Guest Episode
February 01, 2024
Episode 141:
Core Trauma Transformation with Dr. Tara Perry
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Dr. Tara Perry is a Clinical Hypnotherapist and doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine.
She specializes in Core Trauma Transformation, helping people get to the root of their biggest block, connect to their authentic selves, and thrive in deep confident peace.
For 25 years, Dr. Perry has successfully treated celebrities, Olympians, first responders, world record holders, doctors, scientists, teachers, parents, and children.
Dr. Perry hosts her own podcast as well--available on all major platforms called Next Level Healing.
hello and welcome to True Hope cast the official podcast of true hope Canada where we take a deep dive into mental
Health's many physiological and psychological aspects this is the show for you if you're looking for motivation
inspiration knowledge and solutions that's what we are all about here at true hope Canada and true hope Canada is
a mind and body based supplement company dedicated first and foremost to promoting brain and body Health through
non-invasive nutritional means for more information about us you can visit trueu hopec canada.com today's question we're going
to finish the show with is going to be how can I recognize if a core trauma is affecting my everyday life and my guest
today is Dr Tara Perry Dr Perry is a clinical hypnotherapist and doctor of
acupuncture and Chinese medicine she specializes in core trauma transformation helping people get to the
root of their biggest block connect to their authentic selves and thrive in a deep confident peace for 25 years Dr
Perry has successfully treated celebrities Olympians First Responders world world record holders doctors
scientists teachers parents and children she also has her own podcast which is available on all major platforms it's
called Next Level healing today we're going to be discussing core trauma transformation enjoy the show okay Dr
Perry welcome to True Hope cast thank you so much for being with us today how are you what's going well I'm doing
great thanks so much for having me here I'm excited wonderful well we're going to be discussing core trauma
transformation today something that you're a specialist in and at the end of the podcast we're going to offer some
solutions to the question something that we do on every show is how can I recognize if a core trauma is affecting
my life so hopefully we'll we'll build up towards that towards the end of the show so people can take some practical
um tips from from this and take them straight into their life but as an introduction would you mind just telling
us a little bit more about who you are and what it is that you do please goodness uh such a long journey and such
a worthwhile one uh years a well I grew up uh my dad was on the board of the price pottinger foundation which is one
of the oldest nutritional foundations on the planet so I was really lucky I grew up with no white flour and no white sugar in my house back when they thought
Twinkies was a vitamin my dad was also into Kenneth Cooper so he was into aerobics before
that became a hot thing um and uh went off into um the entertainment business
when I was in Los Angeles uh for several years and decided I didn't feel like
that was um satisfying my soul and helping other people um so I called at my homeopath
one day and said what would I do I mean I was working at the hottest uh agency in Hollywood but I called it my homie
paath one day and I said what would I do if I want to do what you do because I was really impressed with how he transform people's lives for the better
and uh when he told me it's like God part of the clouds and said okay this is what you're going to go do and so it at
the time it seemed a bit insane because here I was leaving what the industry everybody wanted to be in and we had
lawyers and mbas working in the mail room for minimum wage uh because they were just so desperate to get into the
business um of entertainment uh but I was uh more interested in in helping
people really transform their lives so I got into uh acupuncture and nutritional medicine for um gosh I was in Southern
California with my offices in Santa Monica Beverly Hills and then Belmont Shore I taught UCLA and Emperor's
college and then I luckily found out um triggered by a patient of mine who had a
bunch of trauma in her past and when I discovered that she was accessing her subconscious mind with the help of a
practitioner um I was like okay I want to know about that and I swapped sessions with the person that that
person had been working with and I thought okay this is different um this is a way to get into the subconscious
mind at a deeper level um I I I had known two of the top hypnotists in in
Los Angeles but it wasn't it wasn't as deep uh I find that you know scientists
now know that the conscious mind is only um 5 to 10% of our brains while 90 to
95% is subconscious so to really use that Powerhouse that is below the level
of Consciousness our conscious mind is only processing 40 bits per second and our subconscious mind is processing 40
million bits per second so I find and over and over again people are telling me that they've been in therapy for 10
20 30 40 years and didn't get what they were looking for whereas if they work with me and they get to the subconscious
mind find out what's really triggering those patterns they're able to rewire them it's I almost say like people are
on iPhone 14 running around on iPhone 4 technology nice um so so that Lit me up
and I am just so grateful to have client after client after client you know come
with PTSD stress anxiety um you know if if you're under stress then you're in
fight ORF flight to some degree and so your your brain is saying look there's no time to heal we have to run we have
to fight we have to hide you're in that mode of of survival and the the body
doesn't function well in that state it can't heal in that state um I just recently worked with a fellow who had um
chronic back pain from an injury for 40 years and fortunately this fellow was an advanced meditator and had you know he
knew the power of His subconscious mind so when I said you know we can do acupuncture but you've already done it
and you know it your body should have healed by this amount of time you know if you break your femur it's the
thickest bone in your body under normal circumstances that should be healed within eight weeks better than ever
before so if that's not happening likely there's something in the subconscious mind that's not optimal so we just went
in took care of it and in six weeks he had you know 80% less back pain and I
asked him are you surprised about that and he said no I know my mind's really powerful
well that's really cool that's a that's a whole lot to unpack I I have a question in regards to the beginning of
your story and it's funny how you say that you are fortunate to grow up in a
in a nutrition Advanced family because I read I've got two kids they're two and
four years old and we read a lot of a lot of books a lot of these books come from the library and they're from the 90s and all these these kids books and
the breakfast that they always have in these books is is cereal and orange juice and pancakes it's unbelievable it's in every single book so it's like
it's programming from every s from from everywhere and yeah my kids are you know they'll bought bought up they're bought
up on fats and proteins first thing in the morning and they have a very different energy level to a lot of other kids but you also said in your story
that you went to ask your your homeopath how you can get on a similar path to him
why did you ask that question like what was going on for you why did you CU that was a very very different path for you
yeah I just didn't feel like my soul was satisfied I felt like I was in an environment that was very superficial um
very backstabbing actually um you know honestly people would smile at when
they're on the phone with you and then hang up and flip you off I mean it was it just it wasn't it wasn't they weren't
happy uh it was a lot of money a lot of money and a lot of power but um I didn't
see much well adjusted happy people I didn't see happy relationships um I see
a lot of authentic authentically happy people and I I felt like something was
missing um and when I looked at what my homeopath was doing I thought okay well
that that just felt right it felt I I find that the more evolved
people get um myself included um the more you want to be of service to other people you want to see that the impact
of your your your life um is positively impacting others um really on all levels
if it's you know somebody you're meeting at the grocery store and you give them a big smile or a compliment and you know
that can prevent somebody from committing suicide yeah I just I wanted to do something where I I felt like I was
making a massive impact on other people's lives in a positive way and I just didn't see that that was happening
in that environment and I guess the thing that was noticeable is that I just didn't see a lot of happy people um I I
didn't see people that were you know authentic Bally living in their hearts and and making a difference in other
people's lives I mean it was glamorous and and there was a lot of money a lot of power um I mean that kind of power
yeah sure yeah it's um it's in Hollywood and
La is interesting because I mean just Hollywood as a whole it doesn't to me itn't look an appealing thing it looks
likea chaos and disorder of the most absurd kind and yeah certainly doesn't
look appealing and when I go to like the supermarket and I'm buying my uh buying my groceries at the checkout and you see
the magazines that are like that are like stacked up there and it's like the latest Hollywood heartbreak and you know
and like I just think about how many wives has Brad Pit had these people can't be happy and and I don't want to
say normal but they can't be like happy and balanced and in a good place and it's like that Hollywood environment is
just like breeding these like kind of like psychotic individuals that I don't
know love so much that they can't get out of there but they are just like not in Balance so it's amazing that you're
able to recognize that that wasn't for you and you're able to get out of it because like I bet you know so many
people still who are still in well a lot of them ended up being my my patients and they would say oh you're so lucky
you got out and um I I do feel that way I I I just I think honestly for me to go
to bed at night feeling good you have to make a big positive difference in other people's lives um I interviewed um Jamal
wils years ago uh and we spent the entire hour talking about John Wooden and John Wooden lived that kind of life
where he he didn't consider a day uh perfect unless he had done something for
somebody else that they couldn't possibly rep repay um and he walked his talk and and Jamal after an hour you
know he's a multiple time NBA superstar um you know he was just so grateful that we had taken the time to um to owledge
and and and praise the work of of this man who had such a deep influence on his life
amazing um let's talk about trauma because well I was saying to you just
off off off air just before we went live here that we've had so many really cool practitioners come on onto the podcast
talking about trauma talking about their experiences with it and now that they
have the ability to help people through it after certifications Etc and education why is trauma such a a big
thing at the moment what what do you think about that from your experience great question I think more and more uh
even in business PE businessmen are acknowledging or the business Community I should say is acknowledging that um
mindset is 80% of it so uh I I heard a wonderful and I'm sorry I
don't remember this man's name I'm gonna have to go track him down but I I heard this Navy um or sorry this um Special
Forces uh guy you know he had been through so many wars and so many uh tactical things and and honestly the
most trauma that he had that needed work was after he went into business after he
got out of the military because the military helped him get through you know a lot of the debugging from uh the
missions that he had been on but uh he said just you know running a family and running a business in in in society is
is really traumatic and stressful so trauma takes a lot of forms it's not always you know the the child who was
beaten when they were younger or sexually abused which and and unfortunately there's a tremend mendous amount of that um it's it's basically
anytime we feel overwhelmed and like we're not enough and can't can't survive
can't get through whatever it is we need to get through so it's not so much what happens to us it's our stories about our
s the world and other people that get embedded and then those are the things that that live on there's a guy named
Donald Hebb um I believe was 1948 that his um his research work was accepted
it's called HEBs law and basically neurons that fire together wire together so when you have a powerful thought such
as I'm not enough I'm not going to survive I'm overwhelmed uh I'm not good enough I don't deserve and all that
stuff tends to get cemented in really solidly in childhood and that's in the subconscious mind which is why it's so
difficult to resolve with therapy but then you have a strong thought and that strong emotion and they wire together
and that's called HEBs law and and the reason I find that most of my clients are saying look I went through all this
therapy it didn't do anything or it didn't help enough or it was only mildly helpful is because it doesn't get to the
subconscious mind and that firing and wiring that's going on at the subconscious level so the whole trick is
to upgrade that iPhone 4 you know into the iPhone 14 that it really is and to do that I find it helps to go into the
subconscious mind which means relaxing the brain waves you can't do it in this High beta state that we're in right now
you know now we're multitasking we can be aware of stuff that's going on in another room but when you're in that
relaxed Alpha state where you're drifting in and out of sleep that's when the subconscious mind is very accessible
and then you can find out oh that's what that feeling is that's what that emotion is that what that need is that was
cemented in there so long ago and often it's a just something way out of left field that people aren't even expecting
sometimes it's exactly what they expect um but I so often I have people coming to me saying you know I just I have this
feeling and I don't know one gal you know who's on my Instagram and my YouTube there's all kinds of testimonials on there but she just said
you know and her her thing was a sugar addiction she would go home and you know she's a beautiful successful uh business
owner in the Chocolate World and um she would go home at night and she would just feel like a roving monster was
driving her to eat sugar um and you know she had been through all kinds of programs and therapy and and meditation
classes and programs and and and she says you can't solve the problem if you don't know what it is and there was you
know trauma that she had suspected but she didn't really know and she was able to get clarity on that in our sessions
and she says like the hooks are gone now they're they're they're never coming back um she doesn't have that that
roving monster forcing her to go and stuff herself with sugar to feel good
because you know there was this need there and once the need is taken care of then you don't have to do things you
don't want to do or behave the way you don't want to behave uh because it's try trying to satisfy a need absolutely do
you have do you have a good definition of what trauma is I would say it's when
uh something happens uh and again two people can go through the same identical experience but one person might even get
stronger from it and another person can have their life ruined by it and it's because of the ideas the uh beliefs that
we come up with about ourselves the world and other people that end up traumatizing us does that make sense and
again absolutely at a subconscious level so that's where the challenge I believe
comes in for most people is it's just it's too it's very difficult to resolve something that's going on in your
subconscious mind those loops and patterns that are firing and wiring together and what do you think is
the the root issue of a lot of people not being able to work through or deal
with their trauma themselves do we have now in our culture a lack of skill of
being able able to do that did we were we able to do that were we more maybe connected with our mind and our body
when we didn't have all these incredible distractions like Instagram and Disney World um were we much more connected to
who we are and connect lot more connected to nature which obviously you know if you you're constantly in a high
beta State as you're talking about and I think we should we should um explain to people a little bit more what what that
is because not everyone's going to be familiar with with the type of brain waves that we have we'll jump back to that but do you think that we just have
this massive lack of connection and we're unable to deal with our own things
and actually feel what we're feeling like where where where's this lack coming from where we need and have to
seek out like a trauma expert like yourself there is so much to unpack with that question Simon it was a great great
great great question I have this cartoon in the other room it's a it's a camel uh flattened on the ground with all these
sacks on its back and when somebody says what what do we need to do to get healthier well start removing the Sachs
and the Sachs take all kinds of forms it can be you know self-punishment uh negative selft talk it can be
environmental toxins it can be not enough love it can be loneliness um it can you know be parental abuse it can be
all kinds of things uh um so yeah there in lies the the magic formula is is
helping people find out what that thing is that can help less you know how do we start pulling those sacks off um
I think podcasts are a great way to start you know plugging into good useful
information um I don't think mainstream media um has a lot to offer because
unfortunately you know I used to do broadcasts out of Angel Stadium and in Anaheim and you know I had my sponsors
and you never you can't say stuff against your sponsors and when you look at who's sponsoring most of the the news
you know it's people that want to sell you stuff um so the news is never going
to conflict with that and the News will support that actually because that's just the way it
has to be to run that business so today we're seeing a lot of people branching off into podcasts and and find something
that is a good source of information um look at the outcomes that people are getting with whatever it is they're
doing whether it's you know Vim Hoff's breath work or meditation I mean there's voluminous information about how
meditation is important um getting out into nature ground in um I recently read
a book and I'm hoping to interview the author called don't sleep there are snakes and it's about a guy that lived
with the um Paha in the uh in southern in the Amazon and uh you know they don't
use their brains the way we do we are very compartmentalized we we um we have
categories for things we're very left brained people and and people who live
in nature that are totally in the present moment and totally aware of their present surroundings are are more
right brain people um and and truly it's the left brain that causes all our
suffering it's the ideas the beliefs that we come up with about things and
and and so much of them are just wrong um I'm going to be interviewing Jill Bolly Taylor who had a complete stroke
of her left brain and uh and what was so revealing about that she's a
neuroanatomist she knew what was happening to her and ended up documenting you know the recovery but
also what it was like to live without that left brain that left brain that categorizes things that labels things
those are all fake things that the brain puts on on nature um in an attempt to
understand it and um I interviewed another fellow named Chris sbower who wrote no self no problem and there's
been studies where they looked at people who had had the corpus which is the connection uh tissue between the right
and the left hemisphere severed uh because they had horrible seizures and it was the only thing they knew to help
these people at the time and they found that they were actually quite functional with that severed uh but they were also
able to test how the right and the left brain function differently um and guess what the left brain that that
categorizing naming part of the brain does when it doesn't know the answer to
Something I Don't Know it makes it up oh that's good it literally just makes it
up well but but it doesn't matter whether what the answer that it comes up with is true or not so what we have to
learn from that is how much stuff is my brain making up that just isn't true oh
yeah so much so when I'm working with somebody there is usually a belief that's embedded in there that isn't true
and it isn't serving that person it's like people are walking around with anchors that they're not even aware of
of so I feel like I get to let people out of prison for a living that's amazing yeah I think that
we are so so far removed from our traditional nature as human beings to be
very much literally living in nature all of the time being connected to the
ground connected to the sky connected with our food and and trees and all these wonderful things and our culture
now has Ved to a point where we are now we've gone from a know a collective Community to very single individuals we
can just have our phone and that's kind of like all we have and people tend to survive survive that way but our you
know our genetic biological code is not not really set for that so I feel like yeah we have lost the skills and the
ability to actually think and feel in a way that we need to get over traumatic
events that are evitably are going to happen in our lives but when they do come up as young kids for example know
our brain makes things up to get us through them my guess is a survival mechanism and and that can very much
lead to Serious disorders I guess when when people get to to an older age and it's
blows my mind that you that individuals like yourself are able to work with people with you know deep rooted things
that happened to them 50 years ago and they're still a you're still able to like get into that and heal it and get
through it like it's absolutely phenomenal um can you tell us that we touched you touched on about um beta
brain waves when we're kind of in a high stress State like you and me like right now like thinking and talking and then
we have these Alpha State can you tell us what the connection with that with like a fight ORF flight individual
stress State and the actual ability to access a subconscious mind and um what
the the difference in in brain wave would would be if you wanted to get to that point so that's a great question
and so beta doesn't have to necessarily mean stress it can just be you know aware of a lot of things multitasking
things like that so um it's it's also helpful to compare it to the animal community because animals don't have
this crazy active left brain like we do you know they're very much in the present moment so if you see a deer out
grazing in the forest you know it's happy it's in it's it's it's immune
system is functioning its digestive system is functioning its hormonal system is functioning and then all of a sudden sees a coyote and all of a sudden
alarm Bells alarm Bells alarm Bells it goes into you know fight or flight you know the brain waves are are extremely
active its pupil are dilated it's its blood is shut down from digestion it goes out to the uh periphery so that it
can run it can hide it can fight it can do whatever it needs to do to survive but then as soon as that thread is gone
you know it looks around and it goes okay I'm okay and it goes back to grazing and its immune system goes back
on and its hormonal system turns on and humans just because we have this crazy active left brain which is neither good
nor bad but it's how we are and how we've evolved um we we tend to get stuck
in that danger danger danger because you know we're we're paying bills we're we're you know trying to please the boss
the family whatever whatever whatever there's a lot on our plate and if we have those beliefs that are wired into
the subconscious mind that I'm really not that good enough I really don't deserve I'm really a bad person whatever
we picked up from Mom Dad the world um brothers sisters growing up it it just
again it's like carrying around a backpack that you don't need to be carrying all around it's like you're trying to get up a hill but you're
you've got this 150 pounds that you don't need to be taking with you um so
uh I hope I answered your question I feel like I went around in circles there no you did you did and I love the I love
the deer example and there's actually videos you can see of deers literally like shaking themselves to go from that
fight or flight back into that parasympathetic rest and digest State they actually go through like a physical
process to get themselves back in it and it's it's a really interesting example of kind of how we don't regulate
ourselves as human beings obviously we have a a fight or flight nervous system for for a very good reason you know like
we want to be able to be alert and have adrenaline P pumping through our bodies to be able to get ourselves away from
danger or fight if we need to but we also need to be able to get back to a
place where we're able to digest our food we're able to think rationally Etc and I think that so many like chronic
disorders that we see within our culture are steadied from the fact that people are in fight or flight for most of their
day they wake up in it they grab their phone Etc and go through their day and the last thing they see is their screen
as well and you have a your your ability to
digest nutrients and get them around your body and fuel your body with the single base ingredients it needs to
produce hair skin nails liver cells Etc you're not going to be able to grab
those nutrients from your food when you're in a in a stress State you literally don't have the blood the energy the chi whatever you want to call
it in that area to break that down to utilize so that's when it's really really a great idea we've seen so many
people using like our like a broad spectrum micronutrient product to consume even when you're in a stress
State the um the ingredients are so bioavailable they're uptaken give people
the ability to recover in a way where they're not going to be nutrient
deficient which is going to hopefully not lead to further issues with what they're seeing and you've got this
really so you're a doctor of acupuncture in Chinese medicine correct yes and I'm
I studied a lot of TCM when I studied nutrition and I found the I found the
the pulse diagnosis and the the tongue diagnosis eye diagnosis like really really fascinating and I really loved
the connect with different disorders different body types for example as well
with um with different organs within the body so if you go and see a CH a TCM
practitioner like yourself um they're going to obviously you're going to go through an intake form they can even look at you and give you like diagnosis
of what's going going on and they'll be able to pinpoint that to a different organ and that's obviously where they work through the meridians really
amazing work um but my question is what would what's the the TCM diagnosis of
trauma and how like somebody who's got I don't know there's so many different so many different examples of
trauma but let's just use it as a broad statement somebody comes in with a traumatic event that's happened to them and that's their kind of root cause of
their disease what what would be the the Diagnostics the diagnostic steps for a
TCM practitioner so that's a great question and everything in TCM is individualized so again it doesn't
matter what happens to us it's how we respond to it so one person you know
might become very angry and might develop more of a liver problem uh a liver excess problem which is rampant in
in our world um and and actually having the liver Channel addressed is very relaxing um you know any anytime you let
go of that backpack that you're carrying around I mean people people who do my work you know they often it's it's a
mixed thing it's like they're they're more energized but they're also more relaxed so it's it's a delicious
combination of both um somebody else might feel intensely afraid and have the
kidney uh energy damaged um somebody else um uh you know if they're if
they're more of an earth thing they might have their their spleen Meridian impacted by that um somebody that's more
susceptible in the heart might have that organ system affected so by looking at the tongue by looking at the pulse by
hearing what the person's symptoms are and what triggers uh either make them
feel better or worse in their life you can get more of a clear symptom picture it it typically comes down to energy not
moving the way it's supposed to move in the body it's like a river uh chi is
often related to some type of body of water whether it's a spring a a well a a
river a stream an ocean um and and when
if if you if you picture like a healthy River and the water is abundant and it's flowing and it's clear and it's
beautiful and you want to drink it um and then there's like a dam that plugs it up and it becomes stagnant and
the body is very much the same way so the the reason people feel so energized
and relaxed typically after an acupuncture treatment is because you've removed those blockages and the energy
can flow um my personal jump has been that by working with the subconscious
mind I find that that's even deeper and more permanent um and faster so that's
been my go-to um um for pretty much everything uh and and and it's funny
they work completely differently but they also affect the body the same way yeah I when I studied when I I
studied nutrition for three years and I was I was 30 years old when I went into this when I went into this program and i' not been to school for 12 years and I
had the combination of being very a very excited mature student as well as just I
just so into nutrition and food and all these other modalities that went around with like holistic health I was just so
excited about it and there wasn't a day go by where I wasn't researching and studying and my brain was it was very
hard for me to shut my brain off and then I was going into Community Acupuncture sessions where there were
they had these three Lazy Boy chairs out and you'd see your practice you know it's very quiet it was really beautiful in there lovely music had some nice tea
before you lie you lie there and you get the needles in and one thing for me is like I like I just like to move and go
like I played Sports my whole life you can't can't move with a needle in you you can but you're going to regret it
immediately you're not going to do it again so you're lying there with these needles in and once you're okay with that like after the after the first or
second session you just start to feel your body and being with Stillness and
we just we we don't do that consciously we go to sleep for sure but we're obviously sort rolling around and things but there's not many times in our life
where we are um consciously aware but we are keeping still with our body it's a
really fascinating thing to go through it's like when people like finally break through the difficulties of meditating
when you first start doing it like you'll you'll sit there and your your mind will tell your tell everything to
your body to get up or your body will tell everything to your mind to get up you know there'll just be this
disconnection between both of them and you you you'll just want to get up there and do something there'll be a itch you have to scratch there'll be this thing
you think you need to go and do but having to like sit your mind and telling it to like stay like a pet dog it's
really really fascinating and super interesting and yeah acupuncture if if you've not tried it it's a really really
wonderful thing and the research for acupuncture now is absolutely staggering in regards to I know back pain to there
so many different things I'm not an expert in acupunctur so I'm not going to pretend to be but I've done it for so many great things for knee injuries for
soccer back pain for having small wild children and it's just a really amazing
thing and if you just want to like have a 1 hour incredible restorative sleep that you definitely need
go and book an acupuncture session but it can even restore motion to a body part that you know has either lost it
through a stroke or an injury um I've worked with a lot of people in that department um drop foot which is when a
a bulge is impacting the nerves going down the leg and person's not properly picking up their foot I've rehearsed
that several times so Bell's paly is another you know wonderful thing that acupuncture treats uh I I actually own
the do the the domain named bills py solution.com nice I like that you know I and that was
I've had it for years because when I was in China you know they taught us how to do that and uh again it's just those
nerve Pathways you're just waking them up and stimulating them to flow and run like they were supposed to um typically
with trauma trauma is very Contracting you know when you're in fear you tend to want to hide and shut down and you know
get like this right yeah disappear so like I I've got people that grind their teeth and and you know when you go back
into the subconscious mind you know what is a three-year old going to do when it's stressed out you know it can't fight it can't speak its mind it's just
going to sit there and grit its teeth a lot of times so when that's firing and wiring then the person you know that as
a 40-year-old or 50-year-old or 60-year old can still be clenching their teeth when they get stressed and it's just not a useful pattern anymore but you can't
change it with the conscious mind absolutely yeah years and years of meditation but that can often take a
long time for people and and I I all of my people I that are willing to meditate
I encourage that because the the um Joe despenza is probably leading the world right now and and quantifying the
results uh of people meditating and what happens to the blood I was in his microbiome study about a year and a half
ago and just in a week of of um a lot of meditation uh you know your microbiome
is measurably better now you could sit there and take probiotics for a year and
you know maybe not see any difference at all especially if you don't deal with the stress but if you go into this
delicious meditation you're doing the breath um and breath work I do think is really really important um if you know
your listeners could go on Vim Hoff's thing and he's got an 11 minute thing that I think's been seen by I don't know 70 million people around the world it's
really popular yeah um and it's just 11 simple minutes uh you know that you do
in quiet and peace and and you know just feel what it feels like to uh have that
energy exchange with your breath yeah we'll definitely get a couple of links to those yeah I'm a I'm a huge fan of Dr
Joe but been blessed to be able to go to a few a few of his events and the the thousand people like weekl long Workshop
was just like just completely changed my life in regards to what meditation can do and especially when you are with a
thousand other people who are completely in it as well it's really it's kind of
see I came I came back from it and my wife thought I was in a cult for a week oh no but but it's not you know it's
it's um it's kind of like you have to be in it to really really get it as was there with me she'd be like all over it
as well I was just so pumped up and energized about what I could do with my own mind and my own body and being out being wrapped around hundreds and
hundreds of other people um who who were doing the same sort of thing I went there as like to research and study him
more because I'd done a couple of the weekend workshops and I wanted to dive in deeper into the work so I could help
other people but it ended up just being a complete therapy session for me and it was just amazing so yeah I'll I'll send some I'll
put some links he's got a couple of great books well now he's got three three great books that you should definitely check out but I'll put some
links in the show notes for people to to get involved in that work in that 11 minute whm Hoff video as well um I want
to ask you about um core trauma transformation and what that looks like
you've said a few times about working with the subconscious mind I think for a lot of people who who don't know much
about it can't really wrap their heads around that because it's not something that they can like physically see or
touch or do or read on a lab report yeah so can you tell us a little bit more about like what what that would look
like in a a session starting point that I have for people is if there's an emotion that you're struggling with like
that's been there for ever so many times I ask people you know how long have you been feeling that like
my whole life um so it could be you know not not feeling enough uh not you know
feeling um lack of confidence it could be fear it could be uh anxiety is a huge
one just you know I I'm stressed out and I don't know why um it's it's more stress than I should be experiencing
given what my life looks like um you know anger is another one um anything
that drives you to any kind of addiction so whether that's cigarettes or sugar or
shopping or sex or whatever it is that you need to fill a hole that's imaginary that you know you just can't fill it
with that substance it just it doesn't fill that hole you need to fill that hole and then you don't need the
substance um so uh I I start there and it's like well
what is the emotion where is it in your body you know what does it feel like is it heavy is it electrical is it empty
you know if it had a color what would it what would its color be if it had a temperature what would its temperature be what triggers it um when do you
notice it the most when is it not there um and that's the that's the beginning part and then if we wave a magic wand
and it's no longer there and you're in a state of something that you would give anything to feel on a consistent basis
what would that be you know tell me tell me about that um and so that's the road map that's from you know if you're
calling up a travel agent you want to get from where you are to where you want to go the travel agent's going to want to know where you are so that they can
you know get you the proper ticket and then tell me where you want to go so that's my little GPS road map to get you
from where you are to where you want to go um and then it's just a matter of connecting with those emotions um I the
good news is is I'm just tour guide I don't have to figure anything out you don't have to figure anything out those
emotions are going to take us right back to where that was cemented in and then we can communicate with it and find out
what it wants and what it needs and and it it it usually is something that people completely don't expect if you go
on my YouTube channel on my Instagram again there's just story after story after Story you know somebody who didn't
sleep for seven years more than three to four hours a night they were starting to lose their minds they had been through regular Sleep Therapy and they're like
Tara I don't know what you did you you know you never even mentioned sleep in the therapy and I didn't have to I just
had to get rid of the emotion that was preventing the sleep from not occurring um so you know people who have
come with all kinds of PTSD from either you know I had one G that was attacked by a Rottweiler and was having horrible
PTSD she had six jaw surgery she was living in fear of more draw surgeries more pain more fear she had developed a
choking Disorder so every time she went to the H every time she ate she was at risk of going to the hospital and you
know nothing was helping her so you know in her first session she was like oh my gosh this is really um this is my
solution and and sure enough in a couple sessions she wasn't having the problem anymore um sometimes I get somebody that
knows where the problem got cemented in like in her case obviously she knew the dog attack was the the source of the
problem um but other times I just get people that are like look I'm I'm struggling like one time I worked with a
gallerist in Switzerland um and she was an advanced meditator uh she was a jodas benza person and she's like look I just
I used to feel okay asking for money when I was an attorney but now as a gallerist i just don't feel okay asking
for money for other people's artwork but you know their livelihood my livelihood it all depends on me being amazing for
these people but I just can't show up for some reason so it was completely not expected what the answer was but we just
took her back to the you know that emotion where was it cemented in and rewired it now she's Selling paintings
for you know 30 and $40,000 and having a great time so um I I've had lots of
people who don't feel comfortable asking for money um one one G is a an oral
surgeon she's phenomenal but her sister's an even more uh academically
achievement uh oriented medical person so uh when they were doing their homework as a as kids the father just
you know put her down in some way that she took to heart she is a very loving sensitive person and you know she didn't
let that go that this unworthiness I mean is the stupidest thing ever but you know your subconscious mind doesn't care
if you're happy it wants you to be safe and if it gets the message that you're not okay you're not good enough you're not worthy You're Not Safe um then it's
it's going to fire and wire until something comes along to to disconnect that um and reconnect something else so
I kind of create a yellow brick road for people from where they are to where they want to go I make them a customized audio tape that they listen to each and
every night in between the sessions um I typically work with people over 90 days
uh and that uh includes the three sessions with me plus a a weekly Mastermind group and some video support
model modules um but it's that it's kind of like learning a new language it's like
learning uh a new sport it's not difficult but you do have to show up and you do have to want it because the
subconscious mind prefers well the mind in general prefers a familiar hell to an
unfamiliar heaven and they in life problem the the and and Joe despenza talks about this all the time anybody
that studies this work knows that's the problem is your brain wants you to be
safe it thinks that familiar is safe even if what's familiar is horrible it's
like Stockholm syndrome you know they studied these people who were enslaved by other people and they developed this
empathy and caring for people that abused them um because again what's familiar feels safe and your brain wants
that safety it wants that familiarity so once the subconscious mind can go oh
that's not what I want that's a hot poker that feels horrible that's hurting me then it'll be willing to drop it it's
almost like Dorothy and The Wizard of Oz when Toto pulls the curtain back and it goes oh this big scary thing that I
thought you know I had to obey is just some idiot guy you know pulling levers back there then I mean how much power
does that smoke and the billowing Voice have for you anymore yeah it's a really really great example
wonderful um we're just going to finish off with um the question we asked at the top of the show I really love to give
some people some maybe some practical ideas or things they can put into practice that's going to actually
help them recognize that some of some of these things might might be going on for
them most likely are so how can people start to recognize if a core trauma is
affecting their everyday life great question so just notice how you feel um
do you wake up with a smile on your face going oh my gosh this is a great day I'm excited to jump in and try new things or
do you wake up going oh I don't want to be here um yeah we have two million new
cells coming online every second and if those two million cells are hearing how
horrible life is and how awful the boss is and you know how difficult it's going to be getting through the day and you
know if it hears a bunch of negative messages what are those cells going to want to do they're want to gonna go you know I'm just gonna go back to where I
came from bye but if they if they hear hey this is gonna be a great day there's people
around that I care about I can't wait to be with them I can't wait to be of service to them I can't wait to dive into this new information that I'm all
excited about you know whatever it is you know and and everybody's got something to be grateful for um there's
a guy that I I hope to be interviewing his name is Nick s his short name is Nick Santos he's got a very long but
this guy has no arms and no legs and and he's the most able his sister will say he's the most able person that she knows
he's got a great attitude he even went and became an MMA fighter I mean hello you know what's your problem seriously
so when this guy looks into the camera and says you know tell me what you can do you know or he says tell me what you
get to do because we we say oh I have to do this today I have to mow the lawn I have to go to the store I have to pick
up my kids whatever it is but if we change that just just the simple change
of I get to do this because I can all of a sudden those two million new cells
that are coming online every second they're not going oh God we have to do this they're going oh my gosh guess what
we get to do I mean think about it if you've got a six-year-old or a four-year-old or what or you don't want to get too young because then you get
into the terrible twos but but basically if you go to a kid and say guess what we get to do you know they're gonna like
whatever it is it's [Laughter] great yeah it's one of my go-to tools for my four-year-old for sure you just
you just Jack you jack some energy into the most mundane things and it becomes becomes Disney World yeah Tom Sawyer
it's like hey let's paint this fence oh great let's go do it oh so good wonderful wonderful way
ways to be able to you know start reflecting inwards and I think yeah that that the point you're making about 2
million new new neurons coming online every single every single second
phenomenal of information and yeah like we have so much potential with that of every second of every day and I think we
also have a lot of responsibility as well to um to to making sure that those
th those cells are firing and rewiring in ways that we want we want to be in
the world and people yeah people don't people don't want to be sad people don't want to be lonely people don't want to be negative you know these are yeah you
say these are these are subconscious programming is running these are not new unfamiliar wonderful pieces of new
territory that we get to explore and see where we can go as far as the food supply I mean I am definitely on board
with you I mean I've got you know degrees here from uh from uh alen Gabby and and um Jonathan Wright who wrote uh
Jonathan gab Alan Gabby wrote um nutritional medicine which is 55,000 medical citations basically
showing you how to use nutritional uh components to uh deal
with various medical issues um and it's not talked about a lot in the standard
medical universities because the the impetus is again it's not it's not
conspiracy it's just the way it works you know the the funny yeah they they don't they get the information channels
come from the power sources which is drugs surgery um there's a great book
called anti-cancer um uh and in it the author uh references
this this scientist who was just a leading guy that you know would write about various drugs and what they did
for cancer and he got curious about raspberries one day because they had wonderful healing effects for cancer and
he's like wow this is extraordinary and he looked around he's like there's nobody for me to tell no there's no
channel to get it out there the raspberry farmers of America aren't going to you know Pony up10 million or
billion dollars or whatever it costs these days to get this to the front lines but that's just isn't gonna
happen so yeah it's it's it's seriously unfortunate we had uh Dr bnny Kaplan on
the show pretty recently I just going to try and find her book there but she wrote a book uh called the better brain
and she I think she's in her 70s or 80s now I'm going to get told off if I get that wrong but um she in the 60s she was
studying micronutrients basically individual vitamins and minerals effect on
disorders such as depression and anxiety and trying to get like other people to work with her for that and trying to get
grants to to study that type of thing was just absolutely impossible and it was a very very difficult challenge but
she's actually went through had an amazing career a lot of research groundbreaking research in regards to
how micronutrients have a huge ability to reverse a lot of serious conditions
anxiety depression PTSD Etc and um just when you're able to actually provide
your body with Incredible good quality nutrients you can actually start thinking a bit differently you can
actually start thinking about maybe going for a walk rather than just like sticking on closing the curtains and
watching a watching a show or whatever you know it's you know it can be really really powerful stuff and it's so so simple there's two there's two
well-known doctors um Dr Zack Bush who I'm sure you're probably familiar with yeah and Steven gundry and they both
came out with video at the same time I just posted the uh Zack Bush one to my
Mastermind group and got a lot of accolades people were very grateful to see it but basically back in the 1960s
they started to implement factory farming and they started growing more food on the same amount of soil uh and
and depleting the nutrients from the soil and so uh you know an orange today
doesn't have the same uh nutrients in it that it did 50 years ago by a long shot
and it just keeps getting worse and worse and worse with more pesticides and and toxins put in and more nutrients
taken out so you can see the the graph of of that taking place and going up in
the 1960s and right along with it is chronic disease yeah absolutely yeah Dr Zach is
such a I love just listening to that guy speak he's got such a beautiful way so elegant and yeah he's all about the soil
so yeah he's he's a good person to follow so a quick thing everybody can do I mean go find your local Farmers go to
your farmers markets um and and I mean I personally I buy a bag of apples at the
farmers market it doesn't taste like the apples in the supermarket it's they have real
flavor and then you don't have to worry about the stuff that they're being sprayed with for you know keep them
looking good for a month yeah it's absolutely bizarre in regards of the stuff that you can buy in
the store and how long it and how long it lasts for even the labeling is getting to be so I mean I there's
products coming out that are clearly not safe clearly not organic and they're getting labeled they're they're being
allowed to be disseminated in the in the organic section yeah we can't rely on
our our government bodies to protect us with that type of thing there's there's so many foods and chemicals that are
illegal in Europe that are just everyday everyday use in well marketing of of uh
Pharmaceuticals is only illegal in America and in New Zealand that's right it's bizarre it's really bizarre that
that's still s thing yeah all right well 50 minutes
that absolutely flew by why don't you tell us where people can connect with you please absolutely so uh my website
consult tera.com you can reach out to me there uh there's a button that says let's talk and there's some questions
that you can fill out to just get some clarity about what is troubling you and what you'd like to shift and then you
can set up a 30-minute call with me you can also find me at Nashville healer.com it'll get you to the same place and for
listeners Simon if they just uh shoot me a note from my website saying hey I'd like to hear your unzip meditation it's
a really simple meditation to just unzip from the personality that you think you are and go into nothing and just
experience being quiet and free for for several minutes before you go about your
day so um that's a free gift to your listeners beautiful that's lovely well thank you so much for coming on the show
I think we unpack so many amazing things I can't wait to get this out and people to listen so thank you so much for your time today appreciate it Simon thank you
so much awesome okay well that is it for this episode of True hope podast the official podcast of true hope Canada
we'll be back with you next week and if you want to connect with um Dr Perry and we also talked about many different
videos and different things that you can check out as well I make sure they're in the show notes for you but that's it from us today see you
[Music] soon