Guest Episode
October 03, 2024
Episode 125:
Health & Truehope Canada
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Lorella Zanetti is a professional Biofeedback technician and has been practicing for the past 14 years and is registered by the Natural Therapies Certification Board.
Lorella received her training at The Quantum Centre of Excellence, a division of the Quantum Alliance.
She came to biofeedback after receiving treatments herself and realizing the power of energy work.
Her practice is called Quantum Pathways, and her current research focuses on how diet affects the body, specifically with dementia, mental illness, autoimmune disorders, hormones, fatigue and overall wellness.
Today we discuss Lorella's amazing journey with Health and Truehope Canada.
Welcome to the True Hope Cast podcast,
where we take a deep dive into mental health's,
many physiological and psychological aspects.
This is the show for you if you're looking for motivation,
inspiration, knowledge,
and solutions in a beautiful but wild world.
True Hope Canada is a mind
and body based supplement company, dedicated first
and foremost, promoting brain
and body health through non-invasive nutritional means.
For more information about us,
you can visit tru hook canada.com.
Today I welcome back
to the podcast Professional Biofeedback
Technician Lorela Zanetti.
Now, Lorela has been practicing for the past 16 years
and is registered by the Natural
Therapy Certification Board.
Lorela received her training at the Quantum Center
of Excellence, a division of the Quantum Alliance.
She came to biofeedback work
after receiving treatments herself
and realizing the power of energy work.
Her practice is called Quantum Pathways,
and her current research focuses on
how diet affects the body, specifically with dementia,
mental illness, autoimmune diseases, hormones,
fatigue, and overall wellness.
Today we're gonna be discussing Loretta's amazing Journey
through Health and with True Hope Canada.
Enjoy the show. Hi, Loretta. Hi
Simon. How are
you? I'm good. How are you?
I'm very well. Thank you for taking the time to chat
with us on the podcast today.
You've been on the co podcast before. Mm-Hmm. Episode eight.
We spoke about Quantum Pathways and biofeedback. Mm-Hmm.
And we're not gonna dive too much into biofeedback today.
We're gonna talk more about your experience with True Hope.
So why not as an introduction,
can you just let us know about you and True Hope
and how that whole relationship began
and has evolved? All right.
What's a pleasure to be here? Thank you.
Um, so the, uh, whole journey started, uh, with my,
through my biofeedback practice.
So I've been practicing for 15 years,
and about eight years ago I was at a wellness show
and I, uh, I, uh,
heard David speak on stage
and, uh, what he was talking about just really resonated
with me and, uh, compelled me to go to the booth
and learn a little more
and, uh, hopefully be able to purchase products,
uh, for my practice.
So I did that and I met David at the booth.
I met Fedor, he was already with the company
and, um, set up an account
and started buying some products, um,
and using them in my practice.
What was it that he said a Bit
That caught you?
Oh, can you remember? Gosh, I don't really remember.
It was, I think just a lot of things that he said that,
you know, uh,
how the products really make a difference in people's lives.
Mm-Hmm. Um, and,
and really how it helps people with depression
and anxiety, which is such a common thing
that people will come in to see me for as well.
And, uh, yeah.
I dunno, just, you know how energy works that way, right?
When you meet or hear somebody, it just,
when it feels right, it feels right,
and you just feel like that's where you need to, that's
where you're led to go.
Yeah. I mean, it's, it's, I mean,
I it sounds like you've listened
to like his whole speech, his whole story.
Yes. And yeah, they dive obviously into the,
the history of True Hope.
Yes. Um, kind of the, the beginning pieces that, the kind
of the tragedy piece that leads into a
very triumphant right.
Story. Exactly. And then the necessary need
for the initial product and Power plus.
Mm-Hmm. And then how they've, you know,
bought the other ones into it as well.
Mm-Hmm. So, yeah, it's probably not just like one thing
that he would've said, but just like the whole whole story
is actually super captivating.
And if you do have the opportunity to listen to it Mm-Hmm.
It's not like a quick three minute speech Mm-Hmm.
It's a 40 minute, sometimes couple of hours presentation.
Yes, there are.
Um, you know, we've interviewed David on the podcast
and his dad an Anthony as well, the founder.
Yes. So those stories, we go into more depth on those
episodes, which I'll also connect in the show notes
for this one, but, Mm-Hmm.
Um, so you're at this, you're at the show.
You hear David speak, you tell,
you hear more about the story, you go to the booth.
Mm-Hmm. You meet people behind the company a little bit.
Mm-Hmm mm-Hmm. And then you start using the products in your
Practice? Yeah, so I
start using products
and, um, I start, you know, seeing results with my clients
and, uh, and uh, I start a rapport
with the sales rep at the time, uh, in the area.
And we would, uh, meet up
and I was, uh, I guess as a practitioner, um,
selling a fair bit of product.
So, um, I was, um,
my biofeedback practice, you know, is more of a part-time
practice, um, could be busier,
but, uh, at the time it was, you know, sort of part-time.
And I had mentioned to, um, Antonina the other sales rep
that, uh, you know, if they ever needed any help
with something, I just really love the product
and I love to get behind something that I really believe in
and I get passionate about.
So, uh, the day came where she was moving on
to something else and, uh, gave me a call,
asked me if I was interested in working for the company,
and I thought, yeah, I think I do.
I think I am. So set up a call with David.
We had a nice little phone interview
and, um, he offered me the job
and, um, I said, okay, I'll let you know tomorrow.
And I didn't really need to think about it,
but I just had to sit with it for a day.
Yeah, of course. And, uh, sure I took the job and, um,
and uh, the following week we did our, um,
our online Zoom meeting.
And, uh, I remember the meeting starting with, uh,
with prayer, and I was like, wow, okay.
I know I'm in the right place now.
And it just, again, just completely resonated with me.
And, and I, you know, have never regretted that decision.
It's been a, it's been a, a really great journey.
Um, you know, there's been some challenges along the way,
like in, in any business,
but, uh, you know, um, yeah, I've,
it's been really, it's been great.
And really at the end
of the day it was about getting the
product out to more people.
You know, in my little practice I could get it out
to a few people, but I thought, you know what, if I am able
to go out and get it into more stores
and to more practitioners,
then more people can benefit from the use
of the product. So
When you were using the product in your practice
before you were working with True Hope mm-Hmm.
What were you, what were you,
and what were they experiencing with it?
Uh, just improvement in their, in their mood, uh,
depending on, on the case, right.
So, you know, with anxiety, you know, just improvement in,
in, in their anxiousness, um, uh, in their,
you know, ability to cope with stressful situations, uh,
depression, you know, that was a big one,
that people would start to feel better.
And I'm thinking like, wow.
Like it's amazing that a product as simple
as this can actually make a person feel less depressed and,
and, and just more happy.
I mean, I have clients that call it their happy pill
'cause it makes them feel so much better.
So, uh, you know, it was, it was a lot
of those common things.
Um, a DD in, in with some people with children.
I had a client who was, um, autistic.
I think she was at the time, was about eight years old.
And, um, she, being autistic, you know, they're very,
very taste sensitive and texture sensitive when they eat.
So this little girl would like hardly eat anything. Yeah.
She was basically on very basic,
basic foods that she would eat.
And so the mother would actually cook
the product into her pancakes.
Mm-hmm. And to my amazement, it still worked.
'cause I thought heat would probably change the, the,
the ability for the product to do what it needed to do.
But in this girl's case, it, it made a difference.
So, yeah, it was pretty,
pretty interesting what it would do for children.
And that's, that's really my, um, it's always kind
of been my, my drive is to try
to help more children with this product.
Yeah. It's, it's really interesting
because you've got this perspective of before coming
and working with the company
and making that decision that you've,
you've seen the product work Mm-Hmm.
In, in quite a few different examples
and quite a few different people and a few different,
um, pathologies.
Mm-Hmm. And that obviously made the kind of decision,
the motivation to like work with the company.
You've seen what it does, seen
what seen what the product can do.
Yeah. Absolutely. Made that a little bit simpler.
How, so how long have you been working with True Hope?
Eight years. Eight years? Mm-Hmm.
Can you sum up those eight years?
Wow. No, it went really fast as it always does.
Uh, yeah, no, eight years. It's been great.
I mean, honestly, the company is, um,
it's a very small family business
and I grew up in family business,
so I understand the dynamics of what, you know,
comes with a family business.
Um, so, you know, it, uh, it's been,
um, it's been good.
It's been, uh, easy in a sense
because of the flexibility that they allow.
Um, so for me, you know, having my practice as well,
you know, I'm, I try to sort of juggle the two
and, uh, you know, having the flexibility that they give me,
um, makes it so much easier to, to do what I need to do.
Um, and, uh, I started off just with, uh,
the Territory actually was broken into.
I started off with everything on the
north side of the Fraser River.
And, um, and then the other rep
that was doing the other side, uh, eventually moved away
and they asked me if I wanted to do the other side.
And I kind of thought about it
and thought, yeah, okay,
I think I can manage it, I'll give it a try.
And, uh, I did.
And, uh, it's, it's, you know, a lot more work,
of course, a lot more driving.
I work all the way out to Chillowak
and, um, you know, white Rock and Richmond.
And then I also get to do the Sunshine Coast
and Whistler in Pemberton.
Um, but, uh, I've made some great connections
with customers on the other side of the river, so I'm
so glad that I have that part of the territory.
Cool. Yeah. Yeah. I don't spend a whole lot
of time in Vancouver, but I can imagine you've probably got
an Ace toe and Mpower Plus in your like,
passenger seat 'cause of the traffic.
Yeah. No, I don't.
But yeah, I, I should,
I should An also toe in particular. Yeah.
Traffic travel packs. Oh my goodness, that'd be great.
Yeah. Yeah. So how, um, like, is,
is there anything particular that you enjoy,
like the most working with, with True Hope?
Is it, is it, is it the products?
Is it the people you get to support? Is it the stores?
I mean, sure, it's a combination of most things,
but like, you, you've been here for eight years, you know,
that's quite a long period of time.
Mm-Hmm. Is there anything in particular that's like
kept you, kept you not going, but like Yeah.
Kept you motivated to keep
Doing more? I, I think it's
my, I think it's a lot the people, right?
The people that I, that my customers as well as the people
that are on our team
and the company, um, you know, the customers,
you know, you know now.
I mean, they all have gotten to know me really well.
And it's kind of funny 'cause I was away for a week
and one customer tried calling me while I was away.
And, uh, of course I didn't get back to her.
And then she called again,
and then I got, I, I saw her calling
and I emailed her and said, Hey, I'm away for a week.
Oh, thank goodness, I thought you'd left.
She was, I was so worried. And I'm like, I don't worry.
I'll let you know if I'm leaving,
but I'm not going anywhere yet.
Um, so just having those connections with people
that really care about you.
Um, this industry is a very, um, caring industry.
People that work in health, um,
especially I think in alternative health like we do, um,
are very open and caring people.
They tend to be more empathetic.
And so as a sales person, uh,
which I've done other roles in the past,
in other businesses, um, you know, you always tend to tend
to get a bit of a resistance when you walk into a
store wherever you're walking into.
Uh, and I don't find that in this industry, uh, in general,
people are willing to talk to you.
They're open, they're, um, you know, the level of resistance
that you get is, is minimal
and it makes it so much easier to do your job.
Right. And people just wanna know more.
They wanna understand more about the products they wanna,
you know, uh, have a rapport.
And I mean, there's a lot of customers now that, you know,
will just have a, have a personal relationship with.
And that's, you know, a blessing from having this type of,
um, type of business.
So, yeah. Yeah.
So it's really about the people,
but what it does for everybody in general, it's
such a life changing product that, you know,
the stories you hear along the way, um, is, is really
what gives you, you know, satisfaction and, and,
and, you know, I just feel so gratified to be able
to do something like this.
Well, health food stores are very unique
because I was just thinking in my head there of like,
where did, where would you go as a brand new customer
or an existing customer where you would go
to like the health section of like a health food store?
Mm-Hmm. And you actually have a conversation
and you engage with the employees there, right?
Like if I go to the grocery store,
I'm not going really be asking about like, the Apples
and this Apple selection
to like the people in the grocery store.
Right. If I go to a clothing store, I might be asking
for sizes or something, but it's not really anything
of like deep No, but not value,
but like personal, you kind of personal Yeah.
Personal. But when you go into a health food store
and you are looking to find a product for a particular thing
that you're going through, Mm-Hmm.
You obviously have to express what you're going through.
Maybe some of the symptoms, how long it's been going on for,
and you're kind of having like a mild consultation Mm-Hmm.
And in most cases, in most, most health food stores,
the people in the supplement section
are very well knowledged.
A lot of them are nutritionists, A lot
of them have got a lot of education behind them,
which is amazing because I think it's a big responsibility
for these stores to hire those types of people
because they're gonna be having these
engagements on the floor. That's
Right. And
we're so blessed with True Hope that we're able
to like, create these like, online courses.
So we're able to keep these employees up to date
and educated with the latest research, the latest.
Um, like yes, we get a lot of feedback in regards
to questions about the product,
and we wanna make sure that the next like level
of our education
that we're we're putting out there is
answering all those questions.
Yeah. 'cause we get like, questions just all over the place.
And the best feedback we ever get is from our customers.
Mm-Hmm. But it's just very interesting that, yeah, like you
go into a health food store, you go to a supplement section,
and if you do have questions, um,
you have a very unique engagement with,
with the people working there.
Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. That's for sure.
And they get to know some pretty personal things
about their customers.
Yeah. And they end up having a relationship, right?
They do. That's usually their local store they would go to.
That's right. And so many cases where we see Yeah.
Um, employees in these stores are like seeing people come
back for the product, you know?
Yes. They wanna make sure that they're able to, they,
they come back and get it for their next month
or a couple of months more and they might ask
questions about the other products
and how they like work together.
And people end up becoming like, you know,
wonderful long-term Mm-Hmm.
Customers and, Mm-Hmm. It's a,
it's a really beautiful thing because yeah.
People are going into their local health food stores
and they are building a little community there. Yeah,
Absolutely. That's for sure.
And people tend to be very loyal to their,
to their stores for the most part.
So Yeah, it's true.
You do see that a lot in this industry as well.
Um, the other thing that um, you know, that comes to mind is
that, that I enjoyed about, I enjoyed
because we don't do it anymore,
but we used to, uh, attend the wellness and health shows
and, you know, weekend here and weekend there
and, um, as much work as they were
and, you know, on your feet all day
and talking to people at the same time, I think it used
to really energize me and drive me
because it's a different, uh, we're dealing with different,
um, we're dealing with the end customer there,
so we get to hear more stories.
Yeah. We get to actually consult more with people.
And I, you know, I really enjoy that part of it.
We don't do that as much anymore because now we have you
and we do social media
and that type of advertising,
which has been extremely beneficial.
And um, uh, you know,
and that education piece I think is just
so vitally important.
And that's one of the things that I've been happy
to watch grow in this company.
'cause when I started we didn't have that.
We just as reps would have to educate.
Uh, and when you're new, you know, it's your, your ability
to do that well is not, you know,
it doesn't come that naturally right.
On the beginning. Right. So it's so nice now
that we have our True Hope University and,
and our live trainings that we do, uh, to be able
to educate the, the staff in the stores.
'cause there's no question that when the staff is trained,
they are able to talk about the product
with so much more confidence.
Mm-Hmm. And recommend it. And we see sales go up in the
stores 'cause they are
definitely recommending our product more.
And it's just not one
of those products that sells by itself.
It does require a bit of explanation,
Certainly. And the, and
the customers respond to those staff members
who clearly know what they're talking about
when it comes to those products.
And it's like somebody comes in
and they're dealing with like anxiety
or de depression, I think most
employees will immediately go to Empower Plus within
that, within their train of thought.
Mm-Hmm. Because we've been able to supply them
with such great knowledge and clear information
and forum to be able to ask questions.
Absolutely. Is There a typical store that you
like work with?
Like large stores, small stores?
You obviously work with practitioners as well, right?
Mm-Hmm. Have practitioner accounts. Mm-Hmm.
Like, so tell us a little bit more about that. Mm-Hmm.
Uh, no, there's no sort of typical store.
I have the bigger stores like the chains, um, as well
as the mom and pop shops that are just very small.
Either one, you know, uh, person business
or a couple of people work in there.
You know, it's usually the owners
that are there all the time.
I would say the majority of them are
those stores, to be honest.
Yeah. Um, and, uh,
and then practitioners, uh, mostly naturopathic, uh,
doctors will use our products.
Uh, I've got a number of them that use, uh,
and recommend the products religiously.
One that works mostly with children.
I think we did a podcast with a couple of them actually.
And, um, another one who deals more with concussions
and, um, you know, it's just part of their protocol.
So it's, uh, um, yeah, it's good.
We actually need a few more practitioners.
It's kinda my goal for this year is
to get a few more naturopaths on board.
That's a strong goal. I like that. Mm-Hmm.
Um, so we covered
your biofeedback practice in episode eight, so you can check
that out if you wanna go into Mm-Hmm.
Into a deep dive into that.
But can you maybe give us a brief,
'cause I wanna talk about, um, how
that practice connects with our product.
So can you give us like a brief overview of
what biofeedback is?
Mm-Hmm. So biofeedback is basically using quantum physics
and energy and frequency.
Um, I have a device that is, um, connected to the person
through straps and uses the premise
of galvanic skin response, which is
what you use when you do a lie detector test.
Ah, or when you go to the hospital
and they clip on that oxygen clip on your finger
to measure your oxygen level.
That's, that's a form of biofeedback.
Um, and our software is, um, built
with 12,000 different frequencies that we,
when we run the test, we basically, it's, I call it a,
an energetic prick and react.
You don't really feel anything,
but it tests against the body.
And what it feeds back is what is acutely out of balance,
what is chronically out of balance.
And, um, so I'm able to basically assess people's
whole sort of picture Mm-Hmm.
From their nutrition
and hormones to, uh, their emotions to, um,
organ imbalances.
And, um, we, we, yeah, we get a very clear picture toxicity,
which is super important, pathogens, et cetera.
And we look at everything.
And then we also send back frequency
to help open up the pathways Mm-Hmm.
Of healing, allow the body to start to do what it needs
to do, reduce stress in the body,
which is usually the biggest, um, factor
that is stopping the body from doing what it needs.
Right. So, um, it's, uh, it's very encompassing.
People tend to walk away, sometimes a little overwhelmed,
uh, but also with a sense of direction
and with, um, a sense of wellbeing
because they feel more relaxed after the session.
Do you do the same kind of, it's obviously not a test.
Is it a test? Would you call it a test? Yeah.
So would you do the same kind of test with everybody or
after an intake form you can kind of get an idea of like,
what they're dealing with and then,
and then, um, like focus it on that area, whether
that's like hormonal or digestive or neurological Mm-Hmm.
Yeah, the test is always the same.
The, the input form that's in the software will kind
of fine tune, like what the questions will kind
of fine tune a little bit.
Uh, and then, you know,
once I give the client the test results, then we talk about
what they are here for.
Mm-Hmm. Because I don't really wanna skew the test for them
so that they understand that the results are,
what their unconscious is, is feeding back.
Right. Um, so after we get through the information
and I say, you know, well, you should say, okay, well
what is it you want me to look at?
What do you want me to work on now
that you know this Mm-Hmm.
What did you come in for? And, uh,
and then we'll focus a bit on both kind of look at
what they want me to, to focus on as well as what,
what their unconscious is telling us.
So it's a bit of both
Interesting. 'cause Yeah, I think the
whole, the whole like energetic
piece for a lot of people is very hard
to wrap their heads around.
Mm-Hmm. True. We've, you know, we kind of, uh, well,
we definitely do experience a world with our limited senses,
and that's kind of like how the,
how we feel like the whole world works.
But when we kind of talk about things like energy
or like deep within the body, a lot of people kind
of get lost because there's a Mm-Hmm.
There's a mixed understanding there. Mm-Hmm.
Do you get a lot of resistance when you're talking about
like, energy and frequency and, and healing people?
Or do people who come
and see you, are they often already educated
and they're like already invested in it?
Um, yeah, to answer your question, really, uh, the people
that come to me are not typically always educated.
They usually come from a referral Mm-Hmm.
And, uh, so they don't really know what they're coming for.
They just know that they're gonna come
and get some information
and they're gonna walk away with, you know,
hopefully a plan of action.
And, um, I always explain it to them
and, um, um,
and I really only deal with people that wanna be there.
Sure. Of course. In the, in the past, I, I, you know,
would try to explain it to people and tell them, you know,
but you know, again,
if you don't really understand a little tiny bit about
energy and quantum physics,
and it's really hard for people to get their head around it.
Okay. Yeah. You're absolutely right.
Um, so I don't really bother, I, I deal with people
that have a little bit of understanding.
Some people come in with a lot of understanding Yeah.
And it makes the job very easy.
Um, or they've had it done before.
And a lot of my clients are repeat clients
that come in on a regular basis.
Um, some come every few weeks, some come every month
or every two or three months,
and they just come back for, for more.
And also to see if what we're doing is working.
Um, so yeah, it's, it's, it's, it's a challenging subject.
When I started at 15 years ago,
I didn't even really understand it that well.
So it was a very, uh, large learning curve for myself. Yeah.
And then to try to get other people
to understand what I was doing.
It was, yeah, it was tough. Okay.
There's way more knowledge out there now. Sure.
Yeah. There's loads more books,
there's some more podcasts about the whole topic.
Documentaries about lots about like sub subatomic, uh,
quantum physics and mechanics is a lot more kind
of like explainable to the average person.
Yes. Yeah. Which is really, really helpful to have
that educational piece behind, behind something like that.
Yeah. And so during these sessions, there is a,
know the machine, the machinery that you're using will
target frequencies to help individuals heal, right?
Yes. Or Create balances, like how would you
Describe that? Correct. So there
are, uh, in the software, like I said,
there's 12,000 different frequencies.
So everything in the universe can be measured.
The frequency can be measured just like your voice has a
certain frequency that you recognize as your voice, right?
Mm-Hmm. That's your frequency.
Um, so everything is measured and, uh,
and input into our software system.
So some of the frequencies will be things like, uh,
perhaps like an organ.
So we would test the liver
and say, okay, how is the liver responding?
But then there'll probably be dozens of frequencies
that are just remedies for the liver, right?
And so what I would look at is, okay, well
what are the top 10
or 20 frequencies that come up that are showing an imbalance
that basically is telling us the body wants these
frequencies to help with the liver.
Right. And I would send those frequencies to the body
to help the liver find its way
into a better place. Cool. Yeah.
Yeah. Well, it's frequencies.
I mean, we, obviously they're around us all of the time.
Mm-Hmm. Like the fact that I'm making sounds
with my voice Mm-Hmm.
That's traveling to your, like stapes in your ear.
And that's translating as sounds that we, it's mad,
it's absolutely insane that we do that as humans
and animals as well.
But these, these things that you're talking about there
around us all of the time Mm-Hmm.
Like, um, so much of communication,
so much energy is just frequency and Yeah.
It's, it's wrapped around us and it's just
because we don't maybe like, talk about it too much.
Yeah. Or it's not a part of like, normal education that we
put it more in the realm of mysticism
For sure. But then,
you know, I always tell people that, you know,
when you meet someone, you, you pick up on a person's energy
and frequency right away.
Right. You can tell if a person is, you know, warm or cold
or there's something negative about them or,
and we all have that ability to do that and we know it.
Yeah. Definitely. So we all are in tune with our energy,
you know, and, uh, I think we,
we just don't perhaps hone in on it enough,
but it's, everyone knows what energy is.
I, I think, and also in the software,
we also look at like people's auras.
And sometimes it's interesting because auras
and chakras, uh, if you're, you know, that's part
of your belief system, uh, can be tangled
with all kinds of different things.
And, um, it comes up frequently
where we'll see things in the aura
that are negative energies perhaps,
and people are carrying negative energies from other people.
Yeah. Or sometimes perhaps from a, you know, um,
a spiritual energy
or something like that, that they're caring and,
and that's why they feel so terrible.
Yeah. So we work to clear that
It's a very interesting bridge between like
ancient medicine Mm-Hmm.
Ancient understanding of like these energy centers
that we do have in our body.
Mm-Hmm. And using technology in like today's age, like,
is a really beautiful way of like Yeah.
Demystifying the, like, the mystical into something
that's much more like what we would call,
like scientific real and factual and evidence-based. Yeah.
Yeah. You could have said it better. It's true. Yeah.
It's interesting. That's awesome.
Um, tell me how our products,
true hopes products have, have worked with that
biofeedback practice,
because obviously that was like the catalyst
for your interest in the products.
Mm-Hmm. Your catalyst for getting involved in the company.
Mm-Hmm. How, how have you seen, um, biofeedback work
with the products and the products work with biofeedback?
And how has that kind of changed through the,
like 15 years that you've been doing it? Mm-Hmm.
So, uh, one of the things I'm able to do with, uh,
my device is to test a product, uh, to see if it resonates
for that person at that time.
Uh, kind of like bigot testing that a naturopath will do.
Okay. We test things
or like even kinesiology where you do muscle testing similar
to that, but it's again, done through, through the software.
Um, so I will test the product
that I think the customer needs.
So, uh, uh, you know, obviously depends on what presents.
So if I start to see, uh, like a couple
of days ago I had a client in and she, you know, sadness
and depression were all coming up as, you know, really top
of her, um, information that was, that was acute.
And, uh, and then of course, you know,
in our sessions we talked deeply about what's going on.
So when I see things like that, okay,
what's the sadness about?
Where's it coming from? What do you, what's going on?
What are you doing about it? Like, you know, how,
how do we help you with this?
Right. So that's where I would, you know, go to our empower
and, uh, and then I would test it on the test plate.
And if it resonates, my, my goal is use 75% or more.
Usually in these cases it comes up like 9900%.
And then the customer will tend to wanna buy it at
that point because they wanna try it.
Of course. Um, I've explained the product to them
and, and they'll try it.
Um, the other one that's very common for me is the,
uh, nascent iodine.
Uh, because more often than not, I would say yeah,
probably 70% of people that I see there's gonna be a bit
of an imbalance with their T three
and their T four in their, in their thyroid.
Um, a lot of it comes from adrenal fatigue,
adrenal exhaustion, which tends
to trip up the thyroid gland.
So that's another common one that I'll recommend
to people is, is the nascent iodine.
Um, I'd say the most common things people come in
for is because they're tired.
They're tired, they don't know why they're tired,
their doctor doesn't know why they're tired.
Then, you know, why am I tired? So Right.
Once I test them, it's usually, uh,
usually it's adrenal fatigue and thyroid hypothyroid.
Um, and so once I put them on iodine
and something for the adrenals, often the empower as well,
you know, they'll start to see a change
within usually about a month.
Yeah. Amazing. Mm-Hmm. I'm just gonna do the camera.
And I need a tissue 'cause my nose is dripping. Oh, is it?
Yeah. Grab me a
Oh yeah, of course. Thank you.
Try not to wipe my nose in the camera. Good
For you. When I'm talking
I'm not, when I'm talking.
Yeah. The camera's gonna be
On me. Okay.
Good to know. So, okay.
Once I got this, how I'm good. Okay.
You can really chill when I'm talking. This is going well.
I know. I'm chatting way more
than I thought I was going to.
Huh? I'm talking way more than I
Thought. That's great.
Have you used biofeedback with many teens?
I wanna talk about teens, depression, anxiety, 2023
and the insanity that we're all going through,
but especially our young people who are still like, trying
to figure out like what they,
who they are and what the world is.
Yeah. Have you had many, like, like teenagers come in and,
and, and try the tech and try the products? Mm.
I, I wouldn't say a lot, unfortunately.
I would like to see more of them,
but it's always a challenge for parents to convince them
to come in 'cause they don't really
understand what I'm doing.
So, um, I have some, I have a lot of, um,
also more like youth, like early twenties.
Um, and, uh, yeah, it, it's, yeah, again, I wish I could,
I wish I could see more of 'em.
I don't see a lot of teens unfortunately,
but I hear about them, I hear about them
through the practice and through our stores, you know, um,
the amount of parents that are going in looking
for a solution for their, for their teenagers.
Um, yeah.
And that's definitely something that we talk a lot about.
We, we, we, you know, the anatol being one,
I think the majority I always hear about is
anxiety for the most part.
Yeah. So we start with Anatol to see if we can
manage the anxiety,
but we know that the empower gets more into the, um,
you know, root cause of, of anxiety.
Yeah. Such a wild time for teenage,
like maybe we could get biofeedback into schools going there
and, you know, maybe doing some sort of like seminar, like
what it's all about and then using a couple of examples.
It's just like getting that exposure is very difficult
and I don't think a 17, 16-year-old is gonna like, look up
or find through Yeah.
However means to like
Yeah, Exactly. Look it up
and how to do it.
It's gonna be primarily off the parent's back.
I would for sure. I would think. Yeah.
And yeah, like I have the, I have the access and the,
and pleasure of like,
getting all the messages from our website
and our social media and Mm-Hmm.
Every, every week there's multiple messages
that come in about like, can this product support my
daughter, my son, who's like, struggling with school?
And whether that's just the educational piece
that comes with it or the Mm-Hmm.
The peer pressure or the, you know, just the, the stress
of just being a teenager in general.
Mm-Hmm mm-Hmm. Aside of the hormonal shift that that happens
as well where the body just completely changes its, um,
utilization of resources.
Yes. And, um, these products obviously provide steady,
steady foundation
for anybody going through anything stressful.
Um, have you seen, like, are there any big, like,
bigger examples of using Empower Plus in aminos
with like young kids in, in that, in that kind
of a stressful teenage setting? Mm-Hmm.
Yeah. Uh, I mean I do have a, a few cases of my own like,
that I have put on, uh, these products
and, you know, we've seen some great results.
The challenge with teenagers too is
that they don't really wanna do it
unless they really buy into it.
Yeah. They don't really wanna do
what their parents are telling them to do.
And, um, and they're not very good at being
di disciplined about it.
Okay. So it's a bit of a challenge
unless they notice a a difference themselves.
Sometimes the person taking it isn't the person
that always notices the difference.
It's the people around them. That's
Interesting. So,
you know, it's again, a challenge
'cause the parents will say, well, yeah,
you seem way better, but you
know, teenagers like Yeah, sure.
Right. Like they just their attitudes. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Kind of in the way unfortunately.
But that's just who they are. 'cause they're going through
so much in their life and,
you know, they're finding their way.
So they're, you know, definitely a challenge.
But that's one of the reasons I'm happy
that we're doing more social media work
because I feel that that demographic will find us
and perhaps be more inclined Yeah.
To try our products because they see it on social media.
Yeah. It's a big, it's obviously a big drive
and a motivator for us to be able to share those stories,
those testimonials Mm-Hmm.
And have the option of like, more
of a longer form discussion
where people can watch this maybe a 40 minute,
hour long podcast where we're talking about
the benefits of these products.
Mm-Hmm. And I think that most people have got a pretty good,
like BS radar Mm-Hmm.
And they're gonna listen to us have this conversation,
they're gonna recognize it's authentic
and they're gonna maybe take the next step
to maybe go into a health food store,
check out the website, et cetera.
And I think that's the super, the, the one
of the main valuable things about Yeah.
Having a format like this.
And, you know, while, while whilst I've been in Vancouver,
we've, we've met up with some other amazing people.
Yeah. Um, Sally, who's a, a practitioner here in Vancouver,
and we had an amazing interview
with her daughter who Mm-Hmm.
17 dealing with like the stresses of being a teenager
with the high expectations of education and Mm-Hmm.
How this product without like, gave her the ability to,
gave her her like thoughts back Mm-Hmm.
Gave her the space to be able to do all the other things
that kind of made her happy
before like school got really, really stressful.
Mm-Hmm. And there are th I feel like there are
thousands and thousands of people
obviously out there struggling.
Mm-Hmm. And it's such a simple, easy,
accessible solution Mm-Hmm.
That it's just getting the message out there
and getting the word out there and people being able to
watch something like this
and then have the, like, the belief, the faith
to reach out a little bit further Mm-Hmm.
And then try it for themselves and be consistent with it.
Yeah. Absolutely.
And that, and that's really the key is, is the consistency.
Um, you know, like I said,
without age group it's a bit tough.
But, um, there's a, there's a few that, you know, come
to mind that, you know, it really changed their life
for, for the better.
Like, you know, you know, 15, you know, anxiety,
like just constant, uh, low mood for years and years
and then, um, you know, can remember one story
and like two weeks later the mother texts me
and says, oh my goodness,
my daughter told me she was happy today.
I haven't heard that in years.
And, um, and that continued
and that was, I think four or five years ago.
And she continues to take the product today. Amazing. Yeah.
Yeah. I've got a couple of buddies
of mine back in Camloops who have got the,
got the product into their like teenage kids Mm-Hmm.
Who are just like struggling with Yeah.
Just struggling with the everyday things Mm-Hmm.
And these people are quite active as well.
So they got quite excited about taking an amino acid product
as well that's gonna kind of
help 'em with their fitness regime.
And literally, like the two examples I'm thinking
of in my mind, I'm obviously not gonna
name names or anything Mm-Hmm.
But, uh, within days they started their anxious thoughts
that they would wake up with every day
that were quite crippling.
Yeah. Or like just disappearing. Yeah.
Like super, super quickly. Like
Super quick. Yeah.
Just, it's just a testament to how the,
well the product's been, um, formulated
that it doesn't matter like how poor your digestion is,
you're gonna up uptake these
vitamins, minerals, antioxidants.
Yeah. And they're gonna work within your body
because it's literally just food
that your body's used to taking up Mm-Hmm.
In many cases just been starved of Mm-Hmm.
And it's gonna get into the brain,
it's gonna get into all cells around the body,
and it's gonna start doing wonderful things.
And then those parents see the benefit
and then they've been asking me questions about it for them.
And then it's just like, yeah,
like this product doesn't matter if you're suffering
with something or you just wanna make sure that you are, um,
taking care of your like foundational nutrition.
Mm-Hmm. It's a go, it's a go-to product.
Absolutely. And also, you know, one of the things,
I always recommend it for young people
and people in universities for mental focus, right.
Because they're so overwhelmed with, you know,
their studies, but you know, everything else
that's going on around them in their lives.
And it really, I have had a number of, you know,
students tell me that it's helped with mental focus
and just to be able to study a little bit better and easier.
So that's been helpful too.
And the one thing too that comes into my mind going
to the other end of the age spectrum is, um, you know,
my personal experience with my mother who has Alzheimer's,
um, you know, she was diagnosed when she was, um,
88, I think it was about 87, 88.
And, uh, I put her on the, um, the Empower
and the Free Immunos and, uh,
did also alter her diet though took, took sugar
and carbs out of her diet as much as I possibly could.
But, uh, she remained very steady.
Like it didn't reverse it,
but it certainly helped maintain as opposed
to see her go down really fast.
Interesting. And we are now like nine years out
and, you know, she's now starting to clench.
She's gonna be 96 in a few weeks
and, um, you know, she's starting to decline a little more.
But again, her mental stability has been pretty good
as far as memory goes. And, um,
And nine years is kind of long.
Like usually it's a, it's a quick decline. Mm-Hmm.
It is. So I, I do attribute the product, uh,
in helping with that.
But I, you know, as I said, I can't see it reversing it. No.
Okay. Once you're already in play,
but, you know, could certainly prevent Yeah.
I would think too. So another thing you're
just nourishing the brain of course. Makes, makes sense.
Yeah. I don't think I would've got through
having two young kids with such grace.
Yeah. My wife might, uh, argue that case,
but I don't think, honestly I've they don't give you,
or you don't know how much parenting is
just an absolute Yeah.
Struggle. It's so difficult. It's just like gives you a
completely new perspective on time, sleep,
energy, food, and all those things.
Mm-Hmm. And I don't think I would've got through it.
Um, positively, I'm gonna say Mm-Hmm.
Um, with without Power Plus. Mm-Hmm.
It was just like, it was just this like kind of saving grace
and I could tell when I missed a couple of days, I was like,
oh, why am I so agitated and, and frustrated?
Oh, you know, tell you what,
I've haven't had a plus in a couple of days,
so that's my, that's my fault.
Yeah. And I get back on it
and then it's like, okay, it's all good.
Yeah, absolutely. I'm the same.
I kind of notice it more when I'm not taking it
and then go, oh, whoops.
Yeah, let's take that again
and keep, keep on track. Awesome.
So for customers, for health store owners
who, and practitioners that I might listen to this
and who don't have our product and
yet like where's the best place for them to connect with you
to maybe come and talk more about it
or to, you know, to start ordering it up? Mm-Hmm.
Well, uh, you can reach me through our, um, website
or email me, I guess, uh, lorell@truhope.com.
Um, or call me or call the company
and they'll put you in touch with me.
Or if you're in another part of Canada,
of course you can get in touch with a rep
that's in the area for our products.
'cause they are across Canada now.
So Yeah. All the way. Amazing.
Mm-Hmm. Thanks Ella. That was fun. Yeah,
Thanks Simon. Yeah, it was fun.
Okay, cool. Uh, that is it for this episode
of True Hope Cast, the official podcast of True Hope Canada.
We'll be back, uh, with you next week
and I'll make sure, I will leave links in the show notes
for connecting with lo past
episodes that we've discussed as well.
But, uh, yeah, that's it for this week. We'll see you soon.
Alright. Thank you.