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Guest Episode

November 27, 2021

Episode 46:

Fertility & Long Term Stress with Priscilla Soler

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Priscilla Soler is a Holistic Nutritionist and Women's Health Expert.

Priscilla focuses on women’s health from a functional medicine perspective in Mexico City. Her main work is around hormone imbalances, fertility support, PCOS and inflammatory conditions.

She has been practicing in this area for 5 years and has worked with hundreds of women who have shared their success stories.

Priscilla also has a wonderful presence on social media, influencing so many people to take better steps for their health. You can find her on Instagram where you can join over 90,000 people who already follow her.

Today we will discuss the impacts of stress on fertility. I think this topic is appropriate right now, considering most of us are experiencing 1 stress or another.

Enjoy the show.

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