Guest Episode
September 08, 2023
Episode 131:
Health Canada: A Dark History
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This is another special episode of Truehope Cast, where VP of Truehope Canada David Stephan talks with registered holistic nutritionist Lisa Kilgour about the Dark History of Health Canada.
Truehope Canada has a very interesting history with Health Canada, and it is vital to understand that history to understand the present situation we have with Bill C-47, censorship and the potential elimination of meaningful natural health products.
hello hello everybody um once again we are going live um doing another episode
of the true Hope cast this is episode 131 where we're going to be talking about health Canada and the dark history
that they have um coming from our background uh with true hope I've been with true hope for over 20 years now we
have a significant Rich history with health Canada in relation to suppression
of of evidence in relation to the suppression of science uh shutting down uh double blind placeo control trials
that would have validated the effect that vitamin and mineral supplementation will have on people's mental health and
um and then also talking about regulatory barriers major protests across Canada all that type of stuff
well today just like we had a couple weeks ago we had a guest on uh Sean Buckley um who's a lawyer who has worked
significantly with true hope in the past and we had him on again to talk about the implications that health Canada's
new regulations are going to have on your access to Natural Health Products
lifesaving products and so today we are once again uh bringing on a great guest
uh throughout all my Journeys uh with true hope for quite a period of time there I spent um a lot of time traveling
across mainly western Canada uh presenting at different Health shows and
as part of that I got to meet a lot of great people and one of those people was actually a holistic nutritionist by the name of
Lisa Kilgore and she would present as well at these different Health shows and
so we found ourselves crossing paths quite a few times and my my presenting
at the shows um kind of came to an end my last show was in 2019 the spring of
2019 before coid even hit and shut down the shows and that was due to the media
running a major campaign against me um that that prevented the shows from even wanting to have me on board it was it's
way too controversial to have me and they they basically shut me down and then we would see later on how they'
take the same tactics that they employed against me and use them against people like Dell bigtree to prevent him from being able to present at different shows
and um and so uh that was when when I stopped presenting and here we are today
our paths cross again and so I want to introduce you to Lisa Kilgore and I'm bringing her on now thanks so much David
it's so nice to be working together again it's it's been a long time it it really has it really has um uh before I
was you know kicked out of the shows um before the shows actually came to an official close from co uh you had
already uh left the scenes as well at that point in time kind of Taken on you know a different path with with your
journey um I just want want to you know you to introduce yourself to the audience and kind of you know give a
history of of where you're coming from in the Natural Health industry what it is that you do what what it is that you've done and you know bring us up to
today but you know you'd mentioned before that really you got involved in all this back in
2002 yeah so I'm a registered holistic nutritionist and I uh got my designation in 2007 but I came into the industry in
the summer of 2002 right at the height of a Cava Cava recall which i i w that
was my job in the company um but I I was also there for the introduction of the
2004 nhp guidelines um I then became I went went back to school became a
holistic nutritionist became an educator for I've now worked with four different um supplement companies in Canada the
current one um is a distributor of four companies and then has their own line so
I I I I've I've watched it all happen um and but but most of my day is spent U
working one-on-one with people in both Canada and the US and actually worldwide but most of my clients are in Canada and
the US and there's a really great resp expect in the US of Canadian supplements um right now due to the the 2004
regulations but I'm watching these new uh really Innovative products come up in
the states that my my us clients have access to but but we don't have them here in Canada and this these changes
are going to to make that even harder because there was already such a leap to get into Canada we lost a lot of great
companies in 2004 and we're going to lose a lot more um and so
I I'm a holistic nutritionist working with people and using supplements as a means to help preventative medicine and
help them kind of gain their health back and it's they're important in my life
all right now you see they're important in your life now many people say yeah but you have a bias because you make
money off of them but how do you see them being important in the lives of
everybody else like in relation to that because they're important in my life as well I mean I've got you know my the
lineup that we that we work with in Canada we have more in the US than we have in Canada we are an international
company that actually sells into over a hundred different countries um obviously in smaller amounts because of
regulatory uh issues like example in Germany we get people phoning us from Germany wanting our products well go to
the doctor get a prescription set you can get it across the border really like that that that's how how uh crazy the
the the regulations are there preventing people from having access now fortunately in Canada we haven't yet
experienced those types of issues to that great uh of of an effect like they
are seeing in Europe already or Australia but um you know these products
are important to me but what are you seeing you're working oneon-one with people how do you see that that as
impactful for them when we're talking about government regulations that are supposed to be you know it's coming
under the guise of protecting our health and we know that it's clearly not and we're going to get into the history that that identifies that that's not what
health cada is about whatsoever but yeah please tell me what are you seeing with
your own clientele and how do you think it's going to negatively impact the general public well first I don't sell
supplements at all I do not make a dime off the sale of sale of supplements I um other than I have a small Amazon store
simply so I can point video people to here some Brands I like um I think I
make $2 a month off it uh instead as as an educator I'm simply
educating uh retail staff on products so I I that's I don't make commission off
anything most of my day is spent helping people one-on-one and if the if the
price of supplement skyrockets Andor Basics that are really really helpful
like Lion's main mushroom or the adaptogenic herbes things above and beyond like vitamin C and vitamin D
which we also need and I'm also concerned those prices are going to go up then the ability to help our bodies
in this incredibly stressful world where we just simply are creating more
deficiencies than food can can create because we're living in fighter flight all the time our food is lacking
nutrients and so there most people who come to see me need at least a few supplements to help bring their body
back to that balance of homeostasis I'm a food person I'm a holistic nutritionist I do food as much as
possible I keep supplements down to a bare minimum and it's very very rare
that that you can live in this world especially in Canada without at least a few supplements like vitamin D bare
minimum um and so yeah I'm very worried about just being able to help people move out of burnout um help people with
their digestive issues and not have these products available at a price point that is you doable for the average
Canadian perfect perfect you know you you got me thinking about when I used to do a lot of public presentations I would always
lead in the first 10 minutes in my presentation would actually be about or
discussing why we're in the state that we're in talking about you know the fact that over the last 150 years our food
has gotten to the point that in many instances you know there's less than 80% of you know say copper or calcium or you
know all these different nutrients how you know it's just not there in the food anymore
because of what's taking place within farming and and I'm surrounded by big factory farms here and I know what they do and I'm telling you they're not
supplementing with all of the different trace minerals and all that back into the soil they're using the P you know U
the potassium phosphorus uh nitrogen um supplementation for the most part which
produces really um good-look plants fast but they are not nutrient dense and so
what we've seen from that and there there's studies to show this that we have an over 50% reduction in the
mineral content found within the soils compared to what we would have 100 years ago and then when you actually analyze
the food that's being produced in mass that like I said before many of those foods are coming out um with an over 80%
deficiency in many of the key nutrients that we need to thrive on a daily basis
and so I basically lay out the the foundation substantiating that it's an
unfortunate nature that we're in today that we actually require supplementation because our food is not supp or
supplying all of the nutrients that we need even when we choose a fairly healthy diet we're still going to be
lacking and so as part of what I do actually I'm on this small farm here we
we we're growing our own food um we are supplementing that soil I took 4,000 pounds of composted mineral that was
brought in from different parts of the world so it's rich in all sorts of of different minerals that uh that you may
not just find readily available in the soil here and it was composted it's now in organic form I put it in and I and I
apply compost tea as an activator you know the bacteria and all that and now I have life in the soil that is now rich
in minerals so now the food that I grow should actually like hypocrates said 2400 years ago be my medicine right
because it has what it needs to be my medicine to heal my body so we're doing that and and I'm educating on that but
the unfortunate nature is for the time being until we get all that set up I still consume the supplements that that
we um Supply and the reason being is I need them to feel great on a daily B basis I come from a a history of mental
illness of suicides in my own family and so to prevent those types of issues from plaguing myself and my children we
consume those my wife as well we all we all thrive on them but we'll get to the point at some you know in the future
where we don't need those pills anymore because our food has those things and so like you're saying there it's a hard
thing to get by without any supplementation especially vitamin D in the northern countries people struggle
significantly and vitamin D is so important for so many areas of of the body in relation to you know hormone
production in relation to neurotransmitter production which is what we focusing on especially you know production of things like dopamine and
uh serotonin if you're locking vitamin D you will not be producing um you know the dopamine or
the serotonin because there's seven crucial nutrients that lead up to the production of those and vitamin D is one of those in each one of those Pathways
for facilitating the production of Serotonin dopamine and if you don't have adequate levels of that you are going to
be miserable you're not going to feel great about life and ultimately you're
likely going to find yourself self-medicating with with other things that are going to give you a dopamine fix or try to cover up you know the the
low-lying feeling of just depression and whatnot from not having enough serotonin so so we deal with that on a regular
basis um and so this is where your concern is coming from is that with the
rise of costs in relation to what health Canada is proposing now just just for
the audience here Health Canada is proposing something that you've probably seen if you're here in Canada you are
seeing um if you go to the health food store this SOS campaign it's all over
the place and it's really focusing in on the cost recovery that Health Canada is
trying to Institute saying hey you know it's cost us a lot of money to set up these regulations going back
to 2004 where we're licensing Natural Health Products and all this stuff they didn't have to they didn't have to do
that by the way but they decided to do that they decided to regulate now they're saying hey the regulations are costing money right it's costing the
government so now we want to get that cost back from the industry so we're going to increase your licensing fees
we're going to increase your site licensing fees and make it a yearly basis that you have to do this and they're talking about all these
different ways that they can extract money from the Natural Health Community which isn't just coming out of the
pockets of the companies the companies have to because the profit margins are low transfer that on to the the end user
so it's they're not taxing the Natural Health Community they're taxing the
consumers of Natural Health Products is what they're doing because a company like ours has to transfer that cost
because we've already made our profit margins as low as we can go and and that's what I find really interesting about the media coverage of this because
if you don't understand the industry very well it makes rational sense a a company should pay for the cost recovery
of the government the taxpayers shouldn't pay for this but here's the thing and and and the argument of course
being pharmaceutical companies do this all the time but pharmaceutical companies get government grants on a
regular basis to um for the innovation of their product they are getting money
from um a lot of like nonprofits that are raising money for them to help with
the cost cost of creating those Innovative products this is my catay who likes to be a part of everything and um
supplement companies are different they they're not giving getting government or nonprofit grants for the the creation of
these new products instead they are uh fitting the bill themselves but then
there's a huge difference in that profit margin pharmaceutical company on average in Canada according to I looked it up uh
natural in Institute of Health is about 76% profit margin that's not including
any grants that they were given for that that product development supplement
companies you can speak more to that but there but first the supplement company has their profit margin and then they
sell it to a supplement to a health food store who then has their profit margin and that end
profit has to be still a price that the average Canadian can afford and we're
kind of maxed out there with inflation happening right now nobody can afford costs going going up anymore and
supplement companies are doing that anyways because of um just the cost of the raw materials and so we have to keep
in mind what this industry is and how how different it actually is to the
pharmaceutical companies and why the cost recovery is actually going to create major problems for the consumer
if that com supplement company can even stay in business in the first place these are companies that are making
millions not billions um like they're usually about 10 10 to 30 billion is the
average supplement company and the top six oops sorry now she's hitting my microphone the top six six Pharma
companies in Canada make over a billion so there is a huge difference in the amount of profit amount of money going
through these companies and so to ask them to each do the same thing in this cost recovery isn't the same thing and
and we are like our vitamin D is going to go up but then also the the
supplements to help with blood sugar control and um brain health and and on just our basic vitamins and minerals
that we need to get through this stressful life it's not just the soil is lacking the minerals it's that we
actually burn through more more vitamins and minerals every day because we're in fight ORF flight and that that staying
in figh ORF flight the body is just trying to keep you alive today and so isn't saving for the future and that's
that's another big cause of us becoming deficient and so even if our soil was perfect and it's far from it as you very
well put uh we are living this incredibly stressful life and that alone
gives us this need for extra nutrients absolutely I I love that I'm gonna I'm going to build on that that
point I mean this is kind of a digression from the health Canada issue but it it will Circle back to really
illustrate you know the timing is is horrific with what health Canada is doing not just economically but also in
relation to what's been going on over the past three years and the incredible rise in anxiety and stress because of
the uncertainty of life um but when we're when you are talking about you know this fight or flight when you're
talking about the stresses that are taking place and that actually makes us burn through more nutrition I want to
validate that point you see we work with people um you know when in Canada we have a different model we put it into
through the health food stores they Supply it to those that that want it um and many times for mental health
concerns um or stress or anxiety uh kids with ADD ADHD that type of thing right
and that's what it's many parents or people are just coming in for to to get it for is those particular
ailments but we have a different model that we've been applying since the late 90s and what it is is uh working direct
with consumer and so we'll say have somebody phone Us in or phone phone us up um our call center and they'll say
hey I've got major depression okay are you on medications yes I and and they give the list of medications we set up a file for them they get put into our
database and uh it's a it's a very comprehensive database that has many different data points that are being
tracked and you know including symptom sleep uh consumption of caffeine alcohol
all these types of factors are being put in there so that we can identify what's going on with the
symptom reduction or if there's a lack of symptom reduction because we're anticipating that there's going to be a major symptom reduction in relation to
major depression or anxiety or psychosis or or whatever it is bipolar and so
what's of interest is when we get somebody well and they've now obtained a
baseline And they're they're just functioning and they're not you know all over the place you know bad days good days bad days good days and they're
doing well they're stable if a stressful situation arises
suddenly you know over the next week or two things start to to go south again
their symptoms begin to return and it's not because they changed their diet it's not because they sto taking the
supplements either either you know we still have two major factors here that are playing into this that that you know
hey I was stable before but now I'm not what's going on and what it is is that the stress will actually like you said
there make you consume more nutrition so now the nutrition that you were getting that was working before isn't enough and
so what we've identified over the years and it's common practice now somebody
goes through a stressful situation maybe maybe there's a passing in the family you take more of the supplements you take more the EMP power plus you need
more of those vitamins and minerals to get you through that situation because your body is now rapidly consuming that
and so now let's talk about the horrific timing of Health Canada Health Canada is
now introducing all of this and they've been trying to do so for for quite a while now back in 1997 they they there
was a major push and that was before my day it wasn't before my father's days but it was before my days I was still
1997 I think I was just entering high school at that time and so here they're
introducing this uh you know these proposed regulations that are going to make the the vitamins and minerals and
and all of your supplements put them into a drug style model which is just going to bankrupt the industry and they
proved that it already worked you know in Australia um previous to that where now you know the shelves were Barren and
this was back in the 2000s I don't know if things have changed now I don't know the state of Australia and and their
Natural Health Community there now but um back then it was really bad Baron shelves um all that type of stuff going
on and so they tried to do the same thing in Canada and the people spoke out and said no we're not interested right
and I believe it was the biggest movement I think they had a petition of over a million people back in 1997 and
remember that's before social media days right this is like Grassroots dissemination of information and people
were not happy whatsoever and so they they backed off well they tried it again
well so then they they snuck it in in 2004 with this kind of pass of like we're going to do this soft regulations
but you know it's not going to mean a whole lot just you know we're just going to make sure that you know this the products are scientifically backed and
that they're safe for for consumers so in 2004 they come up with regulations but they're not enforcing them so nobody
is really raising the alarm Bells well not nobody I mean we were part of a smaller movement but the the industry as
a whole wasn't getting the the picture they weren't getting the message and they were not standing up and saying no
we don't want these regulations at all we know that this is a trojan horse you're slipping it in and it's only a matter of time before this thing opens
up and we've got a whole other beast on our hands so 2004 they introduced it but in 200 what say eight bill c51 they go
to introduce bill c-51 which is we're GNA talk about this
is exactly what they just pushed through with bell c47 it's going to change the
way that um the government deal deals with Natural Health Products it's going to put it more into a drug model and it
also gives Health Canada extraordinary enforcement powers to come
in and basically bankrupt com companies with $5 million fines I can tell you this much in Canada with what we're
working with through the the the health food stores and natural natural paths and holistic uh practitioners and all
that is that a $5 million fine is unbearable unbearable no but I I don't
know of a single company that could uh weather the storm of one $5 million fine
right like the profit margins just aren't there like you had mentioned I think I think you said 10 to 30 billion for a health company I think you no 10
10 to 30 million for a health company sorry if I said billion and then the pharmaceutical companies are all well
over a billion like there's that's a huge difference in what a $5 million fine is exactly so you can't apply the
same time of type of enforcement to the Natural Health Community as you can to
the pharmaceutical industry right which is really being monopolized and protected by the government in the first
place that they can be so um uh profitable right in in what they're
doing like it's really due to government regulation it's kept the small guys out
and it's allowed the big guys to get big and protect you know they're protected through patents and all that type of
stuff with this synthetic garbage medication I'll just say it straight up for what you know it's a generalization
but it applies almost all the time just synthetic garbage medication that causes more issues down the road than than the
issues that it's supposed to actually help with and they're being protected in this and then it's being pushed through
the medical system to the exclusion of of products like ours which we've we've
attempted to work with the government and and get it through the formulary so that it could actually become prescribed because not only was it scientifically
being shown to be more effective than your anti-depressants and all that but it didn't come with the side effects and
it was returning people back to living normal lives that they could be contributing members of society rather
than being on disability for the rest of their life and also having their medications covered and all this you
know just being a burden to society and nobody wants to be a burden to society so we were actually working with the government on this and and we would make
some Headway and we just get to a certain point and Stonewall not not interested even though the science was
there to show that it was um a good route to go in fact you know when I was
introducing this earlier on I was talking about suppression of of evidence and of science from Health Canada the
double blind Placebo control trial that was going to happen in the early 2000s was actually being funded by the Alberta
Government the Alberta Government was funding over half a million dollars into a double blind peo control trial on the Empower plus after the first study came
out showing it was over three times more effective than your standard anti-depressants Health Canada as soon as they caught word of it they swooped
in and they shut down that study and then you know one thing would lead to another and eventually we'd have a gun drawn raid on our head headquarters in
Raymond Alberta um and you know hold the ble taking place for a number of years
and so you know this is what health Canada is all about but here we're we're
going through this timeline we're up to 2008 they're trying to put through this legislation that's going to decimate the
industry and once again we have protests in every major city across Canada the
people speak they say no we don't want this right this is not what we're interested in
what do they do they back off they back off again they tried to sneak it again um the next time that Parliament came in
and I believe that was Bill C5 and C6 that they tried to slip it in and it didn't work so now here we are you know
15 years later and all of a sudden they slip it in under the radar as part of the budget
Bill and who's going to oppose the budget Bill exact and no conversation industry didn't get any chance um I have
I have a story regarding how the health Canada protects pharmaceutical companies
over um supplements so I can't I I started in this industry in 2002 working
in customer service for for a supplement company and my job was to deal with a Cava Cava return so at that time
ironically about three months after the kavak Cava what kavak Cava is this amazing nervine that is aaz that's
wonderful for sleep and uh Health Canada decided because of one study on seven
people in Germany Who had who took a large amount of the wrong part of the plant and had liver damage this I've
seen in articles brought up it's still today about Cava Cava can be dangerous and can be toxic it's based I'm sure on
this study and so Health Canada said this is dangerous it must go so I worked for a company who had Cava Cava in one
of their their products and so I was called calling every supplement company saying you have to send me back your
product because we're not allowed to sell it anymore it wasn't that there was just like you can't sell it anymore it was a full-on recall which health Canada
claims they can't do well I've been through a recall from Health Canada before in 2002 um a few months later a
very popular sleep drug came out and um it was a big guy it was one it was one
of those that um had tons of media I went to a drug show where they had a
corner of the entire show because it was such a big deal and then seven years
later around the time that that that drug went um generic Cava Cava is back
on the market uh we can also see the same thing happen with red yeast rice and the the Staten drugs exactly the
same process it was pulled off the market for being dangerous Staten drugs come out and then seven years later it's
back on the market um with the yeah it can be dangerous thing well Cava Cava is
has got thousands of years of traditional use and grateful it's back on the market because it is such a
wonderful nervine for this like this with this time of life we desperately
need Cava Cava but that's when I got my first taste of oh we have to be careful in the supplement world the Pharma
companies can come and Tamp us out and the that a company I was working for a
few years later brought out a great bone Building Product that had good research behind it and it was really really
effective and I was working in marketing and we were constantly watching our
messaging because we couldn't let we what we the idea was we can't let Pharma
know this exists because they'll come and stamp us out and that was that wasn't uh like the thing you don't say
we were literally saying that in meetings like how do we promote that this has a good research behind it and
it's really effective without anybody like even just a smear campaign coming
through which they were doing once a year at least some big press release
about antioxidants are dangerous or beta keratine is dangerous like that was that time and so it's I don't think consumers
know this because supplement companies don't talk about this this politics behind it but because I've like danced
in so many different companies I'm happy as a practitioner to say like we got to watch our back and we Health Canada has
always been protecting Pharma over supplements when supplements are where the safety actually is and um that that
these are helping these have Trad use that we've been using them for thousands of years our bodies understand what they
are and it frustrates me at the even the simple idea that we might not have as much access to them or that they won't
be affordable yeah yeah exact exactly you know it's it's it's twisted really when
you you sum it up as to what health Canada is all about and and whose Health they're protecting the way that I car or
categorize it is is this simple Health Canada is just simply protecting the health or the bottom line profit
of the pharmaceutical industry that's what it is because when we take a look at what they've done um you know I've
shared this in the the past two podcasts as well with Sean Buckley Shan Buckley had um in-depth knowledge about it
having you know cross-examined many of the witnesses that testified to this effect uh within our own court cases but
Health Canada actually caused deaths they actually killed people in Canada
through the seizure of our products they caused suicides and they were warned about it beforehand they were well aware
of it and they did nothing about it to remedy the situation other than setting
up a 1800 crisis line that had a simple script that when somebody would phone in that was in you know extremely desperate
saying hey look like I've got my life back I was suicidal I was institutionalized I was in the psych WS
all that type of stuff and now I've got my life back and I don't have access to this what are you doing they'd be send
over to a 1800 crisis line where there there was a script that would basically say you know you need to go go back to
your doctor you can get back on your medications you'll no longer have access to this Dangerous Drug they were trying
to classify our vitamins and minerals as a drug right and then here we are you know same formula same formula and it
has an npn license a natural product number on it and yet they're calling it a drug they're trying to mischaracterize
it saying it's a dangerous drug and these are vitamins and minerals 33 out of the 36 uh ingredients in there are
found in our daily diet every single day and then if we grapes with seeds in them
there's there's one more and then if you have citrus there's another one so now you get 35 out of the 36 ingredients in
your daily diet and then Ginko baloba well nobody's really going out and just consuming Ginko baloba but you know it's
these are all safe um things that we are finding on a daily basis and yet they're
calling us a drug and calling it dangerous when they had no substance to back it up well what does this result in
it actually resulted in suicides that they were warned about they were warned about it actually by Ron leenz who was
the head of the Alberta chapter of the Canadian Mental Health Association he's got no ties to us whatsoever but he
knows people that have gotten well using our supplements and health Canada is putting them In Harm's Way he's warning
Health Canada about it health Canon is doing nothing about it and other than setting up this 1800 crisis line to say
go back to the doctors go back to the psychs go back to right go back to the Dismal life that you had before right
and so suicides result Ron lez knew personally of two of them and he
testifies to that effect on stand you know a couple years later when we find ourselves in court when Health Canada is
still trying to shut us down and it's just it's absolutely disgusting when you look at it see be one thing if Health
Canada was ignorant to the issue if they had no idea that what they were doing was actually putting people In Harm's
Way but they knew about it they were forewarned about it and yet they continued to move forward with this wck
um activity that was going to ultimately kill people they killed people and now
what that constitutes is is an element of criminality like a significant element of criminality be similar to
criminal NE negligence except that they were proactively working towards something so they actually created the
situation whereas criminal negligence is you neglected to do something and it resulted well if it resulted in death
that's up to 25 years in jail here in Canada yet here they're proactively moving forward with something so their
level of criminality is on par with criminal negligence resulting in death and yet nobody's held to account when it
comes out in court when the evidence comes right out nobody is ever held to account nobody loses their jobs nothing
Health count just continues to move on and try to to to find sneakier ways to
you know basically snuff out companies like ourselves and other therapeutic
companies out there that have a product that will actually um go toe-to-toe
without the negative effects uh of the pharmaceutical industry but they'll go Toe to Toe and actually knock out the
bottom line so they're really doing what they can to protect um the pharmaceutical industry and that is the
that's the really disturbing part about all of this because we all know that
there's an inherent risk every time that you consume a pharmaceutical there's an inherent risk of some significant side
effect I'm not going to call it a side effect it's just an effect is what it is
it's it's maybe not the marketed effect that they're trying to promote it for but it is an effect that some people
will get from it just like some people will get the marketed effect not all people like somebody will take an anti-depressant it doesn't help with the
depression whatsoever right but they may get the other effects from that and so
it's it's absolutely disturbing that they are protecting a dangerous industry that comes with inherent risk um while
trying to Snuff up about what we've been using like you said for thousands of years the things that should be found in
our food on a daily basis they're trying to prevent that from from being able to be made available in in an effective
form and it's it's it's absolutely disgusting because it has nothing to do with the health of Canadians in fact
it's quite the opposite exactly and
and while of course your product is not a multivitamin but like when you look at it just like as a category because it's
mostly vitamins and minerals how can they call call your product a drug when a multivitamin isn't considered a a drug
like it's I don't understand how they got could have gotten away with that other than people don't know what was in
your product and therefore could read that and say somebody's trying to pass off a drug as a as a natural supplement
like no they're trying to pass off vitamins and minerals that are formulated very
specifically it's not a drug no absolutely not yeah just just shocking
and you know what there would have never been an issue if the first study was never published and it ended up on CTV
national news and went across Canada because it was literally the very next day after that news clip aired talking
about this profound small study of the University of Calgary and health Canada comes in the very next day and they they
just came in with a bulldozer and were just trying to shut everything down stop the science stop the manufacturing stop
distribution of the product and can to stop all of it and it would have never been an issue because yeah the label
just reads as a multivitamin in essence it it is a multivitamin or a micronutrient but it is specifically
formulated and we put the minerals through a phenomenal process that allows for the body to readily uptake those
minerals that's really what sets it apart is just the fact that the minerals are in proper balance and they are
extremely bioavailable so that you can actually get the effects from those minerals other than that really it's
just a very comprehensive of broadspectrum multivitamin is what it is and most people don't understand the
bioavailability is actually really important too um years ago a very close
friend of mine worked in the in um a provincial Health Minister's office and he
was kind of the spin doctor in the like he was writing press releases for the health Minister and um he came across he
wasn't in the health industry at all he came across some amazing research on the on the health benefits vitamin D so he
goes to the health Minister and he's like we need to talk about this like this is a big deal this is going to help people Health Minister looks at him
pauses and just says that's not the industry we're in that's not our
job that was it and he's like oh okay he didn't last very long in that job um he
did like once he realized oh we're not here to help Canadians be better he just
watched lobbyist go in and out and so yeah he he he wasn't there long but it was like a big deal of like this eye
openening moment of you won't even talk about the research on vitamin D
okay you know that that's that's telling let's dive into that just for a moment
so now we're now we're talking outside of you know uh Health Canada we're just talking about General government here
and we're talking about the the marriage of government and the pharmaceutical industry is really what we're doing here
and it brings it brings back to mind something that that all of a sudden emerged in in our own personal court
case and when I say personal my my wife and my my court case that we had over the death of our son which you know
without getting into too much detail in essence he ends up in in an emergency situation due to an electrolyte
imbalance um and he gets into an ambulance doesn't have the proper uh
equipment in the ambulance to intubate him so he goes 8 and a half minutes without any Oxygen they get him into the
hospital discover uh during transport to a larger facility that he actually had elevated
potassium and we're not sure exactly why he had drinken um we' went and boughten
a um a potassium or an electrolyte uh supplement and he had consumed it and
actually a few hours before he ended up in crisis we don't know if there was a pottassium Hotpot we don't know if there
was something that allowed for the potassium uh to to raise in the body we don't know we actually we'll probably
never find out because they tried to hide the evidence but they discovered it they gave them um calcium chloride which
uh helps balance out the the potassium issues and even though he'd gone through this situation he reanimates and begins
to you know breathe on his own and his heart starts to beat on on its own they they reduce them off medication like crazy the epinephrine that they had them
on and all that and it looks hopeful but then they they used a paralytic medication on them that was um
contraindicated for Electro imbalances and also per cardiac arasin it's a it's basically game over at that point
so here we get into a court case after they fabricate this whole narrative about he had bacterial menitis right and
so they're to and it absolves them of all responsibility in fact they actually said they said it didn't matter that the
ambulance didn't have the equipment he was already dead from bacterial manius well that's funny because here two hours later he's alive again and then you
killed him with a a paralytic medication that you shouldn't have used it doesn't make sense so here we have this
situation arising we end up in the courts where they're hiding a lot of evidence hundreds of pages of medical evidence the first Court Round we end up
going through two trials two appeals Supreme Court Ola but what happens is
they obtain in the first Tri a wrongful conviction against my wife and I and as soon as they obtain that this narrative
started to rise up in the courtroom and it was really interesting the first time I heard it I was shocked I'm trying to
analyze what does that mean as soon as they had gotten this conviction and now we're going for sentencing the crown
prosecution starts to use this phrase this is the the only um criminal code
approved standard of care and what they were referencing is the fact that we
didn't immediately when he I mean electrolyte imbalance um pops up
whatever he wasn't ill to the point that you know a normal parent would be like let's take
him in it looked like he was starting to get the flu is what it looked like he wasn't vomiting and he wasn't exhibiting
signs of pain nothing like that that so we're we're working with it at home right like you take them to the doctor you're going to get turned away from the
doctor and so because we didn't go to the doctor and seek out whatever
ailments uh not ailments whatever whatever things that they have to provide for any ailment whatever Pharmaceuticals now we have gone against
the criminal code approved standard of care which I can't find in the criminal code anywhere I can't find anything that
attaches it to the pharmaceutical industry but it was really interesting because they began to use that phrase a number of times this this driving it in
you know you fast forward because then we went for appeal uh we got we got done dirty on the appeal but then we went to
sueme court seven uh of the well seven of the judges unanimously it was all
seven judges the whole panel unanimously decided hey this was wrong this conviction is wrong send it back to
court again so now here we fast forward to 2019 and we've got a judge stating
this in front of the media but the media won't report this the media just keeps on par this false narrative misleading
the Canadians as they're cheering about these parents getting crucified meanwhile it's actually their rights that are being taken
away here we have this judge who states it's not negligence that brings the
stefins to the to court today but rather this is a case about choice of
care natural apathy versus allopathy choice of care the judge and this is the
second top judge in all of Alberta who assigned himself to the case at this point in time here he's helping to
correct the narrative and send a message this is about choice of care this is now
attached to criminality right pharmaceutical versus natural medicine
all that type of stuff and that that's shocking that's shocking that somehow that the pharmaceutical industry
has become so infiltrated into the government with the whole revolving door we see it all the time I mean in the US
it's more more evident right you have the CEO resign from um you know glus Smith Klein
what do they do they go stay over to FDA all of a sudden they're they're in the FDA you see this revolving door where
it's just this marriage it's as if they're one entity alog together the pharmaceutical industry and the
government and now we actually see that becoming evident in in law we see it
like you you brought that example evident within just policymaking and
even just just educating from a government perspective educating the public and and they refuse to educate on
the effects of um these natural things that we need on a daily basis that we have in our bodies already but in small
amounts rather than in the the the therapeutic amounts that are necessary it's just it's it's twisted it's really
quite shocking and and so you know I appreciate you sharing that that element
there because a lot of people don't don't don't know what's going on and closed doors they don't understand the
marriage of government and the pharmaceutical industry they don't understand the the um the the dark
history of the pharmaceutical industry and the constant cover up and and the the suppression of science there that
would illustrate that their products are actually far more dangerous than the public are led to believe and then you
know you end up with people dying in fact you know I show this on the last podcast my mother um suffered with
bipolar for 10 years she went and got on Prozac and three weeks later she killed
herself right like yeah and then and then and that's in 94 you know now in
the early 2000s this evidence comes out this scientific evidence that was there all along showing that proac can
increase the risk of suicide by eight to 12 times in certain circumstances but at minimum it increases the risk of suicide
by two times you're twice as likely to die from suicide by taking Prozac then
not taking Prozac and that Prozac probably wasn't um uh tested on women anyway so they
didn't actually know what your mother's reaction would have been because of the giant medical bias that we're only
starting to understand that especially in the 90s there was almost no drugs tested on on women and and therefore it
was in practice that they realized oh the dosage is different for women versus men um I think what what consumers need
to really understand is is the lack of power that supplement companies have that they aren't these profit mongers
either that that they are often just barely getting by with paying their
employees and keeping those products on the shelves and they're doing everything they can to keep the price of each product as low as possible because it
what won't sell otherwise but um now this is going to
hinder all of them from working properly and we're not getting the information that we we should be getting there
there's a study in 2010 that was done here in Canada that found that if all Canadians had
proper levels of vitamin D they would have um we would save I believe it was over a billion 13 billion it was well
over a billion dollars in our health care even and and but it would only cost us like 30 million to actually like do
all the testing and get and do all the supplementation but also save 40,000 lives uh each year with just proper
vitamin D supplementation this is now 13 years later as that ever come into pass like
this was a Canadian study even do ironically right at the same time the
the Harper government pulled vitamin D testing out of what they will pay for and so now if you can get vitamin D
testing which takes a bit of a hoop to jump through you then have to pay 60 or $70 for it but knowing your vitamin D
level can reduce your risk of autoimmune conditions of cancer and cancer recurrence and just help like your your
neurotransmitters as you men mention before and vitamin D is one of the cheapest supplements currently right
now we all in Canada need it that's what that study said and that is in Jeopardy
how are we going to be able to buy a six months of vitamin D for $20 so that
therefore for it's still in the price point of almost every Canadian well if that changes our health is going to drop
dramatically and that's not even speaking to all of the other great things that we have on the market okay
you brought up something about the Harper government so conservative government pulls um the testing right
it's removed so I want to touch on a topic there because I know a lot of people are like hey you know we're under
the liberal government right now Trudeau whatever if only we could get that conservative government now you've been
in the industry for a long time I'm just G ask a simple question have you seen any difference in relation
to um Natural Health freedom and and and greater access to Natural Health Products with any of the governments
being in place no um what I what what I see
is one government comes in and does the mean thing the other governments the the other party will say hey we if you bring
us in we'll we'll do some great stuff they come in and they never reverse what had just happened and so yeah maybe it
was the conservative government that did pulled this back but especially through the last three years have we brought
back vitamin D testing no um and when I like I have to educate my clients and
how to ask for vitamin D testing even just to get it on the requisition and then they have to pay for it um of and
then often they they bring their requisition in and they're off they're willing to pay for it and it's pulled
off the like the where they go to get the testing done the blood drawn they pull that the vitamin D off and it's
what what we do know is that knowing your blood saturation of vitamin D is
will determine your dose and that every single person need requires a different amount of vitamin D it's not just this
2,000 IUS of vitamin D a day is enough for everybody we need to do this testing
to figure out what what our body's requirements are because of absorbability and also just like what
your body needs and it and that was pulled and not brought back by all of
these years of having a liberal and currently liberal NDP um combo they
haven't brought back vitamin D testing hasn't even be been spoken about even though it would be be incredibly helpful
for our overall health and according to that study dramatically reduce the our
Healthcare spending yeah you know for the first 10 years uh well I guess it's
not quite first 10 years a few years into um doing what we're doing here with
with the true hope supplements um we realized that there were some major issues with government regulations so we began to involve ourselves in politics
significantly where we could actually change over our call center to become a uh promotional Center if you will making
call outs for different candidates and whatnot and we actually helped um with
the promotion of different different candidates campaigns in the local areas and all that to in essence I guess you'd
say it would be influencing the outcome of of the election by helping you know
saying this candidate stands for Freedom here this candidate right and so you know we we actually used to really
assist um and with with politics if you will in hoping that we could actually
begin to change things well we pulled out of that um by probably around 2009 2010 we
just stopped we just stopped because we realized it doesn't matter which government uh which party is in power it
doesn't make a difference it's like you say you know basically you know you have one you have the good cop bad cop but
it's like they're almost playing for the not almost I think I mean they're just it's a different flavor but in different
me M But ultimately they it's the same Puppet Master pulling the strings at the top right yeah and so you know for for
any of the audience that are watching and saying well if we could only just get the liberal government out and all that hey don't get me wrong hey that
that maybe that could be a good thing maybe not but maybe it' be a good thing it's not going to uh bring about the
change that you're looking for yeah even though currently the conservative government is saying the conservative
party is saying bring us in we'll get rid of this I I have yet to see a uh a uh those kind of campaign promises
fulfilled there's usually some kind of stopping and so yeah I'll see it when I believe it exactly the only major thing
I think that I've ever seen turned around is the gun control um or the um the registration um which is great
because the amount that that was costing the taxpayers to have guns registered for what like it wasn't preventing crime
there was nothing to to show statistically that was actually beneficial to the Canadians but it was sure costing a lot of money that was the
only thing that I've ever seen revers and that was a that was 2012 when when
when the conservatives reversed that but so one out of you know how many things
how many major things have been put into place and everybody's crying about it and all they do is they pacify us over
time and eventually it just becomes the norm yeah so we need to not forget this
I think the reason the long gun registry got canceled is because we as the people said we're not going to stop talking
about this until you do it and what we're really we have very short
attention spans nowadays and if something isn't being talked about it's it stops being in our wheelhouse because
there's so much going on it makes sense like Bill c47 was talked about a lot in July I talked about it a lot in July and
then you don't if people forgot about it but we won't forget about it once the the costs of our products go up or
products are just gone we do have power as people we just have to keep pushing
and talking and pushing and talking and make it so whatever whoever wins in
the next election knows that that your vote depends on our us being able to stay healthy us being able to still take
care of ourselves in the way that we want to um and having that choice to be able to eat good food and you and and
and heal our bodies or help our bodies function properly we need to we need to
yell and scream and maybe if we yell and scream things will change but I still
don't know if they will but I it's still worth it it's still like only do yeah
even if even if you think the battle's lost you fight it anyways you know even just for the the sake of having good
conscience knowing that you did all that you could do yeah and and it worked in 2008 and it worked in 2008 exactly it
worked in 2008 the people spoke they so now they they've just waited you know snake in the grass type stuff and they
snuck it in as soon as as soon as nobody was looking as soon as we were distracted with other things they snuck
it into the budget bill now Health Canada has extraordinary enforcement Powers have they begun to employ them
yet no not that we're aware of but they don't ask for the keys for the Ferrari
unless they're actually wanting to drive it right they don't ask for the power unless they're looking to use it they're
looking to use it they've been pushing for it for now two decades they finally
got it now they're going to ease into it so that they don't create a a major public outcry because that's really what
they're in the balances of they because they do they know they know what that the power is in the people the MPS
ultimately at the end end of the day break them down as individuals they want to feed their
families they want to live the lives that they want to live they they want that that you know big government
paycheck every month so if they don't think that they're going to get voted in that's ultimately what's going to begin
to motivate them right and then in fact we we began a process back in the the
later 2000s um called the 308 tack team at that time and uh what it was was had
nothing to do with the 308 caliber rifle um it was 308 ridings in Canada at the time now it's 338 and so what we did is
we broke it down and had people in each area to to basically create this uh this
this Uprising saying we're going to vote you out we are going to make sure that we vote you out if you don't um you know
voice our concerns you're here to represent us and yet here you're representing Health Canada in the
pharmaceutical industry complet completely backwards you're here to represent us you're here to ensure that we um get what we're looking for um you
work for us right and so it it did we were able to create pressure on every
single writing uh throughout Canada and that that that does have some power
because at the end of the day yeah they're told to tow the party line they're told hey you're conservative you go with what the conservative leader is
telling you to do you're liberal you go with with the the conservative leader NDP whatever but at the end of the day they they want that job they want to be
voted in and they are supposed to represent the people they're supposed to theoretically um we see that it's it's
much different than that but um yeah it's it's always worth a try to take
that stand and to be vocal about it and so currently um with what Sean Buckley
is doing with the nha.org um in Sharing uh you know some protocols uh a plan of
action on how to basically you know write those letters to the MP here here's a form letter but you know
voiz your own concerns and then meet with your MP that is a good first step
and there's there's a chance that we can have this reversed but we are in a disadvantage state right now because
before we were always preventing it from coming to pass we saying you're not going to put it through but now it's
been put through right there's now a breach in the wall we're now saying this needs to be reversed push it back out
get this back out and and fix the breach in the wall you need to be protected
um in our access to Natural Health Products yeah yeah and bare minimum it should have been uh um come on its own
so it could have had its own like debate like the fact that was snuck in speaks a lot and and I think that I think as
people we need to realize how how much power we have and and the powers that we
know this this is why they've separated us so much this is why they have um made sure that if if they've pitted us
against each other and um just be just because of like my life and and my
beliefs and things that I straddle I straddle all of the different aspects like there's I I'm playing I don't know
I'm kind of in the middle in a lot of ways and I'm watching different narratives pop up trying to create hate
and animosity and we all are the same we all have so much more alike than we have
separate and and what they don't want us is for us to realize this and that to come together from different political
ideas and come come together from different viewpoints and talk and say wow actually yeah we disagree on this
little thing but all of this we we agree on we need to create change
and we we can't have looked at the world in the last even five years without
realizing how afraid the powers that be are of Us coming together and that's
where that's that's what we need to have conversations with people who don't agree with everything that you agree
with we need to understand points of view and therefore we like when I get to
talk to people I get to talk to hundreds of people every year that are completely different than I would ever talk to and
they're beautiful wonderful people I wish everybody could have the work that I do because Rand a random person books
in with me and I spend an hour and a half talking to them and it's unbelievable and we are so much more alike than I
think we'd ever imagine and there's if we come together we can change things we
can create something that's why they don't that's why they're pitting us against each other that's my belief at
least absolutely oh yeah it's easy to conquer divide of people absolutely yep
we are so divided more so than we've ever been yeah and it's easy to divide a people through a fearful situation as
well right yeah and this is where the whole fear porn keeps on popping up I mean anybody who who's watching the news
shut it off you know do yourself a service shut that off and you'll get a better perspective of what reality holds
and life is more beautiful you you were told it was but when you're watching the news
when you're watching all this type of stuff and and constantly having this new scare tactic over and over and over
whatever it may be you know coid 2.0 Alien Invasion right terrorists uh
economic all this type of stuff it's just constant bombardment of fear right
now there are some legitimate uh things taking place at risk but that there put
people at risk prepare for it simple and if you're not divided I mean communities are really
proficient at at you know weathering the storms of of whatever catastrophes take place yeah um people that are actually
unified in a cause and work together so yeah there's definitely an element of
them attempting to divide us and they've been pretty successful at it over the over the years but we definitely need to
take a stand and and collaborate on this make sure that we're unified in our message that we want access to Natural
Health Products we're smart enough we're educated enough we have access to information that we as as consumers can
make an informed decision without Health Canada telling us that no you don't have
access to that because it's not good for you and where it's telling you it's not good for you regardless of of what
information you have access to we're saying it's not good for you and we're
also going to make it so you don't have access to this um economically because well you know the cost has all gone up
by 30 40 50% on these products and I know you know you didn't have quite
enough money to afford it before but you were you were scrunching what you could but now you can't it's just beyond your
grasp that's really where we're going and when we take a look at the timing of this they're talking about cost recovery
that's going to significantly increase the cost of products at a time that inflation has already been incredibly
high and I can tell you from from my perspective is we're not matching
inflation with our price increases I don't know if anybody was no no one and I didn't think so either like
I'm so I can speak authoritatively from from our position is that we've increased our prices
once since 2015 right we've increased our prices
once and our profit margins are lower
now um than they've ever been in essence MH because of inflation so even though
we're still making the same amount of money off each bottle that we have been you know since since 2015 we did one so
we did the one price increase um in later 2021 right we'd held off a long time and
we finally did the price increase and then we've we've kept it and everybody else is still doing incremental price
increases slowly but it's not ma matching what the rate of inflation is and they're so thought thoughtful like
they're so like they're like we just can't survive unless we pull up by 5% and or or 2% like these they're they're
tiny you're 100% right I see that right across the board they are price increases but only out of desperation
and is the smallest amount possible exactly because it's a fine line like
our perspective how we're looking at it is we have people that are taking these products and and and getting Life
Changes we have people that are taken as a general multi and and and okay they become more resilient to stress and they just feel better it's like the lights
turn not even more but we have people that are coming to us that are in absolute
Despair and you know the they've had their lives ravaged by mental health conditions for for decades or decade
whatever how however long they've been around for type of thing and it's had an impact on their their finances it always
does always and our mission is to make sure that we are making the product
available to them and so if if we were to raise our prices
we would yes we' lose sales we'd make more profit off what we do sell but we'
lose sales but the sales that we're losing are likely the ones that need it the most yeah and that's that's the the
hard position that we're put in is so what do we do so we're trying to make ourselves more efficient right so that
we don't have to increase our prices so much so it's it's a real balancing act
that all of the the Natural Health companies are finding themselves in and now you have health k
proposing these these new cost recovery measures which is just one of the small
things I want to make sure that we don't get myopic on this and lose sight of this but it's one of the small um
attacks on the Natural Health industry is that okay it's going to knock out the the the small products that aren't
selling a whole lot because the companies aren't going to say I'm G to pay yeah a licensing fee for that product we're not even making that much
profit off it every year so why would I pay the licensing fee boom there now you have the those products gone and then
you have other companies that are us-based and they're saying that's too small of a market in Canada for us to
cater to all this and to raise our prices it's just not worth it boom whole company pulls out right and we've seen
that already um over the last uh what do we at we're at 19 years now since they put in the regulations we've seen it
incrementally as they're they're talking about enforcement and all that of their npn RS but now you have these companies
starting to pull out that have no interest in a small Market of Canada that's making it hard to um you know the
Hoops are are are getting more tighter for them to have to jump through so we're going to lose more companies but
then these Canadian based companies you're going to see the pairing back of the products and then the products that they do keep you're going to see the The
increased price yeah now couple that with Bill c47 and the enforcement uh
powers that Health Canada has and also how they're tightening down right now in
relation to uh dictating what you know you can and can't say as a manufacturer
about your products which we just ended up with uh this this issue um over the
past about eight months nine months we were working with health Canada they came at us and said hey you have all the
stuff on your website you can't say that what do you mean we can't say that we've been saying that all along and and we're
only saying what the science is saying we're actually just referencing back to the studies type of thing so they keep
on coming back at us and so they eventually came out with a list and said you need to remove this from your website M and what it was was a few
interesting things um we have 35 medical journal Publications on our website uh
that were a result of the studies that have taken place on the empow plus alone
right so these aren't just generalized studies that we're saying hey this applies because no no these were studies that were done specifically on the
Empower plus and we just had the studies listed that's it and with the abstracts
so you could read um you know about the study or some of them you had full access to you click on it and you could
read the full study that was done and these are independent studies coming out of universities that are generally being
funded by different governments around the world and yet now they're saying you
can't have that up on your website why like it's not like it's self- serving it's actually we're
providing information to people to to make informed decisions about their own health published
research right and it's all validated it's it's not like we're cherry-picking
studies and saying well this study was good and this one wasn't so let's let's omit that we're just throwing it all out there and we don't need a cherry pick
because there's nothing to cherry pick it's all the same the studies are all showing the same results right with very
very small variation which is exactly what you'd anticipate to see anyways you know and so now they're saying you can't
have that okay and then they go through the testimonials and we have all of these testimonials that people have been
given they want to share their story they're people they're people saying things yeah and and now they're saying
you can't have these testimonials up there so now when you go to the Trop canada.com
website you you're GNA see that there's less information available but I I've
also um or we've done a video or videos um talking about that that you no longer
have access to this information so if you go to our our our science and research uh page now all you get is
video of me talking about censorship and that it's nothing new um and that Canada
has been doing this for many years going back to trying to you know they shut down the double BC control trial they
tried to shut down all research in Canada fortunately they had no power over other jurisdictions so the research
continued on you know in the US in Hawaii um in Australia no no sorry in
New Zealand out of Christ Church New Zealand that type of thing right and so the studies kept on coming and um it
wasn't until we won the court case uh against Health Canada uh in 2005 that
the studies began to happen again in Canada so it's nothing new but basically all you're going to see is all of these
studies that were once there now has a censored um stamp across each one of them so Health Canada is already
tightening the bolts down and now they've just been granted as of June of this year this incredible enforcement
power that they could come in and they they like they could they could have come in if they had the enforcement
power let's say two years ago or a year ago they could have actually just come in and said hey you heard of blind you
shouldn't have these studies up on your website because we said so and boom here's a $5 million fine and then you're
gone yep exactly yeah and $5 million is
a major per uh percentage of any income coming in of any supplement company it's
well above the profit of what they like what the the president of any company is
going to like walk home with and no supplement may like I don't I don't know all of the numbers of every supplement
on the market but I would be shocked if there is any single supplement that makes more than $5 million each year in
in profit um well let me put it this way across western Canada in quite a few
stores the Empire plus is a number one seller and if it's not the number one seller then it's it's on its way to
getting there as so we are we we are quite well established in the west and
in Eastern Canada we're getting more well established right and so but even
in light of that so I'm putting that in context that there are quite a few stores across western Canada that the
Empire plus is their top selling product yeah and I can tell you this we don't
make anywhere close to 10 to $30 million a year gross
profit right in our and we only but part of that's because we only have six products we're not flooding the market
with all these me too products we only hold on to the top products that are going to be life-changing um so every
one of our products is very uh powerful and pinpointed right and but so we're
not you know we don't have a 100 SKS or 50 SKS that we're making profit off of which does make a difference but I I can
tell you we are nowhere close to 10 to $30 million a year gross profit for the
whole of yeah of Trop Canada so yeah um a $5 million fine uh it's it's just it's impossible
is what is what it would be and because uh we couldn't possibly increase the
cost of our products even though people claim that they need them for their life
we couldn't increase the cost of our products enough to be able to pay off a $5 million fund even even $50,000 cost
recovery to bring a product onto market like it could take a couple years for that skew to make take back that cost
well that this is where all the profit comes too is when a when a skew is first released and that's where all the
marketing dollars go and and a lot of supplement companies are spending half of their profit on marketing just to
keep people to like just to make sure people know about it and we are going to lose all Innovation
if if and some and some um lists I've seen as Innovative products it could be a quarter of a million dollars in cost
recovery that's no there's no company that could that could cover that that I can think of Y yeah they they don't have
a simplistic licensing fee anymore so example when we had you know the licensing done for Empire plus years ago
the very first thing they said was well you can't have Boron okay so we fought with them we fought with them we
provided all the evidence all the studies and they said no there's a lot of products with boron in it well not
not not first not in 2004 right and that was what was shocking because when
eventually what they did is they gave us two licenses they gave us a general license on the first one that we ever
had which looked like this it was a very first release of of the EMP that we ever had and when you look at the the label
there's no Boron and that was the one that could be made readily available to everybody the second one is the one
right behind me here and it had Boron but it was adult only like we're talking
like restriction of like cigarettes because it had Bor on you could only and so it had these restrictions around it
with these strong warnings that made it non-marketable you couldn't Market it so we actually parked it for a few years we
brought to the market the one without Boron we carried that one for about four years and it was good but Boron is a
crucial you know element and even though it's only one out of the 36 that had to be removed it still wasn't quite as
therapeutic and so we finally went back and fought with health Canada about it and we got them to lift the restrictions
because at this point in time they're now licensing all sorts of products of boron yeah with none of these
restrictions but yet they they held to those restrictions with us right because something opened their eyes at some
point in time they said okay Boron is no longer prohibited in essence we're going to allow it and and and like you said
there's lots of procs that Boron there's procs that just are simply Boron just Boron yeah yeah whereas in 2004 the
science must have been different so Boron wasn't allowed in Canada you as a consumer couldn't go to the store and
buy a product with Boron with a a license it could it was not Health Canada license Unfortunately they were
not enforcing those regulations and saying the only products that can be for sale are ones with an npn license it
wouldn't be till around 2010 that they started tighten things down a little more and they did it gradually and gradually so that people wouldn't uh you
know there wouldn't be an outcry um yeah they also didn't staff enough at in 2004 um and so there was a
two to three year backup backlog uh for the npn numbers like it it was years and years and years before you could submit
and within six months get an npn number yeah exactly and and so now if we were
to try to get our product licensed being 36 ingredients is it's a novel product we would be at basically the top of
their fee structure for licensing and so now it would be like $60,000 versus you
know a few thousand dollar like it was in the past right yeah so now we see like this this huge increase right th%
increase or more on licensing fees for Innovative products like you're saying
there which makes it a turn somebody you know if you have a small company but you've got somebody who is witty and has
made some interesting discoveries but they're small right and they're want to bring it out to the market they want to bring something out to the market that's
going to be tremendous to whoever takes it and it has a chance of getting a foothold in the marketplace
well the first hurdle they have is how do I come up with the money now they're now they're having to basically sell it
to investors right yeah in order to drum up enough money just to get through the
regulatory Hoops to even put it into the marketplace let alone come up with a
marketing campaign which is not cheap to actually get a foothold market so the very first hurdle is the government and
that's how they form monopolies is it's not that they're they're you know sanctioning saying you're the only
company that can do this it's just that they provide the environment that that
company's the only company that gets to do that or that those are the only set of companies that are able to jump through these hoops because it's it's
too onerous it's too much for all the other companies and that's how they weed out the small guys and eventually uh
come up with monopolized industry yeah what they're doing and the health industry is full of incredibly
Innovative little companies and what what really frustrated me when this all came out is the is the news articles
that would were had quotes from people like Barry power of the head of the pharmacist Association that would say
things like um Natural Health products are not regulated and can be toxic but
they're they're highly Rec regulated um the 2004 guidelines which we've talked
about a bunch of times the nhp guidelines are seen as the most strict in the world and Europe has been looking
at them as a way to to um to see how how is it working and and I I have a bit of
a unique perspective as a practitioner I do like the 2004 guidelines because it gives me something to say yeah these are
regulated that what's in the bottle is on the label and what's on the label is in the bottle and the any any health
claims have to be substantiated and so my American clients often will buy supplements from Canadian companies for
that reason and it's just that now this new step isn't regul isn't making
supplements safer it's making them more expensive that's this hoop and and that
that it's not a safety problem we're not arguing that supplements need to be like
that that like we we we don't want safety regulations it's more of we we
need to keep these accessible and they have a very high safety protocol uh a safety profile they supplement companies
have had for years had to keep track of any counter indications any um reactions
to them and but somehow that wasn't enough and now we have now they have to
have these um higher regulations and that's that's that's what we're really saying more than anything is that it's
it's these new Hoops that are going to make it hard for you to have it not make them safer
exactly and once again playing off the fear there right and and they've done a fantastic job on that on on playing off
people's fears and and turning at some point in time you know these supplements into the Boogyman that they have to have
their stamp of approval for somebody just to trust that oh good I can sleep at night you know knowing that I bought
this product you know I can feel okay with popping the top and taking a few capsules out of there because the
government said that it's safe right um and that's that's the unfortunate nature
but it's like you're saying it affects buying Behavior even because people have
this this this huge concern but we live in in a day and age right now with simp
simply those Google reviews right hey if I'm marketing my products the
marketplace is going to regulate for me if I'm putting out junky products that are causing issues somebody's going to
have something to say about it they're going to put it out there and as soon as you start to see two three four five you see a pattern emerging now I've lost my
foothold in the marketplace regardless of how great my marketing message was because I've got people that are
actually sharing real life accounts uh of of the damage that my products may have done right I think I think people
also underestimate the wonders of health food store staff being a staff member of
a supplement section requires a huge amount of knowledge like it's two or three years of training to be able to
like people just walk in and say I have these these symptoms what should I have and that person who's working a retail
job has to understand what those symptoms are and help them find the right thing I learned about your product
because of Staff members are like you have to hear about that you you need to know about this one my son is on it I'm
on it it's lifechanging and that's why your products do so well is that you have staff members talking about it it's
the same thing as a Google review if you have a a terrible product staff don't sell it um and they because they they
usually have tried everything Andor they get the feedback over and over again and want to be trusted and so they also will
will weed out the products that aren't aren't doing very well it's they're not going to put it on their shelf even
because its shelf space is is worth a lot and we have these hoops already we
don't need more right and so the point that I'm getting I mean in 2004 is a
little a different not that I'm advocating that there was any necessity of the regulations um I'm more of a
Libertarian uh not more I am a Libertarian at Art um done a significant amount of study back in my younger years
in relation to to that coming to those conclusions as to whenever government involves itself in something it
generally only gets worse um and when I say generally that's almost always um
but when we're taking a look at the regulations today we could actually scrap those regulations and you would do
a you do better for yourself Consulting with health food store staff that are
are talking to people and getting the feedback on a day-to-day basis looking online at Google reviews really we've
got a way better in um regulat body in place naturally as the market regulates
itself with all this information the access to information is what's so empowering that Health Canada has
actually uh they've lost any viability even though we know they're intense and we know the damage they've done um and
and we know that they they've literally compromised and killed people compromised lives and killed people here
in Canada they've they've done those things and knowingly and they have never done anything to remedy it or to try to
prevent that from taking place again they have no viability in relation
to regulating um Health claims or anything because we have access to all of this
profound information the market is now at such a point that it regulates itself
very very efficiently and that nobody's going to go and not nobody but you know most people are going to educate
themselves and they're going to find out if a product is good or not they're going to look at the reviews going to
they they have a responsibility to do their due diligence and if they don't and it ends up to their detriment that's
because they have the choice and they they didn't but the fact of the matter is is that we're not going to see products ending up in health food stores
that are dangerous the health food store would never want to to tarnish their reputation by having that type of thing
the market regulates itself and that's the only way that we've really done well with getting out there is exactly like
you said um we don't have large marketing campaigns we've never had the profitability to do so we spent all
money fighting Health Canada for a decade right um there was no marketing
department in our company during that time there was basically a legal regulatory department on how do we fight off this battle yeah and so you know
that that's where we're coming from and so it's only been through the regulation of the market through the dissemination
of information Word of Mouth that our products have actually gotten a foothold out there really yeah um you know over
the last five six years we've started doing more social media activity yes to share that word of mouth to share
people's experiences and now Health canids coming in and say you can't you can't say those things you can't share that
information and this is the thing that gets me is that like there is a lot of story news stories around when they when
they snuck this bill uh c47 in with the budget but if it was legitimate if if
there was a safety concern they would have they'd be able to say we need this
because this product killed people this product is unsafe we need to be able to come in
they had no they had nothing to back up their claims that this is required um
and and we've had almost 20 years 19 years of the nhp guidelines so they've
had their fingers inside this for a long time and and in no article did I see an
actual product that caused harm that they were able like you'd think they would have pulled it out if there was
even one um I all the only anecdote that I saw was a doctor emergency room doctor
in Toronto says that a natural path uh took a a patient off an anti-seizure
drug and gave zinc instead and that was harmful well natural paths in the in Ontario are regulated as much as a
medical doctor so if that happened that's at first a practitioner problem and that practitioner would have lost
their license for sure and that's not a zinc is a problem it was the like advice
given and and that's all they could do and so like that's what really frustrates me is that if this was
required show me there's tens of thousands hundreds of thousands of
products on the market show me that there is one that is so dangerous or has been dangerous that Health cada felt
their hands were tied couldn't do enough to save the health of of the people and
need that require this type of Regulation and they didn't they weren't they didn't sell that and therefore
there can't be even even one because they would have found it don't you think they would have found it absolutely and
and and they would have they would have been sure to to disseminate that information I mean they're still in the
practice of disseminating bad information so here they've got our um Empower plus licensed and yet if you go
on their website uh you can still find um I believe they have eight published
warnings about our product going back from the 2000s saying how it's not safe
and yet one of the studies that was done on it was done solely on the safety of it from people that have been taking
large amounts of it for some time like considerable amount of time blood work done all that type of stuff came out
flying colors like their health was great right it was a it was a perfect example of a safety study showing that
hey by taking even copious amounts of this supplement and doing so for years yeah you're G to come out with really
great blood work and everything's great well above the recommended dose like well above and health candal coming out
and and and saying contrary and they refuse you know I don't know if they've changed their website enough and and finally dropped that off but my
understanding the last time I was aware they still have those um those bad warnings up there and yet here they're
licensing our product for for sale in Canada but yet they have these warnings about it it's it's like you have two
different you know the Left Right the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing type of thing but anyways
it's just it's interesting because if there was death that had been caused by
Natural Health Products if there was harm they would be sure to put it out
there um but yet like you said they'll use examples like that that case there in
Ontario not a zinc issue that's that's nothing to do with zinc right that that
that is an advice issue if if it's actually um being to if it's actually
the way that it's being touted right yeah like I'm not even in a position to be able to judge that situation if it if it's even real right like yeah I didn't
substantiate it with the name of the practitioner there wasn't in the news any um uh like the governing Board of
that naturopathic doctor that there's no conversation about that which would have happened if it was an actual
naturopathic doctor yeah yeah so we have we have an issue here it's it's really an information War where bad information
is going out there twisted information uh to create a Boogyman to try to
justify where Health Canada is going in all of this um but at the end of the day
um it's it's not going to be good for the consumer it's you many times we see this disconnect we say yes you know tax
the corporations more corporations don't pay tax the consumers pay tax um and so
if if you have a corporation that's Manu in the business of manufacturing that tax is merely tacked onto the cost of
the product so if you're consuming those products you're paying the tax the corporation isn't they can't afford to
do so they're not going to you know reduce their profit margins to pay a tax so it's really the consumer that are
paying all of the taxes and so when you have you know this cost recovery coming into
Play It's you know face value oh yeah good that way you know maybe we won't to
pay as much direct taxes to the government now because it's costing the government well if you're consuming Natural Health Products you're paying
that now you are paying more to the government maybe perhaps uh the conversation should be how do we get rid
of the inefficiencies of government and get rid of regulations that aren't necessary so that we don't have to pay
more taxes right it's just burdensome on us for and to no value there's no value
to it that that can be identified at this point in time other than oh hey it's got an npn number on there oh good
I was scared because I don't know there could be some shady stuff out there well if there's Shady stuff out there there's going to be litigation there's going to
be criminal action and there's going to be some Google reviews that are going to illustrate that there's a problem there
so I don't think we need to be so so concerned about uh it having a government stamp of approval that that
for us to be able to take it um is there anything else um that that
you're seeing that that is of concern I know you're talking about you recommend supplements you're not selling them that
thank you for clarifying that because up that you know when we're talking about this people can naturally just come to
the conclusion that hey they're biased they're trying to protect their their financial interest and all that you're not making money other than a couple
Buck a month off them obvious I buy them I'm a consumer of them
I I don't consume more than than I make off them I can tell you that much but I am a large consumer of Natural Health
Products and not just our products there's other really great companies out there that I'd be concerned if I didn't have access to that my family relies on
right yeah um and so I'm a I'm a large consumer of of uh Natural Health
Products so I'm in the same boat that I have a bias that way as well where I can actually objectively look at the situation from a consumer
perspective um but also look at it from the perspective of a manufactur where
we're supplying these products and we have a mission to try to help people and in essence they're compromising our
ability to fulfill that mission by making them economically unavailable um
and also making it so that we uh don't have the ability to be able to manufacture at a at a you know to bring
up more Innovative products and we do have a number on on the on the um on the
table that we want to bring out and we're looking at it and we're just saying with in in all of this
instability like you don't you don't invest a whole lot into a Marketplace that is unstable and that's that's part
of the problem is what they're doing right now even before it's in place is they're already deterring companies from
bringing out Innovative products because nobody wants to put that investment out into a market that I don't know how long
it'll be able to be around am I gonna get my return on investment I don't know right is it gonna bankrupt the rest of
the company is it going to prevent us from being able to continue on with the other products that that we have been
utilizing for some time that disseminating that's the concern and so especially during economic um times as
such where people's money is stretched thin right now yeah um we're we're
already having to tread lightly we already have to be very wise and careful in our decisions to make sure that we
can continue to get our products out and not have to raise our prices if we don't have to
yeah supplements save saved my health I what I didn't mention is in 2002 when I
first came into this industry I was my health was in a horrible State I had um I my undergrad is performance music
incredibly stressful I had an underlying health issue that I didn't know and was undiagnosable I'd been to doctor after
doctor after doctor after doctor um it was a major gut bacteria off overgrowth um and I was
gray my complexion was gray I was so foggy I'd forget what day of the week it was where I going I nerve damaged down both my arms tendonitis and both my
thumbs um uncontrolled asthma was a flute player really bad combination and
I came into this industry I'm I can't believe they hired me uh because I was
in such bad Health but I was I'm good at interviews and I'm good at customer service so they thankfully brought me in
and trying their Innovative product that would be very hard to bring on the market with these regulations was the
first thing that I took and it in two weeks my brain turned back on and I could think again and my job was
customer service I got to learn about health and that's what BEC how I became a holistic nutritionist but what it did
was it gave me a shorter jump between how horrible I felt to where to feeling like a human being that could function
then I could have the energy to change my diet my diet was all processed sugar and refined flour like a vegetable was
once a once a month maybe and to this place of like oh I feel a bit better
maybe I can start putting effort into how I eat and I've worked with thousands of people at this point and often they
need a similar little jump they need something to help them right now so they have the energy when their energy is a
one or a two out of 10 which is where mine was to get them even to a four is
lifechanging and then we can create the other changes and I'm worried that there's a going to be a whole pile of
people who at 25 was just like me feeling full of inflammation and just like their body is not able to function
my brain couldn't work I was dealing with major depression at the same time and and like the I I I can't even begin
to tell you how bad the fog was I literally would sit on the subway in Toronto and wondering where I was what
day of the week it was and was I going to the place that I was supposed to go and have to be like constantly thinking
through that's how bad my brain was working to two weeks on this supplement I I remembered I like to learn because I
could think again and there's so many Innovative products right now that that
can help people with that little jump yeah they're they're not a solution to a terrible lifestyle but they can get you
to a place where you can say okay what else can I do and I'm a holistic nutritionist from that day that day when
I saw how big of a change one or how big of a difference one little change can make and that's what we're losing yeah
we're losing we're losing that ability to make a quick little jump and and in
this life that's significantly more stressful than it was 20 years ago and when I did this jump and our diet is
significantly less nutritious than it was years ago I'm I'm I'm worried I'm
afraid no yeah and we have reason to be we we truly have reason to be to have
concern you know for our fellow beings and you know praise God that you know we we've had these personal experiences
like this you know I came out not you know depressed I remember being 13 years
old type of thing you know considering how am I going to slip my wrist that type of thing right yeah um and and
thank God that you know we've had these these life-changing experiences and as you say you know like a jump or a
Kickstart right it's a catalyst it gets us to a place where we're capable of saying hey this is who I want to be and
I've got I've got the motivation down the drive and the ability I'm going to change the you know a bunch of stuff in
my life and in fact I found myself in a similar situation in the in my early 20s where it does you know good
supplementation doesn't replace um a good diet as well they have to work in Synergy and I took advantage of took
took it for granted the fact that I had all these Stu to me I like a lousy diet and I had to change everything in my
early 20s because my health was starting to go down even though I was taking supplementation I was living such a
crappy lifestyle like terrible and but I was in a place though that I that had
enough self-awareness because of all somethings I was taken that I could say hey this isn't working for me not at all
need to change it and and then was able to make all the other lifestyle changes necessary that you know yeah I was more
youthful in my you know late 20s and early 30s than I was in my teenage years
right me too 100% me too and you bring up a you bring up a phenomenal point
that was 20 years ago right that was 20 years ago and things have changed so
rapidly where people are in are in such a disadvantaged state today where they
don't have you know even though there's been a lot of different Health fads and stuff like that most people are actually
more depleted today than they were 20 years ago the problem is only continually got worse in agriculture and
all that the the food has only gotten more toxic more toxic sprays all that type of stuff we're being bombarded with
environmental toxins all over the place they're more disadvantaged they're in more of a need than you and I were back
then and so at this given time in history there there's never been a time
that these products are most needed than now are most important in being able to
help transform lives and turn people around yeah and yet Health Canada is
putting that a threat yeah after three years of complete turmoil and strife for
the average person out there that now we have a major Mental Health crisis we thought we had a mental health crisis
before but we have a major Mental Health crisis today yet here they're trying to
uh weed out um the supplement companies that would be able to help with those
mental health crises or limit the information like in our case where they're saying you can't have those
studies up there you can't have testimonials up there for people to you know in essence listen to someone else's
story that that they can relate to and say hey that was me that was me and I could be just like them you know they've gotten their life back Health Canada
saying no you can't have that information up there and so you know we have to act come coming to a close here
we we have to um we have to engage in some kind of of action to protect our
rights these are fundamental human rights to have access to you know these different life changing supplements that
are really just food really it's what Nature's providing this comes from the earth who is the government to be able
to regulate that and say you can't have this from the earth you can't have this from the earth right I can see when we
get into a laboratory setting we start to really change stuff and we begin taking stuff that the Earth is providing
and turning it into dangerous substances yes there should be some probably some Reg around that because well it's
foreign to our bodies it can be extremely dangerous you can kill a lot of people and the pharmaceutical industry has demonstrated that Time
After Time After Time what do you think that we should do from your perspective what do you think
the best plan of action is moving forward here um if you were to give words of encouragement and and uh you
know to the viewers to say hey look if you want protect your access to these supplements this is what I'd recommend
you do what would that be I think that if you have the energy so you spoke really well to how exhausted people are
and where people are like for those of you who are kind of where we are David where we we have had that change we've
felt that change and we have the energy and bandwidth to do something and we
need to then do something we can't just sit back and and it it I I think it
involves writing to your MP showing being a voice and saying like your my vote for you matters on what you do with
this like let them know this I've written to my mp I think five times at this point um uh we need to talk to each
other and just like have a gentle nice conversation of like hey have you heard about this this is what I'm hearing in
the articles but then like when when I talk to people who are in the industry they're telling me like these are really
Safe products they're already heavily regulated and these new changes are going to make it so we won't have access
to them anymore that I didn't realize and just like have this conversation with people that may not have read the
same things as you have or but but this is the problem we're having trouble talking to each other so we have to do
it in a conversation not a you need to hear this and and we we need to act and
those of you who whose energy at a one or a two I feel for you I've been there um we are all here to help you feel
better those of you who have moved out of that let's let's stand up let's do something we have the energy we have the
bandwidth we have to um because what's going to happen next if we don't
exactly exactly well said very well said um for those like you say that that you
know your energy and motivation levels way down um strongly recommend that you
go to the health food store find some supplements um that are going to assist you they're going to be that Kickstart
um if you're dealing with mental health uh crisis um or you're you're feeling lower you know than normal uh well we
have some products here go to Trop canada.com look at the information that's still a available for you to see that Health Canada hasn't said you can't
look at and uh and make some informed decisions as to uh what would be most impa impactful uh and the Empire plus
has been phenomenal it's been a lifesaver for me and my family and really broken the the chain of suicides
that you know it wasn't just my mother my grandfather committed suicide it was a family hereditary thing and it wasn't
looking very good for me and my eight siblings that uh that my mom and dad um
all had right that we all were struggling with the same mental health conditions so um you know these
supplements can literally be life-saving uh in the meantime um this
is coming from Sean Buckley what his plan B is in essence that he's communicating is stock up stock up on
the that that you are currently using and relying on uh from day-to-day basis
and just make sure that you have a little store of them available in case that product or those products are no
longer available because we don't know within the marketplace with with the enforcement powers and whatnot we don't
know the viability of of these various companies out there I can speak to the effect of of of our company um we're
going to continue to fight this Vite uh to the very you know the very last step and and and hopefully we're able to turn
things around hopefully we really we are I don't know if we're gonna be able to but we're going to do what we can to make this happen that's one of the
reasons why we're having these these conversations um with people like yourself Lisa and uh and with Sean
Buckley and with other individuals with in the Natural Health industry to bring awareness to what's going on um within
uh the marketplace today but we're going to continue to fight the fight and our products are going to continue to be made available as long as they can be
available for um that's part of our mission and so we're going to continue to do that but in the meantime uh for
those of you that are watching stock up on the supplements you're currently using and um you know maybe take the
time to to look into products that would be even more beneficial for your health
at this point in the game because the more stressful it gets the more need we're in of having nut trated bodies
that can serve us rather than imprison us so thank you so much for coming on
Lisa it was it was a pleasure uh seeing you again I mean number of years um so
good to see you again and to to reconnect and thank you for your wisdom and and the knowledge that you provide here um it was it was a fantastic
conversation I appreciate you coming on it was so great to to chat with you again I've always I've always enjoyed
our chat so it was really nice to catch up awesome well blessings to you and uh
until next time God bless everybody who who's watching this and and may you all uh take some some action to ensure that
your rights to Natural Health products are