Guest Episode
March 24, 2023
Episode 110:
Big Changes & Healing with Derek Henry
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Derek Henry is the founder of Healing the Body and the THRIVE Academy.
He used nutrition, supplementation, and a holistic lifestyle to naturally unravel 13 chronic disease conditions that conventional or alternative medical professionals couldn't help him resolve.
As a result of this one-in-a-million health transformation and the knowledge acquired in the process, he is now happier and healthier than he has ever been and now educates, coaches, and inspires thousands of others to transform their health through a natural and holistic approach.
Since 2014, he has helped his THRIVE Academy participants heal over 20 different chronic disease conditions, primarily related to digestive and autoimmune concerns.
Today we will discuss big changes and healing.
I think change is a big thing too is as ironic as it is that the only thing that's actually constant has changed is the thing that we seem to resist the
most which is fascinating to me and you can go really deep into the mind in terms of why that happens I sometimes
attribute to the ego just being that that like that warm comfortable cozy couch with a blanket on it and you know
the ego doesn't really want things to change it once it's everything to stay the same because that's where you're comfortable it's trying to give you that
comfort and that um you know maybe like you are when you're in the womb everything's comfortable Everything feels good even though it might not but
you know everything feels good when you're in that comfort zone and I don't want too much to change because we we know anytime we've changed big things
change around us especially when you've construct an environment based on your habits you know the people you your friends your family family obviously
will relatively say the same but your you know friends and things like that could change according to the places that you frequent what you know what
kind of things are you doing greetings hello good day wherever you are in the world thank you for joining true hype policy official podcast of true hype
Canada now this podcast throughout cost takes a deep dive into through mental Health's many physiological and
psychological aspects this is the show for you if you're looking for motivation inspiration knowledge and solutions
that's what we are all about here at true hope Canada true hope Canada is a mind and body based supplement company
dedicated first and foremost to promoting brain and body Health through non-invasive nutritional means for more
information about us please visit trueheartcanada.com today I welcome Derek Henry to the
podcast now Derek is the founder of healing the body and the Thrive Academy he used nutrition supplementation and a
holistic lifestyle to unravel 13 chronic disease conditions that conventional and
alternative medical practitioners could not help him resolve as a result of this
one in a million Health transformation and the knowledge that he acquired in the process he's now happier and
healthier than he's ever been and he now educates coaches and others to transform
their health through natural and holistic means since 2014 he has helped
his Thrive Academy participants heal over 20 different chronic disease conditions primarily related to
Digestive and autoimmune concerns today we're going to be discussing big changes and healing enjoy the show
all right good morning Derek thank you for joining me thank you for joining true Hope cast uh how are you what is
going well things going well over here Simon we have just a new snowfall so we're
getting ready for winter and of course with that people are starting to likely starting to think about what to do for
the cold and flu season that's probably almost well underway here yeah that's a very good point we should
certainly talk about that so you're apart from the people I've spoken to in person you are the closest person I've
spoken to and you know podcasting is just amazing we're able to speak to people all over the world but you're like an hour and a half away from me you
know you're a cloner I'm in Kamloops and we had some interesting conversations about the snow and the the weather that
we've both had now and uh yeah it's nice that nice to know that you're so close and we also have like a a um a friend in
common as well and uh a health group as well which is pretty cool yes absolutely
absolutely yeah so as an intro why don't you let us know who you are and what it is that you do
okay so who am I well I mean that might depend on uh on how you've interacted
with me so um you know I could be a dad um you know I have three children myself so I'm a dad uh anybody who's been
reading my articles over the past decade would call me a health blogger
um those of those that have been watching my story closely would say he's the he's the guy that reversed 13
chronic disease conditions completely on his own and naturally um other people might see my video
content um they may see me as a freedom fighter or even a true seeker and it'd be true
that I am all of those things uh but I think if I was going to wrap it up I'd say would I be best known as is a Health
Mentor and uh teaching educating showing guiding people
um to to understand that um good health is possible regardless of whether you
lost it or not and I'm really trying to teach people how to be healthy in a
world that seemingly seems to have been set up to do the opposite and it's not easy these days to maintain a good level
of health and my whole goal has been to teach people how to maintain good health if they have it and to help reverse
um you know chronic disease conditions if they've lost it beautiful so why did you start to why
did you decide to start helping people with their own health you know like you know you obviously told us about some
chronic conditions that you experience can you tell us a little bit more about that I think people's motivations people's why is always very very
interesting because it's always super unique but like you know everyone I speak to on the podcast who
isn't like a medical doctor who who kind of like went back and and started being a
bit more of a functional practitioner and working a lot more holistically and um those other types of practitioners
like yourself they have had an experience and it's changed them and changed their perspective and their
views on the world and through their own journey through their own healing through their own transformation they
have got to a point so yeah I think I think everyone's story is very very valuable and important so if you
wouldn't mind sharing us you know how you got to the point of you know supporting people with their health like that would be great yeah well I mean it
started when I was 30 years old and um I didn't didn't seem to have any health problems but looking back you know I
would definitely recognize the symptoms now but of course back in the day I was ignorant of whatever symptoms I was
having what that actually might mean um and at the age of 30 my health Came Crashing Down quite abruptly and quite
quickly um it wasn't it wasn't a slow kind of a process of slow deterioration I went
from feeling you know like a 30 year old to feeling like um I was walking death that's really
what it felt like it wasn't um some very minor disease conditions they were all very serious and they came on like I
said quite quickly so it was it was like the kindling was there and everything was rated fired up and then I had a period of stress that ultimately blew up
everything in my face so um so obviously at that point in time I
didn't really know what I was doing um I didn't know what health was really um I didn't know how to use nutrition supplements lifestyle or anything like
that to naturally heal myself so I was uh I was prepared for anything information that came my way but it took
a while before I actually found any information that allowed me to even understand the concept of how to heal yourself especially yourself naturally
because I wasn't getting any answers from doctors at that point in time just testing and you know an original diagnosis that I had rheumatoid
arthritis um you know take your pain pills and go on your way for me that wasn't good enough I didn't want to be in the conventional system even at that
time I had no desire to be post-prodded or prescribed anything but that was the route that I was going to I didn't
figure things out pretty quickly so um so it took me a couple probably about two and a half years
um from from that kind of diagnosis before I finally figured out what I was going to do and it started with you know
nutrition and cleaning up different toxic products and stuff in my home um by the time um you know I was dealing with so many
different so many different symptoms it was really actually hard to keep track of them all um because there were so many different
things going on um to give you an idea you know I said rheumatoid arthritis was one thing that I was dealing with
um candid overgrowth uh hypothyroid issues autoimmune issues I had lots of skin disease fatigue all the time
swollen lymph nodes um huge swollen lymph nodes you know one on the inside of my arm that was about
the size of a small golf ball I had prostatitis going on and kidney and urinary issues you know waking up six or
seven times at night to go to the bathroom liver problems had some allergies going on acid reflux
pancreatitis like I said it wasn't it wasn't simple there was a ton of things going on so um my first goal was to to
come off medications pain medication because I didn't want to be on them and actually they made me feel a little bit worse even though they did numb the pain they made me feel worse in other ways so
I was like I have to get off these medications so just sorry just just this is so interesting because there's so much going on for you right but like all
those things start happening and like you said they they came on quickly you're saying like all of these things
happen to you like within a year within a few months like because you must have been like how
do you how do you navigate that with a doctor when all of that stuff's going on because you you know every single thing
you do describing is like a different specialist so like tell tell me a little bit about the and also I'm quite
interested to wonder like if this happened quite quickly like how do you personally like explain that looking back at like you know that particular
time in your life that particular year or a couple of years like you know what was going on for you for your body to just be like yeah done with trying to
heal you here you go yeah it was uh it was fast um you know I I felt completely normal
to be honest and then I had done a little bit of a workout it was shortly after Christmas it was just like a band
workout I wasn't gonna do any weights or anything like that and then two days later um it felt like I had full-on rheumatoid arthritis that's what it felt like and I
so it was it was fast like almost instant um there was there was no slow deterioration of symptoms and then
within two or three months I would say um all these other symptoms started to come in you know there's a point in time
where I could only move my neck side to side like five to ten degrees that's when I knew I was in bigger trouble and of course I didn't really want to go to
a doctor for several reasons so it took me probably four or five months to even go to one and attempt and probably
because I didn't feel like there was not much they were going to do and even when I did you know I got the blood test and everything else and that came back it
was just a prescription anyway which I didn't want so I was like this isn't the answer I knew it wouldn't be but I guess I know for as comforting as that was uh
I honestly don't know how I survived those two years to be completely honest in terms of how badly I felt I look back at it now I'm like how did you even
manage you know um at that time um having a young a young child
um you know and having to work you know 40 hours a week doing the regular four you know 40 hour a week job and at and
also the first thing I did start doing was to massage therapists and Chiropractic just to help kind of
relieve some of the issues that I was having but that wasn't true it was just actually helping manage it at that time
yeah did you try those things first because you said
um that you didn't really know much about health yep and I just feel like
for most people who you know don't know about like health and nutrition and all the wonderful things that go along with
that um they would go to a conventional doctor like that would just be like the you know standard procedure for most
people when they start feeling symptoms or start feeling ill especially when they're compounding in a couple of months time you know so is there another
reason that you didn't like want to go see a doctor um all I can say is I just have a
healthy fear of doctors that's healthy that's normal yeah I call it healthy fear because it is um and I
didn't really realize the time and I really didn't want to be poked and prodded and I didn't want to be diagnosed with a bunch of things and have them put that into my brains I
thought I got to figure this out myself so it's just my personality uh there was no desire to go that road I seen that
route myself before even maybe that's part of it too with my father you know at age 15 who died of prostate cancer I
saw what they put him through and maybe that was still um even though this was you know 15 years later maybe part of that played uh
played played a part of it that I didn't want to see the same thing happen to me regardless of what it was because I was
you know I was even concerned that they might even bring up that diagnosis and that certainly something I did not want to play zombies so it's almost like if I
don't know about it you know kind of plug your ears and go la la I don't know about it then it's not happening it worked out for me in the end it might
not work out for everybody um but it worked out for me so it took me about a year to do anything
um really other than just grinding my way through it on a day-to-day basis and then after a year I started to see a
massage therapist who slowly but certainly started working on a little bit of the pain you know minor stuff though like you know even but even five
ten fifteen percent of reduction of my pain was a big deal I did that for for a year before I even figured out to do
anything else and I was going to Chiropractic in between as well or doing adjustments with me on my neck and things like that which again this would
only last two or three days and then the neck would be completely out of shape again and I just have to go back and I'm like I can't sustain this I can't manage
this there's no way I'm going to continue to do this but this is all I know how to do until I figure it out so
I had to do that for a couple years um until nutrition came in and um you know I discovered an article or someone
sent me an article on Broccoli how it could heal cancer and it was for my father-in-law at the time
um and but I read it and I was like Wow nutrition can actually do this and uh
from the easiest way it says down the rabbit hole I went I never came back up for air for for probably three years I
just studied intensely three to five hours a day I was studying nutrition everything else and I started to piece together that and some supplements other
things and I started to feel better on a daily basis so it wasn't there was no turnaround like as quickly as it
happened there was no quick turnaround like that it was a journey of three years of me being hardcore into everything that I could possibly do
Naturally by myself and actually after three years getting back to a place where I felt relatively normal you know
no medications I came off those fairly quickly thanks to the foods that I was eating and certain supplements I was
taking and um and then I just started overhauling everything and it took you know it was a long time for me to kind
of change everything to a point where I felt like I was completely normal again but it was uh it was a long trip and
that's basically what I focused on I focus on my food um you know folks on detox obviously cleansing that's the simplified version
of it and focus on certain supplements and lifestyle factors and all that stuff together after a period of about five
years I kind of got myself back to where I'm like okay I'm where I was before this all started and then I did it for a
few more years probably another five years I kind of went deeper and deeper into a point that I was like I've never felt this good in my entire life so was
a good testimony that if you have the right Faith determination and you can get some good direction and you follow
closely that I had the kind of success that very few people probably are able to get especially if you're going to
Conventional medicine because they're certainly not going to heal you in those ways so you had these symptoms for a year and
then you started to do something about some of the pain with massage therapy and Chiropractic and it's kind of funny that neither of those practitioners
discussed like what you were eating or what you weren't eating and like other
factors like it's kind of interesting that they wouldn't um maybe ask a question or investigate
those things I don't know how in-depth their intake form was or how much you you know you don't go to you genuinely
don't go to a massage therapist and tell them about you know your I don't know your thyroid stuff you know like is
usually about like the pain things that you would go through and so that's just interesting but then like after that like a year or two later you get this
article about broccoli it starts changing your mind a little bit about nutrition and food and that's really interesting what what do you think you
learned about your like your past self because I'm sure we can call it that at this point you know that that
personality when you were like 30 and you're experiencing you know quite a lot of physical and I'm sure of
psychological trauma what did you learn about your past self during that transformation because it sounds like it
was like a quite inspiring um time for you that clearly like changed your mind even just from the
point of reading that article to just like Spark all these new thoughts and ideas and it and it clearly like kicked you into action yeah yeah I say you know
if I was look back at my old self I'd say I was largely complacent um about health period
um and that's what got me to the place where I was because I never determined that it was actually an important thing
to do it's just something that everybody had and if you didn't if you had you know bad Health it was just bad luck and
I I realized that is completely untrue um you know we're living in a society that definitely isn't set up to make us
healthy I know that um but it wasn't bad luck there's always reasons for underlying disease conditions and why they come up it just
a few of us understand how that develops because we're never told or educated about how that could even happen or what the symptoms even look like so um I'm
not sure you know you mentioned before when did you decide that you wanted to help people with it I don't
it's a tricky one to it's an interesting word because I'm not sure that I decided it's almost like it was decided for me I
never woke up one day and said people need to know about this I just wouldn't shut up about it as soon as I started getting healthy it was just like I
couldn't shut up about what I was telling everybody that I that I knew just to listen to you you should be doing this you should be changing this so remove this from your house drink
your smoothies all that kind of stuff and I'm sure I was really obnoxious but when you are healing yourself and you're seeing these changes happen you're
seeing people going to doctors offices and things like that and you're thinking these people could actually heal themselves through food and avoid the
doctor visits and all those other things that aren't helping I was a man on fire it didn't matter if you wanted to listen or not you're going to hear from me
about it if you brought especially friends and family they probably got bored and annoyed of me really quickly so it just became I just became You Know
a Man on Fire and I would just I you know I I wouldn't stop talking about it and here I am 15 years later and I'm
still not stopping talking about it and actually it's only gotten more intense over the past few years given a lot of
things that have happened over the past couple years I've been even more intense on this in terms of trying to teach people and educate people they can overcome these things because we get a
lot of these ideas in our heads and often from conventional medicine that you can't heal this you can't cure this there's no there's no there's no um cure
for that and to to obviously all the things that I say I did this myself I overcame all these diseases you're
talking about I've helped other people overcome them for eight years now so what you're being told is a lie now I'm not saying they're lying too it's just
they're in a circle of people that don't heal people so they don't understand what it takes or what you need to do so
if you want to understand that you need to go to the people who've done the things that you want to do so um it kind of almost like the decision was made I
was you know whether you want to say I was made for that moment or was it was I was you know I had this experience for a reason there was no real decision it
just I started waking up and I just started talking to people about it as my as my journey went on then eventually I
did sort of I guess quote unquote decide that I'm going to do this at another level not just you know talk to friends and family I'm going to start a you know
get get my website fired up I'm going to start making some programs for people so they can do what I did so I waited until I had largely healed myself before I
decided to do that because I wanted to be a leader I want to lead by example and I want to show that I have done it so that's kind of what I guess maybe
made a bigger decision to do this you as a practitioner rather than just uh just
some some some guy that's uh that's gonna stick you know if you give them five minutes he'll he'll tell you
everything you need to know about nutrition and how you heal with it during that during that like so let's
say peak of your symptomology when you've got like you know the stack of things going on and if you could go back
and say to 30 year old Derek like I'll do this do this first because of this like this really really helped whether
it was like massage to get rid of the pain or Cairo to get rid of the inflammation or whatever it was like or
nutritional supplements is there like one thing that you could recognize that like you know knocked off four or five
of these like layers of symptoms yeah yeah if I was to go back there um the first thing I would have told myself is
Derek you need to be on a healing diet that would have been the first thing because that's the thing that's been the most profound for me and that's
different than a clean diet and you know we talked these days obviously about organic food and how important that is obviously being able to have highly
nutritious food that doesn't have any toxic burden associated with it that could get trapped in your physiology and create all kinds of dissonance and
problems um so a lot of people are eating clean diets um their interest in their health mean they're eating organic food but
they're eating any type of food really there's no discernment in terms of what types of foods will heal certain health
problems better than others if I had that healing diet back in the day my journey would have ever ever taken that
long I was just figuring it out I was eating just all kinds of good food that I could organic and everything else which you know back then was considered
woo-woo to eat organic diet I was like there's nothing good with Organic diet there's no there's no benefit from an
organic diet as opposed to a non-organic one well of course now people that are in the health industry would or any any
health Enthusiast would argue that no organic matters um but that's that's the state of where we were at that point in time um where
people you know that was that was new in the area that I was in anyway in the region that I was in
um so so if I would have pulled that off early um that would have changed everything because for me
um there's only two real reasons that people get sick I've kind of summed it up after all these years I kind of summed up to because I always want to
make things simple for people because things are often incredibly complicated you know big words are used scientific
words and we're not often given a lot of insight we don't understand what's going on but I've really boiled it down to
only two things create all these chronic diseases that we're dealing with whether it's allergies all the way to cancer and
in my opinion and that is the first one is infections and infections could be biological ones you know like you know
parasites or bacteria or viruses or you know fungus things like that it could be
chemical ones which many of us are you know we understand like heavy metals or fluoride or you know parabens
pesticides glyphosates you know prescriptions all those kinds of things and then the third one which is a little
bit um again given to um I call it ethereal infections and
that's more stuff like non-native emfs electromagnetic frequencies that can create chaos in ourselves and things like emotional traumas that can cause
people a lot of stress I call all those things infections you usually get a combination of those infections is what
starts everything and then that leads to the second plane which is malnourishment or nutrient deficiencies or imbalances
you get that kind of disease going you're going to burn through nutrients really really quickly
um because the body's trying to offset that inflammation that's being caused by all the majority of those types of infections so with the healing diet
that can do that and we call you know the buzzword is detox or cleansing right that's still a big word so with the diet
that I have the healing diet that helped remove two of those three types of infections obviously not the Ethereal
ones but the biological and chemical ones that helps Rectify my nutrient deficiencies and imbalances focusing on those two things alone from a 30 000
foot few is really what allowed me to get there obviously focused in a way that those nutrients and things that I
was taking in were largely digestible you know there's lots of hydration things like that things that are important because I often teach people
that you know you're not so much what you eat as you are what you digest and that's lost by a lot of people things
that we put in their mouth don't necessarily digest properly especially if we got you know our digestive infrastructure has been broken down but
if you get that right that's where that healing diet comes in again I think if I had that back then I would have cut my journey probably into a third at least
there would have been some time that I still would have needed because there was a lot going on um to remove all that stuff and replace
those deficiencies and imbalances but I would have got on it way faster rather than kind of wandering in the desert which is what I was doing trying to
figure it out yeah I think it's so important to look at the look at
obviously obviously what we're putting into our body what's the input whether that is actually food whether that's drink whether that's
supplements or is that like meditation or yoga like how are we experiencing our
spiritual self you know obviously that's a that that comes into consideration hugely but you know in my experience as
a nutritionist and just like interviewing lots of different people and the whole diet craze thing is very
very super fascinating the psychology that people go through with that whole thing you know everyone's trying to diet or at least at least one and
for me the healing benefits of a diet it's not what you eat it's what you
don't eat because we obviously like we'll have these normal habitual times where we will you know consume foods
that we know are not going to serve us but we we go to them through habit through minor addictions
through their effect on our biochemistry especially our neurochemistry so it's very you know those things obviously
play a big part but you know I was having I was having like a little dinner party last week and somebody brought the
idea of a celery cleanse and I've never done a certainly cleanse myself personally and you know being the
nutritionist at the table I get asked my opinion which is cool and I just thought about it for a second I thought you know
when people do a celery cleanse I don't know if they're just consuming celery I think the people who are at the table
they've just consumed like celery juice like three four times a day and that's everything they produced and I thought
well there's definitely going to be some nutritional benefits and celery you know it's a healthy vegetable it's green it's
going to have phytonutrients it's going to have you know water and all these other things and soluble fiber and
soluble fiber as well so I'm like that's going to be great for you for sure but there's no way you can do that forever
but it's also like I wonder like what your body is not having to deal with anymore like your digestive system your
liver all these things that are not going to be in your body floating around causing toxicity like the soda drinks
and the the sugars and the the processed fats and the processed foods just in
general they're not in circulation anymore so your body is not having to actually deal with those and get rid of them
whether they can actually do that through you know excretion or um storing it up in fat like a lot of
toxins get stored up in fat people don't really recognize that and yeah it's so so important to just think about like
what what is actually serving you what is making you feel really really good because people Just Bounce from diet to
diet to diet right and the the common theme is you you do you do feel well for like a
week or a two and it's very difficult to keep up that particular restricted thing for a while but usually what makes people feel really good is what they're
not eating and they're finally giving their body the the ability and the position to be in a state whereas oh my
God like Simon is no longer eating all that garbage I don't I don't have to spend all those resources dealing with that now I can put the resources towards
like making him feel good making him you know rebalance his microbiome to make him start producing the right
neurochemistry and to start craving Good Foods because I'm sure on your journey because you had so much motivation and
drive behind everything as soon as you started to tried better foods and you start to do all these
things and you I'm sure thinking I'm not going to consume this bad food now because I don't want to feel bad
anymore you know and then your body starts to just like crave all these good things and yeah I just think it's interesting in regards to we're
obviously not we're not what we eat we're what we absorb but also like when we're when we're avoiding consuming
foods that just will not serve us and also consuming information and you know
people and energies and frequencies that we that are just not going to serve us like psychologically like then our body
and our brain can just be like oh my God thank God like he's out of the way and I'm not having to deal with that anymore and it can just do it it does best which
is just to make us feel amazing yeah absolutely I think you made a very
key point that I talked to a lot of people about is that when we get on these we'll say fad diets or some of
them aren't even diets like I said sometimes it could just be celery juice right um which you know I know where the celery juice
um fad we'll call it came from and I do think that seller juice has a lot of important qualities that can definitely
help people heal themselves the biggest thing that you brought up that I often bring up though is if you're actually going to heal something and you're going
to eliminate the Foods um that are causing you distress which is the which was one part of it which a lot of people do right you know
elimination diets is a good example they're very popular and I say that's important yes to remove the triggers but
it's also important to incorporate regularly the foods that are actually going to heal the problem removing the trigger is just one part of it but the
big word here is and this is what I focus on with the stuff that I do as well because in this is where it has to become a lifestyle is sustainability no
one is going to sustain a celery 32 ounce a day celery juice habit for long I can guarantee that you're definitely
not going to do it if you've done it for a year longer I mean you're a superhero I don't know where you would come up with the discipline to be able to
actually pull that off but in nor do you want to do that for that long it's very myopic you know there's so many other things that you could you could be
missing but for a short period of time or as part of an overall plan sure that could be part of it um but for me when I do things I know
that healing if you're going to heal anything that's major um we'll say any kind of chronic disease label that you've inherited or that
you've been told you have you're going to need to do it for a longer period of time than 10 days or whatever you have
to do at least for a couple months and do it extremely well so if you want to do that then it's got to be sustainable well how do you make things sustainable
well you got to make it a little bit easier um you got to make things so they're tasty so they don't taste like dirt every day or they're you know I've done
a lot of things Simon where I've drank a lot of drinks and things that really tasted nasty and I was okay with that
but in the end I was like you know what if I want to keep on doing this healthy thing I got to start preparing foods
that are healthy and delicious and a lot of people confuse that you know they think that you need to drink the 32 ounces of celery juice or eat the wheat
eight ounces of wheat grass a day to be healthy that's not the case I mean those are things that I did but I don't do those now but I sustain my health
because of all the other healthy preparations I have they're tasted because that means I want to keep on coming back to them and I'll keep on
eating them because they taste good and of course as you said things will change your taste buds will change as your microbiome change in terms of things you
like and you don't like but if it is going to be sustainable you want to do it for a period of time you want to be enjoyable and delicious and you know
you're not going to pull that off by some of these some of these well some of the fad diets are they are created in a
way that people can keep their weaknesses and and still and you know and and still try to get the results but
some of the stuff we're talking about like says celery juice and you know wheatgrass and even juicing all those things are good things but again not not
sustainable and if you can't sustain something it's gonna be very difficult to overcome a chronic health problem
yeah you know what I think about a lot is how and why humans so have got such a lack of
capability in regards to actually making big changes before the big trauma or the
tragedy or the diagnosis comes along you know it's it's an interesting
psychological phenomenon because we just like believe everything's going to be fine and okay and it's quite remarkable
what the body can actually put up with when it's actually feeling and not doing very well and you know so many people
walk around with just like their pain and their information that they believe to just be normal and they can just like
medicate for it or get on with it and then they just forget how like amazing feeling good feels and it for some
people it's like the last time they felt great was when they were like 10 or 11 or 12 years old you know when you know they've got I've
got no memory of that personally and the taste bud thing is very interesting because some of the foods that I would have just been like oh no when I'm gonna
eat that when I was like 18. some of the most delicious foods now because you know my my body craves that nutrition my
taste buds have completely changed and it's connection to my um to my brain but yeah it's like what's
what's your because you you know you didn't step into that big change until something big happened to you and the
same thing happened to me like it was an operation between my parents and an engagement with three doctors who were
just like super Geniuses at this operation but their nutritional experience and advice was just an absolute catastrophe and that was just
that just blew my mind up in regards to Health Nutrition and things that we super just take for granted and we don't
really like learn about in school like about nutrition and how that can change your your physiology and your psychology
um but like yeah what's your opinion in regards to that like big change moment and why do why do we have to wait for
that trauma and that tragedy to really come up before we start like getting our own stuff into gear when we probably
know like a lot of we're knowing our own personal life what's serving us and what isn't
you know everyone can have a hundred different foods on a table 50 of them are healthy 50 of them are unhealthy and
separate them we can all do that like we're all completely aware of like those things I'd say most of us are completely aware of those things I suppose
um but like what is it about the fact that we wait for this big tragic huge moment that starts changing our brain a
little bit to thinking different thoughts it's a good question um you know there's that old scene if it
ain't broke don't fix it and I think a lot of times even though we don't understand what true Health actually looks like and that's part of the
problem um whether we like it or not the Benchmark for health out there isn't very good and it's because of the
different things that we've been inundated with um and and how like I said the world hasn't really been set up for us to be healthy right from day one
right from birth so we don't even know what good health looks like when we compare ourselves to other people and maybe we get into that herd mentality a
little bit right um you know we get into the social constructs where people eat a certain type of way and we don't want to be offensive to people especially in Canada
right you know we we don't want to offend anybody so we want to make sure that we stay in line with what everyone else is doing and sometimes as a part of
it right there's a social there's a social aspect to that then social and certainly there's a social aspect with
eating we know to any parties or things you go to there's always eating involved and usually it's not great food and you
know as I discovered as I started to change my diet I was kind of the outsider I was the old leader you know I know I'm not going to have that why
aren't you going to have that what you're all healthy now and stuff like there was this criticism about someone actually trying to be healthy but for me
it didn't really matter I'm very stubborn I was very set my place that you know you're not dealing with the problems I'm dealing with you don't have
to deal with the aftermath if I eat that kind of food so I'm just not going to listen to you I'm going to do my thing if you don't like it and you don't invite me to more parties I'm okay with
that but most people don't want to do that and I get it I get it you don't want to be you want to be that black sheep among among other people so you so
you go as long as you can not change as many things as you can so you can continue to fit in with everybody meanwhile you could be dying inside and
you don't know what's going on so why do we wait for that moment I mean I think change is a big thing too is as ironic
as it is that the only thing that's actually constant has changed it's the thing that we seem to resist the most which is fascinating to me and you can
go really deep into the mind in terms of why that happens I sometimes attribute to the ego just being that that like
that warm comfortable cozy couch with a blanket on it and you know the ego doesn't really want things to change and
once it's everything to stay the same because that's where you're comfortable it's trying to give you that comfort and that um you know maybe like you are when
you're in the womb everything's comfortable Everything feels good even though it might not but you know everything feels good when you're in
that comfort zone and I don't want too much to change because we we know anytime we've changed big things change
around us especially when you've construct an environment based on your habits you know the people you your friends your family family obviously
will relatively stay the same but your you know friends and things like that could change according to the places that you frequent what you know what
kind of things are you doing um and so again I think the ego is largely in control there doesn't want
anything really largely to change until something breaks and when something breaks like it did with me
um in my case I'm kind of I'm pretty binary it's either I'm I'm on or I'm off
um as I say to many people I don't do things half-assed I use my full ass all the time but I sometimes I'm doing things half-assed because I don't know
what I'm doing and a lot of people are and I again I completely get it been there done that
um but once I decide once I decided that I'm doing this um you know for me it was very simple it's like either I do this now or I'm
gonna die or I'm going to be you know walking zombie because I'm going to be on so many medications and things I'm
gonna be in pain every single day I'm only 30. there's no way I'm putting up with this if I last another 20 30 years
which would be highly suspect I do not want to go through this on a day-to-day basis that many days again for this to
happen so I think it took the breaking of the ego and I find this with a lot of people that have had you know similar Health Journeys maybe to me in some ways
there's always everything the thing that turned around was the rock bottom many of us are kind of treading water in
between we're not exactly swimming but we're not exactly drowning we're somewhere in between we're Treading Water everything seems to be okay
um and it's not until you hit rock bottom like I did and you're like ouch that hurt something has to change and I
think that's unfortunately where some people need to get to because I think that's when change um is going to be the most appetizing
when there's no other there's no other option now you've burned your boats you have no choice but uh but to fight this
thing and stay on Shore and that's what I had to do so um you know the human mind's fascinating in terms of why we
put ourselves in certain positions and why we don't want to change even though it might be for the better but I think it is a battle between maybe our ego
maybe our spirituality the battle between the two where to me the eagle wants you to stay comfortable whereas maybe the more spiritual side of you
want you to change so you can be healthy and happy yeah it's literally a case of being
woken up from an unconscious Slumber because most people like 95 of how they
think how they feel how they behave is is like a program running unconsciously right so you know we you know we we wake
up we we make our coffee we have our breakfast we brush our teeth we get change we get in the car we go to work
we come home we do all the same things we go to bed you know except for a lot of people they live their lives in this very very
unconscious way where they're like body is just dragging their mind through the
day and when something big does happen whether that's like the death of a loved one or
a dog a diagnosis or you know something huge happens that's the only time that your your
unconscious mind is going to get broken enough to start you know really
reproducing the capacity of like maybe 50 50 you start to be having a lot more subconscious you're having a lot more
conscious thoughts and start thinking really thinking about your present day and where you are what you're presently thinking presently feeling because
obviously the thoughts or the language of the minds and emotions of the language of the body and
both of them together you know create like our state of being but most people's state of being 95 of the time
is unconscious and they're not aware of it they're not aware of like where where they really are and it sucks that they have to wait and
go through maybe Decades of Uncle being uncomfortable with pain and inflammation and their body just getting into a pain
into a place of desperation and sickness and illness before law and you know some
people don't even wake up to it even when they get the diagnosis even when they're 300 pounds overweight and they
can't get off the sofa you know like some people that's a turning point for people and they're like okay I've got to do something here this is it other
people just carry on with it and it's so fascinating that us as humans have the option of going like either way I'm very
much like you and like that I'm all in or I'm not in um for sure because 30 years of age was
exactly the same time where I I decided I you know wanted to wanted to be a healthier person and I just wanted to
change the way that I was thinking feeling and behaving and it took a big event for me also as well but I also
feel like I would look back at like oh my God I wasted my 20 years I wasted my 20s drinking and partying and I had an
awesome time and it was great and you know it certainly um has helped me develop the personality
that I am that I'm quite happy with but my gosh I wish I had drank more green juices I wish I drank more water I wish
I'd exercise more I wish I read more books but the big thing the big the big
unconscious bang didn't happen to me and I just you know I just like wish there was like a formula or a freaking
supplement or something that people could take or there literally is I mean we've got psychedelic medications and
all these types of things that people could take to help open their minds literally to start thinking in different ways and unraveling the boxes of what we
think of current personality is and you touch on the spiritual element which is absolutely so vastly important and I was
listening to this really cool uh Joe Rogan podcast last night about um about the cosmos and how we have this
unbelievable thing above us that we have to connect to spirituality in something bigger than us but with lights and city
lights around us it just gets absolutely like glazed over and we don't see it but
when you like step out into the country and you've got complete darkness around you and you look up to this unbelievable
thing but you know all their ancestors would have had every single night and
this and they're like their connection to their spiritual self and their present self would have just been so
Superior to what we have now and it's just yes I just yeah I wish we had some
sort of formula some sort of way because people try all the time there are documentaries about this type of thing
there are there's people talking all over the world about how you can start changing your mind and doing it but people like
have to have a big thing happen to them before they start thinking differently and it's it's a very interesting
phenomena I think what we need to do Simon is stick everyone out on a camping
Adventure tenting for about two weeks on the middle of nature right you'll you'll get a re-app creation in a new
connection um that you haven't had before or maybe you haven't had recently sometimes people say that two weeks is enough to
reset your your circadian rhythm um but all the stuff you talk about you're right I mean the subconscious behavior that we've that we've developed these
habits you know in largely ingrained um or or maybe wired ourselves in a way
to think a certain way you know up to the age of seven a lot of stuff a lot of that wiring happens then and a lot of people a lot of adults are just walking
around with child egos um you know this child subconscious and we don't even realize that 95 of the
time the things we do during the day are completely automated and are completely subconscious we're not even thinking about these things at all so how do you
disc you know how do you how do you reconnect these things we talk about Well you certainly aren't going to do it sit in front of your TV which a lot of
us are doing um you certainly aren't connecting to the earth when we're walking around rubber sold shoes now it's winter out here of course that makes it difficult
but even the summer things like that I mean one of my greatest things to do is go to the beach get my shoes obviously
bare feet sand you know soil Sun water all those things that connect and I
instantly feel a connection it's kind of like everything else kind of washes away when that happens but we've disconnected ourselves from it like I said Rubber
Sole shoes have disconnected the TV has disconnected this you know fluoride and other things that maybe have permeated
and created toxic bird inside of our pineal gland that maybe separates us from our Consciousness there's just so
many ways that we've been forcibly disconnected from who we really are and again it's not anyone's real fault it's
just this is what we've been programmed into and as I said before the world was set up in a way is set up in a way that
doesn't leave us healthy and we have to really work at it now we have to have a skill set to disconnect from these things disconnect from the city the
commercialization all those things and get back to the things that actually make us healthy and that can take a lot of effort but I think if you did it for
any period of time there may be that rediscovery and that appreciation of Nature and the things that it does bring for us in many different ways
um but you know you got to make that decision if you don't they then you're going to just be in the program grid and you're going to continue to think that
you way you are and just continue to go your subconscious behaviors and not automated um you know autopilot 95 of the time and
nothing changes until something big and bad happens and then you might again sometimes it doesn't happen for people where they don't ReDiscover anything and
they just go back this fall back into we'll say sleepwalking but sometimes it does and I think when you do have that
opportunity as painful as it was for me it was my opportunity to break out and completely turn things around and I did
yeah I mean if you were to describe the majority of people like were very like isolated we are like
everything helps us kind of translate that we're just like this one person and we get
really selfish of that we get very egotistical with that but when you were to like yeah step out and like you know
stargaze with absolute quiet a little bit of sensory deprivation and you look up at the stars and look at the cosmos
you have you recognize that you know there's something something bigger than you you are connected to it but yeah I
think that would be a very very interesting therapy to help a lot of people recognize that one they're not
alone and two that um a lot of the things that we do and a lot
of the external things that we have around have around us that we don't necessarily think we have control over like significantly determine our state
of being I just take for example the fact that I've got three lights pointing at me right now I've got Wi-Fi coming in
I've got these EMS coming from my screen and my camera here and my microphone and everything and I'm aware of all those
things that's for sure and I know that's good that it's going to interact probably negatively with the the
bioelectricy bio electrical circuits that I have running within my primarily neurological system and if I go out to
Nature and I sit with that like it's a it's a cleansing experience because I don't have those things coming in
anymore my my body can recalibrate to that but most people have got no idea about how like you know electricity
plays a significant role in our in our biology and how these external sources
of a frequency can also wreak havoc with that and especially if we're not like taking a break and getting away from it
and you know going out in nature and just being being within a forest or just being on like Mountain sides like you
can't not be you know moved by that experience be that within your physical body or in your mental body because it's
just a vicious cleansing of the you know kind of like wild cultural world that we live in where
we've just got screens everywhere and we need distractions coming in from right left and center and the light Factor
yeah it's it's it's interesting I think I think you're certainly onto something in regards to helping people take themselves out of their like every daily
physically taking them outside of their everyday normality and get them getting them somewhere closer that our biology
was actually designed for I think there's certainly something big in that because I just I just don't want people to suffer for 10 20 years until
something that that big thing happens to them and then they have to do something about it right because it's literally wasted time of being
um being with pain and being with discomfort and being sad and being depressed and being anxious when people
just don't have to do that um yeah it's quite remarkable but we're getting we're getting we've just gone
past the 40 minute Mark here I want to be conscious of your time here Derek but why don't you tell us a little bit about the Thrive Academy and how people can
connect with you yeah so uh the Thrive Academy was the program that I created
um through you know that 3 500 hours and all the money and experimentation that I went through for a period 10 years and
it's a program that I created that focuses on nutrition supplementation and lifestyle
um so a very holistic view of of uh again not only obtain optimal help of
reversing health problems serious health problems as well it seems to be a real issue um you know my whole goal was to make it
simple relatively simple serve these things up on a on a silver platter and
allow someone to follow a program that is sustainable um you know there's a lot of information out there these days and Discerning
what's true and what isn't can be very difficult in separating the wheat from the chaff is a good Prairie but I might say is very important because there's a
lot of chatter there's a lot of background noise out there and for me um I see no matter who it is who you
follow uh make sure that the individual that you're following or talking to has had some experience in the area and and
successful experience in Europe either with themselves or with others uh in terms of what it is that you want to do
um but again you got to make this simple because there's so much information out there so I've really distilled concentrated wrapped everything up into
a nice tight little package where people can follow um again for all kinds of there's been over 20 different chronic disease
conditions that have been you know largely solved or reversed through Academy through this simple concept that
I developed as a result of my own experience and my own research and it's a very simple uh you know way to follow
for those that maybe want to abandon the conventional medical system or are tired of taking prescriptions or want to do
these types of things it gives them an opportunity to kind of dive in full on head first and have the information completely present and in their lap
without having to go through some of those things like you and I went through where you're spending 5 10 15 years trying to figure it all out
um so so that's the it's a real foundational approach it's been a very effective approach I've been operating it for eight years now so it's been
largely successful and it's a great way um to be able to to reset or recalibrate as you would say yourself back to health
so um how do you find me well I'm you know I'm pretty much anywhere these days
on most social media and things like that but I think probably the most easiest way to find me would be to go to my website
healingthebody.ca and there you'll find um you know you'll find a newsletter you'll find me in the different social
media channel I'm on which you can you can direct you right to it whether it be you know my personal Facebook page or my
business Facebook page or my Instagram account or even my telegram account depending on what kind of information
you want whether you want more of the uh the straight bold truth you know you go to telegram more first more so for that
if you want to have more conversations you're on Facebook but all that stuff will be on healingthebody.ca you'll see that the newsletter and the different
social media accounts that you can connect with me uh on and that's probably the best place to start
perfect well I'm so glad that you're out there I'm so happy that you shared your story with us today and it's it's
obviously it's very very motivating to even hear it and I think that um it can be quite powerful for other
people who or maybe not in the exact same circumstance but maybe in similar circumstances of being in the transitional period where they're
wanting to do things differently and listening to your story listening to what you've gone through listening to how you did it and then also giving
people the ability to connect with you to maybe ask questions or even go through a program that you've clearly developed back off your education and
primarily your experience of going through these things as well so I'm just super glad that you're out there and you're doing this thing man so thank you
so much for coming on the show thanks for having me Simon Wilson Derek well I will make sure that all the show notes
for connecting with Derek are available um so the links will be in the show
notes to connect with Derek um that is it for this week of true Hope cast the official podcast of Canada
subscribe if you haven't yet and why don't leave us a review on iTunes if you fancy it but that's it for this week we
will see you soon [Music]
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