Guest Episode
December 7, 2023
Episode 136:
Health Canada: Exploiting the Death of Ezekiel Stephan
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Join David Stephan, VP of Truehope Canada, and constitutional lawyer Shawn Buckley as they discuss how Health Canada officials are using the death of Ezekiel Stephan to push their attempts to ban natural health products.
Hello and greetings.
Welcome to the special edition of True Hope Cast,
the official podcast of True Hope Canada.
Recently, the Standing Committee of Health convened
to discuss the safety of natural health products
with Health Canada representatives.
During this meeting, Dr.
Shapiro Sharma made a staggering claim
that natural health products were responsible for the death
of Ezekiel Stefan in the year 2012.
However, when the committee questioned her further on this
topic, she could not provide any additional information
beyond what was reported in the media.
As a result, David Stefan Ezekiel's father
and constitutional lawyer, Sean Buckley, felt compelled
to address this contentious issue in this interview.
We trust that you'll find the discussion
informative and engaging.
Enjoy the show.
Welcome, everybody that's viewing this.
You're either viewing it
through the True Hope cast from True Hope canada.com,
or you're viewing it through the nhpa uh, dot org channels,
um, which is a great resource for, uh, finding out
what you can do to help protect your rights
to accessing natural health products here in Canada.
Or you're viewing it on my personal Facebook page,
uh, wherever you're viewing it from.
Welcome. I've got Sean Buckley, uh, here.
You've probably seen us together before.
Um, we've had a number of interviews, great interviews.
Sean is a wealth of information.
He's a constitutional lawyer,
and we've just found ourselves connected
so many times over the last two decades in relation
to court matters in relation to the, the battle
that we find ourselves in,
in protecting our rights to natural health products.
Um, so welcome Sean.
Really glad to be here, David. Thanks for having me.
Alright. We're gonna be talking about a, uh, a little bit
of a different topic today than,
than just honing in myopically on natural health products.
Um, there's something that that kind
of popped up recently where
That made us both angry.
It's made you angry. Oh, it made me really angry.
Alright. Alright. So we're gonna be talking about
what made makes Sean angry.
Um, I wasn't so much angry
as I was just looking at it be
because it's expected, I guess it's just, I don't know if,
if I've come to a place in my life where this is just
what I'd expect from the government, you know, you know,
dirty tactics and whatnot, even though it's a,
it's an extremely personal matter.
Um, I guess I've just gotten to that point where, um,
I don't expect any different from them.
Um, extremely low, extremely dirty, what they're doing.
And they've now gone personal in relation to a story
that, um, that I've lived.
And that, interestingly,
Sean has also been a significant part of
that story in living that through for basically 10 years,
um, with my wife, with myself and, and our family,
and spending a lot of time in courtrooms.
And so, a lot of
time, I've spent way too many time.
Yeah. You've spent too much time in a courtroom.
I've spent too much time in
a courtroom and I'm not a lawyer.
Alright, so we're gonna cover real quickly
what Health Canada is doing.
So you, and then we're gonna talk about this from a very
authoritative standpoint,
because the two people in, in the world
that would know this story best
and how to combat what Health Canada's doing
are right here on this podcast.
Mm-Hmm. And so, bear with us,
watch the video from Health Canada
and we'll be back with you in just a few moments.
Represent these products. They are generally low risk,
but they're ha we had a tragic 19 month old in Alberta
that died because of using natural health products instead
of treatment for meningitis.
Dr. Steve Findel and his emergency physician, um,
in Toronto had a patient that was stable on medications
for seizures, was taken off,
those medications was put on zinc,
went into status epilepticus, which is
constant seizures and died.
So it does happen.
And so it's, it's really the principle is Canadians should
be able to, they're self-selecting.
There's no, so they're self-selecting these products.
They should have the assurance
and they're going into a safe marketplace
when they're picking up a product.
What's on the label is what's in the bottle,
what they're claim, what the advertising claims
that have been made are accurate,
and that the quality of that product that's in
that bottle is high quality
and it's not gonna be contaminated
with bacteria or other things
as well. That's the principle.
Uh, Dr. Chara, I wanna go back to one of your,
your comments that you made earlier on.
Uh, and you, you referenced, um, some deaths from, um,
attributed to natural health, uh, health products.
One was the 18 month old, uh, toddler in Alberta.
Uh, I believe it's Ezekiel, uh,
Stefan that you're referring to.
Isn't it true that, um,
the situation is different than what you're stating?
The, the, the baby didn't pass away from using
or taking natural health products.
The baby, um, ultimately passed away
because the parents didn't believe in going
to the hospital and they took the baby.
The, the baby was very sick
and they tried home remedies to try
and get the baby better first.
Um, and it wasn't necessarily,
the death wasn't necessarily attributed to an,
a specific natural health product. Isn't that correct?
So again, the, the information that we have is the same
as people have in terms of the, um, of what was in the news.
So my understanding was that, um,
and they were using natural health products
and natural treatments instead of
Like garlic tonics Antibiotics instead of antibiotics
because the child ended up having bacterial
meningitis. That's what, correct. Yeah,
Correct. But you
can't specifically tie that
to one specific natural health product
that was mislabeled or dangerous. Is that correct?
So the the point I think there was just, um,
and this was in, it was in relationship to another comment
of people thinking
that a natural health product might be
used for something that's not.
So what you're saying, your your,
your comments were being misrepresented at the
Time. No, no, I was just giving context.
And so the other context,
But the context, if, if with all due respect Yeah.
I, I believe you to be a good cur good person.
But the con the context that you,
you used in your testimony today was to say that, well,
you know, a vast majority of these health products are safe.
You know, uh, there was a loss of a, a, a tragic loss
of a toddler from one.
You used that as your, as your testimony.
And the reality, your testimony is,
is you misrepresented that situation.
Is that correct? Respectfully
Chair. The idea
is that we did a survey,
products are making claims against cancer.
They're not allowed to make treatment claims against cancer.
This, but I'm not talking about cancer.
And if somebody believes, and if somebody believes
that claim and takes that medication for cancer instead
of treatment, then that could have serious
Cons. Consequences,
yes. For, for a child
Specifically who has meningitis in the case,
Ms. Smma
specifically for this,
Just trying to finish my
Sentence for this, this testimony.
I have a short period of time, sorry.
And we're, we're just, but your testimony was, you,
I'm gonna interrupt you for one second.
Just, uh, uh, your, your time won't stop. Dr.
Sharma, you are entitled to as much time
to answer the question as it takes him to ask the question.
Right. And, and I will make sure that you get that,
but you won't get any more. Go ahead.
So I, I just wanna be clear
and give you a chance to clarify or,
or withdraw that statement
because in fact, it is misrepresentation of this.
And I, and listen, I I don't want anybody
to pass away from taking natural health products.
I had a natural health store back
in the nineties as well, too.
That dates me. I, um, but, um, you know,
and so, you know, I too was on the end of saying, well,
this is the next thing that's gonna get you muscles
and what have you did, did I know?
No, I didn't. Um, but I, I guess your point today was that
because of unregulated
or that a product being unregulated, we saw that the death
of an 18 month old toddler, that was
what your comments came across.
And I'm just asking you to, to probably withdraw that
because in fact, it was
that the parents did at their wishes were not,
they didn't believe in hospitals at the time.
They thought they could deal with the, the, uh, sickness.
They didn't, I guess, didn't understand the, the depth
and the seriousness of the, of the illness.
And they tried with home, home remedies to, to make the,
make their, their child, uh,
they loved their child by all accounts.
I, I believe that they were charged with, uh, undue care.
But, uh, ultimately,
but, um, I just,
I think your comments were, were misleading.
You may not intended it, it wasn't that child didn't die
because they used a natural health product.
They died because they didn't get the appropriate treatment
at the time in, in a timely fashion. Is that correct?
Okay. Now, Dr. Sharmer, you won't be interrupted.
You've got two and a half minutes to answer the question.
Thank you. And that is the last question. Thank you,
Mr. Dory Soory chair.
Um, I'm a pediatrician.
I, that's my, that's how I was trained.
I was trained to look after children.
I don't think there's anything more
tragic than the loss of a child.
And I don't think any parents
could, should have to live through that.
And I'm sure that these parents
very much love their, their child.
That was not the intent. The intent.
And the, the, the discussion that we're having is
that if you have natural health products
that are making claims against serious diseases,
and people believe that,
that they may be using those treatments instead
of using treatments
that could potentially help their own condition
or that of their loved ones.
That was really the context.
And the context is that, for example, uh, the other,
the other example was a physician that said that one
of their patients was taken off their medications
and put on a natural health product for seizures
and had tragic consequences.
So it was just in the context of that,
I don't wanna cast any aspersions on any parents.
It's just that when products are being misrepresented,
then there can be consequences. And it's not point of
Order chair the Point of toxicity
of the product itself.
Um, you know, I think that what we asked was
that there would be an answer to the question, not an, uh,
an expansion of it or direction around other things.
What the question was very clear was related to the fact
that you cannot regulate what parents do to their children
and regulating natural health products is not going to,
would not have made this child live longer
if their parents chose to do something different.
That an, that answer does not.
I'm, I'm answer that question at all.
I'm sorry Dr. Ellis, that isn't a point of order.
And if you could finish your answer, Dr.
Sharma, and then we'll, um, get on
with the last round go. Thank you. Go ahead and finish.
Thank you Chair. I'm, I'm, I'm done. Thank you,
Mr. Chair.
Thank you. A Question
that just might clarify for everybody,
If, well, the, the,
the last question's gonna go over here.
Okay, well, just on this, I,
I think would help all of us, and Dr.
Remer, in, in that case, was the product that was given,
did it make a claim that it would treat the,
the particular element that the child had?
So we don't have the details,
but the understanding was that the parents believed
that it could treat the condition that the child had.
Okay. The last, All right,
Now you see, and I, I told you
that this had made me angry, David,
when I see somebody just spouting what are,
in my opinion, complete falsehoods,
Well, I was gonna, I was Gonna,
that makes me angry. So
I was gonna include by saying what a,
what a pile of minutiae.
Um, yeah. Okay.
So how, first of all, on all sides there,
you spent a lot of time in the courtrooms,
you sell the medical files of, of, of Ezekiel, uh,
or what medical files were actually released to us
because we never did get them in their entirety.
Um, there were some black holes there that were left out.
Well, listen, da David, we can, we can shorten this.
Our, our highest way of finding truth in our society
is calling witnesses under oath.
And then having an impartial trier of fact
f make findings of fact.
There were two trials in which there was big, he,
did Ezekiel have bacterial meningitis?
Trial number one? No.
Ezekiel did not have bacterial meningitis as a finding
of fact, trial number two, no,
Ezekiel did not have bacterial meningitis
as a finding of fact.
So why, why do we have Dr.
Sharma claiming that Ezekiel had bacterial meningitis
when in two trials there was a clear
and specific finding of fact effect
that Ezekiel did not have bacterial meningitis.
So what, so what medical treatments being delayed here,
and, you know, what were the parents, what were the parents,
you know, missing?
I mean, correct me if I'm wrong, Ezekiel's running around
with other kids in church two days before.
Right. So I've, I've got pulled up here.
Yep. We, we didn't need to go there yet, but,
Okay. Well, you
know, you, you, you made the, oh,
You thought that you've got the Yeah, exactly.
So, so you've got the judgment there.
So he had
viral meningitis, which just is not, it's not, I mean,
it's too bad they even use the words, same word, meningitis,
but that refers to the menes.
So, um, but it's, it, you don't die from viral meningitis.
And Ezekiel didn't die from, you know,
viral meningitis and it just wasn't there.
Like what the media said had nothing to do with what
you know was happening in the courtroom. Right.
So, with the judgment here, this is from 2019,
and this is when we had a much better stab at it.
We'd gotten more medical evidence at this point in time,
and we were able to present far better than,
than we were in the first trial.
We were caught off, off guard a lot.
Um, I mean, you, they gave you more medical evidence,
mid preliminary hearing in 2014,
rather than giving it to you well in advance.
So you had time to prepare for it. Right.
Like they were playing real dirty.
And so by 2019, we had way more resources available to us.
And this is what the judgment comes out, is that yes,
at autopsy, he did have viral meningitis and Yeah,
But I mean, but recall at the first trial,
justice jerky made a specific finding effect
that Ezekiel did not have bacterial meningitis.
Like, so you're, you're looking at Justice Claxton the
second trial, but they both,
because he didn't have bacterial meningitis
and the pathology slides are still there.
And you know, David, the big, the big kicker for me is,
so just so the viewers understand, so, you know,
we've got the Crown pathologist, Dr.
Adi Asbo with the first trial saying, oh yes, he had,
you know, bacterial meningitis, you know, and largely
because there's, you know, a predominance of neutrophils in,
you know, the slides of the tissue.
And then we call his boss, the Chief Medical
examiner for the province of Alberta at the time
of Ezekiel's autopsy, who had, had actually hired Dr.
Adi Asbo. And I'm sorry, I mean Dr.
Sjo is probably one of the top 10 pathologists in the world.
Let's not even talk about Canada, the world.
And the slides are still there for anyone to go and look at.
And she says he did not have bacterial meningitis.
It was viral meningitis.
Now, here's the thing that got me, David, is so
after the first trial, they know we're gonna be calling Dr.
Annie Sjo to be saying, look it, I went,
I looked at the slides.
This is viral meningitis. It's not bacterial meningitis.
So you tell me they didn't have another pathologist
go and look at the slides.
Mm-Hmm. But they didn't call another pathologist to say Dr.
Sjo was wrong.
Mm-Hmm. And they didn't have Dr.
Abo go back and re-look at the slides,
And they had the opportunity to do
So. So you tell me
in a political show trial
that the Crown didn't have another
pathologist look at the slides.
If they didn't, if they didn't, then they knew
that they would have a problem,
that the pathologist would say, no,
this is viral meningitis.
And then they, and then if they're ethical,
they have to disclose it to us.
Right. So they, 'cause I'm sorry, I'm Crown counsel
and I've just had a star witness come in for the defense
basically completely contradicting
my star essential witness on the point
of the trial, like the major factual point.
And I've got a lot of time between trials,
and you tell me that I don't have another pathologist.
I mean, they've got lots of pathologists in the
medical examiner's office.
You tell me. I didn't have somebody else look at that.
Well, if I didn't, I deliberately didn't.
'cause I know I should, because then I'll call another
pathologist to say, Dr. SAOs full of crap.
Exactly. And you're bang on now
when the ward meningitis comes up.
I mean, that, that, that, that can trigger some,
some emotion for people like it's mm-Hmm.
Some seriousness. Do you recall
at one point in time in 2019 when you were cross-examining
Annie Savio wherein she had stated that
the viral meningitis that was found at time of autopsy
wasn't even progressed enough to have caused Just, just
to rule it out, just to Mm-Hmm.
Just to, to say it was not the cause of Ezekiel
needed to get into an ambulance.
Do you, do you recall that, that it was not
Well, I, I, I may not recall the exact testimony.
You're, but I mean, she was clear, she listened
to the nine one one call
where you can hear Ezekiel breathing.
And she was clear, that sounds like a partial obstruction
of an airway
caused by croup.
And he had just, And he had rhinovirus one of the,
you know, leading causes of croup.
And he had, you know, based on, you know, I'm gonna correct
In enterovirus.
Oh, I'm sorry. That's right. The enterovirus. Yes.
So Intero and Rhino are very, very similar.
It's hard to delineate, but Yes. Yep. Go ahead.
So, yeah, I mean,
can we talk about the elephant in the room?
Yeah. So, and,
and I mean, really people should go back to the first trial
and listen to the audio tapes of the paramedics where one
of them is crying on the stand,
crying on the stand be
because Alberta Health Services, all the,
all the ambulances in Southern Alberta have three different
ways of getting an airway.
And they're all fully stocked for any age from birth to,
you know, a hundred years old.
And some bureaucrat
or bureaucrats make the decision.
This is a deliberate administrative decision.
Well, let's destock the ambulances of all three ways
of getting an airway for anyone under the age of 12
And the paramedics are telling management,
the first infant we get that needs an airway is dead.
The first infant we get, they're begging,
they're sending emails like this, this isn't a secret.
You're an ambulance, you're emergency services,
and you, if you're gonna get an infant that needs an airway.
So for a full year, the paramedics are, are complaining.
And that's why, I forget which one was crying on the stand,
but I mean, was just so upset about what had happened.
And then, what was it, three days
after Ezekiel's death, they're all magically restocked
Within the Week. Did
you tell, you tell me
that somebody at Alberta Health Services, someone,
or some, you know, several people are not guilty
of criminal negligence causing death.
You tell me. They're not
Given the, given the response a hundred percent.
The fact that, you know, I mean, they both testified,
both paramedics testified to the fact
that they had been making those requests for, uh,
approximately a year.
Mm-Hmm. And all of a sudden that request is,
is is finally honored within a week
after the passing, Ezekiel, within one week, all
of a sudden these ambulances get all this equipment.
It wasn't like they ran out
and that they had a budget as issue,
and they just couldn't, it was like you said, it was, they,
They had, they were all stalked
And then they pulled it out proactively.
It was removed. It wasn't just that they'd ran out of it
because of an influx of babies and toddlers needing airways.
No, it was a, it was a deliberate decision.
So how is that not criminal
that a bureaucrat will have ambulances, stock destocked.
So equipment that is absolutely essential
for preserving life is taken out of ambulances.
Mm-Hmm. Like, how is that not,
how is that not criminal?
Let's revisit the, the, the cause
of death in a, in a moment.
I want to, I wanna touch on real quick though,
because we just see this, this false narrative
emerging again, and, and it hasn't been
res it hasn't been in the airways since 2021
when we were preparing for
It was, it was, it was surprising, wasn't it?
Now, so just so your audience has the, the context.
So Health Canada is moving to take away all
of our natural health products with, you know,
basically finally getting their, their long-term wish
to fully regulate them a hundred percent
the same as chemical drugs.
And, and the goal is to get rid of the products.
So the public is putting pressure on
the standing committee of health.
And so they call this special hearings
to be asking these questions.
And so it's in this context to basically justify
taking away our natural products that all of a sudden,
Ezekiel is used as one of three examples.
And none of them sounded like very good examples.
And, you know, really, so wait a second.
Um, so the, so Ezekiel's in distress and,
and you know, the mother Colette is doing CPR
while you guys are driving to meet the ambulance,
and we all know that it's, there's a 9 1 1 call.
He's coaching her. We all know what's happening.
So he, he's in distress. He, he does need an airway.
And because the equipment wasn't there,
it was a FAA full eight minutes
and 38 seconds according to the ambulance records.
Mm-Hmm. Eight minutes and 38 seconds when he is already in
distress, you know, from a, an ox, he's been on CPR.
Um, you tell me that that's not the cause of death.
Well, the chief medical examiner
found that's the cause of death.
So the cause of death was they couldn't get an airway
for too long because they had destocked the ambulances.
Mm-Hmm. So I'm trying to figure out the logic here, Dr.
Sharma. So if somebody commits criminal negligence causing
death by destocking ambulances of vital equipment,
and then an infant die, be dies
because of that, um, then that is
because of a natural health product
or parents being reluctant to go to, um,
engage the medical system.
I, I am just, the logic's not clear to me, David, here,
maybe, maybe I'm one of these people that just,
just can't see things that are obvious.
And I really say, how dare you Dr.
Sharma, how dare you? Mm-Hmm
Mm-Hmm. Really?
So he didn't have bacterial meningitis,
and you're pretending he is,
you're using this publicly in
the standing Committee of health.
It is a specific talking point that you have chosen as one
of your three examples.
So you have chosen this
and he didn't have bacterial meningitis.
And you can go and look at the slides yourself,
but you won't 'cause you're afraid of what you're gonna see.
I wanna, I wanna touch on that real quickly here.
Uh, the two things I want to touch on, um,
because some people can get their,
their logic a little clouded in relation to the,
the emotions of, well,
you should have taken him to the hospital anyways.
He was really sick. Kinda like, you know, um,
Todd Doherty had said there, the MP from,
uh, from Prince George.
And the reality of the matter is, is that five hours
before Ezekiel wasn't demonstrating any symptoms
that he had been previous for, you know, the few days
where he was lower energy and all that type of stuff.
And, and he appeared to be turning back around.
So there's, there is a mysterious element to all
of this that caught us off guard.
So just to get that right out in the air, right off the bat
so that people aren't saying, yeah,
but you still should have taken him to the hospital.
Well, if we would've taken him to the hospital, you know,
before he went down for his nap
and then woke up with all of a sudden this breathing issue,
um, they would've said, well, that's nice of you
to bring him to the hospital,
but what do you have him here for?
Sure. Okay. What symptoms did he have two days ago?
But he's not displaying those right now.
So there would've been that issue right off the bat.
But, but that's Tuesday. And you said two days ago,
wasn't he running around at church two days before?
Right. A yeah, according to
The child's meeting. But maybe,
but maybe when parents see their kid running
around with other kids at church that that's a sure sign
that you should take the child to the hospital.
Okay. Yeah.
No, so there's that, there's that element
that I wanna touch on.
But, you know, so we, we've covered that just to, just,
if anybody's viewing this
and saying you still should have taken him to the hospital
as if that's grounds for Health Canada is Right.
No. If you were in our position as a parent
and you would've seen, you know,
you would've said, I'm not erotic.
Why would I take him to the hospital just to expose him
to stuff that he ought not
to be exposed when there isn't really anything
that is triggering to a parent saying he's in need
of care at that point in time, like need of medical care.
So that's the first thing now. So we cover that.
So now I want to touch on this. You're talking about Dr.
Sharma and that she had the opportunity
to investigate deeper rather than just referring
to the media as her source of information.
Right. And what media,
because the media was eventually, it all kind
of came to be congruent.
Well, I just find it funny.
Here's, you got a Health Canada person who knows
that the media's deliberately used to spread misinformation.
Like basically saying, oh,
and I'm relying on the news reports.
Well, how dare you reply?
Rely on news reports as an example
of a death caused somehow caused by natural health products.
I'm gonna suggest that Health Canada perhaps
knows more than they're letting on.
And the reason why I'm going to, to suggest that is
we saw in the disclosure during the police investigation
that Health Canada had been making inquiries into the death
of my son back then back in 2013.
I'm, I'm gonna suggest
that they probably got the information
that they were looking for, and that they know exactly
what took place, and that they're claiming ignorance
and now citing media rather than the truth.
That's what I'm gonna suggest.
And if not, they had the due diligence, like you say, to go
and look deeper into it before citing the death
of Ezekiel as a reason why.
Well, I mean, all, all of those are stretching.
And I mean, the whole thing's a farce anyway.
They're, they're saying we need stricter regulations,
which in effect, I mean, you anyone looking at
what the self-care framework's proposing?
It's like, no, we're gonna lose all our products.
Well, they're not taking into account the risk
of removing the products.
So if you, if you really meet care about people's health,
you go, well, how do we get good health outcomes?
We've got all these products on the market.
So you mean to tell me we're gonna remove 80,000 health
products from the market and there aren't
gonna be health consequences?
Hmm. I mean, David, do you know about the True Hope trial?
'cause you were there, you watched the whole thing,
including the judgment.
Mm-Hmm. Where, you know, we basically have the judge saying
that there would've been more deaths in the oral judgment
if True Hope had listed Health Canada.
So, I mean, here we have Health Canada restricting access
to Empower Plus for a short period of time
by seizing it at the border.
And we have a number of deaths. Mm-Hmm.
And the court acquitted on the basis of necessity.
I mean, you were basically saving, threw up
with saving lives by, by leaving the product on the market.
Despite Health Canada's objections.
I mean, I, I use Strauss as an example.
I mean, that's a product that has saved tens of thousands
of Canadian lives.
So when I, these are just picking two products
that I've run court cases on.
So, but there's product after product
after product where people are only alive because of them.
And we're gonna take those off the market
because she can come up with three
off the wall examples. Like, let's,
Let's touch on that double
standard. I mean, this is becoming,
So there are more people, more people die
of lightning in Canada strikes in a year than she
can cite as examples.
Exactly. Natural products.
She can't cite any examples.
As you, as you know, in our previous podcasts, you,
you've stated that there's no evidence
of any deaths being caused by natural health products. Not,
Not, not that I'm aware of.
Not of any credible ones.
Now, in all, in all fairness, I mean, my access
to information requests when I was asking Health Canada
to provide me with, you know,
you show me every death cost in Canada
by a natural health product.
Um, and they said, well, we'll go back
to 1965 when we began our adverse reaction database in
response to thalidomide.
And since then we've had robust adverse reaction reporting.
And it's not just chemical drugs.
You can report adverse reaction to anything like,
so, and they couldn't point out a, a single death
in the adverse reaction reporting database
caused by natural health product.
Now, because we know they're trying to get rid of all these
of natural health products, they're, they're looking for
any evidence they want.
Like, so that's why we're, we're talking about Ezekiel.
But the, the problem David, is, is, you know, I'm willing
to accept because there's, you know,
good 80,000 plus products out there that, you know,
maybe there's been the odd death,
but we can't, the fact that we can't actually,
we can't point to a credible case.
Mm-Hmm. Tells us it's extremely rare.
You know, we can point to about 40 deaths each year caused
by Tylenol or acetaminophen, I should say,
because it's off patent.
And, and likely the lion's share of it is sold
as acetaminophen.
But, you know, people will recognize it as Tylenol.
Well, Tylenol kills one person per million in Canada a year,
and there's 40 million of us and that's taken as directed.
And, you know, so, so one year of Tylenol use
where we can point to 40 deaths a year
is more dangerous than the entire natural hub product
industry as long as we have records for.
So what are we even talking about?
What do you mean we need stricter regulations?
What's the damage we're doing now
by products are already too expensive now
because of the regulations?
They've gone up three or four times. Mm-Hmm.
Um, what they, what they should be, they're three
or four times the cost of, of the same products in the us.
Um, where they're not, they don't have,
they're not treated as chemical drugs.
So what's the health consequence there that, that people
that are economically disadvantaged in Canada already,
they can't access natural health products.
They, they, they can't afford it.
Exactly. There, there's already, um, indirectly deaths
that are, that are resulting from an inaccess to
lifesaving products, uh, obviously for economical reasons.
But let, I wanna touch on the glaring there.
There was, as you were speaking about five minutes ago,
there was a, this double standard,
just like smack me in the face.
We both have experience firsthand with, with the two,
two examples you use.
Right. My son's death
and, um, the deaths that were a result
of Health Canada's actions against True Hope.
And when we're taking a look at this, in both instances,
you have deaths that have occurred due to the actions
or inaction.
Actually, B of 'em are actions because to proactively remove
Actions of government.
Yeah. And the government has blood on their hands,
and yet they're using, they, they're, they're still trying
to move forward with exploiting the death of my son
to actually cause more deaths. Really?
Maybe we're just missing it
because maybe what she's trying to say is, is
that government causes death.
Yeah. I think we call that demo side like the leading
cause of death in the world
actually in the last a hundred years.
Yeah. I think longer than that,
I'd agree with you.
Just from what's actually, what,
what is actually been documented thoroughly in the last a
hundred years by far.
The if, if, if you wanna be concerned,
be concerned about your government.
So we see that the government of Canada has, uh,
the government of, of Alberta, Alberta health services
causes the death of my son.
And, and, and there was other cases happening
around the same time as well.
Uh, similar in nature
where there was some serious medical misadventure happening
in ambulances during that particular time period
of transitioning over to Alberta, Alberta Health Services.
It's like they wanted to create a crisis, a greater crisis.
You got somebody who ends up in a crisis
and it's just like, all right, let's,
let's make it even worse by the time we get to the hospital.
Right. Is what it, I I
I don't know what the, I don't know
what the motivation is, but I I,
but it's just like a kindergarten student's gonna know
that if you take away equipment that's needed
to get in an airway for someone, um, you take that out
of ambulances that are dispatched for people
that age when they're like, there's gonna be death.
Like, and that's why the paramedics were telling
management there's gonna be a death.
Mm-Hmm. And, and begging for the ambulances to be restocked
because they would be the ones witnessing the death.
Mm-Hmm. Exactly.
Now let, let, let's go back to the,
what the government's motives are today.
'cause we see, we see now 2021,
everything kind of comes to a close.
They cancel the third trial
because things go awry with, with their star witness at ya.
Bo ends up on credential fraud investigation
in two different states in the us He has no credibility.
He's not gonna be able to be sworn in as a expert witness
for sure, based on, on, on everything that
that's come, come to light.
And so they have to cancel the third trial a day after.
Hi, uh, uh, Addie IBOs own criminal proceedings.
Were scheduled June 21st, 2021. They're scheduled June 22nd.
You receive a call, you phone us, we're all happy. Yes.
Third trial's gone.
Finally, maybe we can breathe a little bit
and then we continue on to the Supreme Court.
But this, this kind of just dies down
and all of a sudden the narrative comes back up at this
time with a different agenda.
What, what agendas, what,
what are the glaring agendas thus far that they have, uh,
tried to attach the death of Ezekiel to, to try to push, um,
their agendas forward here in Canada?
What, what, what did we see in 2016 and 2015?
I mean, they, they, they hate natural health products.
They want to move us into strictly a chemical drug model.
Like that's, that's crystal clear.
I mean, even when she's testifying there, she's saying,
well, the danger is, you know,
if a natural health product claims
it can work for something.
And she used the, the, um, example
of cancer, I think mm-Hmm.
Well then people are gonna delay getting proper treatment
and then they're in danger.
And how does she know?
Like the chemical drugs are our leading, you know,
three of our leading top 10 causes
of death in western democracies are linked
to chemical pharmaceutical drugs.
Mm-Hmm. Likely if we outlawed chemical pharmaceutical drugs,
we would, we would've better health outcomes.
Like just across the board, far better,
right Down to even antibiotics.
Like just the whole thing, Dan, bang, if it,
if it's not natural, um,
although antibiotics are, would,
would fit under natural product definition anyway.
But let's say we just got rid of all chemical drugs.
The irony is as likely we would have better health outcomes.
So, you know, like if we wanted good health policy,
the policy should be, especially for chronic illness, you,
you do everything you can to treat it with natural remedies.
And only if you are unsuccessful there, then,
and only then will we try a chemical pharmaceutical drug.
Mm-Hmm. Like that, that should be our health policy.
But they flipped it on the head
and said, well, let's use, you know,
the chemical pharmaceutical drugs,
which are extremely dangerous.
Mm-Hmm. Um,
and, you know, can we talk about, I mean, her assumption
that they work, she knows that's a fraud.
Mm-Hmm. She knows the drug approval process.
Can we talk a little bit about the drug approval process?
Let, let's, because I think it's one
of the biggest frauds perpetrated on the Canadian populace.
I mean, when health, oh, it's, it's been approved
as safe and effective.
So it works like Yeah. Giving
A false, really, Like, you, you believe that, like,
does anyone out there believe that?
Some people do, unfortunately
for themselves still to this day.
But, you know, eventually, uh, through sad circumstances,
they'll, they'll come to realize
that the medications have done them far
more harm than, than good.
But before we get there, okay.
So we see that, we see the agenda being pushed right now,
that they're trying to exploit Ezekiel's death
to actually actually overregulate uh,
natural health products out of existence.
But if we were to rewind the clock, actually by nine
and a half years now, what agenda was the government trying
to exploit Ezekiel's death for back then?
Well, I mean, they, you know, they were trying to use this
as a show trial to scare parents into vaccinating.
Right. And,
and I, I'm gonna try to quote you verbatim, albeit I,
I'm gonna botch it, but I'm sure it's gonna be pretty close
because I know I was shocked in, in,
in the preliminary hearing in 2014, so first week
of June, 2014, you're in Southern Alberta and, and,
and we're, we're, we're trying to find out what the defense,
what should be right with the case as well as hopefully
to get, get it turfed.
And it's, every doctor
that's getting on stand is just spewing this vax Oh yeah.
All of a sudden it's all about vaccine.
Which really, really surprised both of us.
Yeah. So I, I remember you actually getting up
and objecting at one point in time when,
when finally it gets to the point that the medical, the,
the, the medical, uh, forensic pathologist gets on stand
and starts going off about vaccines.
And you, you stated that I wasn't aware
that vaccines were gonna be a part
of this trial, something to that effect.
And the crown fired back at you
and said, oh, actually it's gonna gonna
be a big part of the trial.
And then you guys went
and had a, a collaboration during lunch.
And then you'd come back and you'd stated to, to myself
and Colette that what they're looking
to do is set a precedent in Canada that as a parent,
if you didn't vaccinate your children,
you could be held criminally liable.
Right. That you would've a, that you would've a higher
onus to go to the hospital.
Which is just kind of funny.
I mean, I just went
to the Children health defense conference in, in, uh,
Georgia, I guess last month now because we're in December.
And, um, you know, it's like, it's become
so clear the more you vaccinate your child,
the worse the health outcomes.
Mm-Hmm. So it actually should be the opposite.
Like if we're going to distinguish,
but this is awful policy.
So under section two 15, this failure to provide necessities
of life, I mean, it was meant for like, you know, parents
that don't feed their kids, you know, or beat them to death
or, you know, they have to sleep in the barn
and they freeze, or they're sent out, you know, in 40
below with no jack.
Like, it's meant for, oh my gosh, this is
like just total abuse and, and neglect.
And, and when we get in the area of medical care, this is,
and say, well, you should have sought medical care sooner.
You know, we get a little tricky there. Mm-Hmm.
Um, so like if you have an a obese child,
do you have a higher onus to go
to the doctor now when your child is sick?
Because, you know, we all know that obesity is a,
is a major co-factor.
Um, you know, if you,
if you basically feed your child processed foods, I mean,
we know you're gonna have worse health outcomes.
Do you have a higher onus now to go to the hospital? Mm-Hmm.
If we were actually to follow the science
and then, so understand the more you vaccinated your child,
the more likely they are to be sick
and have poor health outcomes.
Do you really like, you know,
do you have a higher onus to go to the hospital?
Like, the thing with me,
every parent has been in this situation.
Like, I, I remember it well when my kids were young,
like somebody, and I'm sorry, I,
I think in Fahr Fahrenheit when I think
of dangerous temperatures.
But, you know, we've all had those conversations, you know,
temperatures at 103.
Do we go at the hospital at 1 0 4?
Do we go to the hospital now? Do we go at at 1 0 5?
Do we do the Cold Bath thing instead?
And like we, we've all had those decisions
and none of us expect to go to prison if we get it wrong.
Right? Mm-Hmm. Like, I mean, even
that idea is quite fantastic.
But, you know, let, let's talk, I,
I want your viewers to understand even how ridiculous it was
that the crown would want to turn this like, oh, like a,
they, they have to show he died of bacterial meningitis and,
and both trials found no,
he didn't have bacterial meningitis.
We couldn't die of bacterial meningitis.
Um, but let's say Ezekiel, let,
let's say we, we were dealing with bacterial meningitis.
The difficulty is, is, is the vaccine is for one type of a,
a family of bacteria.
So there's hemophilia influenza, and there's type A
and there's type B and there's type C and there's type D,
and I think goes down to F And then there's a whole
bunch of un type ones.
Like who knows how big the family is?
And it's really common.
Like if you and I did nasal swabs right?
Now, chances are we both have this family in us.
Like, so it's not like we have to be afraid of
anyone with bacterial men.
We already have it, right. So to speak.
But what's interesting, and,
and, um, you know, we had to hire two vaccine experts,
and I think it was Dr.
Tony Bark, I'd have to go back at the, the expert reports.
They, they only vaccinate for type B Mm-Hmm.
And it appears that
that vaccine might work
or other factors have, have come into play.
But in Alberta, if a child presents
with bacterial meningitis, they're not gonna have type B.
Like, it's just, you're more likely to be struck
by lightning twice, literally, you know, on your way
to the courthouse than a child presenting
with bacterial meningitis in Alberta and it being type B.
So if, if no child, like it's, we still have children dying
of bacterial meningitis, it's just now other types, right.
Of, of bacteria.
So, you know, so that's problem number one.
Now, interestingly enough is we didn't have to vaccinate
for type B until a different childhood
vaccine was introduced.
And one of the changes in our overall
cultural health was all
of a sudden now we're getting spikes in
bacterial meningitis for type B.
So it's first of all, interesting
that the only reason we're having to vaccinate
for it in the first place, back when it was meaningful, um,
was because we introduced a different vaccine
that changed something in our pool of children,
where now all of a sudden they're, they're susceptible
to this type of bacteria,
but they couldn't say Ezekiel ad type B.
Nope. Oh, well, you know,
he may have ha we found some hemophilia influenza in a
nasal wash, but we can't tell you
what type it was.
So just wait a second. So it has
to be type B or it's meaningless.
Like they had a factual problem.
And I think it speaks volumes. David.
So you already shared with
how at the prelim we were surprised Mm-Hmm.
Vaccine, vaccine vaccine.
Like what, what does this have to do with, with anything?
And why on earth would the Crown want to create a precedent
where, you know,
vaccination status somehow changes the legal test in a,
a section of the criminal code,
but we have to 30 days
before the trial, like that's, we can, that's
the latest we can do it.
I have to give the crown notice
of the experts I'm planning on calling at, at trial.
You know, there are qualifications in the summary
of their evidence, and I serve them
after, you know what, a year
and a half of this where, oh, it's all vaccine.
And all of a sudden, as soon as they read, you know,
my experts, it's like they know they're going to show
and tell without anything to show.
Oh, vaccine isn't an issue. It's not relevant.
And so at both trials, there was an agreement with the crown
and defense in front of the judge
that vaccination is unrelevant.
If a witness goes there, we'll steer them off.
And it's, you know, in the judge alone trial,
it has no bearing at all.
So both trials were run,
not calling evidence of vaccination.
If it came up, we'd just kind of in front of the jury,
pretend it's not significant,
and the judge would charge the jury to ignore this.
So how can it be, David, that at the Alberta Court
of Appeal on the second trial, you guys have been acquitted.
Mm-Hmm. And the Crown appeal saying, you know,
the judge may have shown bias towards an expert.
And, you know, we don't like how the judge, you know,
how the judge found the legal test is in this section,
the Crown is not appealing anything to do with vaccination.
There's no factual record for vaccination.
I can tell you court of appeal, you know,
if you didn't argue something
and lay an evidentiary foundation,
they won't even let you go there.
And I mean, it's hard, you only if maybe you could show
there was no way you could have discovered that evidence.
Mm-hmm. Beforehand then,
and only then maybe you might be able to talk about like,
but they came out and basically said that, you know,
if you don't vaccinate, there's a, there's a higher onus
for like, this is a factor now for failing
to provide necessities.
How can we do that when everyone agreed going in?
It's not an issue. No one led evidence.
So I didn't lead evidence showing, well,
you didn't have type B and the vaccine's only for type B
and nobody gets type B anyway.
Mm-Hmm. So like, how could a vaccine
for something nobody gets,
and they can't even say he had it any like that, you know,
he was that, you know, one, one in 10 million
rare outlier.
Mm-Hmm. Well, but like, it, it's just, it's
so we nobody even led that evidence to say that, so
that the Court of appeal could say, oh yeah, actually,
you know, in this facts, this is completely meaningless.
But yet they've now created a legal precedent.
But as God moves in mysterious ways, David,
because, you know, we're at the point now
where any parent vaccinating a child for COVID-19,
I'm sorry, you're criminally negligent.
And if death ensues, you're guilty
of criminal negligence causing death is my my legal opinion.
Mm-Hmm. And if they're, if they're harmed by it, you know,
sterilized or or other health problems, then you're guilty
of criminal negligence causing bodily harm
because there is so much evidence.
Even the fact, I'm sorry, I I any parent,
like most parents are gonna be in their late,
at least late twenties, early thirties, they will know
that young people just have never dropped dead before.
Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Thi thi things are turning.
But will we see the judiciary, um,
judiciary actually acting on that?
Oh, but where I was going is, is now the irony is
that Alberta Court of Appeal case, like once it becomes
obvious to everyone that the vaccination,
definitely the covid vaccination Mm-Hmm.
Um, makes your child more likely to be sick.
Well, now vaccinated parents are gonna have a higher onus
to seek medical care than parents of children
that are unvaccinated.
That's the irony that, like,
that's the full blown irony is once the truth comes out,
then parents of vaccinated children are, you know,
are at higher risk for criminal prosecution.
Mm-Hmm. If they don't seek medical attention going forward.
Mm-Hmm. It's, it's interesting, you know,
that we just see this, I don't know how many,
how many things they can pull outta their hat,
the government, but they're, they've now really on a number
of fronts, attempted to exploit the death of Ezekiel.
The first one was vaccines. Mm-Hmm.
And then that was just blown outta the water. No evidence.
You're just, you're blowing
smoke. And you were hoping that we,
But not by the media, I mean, to the, to the rest
of the world, it's still a, a case to say,
vaccinate your kid.
Mm-Hmm. Yeah. Well, exactly.
But it was blown outta the water and, and,
and didn't get the precedent that they were hoping for,
except in the minds of the public.
Because I had people come up
after the first trial in 2016 saying,
do you think I should go and vaccinate my children?
Now? I don't wanna end up like you.
And, and I'm just like, uh, no.
Stay true to your convictions. Do not do that.
Don't go and harm your
child, especially when you know better.
Right. Just for fear of,
of potentially ending up in this situation that we are.
But then they shifted gears and,
and we had the CBC roadshow across Canada,
and every natural path across Canada will remember this
because all of a sudden there's this potential
to deregulate
or un, you know, remove the licensing
of natural paths across Canada
because it's just too harmful that you end up
with deaths like Ezekiel.
So now they're using it to exploiting his death to try
to attack naturopathy right off the bat.
And now it's a, a full front attack that they're trying to,
to use to justify just the removal
of natural health products.
I'm, I'm curious how many more times that they can try
to exploit the death of Ezekiel based on, um,
a completely fallacious story.
And they know that it, that, that it's,
Well, and why isn't the media talking about the fact
that Alberta Health Services destock the ambulances?
Mm-Hmm. And for a full year,
the paramedics were saying the first infant we get is dead.
Like, like it's under oath.
Anyone can go read the transcript or listen to it.
These paramedics were not mincing words.
They were angry that they had to experience
what they experienced
because they tried with the equipment they had,
but they, they didn't have the right equipment.
So Why, like you'd think that'd be a huge story
that the media would be all over.
Alberta Health Services kills Ezekiel, Stefan, you know,
according to the testimony of the Chief Medical Officer,
and you can infer it from the paramedics,
It was a story that was covered once back in 2013,
a week after we were charged.
Uh, we finally, Collette
and myself went into studio, uh,
to Global News in Lethbridge
before they'd gotten their marching orders on
what the narrative was to be Mm-Hmm.
And they actually ran a story, uh, in relation
to the ambulance issues.
And we weren't even the ones that were really,
they were pushing for it.
And I wasn't even wanting to go there.
'cause I didn't have all the facts. We hadn't had the
paramedics crying on the stand yet.
We didn't know all the details.
And so I wasn't even wanting to go there.
And they still went there and,
and they created the story out of it.
And, and it shocked me a little bit,
made me a little hesitant to do any more interviews,
realizing they'll take what I have to say
and they'll, they'll add it to a
different narrative altogether.
Right. But they were willing to go there.
Now, you know, you fast forward to 2016
and they all go silent on the matter.
Mm-Hmm. Nobody's talking about the ambulance issues now
that it's come out clear in the courtroom
that there's clearly,
clearly criminal negligence resulting in death.
And it's, it's on Alberta Health Services, hence.
So when we're taking a look at what, what the, uh,
the government's doing, I just wanna ask this question.
Can we trust, can we trust anything that they have to say
in, in, in, as they're continue to move forward?
Can we, can we trust anything that the government has to say
that these bureaucrats in he Canada have to say?
Well, you know, that's a tough question
because, you know,
sometimes the bureaucrats might get the time
or the date correct.
Um, usually they get their names correct. Okay.
Um, you know, but really it's a rhetorical question.
'cause the point you're making is, is that
this is really problematic.
I mean, you've played this piece of Dr.
Sharma and she basically gave three examples
and they, even without knowing about Ezekiel's, you know,
the, it, it just sounds like they're stretching Mm-Hmm.
And again, like, so what you, you can find three cases
that somehow you make relevant,
but you're totally ignoring
that people rely on these products for their life.
You're just assuming they're ineffective. Mm-Hmm.
Because you have an end goal of taking them off the market.
Mm-Hmm. I mean, we have a political agenda
and they're moving to that agenda.
So we're just seeing politics in motion and,
and what do we expect?
I mean, they have a narrative to support
what their end goal is.
And you and I just happen
to be particularly angry about this one
because we have so much personal experience.
And Ezekiel was your son. Mm-Hmm.
And Ian, and I can see, I mean, I,
I was just outraged at the whole
proceedings from start to finish.
And, you know, the fact that that first trial was one
of the two, one of the two dirtiest trials I've ever had
to be involved with in my life.
Which, I mean, I would, I would go back, I would go back
to the hotel immediately after court,
and I would have a shower.
I would just try and get it off of me. Mm-Hmm.
Um, just, I felt, I felt tainted
and dirty by what was happening in the courtroom.
Oh, it was dark. It was spiritually, it was dark.
We were up against some that it was, yeah.
So, yeah. And you're right, Dr.
Sharma, you know, I mean, there was one statement
that she did say that was true,
and that was, I'm sure, um,
those parents loved their toddler very much,
and then she went on to continue to spew more garbage.
And she's right. We did, we absolutely loved Ezekiel.
Uh, and that came out in the court case.
The first judge said this is, this is a, uh, not peculiar,
but he used something to affect the case
because all the evidence that's before the courts
and the jury is that the Stefans are
loving, caring, attentive parents.
Right. He's, he, he makes that statement. Mm-Hmm.
Because loving, caring,
attentive parents don't end up being charged with, failing
to provide the necessaries of life.
And so the judge is baffled at it,
and he's making that statement on transcripts.
And I, it wasn't peculiar,
but he was basically saying, this, this,
this case is out of the norm.
Right. And then you agreed to that when, right.
'cause I think you actually did
exactly what you just did there, though.
Mm-Hmm. Because I think it's on the transcript right below.
Right. Um,
and so, you know, the, the interesting thing about this as,
as they're resurrecting this false narrative of Ezekiel
and what led to his passing, which still has elements
of mystery surrounding it that we're trying to figure out
as parents, um, at the same time that they do this,
there's a docuseries that is launched, a docuseries
that you just Mm-Hmm.
Watched yourself. And you're actually in it. And I'm in it.
And there's a bunch of other people that are in it.
And it is a phenomenal docuseries.
And it is the most, you know, there's so much
to Ezekiel's story.
There's so much that we've never been able
to just encapsulate it in a very streamlined way that
that is so crystal clear and concise,
and yet this docuseries does it.
And, and I want to just show the audience here, uh,
the teaser of that
and recommend that they watch it not just for the sake of,
of getting the truth about what took place with Ezekiel,
but that it's only a part of a story of a whole story
that we've all lived over the last three years
that's extremely relevant in all of our lives.
And when I was done watching the docuseries, I just said
to my wife, I said, you know, sure.
It would've been nice to have this tool back in
2020 or 2021.
It really would've been nice
because it would've prevented a lot
of people from falling prey to this whole pharmaceutical,
um, globalist agenda
if they would've been armed with that information.
So I'm gonna show you, show that clip now
and then, uh, I'm not sure how much time we have left
after that, but I'm gonna
just, we'll, we'll see where it goes. Mm-Hmm.
Present these products.
They are generally low risk, but they're, ha we had,
That is the wrong one.
All right. Here we go. We'll try again.
In 2016, I found myself, uh, pacing back
and forth in this small little jail cell in solitary
confinement, wondering how the heck did I get here?
You start putting all the pieces of the puzzle together.
You, you see a real interesting story
that emerges an an unbelievable story. Really.
One emergency, you quiet, please fire an ambulance.
Uh, hi. Yes. Uh, I, my son's not breathing.
My son's not breathing.
You're in a dark room.
You back into the light switch
and you can never unsee what you're seeing.
We were told they destroyed the World Trade Center,
but in the years
after that, Islamic terrorism was killing fewer Americans
every year than lightning.
And it's hard to kinda mobilize an attire defense structure
against, you know, something
that really does not affect most Americans
threaten them in their homes.
Vaccines now are the spear tip of the biosecurity agendas.
When you take these vaccines,
we feel there's been over a 20 to one return.
So if you just look at the economic benefits,
that's a pretty strong number compared to anything else.
He calls what he does. Philanthropy, capitalism.
You use philanthropy to make yourself richer,
you know, to give yourself control over humanity.
First, we've got population.
We could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15%. There
Is no doubt that we are experiencing a
depopulation. And that is a plan.
We've got to stabilize the population too.
What's wrong with the population?
I mean, we're too many people.
If you cannot achieve a balanced budget
with a retirement system,
you've got a lower life expectancy.
And that's what's happening today.
The greatest risk
of global catastrophe doesn't look like
this. It looks like this.
If your enemy is a germ, you have something
that can get into everybody's homes and kill you.
And if you're told constantly,
be frightened of this, be fearful.
This stuff is coming to get you, it's easy to, to manipulate
that kind of fear and to disable people's
capacity for critical thinking.
I think there are two parts to it.
One is the shift of money up to the 1%,
and really control people's lives.
When people come to realize that Covid
to 19 is just a cover under which these things have been
brought in, it causes a, a type of friction in their brains.
They just can't accept that
We are using the federal credit, the treasury,
and the central bank to centralized control.
Digital technology gives them the ability
to control centrally in such an invasive way that
what I described, their goal is slavery.
When ELs Broad Berger goes to work, he doesn't need Id
embedded in his hand is a microchip.
And that's the beginning of surveillance.
So it'll be like China
Or It'll be, uh, digital money.
If you don't do what you're told,
you can't put food on the table.
And if you're good, you get rewarded.
That's what the resets all about. Through this
Whole tumult of, of covid rising up
and bringing together so many activists who are aware of,
say, whether it be environmental issues,
whether it be GMO foods, whether it be medicine,
and whether it be the corruption in government,
we see it was, was through the medical industry.
But now we see that there's a bigger picture looming.
We live on a planet where we're not allowed to know
how the governance system at the top works.
One of the most important things we need
to protect our freedoms is to understand
how the control grid is being built and stop it.
And the best way to stop it is each one of us
backs out of the control grid.
They don't view us as the same species as them.
They don't think of themselves as part
of our civilization anymore.
Kind of just amazing that at the same time
that Health Canada, after two years of complete rest
resurrects this false narrative
Just as the big picture's coming out
Exactly where people now have access to the truth of
what Ezekiel, how it's relevant in their own lives.
Because the fact of the matter is, is that
had the media been reporting on what was going on in,
in those courtrooms, there would've been a massive public
outcry because everybody would've been seeing
what the agenda was,
and that it was ultimately to remove parental rights
and to remove medical choice here in Canada.
And that they were exploding the death of my son, Ezekiel,
that was caused by them to, to do that. And yet,
Well, and, and you know, like the,
the media basically were saying that, oh, these parents
were trying to treat bacterial meningitis, you know, with
Maple syrup Or strattice
and, you know, stu, like it was just, it, it was bizarre.
Well, like, first of all, um, you know,
bacterial meningitis like, it, it can present super quickly.
And, you know, Ezekiel didn't have bacterial meningitis,
but he did have the croup.
Mm-Hmm. And it would wax and wane
and like, so, I'm sorry.
Like, first thing I would do with my kids, if, you know,
a colder flu is going through the house,
like whether they had it yet or not,
'cause you know, thing we're taking vitamin C, we're taking,
we're taking vitamin D
and you're taking your multivits, right?
Like all of a sudden, I, I want you to have all
that your immune system needs to be doing well.
Like, does that make me a kook?
Like most of us, most of us do that
and we do it for ourselves, right?
Like, so, so the fact that you guys would, oh, well,
Ezekiel's sick, let's, let's bump up our, you know,
whatever we can to do
as immune system is actually responsible.
Mm-Hmm. Nobody even mentioned men the word meningitis
until the day before.
And that, that's an emergency room nurse
who's looking at Ezekiel.
'cause she's friends with Colette.
And it's like, you know, and,
and this emergency room nurse didn't see any need for him
to go to the hospital or, or go to emergency.
None at all. And she loved Ezekiel. Mm-Hmm.
Like, she, like, and then the grandfather sees him
that night and he doesn't see any
need to go to the hospital.
Like, what are we talking about?
Like this, that, that's what's so, was so upsetting is
so here the media is is making it sound like, oh,
you guys knew he had bacterial meningitis.
Well, A, he didn't, and b, he's not presenting seriously.
Like, I'm sorry if I just have an emergency.
A full-time, emergency room nurse who's been in emergency
ward full-time for eight years has just looked at my child
and said, well, I don't see any major issue.
Um, I, I don't feel the need to rush to the hospital. David.
I'm sorry. I just don't.
Yeah. Hey, let, let's, let's talk about that real quick,
because obviously, you know, what was he presenting with
and, and when, when, uh, Colette's midwife, who also was
that practicing, uh, nurse
for nine years in an emergency room.
So she's well versed in, in, in dealing with triage.
And she came and
because she was doing a checkup on Colla anyways, being four
and a half months pregnant at the time,
and she listened to Ezekiel's breathing No,
Yeah. With a stethoscope.
We're talking.
She, she, and she's looking for anything
that's going to be alarming.
And there was no signs of infection.
There was no runny nose, there was no mucus in that.
There was nothing. Now, let's fast forward a few days.
We find ourselves in the Alberta Children's Hospital,
and this is something that we ended up getting in 2019
that was withheld initially.
And it was the Pats report,
it was the poison control report.
And this was an interesting little gem that at the same time
that the Alberta, uh,
children's hospitals phoning homicide on us and,
and telling the police bacterial meningitis,
you've got the same head doctor doing that.
Having her, her interim contact Patti to try
to find an alternate reason as
to why he went into cardiac arrest.
And they stated to Pattis,
and it's found right in, in the report, no infection.
There was no infection that they could find.
And they had already ruled out meningitis.
So here you have this on the Padis report.
This is what's going on behind the scenes.
And then they're covering it all up
and coming up with this fantastic narrative
of bacterial meningitis to the point that,
and you, you, you've made mention of this
before, that Adi IBO gets that report
before he even does autopsy saying he had bacteria men.
Yeah. Department of Justice contacts, the, you know,
the pathologist Adi Asbo indicating that Ezekiel has died
of er meningitis.
So now, as a lawyer, I forgot to mention, all
of the medical training we have in the years, you have
to spend in pathology, um, to be able to
actually diagnose deaths without doing an autopsy.
We lawyers are very skilled. It's just, it's ridiculous.
How, how does a Department of Justice lawyer,
I think it's okay to send a letter to the a pathologist
before an auto autopsy autopsy, um, suggesting
what might've happened medically.
Exactly when On what, on
what planet is, on what planet. Is that okay?
Yeah. Influence. It's influencing. Yep.
Criminal influencing the, uh, the, well, isn't that
what Annie Savio said,
that's the bureaucratic influencing into the causations
of death found within the medical examiner's office
that she took issue with
and blew the whistle on was exactly that.
Mm-Hmm. And so prime example, right? So, okay.
I I I know we're now at a just over an hour here.
Um, so we'll, we'll come to a close pretty quick here.
But, so in relation to the, all of this,
let's, let's just back up.
You know, you got health
candidate exploding the death of my son.
But really the issue here is not that they,
they're exploiting his death.
It's what they're doing
and that they're having to get desperate.
That they're actually using the false
narrative of my son's death.
What they're doing to the Canadian public in relation
to natural health products.
What do we do about
This? Oh yeah, yeah. Like,
so basically they're bringing in
what they call a self-care framework.
And when this is fully implemented, we will lose
basically all of our products.
Like there'll be some multi ingredient vitamins
and some single ingredient products,
but it'll be like the European model.
Like you try and find a health food store in anything
but a large city and they just don't have, you know,
things in the dosages that we have and the multi ingredient.
Like it's just, it's not there.
And that's where we're moving where basically we don't have
effective natural health products.
And so how are they doing it?
So first of all, they're gonna fully harmonize so
that we have to comply with the chemical drug regulations
that everyone who's ever looked at this says don't apply.
So we're not gonna be able to use traditional use evidence
for efficacy claims.
Well, there goes our industry right there, cost recovery.
So paying for site licensing and product licensing.
There's, there goes our industry right now, censorship
of truthful health information.
The, um, basically are not gonna license under this new
scheme products for which you would seek medical advice.
Well now there goes all the products
that are natural practitioners use homeopathic doctors,
naturopathic doctors, traditional Chinese practitioners.
So we're gonna lose access to those treat treatment models
and find ourselves in a chemical drug model.
And it's funny, you know, I, if I do a podcast
and let's say we have, you know, it's
for naturopathic doctors, like in the chat and questions.
Oh, that's okay, we'll go underground
and just have a legal products.
No, you won't. They just impose the chemical drug penalties.
So it used to be you were facing a $5,000 per
offense, maximum fine.
And now it's $5 million per day, you're in violation.
They'll squash you like bugs and make examples out of you.
And everyone will back down and, and we're done.
Like this is the end game.
So, um, but we're gonna stop it if we all
get together and stop it.
So, can I plug N-H-P-P-A?
Uh, it's absolutely appropriate to do so.
And right there. I was ready for you.
Okay. So, so David has put the website address
and N-H-P-P-A stands
for Natural Health Product Protection Association.
It's a, a federally incorporated nonprofit association
that I helped form in 2008 and have been with ever since.
And we're basically the only, which is surprising
'cause there used to be several freedom groups in
the area of natural health.
But we are the last surviving one
and the one with the most history and, and expertise.
And we're creating a citizen rebellion.
So go to the website
and there's, there's several things I need you to do.
Um, you will get almost like a cookie bar,
but a volunteer bar.
Like go to our volunteer form
and volunteer 'cause we need volunteers.
Also, there's a contact us form
where you can give us your email address.
Please do that because we launch campaigns
and this is how we let you know
and follow us on social media.
And then also support us financially
because, you know, we're having to hire more staff
and create things because this has
to be the largest citizen rebellion in our
lifetime if we're gonna win.
And it's just because the Department of Health is so
powerful that the only way we can get any government,
it doesn't matter what party,
the only way we can get any government
to back down is if the politicians can credibly say
to their masters, like, we, we can't function.
We, you, you gotta let this one go.
Like, come back in 10 years.
But like for right now, um, you gotta let this one go.
It's the only way we're gonna, we're gonna save this.
Mm-Hmm, absolutely.
And, and when you, when you mentioned, um, uh,
about two minutes ago, two
and a half minutes ago about, uh, censorship of
information of, of truthful health information.
Um, anybody who's watching this, if you,
if you want a little bit of entertainment value, go
to the trope canada.com website
that you see going along the bottom bar there.
And what you're gonna find, uh, right off the bat
is we've had to, to, to transform that website
to comply with Health Canada.
And we've done so through some kind
of tongue in cheek videos where we actually make mention
of why we've had to change things, why we've had
to remove the 35 medical journal publications off
of our website that Health Canada didn't want you
to have access to.
So what Sean's talking about in, in relation
to the censorship is absolutely real.
Mm-Hmm. Um, this, this took place back in May of this year
where we had to revamp our website
and we had to remove testimonials.
These are real life experiences from real people that have,
have had their lives radically transformed from
proper nutrition.
And we're having to remove their testimonials off the
website because Health Canada doesn't want you to see those.
We have to censor or they, they said remove the studies.
So what we did is we censored them.
So you, you can see that they're there,
but you can't see what, what the content is.
These are studies coming from, um, universities
that are independent of us.
We didn't pay a cent for these studies.
They took place organically
because people were seeing results.
Researchers wanted to, to see is this valid? Is it legit?
And it took place. And Health Canada is now saying,
you can't see the results of those studies
because we didn't approve it.
And so it's, it's a real issue.
So feel free to go to the website, um, where you get
to see a prime example of what censorship looks like
under Health Canada's, um, authority.
So take a look at that as well.
But yes, definitely go to nhpa.org, um,
because Sean has a, a fantastic plan of moving forward.
Otherwise, literally we can just, uh, sit back
and watch this, um, completely erode in front
of our eyes if we do nothing, that
that's exactly where it's going.
There's been numerous other countries that,
that have set the tone for us where we know
what takes place when we don't take a stand.
And so take a stand and, and, and,
and get unified with a group
that's moving forward in a very positive way,
being an h hppa.org.
So thank you Sean, for what you're doing there.
Thank you, David, for what you're doing.
And lastly, if you wanna see Sean on, on, on, on, uh, on,
on the big screen, on on a screen that with, with
with Beautiful, uh, you know, overlays and, and,
and great, you know, soundtrack music behind the scenes,
whatever, um, as well as myself go to, uh,
big picture movie.com.
It does cost $25, but I'm gonna tell
You, oh, it's, it's worth it.
It's worth it. Exactly. It's, it's worth it.
There's six episodes and it grabs you.
I don't know if you end up binge watching it, Sean.
Um, but the feedback I've been getting, uh,
may maybe you're responsible enough
that you didn't binge watch it,
but most people when they start, they don't,
It's hard not to keep watching uhhuh.
It's hard not to keep watching even though it's too long to,
you know, unless you've set aside
to watch six episodes. Yeah,
It's five and a half hours.
It's hard not to,
And half hours of potent information.
And like I said before,
I wish we would've had something like this back in 20
or 2021 or 20 20, 20 21 because it is so empowering.
It would've been such a blessing to have it then
to help those that were fenced sitting
or that didn't have a very strong conviction,
that we're willing to cave under a little bit of pressure.
It would've helped bolster them up
and, um, likely have, have allowed for them
to make the right decisions, uh, for their wellbeing.
But it's not too late now because this isn't over.
Um, so maybe Covid has kind
of been on the back burner right now, but it's not over.
And it's, and it's time that we understand what's going on
in the world so that we can see their agenda rollout
before us and we can make an informed choices to whether
or not we want to participate in that or not.
So big picture movie.com, go and watch it at minimum.
Um, you're gonna just absolutely love it,
but you're probably gonna end up sharing it.
You're probably gonna end up in watch parties
and it's gonna end up being a blessing for a lot of people
that you come in contact with, that you're sharing it with.
So, Mm-Hmm. All right.
Well, until next time, Sean, thank you so much.
Really appreciate you coming on again.
Um, and especially to discuss this matter.
It's just interesting
how our paths just keep on intersecting. Um,
Indeed, indeed,
The government has a way of just bringing us together.
So, um, it's a, a beautiful thing.
I appreciate the fact that you were able to, uh, to come on
and speak authoritatively, being
that you spent a significant amount
of hours in the courtroom representing myself
and my wife in relation to the death of my son,
and that now that Health Canada is exploiting that
for an agenda that you are combating.
It's just really interesting how, you know,
the pieces are coming together, um,
and how we just keep on finding ourselves,
uh, playing this role.
And so thank you for coming on.
Well, thanks for everything you do, David, and,
and your team behind you.
Um, you know, people have to learn the truth
and it's people like you that are getting it out there,
so really appreciate what you're doing.
Thank you. Awesome. Thank you, Sean. God bless you guys.
God bless all of you that are watching this.
Share this, share the big picture movie.com, share nhpa.org.
Get people there so that we can, uh, be agents of change
and actually act rather than just watch, uh,
everything fall apart around us, that we can actually, uh,
tell our children, our grandchildren someday,
that we actually took a stand and,
and made the world a better place.
And until then, until next time, um, we'll be on again.
I'm, I'm sure sometime soon.
Um, until then, God bless y'all.