Guest Episode
September 13, 2024
Episode 64:
Depression hates a Moving Target
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Nita Sweeney is an award-winning wellness author of the running and mental health memoir, Depression Hates a Moving Target: How Running with My Dog Brought Me Back from the Brink.
Nita is a meditation leader, mental health advocate, and ultramarathoner.
Today we will discuss how people can find the motivation to get moving to support their mental health.
I would like people to read this Memoir who are struggling or who are curious
about running because it really is a running book too it's a mental health book and especially somebody who has
touched the darkness who's been close because people who haven't might not get
it and they might I mean I've had comments where people say oh my gosh I can't you know I'm so glad I'm not her
and hey that's I sometimes wished I wasn't me too I mean really my brain is
the the first line the first line in the book is my mind was trying to kill me
again greetings hello good day wherever you are in the world thank you for joining true Hope cast the official
podcast of true hope Canada in true hope Canada we are a mind and body based supplement company that is dedicated
first and foremost to promoting brain and body Health through non-invasive nutritional means for more information
about us you can visit trop canada.com if you're listening on iTunes please leave us a review and don't forget to
subscribe so you don't miss out on future episodes today I've got the pleasure of welcoming Nita Sweeney to
the show now Nita is an award-winning Wellness author of the running and mental health Memoir depression hate to
moving Target how running with my dog bought me back from the brink Nita is a
meditation leader a mental health advocate and an ultra marathoner today we're going to discuss how people can
find their motivation to get moving to support their mental health enjoy the show all right good morning Nita welcome
to True Hope cast really appreciate you taking the time today how are you what is going
well I'm doing really well I'm excited to be here to have this chat with you and you know talk to your audience all
of that so it's good good thank you yeah sharing stories meting new people it's
just incredible that we can utilize platforms like this to be able to have conversations you're in Ohio I'm in
London you know it's just uh it's quite remarkable how uh how we're able to um
have these conversations and share so much different unique information and it's it's an absolute pleasure to be
able to do it so just as an introduction could you just um let us know who you are and what it is that you
do well I'm an author that's the main thing I do and I wrote a book called depression
hates a moving Target how running with my dog brought me back from the brink I have a new book coming out in um August
uh make every move a meditation mindful movement for mental health well-being and insight I write about running um
meditation mental health dogs I also um do Writing Practice which is kind of a
form of meditation so I guess I'm a mental health Advocate that's that's probably the umbrella label goes over
everything but U yeah but mostly I'm an author so I write stuff okay so how did
you become a mental health Advocate you know I think that everybody uh could serve themselves at least by doing so
but you know a lot of people who go through something in their lives um end
up using that experience to positively impact people going forward with their story with an outlet like a book or a
podcast or something like that so how did you come to I mean this incredible Title by the way for the for the book I
mean we'll get on to how you came up with that because it's incredibly incredibly captivating in
regards to whereb it takes my mind when I just even read that Target because yeah that that makes that makes so much
sense depression hates to moving Target it's beautiful um so why don't you tell us how you became a mental health
Advocate take us through that initial Journey well the book did it it wasn't
my plan I just wanted to write books put them out in the world and people started
reading it and started hearing about my story and could relate because as you
say almost anybody who's had a difficult time A Mental Health
crisis um could call themselves an advocate if they start helping others and so it's when I realized that the
story that I shared was helping other people that I decided to call myself a mental health Advocate there's not a
certificate for that that I know of or if there is I don't have it but I had to
find a way to explain what I was doing because I write about a lot of different
things and have for many years but there's always been that angle of being
a woman who lives with depression a woman who has bipolar disorder who has struggled to try to do a lot of things
failed many times and then finally had this big success
especially when we get to talking about the running the way that really changed my life and so being out in the public
doing things like this podcast and writing uh guest posts for other people
being in magazines things like that that all when that all um started to stick I
realized that it was more than just little Nita in central Ohio telling her story it was about a bigger message of
Hope for other people so you've experienced kind like what you're doing yeah certainly right facilitating
conversation and it's it can just be so powerful to to so many different people even if one person connects with it and
maybe makes a different has a different thought process in their life and feels and behaves in a different way it's very
very positive so you've experienced mental health challenges in the in the past and we'll get into it but running
and exercising and moving your body seemed to be a way out of it and then you had this incredible um cre ative
experience to write this Memoir and share these stories and write blogs and do all this and obviously you know you're into into your second book so
you're continuing this creative process and I'm sure that creative process is
supporting you just like the running was would I be right in saying
that um a creative Outlet when I'm in the writing yeah when I'm in the writing
process yes I write um for myself first
and then figure out is this something anybody wants to read so that writing for yourself process is very cathartic
and therapeutic the promotion and Publishing process is not always as therapeutic
because it's really competitive it's really really really competitive the book market and um you know so I'm I'm
constantly constantly feels like I'm um just trying to get myself out there
partly for the message but partly because I do want people to read what I'm writing because that's sort of why
that's part of why you write um so it's kind of a mix it's kind of a mix and that's why I think it's been so
important for me to focus on the people listening the audience and who might be
helped by this because when I start focusing too much on myself um I can get
you know impostor syndrome I can get a lot of paranoia but if I keep in mind the people that might resonate you the
message might resonate with or who just might be having a really bad day and something I say makes them laugh or
smile anything like that uh I keep my mind there and that that really helps so
wonderful yeah I when I think of depression or anxiety or moments in my life when I've I've experienced some
sort of level of it I think about the like the cyclical thoughts that that happen that like keep coming back and
ruminating and getting bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger and I'm I'm using a very specific part of my brain to keep
me thinking in a certain way which keeps me feeling in a specific way and then I will exhibit behaviors depending on
those thoughts and feelings so just exercising is going to start using
different parts of your brain and your body and writing is going to do exactly the same type of thing so being able to find some sort of Outlet whether that is
moving your body or writing or artwork or something like that being able to access different parts of your brain and
literally sparking new chemical um connections without question is going to
really help Kickstart somebody out of that depressive mindset
and when I was reading your bio before we before we agreed to to um meet up and
do this podcast you mentioned in um one of your posts that your one of your
motivations to start running was from a middle-aged friend of yours and it made
me think about there's a lot of Mo if you want really wanted to find it there's a lot of motivation on let's
just say social media on Instagram or Facebook but we don't necessarily know those people really you know and but you
you were motivated by a friend you know so do you think that what helped you
take that leap was because it was an actual friend of yours that you knew um or you know do you think you
would have had the same effect stranger no I think it had to be
somebody I knew and that's I think that's probably because of my personality I tend to have a very close
circle of friends and you know tight family and she was somebody and also it
was because she was so much like me we were about the same age I think she's
said maybe six to nine months older than me neither one of us were athletic in school and not really in our adult lives
and she had over the years gained weight the way I had and so I just
felt this kinship with her and then was really startled when she started running
that was that was just not in the picture that I had of her at all and so I watched for a while I wasn't
immediately inspired at first I really thought we should be concerned and we should do like a wellness check on her
or something I I was because she posted call me crazy but this running is
getting to be fun and I had never really seen any anything about running as fun I
had tried to run when I was younger basically sprinted is what I know I was doing um now I realize that's what I was
doing was actually sprinting and so when I saw that I just it caught my attention
because it's this person I know and suddenly there's something that seems so out of character so I watched her for a
while before it actually inspired me and then things going on in my own life um
whereas my mood was spiraling down I was in a really bad grief cycle and I have
you know I've suffered from chronic depression for many years but I was in a really bad depressive episode in a grief cycle and um and so just the day came
when I remembered her and I had this maybe even a little bit of fomo you know fear of missing out she's doing
something that maybe could help me and you know it's it's hard people ask me
people tend to come to me and they say oh my sister needs to read your book or oh I wish my mom would read your book or
and I I mean I hope that they will but the thing that has to change is inside
me and that's what happened that day was like all the things came together and I got brave enough to go outside and give
it a try yeah but yeah I don't know I you
know you I mean when I see um models actresses actors on the covers
of magazines or Instagram influ influencers there's some of them I can relate to but mostly I just think oh
that's kind of pretty to look at I mean that's just me again um but this was a person I had known for many many years
and I did I do think that made a difference I for me it did I think so it
it sounds like you're saying that you saw no you you did say this that you saw a lot of yourself within this individual
and you were very surprised by what this individual was doing because you probably weren't doing that yourself at
the time and you couldn't see yourself doing that but looking at this other person just just amazing and I really
think I think you hit it there with with the the the actors and the actresses and the celebrities and the the influencers
on Instagram I think it's there's so much um it's just surface value like it's not really there's no substance
there but when you're able to internalize what somebody else is
doing that you have a some sort of connection with whether that is a friend or who's similar to you I think that
holds a lot more of a you know a deep visceral um something that yeah does
begin to spark that change rather than a lot of people who go on Instagram and swipe and you know check all this stuff
out and look at all these images and these videos you know it's very like surface level interest and if anything
it might actually contribute to more an anxieties because you you might not have
what you're seeing or depression you don't have what you're not doing what these other people people are doing and
there's confusion there because is it really genuine is it filtered is it edited is it you know it's it's just yeah it's just kind of icky to think
about really but when you are you know seeing what one of your friends is doing that's really inspirational it's really
different because it's real it's it's there's reality there it's connection yeah I think especially at
that time in my life most of social media was a real turnoff because I was
doing so much comp caring and I won't I mean I'm sort of an influencer now I'm
in that whole world and so I'm kind of careful to you know to not say anything bad about influencers but you're right A
lot of it is um questioning when I'm looking at this is that what this person
really looks like because I know that I'm going to give you the best photo of me I mean I'm off to take some head shot
for a big kind of thing this afternoon and you know she's going to take aund photos and we're going to narrow it down
to about three that look really good because that's what we can do on social media um but yeah there was just for me
something about it being someone I knew and thinking eventually not right at
first but eventually after watching her following her story for a while thinking
maybe if she can do this I can too and again I want to be I want to be careful
because I have some very serious mental health issues that I live with with and
so someone else who doesn't live with that kind of um deficit of happy brain
chemicals um all the time might not see it quite that same way but that trust
level needed to be there for me because I was in that dark place where I was
only compare I wasn't even comparing I was contrasting about how different I was how that wouldn't work for me how oh
my gosh that's not I can't even try that that just sounds exhausting you know those kinds of things I was just at that
level and so maybe somebody who's not at that level is just having a string of
bad days that might be that might work for them I don't know but I you're right
I needed that connection where it was somebody I knew I trusted and she wasn't photoshopping anything and she was out
there running and wow it blew me away is this friend aware of the
influence that she's had on you she is now yes I
um when did I tell her um her it's very sad actually her brother who was she was
like the class ahead of me and her brother was the class behind and he had a brain tumor and ultimately died of
brain the can I think it was a cancer tumor um and her uh sister-in-law so his
wife started a 5k charity 5k for it was
before he um before he died she started it and we met up for that and I
explained to her that you know she had been the one to be that inspiration I did use her name I'm pretty sure I think
I just used her first name in the um her name was Kim in the book and so she
probably knew because the timing was right and the phrase was right you know
call me crazy but this running is getting to be fun and so uh I don't you know I didn't mean to put any pressure
on or anything and I don't think I did I think she's she's the kind of person that would just love it and let anything
roll off but it was it was very important and so I think the message or the takeaway from that is you don't ever
know who's watching you know you don't know um when not that we have to be all
concerned and be a good example every minute but when you do something that may seem small to you may
seem like just something you did on a lark you never know when somebody who really needs to see that or hear that is
going to receive that message and that's what happened with me and it could have been um some other person I'd had so
many people tell me over the years oh exercise will help and I had um
experiences where I did try different things but I could never stick with it
partly because of the recurring depression but partly because I just don't think it was the right thing for me I'm I'm not your Zumba Queen you know
I'm not a a the stair stepper person I'm not I just had to have a thing that that
really fit me and running did uh for whatever reason even though I'm you know I don't I still don't look like a lot of
the runners that I see if you if you look at the influencers in the running
Community oh my gosh you know they're the tiny little people with these wiry bodies and they're running three times
as fast as me um but I don't care and I have found have found my people we call
ourselves the back of the Packers because we are we're the ones at the back of the pack and we just have a
really good time and enjoy it and we're still competitive we're competitive with each other but um but you know you have
to kind of find the tribe so she was the right person it was the right time in my life it was the right activity it just
felt like a whole bunch of things came together um that made me willing to
leash up my dog carry a digital timer because the the training plan said jog
for 60 seconds that was the other thing I think if it had said run or had said
62 seconds I mean I really just the 60 seconds jog um I felt like you know I
think I can do that on this particular day and so we went down into this Ravine area where there's the houses are set
way back because it's a flood plane so there's no houses down there um so I thought nobody could see me of course
mind you it's a weekday so and I live in this kind of bedroom community so there's nobody here
anyway but I had a little bit of paranoia and uh you know I didn't have I didn't have the right clothes and I'm
overweight you know I'm in well I'm not I was a larger person uh than what I had
seen in the running the anything running I had seen and so I had a lot of uh
fears about what other people would think of me and I the dog was a decoy because they would think oh she's just
walking the dog and U down we went but it it took that combination of all those things to get me into the Ravine where
things really started to change so yeah everything needed to be right and that's
that's okay I think that the um example of of what Kim did for you is a great
example of how we can influence people from all over the place in many
different ways just by our own actions and behaviors and we're not necessarily doing those things to do that to not
doing these things to influence other people but that energy and that frequency is is you know you can feel
that and it's it's exciting and it's can really Influence People in a very very positive way so it's yeah it's a really
great way really really good idea to take these things on board and you know
try and live your life with a lot of positivity and trying to do these things to not necessarily for yourself but to
influence other people because trying to change somebody and trying to get them to read that book or do this or do that
it's very it's not it's very rare that that type of approach really really works people have to have this intrinsic
experience in order to really begin the process of of doing things a little bit
differently to start experiencing the benefits of something like you know running or exercise but um the me the
Memoir I'm going to read the title out again depression hates a moving Target how running with my dog brought me back
from the brink first of all tell me about that tell me about how that title came about and um who do you think
should read this Memoir I'll start with the second
question I would like people to read this Memoir who are struggling or who
are curious about running because it really is a running book too it's a mental health book and especially
somebody who has touched the darkness who's been close because people who
haven't might not get it and they might I mean I had comments where people say
oh my gosh I can't you know I'm so glad I'm not her and hey that's I sometimes
wished I wasn't me too I mean really my brain is the the first line the first line in the book is my mind was trying
to kill me again that's the first sentence in the book and that's kind of been my life so the title comes
from I I'm sure it's not original but I must have heard it somewhere
and friends of mine and I who also struggle with depression or you know the
the depressive episodes of bipolar disorder would call each other at different times for support and I just
it popped in my head when we were we were looking for alternate titles because the working title was like 26
Point freaking two it wasn't wasn't a great title it was just a working title so my friend and I would talk about
these struggles and we would say kind of laughing well you know depression hates
a moving Target we should be doing something and that particular day when
she couldn't get out of bed that's just what I said and I said Just remember
depression hates a moving Target just get out of bed I'm going to hang up and I'll call you call me back when you're
out of bed and then she did and we just worked through the day and I'd had people do that same thing for me where I
was just in such a low dark place and they may not have said that exact phrase but that really stuck in my head
and so when the editor wanted some really good options for titles that was
the first thing I suggested I said I think this is it and she agreed that it was it because it has the motion it has
um I don't know it's just it it says so much it's very interesting because it doesn't it didn't translate into Korean
at least when they did the the book has been translated into Korean and they changed the title um because I think
it's uh I don't know if it's an idiom but you know it's like a it's is
symbolic it has meaning that you get from the language that we understand
what a moving Target is and um that so so that's where it came from yeah and
I'm really glad they used it I think it it just fit the book and the experience
though I think it's I think it's a mantra I think it's something that people could be saying to themselves on a daily basis when they're starting to
feel low like I've got two young kids and sometimes my 2-year-old is in the
room next to me and it's 5:30 and he is just like yelling for me and all I want
is 30 more minutes in bed and I honestly think now just like retrospectively looking back at it I should just get up
and get moving like the the worst thing is to sit there for another 30 minutes while he goes off and I start swirling
the thoughts around in my head it's going to RI me up even more I'm going to use that tomorrow morning I hope I don't
have to use it but it's it's going to be a little mantro I've got so I appreciate that that's one thing I'm going to be certainly going to be taking from this
this episode today um how would you recommend that the
unmotivated can begin to find
motivation small steps Tiny Steps making
goals so tiny that you can't fail jog for 60 seconds that was mine
so it might be somebody wants to write a book set a timer 10 minutes go just
download your thoughts um but I have um
kind of the disease of overwhelm and I also have a lot of ideas and so I have
to pick one very specific thing and narrow it down to a time period
preferably that is identifiable so a concrete time period it's cuz kind of creates a little pressure cooker effect
I'm only going to do this for five minutes I'm only going to jog for 60 seconds um that's how I started
meditating was five minutes at a time and then what happened for me was the um
little dopamine hit I got from achieving the tiny thing I said I was going to do
those build over time now it also helped me that I had that training plan that my
friend was following she had an interval training plan and it's called couch to 5K is the one she used um because I
ended up printing it out and then I would come home when I had done I think there were three workouts a week I'd
done the workout I'd come home and make a little check mark next to it and then I would not have to decide what to do
the next time because it was already it was already written out for me so if you can find some kind of plan that gives
you a little bit of structure especially if you're in overwhelm that can help
pull you through because you don't have to decide what to do next you just do what's on the plan and um like I said
that that really helped me um Community helped me at first I was not um
courageous or informed enough to join a running Community um and so I got online
and was able to hide behind a you know um uh the keyboard and such and
eventually I did join an in-person community and now I know oh it's
Wednesday they're going to be running tonight I guess I'll join them and we kind of look out for each other and we
share information people who've done things I haven't yet will tell me how they did it it's a you know it's a
community it's like a fellowship a support in the community so if you can find a community that's really help F if
you get stuck ask for help there are coaches there are other people who've
done this before I just I don't think there's hardly anything there are very few things that have never been done
before and so um uh so find somebody who's done it and tell them what's going
on and see if they can help you with whatever is getting you stuck those are
those are kind of the I guess the the big ones for me was that um tiny tiny
tiny goals having some kind of structure for me it was a plan that I literally printed out and put on the side I tape
it to the side of my bookcase um the community and then experts I you I go to
a running store to get shoes or I go online to a running website to get shoes because I want to know what the best
thing is for my feet so it's like you you know going to a specialist and there are people out there that can help the
same thing with mental health issues it's like don't be afraid to ask for help because at some point I mean I
don't just run running is one tool in a very large Hefty toolkit I have of
mental health tools and those include for me therapy medication uh a support
network and meditation and a regular Writing Practice I have all of those
things and it always feels like I never know which one is going to work and so I
have them all at the ready in case I need them and I try to keep them all in
rotation too because it just I go I things just go better when I sort of have all of that going and then once you
get in motion I mean we're fighting inertia that's the biggest thing we're just fighting inertia so once you get in
motion the um scientific force is that you will stay in motion but it's getting
in motion that that's the hard part and that just takes a tiny thing just a tiny
little push did those three factors build on each other you know like starting small
and having a plan um and then it kind of gives you the confidence know you you
talking about you know you were trying to find an environment where no one would see you running you know like that's you know that's starting small
that builds the confidence up to join a running group and then you know once you you know start doing that a little bit
more then you've got the more confidence to ask for some support and expert opinion did those three things kind of
BU build on top of each other for you yes first off the training plan
built it the way it was structured so you very gradually
increased the amount of time running versus the amount of time walking
because that's what it was it was an interval plan so you ran a little walk a little ran a little walk a little and it gradually increase the amount of running
time and there are train uh there are plans training plans where you gradually
increase the speed or the intensity or you know things like that so that was actually built into that plan but yes as
I um the the first indicator was that I told people because I didn't even tell
my husband when I picked up that Digital Timer he was at work and I I was
probably a couple weeks before I said oh by the way while here at work I'm out talking in the neighborhood it also took
me a little while to get out of the Ravine there the Ravine is not very long it's maybe I'm not sure it's even
quarter of a mile but for a while I would just go back and forth in the Ravine I wouldn't even you know i' get to the top of the hill where the houses
were and I'd go nope and turn around and go back and so that took a little while for me to build up just the confidence
to even um I call it running in public um and then this is sort of a leap which
if you don't have a sister this isn't going to help but when I told people um
I told my husb husband first and then my sister um I'd had that year I don't
think I talked about it specifically I had a year a couple years before I started running where seven people and a
cat died and two of those people one was my 24 year-old niece one was my mother
and it was my niece's cat my father-in-law so that was seven different people this is a horrible year
and so after I started running I told my sister who was the mother of the niece
it was her only child who had died of cancer and so she was in this group that was doing uh fundraising for research
for the cancer that type of cancer and so they they were having a 5k oh my gosh
and so she emailed me or she might have called me I forget and said hey let's do this and I went no I'm a private Runner
I don't run in public I just was I mean I couldn't even imagine leaving the neighborhood by then I you know I was so
brave to run in front of houses um but I got over myself is essentially what
happened I realized this is this cause is so much bigger than you and your little paranoia and um I mean it felt
big it felt big inside me but I I did eventually do that and that was huge
because it blew away all the misconceptions I'd had about what a
runner looks like and who a runner can be and who can participate in these charity events and what people wait
um whether the bib goes on the front of the back I mean with all kinds of things that that I didn't know and so that
gradual building um which ultimately led to the 5K which then led to the in-person group
that was after the 5K I uh you know joined this in-person group and then
that build because this is another cliche you probably heard of but if you hang around a barber shop long enough
you're going to get a haircut you hang around with Marathon long enough eventually you're going to sign up for
the Columbus marathon and that's you know that's what happened that's their normal that's their normal so it's um
it's the kind of thing where you're with these people who are just very casually talking about running these distances
that seem unfathomable and um before you know it you're well I was anyway maybe it's just
me I don't know I know a lot of people that that's the way it works though you start with a half marathon and then oh
let's do a marathon and now we're doing ultas let's go run 31 miles in the woods looking for snack tents you
know for fun it's a great Testament to that to
that type of building block process getting those foundations right and it's a very interesting uh just you telling
me about the you know your very internal experience at the beginning of getting
out of your own head and then beginning to run and you're in this Ravine so you're still kind of like internalized
hiding yourself and then as you get more confident and your skill builds you start climbing out of the Ravine and
then you're running around now you doing marathons like that's just amazing I think it's a very interesting um me
metaphor I suppose how you know you're running in a ravine still kind of like trapped in your own mind a little bit and then boom here we go I think that's
very very cool what what would you say to people who don't like running like
who just like I know you you don't have to run
suppose yeah you don't you don't have to run you don't really I really think that
um he is just getting your heart rate up a little bit and there's actually a lot of research on it that there are certain
types of activity that are more helpful than others for uh depression but pretty
much any movement a gentle walk some
stretching lifting tiny weights slow jogging any of it it uh
they have done research that shows that it produces the happy brain chemicals
and that's what you want you want the Happy brain chemicals and then I don't know that they've studied this but the
sense of accomplishment of Nita said she'd do something and she did it
because Nita said she'd do a lot of things that she couldn't do and didn't do because of her you know of the
depression I'm talking myself in the third person but I did said I was going to or tried to do a lot of things that I
really couldn't do and so that sense of accomplishment builds as well I think it
all ties together for me and then of course the community isolation is huge
um factor for factor for suicide quite frankly but it's a huge factor for
mental health problems and a huge factor that we've dealt with during the pandemic is isolation and loneliness and
so if you can find a community even if it's online of people that do the same whether it's you know even have to call
it a sport same movement form that you do then you suddenly have a Common
Language and that's a community that's a tribe you have inside jokes and you
laugh with each other about your certain little inside jokes that the you know the pickle ball people have theirs and
the runners have theirs and all of that so I you don't it's very funny because another podcaster was he said it a
different way he just kept saying well I just don't like I just don't understand the running I just don't like I just don't see and he would just tell me all
the reasons running was awful and I just said to him Dan you might not be a runner you know it's okay you know I'm
not saying everybody has to be Runner that's just what worked for me because I tried the mini trampoline I had all the
gym memberships I was the you know took the dance CL I tried so many different things the weight machines I still kind
of like w machines but um and should do them more but uh but nothing's stuck and
it's been more than 10 years now and I'm still running and still want to run have days
I don't want to of course um it was hailing the other day I was like what
it's April it's not supposed to be hailing here but it was hailing and I didn't like that very much but you know
I'm ready to go again and it's time I'm signed up for races and yeah that helps
that's other thing about running is that um you can sign up for races and that
gives you do kind of something to draw you uh toward so you have that goal that
kind of pulls you toward it because you have this race to train for and that sometimes some having money on the line
uh betting uh I I know some friends that like bet each other oh you can't you know you can't work your way up to a
full one minute Plank and then you got you got 60 days to do it I'll bet you 10 bucks that kind I mean you figure out
what works for you that's not my thing but yeah but yeah you might not be a runner it's okay yeah that's of options
out there for people and I think it's um what does that what does that run or
what does that jog mean and what can it offer you like I've I've never been a fan of like going out and running on my
own but you know I've been playing team sports my whole life and I know big soccer player and um I love the idea of
going out there and running with a purpose or for the ball or for whatever you know I'm not sure but before having
kids the idea of going out and running on my own was like I just was not interested whatsoever but now it's like
it's a great 20 minutes for me to clear my head get my heart rate up um shift
literally shift my energy in my body and you know take you know just just change things up
completely and um it's a really great way for me to actually start focusing on my breath because you know I I really
like to focus and do lots of breath training and when I I know I just do 20 minutes and it's really slow pace it's
more about it's more about having very deliberate conscious breath for 20 minutes you know which can be absolutely
game changer for for many different parts of your health that's what running means to me but in the two years I've
had two two three years where I've had children like that my my approach to running and my belief my beliefs around
running as well have completely changed because it means something very different to me than it did three years ago and I think that as we get older and
things change and we go through different experiences something like running which for a lot of people is just like not in no interest it can be
an absolute Game Changer because it's so unbelievably accessible it's literally you know step outside or just stand up
and start moving your body up and down you know it's like super accessible and it's just a great way to um just change
your frequency and change your energy I think it's great what um how does meditation for you fit fit into all of
this because you know you have a lot of people do different types of exercise and they go into some sort of like you
know a trance State and their their brain is doing very very deliberate things and we mentioned the breath a second ago so what is how does medit fit
into all of this for you well I actually have been meditating
much longer three times as long as I've been running and I do Insight or uh Vasa
meditation so it's about keeping your mind in the present moment as opposed to
um altering your mind state which is another form of meditation perfectly fine but the typei practice we're not
trying to change anything um the byproduct is change that's the end
result but that's not necessarily the motive that motive in this type of
meditation can actually become a hinderance because then you are attached to a certain outcome so how I
Incorporated it into running I realized pretty quickly that I was naturally
falling into a meditative kind of a focus calm concentrated State when I was
running that was just sort of happening naturally and as I know now from some research I've done meditation is
actually a natural mind State most people fall in and out of it all the time um and my goal is to help people do
it on purpose so I happen to have a congenital defect in my left ankle I
call it my wonky ankle and as a result of that I have Sensations more
Sensations in my left foot than in my right foot and I use that as my object
of meditation so when I'm running you know sometimes I I don't pay attention to it at all but if I'm looking for a
way to focus or especially if I'm doing long M long miles and I want something
to kind of bring me back in the moment something that's familiar I can focus on I just notice what what my foot feels
like um is it hot is it cold is it tingling is does it sting is it Pleasant unpleasant neutral and I just bring my
mind back and I don't berate myself for my mind Wandering Minds generate
thoughts that's what that's their job and I gently bring my mind back and so
that's kind of my go-to but some days I mean when when I live in like I said I live in central Ohio and it's gorgeous
here in the spring there's all these blooming trees and it's it's just lovely and so some days I just want to look at
the color pink and so I just notice the colors of pink and fuchsia and you know
pale pink U cotton candy pink anything this as I'm running along and I always I
always say safety first so pay attention to your surroundings make sure you're not running in front of cars or to you
know running over toddlers or things like that but um but that's just becomes my object of meditation and it's a very
simple formula of just choosing an object of meditation choosing a time
period so sometimes I'll just say I'm just going to meditate for the first mile or I'm going to meditate um I do
run walk sometimes and so I'm just going to meditate during the walk portion um
but sometimes I do it for the whole run too it just depends depends on what my goal is for that particular workout kind
of where I am in my life I just feel better when I keep my head where my body is because so much of the time
especially in our culture we spend in our heads we spend thinking and usually it's it's daydreaming or it's sometimes
it's um frustration about the past it could be resentment or um regret about the past or when I go in the future
there is some fun planning but often it's anxiety I'm worried about the way something's going to go in the future
and so if I can bring myself back to what's actually happening in my body or with my thoughts right now right in this
moment invariably I calm down I you know the heart rate drops the blood pressure
drops and the interesting thing is when you're doing any kind of um physical
activity especially something where even though I'm not um you I'm not trying to
win the race I do want to do well if I use less energy
mentally I have more energy physically so if I'm not spending the whole run
agitated about um you know worried about something that's going to happen in the future or thinking about something that
happened in the past if I can be keep my mind relaxed and in this moment I tend
to do better um or I tend to accept whatever happens which also I do better
so that's the way it works for me and the great thing is is it carries over into the rest of your life because if
you can learn how to meditate when you're um you know playing a sport running exercising doing push-ups
sit-ups playing laser tag whatever you can meditate when you're walking down the hallway you can meditate when you're
in a big meeting with your boss I mean you can be present because that's what it really is for me it's just being
right where you're at and being with the people you're with
yeah being able to take even if it's 5 to 10 minutes of separating your kind of mind from your body because a lot of the
time our body is just carrying up carrying ourselves through the world and through our days through these kind of
like habitual what habitual lives that we lead and I think yeah just for me like the the running and just I'm just
focusing on my breathing and you know I'm allowing my body to kind of make sure I'm in a safe environment but just
focusing in my breeding allows my mind to not really wander anywhere off and wonderand elsewhere
so yeah for me that is a without question one of the big benefits of running for me is like being able to
clear my mind for like 10 to 20 minutes and to have a kind of a little bit of a reset and yeah I love the idea of like
body scanning as a meditation as well I think we very very rarely check in with our physical body like being able to
learn how to put your attention on your small small right toe or your lower back
or your upper spine can be really beneficial and can really open your eyes up to where you might be holding aches
and pains and you know you can put some attention on that you can start putting some energy there you know there's a lot of science that shows that you can heal
a lot of things by you know being able to meditate effectively and put your Consciousness and your awareness on
different parts of your body that might be causing you some problems but um yeah that's amazing just coming to coming to
the end N I really appreciate your time today can you just finish up and let us know how can people connect with you and
you know maybe get a digital or a um in-person copy of your book inperson
copy is a bit strange but you know you know what I mean physical the physical
book they can see me in person in Columbus Ohio yes the best place to find
me online is ny.com it's n we NE y.com I assume he'll have it in
the show notes or you can see my name here and on that P on that website
there's also a free ebook which is uh a digital download it's called three ways to heal your mind and it talks about the
three kind of things three of the tools I talked about today um the books are for sale there and then I love this very
early in my publication journey I asked my editor um where the best place was
for people to buy books because it has a we have an ebook a um paperback and then
we have the audio book also and um and she said oh just tell them wherever fine
books are sold so that's where you can find my books is wherever fine books are sold so that might be Amazon that might
be Barnes & Noble it might be books and Company it might be you know scrib I mean whatever wherever you like to buy
books that's the best place um and the library too ask your library to get it
that's totally totally great we uh we love having the book in libraries it's it's in a bunch of different libraries
so and I have I actually have three books I didn't talk about the second one the writing journal so um I have the
Memoir depression hates and moving Target a writing journal which is blank pages for you to fill with your thoughts
and then the third one that's coming out that I'm really exciting excited about is a kind of a howto called make every
move a meditation and it's about how to meditate while you move any movement form so yeah ny.com go there and I will
I will respond to your emails I have a newsletter too if you want to hear from me more often
beautiful well we will make sure that all of those links are available in the show notes so people can access that but
again I really want to appreciate I really appreciate your time today Nita thank you so much thank you this has been great
thanks for good questions that makes it makes it so much easier yeah I know I had a great conversation it was a lot of
fun um all right that is it for this episode of True Hope cast thank you so
much everybody for listening again everything you need to connect with need will be in the show notes don't forget
to subscribe if you haven't yet if you are listening on iTunes take two minutes leave a review very very helpful um but
that's it we'll see you next week everyone bye