Guest Episode
June 20, 2024
Episode 155:
Pregnancy, Mental Health & EMPower Plus
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Kassidy is a 26-year-old wife, soon-to-be mother, and devoted Christian. She works as a nutritionist at a health food store called InsideU. Due to her struggles, Kassidy became passionate about natural health, mental health, minerals, and nutrition.
One day, Kassidy came across our company, Truehope, and was immediately hooked by what she had learned about us. She loves everything we do, from our extensive research to our mental health support and the formulations they create. Kassidy has heard countless testimonies of EMPower Plus changing the lives of those who take it.
She takes EMPower Plus as a daily multivitamin, believing it provides her body with the necessary nutrients and minerals. Currently, she also takes EMPower Plus as a prenatal supplement.
Kassidy believes that everything in our body works together as God designed it to, and when we give it the foundational vitamins and minerals it needs, it can function optimally.
hello everybody and welcome to the true Hope cast podcast where we take a deep dive into mental Health's many physiological and psychological aspects
this is the show for you if you're looking for motivation inspiration knowledge and solutions and that's what we are all about here at true hope
Canada and true hope Canada is a mind and body based supplement company dedicated first and foremost to
promoting brain and body Health through non-invasive nutritional means for more information about us you can visit trueu
hopec canada.com today I've got the pleasure of welcoming Cassidy Deming to the podcast now Cassidy is a 26y old
wife soon to be mother and devoted Christian she works as a nutritionist at a health food store called inside you
and due to her own struggles Cassidy became passionate about natural health mental health minerals and
nutrition one day Cassidy came across true hope Canada our company and she immediately became hooked by what she'd
learned about us she loves everything about what we do from our extensive research to our mental health support
and the formulations that we create in her professional and personal life cassid is heard countless testimonies of
EMP Power Plus changing the lives of many people who take it she takes M Power Plus as a daily multivitamin
believing it provides her body with the nutrients and minerals it needs and she's currently taking it as a prenatal
Cassidy believes that everything in our body works together as God intended it to and when we give it the foundational
vitamins and minerals it needs it can function optimally today we're going to be learning about Cassidy's incredible
story with M Power Plus enjoy the show okay Cassidy hi welcome to True
Hope cast I hope you're doing well what's going on how are you good thank you just I'm a parents house because we
don't have Wi-Fi so all right well we really really appreciate you coming on everything's
good that's great well I really appreciate you coming on the show today we're going to talk about your experience with our products here at
true hope Canada and you work in a health store um in Ontario so maybe if
you want to tell us a little bit about like where where you work and maybe like how you found yourself to um you know
working in a health food store yeah so um
about five years ago I would say maybe four years ago um I was living in
Australia and I was starting to get homesick and I was a nanny there and um
I didn't know exactly what I wanted to do but I had been doing a nutritional course um here in Canada and so I got my
boss's email and I just started bombarding him with emails asking for a
job because I know that they weren't really hiring um as I was in Australia and
basically he ended up asking saying that I can come in for an interview and I got the job shortly back shortly after I got
back from Australia um I've Loved nutrition and
holistic health since well most of my life I would say because my mom's always been into it but
um getting into a little bit of After High School getting into the
university and kind of in a bad um spot in my life um lots of partying and that
kind of thing um as one does when they go to university oh yeah um and that
definitely did not make me happy and definitely put me down a little bit of a
rabbit hole and that's where I like started to really look into nutrition I dropped out of that course and started
taking a nutrition course I um ended up moving to Australia and just trying to
see a different way of life than what I was kind of surrounded by um when I got
home I started working at the health food store so I was very incredibly
Lucky by being um just influenced by really good people but I was definitely
right back into the same old stuff with my old friends and and everything like that um yeah you when you're in like a
small town and there's not that much to do normally everyone's kind of just in that drinking phase and sure it was
something that I definitely just put myself into and I seemed like I was
doing okay but in reality I was like working Monday to Friday to like feel good so that Friday to Sunday I could go
out and it was definitely like a slippery slope and it was not um I was not doing well um internally or mentally
or physically either um but keep in mind I was working at a health food store and
I was learning a lot and I was wanting to change so I was just on a journey to to learn and to want to do better and
that's kind of why I say from Monday to Friday I was doing all the things but then you know that that wasn't overly
the best way to be go about it um but you get influenced and you it becomes a
normal thing when you're just surrounded by that all the time um so yeah I ended
up quitting my at the health food store because of covid and um we moved to my
Cottage and I got a job shortly after that at a transportation company um where the environment was
equally not or was not good not equally good sorry it was it was basically like
a lot of young people and that kind of um environment and yeah I think that kind
of went into more of like my deepest um I I struggled with depression I had an
eating disorder at the time I definitely emotionally wasn't doing great even
though I looked like I was doing fine on the outside and um I never lost my
interest on nutrition or on um wanting to feel better um I think it's just easy
to get Sid swept into a different kind of way of life when you're surrounded by that um but not too long later I got um
basically I just yeah the Lord basically came into my life and I just needed a
different outcome or a different output and I couldn't work where I was working and he was guiding me to where I needed
to go so I slowly took different shifts at this job and I then slowly took a job
back at home um where I was just working from my house and that was like very isolating but during that time that was
where I was learning a lot and learning to surrender and and really believe in Jesus and um in that time I ended up
asking my boss if he could hire me back so that brought me all the way loop around and now currently I've been here
for two years now um at the hell food store got to work along one of my best
friends um the hell food store is called inside you and um yeah I've loved it and
I have found wonderful people and wonderful just a different way of life
and I've definitely gotten to um heal a lot um and then that's where uh true
hope entered and one of my old managers um always talked about it and originally
like the the best part that we loved about true Hope was just the fact that you guys got taken to uh Court by Health
Canada because um you won the case and
um that just shows how important minerals are for our health so um that
was something that I really really liked and I probably started taking it about two years ago um the with the Lord's
help and and with um just taking my nutrition um a lot more seriously I my
life changed like 180% um just a full circle and um I have
I've taken it I've taken it the full dosages before but then I've also just taken it as like a daily like upkeep
just one a day type of thing the ower um i' also taken the free Minos um can I
just can I just um ask you a question in regards to um finding the products and getting on them because obviously you
said beforehand you worked in the health food store and then you you moved away during covid and then you kind of came
back yeah what was it that you were being kind of told about our product s
that that made you because that you know you can hear about loads of different things whether it's in the nutrition
store or outside of it but actually like going to actually committing to using it
on a daily basis is is you know that's a little bit more of a a step a little bit more of a commitment to do so so what
was it that your um did you say it was your boss or your colleague was was explaining to you about the products
what was it about Empower plus that let's just say made you really want to
commit to consuming a good quality broadspectrum micronutrient on a daily basis I think um for so long I had
really been suffering um emotionally and mentally and I just I had tried a lot of
things um and I I do mention Jesus but I mean that was my he he saved me in in
the end but guided me to being able to take um good quality supplements and
them being able to work in my body and I had tried every different fat every different diet everything you know I was
trying to be more skinny or be more fit or be more like just more of the world
and none of those things ever brought fulfillment or brought um brought the
answers that I wanted and when I started working there again I don't know if it
was her telling someone else first or if she knew I was struggling because I
wasn't yet like free um I was still struggling and um
she we have a huge poster in our store and it's still there right now and um
you know it says all the things that helps with anxiety PTSD um depression bipolar schiz like we
know that we know of people who've taken it for schizophrenia and um I was I'm
not those things but there was a lot like anxiety and depression and things that I was fighting mentally that I
wasn't finding a fix for um and I just I think ultimately I from that and those
stories that she would tell me about people customers that would come in um I
know a handful of different people from then that took the product that they
were suffering with something who would you know get off of anti-depressants and I was never one to want to go on a
pharmaceutical I wanted to treat it naturally um and I just had great
respect for your company especially with the fact that you know there was red
flags for it because it was the claims that you guys made right um and so yeah
I just started trying it and I did try many other things I've gone on all different kinds of natural supplements
and mushrooms and different kinds of things you know but it was just something that was simple in my mind
that we don't get enough minerals anymore in our soil um unless you're growing your own food for everything and
um I just knew that I needed something extra for my body um that even if I eat
as healthy as I possibly can and way back in the day I was I had a completely
different diet than I do now and some would say that diet was healthy I say what I how I eat now is more healthy um
but I still know that I'm not getting what I need to get in this day and age like we just can't get that unless I
mean unless you can afford it or if you have your own farm right um yeah so
super yeah it's a really really good point because I I know I studied nutrition for a few years and I thought
previously before I went into studying I thought you know I can eat healthy I can get all of the the minerals the the
vitamins antioxidants and everything that I could possibly need through through diet you know I just clean it up
and be fine but as you say like you can consume the most incredible diet there is on the planet you are at 100% going
to be nutrient deficient especially in a day and age where our brains and our hearts are under so much stress and they
have such a high metabolic function that we need to be replenishing those especially with vitamins and to be able
to get minerals into the brain you know our product the minerals in empow plus are kated for four days other companies
it's for about 4 hours so our product the the minerals in EMP Power Plus are broken down so small that able to like
cross the bloodb brain barrier and actually get into the brain and affect it positively because you know we hear
so many people even in the matter of like hours sometimes but certainly days they start to feel their brain
functioning in a different way a lot of people who have struggled with like depression they feel that like that dark cloud lifts yeah so yeah it really is an
amazing product and I think that the the power of the the word of mouth of just product experience one person tries it
for something they feel such a positive effect and they tell everybody else because they want everyone else to feel
amazing and try this product that works really really well but then we also have the fact that we've got 35 peerreview
Medical journals all government funded that um right now on our website you're
unable to you're unable to check out because Health Canada feels that it's you know it's illegal to um share
truthful health information so we actually have these big red censored by Health Canada signs on those research
pages on our website but you can certainly find them from other locations but yeah we have so much um so much
positivity and evidence and Science and anecdotal um proof that this product is
incredibly powerful and your story is very similar to to many many that we've
heard before so I just want to I wanted to ask a bit more specifically about how
you maybe felt in the the first like weeks months of taking M Power Plus and
you know how you started to feel different yeah I I feel like
um I can't say that there was like one moment where it was like the cloud
lifted and I've heard many of those stories too from people that I've sold the product to um but I noticed the
biggest difference when I didn't take it um I had been working like a lot in on
myself and you know getting rid of a lot of other things in my life that I need to get rid of and also ch Ing and
lifting off of that um diet culture chock or uh way that you can get in your
head on foods and different things and I was really trying to get myself into a healthy um a healthy mindset and and and
whatnot but I think that I wouldn't have gotten there as quickly as I did without
the mineral like the right balanced of minerals in the Empower plus and when I
would miss a day even now like I I currently take it as my prenatal so I'm
eight months pregnant and that's what I take as my prenatal um and even if I
miss like just taking I take it currently two two and two and um if I
miss mine at lunch or whatever like I notice within a day and it can be like something small it doesn't even have to
be mentally but I just know I didn't get the right nutrients that day like I can feel it and um and I definitely know
that at the beginning when I first started taking it is if I you know didn't go in and and get a new bottle
and I ran out like I would notice and then I would kind of plumm it back into
not so great of thoughts and um and I noticed yeah more so in that sense than
just noticing the weightlifting off um but there's some incredible stories from
people that come into the store um I know of a lady that had lost her husband
and and she I try to get her to understand about the minerals and how
you know they all contribute to how we feel and um she continues to buy it to
this day which has been wonderful and she specifically came in and and she
didn't say like um you know I'm just going to keep taking it she said I've noticed a difference and like those are
the stories that just make like my heart full but also I just love recommending
the because I just love hearing things like that and there's all sorts of people another one is um like probably I
would say little less a middle-aged um man but if you saw him on the on the
side of the street like you would not think that he probably takes the time to take a mineral vitamin um and you know
he comes in month after month after month and I don't talk to him specifically on I was the one who
recommended the product I knew that he was struggling but um he he doesn't really talk much and
the fact that he comes in like just a single man by himself to buy this
product I know that you know it's working and that he's feeling a difference with it and um yeah the
amount of people that I know that have gotten off of anti-depressants taking it it all works differently in everybody
and like um sometimes I like to tell people when they come in you know we
need a solid Foundation of some kind of mineral of some kind of vitamin and you
come in with an issue I can shoot it would be like shooting in the dark right like I can
give you a herb or give you a homeopathic or whatnot for the the symptom you're feeling but if you don't
have that solid foundation of a vitamin where you know you're getting all your required minerals then you're really
just shooting in the dark because you're really just going to cover it up until we get that solid foundation and then
you know if you're still struggling with those things like sleep or you know a little bit of anxiety or whatever then
we we go from there but I just find it so incredibly important to have those minerals as that solid foundation before
trying to all these other things that people will try first right yeah I think
I think for a lot of people who have taken a multivitamin and have those like supplement sections in their in their
cupboard or in their drawer or something and they barely take it because yeah I like especially if you're buying stuff
from let's just say Costco or you know kind of R just more kind of crappier
Brands yeah people aren't going to feel those effects because they're not they're not covering the foundations because they're basically just peeing
whatever they're consuming out and it just ends yeah so just kind of flows through people but where when you start
taking a product like this and we had um Dr Bonnie Kaplan on the show which she's
the she's the author of this book the better brain really phenomenal book and she talks a lot about EMP Power Plus and
how she studied it like 20 25 years ago and continues continues to be involved
in the research she's in her 70s now but she she talks about how
vital just the vitamins and the minerals are in helping your body produce all the
right neurochemistry and it's not just about like you consume food and then you make dopamine or serotonin all these
other like neurotransmitters there's like very key steps to producing yeah those chemicals and you
need within that the co-enzymes to make that happen and you have to have the building blocks of those which is
vitamins and minerals and you need them in in an abundant Supply and it's 2024
it's a stressful environment out there people are physically stressed psychologically stressed meaning that
your body's going to need more and more and people's digestions are going to be compromised as well so they might not be
breaking down their food as as best that they can so being able to take a product
that you can absolutely rely on that you know on the label is in the product and you can actually very easily consume
this on a daily basis and and um know that you're going to cover those bases
is very very important for people and yeah I have so many even like I've been
working for True hope for years I've been a nutritionist for years and I still have friends who go to Costco to
buy their um multivitamins it's a bit of a shame but I know if they were to try try empow plus even for like a few days
they would certainly feel a big difference so yeah it's a big it's a big issue and you you've also shared some
really beautiful stories there and I think it just goes to show how wonderfully broad the positive effects
of this product can be you know we have um we have incredible research for people who incredible research on PTSD
depression anxiety stress you name it like some really big things schizophrenia bipolar but also like I
don't have any of those conditions but I I I take it as just like my daily just to keep me going like you know you're
you're you're eight months pregnant right now your body is in a just like a an absolute bombardment of nutrition
nutritional requirement so really smart to be able to take that product so you can take care of that but we're talking
about people who are know looking to get pregnant people who are pregnant um postnatal people with like serious
psychological disorders people who are just looking to just like cover their bases nutritionally this product is quite
amazing and we can't put all of that on the label so we've just got this EMP power plus you know um so we're kind of like bound a little
bit in regards to like what we can say the product can do but the evidence is there the research is there the stories are there we've had amazing people like
yourself come on the podcast and share stories about people coming into the store and like their lives get changed
by like this one product and you facilitated that for them so that M it must feel pretty amazing to be able to
see these people come in on a regular basis and creating those relationships and seeing those positive effects oh
absolutely I couldn't agree with you more like when someone comes in and I'll be like are you want a multivitamin I
always start there no matter like what the issue is really and that's just because I do have such a passion for
this product and um when they tell me it's like from Costco or whatever I know
everyone's in different stages they don't know everything and that's always my first go-to is like you know that's
you're barely absorbing that like let's get you on a good multi and let's see where that brings you first right yeah
um it's so so incredibly important that our body can absorb what we're Tak or
it's really just a waste of money and um and yeah the the ranges of people also
like you said it's so cool to see like young kids to um older people to to
everywhere in between female male you know it helps with them all and and when I first started taking it I was
definitely taking like more of the recommended recommended dose I uh
eventually just started taking it kind of as a yeah a daily upkeep because I I had been feeling the benefits but I
didn't want to stop and I I didn't need it really for the mental health part I just needed it for the mineral component
and um yeah then I got married um last year
and planning the wedding and whatnot I was I was also taking it um and I just I
just yeah I love the product throughout the every season of my life even the good and the bad it's just overall super
beneficial um but then yes I got pregnant and um I've been taking as my
preal and um I have absolutely loved taking as my prenatal
that's another really good story that I've heard from other women that come in and who I've recommended it to as well
is um one specific lady she has had three babies I think and each one she
had horrible morning sickness with and on the fourth one she took true hope um
and power and had no morning sickness at all um and you can say that's a
coincidence I don't believe that um I think that that's how powerful this stuff can be and I was so consistent on
taking it at the beginning of my pregnancy I never puked um at all I was
nauseous but I think that that was just a way of my body healing from past life
and also just for me time for me to slow down because I'm a very like on the- Co person so um I think it was much needed
in my body but I I didn't feel um I felt like it helped me emotionally while my
hormones were changing and I felt like it held I think without it I would have had morning sickness and um and then
yeah I've been taking it ever since throughout as well and and yeah there's you know there's never enough to space
to put on the labels but that's why you have people that love the product and can tell everyone everything you just
said but it's it's so true and um and it's just yeah it's definitely a
wonderful product and in different stages of my life it's been just as useful you know it doesn't matter that
I'm not depressed or or anything like that in this current stage um but it's
still just as useful now and I'm in my third trimester eight months and um I
have probably more energy than I did first trimester so um yeah I definitely
think it's so important and I do fully think that it's a like a lot to do with
um just being consistent on the the Empower for sure amazing yeah I think
that again like being able to rely on a clean quality reliable product especially like
during during a a time of pregnancy is just so invaluable because so unfortunately there's so many companies
out there who are producing really poor products in poor ways and we have um we
just have the we just have the research behind our products you know they wouldn't you know 35 perer review
medical journals you wouldn't be able to do that research in the scientific Community if you didn't have a um a
reliable quality product coming in into that research setting you know if it was a product that was 10% effective or 90%
effective or 50% you can't have that in that in that environment so being able to like you know every day being able to
do that research with with with the same products and the same ingredients is absolutely vital for that for that for that scientific research and that's why
we continue to produce a product with with such quality and I just wanted to touch on one thing in regards to like
the the financial aspect because being able to use Natural Health Products in
Canada is like you know low-income families can't afford it and health Canada is primarily behind that behind
that it's not the it's not the company that make really good products you know these are small these are small medium
Enterprises Mo most of the time and they're having to put their prices up because of Health Canada's um I don't
know how to put this politely on on a podcast but they have yeah they they they they've just H has just lost their
minds they've been trying they've been trying to push push these legislations through for for decades um they're
closer than ever at the moment in regards to completely wiping out certain products especially um mult multi-
ingredient products so we have a lot to work on that side note if you want to learn more about that go to the nha.org
um but yeah the financial aspect you know so if somebody has $30 a month to
budget for a multivitamin they're much better off just taking $30 worth of M
Power Plus that just might be one or even just two capsules a day rather than taking that full dose so that bottle
lasts you maybe a couple of months that is sign ific better for you than consuming a poor product from Costco I
don't know why we're bashing Costco today but um yeah we know let's just say those those poorer products out there
that are just like made in bulk and like you just can't keep the quality up when they come in boxes like this it's just
not possible so I just wanted to um mention that Financial issue for people because it is an issue it's a concern
especially in in uh 2024 it's March 21st right now we're recording this I'm not
sure when this is going to go out but we've got another beautiful tax rise coming up in like a couple of weeks which is awesome so we have to be
sensitive to these things for sure um yeah and one more thing on the pregnancy
and prenatal I can't recall the the significant details of this but I'm going to brush up on this with uh VP
David but there was research done with Empower plus um with pregnant mothers
and it's called the super babies trial um and I don't think it I don't think it
finished I'm not quite sure I'm not quite sure on the details but I know that there was some incredible results of of the mothers who were taking EMP
Power Plus to others who were taking I think either nothing or um just another
kind of off the-shelf multivitamin so that's I I'll try and find the link to that and share that but yeah yeah it's
super interesting and yeah your story is very similar to one that I've personally heard many many times that the um Empire
plus works is an incredible prenatal all the way through and even after birth
absolutely and that's that's definitely something I think you know it goes It
goes more often than not like it's not talked about the after after pregnancy
you know and a lot of women um come into our stor it's very very busy and you
know you see you definitely see women struggling and um to be able to supply
your body what it needs afterwards because of what you just went through is so incredibly important um yeah and I
totally agree with like the financial part I I normally people know me I think
for being quite open when they come into the store and I just I tell them how I feel even if you know if if they're
eating something I don't necessarily think healthy I'll say it and they don't necessarily think everything I eat is
healthy but I believe it is um and I'm just open in that way and normally I say
like you know there's this option that's still like from a good quality Source
that's maybe $20 cheaper um which is still going to be better than Costco but if you but my
ultimate recommendation would be Empower and if it is something that seems steep
if you compare it to the other prices or if you compare it to how you know you go
through that bottle in 30 days then take one a day like that that is better than
nothing 100% I agree with what you said and I fully I fully go by that because
you know if they take one of those or one Costco vitamin it's going to be a
massive difference in their life and I know it um and normally like when you do say it like that like it's really like I
mean for someone who's taking it six times a day you know it's gonna be horrible if the price goes up but yeah
that's just what we have to expect um but to be able to take it for 120 days
like that that is in very very cheap and if you think it's not then you know if
you just didn't buy the Tim Horton's Coffee once a day you would be able to you know work that in so I do think you
know one is better than nothing and um and yeah you would see some kind of
results because it's going to be more minerals than you're going to get on a daily basis anyways right absolutely um
I want to ask you about Trends in the he food store people coming in and asking you questions because I feel like it
probably changes with the season it changes with you know we went through Co and we're like kind of like in this postco era at the moment what are people
coming in and typically asking um asking about like what what leads you to
different products are they coming in talking about IM like are they looking for something to boost their immunity improve their digestion improve their
mental health like what are you what are you seeing at the moment with people coming in I think that mainly it's
stress um and no sleep um related and correlated I think majority of it um as
well as diets I feel like that's never not popular there's always someone coming in who wants to lose weight and
um literally for all of the issues unless it is you know someone that I
either know is already taking Empower or a a good source multivitamin um that is my first go to
for all of those issues diet included because I mean I like to talk a lot
about food I I have the background of nutrition as well and um we are country
land over here so you know I drink cow's milk and I eat cheese and I cook with a
lot of butter and that kind of stuff um and we can get on to the topic of you
know when the customers come in about food and I love to talk about that but I still think it's so essential that your
body is is in a stressed State and then when you're in a stressed State you're also depleting yourself in B vitamins
and you know empow is full of B vitamins but it's also full of all the other minerals that you need the essential minerals and um if you don't like I said
earlier if you don't have that solid foundation like your body is never going to you know let go of things of fat or
of mentality or for to let you sleep like whatever the case may be if you're not finding that balance um but yeah I
would definitely say majority of the time like there's got to be at least a handful of people who can't sleep um and
a handful of people that you know are trying to lose weight or can't seem to
lose weight um and then I think relatively like the stress and the
anxiety part is just always kind of up there where like you said we live in a stressful environment nowadays people
don't how to slow down or they can't slow down um so those are kind of the
top three things um and then I would say like Trend
specifically you see a lot of people you know wanting to come in for salt or for parasite cleanse or
um um like anti-inflammatory type of things
right but all of these things like I think we've forgotten in the in the last I think because of soci soci media and
because of how the world is now we forget like how um incredibly designed
our bodies are and how they're able to adapt and and they're trying to adapt to Keep Us Alive but if we aren't um you
know it's not about going on a new detox or about all these other things like yes
we need sleep of course that's important in our bodies but it it's really overall
just about getting you know your body to that that balanced state where it can do its job because our our bodies are so
incredibly smart like our liver so many people come in for liver detoxes and I
love to like switch to the lingo and tell them like let's get you on like a liver support you know um because our
liver's detox like that is its job like it's supposed to get it out and your Li liver can be stagnant of course our the
chemicals in the air nowadays like all of that stuff it all plays a role with our liver but overall that's what our
bodies are designed to do right so it's really about to me getting that balance
of of those minerals so that your body can work optimally because if you're so stressed out how is it going to ever how
is it ever going to be able to function to a good degree
if if you're depleting all your minerals right um at least that's how I like to look at it in certain aspects um because
I think most people want that that's just a quick fix for that one issue and
it's it really is all connected and it it really is you know something so small
of getting those minerals that can help everything your stress your sleep your
your digestion like all of that um but yeah absolutely yeah very very well said
I think in regards to the Sleep piece um taking Empire plus during the day can certainly help your body produce the
necessary neurochemicals to to ensure that you're going to you know be able to get into a into a sleep State and noral
works really well for me like there's a couple of days in the week where I will I play soccer in the evening and I don't
get home to like maybe like 9:30 or 10 which is usually like you know I usually go to bed at 8:30 9 o'cl I've got a two
and a four year old so I need to get to bed early to survive the morning um but
I take I get home I takes him a noral and I I I relax a bit trying to shift my body from that kind of stressful state
of exercising deep breaths shower things like that and like get myself into a bit of a sleep
State and The enoro Works absolutely wonders and it's also really great for the kids as well like when the kids are a bit riled up or they're kind of maybe
in between meals and they're like they're not hungry but they're a little bit
irritable a little spoon of inor and they they Cal right down it helps balance their blood sugar like pretty
quick it helps um take care of anxiety quick for a lot of people as well and it's also really super delicious like my
I absolutely love it it's such a yummy product it is it is yeah um just to
finish off wonder if you could give this like a just a few points in regards to like now why would you recommend people
try um Empower plus and our other products I guess here at TR Canada um
well I always love to tell them about the story I already said about you know the claims you've made and then going to
health Canada um or Court sorry um from health Canada um and it just that in
itself shows a lot of people who um maybe don't live that holistic of a life
that you know it's it's serious like that's how important these minerals are like the claims they made they won the
case like you know these all of the the um papers and everything on it like it
just shows that this is how important minerals are um and I love I love to
recommend it basically to to anyone at all like it doesn't really
matter what season you're in I normally like my first go-to is like are you want a good multivitamin because I just think
that you know it's I think it's become normalized in a sense of where people just go to Costco and get their
multivitamin but then it's not normalized enough to know like what the true benefits are um I love that it's a
Canadian brand as well and um I think I just I always talk very highly of your
company in the sense of you know how trustworthy it is um and that there's so
much information on your website and or via other um other areas if you if you
can't get on it but um you know it's all backed up and it's all it's all right
there and also there like true hope is willing to answer any questions so I always direct them to you know take my
word or don't but you can also go on the website and ask them and tell them your situ situation you know when I first got
pregnant I I emailed you guys and just said like you know I've been taking it as a multivitamin but I want to take it
as a prenatal um should I change my dosages like and whatnot and you know I
got an answer not that long later and they just basically said if you're taking it for current mental health
issues already then you might want to up the dose but if you're just taking it for a daily multi then just take the
full dose so I that's what I do is I do three twice a day or I take two two and
two just because it makes me feel better um but you're willing to answer the
questions that we have along with like the iodine drops I I take those and um
maybe some people won't like that because I'm pregnant but I I take them as well um I have also taken the anisol
and I've loved that product The Taste is great but I also found that it was just good for calming as well um and also
it's known for like um women's reproductive organs as well like PCOS
and stuff so I've seen cool results with women who take that for those reasons um but I think overall like all
the basis are covered with true hope and I think that the company itself stands
on a firm foundation and and really comes with the knowledge behind the product and um I'm not scared to say my
opinions on it because I know that if they go onto your website they're going to read exactly what I'm saying or the
exact way that I feel about the product um there's nothing hiding and in my
opinion I also just think you know when when Health Canada goes for a company or
goes for anything normally it's good so you know that's always another uh
another thing that I like to say to the people if they're into that kind of stuff as well yeah we actually have um
we have a PO series called the the true Hope Family files which is which is an eight-part special series here on the
podcast where we go through the whole story and timeline with true hope Canada
which kind of starts kind of like in the 70s it's like an eight part series it's very s very indepth and um it goes
through that particular court trial as well and I suppose the the short version
of it was that the yeah we we beat Health Canada in in in court
and the judge ruled that this product cannot be not available because it was saving the lives of Canadians and when
it was blocked at the border by Health Canada and they knew that this was going to happen it was causing suicides and people were and people were dying so
they ruled in our favor because this product absolutely works we had psychiatrists on the stand we had
doctors on the stand um saying listen if you take this product off the shelves and don't make it available for Canadians people are going to die 100%
so they ruled in our favor and we got to um continue to serve um people with with
this incredible product and what's amazing and what people should do is check out this eight part series and
learn more about the company and how it was birthed because it's birthed out of complete tragedy and once you understand
that you recognize this company isn't here to you know make billions of
dollars it's here to provide this product to basically not have other
families suffer in the way that the Stefan family has suffered and once you understand that the it kind of like
lifts a lot of the barriers that people might have in regards to like trying a product like this but we also love to
have a close and transparent relationship with our customers with uh our retail stores with a retail staff
you know we have some incredible trainings so the the staff members are equipped to be able to you know handle a
lot of the questions that come in from um from customers who come into the store looking for something for their
mental health for sleep or for stress whatever it might be so yeah we we really value value those close
relationships and if there's a question that we don't know the answer to straight away we will research it we'll
figure it out and we'll get back to people I um you really proud of the way that we do that here at TR hope Canada
because yeah it's so important that we recognize that every message that might come into our website or via social
media it could be an individual like really struggling with something so we owe it to them to be able to respond to
them in a timely manner in a professional manner and yeah if we don't know the answer to something we work hard to get it to them yeah absolutely
and I haven't mentioned freeos um but I also I I personally like I feel like
really good on just the Empower but I know a lot of the stories that I've heard from people getting off of
anti-depressants and and um you know those struggling with harsher mental
illnesses like bipolar schizophrenia the two combined I think is like I just
wanted to add that in there because I really do believe in the two combined for those kinds of um mental health
issues you see it over and over again that you know the amino acids are just as important as the minerals um and
those products we have them on our Shelf right next to each other because you know more often times than not people are grabbing one of both um and that
they work so well together um but I I realized I hadn't mentioned that but I
do definitely think that they are very very wonderful together as well as just
the Empower but yeah this this some of we we originally came out with Empire
plus and then the other products followed but the other products followed to work synergistically with each other
whether and we also saw a lot of gaps in the market primarily with our our iodine most iodine on the shelves before we
bought ours out was very inconsistent wasn't really um good quality so that's
why we kind of saw that Gap in the market and we we fulfilled that for a lot of people because you know thyroid health is obviously very important but
yeah Empower plus and free minus together is an incredible combination and we've seen so many people come off
Pharmaceuticals especially psychotropic medications people come over get over addictions and people who just like want
to take it as an everyday to like build muscle to build build strength build resilience it's a really great um
product combination for sure yeah definitely definitely amazing well Cassie thank you
so much for coming on to the show to share your beautiful story in regards to
you know where you were where you are now and you're in this wonderful glowing phase and in four five six weeks who
knows your life's going to change forever and I'm so so happy that you've got true hope Canada and EMP Power Plus
in your life to to help you trans transition through what's going to be a really exciting time thank you and I
apparently I'm now having a super baby so I can't wait to give feedback on the baby that's it we'll get you back on the
show in a couple of months to see how that super baby's doing sounds great wonderful well thanks
again for coming on the show I really appreciate it um that is it for this episode of True Hope cast the official
podcast of true hope Canada I hope you enjoyed the show for more information um about true hope Canada please visit true
hopec canada.com but uh yeah that's it from us we'll see you next week