Guest Episode
August 19, 2022
Episode 78:
Mens Depression, Anxiety & Fear
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Mike Forrester is a men's transformation coach, founder of the Living Fearless coaching programs, and host of the Living Fearless Today podcast.
His decades of experience with overcoming failures, setbacks, and struggles fuels his clients to overcome their own self-doubt. With his personal journey through overcoming childhood trauma, dyslexia, and loss of loved ones, Mike is determined to set the example to not allow excuses to derail you.
Today Mike and I will discuss male fear, anxiety and depression.
Mike welcome to the show. Thank you so much for taking the time
to be with me today. How are you? What is going
I am doing fantastic and Simon. Thanks for inviting me
to join you total honor excited for our conversation today,
Excellent. Well as an introduction, please let us
know who you are and what it is that you do. Yeah, thank
you. So Mike Forrester I'm a
guy who is passionate about his family first and
foremost something that I almost lost at one
point because of who I was and how I acted out
in in my life, but I
have an amazing marriage with my wife. I
for adult children from 28 to 21
and you know, then I've got
two two grandchildren and dude. I will tell you grandchildren are
absolutely phenomenal so something I
didn't see in my future if you talk to
me years ago Simon, I'd be like no that's not gonna happen.
I'm gonna run myself off the rails, but I'm so
blessed to have the, you know
have the opportunity to live my life
with my family that I do now as far
as what I you know, what I do. I'm helping
men to, you know, discover their purpose to live.
Confidently and understand their worth because
that was stuff that I didn't get, you know between the
mental emotional and physical abuse. I went through
as a child and the dyslexia just
a number of things that you know, I took as
a things that stood in my way. So I
myself as a victim and it's like man having the
stuff that I experienced now, I know that other men
can experience this as well and you know,
then we get to be changed, you know change makers
within our own family. So the stuff that we've
experienced we don't have to pass along to our kids or
a grandkids and that we can experience that life
that we've always wanted but never felt we were worthy
of living
Beautiful really appreciate you sharing that. Yeah,
it's it's so fascinating how
incredible individuals incredible practices are
created through trauma and
through tragedy and how you know, it's and
it's incredible. There are so many success stories that we don't
necessarily always hear about, you know, especially in the news and
then, you know articles and things like that that's usually about the negative negative
things. We have so many incredible success stories
that can create very
Positive potential outlook for those
people who are who may be struggling and will certainly get
into the the male confidence piece the self-worth or
all of those things in this in this discussion. So what
what is a transformational coach, you know,
like I'm familiar with the word transformation and it
could have a few maybe definitions for different people
depending on their own circumstances, but like for you as a
transformational coach, can you explain to us a
little bit more about what that is and how how sessions
kind of go? Yeah. Absolutely. So
transformation coach. I mean the simplest way
to to think about it is like a
life coach right? I'm here to help other
men who are on that same path that I
was on to discover that it's like there's something
else beyond that the life
that they're wanting is available to them and
we're actually the ones although we feel
like things are happening to us, and we're the victim
That we're actually the one that's in control. We have
the key that's keeping us in prison and
we just don't understand that because of
our perspective and so helping somebody transform
both their mindset their
perspective their desire just how they
see themselves. So there's a lot
of of levels to it, but it's transforming all
those things to see yourself and
your life differently in a way that you didn't think was
available to you typical session is
going to be helping helping someone
to see that look you have a purpose.
You're not just randomly running through life, you
know things just happening to you. It's
it's not you know, that life
has got it out for us. So to speak right we're
looking at you know,
what's your purpose? What is it that you have to
be grateful for because if you would ask
For Simon man. I was like Eeyore. I
don't think Disney ever, you know,
thought of me when they created Eeyore but dude, I was
the embodiment and pair that
with like the Hulk I was filled with rage because
the stuff was happening to me and I didn't think I
had any power in in the in the situation.
further from the truth, you know just
I was the one again, like I said earlier keeping myself
in that position just you
know allowing things happen to me
instead of taking a stand and going. Yeah. This
isn't working. Let's do something different. So it's it's
helping men to see
that, you know, there's things to be grateful for that. You
know, we we can Envision a
life that does include success and
we can be the the path to
that success.
Setting our goals celebrating our wins and a lot
of times that's something we don't do is to
celebrate the wins big small whatever. We're
more hypercritical of the
things we mess up on and the common conversation is
why am I such an idiot? Why can't I do anything right?
You know, those negative self-deprecating questions
that imprint upon
us and keep us in those ruts. Whereas
when you're like dude, that was awesome. Oh my gosh, congratulations, you
Just being proud of what you do and where
you're going and recognizing it and again
celebrating it. So those things.
you know just high level or what
we go through because it's like
and they're gonna feel uncomfortable understand that when
you do something new it's gonna be uncomfortable but
uncomfortable doesn't mean bad. It just
means something that you need to work through and it's
probably going to take additional energy and effort
than what you're used to because you know
the path but the thing is we want something different so
Just working through it.
Certainly. What where do you think we are in regards to the
evolution of discussing men's mental health because now you
sometimes see things in the
mainstream, you know talking about Men's Health. We have like mental health
awareness days and things like this and
Sure, they certainly have their place and I'm not.
personally completely convinced that they're going to be able to
really really support and change like this whole dynamic that
we have around, you know mental health not just with men but
where do you think we are in regards to as a
cut as a culture as you know, especially in the mainstream, where do you
think we are within the the evolution of starting to really
actually discuss mental health and actually having
The option of having having something to action and to do
to support that rather than just talking about it and
discussing it.
Oh man, powerful question. I think there's two
parts to it. You know, obviously there's the
the public part right? How do we as a
community as a culture a society
see mental health, especially for men
in the second part is how do we as men individually?
See what's available to us,
you know, are we willing to take action and step into?
You know what's available to us? Because I'll be honest. I'm in there
was a time man you could have if I was hungry.
You know, you could have put out a buffet in front of me and
I wouldn't have eaten because of my pride because
if I had you know eaten at
that buffet that you would laid out. I would have seen myself
as weak. Right and so it was the same
thing with mental health. You could have laid out, you know,
all the books the whole process Mike if
you execute on this you will be successful. You
have all your dreams, but I wasn't at that
place and that's a crucial component to being
able to you know,
participate in what's available is being
willing and ready to step in and say hey, I I
want some help Count Me In
As far as from a society aspect, I think we're at the
beginning of this because there's still that stigma of
a man is, you know quiet a
man doesn't speak up about what he's struggling with
and oftentimes you'll see men
talk about. Hey, I did speak up and I
was ostracized I was condemned, you know, my wife
made fun of me the people at work, you know
both sides. It's not just
Men, you know having a problem with other men
speaking up. It's not just a problem with you know, the women reacting
to it.
Both sides, you know, it's it's one
that once it becomes normalized or
more accepted.
You'll start seeing more traction made
And just because we're in the beginning stages
doesn't mean we shouldn't keep pushing. You
know, that's all the more reason to have these
conversations like you and I are having here having them
publicly to set oppressed to to bring
about the fact of hey, I'm not alone
in the struggles. I've gone through and that
was part of what made it so difficult for me.
So I mean I thought I was the only guy who was
struggling with the stuff. I was going through
And there's nothing further from the truth. It's it's happening
so frequently, but because we're not speaking about
it it seems odd. So if
you look at like statistics for depression, let's say
you will see that women are more depressed than men.
That doesn't mean that you know, hey women, you
know are more prone to be
depressed. The thing is you look at it. The
men have been so conditioned don't talk
about how you feel. Don't speak up. Well, the
second part of the equation is you will look and you
will see that we as men are three to four times more likely to
commit suicide.
And so we're bottling it up. We're remaining
quiet. You know, we're not speaking about what's
bothering us and we go to that ultimate extreme
and you know remove ourself
from this this pain that we're going
through this situation and so
Yeah, I think we're in the beginning stages, but it's encouraging
to see that it's beginning and we're starting to
to begin this journey.
Yeah, I think there's so I mean it goes for
me whenever I think about Men's Health and the
fact that we're not supposed to be open sensitive and
you know connected to our emotions or feelings. It's certainly
goes back to like wartime for me and I still think we're slowly breaking
out of that.
Generational time of when you know, you couldn't
even have the time to be to be sensitive and
take time off and you know,
there are Wars to fight, you know, you had to you
know, fight kill and Conquer and there's no time for emotion.
There's no time to be sensitive during that period of time and I feel
like we're very very slowly coming out of that mindset because
you know men aren't Spence but men aren't supposed to
be sensitive vulnerable open on this
these types of things and I suppose it comes
from from you know, 1600 years ago with you know,
these wars that we've experienced, you know, generally and
I feel that
it has created.
A lack of we just don't know who we are.
I suppose like, you know, we're kids.
We are emotional. We do feel we do have a lot
of emotions but as we get older and older and we're kind of taught by our societies taught
by our cultures that men are supposed to be a certain way. We we
don't know who we are anymore. Like
we're not really our true self. We're kind of a stranger in our own
mind Stranger in our own body and
it teaches us to be inauthentic and and eventually
some way down the road. Hopefully people will recognize
that and start to become authentic. I honestly
think that it takes the love of a woman or a love of a
good partner to really help people become that
true find your true individual it
individualism again, and because it
just it does get it does get lost in your 20s
and 30s and you know through work and through other,
you know cultural norm sport. I suppose is a
part of it as well and competitiveness but it's yeah, it's
just very interesting because you know during my life without question
fun, you know meeting my now wife.
And being whether and she's taught me so much about what it
means to be what it means to be a man what it
means to be a person what it means to be, you know open and honest
and be be with her in this relationship in
this partnership that's called marriage, right and it's not just about
me it's about us and I feel like when people
were able to find something a person like
that or a purpose or a job or something like that that really connects to
their true self. They can find that their identity again rather than
being bound by this
cultural nonsense that we've
kind of fabricated I suppose but just not not
let go of it. I mean obviously like war is unfortunately necessary
at times and you've got there's not my whole control we
have over those things, but
Right now it's very very different. So yeah, we're slowly creeping out
out towards it. What do you think about that?
It's one that we are pushing against social norms.
I mean if you look at it.
You can go up to you know, like our parents.
And be like hey, this is what I'm talking about. You know,
this is how I'm feeling and it's
it's uncomfortable for them to consider it. You
know, they don't know how to validate.
If you look at I'll give you an example from my life,
So from my dad and I think most of
us as men are looking for approval and validation
from our fathers. Hey, I want to be a
man Dad. I need this approval from you. I want to
be confirmed as being a man.
Most of them are wondering themselves.
Am I a man? So they can't give what they
don't have and like from
my father. I was looking just for a dad.
I love you, you know and I told him
that well, he was hurt in his own way.
And so he didn't know how to respond he couldn't give me.
What I was looking for that wasn't his fault. He's
doing the best he can and you know,
it's it's one of understanding.
You know what we're looking for and what
somebody can give may not always align
you know, I can take it back to when I when I
first met my wife, you know at the time
she was my girlfriend.
Simon she was
She gave me love like true love.
It caused a problem for me mentally and emotionally
because while my parents did their best
to love me.
It was not a healthy love if
that makes sense, you know, yeah.
And it caused this.
This just this confusion where it's
like wait a minute.
This young gal is giving me this, you
know love in this way and my parents were
supposed to love me and this is not at all
healthy, you know, I mean, we we argued we you know, they manipulated
we manipulated because I was part of the the
environment right? I'm part of the drama that's unfolding
on stage.
And you know physical abuse, I
mean all this stuff that was my family.
And that was supposed to be loved. So that was the the picture
the image that I had of love and this young
gals giving me something that's totally different. But Simon,
oh my gosh, it felt amazing and
that discrepancy that difference. I
didn't know how to handle it. I floored my Mustang and drove
out of the parking lot.
Seeing red, you know, I was the Hulk I couldn't
process it. And so
You know, it's it's one of those of sometimes what
we want somebody's not able to give and
it's being able to step back and process it
and it doesn't make somebody wrong. Right my parents did the
best that they could wasn't a healthy love but
still they did the best that they could so I think
is we step into healing ourselves. It's
going to create space for those around us
if they want to then begin their own
healing process and change the Dynamics within
a relationships.
Yeah, it can be so easy to incite and blame towards
our parents or towards.
Teachers or other individuals in our
lives and and again like that kind of completely
gives away our power. It gives away our strength. It gives away our ability
to you know, self-assess and you know and take
things into our own hands. I suppose and recognize
that we do have the power the other the ability to know think
different thoughts to feel different feelings and and to exhibit different
behaviors. We always have that ability.
But yeah, like as you said so you make a really good point
in regards to you know.
A lot of guys wanting to have validation from
their fathers to be a man. But like we never would recognize
that perhaps that my father never had that
from his father and it just like it's just you just chasing
this through generations. So yeah, it's it's very yeah.
It's a very interesting way of looking at things and it also
just that immediately would lift lift Blaine because
if no, if somebody's father doesn't even have
the ability to give that validation because they're they're not
quite sure what who they are. What what a man
really is then
They can't do anything. It's not their fault. That's not like they're deliberately
trying to you know, demand me.
Right. So yeah, it's it's an in. Yes. That's a really interesting way way
of looking at those things. Yeah, that's that's really cool. How
do you think childhood trauma influences
our personal and professional?
Decision process as adults, you know, does that stick with
people for a long time?
It very very easily. Can I can tell
you for me? It was like
It didn't matter personal professional. It was
like wearing a pair of sunglasses.
Everything I saw I still filtered through the
beliefs that I built up. You know,
I'm not enough the world's out to get me. The only
way I can win is to manipulate, you know,
like those things. It wasn't a
switch that it was like hey, this is personal. I'm
just gonna behave this way over there. Not at
I would play small at work because
it was one of how do I keep myself
I'm looking to
remain in a place where I'm not at risk
so to speak and by playing small it
kept me out of you know, the line of fire
the the people that
that I saw that were as competition if that makes sense. And so
I played small at work. I would
go home and I'm playing small at home. I'm
working at home though to
like control the environment and so
with my wife my my four children.
I'm working to manipulate them in the same way that I grew up
in understanding how manipulation worked and and that
that control I saw as
A success right? That was my way of validating.
My worth my my being my
place of you know, I'm
Dad. I'm a husband. Well that
takes on a certain level of power which it work.
I didn't have but it's that
same lens. I just knew the
environments were different if you and I are
working together and I try and manipulate you the way same way. I
did my wife and children. I've been fired Simon, so
it's not that
I'm leaving that childhood, you know
those experiences the limiting beliefs, you
know, the
The experiences behind I'm just
helping them.
To fit into the situation the way
that it can I was a chameleon and so I would
do whatever it took to be accepted by
the strongest person in that environment.
And then to you know work my
way up the ladder so to speak.
Up on two a certain point because I
didn't want to get my head too high so that I'm getting you know, like taking
attention, but I
wanted to get some level of success.
So it follows Us in both and that's the amazing thing is
as you heal your, you know, you you
get about that healing right? I'm now
whole I'm happy. I'm satisfied
as I begin to experience that both
work and home life will change
and so I'll get those promotions I'll
you know experience things.
In my career that were Out Of
Reach before I'll also have relationships with
my wife my children my friends my
family that can be different. You know,
they're they're environment is changing and
so they may see that they have room to change as well
again. It's a it's a personal decision. And so,
you know, they they may
choose not to change because
that's a level of responsibility we each have
for ourselves. But yeah.
How we see things we see it both at home and
at work. It's no different.
Yeah, I think so many, you know most men have have
Drive have purpose within us.
It may not be we're not may not be aware of where it needs to be directed. But
yeah, like when you're talking about that
that power Dynamic and I think of power and
the energy that needs to come out in some sort
of behavior within men and if we can't have
that in the office or we can't have it in
some sort of other Outlet then that that manipulation
he talking about that that you know that that pushing
out their energy.
Very frequently gets pushed out in towards the family Dynamic, you
know, and as you as your role within the family and is
obviously very important in that invalid.
I think a lot of people aren't aren't super
aware that that energy that drive that kind of
like even aggressive nature that the resides within most men,
but not quite sure. We're not quite conscious and
aware of like that actually being
squeezed out of us
and being, you know put out into the family dynamic in a very
unfair way, you know rather than rather than
being balanced and us being conscious and aware of like actually we're
actually giving our Focus. We're actually giving our energy and when we
become aware of become aware of the virtually have this energy and
have this power and we can redirect it. Wherever we want. Then we
can start, you know, like putting out
into the world in a much more positive manner. And as you say like,
you know your work life would improve your family life would improve
give you even more like more energy to maybe do
other types of activities that would be you know, getting an
energy out and kind of like a healthy away and you know creating that
purpose and different Avenues within your life.
So yeah, it's a very
It's a very interesting way of looking at the unconscious energy that
we do have within within ourselves as men like that has to
be you know, that has to be put put to good use.
Most of the time and yeah and and it can filter and it
can certainly affect the family dynamic.
Yeah, I mean.
Simon I would love to tell you that it's
I had it together, you know at at home.
And it work dude. Nothing was the further
from truth the difference when we go to work is
we're not going to engage with each
other the same way we do at home. There's a
Almost safety mechanism. That's at home.
You know, my wife will speak to me different than my
colleagues my boss, you know,
there's there's different things that will be said,
you know and conversely there's different things
that I would say and do and so that was
where you would see myself you'll see other men that
will go that direction and invest themselves at work.
You know, one of the things that
we can do to hinder ourselves, you know,
I said this I've had other men as clients that have
said this when my wife changes I'll change.
And do that's that's a no-win situation.
You know because we're looking for an excuse,
I mean, let's be honest, you know the minute that
my wife stumbles. I then
have a reason to go back and be how uncomfortable
to be that dysfunctional hurtful
person that I've been
I mean, we're human we're going to stumble
and those patterns that we're looking to move away
from they're still gonna pop up from time to time. It's
an easier correction after all these decades that we've
you know, behaved this way and thought this way it's breaking
a pattern and so when
we put the responsibility on somebody
else for our Behavior,
Setting it up for failure right from the get-go and it's
just it's looking for a loophole for me
to behave the way that's comfortable rather than
continuing to invest in myself and put
forth at work to say. Hey, I'm gonna be the best version. I'm gonna
treat my wife amazing, you know the best that I can same
with my children and I'm gonna be as healthy as
I can't stepping into everything that I can be even
if it means working and doing
stuff that's uncomfortable. So, I mean
it's available. We just have to take the responsibility and
go this is a life choice. It's not
a like a diet for
our emotions. This is a life change.
yeah, I think what's quite what quite powerful
that not that not a lot of people aware of we obviously inherit genetics
from our parents, but you also
inherit behaviors that we will pick up
very subconsciously as children very young children, and we
inevitably take that into our adulthood and take
that into our relationships take that into work and things like that, but
for a lot of people who pick up negative behaviors and
can we break the
cycle of passing along those unhealthy patterns,
you know as a generational Legacy towards our
Our children it was we want to influence them to be able to do
those things. But like the negativity of like what we experiences
as kids.
From those bad patterns that we might pick up from our parents and we
might pick them up. We might not necessarily but how can
do the best for our kids to be able to recognize them and
then help break those patterns?
We can definitely make a change.
The perspective has to be a little bit different I need
Know that I'm doing this for me.
Because if I'm looking at it, you know just like we talked about
when I'm saying. Hey, I'm gonna if my wife does this
I'm gonna do it for her.
If I'm doing it for somebody else if they fall off
of that stool that I've set them on.
Then I in essence have
no more reason to be my best right? So
if my children get older they're doing
stuff. I don't like man. I now I
don't have to invest in me or put that
effort. You know, there's that scapegoat in essence that's gone.
When I say I'm invested in me for me.
You're still gonna get the same impact You're Gonna
Change the Legacy the behavior
the patterns that we as parents
set for our children our grandchildren, but
now the focus is different.
And you're you're more likely to stick with it. Is it
going to be smooth easy? No, you
know, it's just like going to the
gym. I mean, I don't know about you Simon. I
did not step into the gym and start benching 300
from the first day. I was in there. Yeah, you
know, I'm still not b**** at 300 but
you know, it's like
growth this healing mental and
emotional is a workout. It's an investment in us
for the long term. And so
what I've the progress that I've
made there's going to continue to be things that I uncover as
I go along and we'll need to work through and we've
all got bad days right those days. We just wake up
and it's like wow things seem off.
We still need to to work through those and some days are going to
require more energy and more intention than
others, but when we're
invested for us.
We have a stick-to-diveness. There's a foundation and
we're invested in it differently then.
If my focus and my reason is for
somebody else, you know,
I've already started seeing the change in my children
to where the relationship Simon I
literally thought. I was going to be in an apartment divorced isolated
from my children, you know,
There's the TV no lights on.
Just sitting there.
Isolated, you know feeling depressed. I thought
that was a life that I was bound for.
My actions were certainly getting
me on that path.
but as I healed
my children began to trust me, you know, like I
said manipulation was something that was part of my toolkit when
I was unhealthy, so
Had it took longer.
For them to believe that I was actually healing
and being a new me instead of
let's just press a few different buttons and
see what shortcut in the game we can get to to
have my children behave the way I'm wanting.
And but now at this point,
like I said, my youngest is 21, you know, they're adults
if they wanted to say bye they easily could.
And instead they've chosen to say
hey, I want you in my life, you know
some days again better than others
just depends on what's going on
the stress that either one of us is under and still understanding.
Hey, I'm a work in progress cool. I can
give that Grace.
But their experiencing life differently than the
path that they had been on and our relationship is
so different Simon so we can
give that gift to our children and our grandchildren but it
begins with us and investing in ourselves
as the sole reason
that we're setting off on that Journey putting in that work.
Well, congratulations for that transformation because yeah, we
could be having a very different conversation. I suppose if not for your
courage and bravery.
I appreciate it. Thank you Simon. It's it's been a
group effort. Let me be clear on that because they still have
a choice right they could they could hold a grudge.
They chose to show Grace and that's been
part of the change as well. So.
Beautiful. Do you think that a lot
of men who are struggling with their?
With the lack of worth lack of self-courage lack
of confidence Etc. Do you
think people think those men are closer to achieving those
things then then they might think or is it that is
it a long tough path for most people?
I would say it depends on each man because we
if we
Have gone through experiences. Everybody's had
some kind of experiences that they've
gone through as a child as you know, growing up. So
like mine is Extreme.
I get it and I really hope
that nobody goes through that kind of stuff. Especially
that level.
But there's stuff that is.
As we've been raised that we've experienced in
has colored how we see things.
Excuse me.
So it's one that sometimes it is our past.
That keeps us doubting not having the
confidence other times. It's just not.
Not giving ourselves the grace to see where we
are and what we've actually achieved, you know,
we can be hypercritical and I
could look at something you've done Simon like dude.
You're right there.
And I could be in the same place and be like, oh my
gosh Mike you are a million miles away. Why can't you get anything? Right and
it's that that's self-talk that
perspective and Grace that I give myself.
That can either put me in the appropriate place
or put me at a
at a distance from it right not seeing the true location
and the accomplishments if
you accomplish something and I accomplish the same thing.
I might give you more credit.
And and catapult you further ahead. And
so I'm can actually be a detriment to myself.
so it depends on what we've gone through, but also
how we're allowing ourselves to
See ourself to accept that credit, you know,
this goes back to like celebrating our wins if we're just focused on
hey, I've got to accomplish. I've got
to do this and we're chasing acceptance. So
to speak I mean how many of us are chasing our dads approval
just to be you know
accepted and so it's like we invest in
work and everything else to get those accolades that
acceptance, you know,
it's it can
It can be something that's Elusive and ever moving Target.
But if we look at the true situation where we really are.
Yeah, dude, we can we can be right there. So it
it's talk to your friends.
I mean, that's that's the amazing thing is we're not in this alone.
Right Simon.
So if we have men around us, we can ask the community, you
know, or our friends around us and go. Hey, how do you see these things
and get a true perspective rather than sometimes our
we're jaded towards our accomplishments
so to speak
yeah, I think every individual is obviously, you know
gonna have a different different history and a different path going
forward and I think that you
know, somebody is looking to
really switch around their their ability to
start feeling confident and courageous and start having
that self worth. Obviously that's gonna take work, you know,
it's gonna take some time. It's gonna take a lot of self-reflection. It's
gonna take you know, take actionable
work, but I genuinely think when it
comes to people feeling like anxious or depressed about things and whether
that's you know, major depression
or you know, something a lot more mild I
think being able to change your environment and
there's so many things at hand that are very natural
and very organic, you know that we can go and get sunlight we can
exercise we can do these things that can very quickly like,
you know change our biochemistry where we're able to start thinking different
thoughts and feeling different feelings and having the
ability to maybe do things a little bit differently, especially
if we're depressed and isolated and we're just like
ruminating and these thoughts and ruminating these behaviors that are just
not serving us. There are certainly some things that we can do to
Quick quite quickly, you know change it literally change our
mood change our mind, but when it comes to, you know, finding our
purpose and our self-worth and rediscovering who we
are and what we want that's certainly takes work and effort because
we're going against you know, sometimes Decades of of patterns, but
obviously the work is you know, it's kind of
the result is gonna be well worth that work and it's amazing that we've got
individuals like you who can help people with that
transformation or process to help guide to help coach and
people through their struggles and you
know find themselves again and find that, you know, huge liberating
factor that can significantly help
redirect energy in an
incredibly positive way. And yeah, I
just find that whole process quite unique and
fascinating because it's so unbelievably attainable
and Incredibly powerful and
you know, it's just just riddle the passion. Yeah you
so when you talked about depression and be an
isolated, right?
So Simon picture this I'm playing
video games 12 hours a
And the reason why was in
that I got
I guess the best way to I gotta check mark
of being okay of achieving something because
there's a score I'm collecting things, you know,
like the the accomplishments that the game puts up. It's
like dude. Yeah.
At the root of it. I'm escaping my life
hoping for something different.
when you're depressed you don't want
to be around anybody but being around people
and being out like you talked about vitamin D
being active. These are all things that help lift
the feeling of depression. It's the
last thing I want to do. I want to
be alone playing video games getting my
accomplishments and that's it's like this
crazy cycle that we get on and the
things that can help us are the things.
We don't necessarily want to go to you know,
it's it goes back to you know
when I'm
When I'm looking at the fact do I want to put in
this uncomfortable work? No, I'd much
rather. It just be given to me. I want the
easy path. We all do but the thing that's
uncomfortable is the way to Freedom
frequently that it's like just being Discerning
and looking at it. Okay, if I put in this work, will this
get me where I want? Okay, great. Am I
willing to invest my time my effort to get
there? Yes, then start after it. Otherwise,
we just continue on this crazy cycle that
keeps us imprisoned and trapped in
exactly what we're experiencing now and we're
doing that activity, you know for me it was
video games.
I'm doing that to escape my life because I don't like the
pain that I'm in at that point. So I'm putting myself
almost in this hamster wheel of pain because
I don't want to go do something uncomfortable and so
often it's just a matter of deciding. Yeah,
I'm gonna go do this and free
myself and take a different path. And so
we're just a decision away from making change in our
What do you think of the key factors of transformation like
going forward? I mean obviously individuals are different
people are gonna have to start in different places, but there
must be some
Some correlating factors where most people can you
know, really kick off their transformation?
I don't think we get to the point of making that
decision to
you know, yes, I'm going to take the responsibility
and go down this path until we've
hit enough pain for where we're
at right now the pain of the life
that sucks. So to speak you know
that I don't enjoy
Has to be greater than the pain of saying.
Yes, I want to make a decision to change.
And then taking action in that direction because I
mean I'd love to say hey a
guy comes up to me says I want to go about change and
everybody's successful.
That's not true. It's I
can just like we talked about the meal earlier.
I can provide all the information and say hey this these
are the keys and the ways to make the change. But
unless you know, somebody's at the point. I'm tired
of my life. Yes. I'm ready to invest and
put in the work Nothing's Gonna Change or it
may change for a while until they hit that point of things are
For a long time I delayed on making
change Simon because because of what I went through
I forgot things.
And my big fear was if I go and I start
on this path of you know learning and
remembering I'm opening Pandora's Box
and this already stinks where I'm at. And if
I opened Pandora's Box what other additional deeper
pain is there that I've shut away.
and so
You know, the first thing is us taking action and having
that pain that moves us into making that
decision and continuing forward.
Having a community like we talked about people to
encourage you to continue along. Sometimes that's
not family, you know, if
If we're in a family that is used to being in a
healthy, they will sometimes not be the most supportive. So
it may be totally new men
that you've never met but they're like I'm sold out. This is the
direction. I'm going I want health for me as well.
those can be you know, like the men that are traveling on
this journey with you, but it's also
changing your perspective understanding you
have a purpose discovering that purpose and then
you know having the Gratitude to say
you know this happened but it's not
the end of the world, you know, like
the car breaks down. Okay. What is the car breaking down?
Now change what can you be grateful for
and not going? Hey, I'm glad I spent a thousand dollars on
this car repair but going
Hey, I now have breaks.
That are fixed. I now know that my wife
and children can be safe in this car, you know, whatever the
case may be. There is something that you can genuinely look
at it and say okay. I've had the opportunity
for this benefit to come about and I
mean it's a multifaceted.
Process and situation that
keeps us going forward because you
know, it's not just like you go to the gym and you're you're drinking enough
water and that's the stains you you know, it's what you
eat. It's what you're working out. It's how frequently you're doing
it. It's that same kind of thing. There's multiple components.
To making that change in your life and once you're
you're invested in it.
Dude, it's it's amazing. You you don't
ever want to go back because you know what, it was like.
Tightly how you've mentioned
Grace and gratitude quite a few times in our conversation. How have
you seen that support people's recovery
and Ricky just recognize how powerful gratitude
to yourself and gratitude to other
people can be
or Grace towards yourself is one of the hardest things I think
to extend.
Because I talked about like self-deprecating.
You know comments. That's what we can get into a pattern
of doing and so we see ourselves negatively.
When you're looking at yourself, and you're going hey, you did your
And your best is the Judgment not perfection.
So when we give ourselves Grace.
And we're breaking from that pattern of that self-deprecating.
You know mindset those comments.
It empowers us to go ahead and
And move forward because we're not focused on
We're focused on did I do my best?
Sometimes our best is enough. Sometimes it's not but being
okay with it.
My upbringing was such that.
You know if I asked a question or I
failed that made me a failure. Nobody wants
to be a failure. I mean, that's I didn't wake
up this morning go. Hey, I want to fail.
And be labeled a failure that's nothing that any of us are striving for
but it is something we'd want to avoid.
and so looking at things and going
You know, as long as I do my best, my best is
good enough and so changing your perspective to
give yourself that Grace to try and step in will
often be more empowering.
I get you further along because you'll continue trying even when
it seems like the deck is stacked against you.
So Grace is super empowering in that and it
was a key component because I didn't understand what Grace was. You know,
I wasn't giving it to anybody else. Why would I give it to me?
So Grace can totally change things and for
the better in in getting
us further ahead. So.
Yeah, it can be very difficult to understand something like right so
gratitude when we don't, you know have too much of it going
on in our lives and we've not held our
lives in a position of Grace of gratitude. So once we actually start expressing
that and start, you know being quite conscious to use that
in our lives on a daily basis, then we can
start recognizing the power that it does have and so many
aspects of Our Lives tell us a little bit about because you're
the founder of living Fearless coaching programs. Can you
tell us a little bit more about that, please? Yeah. Absolutely. So living
Fearless today is the first program
that men go through and that's
focused on us, right because until we
change us nothing else is Gonna
Change. I can want to you know finagle my
marriage I can want to you know manipulate my
So I can want to change, you know, my marriage
the relationships around me.
the work environment
until I change me nothing else changes. I'm
still me. I still see the world around
me the way that I have. I'm a victim.
I'm Eeyore.
You know things continue to be dysfunctional and
painful until I address me.
So we're focusing on purpose your mindset
You know just the way you see yourself and the
way you see things around you setting goals
dreaming because I don't know about you, but when
I have a victim mindset, I am not focused on
the dreams about me. I'm focused about what's wrong.
And so when we change our perspective then
it's like things just are
able to be seen differently, right
we're able to dream and see what
is available rather than looking at our feet and
shuffling about because we're depressed and you know,
just feeling so so filled with fear.
Second program is living Fearless every
day and that's focused on how do we appear within
the relationships around us?
Understanding. What is my wife
need and how can I show up for her that strengthens
our relationship our marriage? How can
I show up for my children? How do I show up at work? You know
because that's a different place. That's an important place with lots
of relationships. So, who am I within that?
And we're in a place to decide, you know,
okay, I can take these different assessments, you
know, like you can take the disc the Myers Briggs that
tells me about me because if
we're trying to figure out who I am and I've been a chameleon and
I'm afraid of other people and what they might think.
Gotten diluted. I don't know who I
am because I've you know, it's almost like
putting die in a cup
I've changed and and I'm not
as strong. I'm not as clear about who I am and what
I have to offer.
And so getting back to understanding who I
am what my strengths are what my weaknesses are and what
I have to offer and bring to the table then helps
me to understand how I can show up in these different places and
what I can bring to bear.
so those are the two programs doing it
inside a mastermind groups one-on-one coaching, you know,
whichever works better and you know,
How on fire is somebody is is often the
Big Driver on that.
Very cool those programs sounds very transformational
and yet so so important to
work with a coach and work within
a community base as well. That can be a lot
of people's first step is to you know, start talking to more people
around them and start opening up and being open
to being vulnerable. And yeah, that's a really really passionate place
to be because once we recognize that so many
people have got their own issues going on. They really
starts, you know, put us into perspective the normality
of having, you know, not everything perfect in
your life and how you can actually go forward and start changing
those things. So yeah this coaching program. So awesome.
Where can people learn more about that.
So best place to connect is
through high So h
i c o a c h m i
k e
dot com
And that's also the podcast living
Fearless today is accessible there. If
you social medias and easier route, you can
connect through the links there. But hi coach Mike is
the best place to reach out connect and if you've got questions and
set up a time, let's talk because you're
not alone and there is a lot more available to
you. It's just a matter of reaching out saying hey.
I'm ready.
Certainly reaching out and just asking
for help is you know can be just such a huge big First Step.
But again, it's like it's not something we're super programmed for but
but it's it's there it's
accessible and you know what there are a lot of people out there who do want to
help them would be happy to do it.
So I will make sure that the website link
and Social Media stuff is all connected in the show notes Mike. I
want to thank you again for today coming on talking about your own
personal experience your transformation and
how that you are now, you know working towards supporting
other men through their
issues and becoming the people that they that they're
supposed to be.
Well Simon, I appreciate it and I look forward to you
know, seeing mental health become, you
know, without that stigma becoming more accepted.
So it's one day
at a time one step at a time. I appreciate you inviting me
to join you. So thank you Simon. Of course. Well,
thanks again for joining us and again today Mike and from what
information about anything we've spoken about in the show. I'll make sure they are
in the show notes for you to connect with
Mike and a bit more about some of those amazing coaching programs. But
yeah, that's it for today. This is true.
Hope you see official podcast the true hope Canada. We will
see you next week.