Guest Episode
February 11, 2023
Episode 114:
Unhealed Betrayal
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Dr. Debi Silber is the founder of the Post Betrayal Transformation Institute, a holistic psychologist, a health, mindset and personal development expert, and a 2-time #1 International bestselling author.
Her recent Ph.D. study on how we experience betrayal made three groundbreaking discoveries that change how long it takes to heal.
In addition to being on FOX, CBS, The Dr. Oz Show, and TEDx, she’s an award-winning speaker and coach dedicated to helping people move past their betrayals and any other blocks preventing them from health, work, relationships, confidence, and happiness they want most.
Today we will discuss Unhealed Betrayal.
How would you begin to dissect like am I am I
still held back from that experience now?
If they're grip by that experience, they have not healed. It's like the person who
says well, I'm great as long as I don't.
Know that's not healing betrayal really
lends itself to creating an entirely new identity. You
keep all the parts about you that you love and
you let go and you leave behind everything that no
longer serves. It's like this. It's like, you know Legos, right?
So imagine imagine a Lego structure in
the corner of a room and it's just there, you know, just sitting there
and then the whole thing is destroyed. Here's here's
the opportunity in betrayal. It says
if the whole thing came down and you're looking at each piece
saying I don't want to build it the same way. I don't want to use that piece.
I don't want to do it like that. I want to do it this way. I want to make it
bigger and better and More Beautiful whatever it is. That's what's
happening. So if someone's just you know back to
life as it was where they're not
maxed out in their health in their relationships in
their work, they haven't healed and
and you can go either way with
this rebuilding is always a choice whether you
rebuild yourself and you move on
Or if the situation lends itself if you're
willing if you want to you rebuild something from the ground
up new with the person who
hurt you and that's what I do with my husband not long ago is too totally
transform people. We married each other
again. Hello good day greetings. Whatever you are in the world. Thank you
for joining true. Hope cast the official podcast the true hope Canada
true Hope cast takes a deep dive into mental health
many physiological and psychological aspects. This
is the show for you. If you're looking for motivation inspiration knowledge
and solutions and that's what we're all about
here at true. Hope Canada and true. Hope Canada is a mind and
body based supplement company dedicated first and foremost
to promoting brain and body Health through non-invasive nutritional means
for more information about us, please visit true. Hope
canada.com today. I welcome Dr. Debbie
Silber to the podcast now Dr. Silbert is
the founder of the post portrayal transformation Institute. She's
a holistic psychologist a health mindset and
personal development expert and a two-time number one.
Best selling author her recent PhD study
on how we experience betrayal made three
groundbreaking discoveries that change how
long it takes to heal.
In addition to being on Fox CBS The
Dr. Oz Show and tedx. She's an award-winning speaker
and Coach dedicated to helping people move past their
betrayals and any other blocks preventing them from
Health work relationships confidence and happiness
that they really really desire today that we're
going to be discussing unhealed betrayal. Enjoy the show.
Okay. Well, welcome to the show Dr. Debbie. Thank you
so much for being with me today. How are you? What is going well?
Doing great. Looking forward to our conversation.
Wonderful. Well just as an as an intro. Can you
just let us know who you are and what it is
that you do, please.
Sure. I'm the founder and CEO of the
PBT which stands for post betrayal transformation Institute
and you can imagine no one
runs an Institute for betrayal unless
you need to and it's it's actually
my 30th year in business and as life would change so
in business, so it was health and then mindset and then
personal development and then I had a really painful betrayal from
my family thought I did everything I needed to
do to heal from that and then it happened a few years later this time.
It was my husband. So that was the deal breaker got him
out of the house and looked at the two experiences thinking well
what similar to these two of course me, but what else and realize
I never really put my self on my
own to-do list so realized, you know,
if nothing changes nothing changes. So here I was four kids six
dogs and a thriving business and I decided to
go back for a PhD and it was in trans personal
psychology the psychology of transformation and
human potential while I was there. I did a study I
Trail what holds us back what helps us heal and
what happens to us physically mentally and emotionally
when the people closest to us lie cheat
and deceive and that study led to three groundbreaking
discoveries, which changed my health my
family my work my life.
Wow, that's a whole that's a whole lot of stuff. Amazing. Well,
thank you for sharing sharing that with us. And yeah, I mean,
I found it very interesting going through going through
your profile going through your website and you know a post
betrayal transformation Institute. I mean, it's such a
fascinating thing to even comprehend. It sounds super unique super
new super interesting. So before we jump into maybe jump
into that, let's talk about like betrayal.
Let's break that down. Like what is that? What
does that mean? What do you think that means for most people?
Yeah, you know I Define it as the breaking of a spoken or
unspoken Rule and every relationship has them, you know,
and the way it works is the more you trust and the more you depend on
that person the deeper the Betrayal so for example a child
who's completely dependent on their parent and the
parent is something awful that's gonna have a different impact then let's say,
you know your best friend sharing your secret
your coworker taking credit for your idea still a betrayal
a different level of cleanup necessary in
the Wake but it hurts so much because
this was the person where these were
the people that we trusted the most. So when the
person you trust the most proves untrustworthy, who
do you trust when the one you run to when other people are
causing harm is the one causing the harm, where do
you go? So betrayal is a very different type of trauma which
in fact was the first discovery and happy to share
all of them if you want to hear. Yeah. Absolutely like yeah, I
want to talk about the Institute. We'll send it talk about the study and what
you what you're able to find from that cuz I'm sure that the information that
Found in that is is important relevant to
everybody and so how do
you how does betrayal?
in you talk to his betrayal impact us because you spoke about
Kind of the deeper the trust the longer the
trust whatever is that like the I don't know.
The larger the Betrayal feels like you know obviously grows
is significant. You've got so much invested in that individual and
everything from what you
thought about that person's what you thought about their personality and their characteristics.
Everything's kind of about the window and ends up just being a lie, and
I suppose all the
All the clusters of cells and
neurons that we build up in boxes about that type
of individual like that just gets shattered and broken like
in like a literally in an instant right when that
thing happens or that thing gets said or that thing comes out whole
Paradigm shifts get completely changing
literally huge part different parts of your brain associated
with that individual that thing whatever
that might be it gets completely blown out
of the water and then what are people do with that like clean up of that
like unclustering of neurons. Yeah.
Well to answer the question. How
does it show up? It shows up. First of all shows up
everywhere in your health and your work in your relationships. So for
example in relationships, I'll see it in
one of two ways the the classic sign of
an unhealed betrayal is repeat betrayal. So the
face is change, you know, and you keep saying, you know, you
may say well, why do I keep having the the same type of type of
experience I keep going from friend to friend to friend or partner to
Her boss to bust of us and it's the same thing.
Is it me? Yes, it is not in that. It's your
fault in that. It's your opportunity. There is a profound
lesson waiting to be learned. You are
lovable worthy and deserving you need better boundaries
in place. Whatever that particular lesson is
for you until unless you get that you're
gonna have opportunities in the form of people to teach
you the second way. We see it in relationships is
where the big wall goes up like been there done
that no one's getting near me again. And we think that's coming from
a place of strength and it's not it's coming from Fear so
we just keep people at a distance
because we just can't even risk the vulnerability
and and take that chance of having
our heart broken like that again. So we see it in health
too people go to the most well-meaning doctors coaches
healers therapists to manage just stress related
symptom illness condition disease very often
at the root of it is an unhealed betrayal. We see it in work.
You people there they deserve
that razor promotion, but their confidence was shattered
in the Betrayal.
So they don't have the confidence to ask in their bitter
and resentful instead or they want to
be a team player collaborative partner joint venture partner, but
the person they trusted the most proved untrustworthy. So
how could they trust that boss that coworker that partner shows
up everywhere?
Yeah, that makes a lot of sense and I just wonder do
you think?
do you think betrayal of being betrayed is and
Important part of growing as a person. Do you
think it's inevitable for everybody? And I suppose it goes one of
Maybe two or three ways. I suppose if you were to experience that. Like let's
call it a significant betrayal because there's obviously different levels to that
whether you're a kid you're gonna process the whole experience completely
differently is if you're an adult so let's say you're an
adult you go through a significant betrayal that's but you know,
you hear people all of the time that that use that really bad
thing that happens to them to catapult them
and to be these unbelievable individuals that use the
motivation of that energetic experience to know take
them to do amazing things a lot
of people as you say
Don't learn from the experience. Maybe I don't
know. I'm not sure. I'm sure it's very deep but like somebody
experiences that betrayal and then they just let them move on
to the next portrayal and they're not really digested that
whole experience didn't really recognize that that type
of betrayal is something that they don't deserve. It's also
something that you know, if they're
not going to
Develop themselves personally to look to avoid
it in the future then it's like, you know, they're kind of like stuck in that in
that past. Like is there is there a particular?
Is there a particular individual that succumbs to
this betrayal and you see it more often than not becoming like a
positive thing for people to you know, recognize that okay,
you can for me once but you know like that happening
again. It's like a real big lesson learned.
Yeah, well, of course, that's the opportunity and that was
the first discovery that betrayal is
such a different type of trauma that really lends itself
to a very different type of healing, you know, originally I
was studying betrayal and post-traumatic growth. And for
those you know, I'm sure you're familiar is I look
at it like the upside of trump how any trauma death of a
loved one disease natural disaster leaves you with a new awareness Insight
perspective. You didn't have maybe you lose someone you love
and you realize life is short that kind of thing but I had lost
loved ones and and I also had disease and
I was like, no betrayal feels very different for me.
I didn't want to assume it was the same for almost
that he participants. So I asked them if you've been through other traumas besides
betrayal. Is it different for you you nanaimously they
said it's so different and here's why because
it feels so intentional we take
it so personally, so the entire self is shattered
and has to be rebuilt rejection abandonment belonging
confidence worthiness trust, you
When you lose someone you love you, grieve, you're sad.
You're more than the loss. You don't necessarily lose your ability to trust you.
Don't question your sanity, you know, so
Well with post-traumatic growth you rebuild your
life with betrayal you rebuild your life and yourself
so long answer to your question. The
opportunity is to rebuild your
life and yourself and according to
new term post betrayal transformation. When you do that,
that's the state you're living in and that's the opportunity when
you're when you're not, you
know, it's like such a waste of trauma, you know,
and that's when you experience symptoms of
post betrayal syndrome and you get stuck and
those are you know, two of the other discoveries, which I'd love
to share if you want to hear.
just on the flip side in regards to
you know, I'm a person who's been betrayed and then what
I go through I just feel I just I just wonder
like what what the evidence of what the the research is showing
in regards to like what type of person is super comfortable
with betraying?
You know a close family member or a loved one
or even a co-worker, you know, it's at the end of the day human beings,
right and we can all hopefully empathize with
with, you know, feeling let down
and sad and angry and all these things but but betraying an
individual like you're consciously stepping into a situation where
you are causing another person's like significant harm
and I wonder if
there is there like a particular type of personalities a
trait of individuals who are super comfortable with
that type of level of betrayal as they're
much research in that. Yeah, you know, the the main
characteristic of that would be a lack
of empathy if you can't understand what that
would feel like, you know, that's that's one thing right there. But there
are so many reasons why people betray pass
trauma sense of entitlement no empathy.
You know Revenge there's so
many reasons. It does not excuse any of it because we're
always responsible.
For for our actions and it's so interesting
though because one of our programs is actually for a rebuild
program is for the betrayer and I get
to see them, you know on this it you
know in in a group and really work with them. And these are
these are people who have true. I mean certainly this isn't everybody
there is a there's a group who is
very comfortable betraying and that's just who they are and they
keep doing that but there is definitely a segment of the
Betrayed the Betrayal I'm sorry
the people who do betray who do wake up and realize
that's not who they want to be anymore
and betrayal will truly.
Show you who someone is or it has the opportunity to
wake them up to who they temporarily became when that's
what happens. If if you
want to it's a potential there's a
potential for an entirely new relationship with
the person who hurt you. Of course, you don't have to do anything with
that. But the potential is there when the
the betrayer completely wakes
up to who they've been and what they've done.
Yeah, I I guess I mean there's obviously there's a
there's a group of people within the population that we can call them
Psychopaths. You know, who without question is probably
that first group you were talking about people who've got absolutely no problem
with betraying people and have that complete lack of empathy
with other people, but there's other people who
Maybe May exhibit betrayal makes a bit betrayal in their
lives, but then maybe that's because of they've experienced so much themselves, especially
a young age where they think that that's just like
a normal thing that happens in the world and until you like
get that big kind of like wake up call or something huge happens and you
see this huge reaction from another individual that might make you
start to think that oh, okay. This isn't normal way
to kind of act within the world.
Exactly. And you know, we we act in spite of because of
it. That's one of the reasons why repeat the
trail is so common too because if we've grown up with betrayal
and if we haven't cleaned that up, then we
move into relationships not because they're good because
they're so familiar. It's like, oh I know how to I know how to move
within this type of relationship. This is something I know where when
we heal from it. It doesn't need to keep showing
itself. We've we've moved past what
we've what we
were accepting in the past. It's no longer a fit for
us. We see it. So clearly we've outgrown those
types of experiences. We just
don't resonate with that anymore.
Yeah, if you were to experience Betrayal on a consistent
basis as such a young age, you're you're
basically learning how to build relationships with
people or how not to do that. And you know, as you go into
like a young no young kid
and then to a teenager and into into the into
an adult.
Those experiences of you communicating with other people and building
relationships like that. Betrayal piece is kind of like, you know,
what can I get from this person rather than looking at looking at relationship from
a mutual perspective as a partnership and yeah, I
feel so I feel so sorry for those individuals have
grown up.
Being that as a, you know, a normal part of their life and then never
having the ability to really like deeply connect with another
individual in a long term in the long
term. Anyway. Yeah, it's it sounds like it's a big problem and
I wonder like what we can do with helping educate
children not just those children who you know,
I don't say damage, but those kids that have had challenges growing
up. What can we do to like help them recognize that
yeah, you do have your own feelings and you do have your own
emotions and you have words and you have behaviors that you can exhibit to
change those but what you think what you say
and what you do can ultimately significantly change, you know,
yeah one other person can do as well. How do we how do
we ingrain that or not ingraine or teach that to kids that
that's a big responsibility?
Yeah, well one of the things that's so important for
them to realize anybody to realize when they've been betrayed even
though it happened to you. It's not about you
and and that's that's one of
the most important pieces because when we
Start to when we think or we start to believe that
it's us.
It's really hard to get out of it. And then what happens
is we have those symptoms of post betrayal
syndrome that was actually the second discovery that there's
this collection of symptoms physical mental and
emotional so common to betrayal. It's now known as
post-butral syndrome now someone you know, like you've explained
who they grew up with betrayal and then
they move into it's further experiences and relationships
where they continue to have these
types of relationships. It's impossible not
to have a symptoms and
you know, first of all, we've had close to
90,000 people take our post betrayal syndrome
quiz on our site to see to what extent they're struggling and a
few things about that. The first thing is we've heard we've all
heard and been taught Time Heals all wounds. I
have the proof that when it comes to betrayal that's not true because
and like I mentioned before those repeat betrayals,
there's a question on the quiz that says is there anything else you'd
like to share and people say things the right
things like
My betrayal happened 40 years ago and I
can still feel the hate my betrayal happened 35 years ago.
I'm unwilling to trust so we know that unless
and until
You take deliberate action to heal your betrayal
it will follow you around like a shadow and
just affect, you know, and and
leech into every area of life and and every few
months I pull the stats from the quiz to see where people land happy
to share them if you want to hear.
Certainly. Yeah, it's a little bit more about the about the quiz and tell us
a little bit more about the the results that you've pulled over the what 30 years of
The Institute.
Yeah, so so the Institute I'm in business
over 30 years The Institute isn't is an open for 30 years, but this
is so now imagine with the post betrayal syndrome
quiz, which is on our site men women
just about every country is represented. So out of
all of them 78% constantly revisit
their experience 81% feel loss
of personal power 80% or hypervigilant
94% deal with
painful triggers and those triggers can take you right down the most
common physical symptoms.
71% have low energy. 68% have
sleep issues 63% have
extreme fatigue. So you go to sleep you wake up.
You're exhausted 47% have weight changes,
maybe in the beginning. You can't hold food down later on
you're using food for Comfort 45% have
digestive issues. So this could be Crohn's IBS
diverticulitis. You name it now to like
we were speaking about this before you
can go to let's say the most well-meaning gut
doctor digestive expert but if if they
don't know that there's an and how would they
right that? There's an unhealed betrayal at the at the root at
the core?
They're only managing symptoms, you know
because for like I said 45% alone have a
gut issue the most common emotion. Uh, no
the mental issues 78% are overwhelmed 70%
are walking around in the state of disbelief.
68% are unable to focus 64% are
in Shock 62% can concentrate. So imagine
you can't concentrate you're exhausted. Let's say
you have a gut issue you have to go to work. You have to
raise your kids. That's not even the emotional issues emotionally
88% experience extreme
sadness 83% are
very angry. You can bounce back and forth between those two emotions all
day long, which is exhausting 82% feel
hurt 80% have anxiety 79% or
stressed just a few more. Here's why I wrote
the book trust again 84% have an
inability to trust
7% have are preventing themselves from
forming deep relationships because they're afraid of being hurt again
82% find it hard to move forward 90%
want to move forward, but they don't know how
Is there their comments do you find out in those
studies like sorry in the in the
the questionnaire or the form that you guys have there that people that people
fill out like what your portrayal was do they ever
you ever get that descriptive description and they're called they're
common ones. They're like a top three betrayals. Yeah relational
partner with a partner. You know, that's
infidelity the most the most common that
comes our way family betrayal are real close second and
you just just to get back to those
statistics one more thing about that. You didn't hear
me say one thing 20% 30% These numbers
are high. Here's the crazy part about
it. These numbers are from a recent betrayal.
This is from the parent who
did something when you were a kid, this is from the girlfriend or
boyfriend who broke your heart in high school. So think about this that
person may not know care remember they may not
even be alive and we're walking around with these
symptoms because we haven't deliberately
an intentionally moved through the five stages
from betrayal to break through. That was the third Discovery. We haven't
moved through our healing to truly heal and
transform after the experience to me.
That's the biggest crime if that we are having these
symptoms that affect every area of life from something
that happened.
decades ago
Well, it makes purpose. I mean, I know quite a
lot about the human body and and how stress significantly
depletes every single.
System within our body so, you know, you could have this traumatic
event happen to you and it could affect your guy could affect
your brain into could just affect your skin without breaks, you know,
it can be so so unbelievably diverse and unique and individual to different
And yeah, the I mean the big thing when you were just
talking about that I also did notice when you were saying all those
things everything was above like 60% which is remarkable. You
know, that's a lot. That's that's a high percentage of people experiencing significant
distress and probably for decades at
a time.
and as you say a lot of the people, who are they you know,
The people who bought this Betrayal on them and
it is most likely those people aren't in their lives anymore and they have
no idea where they are.
As long distant memory that means it's
all stored in the body somewhere. It's all in the brain. It's all
within the body and you know, I think of you know, a significant stress
are like that type of a traumatic event, you know, that that energy
that shift has to go somewhere now. It's literally an explosion
you might about to see it but something significantly happens,
especially I mean you get like bad news or something happens
to you in a sympathetic fight or flight
manner you feel that surge you feel it? You know, there's there's
biochemical things happening. There's a big change there and if
your body is like if you don't digest that whole experience through
whatever therapy or movement like
all the other things that we know that are very very important towards your
mental health and being able to you know, not necessarily just like forget about
that but to like get through it learn from it process it
eliminate it from the body if we're not doing those,
where's it gonna go? It has to sit it has to
stay it stays in the tissues and we end up with this low grade
chronic stress all
of the time like morning.
Morning afternoon and night when we're sleeping. You're
just bodies in this constant like stress mode
on the all of the time which is incredibly body just can't
do that for long periods of time. It's designed to do it for maybe a few minutes but to
do it for decades and years and totally
makes sense that you're getting those unbelievable statistics on such
significant systemic harm that people are experiencing
for a long period of time and if they don't have
An outlet or an understanding to their struggles
even five years later or 10 years later or
realizing that they have to process a big event.
They're going to struggle forever until they find somebody like you or
they come across some of these amazing, you know
doctors practitioners that like have switched to more. Let's
just say alternative holistic health and they're looking at the root cause of
your concern and it's usually something that happened the
long long time ago that's got nothing to do with the eczema that
you have all the headaches that you have or the literally the
heartache that you feel and your chest for 20 years.
You know, it's it's deep. It
makes a lot of sense to me. But how do you begin to start educating people
who come to you to recognize that that they
first of all that this thing happened to them the thing
that happens to them is causing a lot of their
Current stuff now in the day and educating
them about like what they can do about it because
they've got so much power to be able to to get
through that and do something about it.
Yeah, so one of the biggest things we do that's exactly
why we started our certification program because you
know and you mentioned therapy very therapy
can be wonderful. But if anything is going to
glue you to one specific spot that prevents your
healing it's unpacking your story without
a deliberate and intentional plan to move through
it. So we work with so many coaches healers
therapists. So this
way they understand the five stages from betrayal to
break through and when someone comes to them with an unhealed
betrayal, they can literally move them
through the five stages. So that's really
the education piece. And and that was
the most exciting of the three discoveries
and what we learned was while we can stay stuck for
years decades a lifetime and so many people
do if we're going to fully heal and by fully heal, I
mean those symptoms of post betrayal syndrome whichever ones
you happen to be you happen to have to that.
Lately rebuilt place of post
betrayal transformation we will go through five now
proven predictable stages. What's even more
exciting about that is we know what happens physically mentally
and emotionally at every stage and we
know what it takes to move from one stage to the next healing
is entirely predictable and happy to
share the stages. If you want to hear them. I think this is the
perfect time to slip into that. So yeah, can you just take us through like
those five stages like list them off and then just go into on
a little bit for me for sure.
Yeah, so they're all mapped out and Trust again.
It's what we teach within the p.
BT all of our coaches and practition
Are certified and here's a boil down version. So stage
one before it happens. If you can imagine four legs of
a table the four legs being physical mental emotional and spiritual
what I saw with everybody me too was a real heavy lean
on the physical and mental thinking and doing and kind
of neglecting or ignoring the emotional and
spiritual feeling and being if a table only
has two legs. It's easy for that table to top below over
and that's us stage two Shock Trauma
D-Day Discovery day the scariest of
all of the stages and this is the breakdown of
the body the mind and the world view you have just gotten
the news that has forever changed your life right here.
You've ignited this dress response you're headed for every
single stress related symptom illness condition disease.
They start right now. Your your mind
is is in complete chaos
and overwhelm. You can't understand what you
just learned makes no sense and your world view, which you
mentioned earlier. Your world view has just been
Word, you know it's it's everything you've held to be real and
true is no longer. The bottom is truly bottomed out
in you and a new bottom hasn't been formed yet. This is
terrifying but think about it if the bottom word about them
out and you what would you do you grab hold of whatever you could to stay
safe and stay alive that stage three.
Survival instincts emerge it's the most practical out
of all of the stages. If you can't help me get out
of the way. You know, how do I survive this experience? Who can
I trust? Here's the Trap though stage 3
by far this is the one that people
get stuck in and here's why once you've
figured out how to survive your experience because
it feels so much better than the
shock and Trauma of where you just came from. We think
it's good. We're like, okay, I got this and because
we don't know there's anywhere else to go.
We don't know there's a stage four or stage five transformation doesn't
even begin until stage four.
But because we don't know there's anywhere else to go we
plant roots here. We're not supposed to but we don't know that and
for things happen. The first thing is
you start getting all those small self benefits you
get to be right. We like being right we get
our story we get someone to blame we get
sympathy from everyone.
Tell our story to it on some level that feels good because that's kind
of all we have right now. So we plant deeper Roots again.
We're not supposed to but we don't know that now that we're here longer than we
should be the mind starts doing things like well, maybe
you're not that great. Maybe you deserved it. Maybe this maybe that so
we plant deeper roots.
Now because these are the thoughts we're thinking. Well, this is
the energy we're putting out like energy attracts like
energy. So now our attracting situations and circumstances
and we start attracting relationships to
confirm Yep. This is where we belong the
misery loves company crowd. This is when they find you
it gets worse, but I'll get you out here.
Because it feels so bad, but we don't know there's anywhere
else to go. We don't know about stage four right here
is where we resign ourselves. We're
like this stinks, but I have to get through
my day. So right here is where we start numbing avoiding
distracting. We start using food drugs alcohol
medicating, you know work TV
anything to numb and avoid and distract
ourselves from this painful place. So we do it for a day a week
a month. Now. It's a habit a year
10 years 20 years and I can see someone 20 years
after their portrayal and say that emotional eating.
You know that.
Not in front of the TV.
Betrayal and they would look at me like I'm crazy. He would
say it happened 20 years ago. All they did was
put themselves in stage 3 and stayed
there. Does that make sense?
Oh, absolutely. Yeah, it's fantastic. It's fascinating. Yeah, so
that was why I wrote from Hardin to heal
it is just for
Stage three. I'm like you've been.
Through it already.
Self to move through the stage is what in
the world. Are you doing spending all that time in stage three and people
the longer you you're in stage three
the more comfortable. It feels the more, you
know, and on some level the harder
it is to leave because it's what you know, and then when
you start having all your relationships and all your people and all your support
groups you sabotage yourself
very often because you don't want to outgrow your people.
So really common right here, that's why
in The Institute. We have a different type of support that lifts
and inspires. So you're celebrated as
you're you move through the stages. You're not
you. Don't not belong whole different whole
different thing. Anyway, if you are willing willingness is
the big word here to let go of the small self
benefits grief more in the last bunch of things you need
to do. You move to stage four stage four is
finding an adjusting to a new normal. Here's where
you acknowledge. I can't undo what happened, but
I control what I do with it right there in
that decision.
I start turning down the stress response. You're
not healing just yet. But at least you stop the massive
damage you'd been creating in stages to
in stage 3 stage four feels like
if you've ever moved if you've ever moved to
a new house office condo apartment, you know,
something like that all your stuff's not there. It's not quite cozy yet,
but you're like, okay. Okay. All right. We got this we can do
this. It feels like that. But what's so interesting
about stage four is this there's this
one spot.
Where it's so common we'll think about this if you
were to move you don't bring everything with you. You don't you don't
necessarily take the things that don't represent who you want
to be and there's this one spot. It's stage
three stage four where if your friends weren't
there for you you don't take them with you you've outgrown
them. If they don't rise. They don't
come along. So people say to me all the time. What the heck
I've had these friends 10 20 30 years. Is it me? Yes, it
is. You're undergoing a transformation and they don't rise. They don't
When you've settled into stage four, you've
made it cozy you've made it mentally okay at home,
you move into the fifth most beautiful stage
and this is healing rebirth and a new
world view the body starts to heal self-love self-care
eating well exercise stuff like that. You
didn't have the bandwidth for that earlier. Now you do the mind
is healing here's where you're making all new rules
all new boundaries based on the road. You just
traveled and you have a new world view based on
everything. You see so clearly now and the four legs
of the table.
In the beginning it was all about the physical and the mental by
this point. We're solidly grounded because we're focused
on the emotional and the spiritual too. Those are
the five stages.
Amazing where can people read a
bit more about that. I mean, you mentioned your book and your
website just before I read it. I also want to know just because you
just finished that topic perfectly. I'm sure a lot of people maybe would
have focused on
Number one or number three or number four a little
bit more than the other one. So I won't be able to people where people to be
able to very quickly go over and learn a bit more about those five
stages because they're very very important to obviously work together. Where
were people was the best place for people to go and learn a
little bit more about that. Yeah. Everything can be found at the
PBT as in Post-it betrayal transformation the PBT
institute.com. Okay the trust
to get interest again, I map out the five stages
in from Hardin to healed that's
if you find you are stuck in stage 3,
but always best to read trust again first and then
from hard deal, but you'll find everything at the PPT institute.com.
Perfect. That's what people can go. That's
awesome. Can you tell us about the three discoveries that
you found in your yeah the first one
Trail is a very different type of
expert type of healing and it deserves its own type of name, which
is now called post betrayal transformation. So that betrayal
is a different type of trauma. That was the first discovery. The
second one was that we did discover. There
is a collection of symptoms physical mental and emotional
so common to betrayal it's known as post-betrail syndrome
and the third Discovery was that
you know, while we can stay stuck in most people
do if we're going to fully heal we're going to we're going
to move through five now proven predictable
stages which are called the five
stages from betrayal to break through. Those are the three discoveries.
Yeah, it's amazing that through that research you're
able to kind of create a strategy or
a platform for people to at least
begin their journey and have you know have have stages
and steps to get to where they want to be and have
somebody explain like maybe what they've been feeling and thinking
and you know behaving within for such
a long period of time into kind of like be understood like
just to be heard and be understood. It's probably like one of the biggest things
and also to actually connect that
Betrayal with a trauma with a very physical thing
that's happening within the body to you know, what's happening to somebody
for, you know, maybe years and years and years at a time.
So yeah, it sounds like it's invaluable piece of research
very very valuable books and the fact that
you've you've mapped it all out for a lot of people is very very important. I
think I think everybody knows somebody that suffered a
significant betrayal and
as you say maybe stuck in stage three and that seems
like the comfortable cozy place to be but like actually get true
to like not through the ceiling to become that different person.
It sounds like there's more work to be done.
Well, yeah, absolutely. I mean, that's all we do within the PBT Institute
people come in at stage two or
stage three typically and that they're on
a very specific path with all of our
classes are labeled, you know, according to stages our coaches.
We have, you know, there's and practitioners there are some
they specialize in everything, you know in
divorce and Reconciliation in Addiction
in chronic pain and
in somatic body-based healing because all of
it needs to be worked through so really on someone's path, they'll
go to let's say stage two classes and
see certain coaches in a 10 certain master classes and watch certain
replays until they get to stage three and then the
same thing and the same thing in the same thing so that they
move through the stages. That's the whole idea.
How how do you think this is a complex question?
So do your best with this one, but
how do we how can somebody know if they
haven't really healed from from a betrayal did you say like,
it could have happened 30 40 years ago and people believe
and think that
they're done with that and that was over in such a long time ago.
And but there will certainly be
parts of their now the person
that they are now they're still still being
gripped upon and pulled back from that experience. How would
you begin to dissect like am I am I
still held back from that experience now?
If they're gripped by that experience, they have not healed. It's like the person who
says well, I'm great as long as I don't see them. No, that's not
healing betrayal really lends itself to
creating an entirely new identity. You keep
all the parts about you that you love and you let go and
you leap behind everything that no longer serves. It's
like this. It's like, you know Legos, right? So imagine
imagine a Lego structure in the corner of
a room and it's just there, you know, just sitting there and then the whole thing
is destroyed. Here's here's the opportunity
in betrayal. It says if the whole
thing came down and you're looking at each piece saying I don't
want to build it the same way. I don't want to use that piece. I don't want to do it like that.
I want to do it this way. I want to make it bigger and better and More
Beautiful whatever it is. That's what's happening. So if
someone's just you know back to life as
it was where they're not maxed out
in their health in their relationships in their work. They
haven't healed and and
you can go either way with this re
Is always a choice whether you rebuild yourself
and you move on.
Or if the situation lends itself if you're
willing if you want to you rebuild something from the ground
up new with the person who
hurt you and that's what I do with my husband not long ago is to totally
transform people. We married each other
again new Rings new vows new dress. Now four
kids is our bridal party and and people I
see people are so afraid of the death
and destruction of the old but that's the only way
you you birth the new
whether that's a new you or a new version
of you in a very new relationship, but
that's a stage five thing like the
PPT Institute. That was a stage five thing a new
marriage to my husband again, that was
a stage five thing. You don't have access to that in stage
certainly in stage two and not in stage three.
Is there like a period of time where somebody will go
from stage two to stage? Five? Is there it is there a typical timeline?
yeah, you know it's
It has so much to do with willingness. That's
one of the biggest factors when people work with me at the
highest level in our transform program. They are signing up
for a six-month commitment and they move
through all of it if the more willing they are in
that six-month period of time, but then
again some of them are in touch with me every single day.
I have them, you know, I'm working on things with
them physically mentally emotionally psychologically spiritually,
they're working they have access to everything within the
Institute. They're diving in deep. And those are it's not
for the meek. Those are for the people who say I I
I'm so done with this and they're so
angry that they let you know, 10 20 30 years go
by and there they've had it those are the best
ones because they're so ready.
Amazing. Well, it sounds like most people who sign
up for the course who contact
you by the book for example have some level
of willingness to begin with right? It
just depends in the severity of that I suppose and you know
working with you working. One of the your coaches is only
going to be able to draw that out of people as they're understanding is
their knowledge increases through the whole process. So just amazing
and you've already mentioned the website and
can you let us know like any like social media places that
people can can connect with you and check out your stuff sure my
Debbie silver
Simple it's right. I do daily videos
and I share them all around Facebook and Linkedin and
you can just find me by my name.
Wonderful. I'm sure that's all connected on your website as well.
So I'll make sure that people are able to access that to access all
of those social media things to get those daily updates. I
think that that consistent exposure is
obviously very very important along the journey.
And what they may be interested in as well. I did
two tedx talks the the second one. Do you
have post betrayal syndrome? So that's
something that usually hits pretty close
to home.
So if you're going through that that may be something of Interest.
Well, I'll also find the length of that direct talk
and make sure that that's accessible as well because I'm sure that would be a very
very good introduction to all of this work. So yeah,
thank you so much for coming on I mean betrayal is
such a such an interesting thing. I think there's so
many things like it that
You have your own individual experience within you have your own
individual kind of translation of it as well. But at the
end of the day like it's leading towards trauma and
it's leaning towards things that are going to hold people back from
being able to allow their body to heal them to
to make them feel amazing like then the body wants
you to do. So, thank you so much. I'm so glad that you're out there
doing this. I know I've got three people in my mind immediately that
I'm gonna send your website to because I've been working with them
for a while and I think it'd be a really really big piece
that no to add to the to the
like the nutritional work that I'm doing with them to add that referral
or be so powerful. So I'm glad that we had this
conversation and I'm so glad that you're out there doing your work.
Thank you so much.
Beautiful. Well, thank you so much again, and thank you
so much for listening everybody or watching. This is true Hope
cast the official podcast or true hope Canada. I'll leave
everything you need in the show notes to connect and you can
leave us a review on iTunes if you feel like it, but that's it for
this week. We'll see you soon.