Guest Episode
June 04, 2023
Episode 121:
Handling a Hectic Home with Chase Williams
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Chase is a passionate fitness enthusiast who has been in the industry since 2011, as a personal trainer and nutritionist, from cheer coach to fitness coach. Her fascination with the movement of the body led her to pursue a career in the fitness industry.
Chase loves connecting with women and has a special place for moms.
Today we will discuss handling a hectic home
welcome to the true repcast podcast where we take a deep dive into mental Health's many physiological and
psychological aspects this is the show for you if you're looking for motivation inspiration knowledge and solutions and
that's what we are all about here at true hope Canada and true hope Canada is a mind and body based supplement company
dedicated first and foremost to promoting brain and body Health through non-invasive nutritional means for more
information about us please visit truehopecanada.com today on the podcast I welcome Chase Williams Chase is a
passionate Fitness Enthusiast who has been who's been in the industry since 2011 as a personal trainer and
nutritionist from cheer coach to Fitness coach her fascination with the movement of the body led her to pursue a career
in the fitness industry Chase loves connecting with women and has a special place for mums in our practice today
we're going to be discussing handling a hectic home enjoy the show all right Chase we're live welcome to
True Hope cast how are you what's going well oh thank you so much for having me uh things are well here I'm in Houston
80 degrees right now currently and wonderful absolutely wonderful
yeah we've had a brief chat about that I think this is probably going to go out in like June or July when the weather is lovely but right now we're recording
this is February 23rd it's -14 where I am and I'm hearing about 80 degrees so we can
move on from the weather that's great I'm glad that you're happy that's wonderful
introduce us to yourself please like who are you what it is that you what what is it that you do
sure so my name is Chase Williams I am a certified personal trainer and nutritionist for about 12
I run an online coaching program for women Millennial moms is who I support
and helping them create a household of health and I am also a mom of three
girls and we homeschool run my own business all the things bells and whistles so that is a little bit about
what I do so Millennial moms that's interesting so what's the what's the key
problem that that demographic has that you're offering a solution to I I love
it great question so basically what happens is we come out of the 20s right
or we've been we are now um we've now added children to our life we now are you know experiencing I guess
kind of just new ways of being with new schedules new new routines like how do I
find time for me when I'm now doing all this stuff with the family and the kids
and the activities and so through that what my program then supports them on is
helping them make sure that they they as a mom are looking at Food movement their
nutrition in a way that they're able to pass that down onto their kids and so
creating that ripple effect of just generations of health and wealth and you
know just the magnitude of of being a healthy household so then their children
are not going down the road having the same like you know diet culture or
mental um frustrations with food or you know just thinking carbs are bad and so it
really just supports them as women as moms being able to live in this new
world of you know being a mom and all the changes of schedules and now being
able to look at um you know eating well and food and
movement in a new way that is able to be able to pass down in a healthy way to their children
beautiful yeah that that hereditary genetic piece is obviously
very important but like those habits that we also passed down without question even more more valuable or
invaluable to to our kids in regards to what they're gonna inherit from us so that's that's a great that's an amazing
piece thank you oh question in regards to your experience as a mum and your experiences working with loads of
different mums um there's an interesting balance between
obviously resting and not doing anything after the actual birth
but then like when do you get up and start moving again because I think about like I always go back to like
our original like cultures and communities when we're like you know like ten tens of us or hundreds of us in
small communities you know living in like living out in the forest or whatever there wouldn't be time to like
be be on your own and not doing anything for
let's say a year or six months or even a month like it's like you'd have have your child you recover
obviously enjoy that whole process but like you wouldn't have the comfort and the
um the time to be able to like just sit around in your cave or in your forest or whatever like you're a part of the
community you've got jobs to do you've got responsibilities you've got this new added responsibility so I always wonder
like how far we've we've we've shifted from that like original cultural
um responsibility to like now where like it's very easy to probably like not do
anything for a significant amount of time and I'm I don't want to say like people shouldn't do that but like the
longer you're obviously not moving your body the longer you're like not getting active and being connected with other human beings it's going to damage you
without question the science is done there's no doubt about that so it's like what's your experience in as a mum and
working with your working with other mums that like that that period where like you're recovering physically
emotionally spiritually energetically but then like there has to be a point in time where you've got to get back into
like this game but a new game with this like new beautiful thing I love it so I think
there's kind of two buckets in that space because bucket number one is like
okay Health Nutrition all of that and then I think there's a conversation around what culturally now we're all
adapted or what culture tells us to do right like so I think there's two different conversations there I'm gonna
start with the you know movement and getting back in the game and getting back into doing all the health a quote
I'm air quoting as we're speaking but you know kind of going into the getting back into the regimen of like habits
routines in your health and nutrition game so of course having kids
um as a mom like throwing kids in there it always messes with your routine and so it is a constant like okay
reevaluating re-editing figuring out where you're at in your like what your
goals are what you want to try and Achieve and trying to spin it in a way
of like okay now this is what I'm working towards and when it comes to like I know you
mentioned habits a second ago when it comes to creating habits if you really focus on the foundation of
like having a healthy Fitness Movement Lifestyle and you have a child and then
you just get back into the habits that you were already doing you know and so
when you say getting back into it I don't think I think it just depends on where you started and then how you can
continue to grow and develop those habits and that Foundation you already had
um and so that's kind of one one of the buckets and then on the other hand when you mention like hey back in the old
days when we lived in you know caves I feel that you know with now us being so
you know Community Based um you know there's it's always like okay when are you getting back to work
or you know as a mom like winter year you know when are you moving on to the
next thing or when are you getting back into working out or I want my body back and so I think there's some conversation
around one the body image around moms like who immediately have a kid and
they're like oh I want my body back I want to lose all the weight right and I think they forget that you just grew a
human for nine months and now like let's give your body some time to heal and
like let's ease into the process like let's just take that journey and be okay with where you're at instead of having
to immediately want to make changes on your body and immediately want to see weight loss
or fit into your pre-maternity genes or whatever that might be right so there's
the body image conversation and then there's also too like the rush to
quickly get back into life yeah and where it's like okay hurry up get back
to work okay take your kids and get them back into school or get you know or get them into daycare whatever those things
might be and you know and I think it's different seasons depending on how old your kids are how long you've you know
been in a certain you know routine with your kids and
um you know combining all of that with you know nutrition and fitness as well like there's a lot of things that overcross each other and you know
previously I used to do where I would be like I only did you know nutrition or I
only did excuse me I only did workouts and I was like get your workout and get your workout in and after realizing wait
a minute this health space and having a healthy lifestyle isn't just about
having a great workout it's not about getting your sweat on it's not about being sore for so many
days it's really all of it crisscrosses together there's this you know like all of those things in order to live that
actual healthy lifestyle and to have a home that is healthy like there's so
many things that are integrated together that have to work alongside of each other so I think that's why I was saying
there's a couple different buckets like to answer that question yeah um because I think there's a lot of
spaces you can dive into no I think that's a great answer and I just just as you were talking there it makes me think that obviously the
hormonal complexities of actually just being a woman is actually quite amazing but like having you know having a child
the obviously the the flood of biochemistry that happens during that process and then the dam regulation of
all that you know it's quite quite fascinating and it certainly takes time to recover from that to to balance and it
makes me think that like a lot of most women should probably be like doing some sort of like emotional workouts to start
with like these hormonal regulation workouts that would primarily be like maybe meditative based or just sitting
and just laying and just like connecting your mind and body about like what's happened rather than just like
going straight into like a workout space where we're traditionally like you know trying to put force and pressure on our
muscle groups to break them down to grow them again you know that's um another hormonal process but it's very very different
like your body is never going to be the same your body is completely different like and you have to be able to recalibrate that to get back to some
sort of level of normality so yeah those individuals who are able to like get back in the gym and do their like
CrossFit like three days after having a child like first of all that's incredible but I'm like I think there's
maybe some emotional psychological stuff there that like maybe needs to be like
have some attention put on it because it's such a you know even just as a father and watching to to my two kids
coming into the world like I had to do a lot of like emotional regulation after that whole process like watching my wife
go through this experience and these my kids coming into the world and under quite quite wild circumstances
there's so much energy that's like in the in the room in the whole environment and that it gets stored up and putting
you right and if you're somebody that's not very good at maybe um expressing your emotions or having an
outlet for them then you have a habit of storing them very subconsciously so that like they're in your body and that can
certainly turn out to become pain or disease in the Forefront so like I just imagine like it's so good to have
some sort of like emotional workout hormone balance program for women who've just had kids
I have to agree and I think too like even just being a mom or even being a
father like there is a lot that goes into supporting emotionally supported kids
because I mean I think about I have three as I said I have three little girls and they're seven and younger
right now but I know as a mom being able to show up for them emotionally because
I have done some you know I have done some emotional work and I do practice um meditation and I I do pray and I do
all these things and so as I go through you know being able to support them the
more emotionally sound and grounded that I am as a mom you know I am then able to support them
on how their emotions are and how they're feeling and being able to kind
of I guess you could say like dance a little bit like dancing in the emotions because if they're having a hard time
you're able to be more of that con you know Consulting and supportive heart and
like emotionally calm whereas you know if you let those emotions continue to
build up and get like so intense you know you're kind of doing more damage
than good you know for your children because you're then responding out of anger or you're responding out of like
frustration when it's like wait no like I as a human you know me and you like
being a mom and a dad or whatever like we are in control of our own emotions no one else can control our own emotions
you know no one has that power over us like we are the ones that can regulate that and as you said like as a mom being
able to even coming off a child birth or even bringing kids into the world there's a lot that happens emotionally
and physically and to be able to step into being able to shift with your kids
as different seasons come in with them changing and growing and learning and developmentally and all of that like man
emotions are a big conversation yeah well it's um it's a it's a huge
part of being a partner you know like usually before kids you know you've been with somebody for for quite a while and
maybe you've jumped into marriage and um you've had that relationship path but
it's it's complex it's it's so interesting that you go from being this individual in the world with all these
personalities and all these different communities and then you join up with another human being you know and you've
got their chaos and your chaos and you've got to figure out like some sort of template to manage the chaos and you
do that you know if it works you do that and then you start to have kids which is just like the ultimate typhoon you know and
then you've got three I've got two and it's just we'll have a conversation about how you go from two to three and the the psychology behind that later but
it's um it's super interesting that like being a mom being a dad being a parent
you know there's all these Dynamics there's all these little groups that go together and you've got you're not gonna you're not gonna survive it if you're
not aware of like your roles your weaknesses your strengths how your partner's doing that
constant checking in that communication like my kids my eldest has been sick for like two
three days and it's minus 14 outside so like we're not going outside so like we're all cooped up we're all feeling a bit wild and my wife at some point like
last night like five o'clock after dinner um the kids are just jumping all over her and it's been like that all day
she's just like all right I'm out I'm gonna have a bath and so she's gone for 15 minutes and her she's completely changed she
comes back she's completely changed she's taking that minute and I recognized that she needs that time as well so I'll just take the kids on she's
like you know she's dropping down in her like energy levels and that percentage that she's able to take on so I've got
to ramp up my ramp up and take that on and I think that that's um that's something that you hopefully like
self-evolved to do but like that's open communication that's you've got to be able to be open to being vulnerable to
being weak but then also being able to like step up and be strong and like know where you are with that and yeah it's
it's interesting I think that if you don't learn that yourself you probably you're not going to find it
anywhere like I think you could probably find it with prayer and religion and with meditation and taking on like a
philosophy of life like stoicism for example but like most people aren't doing that so people really really
struggle to be able to deal with those like wild Dynamics not saying that I deal with it perfectly all of the time but like I've got these I've got these
um mechanisms that I know that I can pull on that are within grabbing distance rather than
feeling like being able to cope with that in the moment is like so beyond me yeah and I feel like when you start when
you mention like the spouse situation sometimes I'm like how are too completely opposite people now trying to
do life under the same household you know and really trying to work together to create because you know you are
setting an example for your children and being able to hey this is how you know
marriage works and this is you know an example and like these things are going
to continuously lead like lean into them and they're going to remember little
things that you do and and as you mentioned like being able to have that communication with your spouse and to
say hey I'm tapping out like as your wife said I'm tapping out I need a minute like I have to like give me a
second here um because man the the kids will just take it all from you and I'm emotionally
like when it starts to like get to that point of you feel it heightened and you're like who give me a second like
and I feel being able to have a personal
like to to really look at yourself and see what that is like happening inside
of you and go oh I'm recognizing this it now I need to shift now I need to take a
moment and really like how can I handle what I'm feeling and serve it in a way
that's responsible you know and where it's not because it's not always the kid's fault like it's not actually it's
never their fault it really isn't like again back to that emotionally being able to figure out where that emotion is coming
from personally and that's a lot of work being able to mentally say hey I've done
some work and I understand what's going on inside of me and now I'm able to say
hey I need a second and to communicate well to your spouse instead of getting mad at your spouse for being M.I.A all
day or whatever you know you're then able to step into saying hey I'm feeling a certain way I need a moment please
allow me some space and then being able to come back in a whole new person you
know and being able to be that supportive emotionally supportive or that Mom that can sit there and say hey
I can play again because now I feel better yeah and setting those boundaries as yourself as an individual as well is
obviously very important as well and the kids obviously will learn them as learn those as you go along and I think what a
really amazing motivation is for a lot of people to use is really understanding that like the way I think the way I feel
and the way I behave my kids are ultimately going to to just pick that up it's going to be part of their
personality whether you like it or not so using that you know do you want your kids to start thinking negatively do you
want to start feeling negatively do you want to start to behaving negatively because if you're doing that they will do that there's absolutely no question
about that so you use your kids's um potential ability to become these super
wonderful human beings but you've got to set the you've got to set the example you've got to be the role model and
um it's not easy for everybody but there are like so many unbelievable resources to be able to do that and you you should
you're not just born with the ability to be able to do that you have to like evolve and read books and be open and do
all these things being open to being wrong having power Paradigm is completely broken apart about what you think parenting is and you know being
super open to being wrong that's one of the one of my big things I've learned in my 30s is like I I'm not 20 anymore I
don't know everything so many things I do know there's so many things I don't but I'm always open to
being Incorrect and that just leaves me open to being able to learn and evolve
and and it's okay to like make mistakes I really want my kids to learn that as well that you're going to be you're gonna all your successes are gonna come
from 100 errors and um and it's okay to make those mistakes it's okay to be sad it's okay to be angry and all these
things but it's like um yeah we can't expect a three-year-old boy like my eldest to have the emotional
regulation I have when I've got like 38 years of experience with anger rage and
sadness so having those expectations taking a step back and recognizing that like it would give you
the space to breathe and to have a lot more compassion and understanding for your kids I think
for sure and I know I love how you mentioned being able to be in a space of constantly wanting to being open to
Growing open to learning more open to saying hey I messed up there and that's
okay and I and I'll take as an example like I tell a little mini story so this
more I'm actually going to share what happened this morning so I was super I was at that point you know where you
feel those emotions being super heavy and as my husband went and had a moment
to himself I then was like running around like putting everything together for the kids and then all of a sudden I
was like super frustrated that I was doing it all by myself in that moment and I felt really like aggravated and a
slight anger and I was kind of mad at my husband but then I was also kind of mad at myself and the kids weren't really
listening and so you go through feeling those feelings and that that tension starts to come
but then I quickly as soon as my husband came back in the room I got the kids in the car and I came in and I
re-apologized and kind of just said hey I just want to acknowledge how I'm feeling I this is where I'm coming from
this is why I'm feeling this way and I know that you two feel this way at
times it's just we have we both feel that same feeling about different stuff
you know and then I was a little upset and so I came into went got in the car
and my seven-year-old came and just hugged me because I've got tears rolling down my face and she came and just
hugged me and put her arm around my shoulder and was rubbing my shoulder and then she kissed me on the cheek and I'm
telling that story because that right there it just shows that you don't have
to cover up the emotion you don't have to hide from it and being aware of what
where that emotion came from have a conversation about the emotion and then that teach help teaches those
kids like that healthy space to say it's okay to be sad and how do I handle that sadness and how do I handle the anger
and helping them also too like it is a ripple effect and you mentioned it a second ago like they will learn from
what we do they're constantly or a constant they just watch us and they'll
just take it all like I even hear my kids doing the whole I grunt sometimes I go oh like like that and you hear my
one-year-old I have a one-year-old too and she will she was in the bathroom this morning going oh and I'm like oh
geez like I need to really work on that that's so funny yeah like they've already got the genetics set up right
they just need some more cues in the real world and they're just gonna pick it up they're super funny um can you thanks for sharing that that
was awesome I love the personal side of these stories and yeah it's just like yeah things just boil up at some point
but feeling that like you want to teach your kids to feel you know and be
connected to those emotions because you said like I think we've been taught I think emotions has been massively
misunderstood in regards to like the things that just like happen to us and we don't have any control over them nothing can be further from the truth
you know we have neurological Pathways that lead to chemicals release which you know end up turning into like an
emotionally and emotion being like the end product of an experience and you've got so much power in regards to like how
you're doing that and like what you're feeling and even in even within the moment and once you can do that like you
can actually choose to like feel happiness and joy and love and gratitude like 99 of the day and when you do that
like life's amazing all the stuff that you ever want it comes to you and life just seems like a breeze for a lot of
for you but yeah it's true it's true um I want to get into some more practical tips because that was awesome we just
did 23 minutes of beautiful stuff gone through none of the questions I was going to ask you but that's fine that's the way podcasts work and that's why
they're great um but I want to ask how can parents stay consistent with like moving their
bodies not necessarily like this big strong hour-long like workouts but how can they start consistently moving their
bodies so this could be like parents who have got like a new baby or like in your case where you've got like you know
older but still young younger kids and you've got your routine set up because I didn't go into the gym for a
14 15 months after my first kid we did lots of walking around for sure but like I wasn't like using my body the way that
I was like used to doing it and um obviously habits get thrown out of the window but like I'm sure the
pandemic and um working from home and people being at home having to think so I think outside of the box and rear
rearrange their relationship with time that or they've discovered new ways of
doing it so but like can you give me some practical ways that people can start like moving their bodies like right now as parents for sure so this is
my one of my favorite topics because I it always just depends on where you're at and I always I tell my clients too
like when with the women inside of my coaching program is everyone starts
somewhere and taking where you are and just every single week just being one percent
better right and just do a little bit at a time and so to answer your question it doesn't have to be from zero to a
hundred it really is taking and just evaluating where you are currently and then just
increasing it just a little bit and when you add children to your regimen or to your life get them
involved like they don't have to it doesn't have to be like I can't work out because I have kids or I can't go on a walk because of the kids or this
happened no I'm like involve them get them involved like go on the walk with the kids like schedule that in somehow
like you know when they get a little crazy as you mentioned like the evening or the afternoon where they're just like antsy like just go for a walk and maybe
one day it starts with hey we just made it to the stop sign and then came back or then it's like okay we made it to the
stop sign plus five houses you know and now you've got a little bit further of a
distance and the kids didn't get as crazy this time and so then they just start to realize you know that one the
kids get adjusted to what the routine is and then so do you like then they're like not they're not as crazy they're
able to be like oh well at four o'clock every day we go on a walk perfect like they just know that it's something that
you do and so um you know just to really Implement some sort of movement if you're not
moving at all like just park far away you know like don't don't park at the
wait around and drive in a circle finding the closest parking spot like Park far away walk more you know and it
really is just evaluating always just say because everyone's story is going to be a little different just evaluate what
you currently do and what little ways and every single thing that you do are opportunities for you to move more
that's beautiful I love the parking away situation that's really good yeah because like the time you spend circling
around trying to find that close parking spot you could have probably walked back walked there and back to your car
multiple times um yeah that's cool yeah I love getting my kids involved in the they don't have
obviously have to do the workout but like my wife and I when we're like playing outside in the courtyard with the kids we do like these like seven
minute to battle like workouts that kind of hit us pretty hard and um the kids jump in and get involved
whenever they want but they also just like walk around and do their own thing they kind of recognize that Mum and Dad are doing this right now their attention
is on that and they want to jump on my back while they're doing the push-ups you know it's all fun for everybody so yeah there's like there's there's
solutions for everybody and I think that whether you are doing it in your front room or at the park or in your garden or
whatever like there's space and there's time to do these things and I think the routine pieces is huge as well
especially if like the kids you know if it's like four o'clock and it's time to time to go for a walk before dinner or after dinner or whatever I think that's
a beautiful thing to do as a family and yeah really great great tip thank you what about
um what about with like food and nutrition especially for like those new parents where life gets insane really
quickly how can people keep it like really simple really healthy kind of amongst the chaos because it's so easy
to slip into ordering food all the time or buying packaged foods and you know and having a
consistent influx of like seed oils and sugar which is just are so unbelievably bad for you so yeah tell us about that
like what's the introduction of that that would be you know simple to uptake oh for sure so my biggest thing that I
say uh inside my coaching Community um we say if God made it we consume it
and so that just really kind of keeps it simple um but it really like whatever the earth
makes like it's it really just trying to create and eat in the most simplest form
so taking it from you know if it's packaged has already been through something and so going back to like how
did it how does the Earth provide this food and go from there so that would be
my first tip and then the second tip would be five ingredients or less
and because some things you will have to like pick up right like you know but just to simplify it and to not get into
the nitty-gritty and to get overwhelmed really just keep it in five ingredients or less and then you know at its most
natural form and if you combine that like you're in probably in a really good space
yeah that's also I love the you know eat real food I was gonna I was gonna argue the the
um the piece that you said about if God made it you can eat it because I think God made man man-made machines man-made
Mars Buzz I don't so many people like we'll come and be like well you're not supposed to eat certain types of snake
or whatever I'm like okay the engineer people are usually the ones
that are going to be like wait a minute that's so funny a little detailed here but you know yeah I mean basically
eating real foods keep it simple and I think especially for new parents like
ask for help like if you've got like all the registry stuff you've got the car seat you've got the the stroller you've
got all that stuff ticked off have all the other things for like meals that you can put in your freezer like get like
your grandma or whatever to like cook as many Shepherd's pies or Cottage pies or whatever in the meat in your freezer as
possible and have that and have it taken off taken off you off your case so you have to want to worry about having to
think about lunch and dinner every single day if you can just whip something out of the freezer and get that in the in the mic in the um in the
oven as soon as you can like that's a massive saver I was very very fortunate that we had that with our first kid
people just kept bringing us food it was awesome uh yeah it was like uh I was eating the
healthiest I've ever had and my grocery bill was the cheapest it's ever been you're like can we have more kids so we can get food brought to us
that's good that's good um are there any other like key factors you think that we can take into account
to like help ourselves help our families avoid slipping into like unhealthy habits whether that is around
um food whether it is around movement um I suppose like maybe too many screens
and being stuck in that realm is probably an unhealthy habit as well like to kind of that it's easily stuck into
so any other like tips that you you've got for us sure
having that growth mindset as you mentioned um and then from there just
in order to create that household of help really just being okay with not doing it the way you grew up
and I and I what I mean by that is just because you did it a certain way doesn't mean there's new opportunities or new
ways to do it or better ways to do it um there's always ways to improve
there's always ways that you can kind of step into being a better version of yourself personally and the more that
you're able to improve who you are the better of a leader that you're going to be in your household
beautiful I was real concise that was real simple I love that um
what do you think people can do to support their mental health through parenting massive
question but like can you give us some simple things and maybe take us through like
before baby comes because there's like so many questions like get answered in
in that area as well and then like when baby comes and like maybe through like the first few years like
I think the pandemic has taught us well it hasn't taught you something then you've I don't know what you've been
doing but um it's taught us without question that like isolating yourself and being
separate from other human beings is like the quickest way to depression and mental health issues and suicide like
it's it's so apparent and it's super sad and we are really struggling with the aftermath of
massively mishandling that part of the part of the process right um so and then you throw pairing in
parenting into it like so many people have had kids in the last few years um you know you're stuck at home isolab
what are you gonna do um so like what do you think people can do to really support their mental health through like specifically parenting and
trying to avoid those lessons we've learned from covid um that's deep actually I think when it
comes to mental health and adjusting how you
I I really think it's going to be part of just continuing to keep people around you like I I am a True Believer in community
and the more people you have around you to support you
the better off you're going to be um and I also feel that that's a like a
supportive space for your mindset um but then as you outgrow people around
you be okay like letting them go you know be okay like hey I think it's time
for me to like you know develop a new relationships or find new relationships and the more that you're able to spend
time in community the more people are able to love you and support you and encourage you and even challenge you
because the more that you're able to be challenged like I know I'm thankful for
people in my life that are gonna like stand up to me and say hey what are you doing like that doesn't really align with like what your values are or
whatever and just being able to be in community with other people are gonna is gonna help you out mindset wise
ultimately but and I think when it comes to Parenting as you know like we've
already kind of touched on some of these things like it's such a ripple effect and the way that you're looking at your
body image or the way that you might be viewing who you are how food is you're
already sharing that with people next to you or your kids and you're passing it down and so really just the mindset and
starts in order to start switching it and adjusting it you have to spend time
in it and you have to be aware of it and you have to be wanting to make
improvements in that space But in order to do that like getting in community I think is going to be your first step
into sharing your story with other people sharing where your vision is for
yourself and Sh and being true to who you are and not just trying to be like oh this is my Pinterest version of who I
am you know and and actually getting raw and real with the people around you in your community
yeah I think I think communing and becoming part of
your communities is is something we've definitely learned over the last few years that we something massively
missing from everybody and um we've unfortunately lost so many people to the to that lack of
understanding of that the lack of maybe it being Out Of Reach For A lot of people we know the people who get
depressed people get anxious people have got like deep psychological disorders they revert to isolation and that leads
to very dark outcomes and yeah again like I always think about like ancient communities like tribal
communities that still do exist today like how they treat themselves of individuals and being a
collective and being a part of this big group so powerful it creates such responsibility it creates a place in the
group and that's what so many people are just on the especially young people just lacking lacking responsibility lacking
something that they're really passionate about and being told that they can do it something I thought they can do amazing
things you know and like we don't have that in our Western culture whatsoever my wife and I like we do like a movie
night once a week and last night we watched Tarzan and the last kind of scene right is um
Tarzan with his like tribal buddies sitting on this beautiful Hill and um you kind of figure out that he's
waiting for his baby to be born and um the baby comes out of the uh of
this like beautiful heart and it's like every single woman in the village is like 100 women and one of them's
carrying the baby and every single one of them is like dancing around and in just absolute joy and I just thought oh
my gosh like that kid's coming to the world properly like do you know what I mean
and it's just like that that was the best part of the movie it's the last minute it's kind of it's a very average movie I wouldn't recommend it
um but that last scene is really really cool because it's like that still happens in very like you know indigenous
places without question like around the world and uh that's kind of like how it's supposed to be and we've
we've gone so far off that especially with like the actual birthing of children but like
day one and then like 50 years later like we're still getting things wrong when it comes to community
and being together and you know trying to get to know your neighbor and it's a massive massive problem and it's if we
can find solutions to that and just like reaching out to people and being open and just saying hi to people on the
street getting involved in communities that you're interested in maybe doing volunteer work something like that like
going to your local church or whatever you don't have to be super religious to get the amazing benefits of like going
to connect with a bunch of people who are just like super happy and wonderful enjoy it so you've got this thing in
their life that holds them up to this level of like beautiful Joy love happiness gratitude
like it's an energetically amazing thing to be a part of it's like going to a soccer match in England it's 50 60 000
people who are there to support this one thing it's Collective its focus is energetic it might be just like nonsense
in the sport but it's a religious spirit experience for those people and you feel the electricity within you it changes
your biological chemistry and it does something for you that's the power of community and it's in your grasp
wherever you are in the world wherever you are listening to this it's it's available to you and I guarantee you
other human beings want to be with other human beings and they want to connect with your your victories and they want to be a
part of your um let's not say failures but they want to be part of the negative parts of being a human being because we can all
connect with those I think you nailed that one yes yeah I
have to agree I have to agree how important the culture or how important Community is and the support that you
get from just people in your own space well that was an amazing 40 minutes
Chase I'm so glad that we connected and that we had this conversation can you let us know how people can connect with
you and um maybe even ask questions if they need to is there a place to do that oh
mommy heard all of that kind of stuff and then um also too you can jump into my uh website chaselinwilliams.com
amazing well I'll make sure that those links are connected in the show notes so people can connect with you but Chase
again thank you so much for coming on to true hopecast I really appreciate your time today that was super valuable thank
you so much awesome well that is it for this episode of True hope class the official podcast with true hope Canada we'll be back with you next week you can
leave us a review on iTunes if you fancy it Spotify I've got some sort of star rating system you can go on there and
don't forget to subscribe but that is it for this week we're going to see you soon foreign