go this is now you know we get there this is all on Tuesday
we get there late Tuesday by actually early morning hours of Wednesday we get there and um we're up we've been up
since 7 o'clock in the morning on Tuesday to go to L bridge to get the paper sign for the lawyer or lawyer
paper signed and we hadn't been asleep yet and now we're in the early hours of
Wednesday at Albert and children's hospital and we're trying to work with the doctors we're trying to figure it
out we're giving them all of the information possible that we have so that they can have a clue as to what's going on because they still can't
diagnose anything he's got a CT scan they rule out menitis with the CT scan
but yet they didn't tell us that they ruled out menitis so they're still asking us about menitis they're saying
there 's evidence of seizures but they can't provide that evidence and that that evidence would never be provided
but they're trying to get us to identify when he would have had a seizure it's like they're trying to build this narrative now we don't for what it is at
that point in time we're extremely sleep deprived and we think that they're just trying to help out and we're trying to help out because we want our son to come
out of there alive and so all of a sudden you know about I don't know six o'clock in the
evening on the Wednesday now my wife hasn't slept at all I think I had a brief nap a brief
nap right so now we're almost you know like we're we're going into you know 36 hours of no sleep and we're informed
that there's going to be an investigation think why is there going to be an investigation like what do we do wrong like really like what what did
we do but we didn't know that anything like this shocked the heck out of us we thought he's going to be up and running
the next day instead he's in an ambulance and he's being airlifted what what like there's going to be an
investigation child family services coming they're going to interview okay really does this have to happen
I've heard the horror stories about child family services really yeah it has to happen doctor says yeah it has to
happen because the death took place outside of a hospital setting so it has to happen okay sure fine 10 o'clock
rolls around in the in the night and there's Child and Family
Services but at the same time we see two police officers also think why is there
police officers here there's almost nobody else in the in the in the PQ here the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit why is
there police officers here and so you know we're we're doing business walking back and forth down the
hall and having to pass them you know they're eyeing us up but thinking what is this like so anyways we go and meet with
child family services and sit down met with them for probably 45 minutes and just laid out
what had led up to that and okay we part ways you know 11 o'clock at night now
there's six police officers in the pediat Pediatric Intensive Care Unit I'm thinking
six police officers two would have done the job unless they're looking to arrest me like what is this why is there six
police officers congregating around the nurse's desk at the Pediatric Intensive
Care Unit and they introduce one of the social workers that works in the
hospital comes and introduces me and they said yeah we're going to need to meet with you but we're working out some jurisdiction issues blah blah blah
whatever by the time midnight rolls around they got the jurisdiction issues um figured out
and we're now meeting with an RCMP officer very nice individual but at midnight right and now mind you we're
we're coming on now not quite to 48 hours of no sleep but almost so my wife goes and sits down with them two o'clock
rolls around 2:30 rolls around finally I'm in with them in now middle of the night right now remember this isn't just
we're now almost 40 almost a full two days of of no real sleep and now I'm meeting with them till 4 in the morning
and I'm I'm trying to be as truthful as possible because I got nothing to hide um and coherent is possible except
that's a real challenge given the fact that nobody in a traumatic situation like that alone coupled with the fact
that I was incredibly sleep deprived would be able to be fully coherent and fully truthful in relation to re uh
relaying what was reality with the the previous situation all up to
that so that lays a groundwork for what would
become a decade Long Court battle which we'll get into a little bit later
here but things persist um you know we I
finally get some sleep after 4 in the morning getting all of that done and over with the next day the child family
services comes back and they want to interview my four-year-old son on his own um by that point in time the social worker out of the hospital had heard
heard what had taken place the night before and the fact that we were with the police till 4 in the morning and she said what do you want me to tell him I
said tell him to take a hike she says absolutely right because she's fully on board like you you parents have absolutely gone through the ringer your
son is on his deathbed they're saying that he could go into cardiac arest at any moment and that they won't be able to resuscitate him and now you have
child family services you know breathing down your neck as well as the police and all like just inhumane um harassment and
so she tells them take a hike basically right so they go away and we never hear anything anything from them again but
now things go on until Sunday so he's been in Alberta Children's Hospital for five
days and they're persistently encouraging us to do organ donation
we're saying why like our goal is to make sure that he's alive and out of here but they're they're persisting with
this like three or four times they come and harass us about it we're like no we're not going to donate his organs that's not where our mind is how do we
get them well how do we correct what's going on he's not showing any brain activity think what the heck well why
not like what's going on here and now we're thinking in our ignorance well what else would have done this but menitis right like maybe he does have
brain death from menitis like how how did this work right like but the symptoms didn't line up with it and that
would be something that I would sit there and think about after the fact and say wait a minute that the narrative it's not fitting right and then we' then
find the evidence in years to come that supported that that they hid from us they hid absolute pertinent evidence
from us um when we get into the courts they they withheld a lot of evidence so
then what would happen is my son would pass away they'd pull life support at about 3 o'clock in the afternoon on the
Sunday and we were just left completely devastated all the hope that we' had looking for a miracle hoping for it it
just you know didn't happen and we're left with so many questions so much
confusion to to the point that immediately and normally I wouldn't be acting that quickly in this type of
situation but I want a closure I wanted the understanding I want to know what happened here so I order an autopsy
report and I'm expecting to get it within about six weeks right so now this is this is March 18th right of of 20 um
12 and I'm hoping that by the time that you know uh May rolls around that I know
what my son passed away from well we're left in just this dark
dismal place and and let me tell you we understood we got to understand uh the need for both spiritual and physical
nourishment and that uh if we didn't keep up with any of them within this situation uh things got really dark for
us really fast it took about a month before I'd return back to work and start traveling again um which
was a bit of a tough situation and I actually end up spending a lot of time with my uh with with Colette and Ezra
coming on work trips with me so the Dynamics changed quite a bit that they would actually come with me so that we'd
remain together as a family and the reason being is that it was just so lonely at home even though there's three
of us there's this silence this deafening silence where you know you
hear your son playing with with little dinky cars and stuff like that your four-year-old son and normally it'd be accompanied with some interchange with
the one and a halfy old son and laughter and whatever it's just silence it's just that you hear the car moving by itself
that's it and you know our wakeup call that we normally get at about 6: in the morning because our our son Ezekiel wake
up before anybody else and he it was it was like clockwork like you you know when he's up because all sudden you just
hear the door go and then you hear and he'd run to the kitchen for some reason
I'm not sure why and then he' run back to our room and then jump in bed and it was like clockwork and and you could
tell he was only on the balls of his feet as he's just cruising down the hallway right just absolutely cute and now
you're not getting that and you're waking up on your own and you're thinking this has got to be a nightmare right like and then you realize no it's
reality your son's gone your son's gone and it just wouldn't go way and and it
it was a very troubling time for all of us right um to to navigate through that
because everybody's schedule is different it's it's it's upset it's it's changed your whole life has changed
there's a void that can't be filled so we're going through this and
I'm I'm seeking for that closure I want closure and it wouldn't be till about the end of November I get a phone call
from the medical examiner's office stating that ezekiel's death was vaccine
preventable now we didn't vaccinate our children I'm thinking vaccine preventable like what was it right like
and they're saying it was menitis oh okay it's menitis bacal menitis vaccine preventable I said what vaccine was it
and the guy said I actually don't know you'd have to um you'll have to wait for the autopsy report to arrive but it's coming said okay thank
you it arrives so you know here we are probably last week of November of 2012
maybe first week of December you know over 7 months after the fact and I finally got the autopsy report in my
hands and there's part of me that doesn't want to open it I don't want to revisit it but I want closure I want to
understand what my son passed away from and I'm trusting that I'm going to get some answers out of this I read it and I
was left with more questions and answers when it started talking about the fact that they had to use um non-clinical
research methodology in order to establish that my son had bacterial menitis that was a red flag for me what
what is that non-clinical research methodology that sounds pretty pretty out there like you know bacterial
menitis pretty clearcut like you should be able to establish that fairly simple especially if you died from overwhelming
bacterial menitis is going to be an overwhelming amount of evidence so I'm I'm I've got these questions but
I'm looking at I'm saying why does the topic of vaccines keep on coming out in just the first few paragraphs within the
first few paragraphs I'm looking at this and saying look I'm trying to use some um deductive reasoning here and saying why why is
that being threaded in there because everything that's written in here is for a very clear-cut purpose why they keep
on threading that back in to establish uh to to over establish the
role of vaccines in this and so I got concerned and I said you know what
they're going to charge us and they're going to charge us and make a vaccine trial out of this
because I can't see any other reasoning as to why that would be within uh the way it's way it's worded
the way it's been placed in there why that information would be in there in relation to this hemophilus influenza B
vaccine because what they found in their non-research clinical meth uh sorry non-clinical research methodology is
that it was they found fragment DNA fragmentation of a form of homophilous
influenza but they couldn't they couldn't tell what type it was why because there wasn't any there wasn't
enough evidence for anything for them to to establish that it was even hopus influenza but they found some DNA
fragmentation but they couldn't tell whether it's hemophilus a or influenza A B C D E or any of the hundreds or
thousands they don't even know of non-pbl but now they're saying the hemophilus influen A B vaccine would
have fixed the situation or prevented it from even arising so I'm thinking they're going to charge
us and January rolles no charges end of January thinking I was
just being paranoid like oh man like that's a last thing that we need after after going through all of this this
garbage like we're still trying to heal from this February rolls
around we come back um second weekend of February we come back to our house we'd
been at a wedding and we see tire tracks in the snow fresh trucks who's been at our
place we see Footprints going to the back of every single vehicle there to the
license plate thinking huh why is somebody looking at my license plates I see a set of prints go up to
the door and back okay so then I walk to the door I see a a card tucked in there
from the RCMP to give them a call now they tried to phone me the week before and I just didn't feel like answering it
I just didn't want to hear what they had to say so I didn't answer and then my my stepmom phones me says Hey the RCP is
trying to get hold of you I said yeah whatever right like if it's that important they'll come and see me whatever well they did attempt to
come see me and so I pull the card out and it says give Sergeant McCoy a call
all right so I give Sergeant McCoy a call out of the Raymond Detachment which is not in our jurisdiction mind you
different jurisdiction that's jurisdiction of true hope so anyways I give him a call and uh he says Hey the
crown has some recommendations now this is about 5 in the afternoon he says Hey the the crown has some recommendations I
said okay said can you tell them to me over the phone he says no come me in person tomorrow I'm like you sure you don't want to tell him over the phone I
just really don't feel like you know sitting on this for the rest of the evening I'd rather just no he says no just come in in tomorrow okay now by
this point in time my wife's had the next baby so now we have little e for him right and at this point in time he's
what is he seven months old approximately and uh so we go in my wife
7-month old baby and myself and we go and we sit in this interrogation room and he had no recommendations Crown had
no recommendations immediately F just supplied us with the charges you've been charged with failing to provide the
necessaries of life and at this point in time I've got a little bit of understanding of Law and I know that that's a pretty serious one but I didn't
know exactly what it was so I'm I'm thinking this is not good my wife starts balling this the Sergeant's gloating
like gloating over the fact that he just charged us I'm thinking what's wrong with this guy like no compassion
whatsoever we lose a child you've got a mother here with her seven-month old baby and you're happy over the fact that
you're charging us and then even going so far as say that you know there's case law you know basically surrounding this
and saying basically we got you and you're going to jail right and this is what he's basically communicating showing that he's more than just an
investigator in it that he has a vested interest in it I'm thinking what is wrong with this guy like this is Twisted
so I get home I check my criminal code and I look at it I look up fing bread necess of life I'm like up to five years
like my goalie this is this is a bad one like this is you know kind like manslaughter or whatever like this is
not good serious and so I'm like okay how do we
afford this what do we do like we need to get lawyers so we fundraised a lot of
had a lot of support in Southern Alberta here set up a big fundraiser big event in a school gym with bouncy castles and
big kids event in in um Memorial of of Ezekiel meanwhile uh you know charging
admission for it all and using that to fund raise to afford a retainer for lawyers because we didn't we didn't have
uh all our money was tied up in assets at that point in time so then we started you know posting quads and um motor home
for sale and all that type of stuff like we're trying to drum up as much money as possible because we know this is not going to be cheap this is a serious uh
like a this is not a case I can self represent on at least that's my mindset at the time so we end up hiring some lawyers we
we the first thing that we were looking for was are we going to have a lawyer that has our back and I'm I'm of the
mindset they're vaccine on this this is going to be a vaccine trial and so anyways we hired two lawyers they were
okay um and then we're like you know what we know that Shan Bley who we've
worked with extensively over the years and that represented true hope well um
has a very similar mindset and you know maybe we should hire him and so I
reached out to him and by October I believe it's October if not month or two give or take um
of 2013 we had hired him and so now fast forward oh now well
first of all in the communication we have with him I said hey Sean I think they're going vaccine on this I'm pretty sure that they're going to make this a
vaccine trial and he laughed at me and he said no he says they can't do that there's no precedent in Canada for them
to do that you don't need to worry about that I'm like okay and the only question that's left in my head is well how do you how how they get a precedent like
surely there has to be something has to be a first case right and so he he's reassuring me I'm like okay well then
what is this about like what the it's not making sense to me like none of this like it just they're grasping at straws
because they got nothing on us like generally those cases and I'll get into
that in probably the next episode but those cases are reserved for negligent parents failing to BR NS of life and all
the evidence like you we're not negligent in fact my wife is like overly doting like Beyond uh so you're not
going to get that out of the evidence and so anyways um we fast forward uh to
June 2014 where we begin to see what this case was actually all about and where it
would go and how they were exploiting the death of my son to remove parental rights all across
Canada and remove medical Choice all across Canada and it would be a
beautiful predecessor to what we would then experience in 2020 2021
2022 and up until now and how this would serve to set the stage and a and a
dangerous precedent that they would be able to exploit on all Canadians and so we get into a
preliminary hearing this is a this is like the first hearing now mind you by the way they gave us disclosure they
charged us in February February 12th 2013 by May we're in the courts and and
the crown is scrambling to get um disclosure to us they weren't prepared
and it was deficient disclosure they gave us 450 pages of medical files we would find
out later on that they had omitted almost a third of the medical files that
told a much different story than what fit their narrative they never anticipated I was going to go to court
because they had me pegged as a free man Sovereign citizen which is interesting because Sovereign citizen is an oxymoron
you can't be a citizen and be Sovereign at the same time but they had me pegged as one of these individuals and they
were anticipating full out that I was never gonna get charged in the first place that they'd have to do it in a
roundabout way and that I'd never show up to any court hearing now I'm showing up to court hearings with with lawyers
and they're having to give disclosure that they didn't have prepared for prepared because they never thought that I would ever asked for the disclosure so
they thought they had a clear-cut case a dirty case with a a deficient story a deficient narrative that would never be
challenged and they were hoping to uh make some serious National media out of
this which we found from the disclosure afterwards in the police investigation um on the heels of mes versus mes which
was the largest Freeman case um that legally that took place with a serious
precedent being established by acj Rook assistant chief justice Rook who oversaw
the Southern Alberta area of the the J Judiciary so he's over
this case he's appointing judges for this case and so now we're showing up to
court and they're scrambling to get us the evidence so now we end up in a preliminary hearing to find out what's
the narrative that they're going to go with what does our defense need to be and so we find ourselves there in June
2014 now at this point in time I'm still struggling to get enough money for the court case so I I set up a fundraiser
the week before and you it was amazing the amount of support that we got we fundraised we
we anticipated going to be $330,000 for the preliminary hearing and we fundraised
$23,000 give or take change right so we end up with all this money
but I'm thinking we're still $7,000 short we're gonna ow Sean we have to pay him we get into this preliminary hearing
actually before we get there I'm just going to quickly digress what was amazing is by the time the preliminary hearing was done um Sean submits the
bill and it was less than the 30,000 it was actually I think within a $100 of what we had fundraised and we said
hallelujah hallelujah like how do we get that close right like we were we're
sitting there in a deficient ingratitude state in a sense say is nice that we got the 23,000 but we need 30,000 and we had
everything we needed I we might have had to throw about $100 out of our own pocket in that very moment um and so
anyways we get into the prelimary hearing and this is where it becomes interesting because now um you we have
doctors and the medic IAL pathologist the forensic pathologist getting up there and they're all regurgitating the
same vaccine narrative they're all focusing in on it as if these doctors were vaccinologists or immunologists
even which NE they weren't none of them are experts in that field they can't actually even um speak authoritatively
to vaccines because they're not properly educated on it and so they're talking about it statistically how they've seen
a major reduction in in homophilous influenza related menitis how it's
extremely rare today because well we just don't see it because of the introduction of the homophilous influenza B vaccine that somehow all of
the other forms of homophilous influenza have gone down as well which is a
absolute blatant lie which we'll get into with our expert evidence in a different episode but they were
absolutely just lying and just trying to pull the wool over our eyes anticipating that we would never get expert witnesses
that would actually contradict and say no this is completely bogus what they're saying is completely opposite to the
truth and here's the stats on it but then we're hearing all of this and finally um Sean Buckley uh stands up
and objects and I'll actually I guess that's on my end here I'll just share that real
quick so here's here's the transcript right here so Mr Buckley our lawyer Mr Le
bren's is the crown prosecutor Mr Buckley Sean Buckley stands up says your honor now this is mid um examination
Direct examination of the forensic pathologist who wrote the autopsy report and wrote all of this Prov vaccine
information in there so now my lawyer Sean stands up and is um objecting and
just trying to get some clarification because this is just a recurrent theme and he's saying what's the relevance so
he says you're honored just because I don't want to get off track I'm not aware that the Crown's theory of the
case is is that you know immunization or non-immunization leads any way to any
liability for this charge okay so how how is the charge of failing to provide
NES of Life connected to immunization or not immunization I could be corrected but
I'm just wondering if we're getting on a tangent and he's interrupted by the crown prosecutor Crown prosecutor says
no that's definitely part of my view in this case in relation to the
immunization aspect okay so then Shan says okay well that's news to the
defense thank you so it's just very interesting because then if we're going to have just so my friend is aware on
the record when we get to a trial it's going to be a very long trial basically on the merits of vaccination will now
become an issue at the trial just so my friend is on notice okay so fortunately
Sean and I had had this discussion beforehand and I relayed that I think they're going this way so he's already
brought to mind so he's able to answer to the fact that we're going to we're going to take them to task on it we're going to challenge the aspects of
vaccination and at that point in time I'm saying saying I'm glad that we hired sha Buckley because almost any other
lawyer we interviewed another lawyer or he interviewed us and said well what would you do in this situation if they ask you if you'd vaccinate your child
for polio right I'm like why are we why are we talking about this this is non-relevant but and he's saying well
what is the answer gonna be I'm gonna be absolutely not absolutely not don't care don't care what they have to say I'm not
going to vaccinate my child for polio right and so he he's bringing that up because he was Pro vaccine and basically
chastising us for the fact that you know that could have been a potential that led up to this because he was aware of the the uh autopsy report that I had um
in my own possession and so I'm glad we hired Shawn because he was willing to to make a bold statement like that that hey
we're going to attack the merits of vaccination so now we see at this point
in time what the agenda is now we know what we're up against fortunately and
that we need to hire expert Witnesses in relation to this now at that point in time uh lunch break comes around Shawn
goes and meets with Mr lebrin Shawn comes back to me after because typically we're eating lunch
together at that point in time but he comes back to me after because it was a little bit of a more lengthy meeting and he says what they're looking to do is
establish a precedent in Canada that if you don't vaccinate as a parent and harm
or death occurs to your child due to something that they deem to be vaccine preventable that you as a parent will be
held criminally liable so now they're attaching criminal liability to your
choice of whether to vaccinate or not to vaccinate and they're gonna they're GNA
they're going to scare the heck out of parents all across Canada while they display us on public trial um before
everybody right so now we know what the agenda is of the
trial and now we would spend the next almost um
actually more than a year and a half we would spend about the next
um 20 months preparing for what was going to be a
very lengthy trial with a very strange outcome um in multiple ways which I
think we'll be covering in our next episode absolutely yeah and what we'll
do is we're gonna that's kind of concludes episode three here so thank you so much for that David I know that's not a an easy topic for you to talk
about and yeah we're coming up to a two hour Point here and yeah we could certainly speak about ezekiel's
situation and and the days leading up to it and around it we could speak for hours and hours about that because
there's so many details but we will cover more of that in part four but I just wanted to make the point here that
this case and we're going to talk more about it in episode four is incredibly important for the freedoms and choices
of parents within Canada um as the as the crown lawyer
told sha that they are they've been looking basically been looking for a case like this where they can basically
blame parents for know not giving the necessities of l a vaccine to to their
child and looking for a presidence to bring this up further in court and it I'm a very skeptical individual myself
and I know for a fact that big farmer has got a huge impact on government and the fact
that that it would be incredible business within Canada for pharmaceutical companies if vaccines
were mandated if childhood vaccines particularly were mandated I know that
there are many states in the US where if you want to go to school if you want to have a doctor you absolutely 100% have
to follow the CDC schedule which I think at this point is like 70 vaccines in 18
years which has gone up from five vaccines I think in like 30 40 years
which is just mind-blowing but it would be incredibly just to put this out there as an idea for people who might be
skeptical who might not be but it would be an incredible business opportunity if
um the Canadian government made it law that they had to consume that that
individuals especially kids had to consume annually certain products sold
by a pharmaceutical company that would be that would double their profits from
20 years within a like it be I can't even fathom the amount of money that that would um absolutely reap on
Canadian taxpayers but it has to be something that's in the Playbook of big farmer because they've been able to do
that in other countries around the world and I just think about this case
as sure it's involving yourself it's involving true hope but this this is this this case is significant for
parents all across Canada and arguably across the world because this this this case would make you know national news
and it's incredibly incredibly important and the fact that the I think this I
think the stupidity on from the face of Health Canada and the crown that they went with this angle with such pathetic
evidence is quite unbelievable and the um the story will certainly unfold in
part four about how how this goes I'm not going to give it give anything away because it's really quite unbelievable
what happens going forward but yeah I think just people need to recognize how important this is for parents within
Canada yeah yeah and there would be a reason why the media would make this such a sensation
internationally um without going into too much detail we'll cover this in the next episode but I mean I was hearing
from people in Australia I was hearing from people in Sweden um that were they they were seeing it in their local news
they were seeing you know my not my not my mug shop but pictures of myself and my wife and there was a time that I
couldn't go into a gas station for about a month without anticipating to see myself on the front page of a newspaper
there um that's just how prolific they made it and yet there was other egregious cases taking place around the
same time of truly failing to provide necessaries of life that included like RCMP officer whatnot busted you know
locking up a child in the basement all that type of stuff and depriving of food and yet that wasn't seeing the light of
day and yet our case was literally being just uh disseminated across the world
and for what reason and that's what we're what I guess we'll cover next time um is the the rationale behind it and
where it all LED um but it was just just phenomenal phenomenal what they were
doing and and yeah with with such a lousy story but they had to trust the media to tell the the the distorted
story so many times that the vast majority of people believed it to be the truth yeah and most people in 2024 they
just have to recognize that there's a incredible relationship between industry
government and media especially in Canada it's like quite remarkable and
we've seen that over the last few years emphasized a million times so be very
interesting to see what happens in part four when we can when we continue this story we're not even halfway through it
and it's just such it's quite the it's quite the Epic Saga it's quite remarkable and I'm certainly enjoying this whole process but we're going to
finish up there that's part three on I'll cut you off I'm going to cut you off for one second there's one there's one perent little piece of information I
think there's probably a lot of the audience that because I know that there's a lot of people locally and whatnot when we got charged they came up
and they say it's just a vendetta they're coming after you because of what your father did to health Canada before right they recognize that I think
there's a pertinent piece of information that that we're going to lose sight on because we're not bringing it up in the next episode but um I had accidentally
screen shared it when we were in the studio beforehand in relation to the fact that with the disclosure we
received Health Canada was prodding around during the investigation um and had been making
inquiries with the RCMP and and the question needs to be asked why is Health Canada taking an interest in the death
of my son and and for what motive right like what what are they going to do with that so that was that was pretty
interesting when we discovered that Health Canada also had their pause in on this so you can only imagine how many
departments are working behind the scenes to try to set a nationwide precedent that's going to change how
parents parent um yeah across the country incredible stuff well we look certainly
look forward to part four but that finishes up part three tragedy strikes again and next week we'll be coming at
you with part four which is titled the nefarious vaccine agenda and everything there will become clear but that is it
for this special series of True of um the true Hope Family files here on true Hope cast the official podcast of true
hope Canada we'll see you next