Guest Episode
September 11, 2024
Episode 32:
The Right Nutrition at The Right Time
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Evan Dougherty is a Certified Health & Wellness Coach and Herbalist.
Evan also has a Diploma in Kinesiology, Acupressure and Iridology, and has his First Class Certification through the Sho-Tai (show tie) Organization, and has worked alongside the Founder Terry Bell for over a decade.
Today we will discuss The Right Nutrition at the right time. Enjoy the show!
Okay evan well thank you so much for being on the show I really appreciate your time today how are you I'm doing
great man thanks for having me of course now I'm excited to get into some interesting stuff why don't you tell us
a little bit about your journey your personal journey into natural health for
sure um so I started well ever since I was born I can always remember having
some sort of draw to helping others like for example if we got uh an bance or
something I would have no problem seeing somebody that didn't have enough I was like they can take mine I always wanted
to make sure somebody else didn't feel left out or felt better in a state of mind for anything so I went to school
originally for a child and youth worker because I wanted to uh again just make sure people weren't living their life in
a negative or uh unhappy or unhealthy State um but little did I know that's
not the direction I was really going to go in so I was try I was going to school for youth worker trying to figure out is
this really what I want uh and then I had some incidences with myself that
impacted my health nothing major I just uh had a really bad case of poison ivy
and um it actually went started to go internally so I was hospitalized and then the doctors do what they do which
is what they're taught to do so prazone and load me up with some steroids and I was somewhat getting better and then
ended up as a the world would have it I would fell into a an old barn wall which
was into like a yellow jacket or Nest or Hive and got stung just repeatedly like you would see in a movie wow so because
of the prazone from the doctors my immune system at the time was pretty much just wiped out allowing the Venom
from the bees to just take over so I go into one of the worst anif shocks that I
think the small town that I grew up in has seen and uh after that and getting
released from the hospital I was never the same energy just botom about always
didn't even really have that Natural Health looking like the color it was just off and I couldn't uh I didn't have
the energy to hang out with friends or do much so life was pretty kind of uh Bleak so to say then uh all of a sudden
I have a family friend who goes hey well this guy comes from Manitoba he's got this really different um technique he
looks at your eyes and your tongue and does this weird kind of uh like frequency muscle testing and you kind of
can figure out what's happening and then get you better with nutrition and supplements I'm like sign me up see what
we can do okay so I meet this gentleman and he does what he does which we might explain later but uh it just it's hard
to comprehend and I just was at my wits end so I took the supplements that he suggested and then follow uping with the
doctor it was like well whatever you've done or keep doing it because all your
numbers the liver enzymes everything are right back up to par I could feel like myself my mom my parent everything knew
that my energy was coming back and I thought this was fascinating so I ended up really diving into that aspect of
health so here I thought from a young age I was going to be doing the emotional stuff which I'm still
fascinated with but uh that's what led me to be in the actual Natural Health
industry and help people with all their physical ailments as well amazing so your immune system was shot and then you
went to you spoke to this guy from Manitoba and he well did he get you one like what was it what was the protocol
can you remember yeah well one of them was a nice blend of milk thisle because milk thisle is a huge blood cleanser and
it helps support the different sections of the liver when that goes down your whole lymphatic system and again just
your body can't deal with and process the toxins and stuff like a b Venom uh
that it that's is in it so milk was one but he um in Manitoba the gentleman that I met um his
name was Terry Bell and he had an amazing blend of other herbs that he threw together so it had to do with DOL
and there was some cats claw uh but it was more about how he was addressing the
body that really like so if I went to him and said yeah but no it's because be thingss it's because I'm full of toxins
I didn't have to tell him any of that he just goes no but here's what your body is showing me that you need to take to support that so that's the direction we
went interesting that's really interesting well awesome I'm glad that that was uh that that kind of found you
and kind it's interesting how those those stories end up that person who ends up influencing you or supporting
you or helping you or treating you kind of serendipitously you know comes into your life exactly so um yeah I'm happy
your friend uh let you know about that guy that's that's awesome yeah yeah I know it's changed my life completely in
so many ways yeah yeah so many of the amazing practitioners we speak to on this show all have
a or have a story like that obviously very very different but you know you know yeah something happens and then
something else happens and then it's like wow okay this is what I'm supposed to do this is maybe a little bit of a message yeah and that's that's the way
it should be really because then you know that they're in it because it changed their life and they actually care care about doing it and that's
where the change really happens so that's great wonderful awesome well today we're going to be discussing the
right nutrition at the right time and as a kind of introduction do you maybe can you maybe introduce that concept to us
yeah like so the right nutrition at the right time because this is very important because one of the things most
people will hear if they start talking to people their family members about supplements they go oh I took that B
vitamin once it didn't work so really what that comes down to is it's not the right stuff at the right time or the
right amount so that it really does make a big difference uh the right nutrition
is more so going towards not what you think so there's a big difference of the symptoms that somebody's experiencing
versus the source of where that's actually coming from along line to that introduction of what got me better with those herbs so the right nutrition
really comes down to are you taking it like the right stuff for the right thing so for example if you have this rash
that just will never go away and you've done the medical route and you got all the steroid cream and it's not really
going away so you go to the health food store and you're picking up everything that's advertised for rashes and rosace
and skin conditions and it's not working that's because it's not you can't Target the actual rash that is just a symptom
of an imbalance that something's happening from the inside it could be from uh you know enzyme in the intestine
off or again that part of the liver being jammed that filters it so the right nutrition first thing is to think
about is are you taking it for the right reason that makes a huge difference so
the right nutrition yeah it's more about taking it the right stuff but also the amounts is an incredible thing because
you could take uh five micrograms of B12 and think that you're taking B12 and it didn't work but at that time you could
be requiring 1500 to actually take your headache away so the first thing is
making sure you're taking the actual right thing for you not just for your for your actual issue not the symptom
you've been dealing with for years yeah and you make a really good point in regards to we obviously whenever we feel
there's an issue or we actually see an issue whether it's a skin problem or we feel like a headache or something yeah
we assume that that specific part of the body or that area is the affected area
so we might top ically use something on our skin or we might take something that's like specific to one part of the
body where you know we know as kind of looking more into like a functional medicine um scenario that that's we want
to be looking for the root cause of an issue and you know those symptoms that we might experience or feel or see
aren't necessarily the that that root cause and so we should be taking a step back and you know probably working with
a health practitioner because yeah if we've tried all the conventional con
things and then we go to a health food store still even then you know you might be on the right track using trying to use natural medicine but still making
sure that you're working with you know a qualified Health practitioner to guide you in the right direction and even give
you the idea that you know maybe that skin rashes diet related or digestive related you know the foods that you're
eating you know that that doesn't really click for a lot of people no but that's actually where there's this big big
imbalance in life about so many people now with all these disease and everybody now has got something that they're
fighting because and again so I have I tell people all my clients I have three children so I am not against the medical
system in any way shape or form if they break their arm their appendix is about to burst we're running to the hospital I
understand that we need to work together but as a whole every single thing in the
body is completely connected and once we can understand that then more people are
going to break out of this cage of sickness and experience Freedom like believe it or not we actually had this one client who was suffering from
headaches going back to the headache topic for years and years and years like just killing her insides with medicines
just try and get that away and it ended up actually the Meridian her big toe was jammed once she clicked it a little bit
upwards the headache instantly left and never went never came back I believe and that that that's the connection but a
lot of doctors and it's not their fault they are just trained that no everything is completely separate diet doesn't have
to do with it and it's it's and that's that's where the big underlying issue of not regaining actual wellness and health
lies right there yeah absolutely and you you can as a medical practition or a
health practitioner you can only really work with the tools that you've been given and the training that you've been exactly through and it's quite tricky
when you do look at the conventional model that it it set up in a quite R
reductionist standpoint rather than again you know looking looking at the the whole body and the whole system but
I completely agree with you in regards that all all of these um Health Options
medical options should be synergistically working together because they absolutely all have their place and
um yeah you make a good point on that so how a client coming into you how would
you kind of start determining that right nutrition for them specifically you know
is it yeah individual well so that basically comes into the whole um art
form of what it is that I really do right so um the the art form of what I'm
doing is called ché but it's been it basically it's utilizing all the other modalities that go back to like ancient
Egypt of the healing and stuff so what it is is um we utilize like the iridology in the reading of the tongue
and the teeths because this goes back to everything's connected so when a client will come in we'll get them to look up
and look to the side and we're just kind of looking into their eyes real quick because every single line spec dot or
color everything relates directly to an organ or gland and it is really really
fascinating um still to this day it kind of blows you away the things you can see because someone client will come up and
just when they look that way you can see that like the fourth chamber of their heart the valve is not opening and
closing properly like within 0 five of a second and it took them like six months from the medical system just to get
there so then what we do is and it shows on the tongue too the exact same way you can tell you know so much about
themselves but then it's called applied Kinesiology so this is called another form as muscle testing and I love
talking about this because a lot of people um look at it as like quackery it doesn't work and that's what I love
because I say let's yes let's talk about the science of it because it is completely scientific I'm just not wearing a white lab coat when I'm doing
it sure the thing is our cells in our body are split between electrons and protons which are positive and a
negative charge okay so everything that we do is electricity that's why we can touch an electric fence and get a shock
but then if I touch you I get no shock it would go on to you that's how our body works if your heart stops clear the
doctor will shock it or put a pacemaker in so what we're going to do is a different type of muscle testing which means
realistically if I touched your kidney your heart the lungs and you put your arm out because it is a muscle that
conducts electricity and I push on your arm with a steady pressure if the electricity in your heart is up to par
that will show in the arm it'll stay as strong as it can and we get these big you know think of the muscle men that
think this is completely BS can hold as strong as you can you can just take one little finger if you touch their
prostate or the the kidney reflex that's weak and just touch it the whole arm will fall doesn't matter how much they
try and keep it up it's like a fuse being pulled in a car it just doesn't work so what we do is we utilize running
through the system to figure out okay what organ or gland started this or was it a mineral deficiency it could be
mechanical emotional but the electricity the frequency coming from the system will actually tell you the answer and
that's how you can backtrack a where is it actually coming from but then what nutrition will actually work for this
person because if you have twins come in that have the EXA same kidney disease
what supplement might work for that one will do nothing for the other person even though they have the exact same genetics which is very um confusing as
well too because that comes back into our our bief system environment but that's how we want to do it so that's
how we do it um and again it's making sure that they're on the right stuff for the actual Source not their symptom
interesting and so would you use somebody's intake form and looking at
the what they are experiencing and what they're coming in for to kind of guide you where you would use the the master testing actually one of the things that
we um make it clear on our introduction video if you're in our waiting room for the first time or when they come in I
don't want to know a single thing about you your past nothing don't even and we've actually had clients we've had
people come in um acting like they are on death's door and in fact there's nothing wrong just to want to see if
they'll go oh yeah yeah this is we better load you up on some products here and get you out when okay it's like why
why' you come like the body doesn't lie so yeah that's actually one of the things we don't want to know a single thing because then we don't want to be
going okay well biased on this it must be this because then we're no different than
just saying okay we'll try this and come back later we're going to listen to the actual frequency of the body and then that'll we'll get the results yeah
that's that's cool because you you're working with a blank page there right and you're 100% allow allowing the body
to kind of work with the practitioner and the and and the instruments that they you use and yeah of course know the
body is a an electromagnetic organism so you know using that type of equipment
you know makes perfect sense to me that you'd be able to you know work with those very specific strengths and
frequencies and and yeah that's cool it is and that's why we get a lot of people come in when their wife for someone got
great results and then they drag their husband that's so stubborn to come in because we're not a doctor and then as soon as you start looking at their eyes
or their tongue and start muscle testing and you tell them something about themselves right off the bat that they
didn't even tell their wife they go okay there's something to this so it's really cool to see that that's cool and
I'm sure you've got so many examples of that happening that's awesome um I love what you you just you mentioned kind of
about the twin thing you know like they've got someone comeing with who got the exact same genetics but their
treatment plan might be very very different so can you talk about like you know can we all benefit from the same
like you know healthy food yeah well see right off the Hop like of course because
our bodies are designed to be fueled properly right so the healthy food in general like the healthier you eat the
better your body will respond so it is and then there's all those uh modalities that like eat for your blood type and
things like that which is um I've got some really good guidelines for sure but that's what it falls into this like twin
category that everyone is so different right um so yeah everybody everyone can
benefit from eating better but it all comes down to the actual state in the mindset of what they're in and that's that's the interesting part and an
example of this would more so be like this is what a lot of people will ask me well how come my brother is like a
raging alcoholic smokes two packs a day doesn't put a celery stick in his mouth ever right and doesn't complain about
anything and yet I work out at the gym and I'm eating right taking supplements and my shoulder hurts all the time or
sometimes my stomach bothers me well number one it come this comes back to the mindset because you're actually in
tuned to actually listen to where the body's telling you something's off um but then they're not stressing and
worrying about it which is a huge issue because those people are actually sick there's no way they can be healthy but
they're not consciously worrying about it which actually brings that on themselves because that's also why some
people can eat eggs one day feel great and then eat them the next day and all of a sudden they're in the bathroom twice before lunch it's all to do with
the state they're actually consciously in to not be stressed or relaxed but
yeah and that really comes down to um staples like wheat
bread white sugar like the the man-made sugar just those two right there those
are the ones that every single person if they stop eating those would notice such
benefits and jumps in their health that they wouldn't even know where to be what to do with themselves yeah I completely agree with you there know my nutritional
practice that would be a very very common thing that a lot of people um even if it wasn't like a big concern for
them and they can eat those foods and they feel fine but you know we we um
over periods of time we kind of settle and get comfortable in our
uncomfortableness yeah that that that's a great thing because I told my clients said it technically takes like around 72
hours for a wrong food and the symptom you're experiencing wrong food to actually leave the body so if you're say
eating um like if you're really celiacs and stuff like and you're eating a lot wheat which obviously bad example
because you shouldn't be doing that but if you are um then you're going to feel just sluggish tired you might even give
you heart palpitations that you're trying to figure out from the doctor it comes from a raw food it all starts from that but then you eat it Monday and then
you go well I didn't eat it Tuesday so it couldn't be that but 72 hours so if you eat it twice a week that's your
entire week with you suffering from those symptoms and then you never piece it together and then you live your whole
life suffering from something that's just completely diet related absolutely and people end up identifying as like a
fatigued or low energy individual and then you know you give them a couple of days off a specific food and yeah you
say like the the fog lifts and the energy increases it's remarkable how quickly that happens it is and that's
that's one of the things I'll say to a client that um because when you're muscle testing look at the eyes for a
lot of people they let's just try this but there's just as much as people that are skeptic and I they should be skeptic
you should never jump into something without letting it prove itself to you that's hands down so I'll tell them if
at the end of the assessment they're still like you might just be trying to sell me something I'll say then these
Foods I I just mentioned here don't eat them for give yourself at least two weeks like just don't eat them for two
weeks and then go eat them again and watch how you feel and then they always come right back in and go well I thought
I was gonna do that just to prove you wrong and like holy energy everything sleep improves it's all to do with the food yeah that's great I love that um in
regards to the the the organ and muscle testing hit what's the actual like
what's the pro like what's the machine called like just so I get the terminology right well what so yeah
great great question I'll explain that but how we're actually doing that which is why it takes more people uh um harder
to get grasp around is we are there's no machine that we're using we're using the actual person themselves so basically if
you were standing in front of me I would be in front of you right and I would be touching like the lung reflex and I'll
go over to the kidney and then if you push on their arm that's what shows it so there's no machine but there what
there is some older ones called like a bio um like bio feedback like yeah yeah
bio feedback and bio residence is close but bio feedback where you could actually um touch something and it'll
show you the reading of the electricity on that organ yeah and like before to get certified with what we're doing you
actually had to um the person wanted to make sure that you could be within like five points to the actual machine interesting that's really cool I like
that yeah it is um what about like I'm just thinking about like emotional
trauma that people um like kind of carry around with them they might not be aware of so like this call it like childhood
trauma um that might be more like kind of more psychological and emotional rather than something physical yeah do
you have an experience of that actually manifesting as disease or disease within adults absolutely like
that's so basically if you can balance out your emotions and let things truly
go and not carry things from a childhood and not eat sugar and bread just those
two Staples there you would have healthy healthy people because stress is the
killer stress is what makes you think negative which makes your body and your cells which are listening to that so how
that works and it's it's true so basically if um I was just got my driver's license and I'm driving down a
car and some guy in a red car cuts me off and that just irritates me that I just can't get over for some reason I just couldn't get over it that's that's
a very little thing in life but if I didn't actually deal with that I'm now
going to be if you're 45 driving down you see some guy in a red car you're going that's son of a and you're just angry just because it it's a
subconscious connection that you're holding right and our cells our nervous system our body and organs are always
listening to what is around us so basically that's why if we see something fearful the ad adrenals will kick in and
do that but how do they know what we're seeing it comes from the nervous system that is sending the message to the
organs and GLS and with what we're looking at is what the actual organs and glands are listening to so that's why
you've probably seen those things where they say I love you to plants or I hate you to plants and one grows and one dies
yeah right so it's that same scenario so if those emotions are trapped in there
the organs and glands are listening to that and that's that's basically where people can't get their blood pressure
under control um the heart's just cardiopathy is just through the roof headaches um upset stomach if they go
through the panel and there's no parasites and they're um checking their diet but they have diarrhea and upset
stomach all the time that's purely emotional because if someone said they fell in love with you or out of love
with you you always feel it in your stomach first no matter what what's gonna happen here right if you hold on to that it just spreads the other organs
and and glands and there's actually a chart like like like anger and
frustration and guilt and suicide and all these things go to different organs and then if they don't let that go that
that's what organ gets manifest as the disease like liver is anger right so if you're angry all the
time you are going to have an anger problem or if your body was acceptable to cancers you can pretty much tell it's
going to go right into the liver yeah like just just like an emotion like anger or rage frustration whatever all
of those things carry with them a you know a frequency and an energetic charge for our body and that energy has to go
somewhere exactly right so if we're not if we're consistently in an angry State
and we're having like you know thousands of micro angry moments during the day yeah obviously that energy manifests
because we we we we we manifest it through our um senses it goes through to
our body we experience anger we experience that energy and that frequency yeah and it's got to go somewhere and as you say like our organs
are associated with with different with um different emotions yep and that's
where we'll see and that's when you can use such amazing ancient medical practices whether that's you know
Chinese medicine or iic medicine that does so much to do with like organs emotions using pulse tongue eye
diagnosis you know I think it's um once you once you I think once people learn a little bit more about that and then they
understand that our bodies are like just these electromagnetic organisms yeah and
the the things we're talking about make a lot more sense because a lot of people would listen to this and maybe think
okay this is just like Airy fairy crackery nonsense but unfortunately like
like it stands up to the actual biology and the science of what of what we are
that's exactly what I mean what we're talking about is scientific but they're not going to believe that because to
achieve like complete Health you have to use everything around you and that's talking about your emotions and you got to deal with those so the people that
are would listen to this and go that's BS well then they're just going to continue to take their counter full prescription medicines until the day
they they pass away yeah they've decided to know listen to this and then choose an emotion like denial yeah yeah and
that goes somewhere and yeah again it's all it's all super connected and that's what makes that's what makes this type
of um practice incredibly fascinating because yeah it's it's it's wild it's
like pure Sherlock stuff everything is connected yeah that's right cool um in
your on your website you discussed the importance of revisiting clients every three months can you tell us about the
kind of importance of that um that duration yeah yeah well so because
otherwise most people go to the doctor because they've been suffering with something for so long and then it's like
so the disease or imbalance is already manifested and now you're trying to rapidly take a medicine just so you don't feel that anymore the better type
of Health that you should everybody should be doing is just being proactive and preventive health so with the Arts
that we do and looking at the eyes and the tongue and the muscle testing it's coming back to the source versus the
symptom so when we are assessing somebody even if they've been a client of ours for 25 years and they're feeling
great they keep back every 3 months because scientifically every three months the body is changing with the seasons and when it changes different
organs or glands that might have not shown up at this time that now that they're kind of in an overdrive or
working will present itself a different imbalance or symptom so when we're assessing the body every three months
what we're doing is looking to see okay well what's about to occur so it's always going to show you um what could
come next or what is about to become weak and then if you get on top of that sooner then you just continue your life
instead of all of a sudden doing good good good and then next week what happened to Charlie oh Charlie's in the emergency right it's like just
understanding that health is a lifestyle so you actually have to be proactive and be preventative to continue living that
way and every three months is just when the body will definitely change and something comes up and that's basically why they call it seasonal allergies and
stuff because oh well now it's this time and I'm experiencing this and different pains or it's it's because of the weather this joint is acing up it's
actually because there's there's a shift biologically in the inside now so we got to see see what nutrition is needed at
this time cool I think um I think we've touched on this a couple of times during
our conversation already because I feel that so many of us who are experiencing
physical discomfort or disease is because we have this like big disconnect
between our mind and our body and we kind of touched on it in regards to you know we experience something happening in the world Y and we have an emotion
that's attached to that and we feel and we just automatically kind of feel it and it's usually are kind of like on the
negative side of the emotion so I just wanted to ask you like how important is our you know our mindset and our
thoughts and being conscious of those um part of the process during like you know
a healing experience or a client working with you like how important is like somebody's like mindset so that is like
one of the best questions because that and I know a lot of people that do different modalities and stuff like
acupuncture reflect they're going to say why would he say that already say that but that it is number one it is the most
important thing so you cannot and people say that when I tell my clients they go well so if I just think better I don't
need to come see you it's like no our bodies are made up of amino acids and vitamins and minerals like that's the compound structure of our vessel here
you need to take nutrition you got to take care of your body you got to eat right you can't neglect that but it is
the thoughts that control everything every cell every action in our entire body and an example of this would be the
placebo effect like pretty much every medicine that's ever invented goes against the placebo effect and I'm
pretty sure if you dig into it the placebo effect is always winning that's because they've even actually done uh
it's very unethical they've done like fake surgeries and stuff on people to experiment with this and say it's all
better and guess what they are better right so the mind is everything so that
that is definitely uh what it is and it is on the negative aspect because you can um if something happens and it's one
of the oh you won the lottery or something and you won just say $25 you're like what a this is a great
positive thing for me you might celebrate that for about a half an hour but you'll still then continue the rest
of your day talking about something that happened to you in 16 and how that pisses you off so we hold the negative
way more and internally if you can write down if you if we went through our day and wrote down every time we complained
about something everyone would be shocked about how much they were actually living in a negative dialogue and then
wondering why those three affirmations of saying I'm happy and healthy aren't working because they're doing nothing
against the thousands and thousands of negative yeah absolutely yeah I think I
think you're spot on with that I think you're like probably something north of 95% I reckon of most people's thoughts
one are subconscious and they're just automatically happening to us because you know we're you know we're kind of
dominated by our limited senses and we kind of experienced the world through through that and we experience we think
kind of automatically and then we you know we might have a physical manifestation of something you know know
going on and we we just get into a state of maybe anger or negativity or something like that and it happens so
quickly so fast and it's you know literally just been you know programmed over years but as you say you know if we
were to be able to slightly shift our mindset first of all just becoming
conscious of your thoughts you know thinking about what you're thinking about exactly that's step number one yeah it's totally step number one as you
say like you know a good practice would be to start writing things down or making a tick tick checklist because
it's really important because your your thoughts can completely change your biochemistry and they can turn you from
an angry person into a joyful person and you will be I think people will be absolutely Blown Away in regards to
actually how much evidence and science there is that shows um what that will
actually do to your to your pH to your physical body and how your body will start coding genetics to heal you rather
than keep you you in a state of inflammation and sickness that's exactly is like our body every about seven years
right we're completely different cells from head to toe so it's we are always regenerating and that's why you need to
give it attrition but the cells are saying okay like this is in control so it's going hey tell us what to do what
do you want what do you want so if you're negative all the time yeah that healing is never going to occur that rash will never really heal up no matter
what you do so that is it's number one and I have actually had many clients throughout the years that are in just
arthritis is a big one like they will say it's arthritic just pain I can't move my neck to the side so much and
just pain and if we were actually assessing them and go you know what that's emotional you're crazy you're
crazy you're crazy and then all a sudden they'll come you'll see them like a year later and uh this is actually example of a lady that was we saw her boss passed
away and her boss was just this controlling very negative on her person
and we were telling her that it's emotional as soon as he passed away she was like two weeks later I was the drugs
must have kicked in from the doctors because my arthritis just left and I'm painf free it's completely connected and
once we understand that everything we do every thought actually has significance to our health then We're Off to the
Races that's for sure what do you think that um so much of people's thoughts are
let's put it in a box of negativity and you know and how that holds us back yeah
that's see that's that's a great question uh why well first of all one of
the things is that our brain is uh neuroplasticity right so it's always actually when you go to bed and you wake
up the next day every day of your life you're a different person technically because different neurop Pathways have rewired and it's changing but because we
focus on the negative even from it's probably a lot to do with our upbringing and environment for sure but once you
really start to focus on that that's what the pathways of your brain start to actually produce and run with it's just
an automatic um system like when you start your computer it just loads up and knows what you want to do with how you
left it so that's just the program your brains on and until we can actually become aware that we can actually change
the pathways with just thinking better or more positive then that'll disappear but a lot of it is because we're just
we're running on autopilot that's that's what a lot of it is I believe and then obviously um the way the world is
doesn't help at all and then people really just yeah there's to hang on to
that negative and yeah I think I think there's a an element of like addiction to the actual biochemistry that happens
from feeling negatively yeah yeah that's that's great and we also like we
normalize negativity I think I think that um I also think that when we say oh
hi how you doing and then we all say oh good you know I think that I think we're in The Shard because I think you know I
try and be really honest with people when like I try and tell them an honest you know try and be honest about oh you know I'm going good a little bit tired
you know my baby was up all night but yeah we we we kind of play a little bit of a facade we lie to ourselves and we
lie to other people about like how how we how we really are so we're kind of internally confused about what to think
and feel many many times of the day absolutely yeah that's that's true and
that that that can go into um a different kind of category too of how we
because we've been talking about how we are electric beings so I encourage any body that actually listens to this that
thinks electricity you guys are crazy to do your research because you're going to become holy everything is connected like
that and then frequencies you said emotions hold frequencies um thoughts
are frequencies too right so if everybody is kind of at a lower vibration in
life then they are bombarded with those kind of more negative thoughts as well too and once you can actually do things
in life to pick yourself up scientifically you are actually vibrating at a higher frequency and then
those little tedious ones about how uh I don't know if that paycheck will come in on time or if little things like oh I
got to cut the grass today and you're doing it negative just don't exist in that realm and then you can get better and better and better that's another
thing too so we're also collectively all on that same negative little complaining scale yeah
absolutely yeah we all we all massively connect when it comes to things like that even even worldwide I'm I'm part of
a few meditation groups that meditate from different parts of the world and kind of you know we focus on specific
things and it's uh it's remarkable stuff it's it's really quite fascinating when you look into the the energetics of it
all it is yeah absolutely awesome well um how can people get a hold of you how
can people connect with you and learn more information yeah well I have uh my website which is Health
journey.com um and they can also you can check that out on Facebook and things like that too um and then so Health
Journey .c um Health Journey outlook.com is my email um that's that's the most direct
way um cool and so where are you located exactly and do you do remote sessions
you know what I don't do remote sessions um this is one of the things that people kind of ask and get a little bit upset
when I say I don't because they go well this person did and and that's that that's great but because of how I test with health natural physicality of the
organ and how it's in that state I personally this just me personally I like to be able to be there and touch
that reflex of the organ to get I know bang on that's what I was doing but
remote I can definitely do the um you know with pictures of your eyes and your tongue and things like that and I can
analyze that and say well oh I see this or oh look that that little disc by your spine there has got calcification on it
and then we can at least talk like you and I are doing to get you in the right direction on nutrition from where you're from with still nutrition that's been
taken for the actual issue not the symptom so you'll see that way and I I'm
just outside of Winnipeg okay perfect well we'll make sure that all the uh all
that information to connect with you is available in the show notes that's awesome awesome um that's great I really
appreciate your time today thank you very much thank you so much for having me no of course I think uh I think some
of the topics we've spoken about today especially when it comes to the mind and body and and and the energetics I'm sure
we can get back on and and SP speak a little bit more specifically about that because it's a topic that I'm very fascinated about
yeah that's great and uh something I think a lot of people need to learn more about for sure absolutely awesome okay
well as I said um for more information about anything we've spoken about in this episode please see the show notes don't forget to subscribe if you have
not already thank you so much for listening this is true Hope cast the official podcast of true hope Canada we will see you next week