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Guest Episode

January 18, 2024

Episode 139:

How to Feel Whole & Love your Body with Rachel Lavin

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Rachel Lavin is a Published author of The Doughnut Diaries, a Professional Speaker and Body Love Educator, a Certified Personal Trainer and a Certified Health Coach. 

In 2020, Rachel wrote her first book, "The Doughnut Diaries," about her struggles with her weight and restrictive diets, which lasted for over thirty years. 

As Rachel turned forty, the expression I got sick and tired of being sick and tired hit home, and she decided to take her power back and heal from decades of negative thinking and self-sabotage, the expression I got sick and tired of being sick and tired hit home, and she decided. 

Her mission is to create a safe space for all women to feel whole in their bodies.

Today, we will discuss how to feel whole and love your body.

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