Guest Episode
September 18, 2024
Episode 163:
Red Light Therapy & its Healing Potential with John Graham
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John is a Certified Master Trainer, speaker, and fitness professional with 15 years of experience in the fitness industry.
John's journey through training and competitions exposed him to injuries, fueling his quest for optimized injury prevention and recovery methods.
During this pursuit, he discovered the remarkable benefits of red light therapy while recovering from a knee injury. This led to the creation of Lumaflex, a game-changing flexible, portable, and waterproof panel that provides convenient and efficient red light therapy treatment for individuals, including athletes.
Today, we will discuss red light therapy and its healing potential.
hello and welcome to True Hope cast the official podcast of true hope Canada where we take a deep dive into mental
Health's many physiological and psychological aspects this is the show for you if you're looking for motivation
inspiration knowledge and solutions and that's what we're all about here at trueu Hope Canada and trueu hope Canada is a mind and body based supplement
company dedicated first and foremost to promoting brain and body Health through non-invasive nutritional means for more
information about us you can visit trop canada.com today I welcome John Graham to the podcast now John is a certified
master trainer speaker and fitness professional with 15 years experience in the industry his personal journey
through training and competition Expos him to injuries fueling his quest for optimized injury prevention and Recovery
methods during this Pursuit he discovered the remarkable benefits of red light therapy while recovering from
a knee injury this led to the creation of lumaflex a game-changing flexible
portable and waterproof panel providing convenient and efficient red light therapy treatment for individuals in
including athletes today we're going to be discussing red light therapy and its healing potential enjoy the
show okay all right John welcome to True Hope cast thank you so much for joining me today how are you and what's going
well thank you I really appreciate the opportunity to share the true hope
podcast is obviously um uh it's got a lot of followers it's got a lot a good audience that's trust that you built
with your community and I appreciate being able to access that community and talk about myself Story how I Came Upon
light therapy and and lumaflex so yeah many many thanks we got a beautiful day in Miami lately there's been some rain
something very signature of Florida is like there's really heavy almost like Monsoon like rain and then it'll switch
and then the Sun comes out and everyone rushes to the beach and tries to get their tan it's really yeah it's a it's a
great place Miami wonderful lovely well um we're going to be discussing red
light therapy today and its um contribution towards healing the human body and just as a kickoff I
wonder if you wouldn't mind just sharing a little bit more about who you are and what it is that you do so um so John
Graham Harper where does the story begin um I guess it starts in my early
years 11 11 12 13 around this age when I was very thin um I was a skinny boy
wasn't so good at sports and I wasn't very confident so I wanted to build that confidence and get um and obviously get
a lot of validation for who I was and where you know you know my place on the planet so I went to the gym started
training getting um putting on that muscle muscle is kind of like it's like armor right it's like you know you're
building confidence and then I went deep into the fitness industry um I started opening gyms I was a competitive athlete
for many years but um throughout that time as a competitive athlete I was riddled with a lot of injuries and
through the those injuries I found red light therapy and it was actually introduced to be by my wife
um um and um it had I had an amazing response to it I was healed it triggered
my sort of Interest as to what red light therapy was so I went down the rabbit hole of of light therapy and learned so
much and so and learned enough to where I thought that the world was missing a
product that was more suited to someone like me that was active that was on the go that was moving and um yeah and
that's the birth of lumaflex how um lumaflex came about but yeah C lumaflex
is sort of the you know my personal pain story um as a competitive athlete and
how I was relieved of pain how I was healed and I kind of put all of that
energy and that inspiration into a product which which uh brought about lumaflex
beautiful thank you so much for sharing that um just before we go into specifically maybe what red light
therapy therapy is I was just saying we're just talking off there in regards to people's current understanding
education about like what what light is what energy is what frequency is and I think a lot of people might remember
from their biology class about how plants use light to you know track light
within their leaves and using glucose and carbon dioxide they create energy they create glucose in order for them to
to grow to reproduce to protect themselves you know it's quite incredibly beautiful biological process
I think most people may be a little bit more aware of how plants use light but obviously we are exposed to all sorts of
different light all of the time and I wonder if you wouldn't mind just kind of um explaining us on kind of like a
foundational level about how the human body interacts with different types of light yeah so light light you got to
think of light and the the messages that I always speak about light because it kind of can get a bit daunting when you have all the these you know um these
scientists talk about it it ju it what happens is is you know the average person that can really benefit from
understanding what light is and use red light um and all kinds of light will sort of disassociate themselves with
that information they'll say oh it's you know this is for the scientists this is for the doctors you know I'm going to go you know this isn't for me but I keep it
very very simple and you think of light as and think of the Sun as a multivitamin right and every different
color of light is like a different has a different response on our bodies has a different you know reacts a different cellular function mechanism is different
so red and infrared light um and is the more prominent um wavelengths of light
that are used for healing um they're used for skin Rejuvenation to boost cagen in your skin that's where you see
those LED masks right that are very popular now on Tik Tok um it's used for hair growth I'm sure you've seen um
these helmets that you put on where you look like you're you know about to turn into Iron Man and it just it's just
light that repairs the cells in your um your your head to be able to grow hair
um it boosts to testosterone it boosts your body's natural SPF but where we really see benefit of light therapy and
how it can really change the world is when we use it as a pain management solution so red and infrared light it
comes from the sun it's from the Sun so you know a lot of people s of oh this is some pseudo science and I I don't know
if I can trust this when they look at a device that has red and infrared light they think it's sort of it's it's something different and something weird
it's not it's just from the sun it's from the Sun this is available to us um and the optimal time to get our red and
infrared light is from at sunrise and sunset here in Miami we have really great sunrises and sunset so but and the
nanometers of light during that time I mean red in Fred light it's available to us throughout the entire time of the day
but also harmful rays of light are are prominent throughout the day which also don't have much benefit to your skin if
you're exposed long term right but um sunrise sunset that's our red and
infrared light that's our optimal time to get red and infrared light and that's when the light is at the right length to
penetrate your skin and activate the mitochondria we're human beings we're made up of cells we're made up of billions of cells and you know the
driver the um uh the engine right the PowerHouse of the cell is the mitochondria so the light is able to
penetrate and activate that mitochondria and get your cell to do what it's supposed to do so when light the the
reaction has these mechanisms occur when the light comes into that mitochondria
so um we get enhanced blood circulation we get increased ATP and then we get
anti-inflammation and anti-inflammation is where I really focus a lot of my My
Talking and um my preaching about red light because and if if inflammation is
sort of that's everything bad that happens to our body whether it be you know you're sore from a gym session or
you've um you have a headache or you you know you have cancer it's inflammation and if we're able to supp you know
access treatment that is natural and nonivasive from the sun right put into a
device that is highly concentrated a highly concentrated dose of red and infrared light and we're able to
decrease the body's inflammation that is something that I'm all I would I I hope
everyone can readily try and use before they start using um you know drugs or
looking at surgery or looking at more evasive means of treatment you know you have access to
a natural means of treatment that you can potentially be healed of your ailments right your pain your
inflammation so this is um this is where I see red light therapy being you know
you know really making a big impact in the world and changing people's lives but um I yeah like but I like I said I
want to make it very clear like it's not something to be to be scared about or to be you know um wary of it's from the Sun
going outside and is the same we that's the same mechanism happens to to ourselves when we go outside and we
enjoy sunlight you'll see a lot of um prominent doctors and biohackers and
these and optimizers talk about the importance of just getting outside of being outside first thing in the morning
10 minutes take a walk you know and allow your you know your eyes to access you know natural light and it's because
of that the light is extremely valuable to us and I always tell people that you know it should take precedence over um
you know clean water or healthy food regular exercise better sleep you should
try to always make sure that you're getting your Light vitamins like I think probably what you know I should start
saying is calling them light Vitamins because then it it kind of would has the right trigger in people's minds where
they say oh yeah vitamins are healthy we need vitamins this we all already know but yeah that's that's sort of the you
know how you can see light it's a vitamin it's a vitamin that's that's out there that you can access at any time
throughout the day I think it's important for people to recog that you know um we we now have the technology
and the ability to understand what frequency red light is emitting and then
we're able to create technology to be able to mimic that right because you might not be able to have access to red
light from the Sun every single day you might your schedule might not be able to pH facilitate that exactly so yeah being
able to use a um research technology that's actually you know it's not um
it's not an alternative red light light it's you know it's it's it's it's just exactly the same as it's coming from the
Sun you know I've had a few conversations with people who can't quite wrap their head around the idea
that we can actually create a piece of technology that's technically man-made and artificial but it's mimicking the
same rays of light that's coming from from the sun because we you know just because we physically can't see it it's
probably more difficult for people to understand but once you're able to do that then you're able to actually at any
kind of point in time time whether you are wanting to like increase your exposure to the
Sun or you're looking to reduce inflammation and sort out and help out your pain you're technically with a
piece of technology you're able to do that anytime in the anytime during the
day and at kind of your convenience that's right exact I mean wow I think um
I should have you as one of our spokes people and that's exactly right that's exactly right I mean
there just the way people are right now right we're not in caveman times you know we are creatures of light we were
born under the light we were you know we would wake up when the Sun rises and our Sarcan Rhythm would start and we would
go to sleep when the sun sets and there was no blue light we didn't have TVs mobile phones computers we would have
campfires right so our this is our telling our body to wind down so now that we're in concrete jungles you know
if you think about your daily life if you really think about it you say I wake up you know I don't go and open my door
and and put my head out and try to get the sunlight usually I turn on the light that's the first thing I do is
artificial light I go I have my breakfast I do my thing I put on shoes so I'm not getting grounded right I'm G
to get in my car I'm going to drive to work I get into an elevator I go into my CU cool you realize like I'm not
accessing actually um much sunlight throughout the day right because then the sun's you know it's you know about 5
six o'clock when people get off work they again they maybe they go to the gym or you know they go to a yoga studio or
they go back home and they're not really like spending as much time out in the sun as we used to you know back in the
day in Primal times when you know that was like we I mean I mean that's why obviously we were so healthy back then
right but of course there's other things pollution our exposure there's so much EMS in the in the world right now
there's all these things that are creating inflammation and we need to look at tools that are suited to our
lifestyle to help us fight that inflammation to help us stay healthy right and and naturally stay healthy
right there's a lot of um options obviously that big Pharma pushes out where you're able to just pop a pill and
Magic will happen but you know these is you know that leads down a very very dark road so um yeah exactly like you
said it's about convenience if you're able to have red and infrared light in your home right or use on the go that's
where you know you can access the Your Light vitamins you know throughout the day as you need
them yeah I think a lot of people might misunderstand the fact that know living in houses having these light bulbs
everywhere is an incredibly unnatural state for our particular biological organism to be in so it'd be great to
just recommend for everyone to be outside more but again not convenient a lot of people might do that for a couple
of weeks with the motivation of making a new change but to do that in like a long-term sustainable fashion where we
know well I think over the last four years if you don't know how important vitamin D is for you and
vitamin D deficiency is a sign signif significant contributing factor to kind
of all all cause mortality you know you've not really been paying attention in the last few
years so that's just one incred incredibly important factor and again not everyone has got the ability to go
and spend you know 30 minutes outside once or twice a day to capture the quite
specific um sources of light that we actually need that you know that Sunrise that Sundown light which is so important
for us not just for not just for vitamin D production but for know the ability to
have our Arcadian rhythms in fact intact and to have our sleep on a on a good quality schedule like it's so um it's so
unbelievably connected to kind of like everything about like being human being painfree and having the right amounts of
energy Etc metabolism digestion all those things like come into play and I
would love it if you just talk bit a little specifically about like how red light can actually reduce edce
inflammation and decrease people's pain because so many people are suffering with inflammatory conditions and uh and
pain in general yeah that's right it's so you got remember that the light actually doesn't heal you the light just
gives your cells energy to do their job to actually heal you so your your CES are just healing themselves they're just
lacking enough energy to do so if you've have chronic pain in your back right
you've got arthritis you know or um you know in your in your elbow and your your
body's fighting inflammation through throughout the whole day right you're you know you you think you're you're a healthy person but like you said you're
not getting out out outside as much and you maybe you think that you're eating healthy or sleeping well but you
probably aren't you just don't have enough energy to be able to address that chronic condition so by giving light to
that area by giving your body um giving your body and um red light your body's
inflammation drops and it now has the energy that is needed for it to heal itself so um like the device that I've
got the the lumaflex let me grab okay here we go so the lumaflex as you can
see you see that wow it looks quite good on the screen there doesn't so this is a this is the device
that that I've created where it's a targeted panel that you can aim at the pain you can aim at that area where your
cells need that energy to be able to um to recover to be able to heal and um you
know it's something that I see a lot of you know doctors in photobiomodulation lots of scientists some of these
scientists they've devoted their entire lives to the understanding of photobiomodulation and how the body
reacts to light and they study it so so well and they're so passionate about um
about communicating it and where I see them give a lot of amazing you know case
studies and testimonials from people is from very from chronic pain it's just like pain that we that that basically
nothing can fix that was once thought okay that's how you are that's the the situation you're in you know you just
got to deal with it and after you know not even that long of a treatment like it usually what what I've seen you know
for chronic pain people with with pain like you know since they're you know I I hurt my back back in the college days or
you know when I was playing ball that that's sort of like 20 you know 10 20 year time you know when someone's been
dealing with pain I've seen like two weeks to a month you know them finding relief and I've seen devices used that
like aren't even aund of the power of mind that have actually brought about amazing um pain relief and it's all down
to the diff the person it's all down to how they react to light they themselves as a healthy person are they are they
you know well hydrated um are they Ju Just as their genetics even and it all
is different different to every case a lot of people have asked me like what's the treatment time for this condition
and this condition and this condition and it's always every you know photobiomodulation doctor will always
give you sort of a rough amount of where you can start to see relief you know because it's based on every individual
everybody's different um I always say like we as humans we have like a battery you think think of us as we have a
battery inside us right and there's clinical research has shown that after
about 20 minutes of a full dose of red light like if you're in a bed you know or if you have a large panel and you're
able to get like a good 20 minute dose that usually like for the average human being it fills up that battery but
everyone's battery depletes different everyone has inflammation that they're
dealing with that is different and everyone is at different ages or their um you know everyone's different I mean
that's the like I always say it's the greatest human resources are differences but it also just means that you can't
really regulate a set protocol for everyone so everyone's battery will deplete at different time some people
will need to do a TW minut TW like a 20- minute session every day you know to find relief of their chronic pain others
will need to do it like twice a day or three times a day depending on what their body's dealing with but basically
it's if you're looking at a full dose it's it's about 20 minutes kind of tops up your battery but you can imagine
someone who's like you know is dealing with cancer um their you know their
battery is going to deplete very quickly right so they're going to be thinking oh you know it didn't work it's just it
just means that your body needs more energy like you there's a lot going on that you need to to solve that you need
to fix and your body needs more energy so you can have another session of 20 minutes maybe even have a third session
before going to bed and then let's do that for two weeks to a month and then we can look at you know where you stand
with your pain what pain rating you are um I usually give you know people a chart one to 10 give me your pain rating
at the beginning and then we say okay we're you know let's let's just keep an eye on this pain rating you know 1 to 10
let's see how you feel after two weeks do four times a day you know if you need to you can go down to three or two um
but what I but but like I said before I want to encourage everyone to use light therapy not just as you know even if
you're painfree light is something you need just like you need you know clean water you need healthy food you know
regular exercise and deep sleep you need light every day so when people transition from having a condition a
pain condition and then they become painfree you know I always say keep using that light you know and I tell I
tell them for the device you know even if it's a different device like it's a device that you have some you know some
whatever device but my my device in particular I say it's good to be on the heart right it's a very important um you
know organ in the body that you need to to that needs light you can put on the forehead right for your brain you can
put on the your neck right for your spine and then you can put on your gut which is like your second brain so just
talking about my device in particular and we can you know go into nanometers so my device I've got the LEDs here this
is a dual chip so you mentioned earlier about different you know wavelengths of light So within red and infrared light
there's it's a spectrum so the LEDs that are programmed into this led the two LEDs the the two nanometers are 630 for
red light and then 850 for infrared light so these go into your body at
different depths right red light doesn't go as deep so you can't really expect
you know chronic pain relief with red light you need a deeper wavelength to go
into the body to be able to get to the joints get to the you know the Deep Muscle so that's infrared light um so
yeah so six six you know 630 that's that's where we see a lot of surface
level um benefit you know like if you know if I I used to be a boxer and you know sometimes you get a little a little
roughed up and sping and you get a little bit of a bruising you know that's you can red light can address that um
again like for for women for their masks these Beauty masks you know to boost collagen um red light can help help
produce collagen in your skin but infrared light is the the benefit we see is going deep into the body and that's
where we see you know relief from chronic pain so if anyone's out there if you're looking at you know you want to
access this treatment you want to be able to you know see the benefits of red and infared light you want to get on the
the light train as I say um look for a device for pain relief you got to look
for infrared you got to look for a deeper nanometer right so that's like 700 plus right um and there's a device
um out there on the market now I could I would love to shine a light on because I greatly admire and respect this um this
scientist but it's a device for the brain and this device it goes onto your forehead and then it has a complimentary
device for your gut and um the nanometers that she has in the brain go
as deep as uh 1,070 nanometers so that's where we're really going deep into the
brain and um the the scientist who created this device it's called The Sarah Thrive her name is Sarah Turner
she's from London and um she's uh her passion is to use light therapy for the
brain and eventually to have it be used as um as as a as a remedy for brain
diseases like Alzheimer's you know Parkinson's autism and um her device
yeah it's it uses frequencies of of red light red and infrared light and um it's
programmed to match the outcome that you want and um yeah it's a very it's a very
uh wellknown device she's she's a big name in photobiomodulation she does a lots of you know speaking and um she
does has done a lot of clinical research herself but for but you know if you look at a device like that that's very
medical nanometers going as deep as th7 I think in her device there's also 850
um no there's also 950 there's 8 uh I think there's 850 and then 630 so she
has like three different kinds of infrared light in her device whereas the lumaflex the portable more for pain pain
relief for the body that's just has that one the the 850 so yeah different
nanometers of light go basically different depths and can promise you know different outcomes that's kind of
how how how it works beautiful thank you so much for that explanation I think that really um gives people like a
really good visual idea of like how this device how this light is actually affecting the body and just as you were
talking there at the beginning about about pain I really think that having conversations like this and having
Technologies available like the one that you're talking about is going to start um changing People perception about like
what pain is you know rather than this thing that we need to stop it's going to
become this thing that we can actually like listen to and recognize it and recognize that the body is creating this
sensation of pain to give us a message that specific areas of our body require attention whether that is like something
that's physical or even something psychosomatic potentially but I think changing that idea about like what pain
is within the body will start helping people think a little bit different in regards to how they might treat it or go
about even just like thinking about that what their pain means there are certainly there certainly a place for
like you know topical products or you know pain relief you know they certainly have their place but looking for
long-term solution for any type of pain or discomfort whether that's like physical pain psychological pain it's
very important that we're looking at like what's our body need foundationally and clearly light deficiency chronically
is going to um going to cause problems going forward when that that could technically I guess
turn up in anywhere around the body you could have pain in your foot you could have pain in your in your upper spine um
with something like light deficiency and we have so many amazing people on the podcast and yourself included in that J
um it always comes around to kind of deficiencies and lack and you know our
our Flagship product here at true hope Canada is a broads Spectrum micronutrient formula um one of the most one of the world's
most researched products and it's addressing significant deficiency in a
way that we've used specific unique patented technology that we're able to actually get minerals through the bloodb
brain barrier into into the brain working into cells into actually
affecting the DNA as well because they're micronized so well that they're able to cross these unique barriers and
affect way like affect the body in a very in a very deep manner just like
you're talking about these wavelengths actually getting into areas that are so deep that you know there's no way like a
topical bom could get to that there's no way like a an aspirin could actually get into that to actually positively affect
it and when you're able to deal with these deficiencies that a lot of people have probably dealt with for decades but
they've never really um recognized or dealt with once you're actually doing that on a daily basis people see I'm
sure you know you can talk to this in a second about how quickly people feel better you know with our product V power
plus people within days sometimes even hours their brain is just not had quality minerals for
years yeah boom they take this product and immediately the body's like oh my
God thank you so much for like giving me these ingredients that I need to heal you yes sure the light therapy that
you're talking about Works in a similar fashion that's right it's exactly like you said it's a you know we're we're
we're per it's not the wise route to go and look for a sort of a remedy that
just addresses the problem short term you're looking what is it what is it that I'm missing you know what is it
that my body needs what's what is it that me as a primal human being should be having you know and when you start
looking at treatments like that they're they're very very safe it's they're natural they're non they're nonivasive
there's things these are things that we should access just as human beings and it's amazing the response it's like like
you said said your body's like oh thank you so much finally just what I needed you know it's I've I've had some amazing
Stories I've had people tell me like it was a miracle I met you you know it's very um it's very uh impactful when you
hear you know comments like that or people that have you know dealt with pain for so many years and that like the
problem that I had with my folks is um you know with my with my mother and father they they sometimes just get you
just get used to it after so many years you're just like oh this is what have to deal with it's my cross to bear you know
I don't you know they don't really sort of even approach the idea that no I mean I think you know if we looked into this
and we actually did some research and we tried you know some of the you know some of these natural treatments you might
have no pain I mean can you imagine that it's just I I see this sometimes in people's minds where they're like they
get so used to having the pain that they almost like just put it out of their mind that it is something that that can
go away right um that's always really frustrating for me when I'm dealing with different kinds of you know people that
that you know I talk about light therapy it's kind of changing their mindset like you you don't have to you don't have to
have the pain you know it can go away trust me you know yeah I think I think
we've kind of been programmed a little bit by conventional medicine to think of think of our body in quite reductionist
sectional thinking like I think of like I've got wrist pain rather than thinking
okay I've actually got body pain and rather than just like isolating my my wrist and thinking about that and going to see my doctor and then seeing a wrist
specialist you know you can actually look at the broad the broader thing and see what's actually going on for your body because I can guarantee for people
who certainly experience autoimmune conditions whether that's like in the skin with with rashes or they feel pain
like a lot of that can be put towards like dehydration chronic dehydration
chronic lack of light chronic mineral deficiency chronic vitamin deficiency like you addess these like super
foundational things yes and then so many things remedy very very fast because the
body is obviously unbelievably complex and beautiful and it can deal with these things for you
given the right ingredients that you actually provide it yes oh wow music to
my ears it's I think you yeah your audience would great greatly appreciate
this Insight like what you're saying like talking about chronic dehydration like in the US if you go and you want to
buy water you know you like I just want water Spring Water mineral water like regular water like water as it should be
everywhere it's distilled distilled distilled everything's distilled right and you're like where did this who who
started this it's in the US it's really um yeah you know just like you said
mineral deficient you know um you know chronically hydrated you're like yeah no wonder because everyone drinks right and
then when they go to have when they go to drink water they're not drinking real water you know everybody's the food here
is like everything's in a packet you know if you want it's it's a really
um like sometimes I'm like how do you like why doesn't people like do something about this but
yeah not you know not everybody has a profound thing that happens in their life that usually directs them down like
a more like natural way of thinking and it's usually this big huge AA moment that you have you had it you had you had
that experience I've had that in my life that that led me towards studying nutrition learning all sorts of things
about my experience with food nutrition and all those things but you know not
everybody kind of has that moment and not everybody thinks about like maybe the three coffees that I have every day
and the three beers I have and one glass of water I have to day like maybe I'm just unbelievably chronically dehydrated
perhaps I'm just like fueling myself purely through like processed sugar and maybe my body's not dealing with that
particularly very well and maybe those headaches I have all the time and the Sleep Quality I have maybe got something
to do with that and then you know I I practiced nutrition for many years and my initial consultation was like a
two-hour session and I'd have people just talk to me just talk to me about like everything in regards to like
nutrition in your body in the last like 10 20 years what it's far back as you can possibly remember and people start
answering their own questions because they start figuring these things out it's like yeah clearly like three copies
a day isn't very good for me and yeah people start having these a little bit more clarity around that type of
thinking and um yeah it's great that we're able to have these conversations that might spark a little bit of um
inspiration with somebody to maybe challenge themselves to to make
some good changes yeah that's right and you just need you know like something I I say sometimes when you know if I get
up if I have the opportunity to get up on stage and I talk usually how I end the talk is I you because usually I'm
speaking to an informed audience you know I'm speaking to people that know everything they're like yes yes you know
and I'm like well you know let's let's all because I love the way you sort of you get in your client to talk like
you're getting them to give information and then they start answering their own questions that's that's a great trick
because if you're able to do strategies like this and package information knowledge tips in the way that can
resonate and kind of can trigger a change that's actually in my opinion it's the truest expression of
intelligence you know when you have a very int ENT person that is you know high and lofty but he doesn't know how
to package information to say look I know this is a mouthful I know everything you know it's hard to hard to
catch of all that I'm saying but today just do this one thing you know and they give you an action plan you know that
you can slowly these bite-sized pieces you know that you you can take action that I really like when I see someone
sort of be able to communicate their their knowledge you know how they know to do something but they can quickly get
the reaction of change in someone else instead of them just listening wow you know that's that's amazing and then they
go off and nothing happens right that's that's sort of what you know what what that's a great strategy where you can
kind of get them to pull information like to talk to talk and then say well look I think you know you figured out
the problem there you can kind of see you know what's going on right you know that's um that's a good strategy right
there yeah we're really good at creating kind of like linear neuro Pathways and
when we start thinking about things a little bit differently then we start obviously sparking these new ones and that can just like turn into a whole new
ball game for a lot of people when it comes to realizing that things that they're doing in their life AR aren't
serving them and some very easy sometimes very free strategies can change have like really big profound
effects for them then that can just be their that could be their aha moment and then from there on they're a completely
well they are technically a completely different person which is just really cool to see you you meant was it so is it Sarah
Turner Sarah turning from the UK yes
connect brain could together be great episode
yeah I I just wanted to ask you about in regards to like because you're you're clearly in the um in this red light
therapy space and I wanted to know like what what is there been some like really great groundbreaking research in using
this product for let's say let's say pain relief oh yes like like Pain Relief
pain relief is kind of like a you know that that was all well and and clinically researched quite a number of
years ago like where where red and red light started was like NASA right like they were using it to you know try to
grow you know plants in space or something and then they realized it was healing abrasions on their their hands
so then it went into medical for wound healing and then um you know that's where the beauty space kind of opened up
and now it's you know you see pro athletes using it with the the big beds where they kind of get these full you
know high do you know Contraptions that you know can fully you know um alleviate
them from in recovery from training or from a from a game and um and now it's
kind of becoming more mainstream with biohackers and everyone sort of endorsing different products but um as
far as clinical research goes the like there's I have access to um different uh
globally used files and excels where up where you know clinical research is uploaded all the time um and for pain
relief it's just it's endless like it's I could send you literally thousands of
studies on on pain management pain relief um but where what's really
interesting in the whole light therapy area what's taking a lot of attention now what people are very excited about
is the brain space and what it can potentially do for the brain um um some
something that is if we're talking about clinical research something that I that I've personally really liked um when it
came out when it was published there was an article um it was about the unfair advantage of red light therapy in
competitive Sports and it when when you see you know an article like this
published you know on you know a medical journal you're like like this changes the story all like completely flips it
up on its head because basically what it was saying was we need to look at light therapy almost in the same way as we
look at performance-enhancing drugs like on in the laboratory if you have Team a
and Team B and team a is all using light therapy before the game on a cellular
level they are they have a very strong advantage over Team B so it needs to all
be widely understood and widely used and accepted and and everyone needs to use
it for it to be fair um and that that that's kind of um was I was like wow
like you got people that are saying oh you know I don't can this cure me is it and I'm like well yeah the pain pain
management and as a solution for recovery and you know an injury that's you know that's already in use now what
we're looking at in the sport world is actually using it to boost performance
as a as a you know almost as like an enhancer um but yeah again when it comes to clinical research I think the most
exciting space to look at is is the brain and what's you know what the studies are coming out now I I think
every day I I see on my my feed um something for you know cancer or like
like some very terminal disease like it's in these testing trials now where you know you know potentially in five
years I would say we could be looking at a remedy for some very terminal diseases
in the future you know dare I say we have to be careful because even though um lumaflex we're FDA Class 2 we can't
we can't make claims that's the thing we have to always be very careful about I can't say red light therapy will cure
this I can't say that as a you know as you know running running a company but um if you talk to a scientist who has no
company they're and they've been devoted their lives to it they'll just shout to the hills they're like yes it can do
this it can do this it can do this because they've you know that like you how how are you going to sue them right you're going to you know whereas with a
with a company we have always have to be very careful with claim um you know yeah we're super we're super
familiar in Canada and regards what you can and can't say especially around Natural Health Products Health Canada
literally literally censors truthful he truthful government um health information know like we've got 35
peer-reviewed Medical journals about how our product can support things like uh PTSD autism depression bipolar but
Health Canada deems it illegal for us or not illegal we're not allowed to share that information with people which is
just you know I mean Health Canada has its own agenda which we could we could certainly get into but super frustrating because yeah this
the the there are options for people out there who maybe don't want to turn to a pharmaceutical drug which is likely not
going to support them in the long term that's right so yeah that's a whole that's a whole conversation we people
that yeah there really definitely sometimes I get really frustrated because you see like the system
sometimes it works for you you know sometimes you find like a you know sort of a loop Pole or you find sort of a
gray area but then it backfires and you're like wait you know why is why is this so hard what like you can kind of
see the way it's been created to where you know which obviously well I mean in photo B modulation all of us you know
pretty much everyone who has a red light therapy brand product um we all do know
each other we're all like hey hey hey and as a collective we you know our our
job is just to raise awareness like our job is just to you know promote it endorse it promoted endorser get you
know just keep raising awareness and then eventually sort of you know the tides will change you know I believe
yeah well you have to yeah as an organization as a as a movement there you certainly have to stick together
because you're going up against an absolute Goliath and that's right that's right again the last four years if we if
if our governments if our um Health authorities really like really really
cared about our health we'd have been told to go outside and exercise take mty supplements like super super easy cheap
solutions to staying healthy so yeah if if you're somebody who is you know relying on the government and health
authorities to come and help and change change you it's never going to happen so
um working with working working with the someone like yourself and you know listening to conversations like this
really empowers you to recognize that there are there are options for you out there there are there are solutions
without question but ultimately it's going to come down to you it's going to come down to like how you want change
and how you want to be in the world do you want to be you know a painfree 80y old that's able to like you exercise the
way you did when you were 50 because that is certainly something that you can do one of one of my primary motivations
as as a dad is that you know I want to be able to play with my kids kids and maybe my kids kids kids you know like
when I'm 80 90 100 you know whatever that might be and that's my motivation now to making good decisions and opening
my mind up to listening to know different podcasts to learn more about how
what else can I do to um enhance my ability and you were you know you were talking about using red light to
optimize performance within athletes and sports I think people General people can certainly take that as well like why not
being like an optimal human being just in every day like you can certainly use that you don't have to be an athlete to
want to live optimally and then like even beyond that so yeah it's a really
great space to be in and yeah we live in an amazing time thank you wow such wise
words music to my ears you made my day I really you know I really appreciate that
lots of great um great knowledge bonds that you shared out there I really me on a personal level just the day that I've
been going the day that I've had today it's been it's at a high point I really appreciate that it's great thank you so
much John well and just before we finish up can you let us know where people can connect with you and learn more about yourself and your product so Luma
flex.com Luma light Flex as inflexible because it's a flexible panel that you
can shake to joints and muscles um that's that's my website and then for me
I mean you could just do John graah Fitness on IG I'm quite active there because we have a lot of great athletes
and ambassadors and doctors and biohackers that endorse the product online so I usually stay in touch with
them on IG um but yeah reach out anytime I love difficult questions and um yeah I
appreciate anyone who um wants it to share anything ask me anything I love it
awesome John well thank you so much for coming on the show today I really appreciate it thank you so much Simon really appreciate I really had a great
great chat it's nice to meet someone like-minded because I feel like I've learned so much from you right it's it's
wonderful beautiful yeah I I share that sentiment for sure well that is it for this episode of True Hope cast the
official podcast of true hope Canada I'm going to make sure there's lots of information in the show notes for you so you can uh connect with John I'm going
to try and find some good quality research papers to share with you as well um you can leave us a review on
iTunes and and a review on Spotify if you fancy it other than that we see you next week