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When it comes to enhancing proper cellular communication and the function of all hormones and neurotransmitters

in the body and brain, Inositol is a crucial component.


Inositol, a naturally sweet nutrient, is found in fruits

and vegetables and are used by the body to provide

the structural basis of the secondary messenger

molecules within the cells.


Simply put, the cells rely on this molecule to communicate with hormones and neurotransmitters, such as

insulin, estrogen, testosterone, melatonin, serotonin

and dopamine.


Without this molecule within the cells, the hormones and neurotransmitters will never effectively communicate what changes need to occur, and disease will ensue. 

  • Plays a crucial role in the communication between cells, hormones and neurotransmitters.

  • Promotes healthy mood and mental clarity.

  • If you are having trouble falling asleep, Inositol can be used as a natural sleep aid.

Traditionally, Inositol has been used in conjunction with EMPower Plus by thousands of Truehope’s clientele to alleviate anxiety, panic and anger.


Today its uses in treating PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) and type 2 diabetes are becoming much more recognized. 

Try Truehope’s Inositol today to see how quickly you can experience the serene calm that so many others have reported from using it over the past 15 years. 


Live Anxiety Free
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