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Guest Episode

March 24, 2023

Episode 100:

How to Overcome Childhood Trauma Experiences

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Dr. Margit Gabriele Muller is a certified mental health coach who specializes in helping businesswomen who have experienced trauma in their childhood due to their parent's mental illness.

A daughter of a mother with mental illness herself, she is passionate about helping these women create a new, positive self that is empowered and resilient. To do this, she has created an online mental health course with private coaching called "Making Peace With Your Past."

Dr. Margit is also a Master Life Coach, NLP Master, Certified Mindfulness Practitioner, speaker, and award-winning author. Her experience and knowledge make her uniquely qualified to help women who have experienced trauma due to their parents' mental illness.

Today we will discuss How to Overcome Childhood Trauma Experiences. Enjoy the show.

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